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1 2020 高考英语模拟题附解析 第二部分阅读理解 (共两节,满分 45 分)第一节(共 4 小题;每小题 9 分,满分 45 分)阅读下列短文,从每 题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项. A The Most Beautiful Islands in the World Mo'orea, French Polynesia Mo'orea is surely one of the most beautiful islands in the world! Mo'orea is a place to relax and appreciate the quietness and beauty of nature. Experience the island's authentic (正宗) Tahition culture and explore beautiful nature on foot. Pas by white churches and sleepy fishing villages, and stop along the way to buy some fruit, fresh tuna or an ice cold coconut . Kauai's, Hawaii Kauai's is also named "the garden island" on the south shore, you'll find sites with cultural, historical, and geological significances alongside beautiful beaches. The island of Kauai's has been featured in more than seventy Hollywood movies and television shows, notably Indiana Jones, Jurassic (侏罗纪) Park and Jurassic World. Sri Lanka Sri Lanka has long appealed to the adventures, with mountains to climb, thick forests to explore and ancient shipwrecks (沉船) to discover in its warm Indian Ocean waters. There are beautiful beaches, but so much to sea and do. Finding the time to lie back and relax might prove to be a challenge. Whether on land or out at sea, exploration always calls and the curiosity cannot be resisted. Ko Phi Phi, Thailand The Ko Phi Phi is located in the Andaman Sea, a marginal sea of the Indian Ocean. Located off the west coast of Southern Thailand, it offers and interesting range of plants and animals species. The island guides can take you the amazing forest where you'll see many animals, like monkeys, snakes and wild birds . 1. Which island often appears in the films and TV shows ? A. Sri Lanka . 2 B. Kaua'i Hawaii . C. Ko Phi Phi, Thailand . D. Mo'orea, French Polynesia . 2. What can you see on the Ko Phi Phi, Thailand ? A. Thick forests and ancient shipwrecks . B. Interesting plants and animal species . C. Ancient dinosaur fossils and parks . D. White churches and sleepy fishing villages . 3. Where does this text probably came from ? A. A travel guide book . B. A novel website . C. A pet magazine. D. A news story . B At ten years old, I borrowed a book from the library that had the work "widow" in the title. My mother took away the book, and we went back to the library. I remembered how embarrassed I was as my mother explained that I needed reading material that was different from the book . The librarian was tall and thin with brown hair. Holding up one elegant finger, she looked down at me and smiled. "Here you are," she said. "It's called I capture the castle, by Dodie Smith. " I felt far too old for the dog stories and bad guys acted by Cruella de Vil. "It's very different from 101 Dalmatians, through, " she said . I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt. But I was unwilling to believe. I mean, the title along was strange. I Capture the Castle? It surrounded like a bunch of childish kids playing King of the Hill. I took the book home and started reading. I was attracted. Absolutely attracted, I wanted to be a writer . I never told the librarian how much that book meant to me. Two weeks ago, I was relaxed in the tea shop when I looked up and saw her. I saw the brown﹣ haired librarian who had changed my life. Sixteen years had passed, but﹣for a moment﹣ time stood still, she still possessed that beauty. I moved toward her. "You work at the library! You once showed me I captured the Castle! I'm a writer now! That's still my favorite book!" 3 The woman paused and smiled kindly. But then she tipped her brown head. I realized that dementia (老年痴呆) or something like it had kept her from understanding me. My face flamed. I stepped back. A woman took her by the elbow and led her gently away . As I watched her go, her pace just as light as I remembered it, I wondered how many lives we change without realizing what we do is significant. For all that woman had really done was lending me a book. But it had occupied my world . 1. What is the author's first feeling about the book I Capture the Castle ? A. Boring . B. Mysterious . C. Special. D. Interesting . 2. What does the underlined part in paragraph 3 probably mean ? A. Trust her temporarily . B. Express thanks to her. C. Offer her some benefits . D. Give some money to her . 3. What does the book I Capture the Castle mean to the author ? A. It changed his life . B. It made his mother happy . C. It inspired him to be a writer . D. It taught him how to be a writer . 4. What's the author's purpose of writing the text ? A. To tell readers how to influence others . B. To appreciate a book a librarian lent him . C. To tell the readers and unexpected meeting. D. To show his great appreciation to a librarian . C Everybody knows the phrase "it's raining cats and dogs", but how many times have you heard "it's raining spiders" ? A person of the Southern Tablelands in New South Wales on Facebook reported that millions of 4 baby spiders appeared to be falling onto the ground from the sky . The phenomenon, called "Angel Hair", sees spiders climb to the top of plants and release a long silk that catches on the light wind and carries them into the air. Therefore, entire fields are covered by a thin blanket of the white silk, or spider rain . "You can clearly see hundreds of little spiders floating along with their webs and my home is covered with them!" the man said. "My hair stood on end at that time and I tried to take photos of what I saw, because people couldn't make them out in the sky because of the sun." He added. Angel hair is reported a migration method that spiders have used to travel across the world. The event can sometime lead on entire fields covered with a thin blanket of the silk. The blanket of silk has generally disappeared by the morning after meeting with cold temperatures overnight. Weather conditions caused the phenomenon to take place. Most of the cases happen or clear cool days with light winds blowing. The effect is particularly common after floods, when a large number of spiders use their silk to escape. In 2012, severe floods in the southern NSW town of Wagga Wagga saw thousands of spiders use this method to move to higher grounds. The spiders that use the method are harmless. None of the species that do this are dangerous, and they all go away once the weather warm up. 1. How did the man feel when seeing his home covered by little spiders ? A. Upset . B. Peaceful. C. Honored . D. Terrified . 2. Why do the spiders create spider rain ? A. To hunt for food . B. To move to other place . C. To raise their next generation . D. To escape their natural enemies. 3. What can we learn the spider rain from the next ? A. It is formed by a strong wind . B. It does harm to the environment . C. It happens especially after floods . 5 D. It leads to the sky covered with spider silk . 4. What can be the best title for the text ? A. Angel Hair B. Harmless Spider C. Cats, Dogs and Spiders D. A Newly Invented Phrase D We all wish we could get by on less sleep, but one father and son actually can﹣without suffering any health consequences and while actually perform on memory tests as well as, or better than, most people. To understand this rare ability, researches at the University of California, San Francisco, first identified a genetic mutation (基因突变) ﹣in both individuals ﹣that they thought might deserve the credit. Then scientists intentionally made the same small genetic spelling mistake in mice. The mice also needed less sleep, remembered better and suffered no other ill effects, according to a study published recently in Science Translational Medicine . But according to the Jamie Zietzer, an associate professor at Stanford University, although the medication with a same benefits will not be available anytime soon ﹣and might never come true ﹣ the idea is incredibly appealing : take a pill that copies whatever the father and son does and sleep less, with no negative effects. But he also worries that even if a drug like this could be produced without causing significant side effects, it would still have consequences. Some individual might be forced or pressured to take medication so they could work more hours. Even if people will not need as much sleep, they will still need to have a rest, he insists . The study senior author, Ying Hui ﹣Fu, a professor at U .C.S.F, says it is far too early for such fantasies. Instead she interested in better understanding the mechanisms (机制) of healthy sleep to help prevent diseases ranging from cancer to Alzheimer's. "These people sleep more efficiently ," she says of the father﹣son pair. "Whatever function sleep is doing for us, it takes us eight hours to feel rested, but it takes them six or four hours. If we can figure out why they are more efficient, we can use that knowledge to help everybody be more efficient ." 1. Why do the scientists make the research on mice ? A. To invent a kind of new pill . 6 B. To test the functions of the pill . C. To identify the cause of the rare ability . D. To find out the side effects of the rare ability . 2. What does Zeitzer think of the idea of producing the drug ? A. It's bound to come true . B. It's a great brainstorm . C. It's absolutely unrealistic . D. It's a double ﹣edged sword. 3. What's the benefit of studying the mechanisms of sleep ? A. Curing some diseases. B. Changing sleep patterns. C. Keeping off some diseases. D. Improving the working efficiency . 4. What can we infer from the text ? A. The drug will soon be produced . B. The research still has a long way to go . C. The process of producing the drug is rather complicated . D. The reason why the father ﹣son pair need less rest has been figured out. 第二节(共 1 小题;每小题 15 分,满分 15 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填 入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项. The Ways to Help You Stand out in Interviews Interview preparation has always been one of the most overlooked are in the employment process. Perhaps you have done all your preparation and been through the company's website so many times that you know it by heart. 1.______ Here are some ways to make you stand out . Leave a positive impression . 2. ______Once you are inside the room, the main thing to remember is that you need to make eye contact, shake hands confidently and also smile . Don't control the conversation . As someone has remarked, the interview is a dialogue. 3. ______You need to find out how the interviewers view the company and what their goals are. Those can often guide you when answering 7 their questions. 4. ______ They always ask your greatest weakness. If you don't respond to them directly, then nobody will believe you. What they want to know is what you learned from a failure. Talk about the strategies to overcome any weakness so that it always part of your development . Show your passion and energy. Most candidates are on the range from being shy to showing off. But what will really make you stand out is your ability to actually convey the passion and the energy for various part of your work. Yes, you can be modest about these but show that these are steps on the ladder. 5. _____ A. First impression is very important . B. Be frank about your weaknesses. C. Be positive about your work experience . D. But how do you actually do in interviews to get the job ? E. Whatever you do, do not talk too much and lead the interview . F. These opportunities may come up during the interview, rather than at the end . G. A great way is to stand out is to show confidence, energy and passion for the job . 第三部分语言知识运用 (共两节满分 40 分)第一节 (共 1 小题;每小题 40 分,满分 40 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项. I am graduating from high school, excited to enter a college to study history further. I have been 1. enough in my life to have made several attractive2. . Three trips in particular 3. as my knowledge grows. When I was ten years old, I 4. from Alabama to Washington learning about the western expansion. When I was thirteen, my family and I spent several weeks in Mexico. Finally, at age sixteen, my family visited England to5. my parents' family backgrounds. My love of 6. will be an important part of my life whatever career I may choose . My grandfather was very excited about the chance to teach me to7. the west as he did. From St. Louis, Missouri, we followed the Oregon Trail. I 8. walking the little Big Horn battle field, and climbing Independence Rock. These are only a few of the many memories when I 9. any of the History of the West . My vacation in Mexico was10. shock. At that time, I knew Mexico was not a very wealthy 8 nation and its history was11. by the Mexican War. However, the widespread 12. was almost unimaginable. The13. of education and modern facilities were obvious. I felt pleased with my country when getting home. I was 14. in learning more about their history, trying to understand why our two cultures were so15. . All I need to say about England is the British Museum. We spent four hours there. My family says they saw everything. 16. , I expect to return there this summer, with the17. of spending at least an entire day there. We did visit the industrial area of England where my mother's 18. originated. These are only three 19. of all of the history I have learned by traveling. However, I will happily 20. from those who have studied more than I . 1. A. strong B. accurate C. relieved D. lucky 2. A. comparisons B. trips C. readings D. conclusions 3. A. stand out B. break off C. go on D. start off 4. A. escaped B. graduated C. travelled D. raced 5. A. reveal B. track C. imagine D. appreciate 6. A. nature B. resource C. literature D. history 7. A. love B. leave C. destroy D. preserve 8. A. avoid B. remember C. admit D. suggest 9. A. ignore B. publish C. read D. imitate 10. A. cold B. heat C. electric D. cultural 11. A. broadcast B. researched C. impacted D. encouraged 12. A. information B. virus C. secret D. poverty 13. A. usage B. lack C. popularity D. importance 14. A. interested B. strict C. patient D. experienced 15. A. strange B. amazing C. different D. boring 16. A. However B. Gradually C. Fortunately D. Thus 17. A. honor B. meaning C. hope D. reward 9 18. A. ancestors B. relationship C. creations D. colleagues 19. A. regulations B. periods C. answers D. examples 20. A. hide B. learn C. Judge D. escape 第二节(共 1 小题每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单 词或括号内单词的正确形式. While the story of The Farmer and The Mule (骡子) makes us smile, it does have 1. ( wise) in it. It reminded me about defeating adversity (逆境) . 2. we handle adversity determines our success in life. One of my thoughts on adversity is, "Adversity is a fact of life. It can't 3. (control). What we can control is how we react to it ." When4. (face) with adversity, we can give up the negative attitude. Or we can look at adversity 5. an opportunity to find other ways to do things. We should be6. (determine) and persistent. It all comes down to your choice and it is a choice of attitude! You see, the farmer thought the mule was not worth7. (save) when it fell into a well accidentally ,8. he just put it out of its misery by burying it. Despite the farmer's best efforts to bury it, the mule 9. (resist) until it was able to climb out of the well on top of all the dirt that was thrown in after it . The mule, despite the fact that it was 10. (initial ) in a deep well, would not give up. The mule simply shook the dirt off little by little never giving up the will to live by climbing out of the well . 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 10 分)第一节 短文改错(共 1 小题;每小题 10 分,满分 10 分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文. 文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处.每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改. 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词. 删除:把多余的词用斜线( )划掉. 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词. 注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分. Today, I went to shopping with my mother by car. When we stopped near a shop. I saw a man, whom 10 was carrying a box, approaching our car. After he talked with my mother for while, I knew he was asking for a ride. Taking our safeties into consideration, my mother hesitated to let him in. However, I remember I had been in the same situation ago, so I allowed him to get into the car. During the ride, he introduced him to us and we had a very interested conversation. Heard his appreciation, I learned that a small kind act could make someone happily . 第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分) 假定你是李华,你校将于下周五举办跳绳( skipping rope )比赛.请用英语给你校英国交换 生 Steven 写一封电子邮件,邀请他参加,内容包括: 1.时间和地点; 2.目的和形式; 3.设置的奖项. 注意: 1.词数 80 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数. Dear Steven, _________ Yours, Li Hua 2020 高考英语模拟题参考答案 11 第二部分阅读理解 A 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了几个世界上最美丽的岛屿. 1. B. 细节理解题.根据 Kaua'i, Hawaii 部分 "Kaua'i is also named"the garden island". ,,,,Jurassic (侏罗纪) Park and Jurassic World.考艾岛也被命名为 "花园岛 ".在南岸,你会在美丽的海滩 旁发现具有文化、历史和地质意义的遗址.考艾岛已经在 70 多个好莱坞电影和电视节目中出 现,特别是印第安纳琼斯、侏罗纪公园和侏罗纪世界 "可知 Kaua'i, Hawail 经常出现在电影和电 视节目中,故选 B. 2. B. 细节理解题.根据最后一段 "The Ko Phi Phi is located in the Andaman Seated off the ⋯⋯ range of plants and animal like moneys ,snakes and wild birds .Ko Phi Phi 坐落在印度洋 西海岸的安达曼岛上,位于泰国南部的西海岸,这里有很多有趣的植物和动物,如金钱、蛇和 野鸟. "可知能在泰国的 Ko Phi Phi 上看到有趣的植物和动物,故选 B. 3. A. 文章出处题.阅读全文以及根据题目 "The Most Beautiful Islands in the World" 可知本文 主要介绍了几个世界上最美丽的岛屿.所以是想让人们去旅游,因此这篇文章会出现在旅游指 南上,故选 A. B 本文属于人生感悟类的短文阅读. 主要描述的是自己十岁的时候从图书馆里借到的一本书给 自己产生了深远的影响,正是图书管理员给自己推荐的这本书激励自己成为了一名作家,表达 了对图书管理员给自己推荐的这本书的一种感激之情. 1. A.细节理解题.根据第三段中的 "It sounded like a bunch of childish kids playing King of the Hill 可知我觉得这本书名听起来就像是一群孩子在玩 "占山之王 ",说明我对这本书一开始是不 感兴趣的 . 故选 A . 2. A.词义猜测题.根据第三段中的 "But I was unwilling to believe. I mean, the title alone was strange 可知, 作者说但是他不愿意相信 (图书管理员) ,因为这本书的书名听起来就有点奇怪, "所以由此推知, 前面的划线处的表达意思是 Trust her temporarily(暂且相信他的话) . 故选 A . 3. C.推理判断题.根据第三段中的 " I was attracted. Absolutely attracted. I wanted to be a writer. 我被吸引了.完全被吸引了.我想成为一名作家 . "可知在我看到这本书的时候,我被完全吸引 了,决定要成为一名作家,以及第四段 "You once showed me I Capture Me the Castle !I'm a writer now! That's still my favorite book! 你曾经告诉我我占领了城堡!我现在是作家了!那仍然是我最 喜欢的书! "可知,数年后作者真的成为了一名作家,由此可知, I Capture the Castle 这本书激 12 励作者成为了一名作家 . 故选 C. 4. D.写作意图题.本文主要描述的是自己十岁的时候从图书馆里借到的一本书给自己产生 了深远的影响,正是图书管理员给自己推荐的这本书激励自己成为了一名作家,所以本文的写 作意图就是表达对图书管理员给自己推荐的这本书的一种感激之情 . 故选 D. C 本文属于社会文化类的短文阅读. 主要介绍了大量蜘蛛的出现引发了人们恐惧, 这实际上是 蜘蛛由于气温下降而开始大量迁徙的现象,然后又进一步解释这种现象出现的原因以及影响. 1. D.观点态度题.根据第四段中的 "My hair stood on end at that time end I tried to take photos of what I saw 我的头发竖起来了,我试着把我看到的东西拍下来. " 可知当我看到有那么多的蜘 蛛出现在家里时,当时我是毛骨悚然,害怕极了.结合选项: A. Upset 伤心的. B. Peaceful 平 静的. C. Honored 很荣幸的. D. Terrified 吓坏了的.故选 D. 2. B .细节理解题.根据第五段中的 "Angel Hair is reportedly a migration method that spiders have used to travel across the world .据报道,天使发是蜘蛛用来穿越世界的一种迁徙方式. "可 知这种现象实际上是蜘蛛的一种自然迁徙,要搬到另一个地方.故选 B. 3. C.细节理解题.根据第五段中的 "The effect Is particularly common after floods, when a large number of spiders use their silk to escape .洪水过后,当大量蜘蛛用它们的蛛丝逃跑时,这种效 应尤其普遍. "可知这种大量的蜘蛛迁徙现象在洪水过后更容易发生.故选 C. 4. A.标题归纳题.本文最初由大量蜘蛛的出现引发的恐惧开始谈到这实际上是蜘蛛大量迁 徙的现象,然后又进一步解释这种现象出现的原因以及影响,由此可知使用 Angel Hair 作为文 章的标题最合适,因为整篇文章都是围绕着这个话题展开的,故选 A. D 本文是一篇说明文 . 文章主要介绍了一对父子睡眠极少却未对身体产生任何不良影 有.这引起了科学界的关注.科学家对此展开研究并希望能发现其中的原因. 1. C. 细 节 理 解 题 . 根 据 第 二 段 "To understand this rare ability, researchers at the University ⋯⋯ according to a study published recently in Science Transnational Medicine.为了 了解这种罕见的能力, 旧金山加利福尼亚大学的研究人员首先在两个人身上发现了一种他们 认为值得称赞的基因突变. 然后, 科学家们故意在老鼠身上犯下同样的小基因拼写错误. 老 鼠也需要更少的睡眠根据最近发表在 《科学跨国医学》上的一项研究, 记忆更好, 没有其他 不良影响 ",可知科学家要在老鼠身上进行研究是为了找出造成这种罕见能力的原因.故选 C. 13 2. D. 细节理解题.根据第三段 "But according to Jamie Zeitzer, an associate professor at ⋯⋯ will still need to have a rest, he Insists.但斯坦福大学副教授杰米 ?泽泽泽认为,尽管一 种具有同样功效的药物短期内不会上市, 而且可能永远也不会实现, 但这个想法还是很有吸 引力的:吃一片能复制父子身体所做的一切的药,少睡一点,不会产生负面影响他还担心, 即使这样的药物能在不引起重大副作用的情况下生产出来, 它仍然会产生社会后果. 一些人 可能被迫或被迫服药,以便他们能工作更长的时间.他坚持说,即使是我,人们也不需要那 么多的睡眠,他们仍然需要休息. "可知 Zeitzer 认为生产这种药物的想法是把双刃剑.故选 D. 3. C. 推理判断题 . 根据最后一段第二句 "Instead she is interested in better understanding the mechanisms(机制) of healthy sleep to help prevent diseases ranging from cancer to Alzheimer's .相反,她有兴趣更好地理解健康睡眠的医学原理,以帮助预防从癌症到老年痴 呆症的各种疾病 ".可知.研究睡眠机制有助于预防疾病. A. Curing some diseases .治疗一 些疾病. B. Changing sleep patterns. 改变睡眠模式. C. Keeping off some diseases. 预防一些疾 病. D. Improving the working efficiency. 提高工作效率.故选 C. 4. B. 推 理 判 断 题 . 根 据 倒 数 第 二 段 "But according to Jamie Zeitzer, an associate professor ⋯⋯ the idea is incredibly appealing.但斯坦福大学副教授 Jamie Zeitzer 认为,尽管 一种具有同样功效的药物短期内不会上市, 而且可能永远也不会实现, 但这个想法还是很有 吸引力的 ",可知这项研究还有很长的路要走.故选 B 第二节(共 1 小题;每小题 15 分,满分 15 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填 入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项. 本文为议论文.主要论述如何在面试中脱颖而出的一些方法. 1--5. DAEBG 1. D.细节理解题.在第一段中,前面主要提到了 Interview preparation (面试准备) ,而下面 段落谈论的是面试过程中应该注意的问题, 结合第一段最后一句 Here are some ways to make you stand out(以下是一些让你脱颖而出的方法) ,空格处应提出问题 " 但为了得到这份工作你在面 试中到底该怎么做呢? "符合上下文逻辑关系.故选 D. 2. A.主旨大意题.本段主题句为 Leave a positive Impression(给人留下好印象) ,A 项 "第一 印象很重要 "谈论的是为什么要给人留下好印象的, 接下来则是介绍如何给人留下好印象, 故选 A . 3. E.推理判断题.本段主题句为 Don't control the conversation (不要控制话题) ,根据后面 14 句子 You need to find out how the interviewers view the company and what their goals are .Those can often guide you when answering their questions(你需要了解面试官如何看待公司,以及他们的目 标是什么.这些往往可以指导你回答他们的问题)可以推知,作者建议面试时不要说太多,不 要主导面试. E 项符合逻辑关系.故选 E. 4. B. 主旨大意题. 本段第一、 二句 They always ask your greatest weakness.If you don't respond to them directly ,then no body will believe you (他们总会问你的最大弱点.如果你不直接回应他 们, 那么没有人会相信你) ,由此可以看出, 本段主要谈论如何应对面试官提出的关于你的最大 弱点的问题,主题句应为 B.Be frank abut your weaknesses(坦率地说你的弱点) .故选 B. 5. G.推理判断题.本段主题句是 Show your passion and energy(展现你的激情和活力) ,选 项 G.A great way to stand out is to show confidence ,energy and passion for the job (脱颖而出的 一个好办法是展现对这份工作的信心、活力和激情)与主题句一致.故选 G. 第三部分语言知识运用 (共两节满分 40 分)第一节 (共 1 小题;每小题 40 分,满分 40 分) 文章讲述了作者是如何通过三次旅行学习了历史,对历史产生浓厚的兴趣 1.﹣5. DBACB 6.﹣10. DABCC 11.﹣15. CDBAC 16. ﹣20. DCADB 1. D .考查形容词及语境理解. A. strong 强壮的; B. accurate 准确的; C. relieved 宽慰的; D. lucky 幸运的;我很幸运,拥有几次吸引人的旅行.故选 D. 2. B.考查名词及语境理解. A. comparisons 比较;B. trips 旅行;C. readings 阅读; D. conclusions 结论; 我很幸运, 拥有几次吸引人的旅行. 根据下文 Three trips in particular 3. as my knowledge grows. 可知是旅行.故选 B. 3. A.考查动词短语及语境理解. A. stand out 脱颖而出; B. break off 中断; C. go on 继续; D. start off 开始;随着我知识的增长,三次旅行尤其凸显出来.故选 A . 4. C .考查动词及语境理解. A. escaped 逃走; B. graduated 毕业; C. travelled 旅行; D. raced 比赛;当我十岁的时候,我从阿拉巴马州到华盛顿,学习了西部扩张.故选 C. 5. B .考查动词及语境理解. A. reveal 揭示; B. track 跟踪; C. imagine 想象; D. appreciate 感 激;最后,在我 16 岁的时候,我的家人访问了英国,追踪我父母的家庭背景.根据下文 We did visit the industrial area of England where my mother's 18. originated .可知是追踪.故选 B. 6. D.考查名词及语境理解. A. nature 自然; B. resource 资源; C. literature 文学; D. history 历 史; 无论我选择什么职业, 我对历史的热爱都将是我生命中重要的一部分. 根据上文 excited to enter a college to study history further .可知是历史.故选 D. 15 7. A.考查动词及语境理解. A. love 爱; B. leave 离开; C. destroy 消灭; D. preserve 保存;我 祖父很高兴有机会教我像他一样热爱西部.故选 A . 8. B .考查动词及语境理解. A. avoid 避免; B. remember 记住; C. admit 承认; D. suggest 建 议;我记得走在小小的大霍恩战场上,爬上独立岩石.根据下文 These are only a few of the many memories 可知是记得.故选 B. 9. C.考查动词及语境理解. A. ignore 忽略; B. publish 发布; C. read 阅读; D. imitate 模仿; 当我读到西部历史的时候,这些只是众多记忆中的一小部分.故选 C. 10. C.考查形容词及语境理解. A. cold 寒冷的; B. heat 热的; C. electric 电的; D. cultural 文 化的;我的墨西哥度假简直如电击一般.故选 C. 11. C.考查动词及语境理解. A. broadcast 广播; B. researched 研究; C. impacted 影响; D. encouraged 鼓励;我知道墨西哥不是一个非常富裕的国家,它的历史受到墨西哥战争的影 响.故选 C. 12. D.考查名词及语境理解. A. information 信息; B. virus 病毒; C. secret 秘密; D. poverty 贫 困;然而,普遍的贫困几乎是难以想象的.根据上文 I knew Mexico was not a very wealthy nation 可知是贫困.故选 D. 13. B.考查名词及语境理解. A. usage 使用; B. lack 缺乏; C. popularity 欢迎; D. importance 重要性;教育和现代化设施的缺乏是显而易见的.故选 B. 14. A.考查形容词及语境理解. A. interested 感兴趣的; B. strict 严格的; C. patient 有耐心的; D. experienced 有经验的;我有兴趣更多地了解他们的历史,试图理解为什么我们两种文化 如此不同.根据下文 trying to understand why our two cultures were so 可知是感兴趣的.故选 A. 15. C.考查形容词及语境理解. A. strange 奇怪的; B. amazing 惊人的; C. different 不同的; D. boring 无聊的;我有兴趣更多地了解他们的历史,试图理解为什么我们两种文化如此不 同.故选 C. 16. D.考查副词及语境理解. A. However 然而; B. Gradually 逐渐地; C. Fortunately 幸运地; D. Thus 因此;因此,我希望今年夏天再回到那里,希望能在那里呆一整天.故选 D. 17. C.考查名词及语境理解. A. honor 荣誉; B. meaning 意义; C. hope 希望; D. reward 奖励; 因此,我希望今年夏天再回到那里,希望能在那里呆一整天 . 故选 C. 18. A .考查名词及语境理解. A. ancestors 祖先; B. relationship 关系; C. creations 创造物; D.colleagues 同事;我们确实参观了我母亲的祖先的发源地,英国的工业区.故选 A. 16 19. D.考查名词及语境理解. A. regulations 规章;条例; B. periods 期间; C. answers 答案; D. examples 实例;这只是我在旅行中所学到的全部历史的三个例子.故选 D. 20. B.考查动词及语境理解. A. hide 隐藏; B. learn 学习; C. judge 判断; D. escape 逃跑;不 过,我很乐意向那些比我学到更多的人学习. learn from :向⋯学习.故选 B. 第二节(共 1 小题每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单 词或括号内单词的正确形式. 本文是一则寓言故事,主要讲的是虽然农夫和骡子的故事让我们微笑,但它确实充满智慧, 我们如何处理逆境决定了我们在生活中的成功. 1. wisdom .考查名词.根据语境可知此处表示 " 里面的确有智慧 ",故填名词 wisdom . 2. How. 考查连词.句意:我们如何处理逆境决定了我们在生活中的成功,这里是一个主语 从句,结合语境可知此处表示 "如何,怎么样 ",因此用连词 how 引导主语从句,故填 how. 3. be controled .考查语态.此处 it 代指 adversity,它与 control 之间是被动关系,因此要用 被动语态,故填 be controled. 4. faced.考查过去分词.句意:面对逆境,我们可以放弃消极的态度, (be)faced with 意为 "面对,面临 ",故填 faced. 5. as.考查介词.句意:我们可以把逆境看作是一个寻找其他方法做事的机会, look at ⋯ as⋯意为 "把⋯看作⋯ ",故填 as. 6. determined.考查形容词. 此处表示 "我们应该坚定和坚持. "用形容词 determined 与 persistent 共同作表语,故填 determined. 7. saving.考查动名词. be worth doing 意为 "值得做某事 ",故填 saving. 8. so.考查连词.句意:你看,农夫认为这头骡子不小心掉进井里不值得救,就把它埋了, 把它从苦难中救了出来,结合语境可知此处表示因果关系,故填 so. 9. resisted.考查时态.句意:尽管农夫尽了最大的努力把它埋了,骡子还是顽强地抵抗,直 到它能够爬出井外,爬上所有被扔进去的泥土,根据上下文可知这里叙述的是过去的事情, 因此要用一般过去时,故填 resisted. 10. initially .考查副词.句意:尽管骡子起初在深井里,它还是不肯放弃, initially 意为 " 起 初,开始 ",此处用副词修饰动词 was in a deep well ,故填 initially . 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 10 分) 第一节 短文改错(共 1 小题;每小题 10 分,满分 10 分) 本文为记叙文. 作者讲述和妈妈开车去购物时, 遇到一个男人想搭车, 妈妈迟疑着不让 17 他进来 ,但是作者让他上车并和他进行了一次非常有趣的谈话.一个小小的善举可以让人快 乐. Today, I went to shopping with my mother by car. When we stopped near a shop. I saw a man, whom was carrying a box, approaching our car. After he talked with my mother for ∧ while, I knew he was asking for a ride. Taking our safeties into consideration, my mother hesitated to let him in. However, I remember I had been in the same situation ago, so I allowed him to get into the car. During the ride, he introduced him to us and we had a very interested conversation. Heard his appreciation, I learned that a small kind act could make someone happily . 详解: 1.去掉 to.考查介词.句意:今天,我和妈妈开车去购物. go+doing 表示 "参加户外娱乐、 体育等活动 ",go shopping"去购物 ",不需要加介词 to.故去掉 to. 2.whom 改为 who .考查定语从句的引导词. 句意: 当我们在一家商店附近停下来的时候, 我看到一个拿着箱子的男人正朝我们的车走过来.此处连接词指代先行词 man 在非限制性 定语从句中作主语,应用关系代词 who.故将 whom 改为 who. 3.while 前加 a.考查冠词.句意:他和我妈妈谈了一会儿,我知道他是来搭车的. while 指 "一段时间、一会儿 ",前面通常加不定冠词 a,故在 while 前加 a. 4.safeties 改为 safety.考查名词. 句意: 考虑到我们的安全, 我妈妈迟疑着不让他进来. safety" 安全 ",不可数名词,没有复数形式,故将 safeties 改为 safety. 5.remember 改为 remembered.考查时态.句意:我记得我以前也遇到过同样的情况,所以 我让他上车.本文整体时态为过去式,叙述已发生的事情,此处应与整体时态一致,用一般 过去时表达,故将 remember 改为 remembered. 6.ago 改为 before.考查时间副词.句意:我记得我以前也遇到过同样的情况,所以我让他 上车.此处时间副词与过去完成时 had been 搭配,应用 before,故将 ago 改为 before. 7.him 改为 himself .考查反身代词.句意:在旅途中,他向我们作了自我介绍,我们进行 了一次非常有趣的谈话. 动词 introduced 的宾语与主语表达 " 同一人 ",应用反身代词作宾语, 故将 him 改为 himself . 8.interested 改为 interesting .考查形容词.句意:在旅途中,他向我们作了自我介绍,我们 进行了一次非常有趣的谈话. interested"感兴趣的 " ,表达人对事物的感受;此处修饰名词 conversation,表示事物本身所具有的性质或特征,应用形容词 interesting" 有趣的 ".故将 interested 改为 interesting. 18 9.Heard 改为 Hearing.考查现在分词.句意:听到他的赞赏,我知道一个小小的善意举动 可以让人快乐. 动词 hear 与主语 I 之间表达逻辑上的主谓关系, 应用现在分词作时间状语, 故将 Heard 改为 Hearing. 10.happily 改为 happy.考查形容词.句意:听到他的赞赏,我知道一个小小的善意举动可 以让人快乐.动词 make 后面接复合宾语,此处应用形容词作宾语补足语,补充说明宾语的 状态,表示 "使某人怎样 ",故将 happily 改为 happy. 第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分) Dear Steven, In order to encourage more students to participate in sports activities and enrich our extracurricular life, our school will have a rope skipping competition from 2 : 00 to 5 :00 next Friday afternoon. I know you like rope skipping, so I invite you to participate in the competition . There are group competitions of single, double and ten people. The top three in each group are awarded. I invite you to participate in the double competition with me. If it is convenient for you, we practice on the playground after 5 p.m. every day . I look forward to your reply . Yours, Li Hua

