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专题 07 直击高考考点之动词时态和语态 知识清单 序 号 知识要点 1 by the time +句子(一般现在时/现在完成时), 主句时态 will be doing /will have done/will have been doing。 (如果主句动词为 be,则用 will be) by the time +句子(一般过去时),主句时态 had done (如果主句动词为 be,则用 was/were) 2 It is /has been +一段时间+since 从句(用一般过去时)。since 从句的动词用延续性 动词和短暂性动词时,意思有什么不同? 3 It was/will be +一段时间+before 从句(动词用一般过去时/一般现在时)。It’s time+ 从句(did/should do) 4 在时间、条件、让步状语从句中,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时或现在 完成时。. 5 表示曾经计划做某事,但未曾实现,有哪些表达方式?(had planned/intended/meant to, planned/meant/intended to have done, would like to have done, was/were to have done, was/were going to do) 6 区分 It is/was the first time+ 从句(have/had done) 和 The first time +从句(did), 主句(did)。 7 for +一段时间,根据具体的语境判断用何时态。指过去用一般过去时,指到现在 为止用现在完成时。 8 be going to 的用法:①打算、计划做某事 ②有迹象要发生的事 9 will/would 的用法:①表意愿 ②表事物的固有属性或必然趋势,解释为“会”③ 表 事先没考虑过,说话时临时作出的决定 ④表现在/过去的习惯 ⑤表倾向性 10 be to do 的 用法:①表计划或安排要做的事情②与二、三人称连用,表指令③用 于 if 从句,表想要 If you are to succeed, …④表命中注定 They said goodbye, not knowing they were never to see each other. 11 be about to do 的用法:不能和表明确将来时的时间状语连用,常何 when 从句连 用。 12 有些动词如 come, go, arrive, leave, begin, start 等,表时刻表安排用一般现在时, 用进行时刻表表按计划、安排将要发生的。 13 no sooner…than…和 hardly/scarcely/barely…when…句型(主句时态 had done, when/than 从句用 did),注意 no sooner/hardly/scarcely/barely 放句首,主句采用 部分倒装。 14 have been doing 和 have done 的区别。 15 主动形式表被动意义的情况①表主语的特点、性能②will/would do 表倾向性③ need/require/want/worth/deserve 后的动名词须用主动④有些动词短语如 belong to/date back to/break out/take place/run out/give out/come up 等不用被动⑤连系 动词不用被动 16 在虚拟语气中(如 if 从句+主句,if only, wish, as if 等),时态的用法。would rather+ 从句(did/had done) 高考考点直击 ◆动词时态的考查要点 1.一般现在时考点分析 (1)表示客观事实或普遍真理(不受时态限制)。 Time and tide wait for no man. (2)表示现状、性质、状态时多用系动词或状态动词;表示经常或习惯性的动作,多用 动作动词,且常与表频率的时间状语连用。 They always care for each other and help each other. (3)表示知觉、态度、感情、某种抽象的关系或概念的词常用一般现在时:see,hear, smell,taste,feel,notice,agree,believe,like,hate,want,think,belong to,seem 等。 Smith owns a car and a house. All the students here belong to No.1 Middle School. (4)在时间、条件状语从句中常用一般现在时代替将来时。但要注意由 if 引导的条件状 语从句中可以用 shall 或 will 表“意愿”,但不表示时态。 If you will accept my invitation and come to our party,my family will be pleased. (5)少数用于表示起止的动词如 come,go,leave,arrive,fly,return,start,begin,open, close,end,stop 等常用一般现在时代替将来时,表示一个按规定、计划或安排要发生的动 作。当 be 表示根据时间或事先安排肯定会出现的状态时,只用一般现在时。 The shop closes at 11∶00 p.m. every day. Tomorrow is Wednesday. 2.一般过去时考点分析 (1)一般过去时的基本用法:表示过去的事情、动作或状态,常与表示过去具体的时间 状语连用(或有上下文语境暗示);用于表达过去的习惯;表示说话人原来没有料到、想到或 希望的事通常用过去式。 We met her in the street yesterday. When he was young,he took cold baths regularly. (2)如果从句中有一个过去的时间状语,尽管从句中的动作先于主句发生,但从句中的 谓语动词仍用过去时。 He told me he read an interesting novel last night. (3)表示两个紧接着发生的动作,常由以下词语连接,用一般过去时。如:but,and, when,as soon as,immediately,the moment,the minute 等。 The moment she came in,she told me what had happened to her. He bought a watch but lost it. (4)常用一般过去时的句型。 Why didn’t you think of that? I didn’t notice it. I forgot to tell you I had been there with my brother before. I didn’t recognize him. 3.一般将来时考点分析 (1)表示未来的动作或状态,常用 will/shall+动词,常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如: tomorrow,next week 等。 (2)表示一种趋向或习惯动作。 We’ll die without air or water. (3)表示趋向行为的动词如 come,go,start,begin,leave 等词常用进行时的形式表示将 来时。 (4)be going to,will/shall,be to do,be about to do 的用法及区别: be going to 表示现在打算在最近或将来要做某事,这种打算往往经过事先考虑,甚至已 做了某种准备;shall/will do 表示未事先考虑过,即说话时临时作出的决定。 be going to 表将来,不能用在条件状语从句的主句中;而 will 则能,表意愿。 If it is fine,we’ll go fishing.[√] If it is fine,we are going to go fishing.[×] be to do 表按计划、安排即将发生的动作,还可表示吩咐、命令、禁止、可能性等。 A meeting is to be held at 3∶00 o’clock this afternoon. be about to do 表示“即将,正要”,后面不能接时间状语或状语从句。 Autumn harvest is about to start. 4.现在进行时考点分析 (1)表示说话时正在发生着的一个动作;表示现阶段但不一定是发生在讲话时正在进行 的动作;表近期特定的安排或计划;go,come 等表示移动的动词可用进行时代替将来时; 与 always,often 等频度副词连用,表经常反复的行动或某种感情色彩。 She is teaching English and learning Chinese. He is working on a paper. I am meeting Mr. Wang tonight. We are leaving on Friday. The girl is always talking loud in public. (2)下面四类动词不宜用现在进行时。 ①表示心理状态、情感的动词:like,love,hate,care,remember,believe,want,mind, wish,agree,mean,need 等。 ②表存在状态的动词:appear,exist,lie,remain,seem,belong to 等。 ③表示行为结果的动词:allow,accept,permit,promise,admit,complete 等。 ④表示感官的动词:see,hear,notice,feel,smell,sound,taste,look 等。 5.过去完成时考点分析 (1)常用过去完成时的几种情况。 ①在 by,by the end,by the time,until,before,since 后接表示过去某一时间的短语或 从句的句子中。 By the end of last year,we had produced 20,000 cars. The train had left before we reached the station. ②表示未曾实现的希望、打算、意图、诺言等。常用 had hoped/planned/meant/intended/thought/wanted/expected 等或用上述动词的过去式接不定式的 完成式,即:hoped/planned...+to have done。 ③“时间名词+before”在句中作状语,谓语动词用过去完成时;“时间名词+ago”在句中 作状语,谓语动词用一般过去时。 He said his first teacher had died at least 10 years before. Xiao Hua left school 3 years ago. ④在 hardly/scarcely...when...,no sooner than...句式中,主句常用过去完成时,表示“一…… 就……”。当 hardly,scarcely,no sooner 置于句首时,其后要用部分倒装。 We had no sooner been seated than the bus started.=No sooner had we been seated than the bus started. (2)在 before 或 after 引导的时间状语从句中用一般过去时代替过去完成时。 After he (had) left the room,the boss came in. We arrived home before it snowed. 6.过去将来时考点分析 过去将来时表示从过去的观点来预计以后要发生的动作或存在的状态,这种时态常用于 宾语从句中,主句常是一般过去时。 He always said that he would study hard at that time. 7.过去进行时考点分析 过去进行时表示在过去某个时刻正在进行的动作或存在的状态。 He was reading an interesting book this time yesterday. 8.现在完成时考点分析 (1)现在完成时除可以和 for,since 引导的状语连用外,还可以和下面的介词短语连用: during/in/over the last(past) few years(months,weeks),in recent years,so far,up to now 等。 (2)下列句型中常用现在完成时 It is(has been)+一段时间+since 从句 This(That/It) is the first(second...) time that+现在完成时 This(That/It) is the best/finest/most interesting...+that+现在完成时 (3)在时间或条件状语从句中,现在完成时可以代替将来完成时。 I shall post the letter as soon as I have written it. If you have done the experiment,you will realize the theory better. Don’t get off the bus until it has stopped. 9.注意几组时态的区别 (1)一般过去时与现在完成时: ①时间上有差异:凡有过去时间的均用一般过去时,不能用现在完成时,如含有 ago, last year,just now,the other day 等。 ②结果上有差异:现在完成时强调的是对“现在”的影响和结果,动作到现在刚完成或还 在继续;一般过去时强调的是动作发生在“过去”,和现在毫无关系。 (2)过去完成时与一般过去时:过去完成时强调的是“过去的过去”;如出现同一主语连续 几个动作(“连谓”)形式则只用一般过去时即可。 题组训练 1 用所给动词的正确时态填空 1.Planning so far ahead makes(make) no sense—so many things will have changed by next year. 2.Experiments of this kind had been conducted(conduct) in both the U.S. and Europe well before the Second World War. 3.—Bob has gone to California. —Oh,can you tell me when he (leave)? 4.Did you predict that many students (sign) up for the dance competition? 5.—I hear you (work) in a pub. What’s it like? —Well,it’s very hard work and I’m always tired,but I don’t mind. 6.—I didn’t ask for the name list. Why it (land) on my desk? —I put it there just now in case you needed it. 7.The manager was worried about the press conference his assistant (give) in his place but,luckily,everything was going on smoothly. 8.—That must have been a long trip. —Yeah,it (take) us a whole week to get there. 【答案】1.makes 2.had been conducted 3.left 4.would sign 5.are working 6.has, landed 7.was giving 8.took ◆动词被动语态的考查要点 动词的被动语态的构成方式:be+过去分词,口语中也用“get/become+过去分词”表示。 被动语态的基本用法:不知道或没必要提到动作的执行者是谁时用被动语态;强调或突出动 作的承受者常用被动语态(by 短语有时可以省略)。 1.使用被动语态时应注意的几个问题。 (1)主动变为被动时双宾语的变化。 My friend gave me an interesting book on my birthday. An interesting book was given to me (by my friend) on my birthday. I was given an interesting book (by my friend) on my birthday. (2)主动变为被动时,宾语成主语;(作补语的)不定式前需加 to(位置不变)。 The boss made him work all day long. He was made to work all day long (by the boss). (3)短语动词变被动语态时,勿要掉“尾巴”。 The children were taken good care of (by her). Your pronunciation and spelling should be paid attention to. (4)情态动词,be going to,be to,be sure to,have to 等结构变为被动语态时,只需将它 们后面的动词原形变为 be+过去分词。 (5)当句子的谓语为 say,believe,expect,think,know,write,consider,report 等时, 被动语态有两种形式:①谓语动词用被动语态,动词不定式作主补。②用 it 作形式主语, 真正的主语在后面用主语从句来表示。 He is said to be a smart boy. It is said that he is a smart Paper was known to be made in It is known that paper was mad 类似句型有:It is said/known/suggested/believed/hoped/thought that.. 题组训练 2 用所给动词的正确语态填空 1.In the near future,more advances in the robot technology (make) by scientists. 2.In the last few years thousands of films (produce) all over the world. 3.All visitors to this village (treat) with kindness. 4.The computer (repair) by tomorrow. 5.They can’t move into the house because it (paint) now. 【答案】1.will be made 2.have been produced 3.are treated 4.might be repaired 5.is being painted 2.不能用被动语态的几种情况。 (1)所有的不及物动词或不及物动词词组不能用于被动语态之中。 (2)表示状态的谓语动词,如:last,hold,contain,fit,cost 等。 (3)表示归属的动词,如 have,own,belong to 等。 (4)表示“希望、意图”的动词,如:wish,want,hope,like,love,hate 等。 (5)宾语是反身代词或相互代词时谓语动词用主动语态,不能用被动语态。 (6)宾语是同源宾语、不定式、动名词等谓语动词不用被动语态。 3.主动形式表被动意义。 (1)当 feel,look,smell,taste,sound 等后面接形容词时;当 cut,read,sell,wear, write 等带状语修饰语时;当动词表示“开始、结束、关、停、转、启动”等意义时。 The fish smells good. This kind of cloth washes easily. These novels won’t sell well. My pen writes smoothly. The door won’t lock. (2)当 break out,take place,shut off,turn off,work out 等动词表示“发生、关闭、制定” 等意思时。 The plan worked out successfully. The lamps on the wall turn off. (3)want,require,need 后面的动名词用主动形式表示被动含义。 (4)be worth doing 用主动形式表示被动含义。 (5)在“be+形容词+to do”中,不定式的逻辑宾语是句子的主语,用主动代被动。 This kind of water isn’t fit to drink. The girl isn’t easy to get along with. 注意:be to blame(受谴责),be to rent(出租)也用主动形式表被动。 4.被动形式表示主动意义的几种情况。 be seated 坐着;be hidden 躲藏;be lost 迷路;be drunk 喝醉;be dressed 穿着 5.被动语态与系表结构的区别。 此处的系表结构指“连系动词+用作表语的过去分词”结构,它与被动语态的形式完全一 样。要注意它们的区别: 被动语态强调动作;系表结构表示主语的特点或状态。 The book was sold by a certain bookstore.(被动语态) The book is well sold.(系表结构) 题组训练 3 1.He broke the window,so he was to blame(该受责备). 2.The new car belongs to(属于) his brother. 3.There is something wrong with his computer and it needs repairing/needs to be repaired(需要修 理). 4.The new novel written by Mo Yan is worth reading(值得一读). 5.This kind of cake tastes good(尝起来美味) and sells well(销路好). 【答案】1.was to blame 2.belongs to 3.need repairing/needs to be repaired 4.worth reading 5.tastes good; sells well 高考考点过关检测 一.单项选择 (2018•北京)China's high-speed railways _________ from 9,000 to 25,000 kilometers in the past few years. A. are growing B. have grown C. will grow D. had grown 【答案】B 【解析】 句意:中国的高铁在过去的今年中从 9000 千米增加到 25000 千米。in the past/last+ 时间,是现在完成时的标志,故答案为 B。 【点评】考查现在完成时,牢记现在完成时的标志词:since;for+时间段;already;ever; never;so far;in the past/last+时间。 2. ( 2018• 北 京 ) Susan had quit her well-paid job and _________ as a volunteer in the neighborhood when I visited her last year. A. is working B. was working C. has worked D. had worked 【答案】B 【点评】考查动词的时态,注意寻找时间线索,根据语境中的暗示确定答案。 3. ( 2018• 北 京 ) A rescue worker risked his life saving two tourists who _________ in the mountains for two days. A. are trapping B. have been trapped C. were trapping D. had been trapped 【答案】D 【解析】句意:一个救援者冒着生命危险拯救了两个在山里被困了两天的游客。通过 risked 确定本句是过去的时态;for+时间段是完成时的标志,所以此处用过去完成时;而 trap 是及 物动词,意思是“使受限制;困住”,此处应该用被动结构,故答案为 D。 【点评】考查动词的时态和语态。注意通过时态的前后一致确定大致的时态,然后根据相关 的时间状语和语境判断具体的时态和语态。 4.(2018•北京)—Hi, I'm Peter. Are you new here? I haven't seen you around?—Hello, Peter. I'm Bob. I just _________ on Monday. A. start B. have started C. started D. had started 【答案】C 【解析】句意:——嗨,我是皮特。你是新来的吗?我之前没见过你。——嗨,皮特。我是 鲍勃。我周一刚来。通过理解句意,根据语境判断句中的时间状语 on Monday 是一个过去 的时间,所以此处用一般过去时,故答案为 C。 【点评】考查动词的时态,理解语境,弄清时间状语即可确定答案。 5.(2018•天津)My washing machine ___________this week, so I have to wash my clothes by hand. A. was repaired B. is repaired C. is being repaired D. has been repaired 【答案】C 【解析】句意:这周我的洗衣机正在修,所以我不得不手洗衣服。根据后句 so I have to wash my clothes by hand.可知,洗衣机正在修,故用现在进行时态的被动语态。故选 C。 【点评】考查时态语态,本题涉及现在进行时的被动语态的应用。 6.(2018•江苏)I was sent to the village last month to see how the development plan _______ in the past two years. A. had been carried out B. would be carried out C. is being carried out D. has been carried out 【答案】A 【点评】考查动词的时态和语态,紧扣句中的两个时间状语和前后之间的逻辑关系。 7.(2018•江苏)Hopefully in 2025 we will no longer be e-mailing each other, for we _______ more convenient electronic communication tools by then. A. have developed B. had developed C. will have developed D. Developed 【答案】C 【解析】句意:有望在 2025 年我们不再相互发电子邮件,因为到那时我们将已经开发出更 加便捷的电子通讯工具。by+时间,到……时候为止,是完成时态的标志,此处 then 指 2025 年,是将来的时间,所以此处用将来完成时,故答案为 C。 【点评】考查动词的时态,紧扣 by then 的暗示即可确定答案。 8. ( 2018• 北 京 ) A rescue worker risked his life saving two tourists who _________ in the mountains for two days. A. are trapping B. have been trapped C. were trapping D. had been trapped 【答案】D 【解析】句意:一个救援者冒着生命危险拯救了两个在山里被困了两天的游客。通过 risked 确定本句是过去的时态;for+时间段是完成时的标志,所以此处用过去完成时;而 trap 是及 物动词,意思是“使受限制;困住”,此处应该用被动结构,故答案为 D。 【点评】考查动词的时态和语态。注意通过时态的前后一致确定大致的时态,然后根据相关 的时间状语和语境判断具体的时态和语态。 9.(2018•天津)My washing machine ___________this week, so I have to wash my clothes by hand. A. was repaired B. is repaired C. is being repaired D. has been repaired 【答案】C 【解析】句意:这周我的洗衣机正在修,所以我不得不手洗衣服。根据后句 so I have to wash my clothes by hand.可知,洗衣机正在修,故用现在进行时态的被动语态。故选 C。 【点评】考查时态语态,本题涉及现在进行时的被动语态的应用。 10.(2018•江苏)I was sent to the village last month to see how the development plan _______ in the past two years. A. had been carried out B. would be carried out C. is being carried out D. has been carried out 【答案】A 【点评】考查动词的时态和语态,紧扣句中的两个时间状语和前后之间的逻辑关系。 二. 单句语法填空 1. —Did you enjoy the party? —Yes,We___(treat) well by our hosts. 【答案】were treated 【解析】:根据上下文,这里谈的是举行过的一次聚会,应该用过去时,并且“我们”是被 主人招待的,所以需用一般过去时的被动语态。句意:——你喜欢这个聚会吗?——是的, 我们的主人很好地招待了我们。 2. In the last few years,China____(make) great achievements in environmental protection. 【答案】has_made 【解析】:时间状语 in/over the last few years 与现在完成时连用。句意:在过去的几年中, 中国在环境保护方面取得了巨大成就。 3. —Dr.Jackson is not in his office at the moment. —All right.I____(call) him later. 【答案】will_call 【解析】据第一句的时态判断,Dr. Jackson 目前不在办公室,所以打电话是将来的事。句意: ——Dr. Jackson 现在不在办公室。——好的,我待会再给他打。 4. Jane can't attend the meeting at 3 o'clock this afternoon because she____(teach) a class at that time. 【答案】will be teaching 【解析】:根据题干时间状语 3 o'clock this afternoon 的提示可知,动作发生时间为将来;而 句尾的 at that time 为一个特定的时间点,因此,该题强调在将来的大时间背景下的某一个特 定时间点发生的事,故用将来进行时。 5. Despite the previous rounds of talks,no agreement____(reach) so far by the two sides. 【答案】has_been_reached 【解析】:本句中的时间状语 so far 表示“到目前为止”,为现在完成时的标志词。reach no agreement 短语中 no agreement 作主语,reach 要用被动,故结合时态可知填 has been reached。 6. Marty ____(work) really hard on his book and he thinks he'll have finished it by Friday. 【答案】has_been_working 7. Just as I got to the school gate,I realized I ____(leave) my book in the cafe. 【答案】had_left 【解析】“我把书忘在了咖啡馆”发生在“我意识到这件事”之前,而“我意识到”是发生 在过去的一个动作,故“忘记”应用过去完成时。 8. It is reported that a space station ____(build) on the moon in years to come. 【答案】will_be_built 【解析】:时间状语 in years to come(在将来的几年里),故主语从句的时态用一般将来时; 太空站是被建造,用被动语态。 9. Albert Einstein was born in 1879. As a child,few people guessed that he ____(be) a famous scientist whose theories would change the world. 【答案】would_be 【解析】:主句时态是过去时,从句动作在过去的时间上看是将来的事情,故用过去将来时。 10. As you go through this book, you ____(find) that each of the millions of people who lived through World War Ⅱ had a different experience. 【答案】will find 【解析】:一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或情况。在一般将来时的句子中,有时会出现表 示将来时的时间状语,若不出现时间状语,要从意思上判断是否指未来的动作或情况。句意: 当你通读这本书的时候,你将会发现数百万的经历过二战的每个人都有不同的经历。 11. He must have sensed that I ____(look)at him. He suddenly glanced at me and said quietly, “Why are you staring at me like that?” 【答案】was_looking 12. I had a strong desire to reach in and play with the toy,but____(hold)back thankfully by the shop window. 【答案】was_held 【解析】:被动语态由“助动词 be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。被动语态的时态变化只 改变 be 的形式,过去分词部分不变。hold back 阻隔,隐瞒。句意:我非常想进去玩玩具, 但是我幸好被橱窗阻隔了。根据句意,此句含有被动语态在里面,hold back 要用被动语态。 13. More expressways___(build) in Sichuan soon to promote the local economy. 【答案】will_be_built 【解析】根据题干中的时间状语 soon 可知,用将来时。expressways 与 build 为被动关系, 用被动语态。句意:四川不久将建设更多的高速公路以促进当地经济的发展。 14. —Is Peter coming? —No,he ___(change) his mind after a phone call at the last minute. 【答案】changed 【解析】句意:——Peter 来吗?——没有,刚才接到一个电话后改变主意了。根据 at the last minute 发生在过去,故用一般过去时。 15.In my hometown,there is always a harvest supper for the farmers after all the wheat ____(be) cut. 【答案】has_been 【解析】:表示动作已经发生或完成用现在完成时。句意:在我的家乡,收麦过后农民会举 行一个丰收晚宴。 16. To my delight,I ____(choose) from hundreds of applicants to attend the opening ceremony. 【答案】was_chosen 【解析】:主语 I 与 choose 之间为动宾关系;再由语境可知,choose 的动作已经完成,故 要用一般过去时态的被动语态。句意:令我高兴的是,我被从数百名参与者中选中参加开幕 式。 17. —Where is Peter?I can't find him anywhere. —He went to the library after breakfast and ___(write) his essay there ever since. 【答案】has_been_writing 18. The real reason why prices____(be), and still are,too high is complex, and no short discussion can satisfactorily explain this problem. 【答案】were 【解析】根据语境,prices...still are,too high,推出前一空是想说明 prices 过去也高。故用 过去式。该题中 still 是关键。句意:价格过去高,现在仍旧太高的原因很复杂,短暂的讨论 是不能令人满意地解释这个问题的。 19.The young firefighter insisted that he ____(be) well-prepared and ____(send) there to put out the fire. 【答案】was,(should)_be_sent 【解析】:句意为:那位年轻的消防员坚持说他准备好了,并且坚持要去那里救火。当 insist 意为“坚持说;坚持认为”时用陈述语气,故第一空填 was;当 insist 意为“坚持”时,从 句谓语动词用“(should+)动词原形”,又因为 firefighter 与 send 之间为被动关系,故填(should) be sent。 20.Many parents don't want to face it, but the world today is a lot different than it ____(be) in their school days. 【答案】was 【解析】句意为:(尽管)许多父母不愿意去面对,但今天的世界与他们在学校的岁月已大不 相同。根据语境及时间状语 in their school days 可知用一般过去时。 三. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Some inventions happen in strange ways.The potato chip is one of them. Moon's Lake House was __1__ restaurant in New York in the 1850s.George Crum was the cook there.Many rich people often came to the restaurant __2__ (enjoy) his cooking. The one thing that really upset Crum was __3__ a customer complained about the food and sent it back to the kitchen to be done over.He would often return it overcooked.He was happy to see the customer walk out of the restaurant __4__ (angry). On August 24,1853,a customer returned his fried potatoes to the kitchen,__5__ they weren't crunchy (脆的) enough.Crum reacted in his __6__ (usually) way.He cut the potatoes very thin and cooked them in hot oil.They were so crunchy and Crum was sure that the man would refuse __7__ (eat) them.Instead,the man loved them.He even asked for more. Now,do you know __8__ invented the potato chip?It's George Grum!He __9__ (late) set up his own restaurant.He named it Crum's House.He put baskets of his potato chips on all the tables.They made his restaurant a very popular place. Today,potato chips are one of Americans' __10__ (favor) foods! 【语篇解读】 本文告诉我们薯条是怎么被发明出来的。 5. 【答案】because 【解析】考查连词。根据语境可知,此处表示“因为油炸的薯条不够 脆”,强调原因,故用 because。 6. 【答案】usual 【解析】考查形容词。根据后面的名词 way 可知,此处应用形容词。 7. 【答案】to eat 【解析】考查动词不定式。refuse to do sth“拒绝做某事”。 8. 【答案】who 【解析】考查疑问词。根据后面“It's George Crum”可知,此处问的是谁 发明了薯条。 9. 【答案】later 【解析】考查副词。根据后面的“set up”可知,这里应用 later。 10. 【答案】favorite 【解析】考查形容词。根据后面的“foods”可知,这里需要用形容词, 且表示“最喜欢的”。

