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Module 3 Music 单元教案 I.教学内容分斩 本模块以“Music”为话题。学生通过本模块的学习可以了解古今中外的音乐 家,提高他们的音乐欣赏水平,培养他们对音乐的评价和鉴赏能力,从而丰富学 生的音乐知识,提高学生的艺术修养。 Introduction 部分通过设计的两个活动让学生复习和学习一些常见的乐器的 名称,激发学生学习本模块的兴趣。 Reading and Vocabulary 该部分向同学们介绍了音乐家海顿、莫扎特和贝多 芬以及他们的伟大成就。让同学们在阅读的过程中了解音乐家的奋斗历程,树立 正确的人生观和价值观。通过相关的活动,训练学生的综合语言能力。 Grammar 1 学习并巩固时间状语从句。 Writing 要求学生阅读一封外国朋友的电子邮件,并根据问题写一封回信。 Function 通过回答问题和完成句子让学生懂得如何表达喜好和厌恶,从而初步 培养学生的鉴赏能力。 Listening and Vocabulary 首先通过听力活动帮助学生了解和学习有关英国乐队 The Beatles 的背景知识,接着让学生学习新的词汇。在训练学生听力的同时考查 学生的理解能力。 Grammar 2 复习过去完成时态。通过练习帮助学生巩固过去完成时态的基本用 法。 Pronunciation 学会如何在日常交际中使用升调和降调。 Everyday English 要求学生掌握表达喜好的一些用语和有关音乐的日常用语。 Cultural Corner 学习一篇有关著名作曲家叶小刚的文章,了解他的音乐经历和 音乐成就,增强学生的民族自豪感。 Task 训练学生仿写一篇介绍著名音乐家生平和作品的文章。 Module File 对整个模块的学习内容进行归纳总结,有助于学生对所学知识进 行复习和巩固。 II.教学重点和难点 1.教学重点 (1)本模块的生词和短语。 (2)弄清楚时间状语从句和过去完成时态的用法。 (3)谈论有关音乐的话题。 2.教学难点 (1)学会表达对音乐的喜好。 (2)学习时间状语从句和过去完成时态。 (3)学写有关自己音乐爱好的文章。 III.教学计划 本模块分五个课时: 第一课时:Introduction,Function,Everyday English 第二课时:Reading and Vocabulary 第三课时:Cultural Corner,Grammar 1,Grammar 2 第四课时:Listening and Vocabulary,Pronunciation 第五课时:Writing,Task,Module file IV.教学步骤 Period 1 Introduction,Function,Everyday English Teaching Goals: 1.To enable Ss to talk about music and instruments. 2.To help Ss to express the likes and dislikes about music. Teaching Procedures: Step 1.Introduction Purpose:To activate Ss and arouse them to talk about music. 1.Leading-in Ask Ss the following question:What kinds of music do you know? For your reference: pop(popular music):流行乐 rock(rock and roll):摇滚乐 jazz:爵士乐 blues:布鲁斯 classical music:古典音乐 hip—hop:说唱音乐 light music:轻音乐 country music:乡村音乐 traditional Chinese music:民乐 disco music(dance music):的士高音乐,舞曲 2.Pair work Ask Ss to finish Activity 1 on P21. Suggested Answers: (1)composer(2)choir(3)drums , guitar , piano , saxophone(4)drums , piano , violin,saxophone (5)drums,piano,saxophone,violin (6)erhu,drums Step 2.Function Purpose:To activate Ss and arouse them to talk about music. 1.Group work Ask Ss to finish the questionnaire on P25 to talk about their likes and dislikes about music in groups. 2.Pair work Ask Ss to listen to the music from the muhi media and then let them guess what kind of instruments were playing in it . (This is a teaching suggestion for good teaching conditions.) Step 3.Everyday English Purpose:To enable Ss to discuss how to listen to music. 1.Group work Ask Ss to discuss the following questions:How do you listen to music? Do you listen to music on CDs,MP3,MP4,Walkman or the radio? Do you download music from the Internet? Please say something about the way you 1isten to the music. (图 2—3—4) (图 2—3—5) 2.Individual work Ask Ss to Listen to the tape and answer the questions in Activity 2 on P28. Suggested answer: (1)Tom listens to music on cassettes;Anna listens to it on a minidisk player and CD Discman. (2)Anna is;Tom isn’t. (3)She offers to lend him her Discman. 3.Pair work Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer questions.Discuss their favorite music and how they listen to it. For your reference: Which kind of music do you like best? Which instruments do you like listening to? How do you listen to music? Do you want to be a musician or an audience?一 I’d rather be an audience than be a musician. Step 4.Homework Preview Reading and Vocabulary in the module. Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary Teaching Goals: 1.To get Ss to master the reading skills of skimming and scanning. 2.To enable Ss to talk about.some world famous musicians. 3.To help Ss to learn something about Hayden,Mozart and Beethoven. Teaching Procedures: Step 1.Leading-in Purpose:To activate Ss’ background knowledge about the three great musicians. Ask Ss the following questions: Q1.Can you say who the three composers in the pictures are? Q2.Do you know anything about them? Q3.What pieces of music did they compose? (图 2—3—6) (图 2—3—7) (图 2—3—8) Step 2.While-reading Purpose: ●To enable Ss to master the reading skills. ●To enable Ss to get the main idea of the passage. 1.Skimming Ask Ss to skim the passage and choose the best title listed in Activity 2 on P22. Suggested Answers: The best title is Three Great Composers of the Eighteenth Century. 2.Scanning (1)Ask Ss to read the passage carefully and then answer the questions in Activity 3 on P23. ‘ Suggested Answers: ①Haydn,Mozart ②Beethoven ③Haydn ④Mozart ⑤Beethoven ⑥They all met each other· ⑦Mozart,Beethoven⑧Haydn (1) Ask Ss to read the passage again,and then decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false (F): ①Beethoven was born in Austria in 1770.( ) ②Haydn , whose father was a peasant , was known as,“the father of the symphony”.( ) ⑧It was Mozart who had a good singing voice.( ) ④People in Vienna were fond of Beethoven and he spent his whole life there.( ) ⑤Among the three composers,Haydn lived the longest in the world.( ) ⑥Both Mozart and Haydn were impressed by Beethoven’s musical talent.( ) Suggested Answers: ①F ②T ③F ④F ⑤T ⑥F (3)Answer the questions in Activity 4 on P23. Suggested Answers: ①He changed the symphony into a long piece for a large orchestra. ②He worked there for 30 years. ③He composed more than 600 pieces of music. ④At that time he was just six years old. ⑤They were friends for ten years. ⑥His father taught him. ⑦No,he continued composing though he was deaf. Step 3.Post-reading Purpose:To enable Ss to talk about the three great musicians.? 1.Pair work (1)Ask Ss to£U in the blanks according to the information given in the passage. Haydn, who was born in___ is known as “the father of the symphony”.Because he_____.He spent_____ years of his_____ working______. In______ ,he met a person named ______and Haydn was_____ by the man.Later they were friends.Mozart had _____from a very early age.So,he composed _____au his life,though his lifetime was only____ years.Also,there was a man by whom Mozart was_____ very much.He was_____,who showed great_____ in music as well.Beethoven was born in______,but Haydn encouraged him to______,where he finally became_____.Beethoven stayed there for_____.Although he became_____ during the last year of his life,but he_____. Suggested Answers: ①Austria ②changed the symphony into a long piece for a large orchestra ③30④life ⑤at the court of a prince in eastern Austria ⑥1781 ⑦Mozart ⑧impressed⑨musical talent ⑩more than 600 pieces of music ⑾35 ⑿impressed ⒀Beethoven⒁talent ⒂Germany ⒃move to Vienna ⒄famous ⒅the rest of his life ⒆completely deaf ⒇continued composing 2.Discussion Have a discussion about the following questions: (1)Had you heard of any of these composers before you read the passage? (2)Is it important to know anything about classical music? (3)Is Chinese classical music different from European classical music? Step 4.Language Points Purpose:To enable Ss to master the language points in the passage. Listen to the tape and follow it in a low voice . Then Ss are divided into four groups.Ask them to discuss the important and difficult language points. 1.change...into…把……变成…… E.g.(1)Heat changes water into steam. (2)This classroom was changed into a reading room. ※[拓展]change…for...用……换…… E.g. I’11 change this old car for a new one. 2.impress+It 给予某人深刻印象;使某人钦佩而起敬(常用被动语态,不可用于 进行时) E.g.(1)The film impressed a lot of people. (2)1 was deeply impressed by/at/with his speech. ※[拓展] impress+It+on/upon sb 使(某人)铭记……;使(某人)深深意识到…… E.g. My father impressed the importance of work on me. 3.talent n 天才,天赋 ※[比较]talent,genius 和 gift 这三个词语都可表示“天才;A-能”,其中 genius 语气最强,指天生的智慧和创 造才能,也指有天赋的人。gift 着重指天赋的才能,但不一定有创造力。talent 着重指做某种工作的特殊才能,语意比 genius 弱。 show/have talent/gift/genius for sth 在……方面显示出天分 E.g.(1)She has talent/gift/genius for music. ⑵I am a talent/genius!我是个天才! ※[相关] talented adj 有才能的 E.g. Beethoven is a talented musician. 4.by the time 当……的时候,在……之前(一般用于完成时) E.g.(1)By the time he Was 17 years old,he had made a lot ofmoney. (2)By the time he came here,he had known something about you、 5.as well as 不仅……也一… E.g. The river is long as well as wide. ※[注意]as well as 是并列连词,当它连接两个并列成分作主语时,句子的谓 语动词应与前面那个名称或代词的人称和数保持一致 E.g. English,as well as Chinese and maths,is very important. 6.It is sb+who(m)/that+做某事 这是一个强调句型。如果被强调部分是人,用 who(m)或 that 都可,强调其他 东西一律用 that. 对“Li Kang read English in the classroom every morning.”强调不同的句子成分, 如下: (1)It is L/Kang who/that reads English in the classroom every morning. (2)It is English that Li Kang reads in the classroom every morning. (3)It is in the classroom that Li Kang reads English every morning. Step 5.Homework 1.Do the Vocabulary and Reading exercises in the Workbook Oil.PS0~83. 2.Preview Grammar in the module. Period 3 Cultural Corner,Grammar 1,Grammar 2 Teaching Goals: 1 . To help Ss know how to use the adverbial clause of time and the past perfect tense. 2.To enable Ss to know the Chinese composer Ye Xiaogang. Teaching Procedures: Step 1.Cultural Corner 1.Individual work Ask Ss to read the text and make a note of some basic information. Name: (1) Sex: (2) Nationality: (3) Job: (4) Main achievement: (5) Style of music: (6) Suggested Answers: (1)Ye Xiaogang(2)Male(3)China(4)Composer (5)one of the leading modern composers of Chinese classical music (6)mixing Chinese musical traditions with western forms and instrumentation. 2.Pair work Ask Ss to read the text again and 611 in the blanks.Find what Ye Xiaogang did or what happened to him in the following years: 1955 (1) From 1978 to 1983: (2) 1985: (3) 1986: (4) 1996: (5) Suggested Answers: (1)He was b0rn. (2)He studied at the Central Conservatory of Music of China. (3)He held a concert of symphonies in Beijing. (4)His album Horizon appeared and his music was played at the First Contemporary Chinese Composers’ Festival in Hong Kong. (5)He played with Italian musician Enrico Rava at the Beijing International Jazz Festive. 3.Group work Ask Ss to discuss the questions in Activity 3 on P29. Step 2.Grammar 1 1.Pair work Ask Ss to answer the questions in Activity 1 on P24. Suggested Answers: (A)Sentence 1 (B)Sentence 2 and 3 (C)Sentence 4 2.1ndivdual Work Ask Ss to fill in the blanks by choosing the proper link words when.while and as. (1)——she pressed the button,the lift stopped. (2)_____we lived in town,we often went to the theatre. (3)They danced——they sang. (4)——they were in London,they visited a tot of museums. (5)——he was in college,he made many friends. (6)——it grew darker,it became colder. (7)_____she came to know him better,she relied on him than before. Suggested Answers: (1)When (2)When (3)as (4)While (5)While (6)As (7)As 3.Explanation Give Ss some explanation of the link words when,while and as. (1)when+短暂性动词/延续性动词(从句的动作可以和主句动作同时发生,也 可以先于主句的动作发生)。如: When we reached home,it was getting dark. I shall tell her the good news when she comes. (2)while+延续性动词(从句的动作常用进行时态,强调某一时间内主句和从 句的动作同时发生)。 如: Work while you work;play while you play. (3)as引导的从句中,主从句的动作同时发生。如: She sings as she goes along. You will grow wiser as you grow older. (4)除了when,while和as以外,before,after,since,until和tiu都可以引导时 间状语从句。 I had cooked supper before my parents came back. After you think it over,please let me know your decision. Since he come here,he has made a lot of friends. Since 1 was a child.I have lived in England. He worked in Hong Kong until(till)his father found him a job in Canada. 4.Practice (1)______the time went on,the weather got worse. A.while B.when C.As D.At (2)Please don’t talk SO loud——people are working: A.Once B.though C.the moment D.while (3)——I came into the office,the teachers were having a meeting. A.While B.When C.Once D.Since (4)The peasants were busy getting in the crops——it began to rain. A.a8 B.while C.when D.by the time (5)I——to bed——there was a knock at the door. A.was about to go;when B.went;while C.am going to go;when D.was to go;while Suggested Answers: (1)C(2)D(3)B(4)C(5)A Step3.Grammar 2 Purpose:To get Ss to know the grammatical rules of the past perfect tense. 1.Pair work Ask Ss to finish Activity 1 On P27. Suggested Answers: A.Becoming stars in their own country. B.Recording seven albums. C.The past perfect tense. 2.Group work Ask Ss to finish Activity 2 on P27. Suggested Answers: A:1(a)means that their music had already changed by then;1(b)means that it changed then. 2(a)means that they had already sold more albums by then;2(b)means that they sold more albums then. B:Yes;in the(a)sentences the event happened before that time;in the(b)sentences the event happened at that time. 3.Practice (1)She——her hairstyle in her hometown before she(3ame to Chongqing for a better job. A.would change B.has changed C.had changed D.Wilt8 changing (2)I met jack yesterday.We——each other since We left college. A.haven’t seen B.hadn’t seen C.would see D.will see (3) _______,SO he couldn’t enter the 100m. A.Having lost his key B.His key lost C.He had lost his key D.His key being lost (4)She told me that she——what she was doing during the holidays. A.had just been asked B.had just asked C.was just asked D.just asked (5)He told me he——an English dictionary yet. A.hadn’t bought B.hasn’t bought C.wouldn’t buy D.wasn’t going to buy (6)By 11 0’clock yesterday,We——at the airport. A.have arrived B.had arrived C.shall arrive D.arrive (7)When they got to the station,the train——already——. A.has;left B.1eft;/ C.had;left D.will;leave (8)The students——talking before the second bell rang. A.stop B.have stopped C.had stopped D.was stopping Suggested Answers: (1)C(2)B(3)C(4)A(5)A(6)B(7)C(8)C Step 4.Homework Finish Grammar Exercises in the Workbook on P79~80. Period 4 Listening and Vocabulary,Pronunciation Teaching Goals: 1.To help Ss learn how to listen to some information about the Beatles. 2.To let Ss learn how to express their feelings about music. 3.To help Ss learn how to talk about some Chinese and foreign musicians. Teaching Procedures: Step 1.Pre-listening Purpose:To help Ss get some general information about the Beatles. 1.Group work Ask Ss to discuss the questions in Activity 1 on P26 before listening. (图 2—3—9) Suggested Answers: Various answers are acceptable. 2.Pair work Introduce something about the Beatles and then have Ss study some new words.Then ask them to finish Activity 2 on P26. Suggested Answers: (1)They remember it. (2)The words. (3)Difficult. (4)More than one. (5)They like them. (6)No,they don’t. Step 2.While-Listening Purpose:To develop Ss’listening ability. 1.Individual work Ask Ss to listen the tap and decide if these sentences are true(T)or false(F). (1)Three of the Beatles played guitar. (2)The Beatles all come from different places in England. (3)Americans liked the Beatles when they toured for the first time. (4)After visiting India,the Beatles changed their instruments. (5)They sold more albums than any other rock band. 2.Individual work Ask Ss to listen again and make notes about these songs and albums in Activity 4 on P26. (1)serious (2)ballad (3)complex (4)last album 3.Individual work Ask Ss to listen to the tape again,and then fill in the blanks with the information that they hear. The Beatles were the most successful band in the history of popular music.The band ______John Lennon,Paul McCartney,George Harrison and Ringo Starr.Start played ______ ,the other three played______.Lennon and MeCartney wrote most of the songs.All the Beatles were born in_________ in the north of England. During_____,the Beatles were _______ by American rock singers,such as Chuck Berry and Elvis Presley.They had their______ in 1962 with a _____called Love Me Do(1962).In 1964,after they had become stars in their own country,the Beatles toured the United States and were a huge_______. During the_____ , the Beatles were one of the bands which gave rock music _____ .Some of their songs were quite serious,such as _____;there were _____such as________ and more_________ such as Strawberry Fields Forever. By the late 1960s,their music had changed completely.They had stopped writing simple songs with catchy tunes.The _____and the____ had become mole interesting and they had begun to use________,too.For example,after_____,they started using Indian instruments. Some of their _____changed pop music completely.Their last album was _____in 1970. After they had finished______.Let:It Be,they _____.By the time they stopped working together , they had sold more albums______ in history . After the group had_____,all the Beatles performed as_____ or started other bands. John Lennon died in New York in 1980.George Harrison died in 2001. Suggested Answers: (1)consisted of(2)drums(3)guitar(4)Liverpool(5)the early 1960s(6)influenced (7)first hit(8)catchy song(9)success(10)mid 一 1960s(11)a new direction (12)Nowhere Man(13)ballads(14)Yesterday(15)complex songs(16)tunes(17)lyrics (18)new instruments(19)visiting India(20)albums(21)Let h Be(22)recording (23)split up(24)than any other band(25)broken up(26)solo artists Step 3.Post-listening Purpose:To let Ss learn how to express their feelings about music. Ask Ss to discuss the content of the listening material in pairs. Suppose student A is crazy about the Beatles,while student B knows little about them.B wants to know more about the Beatles.At first.A is surprised that B knows little about the Beatles.Then A tells B about the Beatles proudly and happily. For your reference: A:Haven’t you…?/My God!/Oh no! B:Sorry,but could you tell me…? A:Of course./All right.… B:Really?/Cool!/Excellent!/Wonderful! Step 4.Pronunciation Ask Ss to use the right intonation to speak the answers to Grammar 2 Activity 4 on P27.Then listen to the tape and check it. Suggested Answers: (1)Unfortunately↗,he arrived at the show↗after I had left.↘ (2)By the time we arrived at the stadium↗,the band had begun playing.↘ (3)Fortunately↗ , the power cut happened↘ after the fans had left the stadium.↘ (4)Before he made latest album↗ , he had recorded some songs with Paul McCartney.↘ Step 5.Homework Finish the Listening and Speaking exercises in the Workbook on P83. Period 5 Writing,Task,Module file Teaching Goals: 1.To enable Ss to present a biography of a famous Chinese musician. 2.To help Ss to write a short passage to introduce his/her feelings about music. Teaching Procedures: Step 1.Writing 1.Individual work Ask Ss to read the email,and then answer the questions about it on P25. Suggested Answers: Various answers are acceptable. 2.Pair work Ask Ss to join the answers to the questions together in a logical way and make it into a short essay.They can choose the following titles for their essay. (1)Music and I (2)Music in my Life (3)Music—my favorite Step 2.Task Ask Ss to present a biography of a famous musician or composer,here are some tips to help them: (1)the person’s work (2)when he/she was born,where he/she studied,etc (3)his/her family and home life Step 3.Module File 1.T:Now we have nearly finished this module.What have we learnt? (Allow Ss a few minutes to read the Module File.) 。2.Practice Translate the following sentences. (1)热把水变成蒸汽。 (2)他的话深深铭刻在我心头。 (3)到他 14 岁,他已经自学了教学。 (4)他曾在日本和意大利工作。 (5)昨天我看到的人就是她。 Suggested Answers: (1)Heat changes water into steam. (2)His words are strongly impressed on my memory. (3)By the time he was fourteen years old,he had learned maths all by himself. (4)He’s worked in Japan as well as Italy. (5)It’s her that I saw yesterday. Step 4.Homework 1.Revise all the useful words and expressions in the passage and try to make some sentences. 2.Write a short essay of 80—100 words. 3 Preview Module 4

