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‎2020届一轮复习人教版必修三Unit 2 Healthy eating单元学案 教 材 面 面 观 单词拓展 ‎1.________n.饮食 ________vt.节食 ‎2.________n.平衡 ________vt.权衡;平衡 ________adj.平衡的 ‎3.________n.好奇心 ________adj.好奇的 ________adv.好奇地 ‎4.________n.强项 ________adj.强壮的 ________adv.强壮地 ________vt.加强 ‎5.________n.缺点 ________adj.虚弱的 ________adv.虚弱地 ________vt.使变弱 ‎6.________n.利益 ________v.有益于;有助于 ________adj.有益的 ‎7.________n.界限 ________vt.限制;限定 ________adj.有限的 ‎8.________vt.咨询;请教 ________n.顾问 ________n.咨询 ‎9.________vt. & vi.消化 ________n.消化 ________adj.可消化的 ‎10.________vi.怒目可视 ‎11.________vt. & vi.(使)联合 ________n.联合 ________adj.可联合的 ‎12.________adj.烤制的 ‎13.________adj.苗条的 ‎14.________adj.生的;未加工的 ‎15.________ n.女主人;女主持人 ‎________ n.主人,主持人 短语回顾 ‎1.a balanced________        平衡膳食 ‎2.________weight 体重减轻;减肥 ‎3.________away with 被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚 ‎4.earn one's________ 谋生 ‎5.spy________ 暗中监视;侦查 ‎6.________long 不久以后 ‎7.be tired________ 对……厌倦、厌烦 ‎8.________all 别忘了,毕竟 ‎9.win...________ 赢回;重新获得 ‎10.________a lie 说谎 ‎11.________debt 欠债 ‎12.cut________ 削减;删节 ‎13.________on weight 增加体重 ‎14.rather________ 而不 ‎15.________at 怒目而视 句型背诵 ‎1.“Nothing could be________,”he thought.‎ 他想:“再没有比这些更好吃的了”。‎ ‎2.He could not________Yong Hui________ ________ ________telling people lies!他可不想让雍慧哄骗人们后跑掉!‎ ‎3.________ ________ ________sit down and try a meal?‎ 你为什么不坐下来吃顿饭呢?‎ ‎4.But don't you think it________ ________ ________if you________a bit thinner?不过,难道你不认为瘦一点更好吗?‎ 自我诊断 单词拓展 ‎1.diet;diet 2.balance;balance;balanced 3.curiosity;curious;curiously 4.strength;strong;strongly;strengthen 5.weakness;weak;weakly;weaken 6.benefit;benefit;beneficial 7.limit;limit;limited 8.consult;consulter;consultation 9.digest;digestion;digestive 10.glare 11.combine;combination;combinative 12.roast 13.slim ‎14.raw 15.hostess; host 短语回顾 ‎1.diet 2.lose 3.get 4.living 5.on 6.before 7.of ‎8.after 9.back 10.tell 11.in 12.down 13.put ‎14.than 15.glare 句型背诵 ‎1.better 2.have;getting away with 3.Why don't you ‎4.would be better;were 考 点 串 串 讲 重点单词 ‎1.balance vt.平衡;权衡 ‎①In order to balance their trade, they would have to buy less goods in the United States.‎ 为了平衡贸易,他们将不得不减少在美国购货。‎ ‎②The judge balanced the contention of both parties and made the final decision.‎ 法官权衡了双方的论点后做出了最终裁决。‎ ‎●用法拓展 balance n.天平;平衡。‎ 常见含balance的短语有:‎ ‎(1)keep balance 保持平衡 ‎(2)lose balance 失去平衡 ‎(3)out of balance 失去平衡 ‎①In what way is a laboratory balance different from a balance found in a store?‎ 实验室的天平与商店里的秤在什么方面有所不同?‎ ‎②The boy lost balance and fell to the ground.‎ 那个孩子失去了平衡,摔倒在地上。‎ 即境活用 单项填空 In order to keep nature ________, they tried their best to protect the wild animals and the forests.‎ A.balance        B.balancing C.to balance D.balanced 答案:D ‎ ‎2.limit vt.(与to连用)限制;限定 n.限制;限定;边界;界限 ‎●用法拓展 without limit无限地 within limits适度地;有限度地 a limit to...……的限度 go beyond/over the limit超过限度 ‎①Our holidays are limited to two weeks.‎ 我们的假期被限制在两个星期。‎ ‎②The speed limit is the fastest speed you are allowed to drive a car at.‎ 限速是允许驾车的最快速度。‎ ‎③I'm willing to help, within limits.‎ 我愿适当予以帮助。‎ ‎④There is a limit to how much I'm prepared to spend.‎ 我准备花多少钱是有限度的。‎ ‎⑤His right as a policeman went beyond the limit.‎ 他的作为超过了警察的职权。‎ ‎●用法拓展 limitation n.限制;局限;缺陷 limited adj.有限的 limitless adj.无限的,无限制的 Looking into the future of our motherland, we see a vista of limitless promise.‎ 展望祖国未来,前景无限美好。‎ 即境活用 单项填空 We must try and ________ our expenditure, for our money is running out.‎ A.use  B.save C.limit D.get 答案:C ‎ ‎3.diet n.&vi.日常饮食;节食 The Chinese diet is considered to be the healthiest in the world.‎ 中国的饮食被认为是世界上最健康的饮食。‎ People who are on a diet mustn't have chocolate.‎ 正在节食的人不能吃巧克力。‎ The doctor put him on a liquid diet after operation.‎ 手术后医生规定他吃流食。‎ ‎●用法拓展 go on a diet节食 a vegetable/meat diet素/肉食 diet oneself on vegetables吃素 put sb. on a diet(医生)给某人规定饮食 balanced diet均衡饮食 mixed diet混合膳食 ‎●易混辨析 diet与food diet指的是习惯的食物或规定的食物,特指维持健康的定量或定质的食物。如:‎ The doctor has ordered me a special diet.‎ 医生给我安排了特殊的饮食。‎ food是一般的用语,凡能吃、能喝的具有营养的东西都称为food。如:‎ We must have food to eat and clothes to wear.‎ 我们必须得有食物吃,有衣服穿。‎ 即境活用 单项填空 The girl is on a special________to lose________weight and I hope she can succeed.‎ A.diet;/  B.food;/‎ C.diet;her D.food;her 答案:A ‎4.combine vi.&vt.(使)结合;(使)联合 The two small shops combined to make a large one.‎ 这两个小店合并起来成为一个大商店。‎ We must combine work with pleasure.‎ 我们必须做到劳逸结合。‎ They combined their efforts to finish the work.‎ 他们联合力量来完成工作。‎ ‎●用法拓展 be combined with与……结合着 combine education with recreation寓教于乐 combined adj.结合的,联合的 combinable adj.可结合的,可联合的 ‎●易混辨析 combine,connect,join与unite 这四个词都可以表示“联合,连接”的意思,但各有不同。‎ combine意为“结合,联合”,指为了某一目的而把两事物结合在一起。如:‎ We must combine theory with practice.‎ 我们必须把理论与实践结合起来。‎ connect意为“连接”,指用东西把两个事物连到一起,或两个事物直接相连,二者仍保持原状。如:‎ He connected the gas stove with gas pipe.‎ 他把煤气管接在煤气炉上。‎ join意为“连接”,指用线、绳、桥等把两个事物或两地连接起来,和connect意思相近,也可指两事物互相紧密相接。如:‎ We had better join the island to the mainland with a steel bridge.‎ 我们最好建一座钢筋桥把这个岛与大陆连接起来。‎ unite意为“联合”,指两种以上的事物结合为一体,有“合二为一”的意思,强调结合后的统一性。如:‎ The whole family united to help him.‎ 全家齐心协力帮助他。‎ 即境活用 单项填空 ‎①Let's________my scientific knowledge and your business skills and start a company.‎ A.combine B.put C.connect D.unite ‎②The two schools are to________to form one big new school.‎ A.separate B.mix C.combine D.connect 答案:①A ②C ‎ ‎5.prepare vt.准备;制作 Our physics teacher was preparing the lessons when I came into the office.‎ 我进办公室时,我们的物理老师在备课。‎ Mother was preparing dinner in the kitchen while father was watching TV.‎ 妈妈在做饭,而爸爸在看电视。‎ They prepared to have a gettogether during the summer holiday.‎ 他们决定暑假聚会。‎ ‎●用法拓展 prepare sb. sth.=prepare.sth.for sb.给……准备……‎ prepare for sth.为……做准备 prepare sb.for sth.使某人对某事有所准备 be prepared for sth.(或to do sth.)(从思想上)为……做好准备。‎ in preparation for准备……‎ make preparations for为……做准备 The secretary worked late into the night,preparing a speech for the manager.‎ 秘书工作到深夜,给经理准备一个讲话稿。‎ Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.‎ 抱最好的希望,做最坏的打算。‎ She said so because she wanted to prepare her father for the bad news.‎ 她这样说是想让爸爸对此事有所准备。‎ We are getting things together in preparation for the journey.‎ 我们在收拾东西准备旅行。‎ 即境活用 单项填空 ‎①John shut everybody out of the kitchen so that he could________his grand surprise for the party.‎ A.prepare B.prepare for C.prepare with D.prepare at ‎②—Are you busy now?‎ ‎—Yes,I am busy________the coming exam.‎ A.to prepare B.preparing C.to prepare for D.preparing for 答案:①A ②D ‎ ‎6.benefit n.好处;益处 The new railway will be a great benefit to the people living here.‎ 新建的铁路将给住在这里的人带来好处。‎ I want to buy the dictionary because it is of much benefit to me.‎ 我想买这本字典,因为对我大有益处。‎ ‎●用法拓展 benefit vi.从……获益,常和介词from或by连用;vt.对……有益;使……受益。‎ Please go to the country.I think the fresh air there will benefit you.‎ 请到乡下去,我认为那里新鲜的空气会对你有益的。‎ He told me that he benefited from daily exercise.‎ 他告诉我他受益于每天的锻炼。‎ 即境活用 单项填空 ‎①The doctor asked him to translate the book into Chinese so that it can________more disabled people in China.‎ A.benefit B.benefit from C.benefit in D.benefit with ‎②—It snowed heavily last night.‎ ‎—So it did.I think the wheat will________it.‎ A.benefit B.benefit from C.benefit in D.benefit with 答案:①A ②B ‎ ‎7.strength n.力;力量;力气 ‎●用法拓展 at full strength全员;满额 under/below strength不足额;未全部到场的 in strength大量地;大批地 on the strength of受……的鼓励;由于……的影响 go from strength to strength不断壮大;越来越强 ‎●易混辨析 energy,power,force与strength energy指人的精力,活力或自然界的能量。‎ The task will take an enormous amount of time and energy.‎ 完成那项任务需要大量的时间和精力。‎ power指做一件事所依靠的能力,也可指权力,权势,职权。‎ Congress has power to declare war.‎ 国会有权宣战。‎ force物的力;军事力量;武力。‎ The force of the explosion broke all the windows.‎ 爆炸力把窗子都震碎了。‎ strength人的体力;力气;物的强度。‎ A washing machine is a saver of time and strength.‎ 洗衣机是一种省时省力的机器。‎ 即境活用 单项填空 ‎①Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas,wind and other forms of________.‎ ‎②The________of the government has increased greatly over the past century.‎ ‎③Gandhi insisted on winning independence by peaceful struggles,not by________.‎ ‎④Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his________.‎ 答案:①energy ②power ③force ④strength ‎8.consult vt.&vi.请教;向……咨询;与人商量;查阅 ‎●用法拓展 consult sb./sth. about sth.关于某事请教某人;查阅(资料)‎ consult with sb.与某人商量,与某人磋商 即境活用 单项填空 I suggest you________your doctor________your stomachache.‎ A.consulting;about B.consult;with C.consulting;with D.consult;about 答案:D suggest后跟从句时需用虚拟语气,所以排除A、C两项;consult sb. about sth.意为“关于某事请教某人”,所以D项正确。‎ 重点短语 ‎1.in debt欠债 This young couple is always in debt because they never consider their incomes before buying something.‎ 这对年轻夫妇总是负债,因为他们在买东西时从不考虑自己的收入。‎ He has a lot of old debts to meet.‎ 他有许多旧债要偿付。‎ ‎●用法拓展 get/run into debt欠债 get out of debt还债 pay off one's debt偿清债务 pay a debt to sb.还某人债 即境活用 单项填空 He was________when he was poor,but he has been________since he got rich.‎ A.in debt;out of debt B.out of debt;in debt C.in the debt;out of the debt D.out of the debt;in the debt 答案:A ‎ ‎2.before long不久以后 It looks as if it will rain before long.‎ 看起来一会儿就要下雨了。‎ His plan seemed to be too difficult,but before long it proved to be practicable.‎ 他的计划看起来太困难,但是没多久就被证明是很实用。‎ I hope to write to you before long.‎ 我希望不久就能给你写信。‎ ‎●用法拓展 long before很久以前 ever after从此以后(用于一般过去时)‎ ever since从此以后(用于现在完成时)‎ ‎●易混辨析 before long与long before before long是“不久以后”的意思,可用于任何时态。如:‎ At the time I had fully expected to find work before long.‎ 那个时候我还一心盼望不久就可找到工作。‎ long before是“很久以前”的意思。单独使用,一般用在过去完成时的句子里。‎ She said she had seen the film long before.‎ 她说她很久以前就看过这部电影。‎ 即境活用 翻译句子 ‎①他很快也能用英语谈论政治了。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎②曾经报道过很久以前该地区暴发过一次这样的疾病。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:①Before long he would be able to talk about politics in English.‎ ‎②It was reported that the disease had broken out in this area long before.‎ ‎3.have sb. doing sth.‎ It is not a good idea to have the machine running all the time.‎ 让机器不停地运转不是个好主意。‎ I won't have you doing that kind of thing again.‎ 我决不允许你再做那样的事情。‎ ‎●用法拓展 have sth. done请人做某事;遭受 have sb. do sth.让某人做某事 have sth. to do有事情要做 When Mary's brother was riding a bike in the street,he had his arm hurt.‎ 玛丽的弟弟在街上骑车时胳膊受了伤。‎ Tom broke the school rules and the teacher had him stand outside the classroom.‎ 汤姆违反了学校的规章制度,老师让他站在教室外面。‎ ‎—Can you go to watch the football match with me tonight?‎ ‎—Sorry,but I have an important meeting to attend.‎ ‎——今天晚上你和我一起去看足球赛好吗?‎ ‎——对不起,我有个重要的会议要参加。‎ 即境活用 单项填空 ‎①People living near the airports often have their windows________by the noise of the planes passing overhead.‎ A.break B.broke C.breaking D.broken ‎②How funny your friend is!He had us________all through the meal.‎ A.laugh B.to laugh C.laughed D.laughing 答案:①D ②D ‎ ‎4.cut down砍倒(树木);砍伐;削减;删节;使降价 He cut down a tree with an axe.‎ 他用斧头把树砍倒。‎ The doctor told me to cut down smoking.‎ 医生要我减少吸烟。‎ I managed to cut the shopkeeper down to $100 for the sweater.‎ 我跟店主杀价,终于把这件毛衣降到100美元。‎ ‎●用法拓展 cut down on减少……的量 cut in插嘴,插入 cut off切断,砍掉;中断,隔断 cut up切碎 cut out剪下;戒除(坏习惯等)‎ 即境活用 单项填空 The government has announced plans to ________ defence(防卫) spending by 10% next year.‎ A.turn up  B.cut down C.turn down D.turn up 答案:B ‎ ‎5.earn one's living 谋生 Everyone has to try to earn his living when he grows up.‎ 每个人长大后都得自食其力。‎ She earns her living as a writer.‎ 她靠写作维持生计。‎ His father earns a living by driving.‎ 他父亲靠开车谋生。‎ ‎●用法拓展 make a/one's living谋生 make a good living过优裕的生活 What do you do for a living?=What is your job?‎ 你靠什么生活?‎ living standards生活水平 即境活用 单项填空 Most people in the city ________ by working in the car factory.‎ A.make a life        B.earn their living C.have their living D.make their livings 答案:B ‎ ‎6.tired of sb./sth. 对……厌倦 I'm tired of your conversation.‎ 你的讲话我听腻了。‎ I grow tired of asking this, so it'll be the last time.‎ 我已厌烦了问这个问题,所以这是最后一次。‎ Students will get tired of listening to so much explanation of grammatical rules in class.‎ 课堂上语法规则讲得太多,学生们会感到厌倦的。‎ ‎(用get或grow表示过程)‎ ‎●用法拓展 be/get tired with/from因……感到疲劳、劳累 tire sb. out使某人疲劳不堪,筋疲力尽 tiring adj.令人疲劳的 tireless adj.孜孜不倦的 tiresome adj.令人厌烦的,烦人的 即境活用 单项填空 The man finally got ________ sitting in an office all day, and longed for a more active life.‎ A.interested in B.tired of C.pleased at D.satisfied with 答案:B ‎ ‎7.get away with(不用被动语态)不因某事受惩罚;偷携某物潜逃;受到(较轻的惩罚)‎ ‎①If you cheat in the exam you'll never get away with it.‎ 考试作弊必予追究。‎ ‎②For such a serious offence he was lucky to get away with a fine.‎ 他犯了那么严重的过失,却侥幸只交罚款了事。‎ ‎●用法拓展 get about走动;(消息等)传开 get along with(与人)相处;(事情)进展 get away from逃离 get back返回;取回 get down to doing sth.开始做某事,着手做某事 get sb. down使某人沮丧或情绪低落 get in进入;收获;插话 get off下车;脱下(衣服等)‎ get on上车 get on with进步,进展;相处 get out of摆脱,从……中出来 get over从(疾病、失望等)中恢复过来;克服(困难);解决(问题等)‎ get rid of摆脱,去掉 get through通过,打通(电话);干完(工作),完成(任务);度过(时间);通过(考试)‎ get together聚焦 get up起床;起立 ‎①Minicabs make it easier for people to get about.‎ 微型出租汽车使人们往来各处更为便利了。‎ ‎②Did your son get along well with other kids?‎ 你的儿子与其他同学相处和睦吗?‎ ‎ ③You must get down to your studies this year.‎ 你今年要好好学习。‎ ‎④I think the problem can be got over without too much difficulty.‎ 我认为问题不太难解决。‎ ‎⑤I've got through a lot of correspondence today.‎ 今天我处理了一大批信件。‎ 即境活用 单项填空 You'll not ________ your homework today if you don't hurry up.‎ A.get off        B.get back C.get through D.get in 答案:C ‎ ‎8.lose weight减肥;体重减轻 Why don't you give up sweets to lose weight?‎ 你为什么不放弃吃甜食来减少体重?‎ ‎●用法拓展 lose one's way迷路 be lost in全神贯注于;沉湎于 lose an opportunity错过机会 lose one's train没赶上火车 lose no time刻不容缓 lose heart失去信心 ‎①It is so easy to lose one's way in the woods.‎ 在森林里很容易迷失方向。‎ ‎②He is lost in reading a book.‎ 他沉迷于读书中。‎ ‎③You mustn't lose heart, sooner or later your work will succeed.‎ 你一定不要失去信心,你的工作迟早会成功的。‎ ‎●特别提醒 lose weight的反义词组是put on weight“增加体重”。‎ 即境活用 单项填空 The scientist was ________ in thoughts.‎ A.deeply        B.stuck C.got D.lost 答案:D ‎ 重点句式 ‎1.What could have happened?‎ 发生了什么事?‎ ‎●用法拓展 could have happened在此处表示对过去情况的一种推测。could表示可能性,常用于否定句或疑问句中,表示推测。‎ ‎—Do you know where David is?I couldn't find him anywhere.‎ 你知道大卫在哪儿吗?我到处都找不到他。‎ ‎—He couldn't have gone far—his coat is still here.‎ 他不可能走太远,他的外套还在这儿呢。‎ He couldn't have caught the 9:20 train because he didn't leave home till 9:25.‎ 他肯定赶不上九点二十的那趟列车,因为他九点二十五分才离开家。‎ ‎●注意 ‎(1)在肯定句中表示对过去情况的推测时,不用此结构,而是用must have done。如:‎ Something terrible must have happened if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did.‎ 要是李昌不像往常那样到他餐馆里吃饭,那问题一定很严重了。‎ It is wet outside on the ground.It must have rained last night.‎ 外面地上很湿,昨天晚上肯定下雨了。‎ ‎(2)could have done还有“本来能够做”的意思,表示实际并没有去做这件事,只是一种假设或者虚拟的语气。如:‎ He paid for a seat when he could have entered for free.‎ 他本来可以免费进场,但是他还是买了票。‎ 即境活用 单项填空 ‎①It________have been more than six years old when the accident happened.‎ A.shouldn't B.couldn't C.mustn't D.needn't ‎②Mary was not in her bedroom yesterday afternoon.She________in her classroom.‎ A.should have been B.must have been C.must be D.should be 答案:①B ②B ‎ ‎2.Why don't you sit down and try a meal?‎ 你为什么不坐下来吃顿饭呢?‎ ‎●用法拓展 Why don't you...?=Why not do...?‎ 为什么不……?常用来提出建议。‎ Why don't you/Why not give her another chance?‎ 为什么不再给她次机会呢?‎ Why don't you/Why not ask the teacher for help?‎ 为什么不向老师寻求帮助呢?‎ ‎●用法拓展 ‎①Why do...?为什么……呢?常用来提出责难或表示不同意。‎ ‎②Why not?为什么不?在简略回答中表示同意。‎ Why give him so much money that day?‎ 那天为什么给他那么多钱呢?‎ ‎—Shall we go to the cinema this evening?‎ ‎——我们今晚去看电影好吗?‎ ‎—Why not?Let's start at 6.‎ ‎——好啊,我们六点出发。‎ 即境活用 单项填空 If you can't work out the problem this time,________another method?‎ A.why not to try B.why not try C.why don't try D.why not trying 答案:B ‎3.Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated.‎ 王鹏坐在他那空荡荡的餐馆里,感到十分沮丧。‎ ‎●用法拓展 feeling very frustrated是现在分词短语作伴随状语。‎ 分词作状语的基本原则:‎ ‎(1)分词作状语时,分词的逻辑主语必须与句子的主语保持一致。‎ ‎(2)分词作状语必须和句中主语含有逻辑上的主谓或动宾关系,否则不能用分词作状语。‎ ‎①He sat at the table reading China Daily.‎ 他坐在桌子旁边看《中国日报》。‎ ‎②Laughing and talking, they went into the room.‎ 他们有说有笑地走进房间。‎ ‎●用法拓展 单个分词或分词短语作状语时,可以表示时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、行为方式、伴随状况等。表示时间关系的分词短语有时可以由连词when或者while引出。一般来说,如果分词所表示的动作与主句谓语动作(几乎)同时发生,或发生于主句谓语动词之后,通常用分词的一般式;如果分词所表示的动作发生于主句谓语动词之前,通常用分词的完成式。‎ ‎①Looking out of the window, I saw some students playing there.‎ 从窗户望出去,我看见几个学生在那儿玩。‎ ‎②She asked me to help her, realizing that she couldn't move the heavy suitcase alone.‎ 她请我帮忙,因为她意识到她一个人搬不动那个沉重的衣箱。‎ ‎ ③Given more time, we could have done it better.‎ 如果多给我们些时间,我们会做得更好。‎ ‎④He came running back to tell me the news.‎ 他跑回来告诉我这个消息。‎ ‎⑤European football is played in 80 countries, making it the most popular sport in the world.‎ 八十个国家踢的都是欧式足球,这使得它成为世界上最普及的一项体育运动。‎ 即境活用 单项填空 ‎①We often provide our children with toys, footballs or basketballs, ________that all children like these things.‎ A.thinking B.think C.to think D.thought ‎②________ for several times, Linda made up her mind not ________ for school.‎ A.Being scolded; late B.To have been scolded; being late C.To be scolded; be late D.Having been scolded; to be late 答案:①A ②D ‎ ‎4.“Nothing could be better,”he thought.‎ 他想,“再没有比这些更好吃的了”。‎ ‎●用法拓展 ‎“nothing+比较级”句式表达最高级意义。‎ I like nothing better.(=It's the best thing I like.)‎ 这是我最喜欢的东西。‎ ‎●用法拓展 用比较级表示最高级意义的常见句型有:‎ ‎(1)比较级+than+any other+单数名词/any of the other+复数名词/any of the others/anyone else/anybody else/anything else/all the others/all the other+复数名词 ‎(2)No other+单数名词/No one/None/Nobody+比较级+than...‎ ‎(3)主语+否定式谓语(含not或never)+比较级 ‎①He studies harder than any other student in our class.‎ 他是班里学习最用功的学生。‎ ‎②No other student in the class is taller than he.‎ 他是班里最高的同学。‎ ‎③It can't be worse.(=It's the worst thing I've ever known.)‎ 这是(我知道的)最糟糕的事情。‎ 即境活用 单项填空 ‎①—What do you think of the boy's painting?‎ ‎—I've never seen a person with ________ sense of art.‎ A.the better        B.a better C.a good D.the best ‎②He works ________ than all the other students in his class.‎ A.harder B.the harder C.hardest D.the hardest 答案:①B ②A ‎ ‎5.He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!‎ 他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们后跑掉!‎ ‎●用法拓展 have作“使、让”解释时的句型归纳:‎ have+宾语+v.ing=get+宾语+v.ing听任某人/某物……‎ have+宾语+动词原形=get+宾语+to do让某人做某事 have+宾语+v.ed=get+宾语+v.ed请别人做某事 ‎①His father had him studying the whole morning.‎ 一上午他父亲都让他在学习。‎ ‎②I would have him wait for me at the gate of the park.‎ 我要他在公园门口等我。‎ ‎③We had the machine repaired.‎ 我们请人把机器修好了。‎ 即境活用 单项填空 They are going to have the serviceman ________ an electric fan in the office tomorrow.‎ A.install        B.to install C.to be installed D.installed 答案:A ‎ ‎6.But don't you think it would be better if you were a bit thinner?‎ 不过,难道你不认为瘦一点更好吗?‎ ‎●用法拓展 ‎①表示与现在事实相反的假设时,条件状语从句中的谓语动词用“过去式(be的过去式用were)”,主句中的谓语动词用“would/should/could/might+动词原形”。‎ If I were you,I should study English.‎ 如果我是你,我就学英语。‎ If he had time,he would attend the meeting.‎ 如果他有时间,他会参加会议的。‎ ‎②表示与将来事实相反的假设时,条件状语从句中的谓语动词用“should+动词原形/were to+动词原形/过去式”,主句中的谓语动词用“would/should/could/might+动词原形”。‎ If it should/were to rain tomorrow,I would not go there.‎ 万一明天下雨,我就不到那里去。‎ If he were to come and help me,I would certainly accept it.‎ 如果他来帮助我,我会接受的。‎ ‎③表示与过去事实相反的假设时,条件状语从句中的谓语动词用“had+动词过去分词”,主句中用“would/should/could/might+have+动词过去分词”。‎ If you had taken my advice,you wouldn't have failed in the examination.‎ 如果你听从了我的劝告,你就不会考试不及格了。‎ If you had been here earlier,you would have seen him.‎ 如果你早点来的话,你就见到他了。‎ 即境活用 单项填空 ‎①________your letter,I would have started off two days ago.‎ A.If I could have received B.If I received C.Should I receive D.Had I received ‎②________I would not have finished my job.‎ A.If it were not for your help B.If I don't have your help C.If it hadn't been for your help D.If it didn't for your help 答案:①D 由主句时态可知此处为与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,所以条件句中谓语动词用过去完成时,虚拟条件句中若要省略if,则要把助动词were,should或had提到句首。故选项D正确。‎ ‎②C 由主句时态可知此处为与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,故if从句应用过去完成时态,只有C项符合要求。‎ 知 能 层 层 练 一、单项填空 ‎1.I, as a green worker, should ________ the experienced about the matters that I am not familiar with.‎ A.consult           B.discuss C.talk D.recommend 答案:A 解析:consult意为“咨询;请教”,consult sb. about sth.“向某人请教/咨询某事”,符合题意。‎ ‎2.On account of the development of the economy, the environment is seriously polluted and we must ________ the emission of the carbon dioxide.‎ A.cut in B.cut off C.cut up D.cut down 答案:D 解析:cut down“减少;削减”,相当于reduce。‎ ‎3.In cultivating our students, we should ________ the teaching with the recreation.‎ A.attach B.relate C.combine D.join 答案:C 解析:combine...with...意为“把……和……相结合”,此处指寓教于乐。attach, relate和join都多与to搭配。‎ ‎4.—Can I pay the bill by check?‎ ‎—Sorry, sir. But it is the management rule of our hotel that payment ________ be made in cash.‎ A.shall B.need C.will D.can 答案:A 解析:shall用于第二、三人称陈述句中,表示说话人对对方的许诺、命令、威胁或警告。‎ ‎5.Usually there is a speed ________ of ‎30 km/h in towns or villages.‎ A.level B.standard C.limit D.degree 答案:C 解析:a speed limit“时速限制”符合题意。level“水平;标准”;standard“标准”;degree“度数;学位”。‎ ‎6.—Hi, David! How was your trip to Beijing?‎ ‎—Wonderful! I had never had ________ holiday in my life.‎ A.a most exciting B.a more exciting C.the most excited D.the more excited 答案:B 解析:形容词或副词的比较级与否定词连用可表示最高级概念,排除A、C两项;excited“激动的”,常用于修饰人,exciting“令人激动的”,常用于修饰物,故B项正确。‎ ‎7.They met some trouble solving that problem. Things didn't ________ as smoothly as they had expected.‎ A.work B.get C.run D.go 答案:D 解析:go用做不及物动词,意为“进行,进展”。work“奏效”,产生预期的效果(作用),不能被smoothly修饰;get“得到;收到”;run“发生”,通常用于进行时态。‎ ‎8.—You must get excited about going to France to study oil painting.‎ ‎—________, but I'm afraid I can't do well because my ‎ French is too poor.‎ A.I don't know yet B.Certainly not C.Well, I ought to have D.All right 答案:C 解析:ought to相当于should,其后省略了got excited。‎ ‎9.If you just spend time ________ advantages and disadvantages, you may get nothing in the end.‎ A.matching B.balancing C.observing D.examining 答案:B 解析:balance advantages and disadvantages意为“权衡利弊”。‎ ‎10.—Why don't we hold a party to celebrate the achievements gained by our Olympic players?‎ ‎—________‎ A.Because we haven't got enough preparations.‎ B.Good idea!‎ C.It's all because of the terrible weather.‎ D.Not all would like to attend it.‎ 答案:B 解析:Why don't you/we do sth.?表示给某人建议,所以选项B表示同意别人的说话或提议。‎ 二、根据汉语意思,完成下列句子。(每空一词)‎ ‎1.修建这条铁路给我们省带来了许多好处。‎ Building the railway has already brought ________ ________ ________ our province.‎ ‎2.我宁愿步行也不愿乘公共汽车。‎ I prefer to walk ________ ________ ________ a bus.‎ ‎3.他曾经以卖蔬菜谋生。‎ He used to ________ ________ ________ by selling vegetables.‎ ‎4.这两家餐馆合并成了一家更好的餐馆。‎ The two restaurants ________ ________ make a better one.‎ ‎5.昨天他们把旧报纸扔掉了。‎ They ________ ________ the old newspapers yesterday.‎ ‎6.他因为公司经营不善而负债累累。‎ He was ________ ________ ________ because he didn't run his company well.‎ ‎7.我们队决心明年赢回这个奖项。‎ Our team has decided to ________ ________ the prize next year.‎ ‎8.如果你能把这一段删去,这篇文章会更好。‎ If you can ________ ________ this paragraph, this passage will be better.‎ ‎9.我能付得起的钱是有限的。‎ There is ________ ________ ________ the amount of money I can afford.‎ ‎10.我想我们应该向教授请教这个问题。‎ I think we should ________ the professor ________ the question.‎ 答案:1.many benefits to 2.rather than take 3.make a living 4.combined to 5.threw away 6.heavily in debt ‎7.win back  8.cut down 9.a limit to 10.consult; about 三、每空填一词,使上下两句的意思相同或相近 ‎1.What could have happened?‎ What could have ________ ________?‎ ‎2.I'm sure something terrible has happened to her.‎ Something terrible ________ ________ ________ to her.‎ ‎3.I told him a lie about what I was doing.‎ I ________ ________ him about what I was doing.‎ ‎4.It seemed that he didn't understand what I said just now.‎ He didn't ________ ________ understand what I said just now.‎ ‎5.Why don't you sit down and try a meal?‎ Why ________ ________ down and try a meal?‎ 答案:1.taken place 2.must have happened 3.lied to ‎4.seem to 5.not sit 四、根据括号内的提示翻译下列句子 ‎1.自从去年以来他的体重增加了不少。(put on weight)‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2.他们造成了严重的交通事故却没受惩罚。(get away with)‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎3.大夫让我少抽烟、少喝酒。(cut down)‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎4.在被允许参加这个活动前,你最好和你的父母商量一下。(you'd better)‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎5.他们没有打架,只是站在那儿怒视着对方。(glare at)‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎6.凭会员卡,您购物可以享受打折。(discount)‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:1.He has put on a lot of weight since last year.‎ ‎2.They got away with having caused the serious traffic accident.‎ ‎3.The doctor told me to cut down smoking and drinking.‎ ‎4.You'd better consult(with)your parents before you are allowed to join in the activity.‎ ‎5.They didn't fight, but stood there glaring at each other.‎ ‎6.On your membership card, you will receive a discount on purchases.‎ 语 法 路 路 通 高考语法专题五 连 词 知识清单 一、并列连词 ‎1.表示并列承接关系:and, both...and..., not only...but also..., neither...nor..., when等。‎ ‎2.表示转折、对比关系:but, yet,while等。‎ ‎3.表示因果关系:for等。‎ ‎4.表示选择关系:or, either...or...等。‎ 二、从属连词 ‎5.引导时间状语从句:when, as, until, before等。‎ ‎6.引导地点状语从句:where, wherever等。‎ ‎7.引导原因状语从句:because, since, as, now that等。‎ ‎8.引导条件状语从句:if, unless, when, as long as等。‎ ‎9.引导目的状语从句:in order that, so that等。‎ ‎10.引导让步状语从句:although, though, even if/though,‎ ‎ as, while等。‎ ‎11.引导结果状语从句:so, so/such...that..., so that等。‎ ‎12.引导名词性从句:that, if, whether等。‎ ‎13.引导方式状语从句:as, as if/though等。‎ 三、常用连词用法辨析 ‎14.when, while, as ‎①when引导的从句的动作和主句的动作可以同时发生,也可以先后发生;动词可以用延续性的也可用非延续性的。‎ ‎②while引导的从句的动作和主句的动作同时发生,只能用延续性动词。‎ ‎③as强调主从句动作同时发生,用延续性动词。‎ ‎15.because, since, as, for ‎①because表示直接原因,语气最强,常用来回答why提出的问句。‎ ‎②since表示对方已经知道的原因,语气比because弱,引导的从句一般位于主句前面。‎ ‎③as表示十分明显的原因,语气比since弱,引导的从句常位于主句前面。‎ ‎④for表示逻辑上的理由,语气最弱,只是对前面的内容加以解释或推断,连接的分句只能位于句尾,前面用逗号隔开。‎ ‎16.so...that, such...that...结构 ‎①so+形容词/副词+that从句 ‎②so+形容词+a/an+可数名词单数+that从句 ‎③such+形容词+可数名词复数/不可数名词+that从句 ‎④such+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+that从句 ‎17.as, though, although as和though引导让步状语从句时,从句中的表语、状语和谓语部分的实义动词需提前至句首。although和though都不可以与but连用,但可以和yet或still连用。‎ ‎18.疑问词ever, no matter+疑问词 前者可引导让步状语从句,也可引导名词性从句;但后者只能引导让步状语从句。‎ ‎19.and, or ‎“祈使句+and+陈述句”表示“如果……就会……”;“祈使句+or+陈述句”表示“……否则……”。‎ 专题专练 ‎1.(2010·全国卷Ⅱ)Tom was about to close the window ________ his attention was caught by a bird.‎ A.when          B.if C.and D.till 答案:A 解析:考查连词用法。句意:汤姆正要关窗户,这时他的注意力被一只鸟吸引住了。本句是“Sb. was about to do sth. when...”结构,表示“某人正要做某事,这时突然……”。‎ ‎2.(2010·陕西卷)John thinks it won't be long ________ he is ready for his new job.‎ A.when B.after C.before D.since 答案:C 解析:考查连词辨析。约翰认为要不了多久他就会为新工作做好准备的。before在此处表示两件事情发生相隔时间之长或之短。表示相隔时间之长时,常被翻译成“过了/要过……后才”,表示相隔时间之短时常被翻译成“还没/未/要不了多久就……”。 ‎ ‎3.(2010·重庆卷)Today, we will begin ________ we stopped yesterday so that no point will be left out.‎ A.when B.where C.how D.what 答案:B 解析:考查状语从句。where在此处引导地点状语从句。‎ ‎4.(2010·山东卷)The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school during the day, ________ accompanied by an adult.‎ A.once B.when C.if D.unless 答案:D 解析:考查连词。语意为:校规规定,任何孩子在白天都不允许出校门,除非有大人陪同,所以选unless。‎ ‎5.(2010·湖南卷)Tim is in good shape physically ________ he doesn't get much exercise.‎ A.if B.even though C.unless D.as long as 答案:B 解析:考查从属连词。even though意为“即使”,引导让步状语从句。语意:尽管Tim锻炼得并不多,但他的身材保持得很好。‎ ‎6.(2010·四川卷)Because of the heavy traffic, it was already time for lunch break ________ she got to her office.‎ A.since B.that C.when D.until 答案:C 解析:考查状语从句。when引导时间状语从句。句意:因为交通拥挤,当她到达办公室时已是午休时间了。‎ ‎7.(2010·新课标全国卷)Mary made coffee ________ her guests were finishing their meal.‎ A.so that B.although C.while D.as if 答案:C 解析:考查状语从句中连词的选择。句意:趁客人们正在吃饭,玛丽煮好了咖啡。while表示“在……期间”,符合语意。因此答案为C。‎ ‎8.(2010·辽宁卷)The old man asked Lucy to move to another chair ________ he wanted to sit next to his wife.‎ A.although B.unless C.because D.if 答案:C 解析:考查连词辨析。语意为:那个老人让Lucy去坐另一张椅子,因为他想挨着他妻子坐。后面的从句表示原因,故填because。‎ ‎9.(2010·浙江卷)—How about camping this weekend, just for a change?‎ ‎—OK,________ you want.‎ A.whichever B.however C.whatever D.whoever 答案:C 解析:考查情景交际。——周末野营怎么样,换换口味?——好的,你想干啥咱就干啥。此处whatever表示“无论什么”,作want的宾语,故选C项。‎ ‎10.(2010·湖南卷)________the police thought he was the most likely one,since they had no exact proof about it,they could not arrest him.‎ A.Although B.As long as C.If only D.As soon as 答案:A 解析:选项A表示让步;选项B表示条件;选项C表示虚拟条件;选项D表示时间。由前后意思可知这里为让步关系,故答案选A。‎ ‎11.John plays basketball well,________his favorite sport ‎ is badminton.‎ A.so B.or C.yet D.for 答案:C 解析:考查连词的用法。前半句提到John的篮球打得很棒,后半句的意思是他最喜欢的运动是羽毛球,由此可知空格处表示的是转折关系。‎ ‎12.The weather was__________cold that I didn't like to leave my room.‎ A.really B.such C.too D.so 答案:D 解析:本题考查了so...that...的句型。整个句意为:天气是那样的冷以至于我不想离开我的房间。‎ ‎13.Stand over there__________you'll be able to see the oil painting better.‎ A.but B.till C.and D.or 答案:C 解析:此题考查了一个常见句型:祈使句+and/or+陈述句,前面的祈使句相当于一个条件状语从句,后面的陈述句相当于一个表示结果的主句。‎ ‎14.It was a rather boring class, ________ the part about using data was quite useful.‎ A.and B.but C.for D.so 答案:B 解析:根据题干中的a rather boring class和the part...was quite useful可知前后句之间是转折关系,故用表转折关系的but。‎ ‎15.Jiuzhai Valley is far from big cities. ________, it attracts people from all over the country for its beautiful scenery.‎ A.Still B.Besides C.Though D.Therefore 答案:A 解析:A项“更;尽管如此”;B项“除……之外”;C项“尽管”;D项“因此”。句意:九寨沟远离大城市,尽管如此,它美丽的风景吸引了全国各地的游客。故A项符合题意。‎ ‎16.—Mr. Smith, you are wanted on the phone.‎ ‎—Thank you. ________ no one knows I'm here.‎ A.For B.And C.But D.So 答案:C 解析:第一句说“有你的电话”,答语表示感谢的同时说,不过没人知道“我”在这儿。选项A和D常表因果关系;B项表并列关系;C项表转折关系,根据语境知C项正确。‎ ‎17.Wear your coat ________ you'll catch cold.‎ A.and B.so C.or D.but 答案:C 解析:穿上外套否则你会感冒的。A项表结果;B项“因此;那么”;C项“否则”;D项表转折。根据句意知C项正确。‎ ‎18.—Hi, David, I heard you had an accident this morning.‎ ‎—Yes. Luckily, I hit the brakes in time ________ I would be injured badly.‎ A.and B.but C.or D.so 答案:C 解析:联系语境知,“幸运的是我及时刹闸了,否则将严重受伤”。A项表并列关系;B项表转折关系;C项“或者,否则”;D项表因果。故C项正确。‎ ‎19.It may be very hard to pass the test, ________ I'll take the chance.‎ A.so B.but C.and D.or 答案:B 解析:句意:通过这次测试也许很难,但我还是想碰碰运气。前后句之间构成转折关系,故B项正确。‎ ‎20.The children soon lost their way, ________ they had never been in the forest alone before.‎ A.but B.and C.so D.for 答案:D 解析:句意:孩子们很快就迷路了,因为他们以前从未单独去过森林。只有for可以表示提出原因。故D项正确。‎ ‎21.—Peter told me he wanted to come with us. Is it OK for you?‎ ‎—I don't mind ________ he pays for his meals.‎ A.as far as B.as well as C.as long as D.as soon as 答案:C 解析:A项“远到”;B项“也”;C项“只要”;D项“一……就”。联系语境知,只要他给自己买单,我不会介意的,故C项正确。‎ ‎22.It really seemed ages ________ the police came on the scene and cleared away the damaged cars.‎ A.before B.after C.when D.as 答案:A 解析:on the scene“出现;到场”。句意:过了很长时间后,警察才到场清理受损车辆。故A项正确。‎ ‎23.The girl still remembers that she was too nervous ________ she gave a speech in the face of such a big crowd.‎ A.at the first time B.the first time C.for the first time D.at first 答案:B 解析:句意:女孩仍然记着第一次当着那么多的人演讲时她太紧张了。“the+序数词+time”,序数词包括first, second, third, fourth等,意为“当第几次……的时候”。这类名词结构可作从属连词,多用于引导时间状语从句。故B项正确。‎ ‎24.________ I'm into the video game, it's hard to think of anything else. All my focus is on finishing the story line.‎ A.Unless B.Once C.Whether D.Although 答案:B 解析:由语境知,一旦我迷上了电子游戏,很难考虑别的事情。此处是一个条件状语从句,unless相当于if not,与题意不相符。‎ ‎25.Each of us, ________ old or young, is a valuable member of society.‎ A.however B.whenever C.whoever D.whatever 答案:A 解析:A项是副词,“无论如何;不管怎样”,后接形容词或副词;B项“无论何时”;C项是代词,“任何人”;D项“无论何事”。句意:我们每个人,无论老幼,都是社会的有用之才。故A项正确。‎ ‎26.The workers all sucked up to him, ________he was the one that decided who would get the bonus.‎ A.and B.for C.so D.or 答案:B 解析:句意:工人们全都向他献媚,因为他是决定谁能拿到奖金的人。for可用作并列连词,表示“原因”,前面常用逗号与另一分句隔开。‎ ‎27.Maybe he'll give you a few dollars to buy your popcorn ________ you go to the movies.‎ A.at the moment B.for the next time C.the next time D.by the next time 答案:C 解析:句意:或许在你下次去看电影的时候他会给你几美元,让你买些爆玉米花的。the next time下一次,此处用作连词。注意:名词短语the first time, the moment, the second, the minute, the week, the month, the year与副词immediately, instantly也有相似的用法。‎ ‎28.Stick to what you think is right, ________ you will gain a surprising ending.‎ A.and B.but C.before D.so 答案:A 解析:逗号前后为两个完整的句子,因此确定空格处为连词,又从两句话的逻辑关系可以判断答案为A。‎ ‎29.Start applying yourself to your study right now ________ you are sure to go far in life.‎ A.or B.so C.that D.and 答案:D 解析:空格前后为两个完整的句子,因此此处需要一个连词。or表示一种转折关系,与句意不符,因此答案选D。‎ ‎30.—What do you and Jane usually do when you have no classes?‎ ‎—I enjoy traveling with friends, ________ Jane likes reading at home.‎ A.but B.and C.while D.though 答案:C 解析:两个分句间是一种对比的关系,因此答案为C。‎

