【英语】2020届英语二轮复习600分冲刺优练:专题1阅读理解考点3 主旨大意题学案

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【英语】2020届英语二轮复习600分冲刺优练:专题1阅读理解考点3 主旨大意题学案

第一编 专题一 考点 3 [层级一 真题题组] A (2019·全国卷Ⅱ,C) Marian Bechtel sits at West Palm Beach's Bar Louie counter by herself,quietly reading her e -book as she waits for her salad.What is she reading?None of your business!Lunch is Bechtel's “me”time.And like more Americans,she's not alone. A new report found 46 percent of meals are eaten alone in America.More than half (53 percent)have breakfast alone and nearly half (46 percent)have lunch by themselves.Only at dinnertime are we eating together anymore,74 percent,according to statistics from the report. “I prefer to go out and be out.Alone,but together,you know?” Bechtel said,looking up from her book.Bechtel,who works in downtown West Palm Beach,has lunch with coworkers sometimes,but like many of us,too often works through lunch at her desk.A lunchtime escape allows her to keep a boss from tapping her on the shoulder.She returns to work feeling energized.“Today,I just wanted some time to myself,”she said. Just two seats over,Andrew Mazoleny,a local video-grapher,is finishing his lunch at the bar.He likes that he can sit and check his phone in peace or chat up the barkeeper with whom he's on a first-name basis if he wants to have a little interaction(交流).“I reflect on how my day's gone and think about the rest of the week,” he said.“It's a chance for self-reflection.You return to work recharged and with a plan.” That freedom to choose is one reason more people like to eat alone.There was a time when people may have felt awkward about asking for a table for one,but those days are over.Now,we have our smartphones to keep us company at the table.“It doesn't feel as alone as it may have before all the advances in technology,” said Laurie Demeritt,whose company provided the statistics for the report. 文章大意:主题:人与自我(生活);话题:独自用餐。本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了 现在的美国人多数喜欢独自一人吃饭,他们喜欢这种独处带来的自由。 1.What are the statistics in Paragraph 2 about?_B__ A.Food variety. B.Eating habits. C.Table manners. D.Restaurant service. 解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的大部分人独自吃早饭或午饭,一起吃晚饭的数据可 知,这是对美国人的饮食习惯进行了调查,故答案为 B。 2.Why does Bechtel prefer to go out for lunch?_C__ A.To meet with her coworkers. B.To catch up with her work. C.To have some time on her own. D.To collect data for her report. 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的 I just wanted some time to myself (我只是想给自己 一点儿时间)可知,Bechtel 更喜欢出去吃午饭的原因是想拥有自己的时间,故答案为 C。 3.What do we know about Mazoleny?_D__ A.He makes videos for the bar. B.He's fond of the food at the bar. C.He interviews customers at the bar. D.He's familiar with the barkeeper. 解析:推理判断题。根据题干中的 Mazoleny 可定位到第四段,“...chat up the barkeeper with whom he's on a first-name basis if he wants to have a little interaction.”中的 be on a first -name basis 的意思是“关系好,可以直呼其名”,由此可知 Mazoleny 与酒吧服务员很熟, 故答案为 D。 4.What is the text mainly about?_A__ A.The trend of having meals alone. B.The importance of self-reflection. C.The stress from working overtime. D.The advantage of wireless technology. 解析:主旨大意题。根据第一、三、四段的例子,第二段的数据以及最后一段中的第一 句“That freedom to choose is one reason more people like to eat alone.”再次提及的 eat alone 可 知,本文主要说了独自用餐已经逐渐成为一种趋势,故答案为 A。 B (2019·全国卷Ⅱ,D) Bacteria are an annoying problem for astronauts.The microorganisms( 微 生 物 ) from our bodies grow uncontrollably on surfaces of the International Space Station,so astronauts spend hours cleaning them up each week.How is NASA overcoming this very tiny big problem?It's turning to a bunch of high school kids.But not just any kids.It is depending on NASA HUNCH high school classrooms,like the one science teachers Gene Gordon and Donna Himmelberg lead at Fairport High School in Fairport,New York. HUNCH is designed to connect high school class-rooms with NASA engineers.For the past two years,Gordon's students have been studying ways to kill bacteria in zero gravity,and they think they're close to a solution(解决方案).“We don't give the students any breaks.They have to do it just like NASA engineers,”says Florence Gold,a project manager. “There are no tests,” Gordon says.“There is no graded homework.There almost are no grades,other than‘Are you working towards your goal?’ Basically,it's ‘I've got to produce this product and then,at the end of the year,present it to NASA.’Engineers come and really do an in-person review,and...it's not a very nice thing at times.It's a hard business review of your product.” Gordon says the HUNCH program has an impact (影响) on college admissions and practical life skills.“These kids are so absorbed in their studies that I just sit back. I don't teach.”And that annoying bacteria?Gordon says his students are emailing daily with NASA engineers about the problem,readying a workable solution to test in space. 文章大意:主题:人与社会(科学与技术);话题:处理太空细菌。 本文是一篇说明文, 介绍了美国一所中学与 NASA 合作的联合科研项目,解决国际空间站中的细菌问题。这类 语篇对于启发与培养学生良好的思维品质有积极的引导作用。 5.What do we know about the bacteria in the International Space Station?_A__ A.They are hard to get rid of. B.They lead to air pollution. C.They appear in different forms. D.They damage the instruments. 解 析 : 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 第 一 段 中 的 “The microorganisms from our bodies grow uncontrollably on surfaces of the International Space Station, so astronauts spend hours cleaning them up each week.”可知,来自我们身体的微生物在太空站的表面增长得很快,宇航员每周 得花很长时间清理它们,由此断定太空站里的细菌很难清除,故答案为 A。 6.What is the purpose of the HUNCH program?_D__ A.To strengthen teacher-student relationships. B.To sharpen students' communication skills. C.To allow students to experience zero gravity. D.To link space technology with school education. 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的第一句“HUNCH is designed to connect high school classrooms with NASA engineers.”可知,HUNCH 项目的目的是把学校教育与航天技术联系在 一起,故答案为 D。 7.What do the NASA engineers do for the students in the program?_A__ A.Check their product. B.Guide project designs. C.Adjust work schedules. D.Grade their homework. 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的最后两句“Engineers come and really do an in-person review...It's a hard business review of your product.”可知,NASA 工程师亲自检查那些高中学 生的产品,故答案为 A。 8.What is the best title for the text?_B__ A.NASA:The Home of Astronauts B.Space:The Final Homework Frontier C.Nature:An Outdoor Classroom D.HUNCH:A College Admission Reform 解析:标题归纳题。本文主要介绍了一个项目:把高中的教室教学与太空的研究联系起 来,使学生们得到 NASA 工程师们的指导。因此在选标题时既要有太空,还要有学生,选 项 B 将其完美地结合了起来,故答案为 B。 C (2019·全国卷Ⅲ,D) Monkeys seem to have a way with numbers. A team of researchers trained three Rhesus monkeys to associate 26 clearly different symbols consisting of numbers and selective letters with 0-25 drops of water or juice as a reward.The researchers then tested how the monkeys combined—or added—the symbols to get the reward. Here's how Harvard Medical School scientist Margaret Livingstone,who led the team, described the experiment:In their cages the monkeys were provided with touch screens.On one part of the screen,a symbol would appear,and on the other side two symbols inside a circle were shown.For example,the number 7 would flash on one side of the screen and the other end would have 9 and 8.If the monkeys touched the left side of the screen they would be rewarded with seven drops of water or juice;if they went for the circle,they would be rewarded with the sum of the numbers—17 in this example. After running hundreds of tests,the researchers noted that the monkeys would go for the higher values more than half the time,indicating that they were performing a calculation,not just memorizing the value of each combination. When the team examined the results of the experiment more closely,they noticed that the monkeys tended to underestimate(低估) a sum compared with a single symbol when the two were close in value—sometimes choosing , for example , a 13 over the sum of 8 and 6.The underestimation was systematic:When adding two numbers,the monkeys always paid attention to the larger of the two,and then added only a fraction(小部分) of the smaller number to it. “This indicates that there is a certain way quantity is represented in their brains,”Dr.Livingstone says.“But in this experiment what they're doing is paying more attention to the big number than the little one.” 文章大意:主题:人与社会(科学);话题:猴子算数。本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了 哈佛医学院做的一项动物实验,实验发现猴子能进行基本的加法运算,但加的结果有时会小 于总和。 9.What did the researchers do to the monkeys before testing them?__C__ A.They fed them. B.They named them. C.They trained them. D.They measured them. 解 析 : 细 节 理 解 题 。 根 据 第 二 段 中 的 “A team of researchers trained three Rhesus monkeys...”和“The researchers then tested how the monkeys combined—or added—the symbols to get the reward.”可知研究者们是先训练猴子然后才进行测试的,故选 C 项。其他三项均 未提及。 10.How did the monkeys get their reward in the experiment?_B__ A.By drawing a circle. B.By touching a screen. C.By watching videos. D.By mixing two drinks. 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“If the monkeys touched the left side of the screen they would be rewarded with seven drops of water or juice...”可知猴子们是通过触碰屏幕得到奖励 的,故选 B 项。其他三项均不是猴子所做的事。 11.What did Livingstone's team find about the monkeys?_A__ A.They could perform basic addition. B.They could understand simple words. C.They could memorize numbers easily. D.They could hold their attention for long. 解析:细节理解题。根据第四段第一句可知,研究人员在进行了数百次测试后发现,猴 子多半时候会选择更高的值,这表明它们是在进行计算,而不仅仅是记忆每个组合的值。 12.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?_D__ A.Entertainment. B.Health. C.Education. D.Science. 解析:推理判断题。全文围绕科学实验展开——研究者训练猴子并对其进行测试后发现 猴子能够进行简单的加法运算,但有时计算的结果不够精确。由此可知,该文章可能出现在 报纸的科学版上。 D (2019·北京卷,C) The problem of robocalls has gotten so bad that many people now refuse to pick up calls from numbers they don't know.By next year,half of the calls we receive will be scams (欺诈).We are finally waking up to the severity of the problem by supporting and developing a group of tools,apps and approaches intended to prevent scammers from getting through.Unfortunately,it's too little,too late.By the time these “solutions”(解决方案) become widely available,scammers will have moved onto cleverer means.In the near future,it's not just going to be the number you see on your screen that will be in doubt.Soon you will also question whether the voice you're hearing is actually real. That's because there are a number of powerful voice manipulation (处理) and automation technologies that are about to become widely available for anyone to use. At this year's I/O Conference,a company showed a new voice technology able to produce such a convincing human - sounding voice that it was able to speak to a receptionist and book a reservation without detection. These developments are likely to make our current problems with robocalls much worse.The reason that robocalls are a headache has less to do with amount than precision.A decade of data breaches (数据侵入) of personal information has led to a situation where scammers can easily learn your mother's name,and far more.Armed with this knowledge,they're able to carry out individually targeted campaigns to cheat people.This means,for example,that a scammer could call you from what looks to be a familiar number and talk to you using a voice that sounds exactly like your bank teller's,tricking you into “confirming” your address,mother's name,and card number.Scammers follow money,so companies will be the worst hit.A lot of business is still done over the phone,and much of it is based on trust and existing relationships.Voice manipulation technologies may weaken that gradually. We need to deal with the insecure nature of our telecom networks.Phone carriers and consumers need to work together to find ways of determining and communicating what is real.That might mean either developing a uniform way to mark videos and images,showing when and who they were made by,or abandoning phone calls altogether and moving towards data- based communications—using apps like FaceTime or WhatsApp , which can be tied to your identity. Credibility is hard to earn but easy to lose,and the problem is only going to get harder from here on out. 文章大意:主题:人与社会(社会);话题:新兴科技成果对人们生活的影响。本文是一 篇议论文,介绍了骚扰电话给人们的生活带来的影响。文章引导考生辩证地思考问题,运用 辩证思维模式,坚持两点论,避免走极端。这种思维模式能帮助考生意识到新兴科技成果对 人们生活的影响有好有坏。 13.How does the author feel about the solutions to the problem of robocalls?_D__ A.Panicked. B.Confused. C.Embarrassed. D.Disappointed. 解析:推理判断题。根据第一段的内容特别是“By the time these ‘solutions’ become widely available,scammers will have moved onto cleverer means.(等这些‘解决方案’被广泛 使用时,诈骗者们就会有更‘高明’的手段)”可推知,作者对骚扰电话的解决方案不乐观, 感到失望(disappointed),故选 D 项。panicked 惊慌的;confused 迷惑的;embarrassed 尴尬的。 14.Taking advantage of the new technologies,scammers can _A__. A.aim at victims precisely B.damage databases easily C.start campaigns rapidly D.spread information widely 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的内容特别是“These developments are likely to make our current problems with robocalls much worse.The reason that robocalls are a headache has less to do with amount than precision.”以及“Armed with this knowledge ,they're able to carry out individually targeted campaigns to cheat people.”可知,技术的发展似乎会使骚扰电话问题变 得更糟,骚扰电话之所以让人头疼,主要在于诈骗者能精确地瞄准受害者,故选 A 项。 15.What does the passage imply?_B__ A.Honesty is the best policy. B.Technologies can be double-edged. C.There are more solutions than problems. D.Credibility holds the key to development. 解析:推理判断题。技术的进步给人们的生活带来便利的同时,也给居心不良之人提供 了可乘之机——诈骗者拨打骚扰电话进行诈骗。所以说技术是把双刃剑,故选 B 项。 16.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?__C__ A.Where the Problem of Robocalls Is Rooted B.Who Is to Blame for the Problem of Robocalls C.Why Robocalls Are About to Get More Dangerous D.How Robocalls Are Affecting the World of Technology 解析:标题归纳题。文章介绍了随着技术的发展,骚扰电话问题变得更加糟糕,而骚扰 电话之所以让人头疼,主要在于诈骗者能精确瞄准受害者。骚扰电话影响了人们的生活,正 变得越来越危险,文章介绍了这种状况发生的原因,故选 C 项。 E (2019·天津卷,B) I must have always known reading was very important because the first memories I have as a child deal with books.There was not one night that I don't remember mom reading me a storybook by my bedside.I was extremely inspired by the elegant way the words sounded. I always wanted to know what my mom was reading.Hearing mom say,“I can't believe what's printed in the newspaper this morning,” made me want to grab it out of her hands and read it myself.I wanted to be like my mom and know all of the things she knew.So I carried around a book,and each night,just to be like her,I would pretend to be reading. This is how everyone learned to read.We would start off with sentences,then paragraphs,and then stories.It seemed an unending journey,but even as a six-year-old girl I realized that knowing how to read could open many doors.When mom said, “The C- A - N -D -Y is hidden on the top shelf , ” I knew where the candy was.My progress in reading raised my curiosity,and I wanted to know everything.I often found myself telling my mom to drive more slowly,so that I could read all of the road signs we passed. Most of my reading through primary,middle and high school was factual reading.I read for knowledge,and to make A's on my tests.Occasionally,I would read a novel that was assigned, but I didn't enjoy this type of reading.I liked facts,things that are concrete.I thought anything abstract left too much room for argument. Yet,now that I'm growing and the world I once knew as being so simple is becoming more complex,I find myself needing a way to escape.By opening a novel,I can leave behind my burdens and enter into a wonderful and mysterious world where I am now a new character.In these worlds I can become anyone.I don't have to write down what happened or what technique the author was using when he or she wrote this.I just read to relax. We're taught to read because it's necessary for much of human understanding.Reading is a vital part of my life.Reading satisfies my desire to keep learning.And I've found that the possibilities that lie within books are limitless. 文章大意:主题:人与自我(生活与学习);话题:乐于阅读。本文是一篇记叙文,作者 讲述自己对阅读的喜爱:从小听妈妈读睡前故事,开始识字之后就认读路边的路标,后来阅 读习惯也发生了变化。 17.Why did the author want to grab the newspaper out of mom's hands?_B__ A.She wanted mom to read the news to her. B.She was anxious to know what had happened. C.She couldn't wait to tear the newspaper apart. D.She couldn't help but stop mom from reading. 解析:细节理解题。根据题干中的 want to grab the newspaper out of mom's hands 我们把 答案定位在第二段。该段说,作者想知道妈妈读的是什么,由原文中的 “...made me want to grab it out of her hands and read it myself.”可知,作者急切地想知道报纸上的内容,因此选 B。 18.According to Paragraph 3,the author's reading of road signs indicates _D__. A.her unique way to locate herself B.her eagerness to develop her reading ability C.her effort to remind mom to obey traffic rules D.her growing desire to know the world around her 解析:推理判断题。第三段中提到“My progress in reading raised my curiosity,and I wanted to know everything.(我在阅读方面的进步增加了我的好奇心,我想了解一切)”,于是 “我”就会让妈妈把车开得慢一点儿,以便能看到所有的路标。从这些信息判断,作者这样 做是因为想要了解周围的世界,因此选 D。 19.What was the author's view on factual reading?_C__ A.It would help her update test-taking skills. B.It would allow much room for free thinking. C.It would provide true and objective information. D.It would help shape a realistic and serious attitude to life. 解析:推理判断题。根据题干中的 factual reading 我们把答案定位在第四段。该段说, 作者在小学、初中和高中的阅读都是“事实性的阅读”,这种阅读是为了获取知识,考试得 A,当时的作者喜欢具体的事实(facts,things that are concrete),同时她觉得抽象的东西引起 争论的可能性太大(anything abstract left too much room for argument),从这些信息推断应选 C,作者觉得事实性的读物能给人提供真实、客观的信息。 20.The author takes novel reading as a way to _D__. A.explore a fantasy land B.develop a passion for learning C.learn about the adult community D.get away from a confusing world 解析:细节理解题。根据题干中的 takes novel reading 可知这里问的是作者现在的阅读 习惯,第五段中说作者觉得曾经简单的世界正变得更复杂(the world...is becoming more complex),自己想逃避(needing a way to escape),打开一本小说就能把自己的负担甩到脑后, 进入一个美妙而神秘的世界。D 项中的 get away from 表示“逃避”,a confusing world 表示 “令人困惑的世界”,这些信息都与该段叙述相吻合,因此选 D。 21.What could be the best title for the passage?_C__ A.The Magic of Reading B.The Pleasure of Reading C.Growing Up with Reading D.Reading Makes a Full Man 解析:主旨大意题。综观全文,作者小时候妈妈给她读睡前故事,后来自己学会阅读, 上学时作者喜欢事实性的阅读材料,现在作者的阅读偏好又有了变化,因此全文是说作者在 阅读的伴随中成长,故 C 项作为文章的标题最合适。 [层级二 模拟题组] 1 (2019·福建省三校联考) I arrived at this beautiful Spanish island at the start of September, full of enthusiasm and eager to start working as an English teacher. I sorted all the necessary paperwork out and moved into a flat of my own within the first couple of days.Great, or so I thought. At 4 am and at several intervals after that, I was rudely awoken by the cock that lives opposite me.Fantastic! I now have 5 extra alarms every morning. In the following weeks, I also started to notice a trend.Things in my flat started to break at the rate of one object per day,like the hot water line, bowls, cups, the shower, doors or glass shelves. Yes, I am clumsy but things just fell apart. If it wasn't broken, it would either be dirty or missing Using my washing basket for the first time was pretty disgusting. When I took out my clothes, they were swiftly followed by a hundred or so bugs that were living in the bottom. As for the general lack of equipment in the house, there was no oven, tin opener, sharp knives or potato peeler. It turned out making a burger from scratch wasn't the best idea. I had a small microwave and a grill. I thought the general understanding was never to put metal in a microwave but I went on. Smoke soon started to appear. I was not quite sure if it was the burger or the grill but as soon as I opened the door, the electricity cut out. I spent the following 10 minutes in a dark, smoky room hunting for the power switch using the light from my mobile phone, which broke the week after and left me without a connection to the outer world. Luckily, I'm now borrowing a phone and my luck has returned. No more things have broken (probably because there is nothing left to break). I've also realized that even if a flat looks pretty, it doesn't mean its contents work. I am also learning how to adapt to life with limited, broken utensils (用具). 文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。“我”去西班牙的一个漂亮的小岛上做英语老师,虽然 拥有自己的公寓,可里面的生活用具很老旧,给“我”的生活带来了诸多不便。这让“我” 知道了漂亮但并不实用的道理,也学会了如何利用有限的生活用品生活。 1.What problem did the author have in the morning?_D__ A.She often slept late. B.Her alarm failed to work. C.She got some noisy neighbors. D.Her sleep was disturbed by a rooster. 解析:考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“At 4 am and at several intervals after that,I was rudely awoken by the cock that lives opposite me”可知,凌晨四点开始,每隔一会儿,作者就 被对面公鸡的打鸣声吵醒;据此可知,作者的睡眠被公鸡打鸣声打扰了,故 D 项正确。 2.What can we know about the author from Paragraph 2?_D__ A.She was a very careful woman. B.She was quite satisfied with her flat. C.Her flat was pretty old but comfortable. D.Her household articles were in poor condition. 解析:考查推理判断。根据第二段第二句“Things in my flat started to break at the rate of one object per day,like the hot water line,bowls,cups,the shower,doors or glass shelves” 可知,作者所住的房子的东西每天损坏一件;据此可推知,作者所使用的日常用品很破旧, 故 D 项正确。根据第二段第三句“Yes,I am clumsy but things just fell apart”可知,作者是 一个笨手笨脚的人,而不是一个小心仔细的人,故 A 项错误;根据第二段的内容可推知, 作者对她的公寓并不满意,故 B、C 两项错误。 3.What happened when the author was making a burger?_B__ A.She was seriously injured. B.She made a terrible mistake. C.She broke her phone accidentally. D.She suffered a sudden power failure. 解析:考查推理判断。根据第三段中的“I had a small microwave and a grill. I thought the general understanding was never to put metal in a microwave but I went on. Smoke soon started to appear”,并结合该段其他内容可知,作者将金属烤架放进微波炉里,启动后发生了故障, 电源被切断;据此可推知,作者在制作汉堡时犯了个错误,故 B 项正确。 4.What is the text mainly about?_C__ A.Remaining optimistic. B.How to choose a nice flat. C.Learning to live in a new flat. D.Why living abroad is not easy. 解析:考查主旨大意。通读全文可知,文章尾段尾句“I am also learning how to adapt to life with limited,broken utensils(用具)”是全文的主题句;结合全文内容可知,文章通过讲 述作者在西班牙的一个小岛上做英语老师时如何使用住房内的破旧日常用品生活的故事,说 明了应当学会适应生活的道理,故 C 项正确。 2 (2019·石家庄毕业班质检) While visiting the North Pole in winter may not be at the top of your bucket_list, the ever - changing ICEHOTEL, which opened its doors to visitors on December 14 this year, may change your mind. 200 km north of the Arctic Circle in the Swedish village of Jukkasjärvi, the hotel, which is carved entirely from ice,is rebuilt annually. The 35 rooms, built to accommodate visitors on all kinds of budgets, vary from expensive suites to basic rooms that are furnished with just an icy bed and a reindeer skin. Among the highlights this year is the “Spruce Woods” suite. Sculpted by Christopher Pascoe and Jennie O'Keefe of Canada, it describes camping scene complete with a classic microbus, a forest, and even an artificial campfire. There is also the artfully-carved “Living Ocean” suite to remind visitors of the importance of saving our oceans. The room is full of carved sea life that includes coral and a shark “swimming” right over the ice bed. “The suite is inspired by global warming and the overfishing that affects our oceans,” says artist Jonathan Paul Green. “I also think the idea of using frozen water from a river in northern Sweden to create an ocean with shells, fish, and coral is exciting.” The nearby “Haven” suite is a “magical gate of ice” guarded by two large animals. “We are inspired by the meeting between people and want to create an experience that stimulates curiosity and creativity,” says artist Jonas Johansson. “It feels like a dream to get to work with ice that allows our love for light,shine, and reflection to wander freely from thought to creation.” Regardless of whether visitors select the carved suites or the basic ice rooms, the temperature is always set to a bone-chilling -5 ℃! That is why guests are advised to snuggle (蜷伏) up inside sleeping bags and wear gloves and winter hats all night.Not surprisingly, most end up spending just a single night at this unique hotel before moving on to the conventional and warmer hotels nearby. 文章大意:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了北极圈的一家用冰建成的旅馆。 5.What does the underlined phrase “bucket list” mean in the text?_B__ A.A shopping list of buckets. B.A list of travelling destinations. C.A list of expensive hotels. D.A list of exciting ideas. 解析:考查词义猜测。根据第一段第一句“While visiting the North Pole in winter may not be at the top of your bucket list, the ever - changing ICEHOTEL, which opened its doors to visitors on December 14 this year, may change your mind.”可知,虽然冬天去北极旅游可能不 是你的首选,但这家不断变化的冰旅馆可能会改变你的想法;该旅馆于今年 12 月 14 日向游 客开放。由该句中的“visiting the North Pole”“the ever-changing ICEHOTEL”“visitors”,并 结合语境可推知,画线词义为“旅游目的地的列表”,故 B 项正确。 6.What can we know about the icehotel?_A__ A.It is rebuilt every year. B.Its rooms are expensive. C.It organizes camping activities. D.It lies in a coastal city. 解析:考查细节理解。根据第一段第二句“200 km north of the Arctic Circle in the Swedish village of Jukkasjärvi,the hotel,which is carved entirely from ice,is rebuilt annually”可知, 这家完全由冰雕刻而成的旅馆每年都会重建,故 A 项正确。根据第二段第一句“The 35 rooms,built to accommodate visitors on all kinds of budgets,vary from expensive suites to basic rooms that are furnished with just an icy bed and a reindeer skin”可知,该旅馆房间有昂贵的, 也有廉价的,故 B 项错误;根据第二段尾句中的“it describes a camping scene complete with a classic microbus,a forest,and even an artificial campfire”可知,该旅馆的冰雕描述了一个露 营的场景,包括一辆经典的微型巴士,一片森林,甚至还有一场人工营火,而不是组织野营 活动,故 C 项错误;根据第一段第二句“200 km north of the Arctic Circle in the Swedish village of Jukkasjärvi,the hotel,which is carved entirely from ice,is rebuilt annually”可知,该旅馆 在北极圈以北 200 公里的瑞典 Jukkasjärvi 村,而不是沿海城市,故 D 项错误。 7.Where does the inspiration of“Living Ocean” suite come from?_C__ A.Art and literature. B.Ocean life and voyages. C.Climate change and human influence. D.The meeting of people. 解析:考查细节理解。根据第三段第三句中的“The suite is inspired by global warming and the overfishing that affects our oceans”可知,这间套房的灵感来自全球变暖和影响海洋的过度 捕捞,故 C 项正确。 8.Which of the following is the best title for the text?_D__. A.An Adventure to the North Pole B.An Experience Close to Nature C.A taste of Cold:A Night in a Village D.A Winter Destination:Sweden's Icehotel 解析:考查标题判断。根据全文内容,尤其是第一段第二句“200 km north of the Arctic Circle in the Swedish village of Jukkasjärvi,the hotel,which is carved entirely from ice,is rebuilt annually”可知,本文主要介绍了冬季旅游的好去处:瑞典冰旅馆,故 D 项最适合作本文标 题。 3 (2019·合肥市一模) We can have video chat with astronauts aboard the International Space Station and watch live footage from the frozen heights of a mountain. But communicating with a submarine (潜艇) or a diver is not so easy. The lack of practical methods for sharing data between underwater airborne (空气传播的) devices has long been a frustration for scientists. The difficulty stems from the fact that radio signals work perfectly in air travel but poorly in water. Sonar signals used by underwater sensors reflect off the surface of water rather than reaching the air. Now, researchers at MIT have developed a method with the potential to revolutionize underwater communication. “What we've shown is that it's actually feasible to communicate from underwater to the air,” says Fadel Adib, a professor at MIT's Media Lab, who led the research. The MIT researchers designed a system that uses an underwater machine to send sonar signals to the surface, making vibrations( 震 动 ) corresponding to the 1s and 0s of the data. A surface receiver then reads and decodes these tiny vibrations.The researchers call the system TARF. It has any number of potential real - world uses, Adib says. It could be used to find downed planes underwater by reading signals from sonar devices in a plane's black box and it could allow submarines to communicate with the surface. Right now the technology is low-resolution. The initial study was conducted in the MIT swimming pool at maximum depths of around 11 or 12 feet. The next steps for the researchers are to see if TARF is workable at much greater depths and under varying conditions—high waves, storms, schools of fish. They also want to see if they can make the technology work in the other direction—air to water. If the technology proves successful in real - world conditions, expect “texting while diving” to be the latest underwater fashion. 文章大意:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了一项麻省理工学院的科学家发明的从水下与 地面上的人进行通信的技术。 9.What does the author mainly talk about in Paragraph 1?_C__ A.The future of video chat underwater and in air. B.The frustrations of developing underwater devices. C.The difficulty of communication from water to air. D.The current situation of communicating with a submarine. 解析:考查段落大意。通读第一段的内容可知,该段主要讲的是从水下与地面的人进行 通信非常困难,因此 C 项正确。 10.What does the underlined word“feasible” mean?_A__. A.Achievable. B.Convenient. C.Changeable. D.Alternative. 解析:考查词义猜测。根据第二段第一句“Now, researchers at MIT have developed ... underwater communication”可知,麻省理工学院的研究人员发明了一种可能改变水下通信的 方法,使从水下与地面上的人进行沟通成为可能,故画线词与 A 项“可实现的”意思最相 近,故选 A。 11.What do we know about TARF?_D__ A.It is widely used to find downed planes. B.It can work well at great depths underwater. C.It is an underwater machine that sends signals. D.It can send,receive and read signals from underwater. 解析:考查推理判断。文章第三段详细讲述了 TARF 系统的工作原理:该系统使用一个 水下机器向水面发送声响信号,使震动与数据的 1 和 0 对应,然后水面接收器读取并对这些 微小的震动进行重新编码,这样可以从水下与地面上的人进行通信。因此 D 项正确。 12.What is the best title for the text?_B__ A.The Real-world Uses of Sonar Technology B.Full Water-to-air Communication Closer to Reality C.A Breakthrough in the Application of Video Chat D.TARF Becoming a New Means of Communication 解析:考查标题判断。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了科学家发明的一种解决了从水下 与地面上的人无法进行通信联系这个难题的系统,研究人员将会把它投入到真实的状况下进 行验证,因此 B 项最适合作本文标题。 4 (2019·南昌市二模) Robots are now being employed not just for dangerous tasks,such as discovering mines or rescuing people in disasters.They are also finding applications as household help and as nursing assistants. As increasing numbers of machines, equipped with the latest artificial intelligence, take on a growing variety of specialized and everyday tasks, the question of how people see them and behave towards them becomes ever more urgent. A team led by Sari Nijssen of Radboud University and Markus Paulus, Professor of Developmental Psychology at Ludwig - Maximilians - Universität (LMU), have carried out a study to determine the degree to which people show concern for robots and behave towards them based on moral principles. According to Sari Nijssen, the study set out to answer the following question:“Under what circumstances would adults be willing to sacrifice robots to save human lives ? ” The participants were faced with a hypothetical (假设的) moral dilemma: Would they be prepared to put a single person at risk in order to save a group of injured persons? In the situations presented the intended victim was either a human, a humanoid robot that had been humanized to various degrees or a robot that was clearly recognizable as a machine. The study suggested that the more the robot was humanized,the less likely participants were to sacrifice it. Situations that included vivid stories in which the robot was described as a merciful being or as a creature with its own understandings,experiences and thoughts, were more likely to stop the study participants from sacrificing it in the interests of anonymous (无名的) humans. “This result indicates that our study group attached a certain moral status to the robot,”says Paulus.“One possible suggestion of this finding is that attempts to humanize robots should not go too far.Such efforts could come into conflict with their intended function—to be of help to us.” 文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。机器人不仅可以帮助人类执行危险的任务,现代智能机 器人还能帮助人们处理日常生活问题。研究表明,将机器人过于人性化的尝试将对人产生困 扰。 13.What has become a concern about robots?_B__ A.How to humanize them. B.How to treat them in life. C.How to use them effectively. D.How to find more applications. 解析:考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“the question of how people see them and behave towards them becomes ever more urgent”和第二段中的“have carried out a study to determine the degree to which people show concern for robots and behave towards them based on moral principles”可知,如何在生活中对待机器人已经成为人们担心的一个问题,故 B 项正确。 14.In the study the participants probably have to decide _A__. A.when to sacrifice a robot B.where to experience risks C.which robot to work with D.what robots should be like 解析:考查细节理解。根据第三段第一句“According to Sari Nijssen, the study set out to answer the following question:‘Under what circumstances would adults be willing to sacrifice robots to save human lives?’”可知,该研究将要回答“在什么情况下成年人愿意牺牲机器 人来拯救人类生命?”这一问题,故 A 项正确。 15.What can be inferred from Paulus' words?_B__ A.Humanized robots offer less help to people. B.Humanizing robots too much may be improper. C.Certain moral status should be attached to robots. D.Conflicts often happen between humans and robots. 解析:考查推理判断。根据本文最后两句 Paulus 所说的话可知,Paulus 认为,这一发 现表明,使机器人人性化的尝试不应该走得太远。这些努力可能会与机器人的预期功能(帮 助人类)发生冲突。据此可推知,Paulus 认为机器人过于人性化可能不恰当,故 B 项正确。 16.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?_C__ A.Robots,a Must for Future B.Humanized Robots,a New Trend C.Robots Saved,People Take the Hit D.Humanized Robots Replace Human 解析:考查标题判断。通读全文可知,本文主要提出“过度将机器人人性化,将人的道 德水准赋予机器人,将会使人受到困扰”这一观点,故 C 项最适合作本文标题。 5 (2019·济南市二模) Can I talk about salary at work? In a word:yes. As the HR company Insperity put it in a recent blog post: Can your employees discuss their salaries or wages with their co-workers?Yes. Even if you have a company policy against it? Yes. The freedom to discuss your salary at work is a protected right under the labor law. The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 protects your right to discuss the conditions of your employment, including issues related to safety and pay, even when you're not protected by a union. Talking about salary with colleagues can be uncomfortable,since there's such a taboo about discussing money matters, but it's an important step towards achieving equal pay for equal work.One barrier, however, stems from how we think of our own financial worth. Too many people I talk to wrongly consider their salary a reflection of their worthiness, a statement about their skills, experience, or value. At the end of the day, if we can all separate our self-worth from our salaries a bit more, it'll become easier to talk frankly with our colleagues. Asking about money outright can be tough, so one trick I've picked up along the way is to ask for your colleagues to confirm or deny. For instance, you might volunteer your salary first and ask “Does that sound right to you?”by way of comparison. Or,let's say you're interviewing for a promotion to become a manager. You might ask a fellow manager about the kind of salary you should expect by saying, “I'm seeing salaries for this kind of position ranging from $ 65,000 to $ 70,000—does that seem accurate to you?”This way, even if your colleague isn't comfortable sharing their salary outright, they can help you identify if your expectations are appropriate. 文章大意:该文主要讨论了是否可以在工作中谈论薪金的问题。 17.What makes co-workers uncomfortable to talk about salaries?_C__ A.The safety issue. B.The labor law. C.The wrong idea about salaries. D.The reflection of their worthiness. 解析:考查推理判断。根据第三段第二句“One barrier,however,stems from how we think of our own financial worth”和对第三段的整体理解可推知,对薪金的错误看法导致同事间谈 论薪金时感到不舒服。 18.What does “taboo” underlined in Paragraph 3 refer to?_A__ A.A prohibited practice. B.A firm belief. C.A general agreement. D.A social custom. 解析:考查词义猜测。根据第三段第一句中的“Talking about salary with colleagues can be uncomfortable”可知,和同事谈薪金让人不舒服,并结合常识可推知,谈论钱的事情是一个 禁忌,故选 A。 19.What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 4?_B__ A.One of my interview experiences. B.My way of asking about money. C.The method of raising questions. D.An example of getting promoted. 解析:考查主旨大意。根据语境可知,第四段第一句“Asking about money ... or deny”点 出了本段要谈论的主题,并结合对本段的整体理解可推知,本段主要讲的是询问关于薪金的 事情的方法。 20.What can be the best title for the text?_D__ A.How to Discuss Salaries at Work B.Ways of Talking about Salaries C.Do Salaries Stand for Self-worth? D.Can Salaries be Talked about at Work? 解析:考查标题判断。本文第一段第一句“Can I talk about salary at work?”点出了要 谈论的话题,并结合对全文的整体理解可推知,本文主要讨论了是否可以在工作中谈论薪金 的问题。A 项和 B 项错在谈论薪金的方法,这是最后一段的主题,而非本文的主旨所在;C 项错在薪金是否代表自我价值,这是第三段所提到的人们对薪金的错误看法,以偏概全,故 排除。

