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只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 1 Module 3-4 Literature & Music Born in America Ⅰ.单句语法填空 导学号 58082724 1.She has _served__(serve) as a secretary in that big company for five years. 2.The old couple _intended__(intend) to adopt a girl after their son lost his life in the accident. 3.Every time he visits his grandma, he finds her _feeding__(feed) the chickens and goats. 4.The parents of the boy _rewarded__(reward) Tom with a computer for his saving the boy. 5.Before class begins, the teacher has his coat _hung__(hang) up on the wall. 6.I asked him to attend my party, but he _declined__(decline) my invitation. 7.After he retired, he _devoted__(devote) himself to gardening. 8 . Thousands are _desperately__(desperate) trying to leave the earthquake stricken area. Ⅱ.完成句子 导学号 58082725 1.Hearing his name called, the sleepy boy stood up _in_astonishment__(吃惊地). 2._A_huge_amount_of_money__(大量的钱)is spent on advertisement every year. 3.The news report about poor-quality milk brought the food safety to the attention of people (使人们关注食品安全). 4.The bird tried to escape from (从……逃走) the cage. 5. Because of (由于) the drought in Africa, people there always suffer from (遭受) starvation. 6.The girls _are_fond_of__(喜欢) beautiful flowers. 7.The 3D film is _far_from__(远非) a failure. In fact it is a great success. 8.My father was busy reading newspaper _rather_than__(而不是) watching TV when I came back home. 9.Substances _consist_of__(由……构成) small particles called molecules. 10.I _took_advantage_of__(利用) the good chance to improve my oral English. Ⅲ.句型训练 导学号 58082726 1.句型转换 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 2 (1)I had no sooner locked the door than the phone rang. →_No__ _sooner__ had I locked the door than the phone rang. →_Hardly/Scarcely__ had I locked the door _when__ the phone rang. (2)The doctor's advice was very important to your recovery. →The doctor's advice _was___of__ _great__ _importance__ to your recovery. (3)The window needed cleaning. →The window needed _to__ _be__ _cleaned__. (4)Not until he received his son's phone did the old man fall asleep after the earthquake. →_It__ _was__ _not__ _until__he received his son's phone _that__ the old man fell asleep after the earthquake. 2.完成句子 (1)由于物价上涨很快,我们买不起高档商品。 _With_prices_going_up_so_fast__,we can't afford luxuries.(用 with 的复合结构) (2)比赛刚刚开始就下起雨来了。 _Hardly/Scarcely_had__ the game begun _when__ it started raining. (3)直到我们回来,才发现我们的房子被人破门而入了。 _Not_until__ we came back _did__ we find out our house had been broken into. (4)一个人只有在失去自由后才知道自由的可贵。 _Only_when_one_loses_freedom_does__ one know its value. Ⅳ.语法填空 导学号 58082727 In the workhouse Oliver Twist and his companions _1.slowly__(slow) starved for three months and they became wild with hunger because each boy _2.was_served__(serve) one bowl of soup and no more.One day,a boy _3.whose__ father had kept a small cook shop said that he had to have another bowl of soup each day, 4.otherwise__ he might eat the small young boy sleeping next to him one night.So Oliver was picked out to walk up to the warden after supper and ask for _5.more__(much) food. Desperate with hunger and misery,Oliver walked towards the master _6.with__ his bowl and spoon in his hand,saying that he wanted more food.No sooner had the boy spoken these words _7.than__ the warden hit him on _8.the__ head with the soup spoon.The managers of the workhouse were all _9.astonished__(astonish) as no one had ever heard anything like it.Oliver was immediately locked in a room.The next morning a notice was put up on the door, 10.offering__(offer) a reward to anybody who would employ him. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 3 Ⅴ.话题写作 导学号 58082728 根据提示,利用本部分所学知识,完成下面的小作文。 1.昨天,我一遇到李明,他就送给我一本关于怎样抓住机会并利用机会的书。(no sooner...than...,seize,take advantage of) 2.他希望我能认真读这本书,发现(自己平时)出现的问题,找到解决的方法,这样我可 以提高自己。(arise,approach) 3.我很感动,感激他的支持,我想今后我会回报他的。(touch,support,reward) 4.我很庆幸有这样关心我的好朋友。(be blessed with,concern) No sooner had I met Li Ming yesterday than he gave me a book on how to seize opportunities and take advantage of them. He hoped that I would read it carefully, find the arising problems and the approaches to solving them in order to improve myself. I was touched and appreciated his support. I think I'll reward him for his help. I am blessed with such a friend as is concerned about me.

