高中英语Unit 5 Speaking and Writing 优秀教案(人教版必修4)

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高中英语Unit 5 Speaking and Writing 优秀教案(人教版必修4)

Unit 4 Body languange Period 5 Speaking and Writing 优秀教案(人教版必修4)‎ Period 5 Speaking and Writing The General Idea of This Period This period aims at getting the students to express themselves and acting out some body language.They are also encouraged to understand the meanings by watching the body language and give their own opinions. Teaching Important Points Teach the students how to use body language in the most appropriate occasions. How to understand the unusual or funny or difficult body language used in different cultures. Teaching Difficult Points Enable the students to realize the importance of body language in communication so that little or no misunderstanding may occur. How to write a short description of body language used in daily communication. Teaching Methods Group work to practise speaking. Task-based activity before writing composition. Teaching Aids A projector,some slides and a multiple-media computer Three Dimensional Teaching Aims Knowledge and Skills Help the students learn how to express themselves in body language when needed. Help the students understand others when body language is being used. Help the students to write a short passage about what hey have seen or experienced,in which body language has been used properly in communication to reach the understanding or body language has been used so inappropriately as to cause misunderstanding. Process and Strategies Create a light atmosphere to get the students involved in class actively. Give instructions for the students to follow. Feelings and Value This part provide a situation to the students in which they apply body language in daily life,which helps the students to deepen their understanding of body language and thus avoid misunderstanding with people. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Revision ‎ Check the students’ homework.And ask some students to say out the kinds of body language and the examples they have got or what they have observed in the body language of others.‎ Step 2 Speaking ‎ T:We have learnt so much about body language.Now it’s time for us to practise.Here there are two situations.For each situation,prepare a role play with your partner.Use both spoken words and body language to express your ideas.Then explain to the class what the differences are in Western and Chinese body language,and what they mean.I will give you 5 minutes to talk with your partner to make a dialogue. Situation one: You fall and hurt your foot while you are hiking on a lonely path.You need help,and see someone in the distance. YOU:Help!Help!Please come over here! PERSON:What do you want?I can’t hear you!(hand behind ear) Situation two: You are visiting a strange city and need to buy some tea and oranges.You only know a little English and ‎ want to know where you can get them and how much they cost. YOU:Can you help me please?I need some tea and some oranges.(smiling and leaning forward) SHOPKEEPER:No problem.How much tea do you need?And how many oranges? ‎... After 5 minutes,ask some pairs to act out their dialogues. Possible version: Situation one:‎ A:Help!Help!Please come over here!(waving and crooking your hand toward the place where you are lying) B:What do you want?I can’t hear you!(hand behind ear) A:Can you see me?Please come here!(waving and crooking your hand toward the place where you are lying) B:Why?I can’t understand you.(with a forefinger on the right side of the head) A:I hurt my foot when I fell.(pointing to your injured foot) B:All right.I am coming!(running) Situation two: A:Can you help me please?I need some tea and some oranges.(smiling and leaning forward) B:Pardon?What do you need? A:Tea (taking out the little sample) and oranges (using thumb and the forefinger to form a round shape).Where can I get some?(miming the question) B:Oh,this is tea.And some oranges,right? A:(Nodding your head) Yes.Where can I buy some?(repeating the mime) B:(Showing the way) This way,please! A:Thanks.(acting out the Chinese way to show thanks) B:Here you are.(They are entering the grocery store.) C:Can I help you? B:He wants to buy some tea and oranges. C:No problem.(To SA)How much tea do you need?And how many oranges? A:(Sticking out five fingers to show half kilo of tea,and two hands to show ten oranges) C:Here you are. A:How much are they?(drawing the sign of the US dollar $) C:(Working on the calculator) $‎9 in all including taxes. A:Here is ten dollars.(handing the ten-dollar note) C:Here is the change. A:Thanks.(nodding your thanks)Bye!‎ Step 3 Oral composition ‎ T:Good job!You all have given the excellent performance.Now there is one more problem for you to settle.Lin Pei is your classmate.You are worried about her.She is not friendly any more,and does not want to talk to you or her other friends.She seems to be sad.She stays alone.She is not doing her homework and the teacher is not pleased with her.She does not seem to care about how she looks.You discuss Lin Pei’s behaviour with your partner.Think about the problems she might have.Describe her “body language” or the behaviour that shows how she feels.Be ready to report to the class.Time is limited to 8 minutes. After 8 minutes,ask some students to air their view. S:I think there is something wrong with her.When I saw her recently,she would turn away from me and would not speak to me. S:When I saw her in class,she looked as if she had been crying.And she would not even look at me.She just looked straight out of the window.She seemed as if she could see nobody in her eyes. S:I agree with you.When I met her at the school gate and tried to have a word with her,she just bent down her ‎ head and passed me as if she hadn’t noticed me. S:I couldn’t agree with you more!This morning,when I went close to her,trying to start a conversation between us,she crossed her arms in front of her and didn’t look at me.And then she turned away immediately.‎ Step 4 Writing ‎ Give the students 8 minutes to collect their ideas and begin to write their composition. T:Now write some advice for Lin Pei.Describe her body language and explain why it worries you.Ask her if she can tell you why she is acting in this way.Encourage her to understand that body language shows how you are feeling and is important for good communication. Possible version: Lin Pei,these days you stay alone and look sad.When you saw me today,you even turned away from me and would not talk.I know you are not happy about your grades at school and you are afraid of being laughed at by others.In actual fact,I am still your friend and will always be.You need not be so worried about your lessons you have missed.Just try to be more concentrated and attentive in class.Also you should tell me how I can help you with your lessons.I think we can work together to improve our grades little by little.So why not cheer up and be happy?I hope to see your smiling face again very soon. Lin Pei,these days you are not doing your homework and the teacher is not pleased with you.When the teacher asks you for the homework,you will just shake your head and roll your eyes.When I see you in class,you are even having a daydream.You are not listening to the teacher but looking out of the window.You seem not have lost interest in the subjects.Is it because you could not understand the teacher?If not,why don’t you raise your hand and ask the teacher to explain once more the problems you are not clear about.Or why don’t you turn to me for help?I am still your good friend and as long as you want to make up for the lessons you have missed,I will try to help you and so will your other friends!I am sure you will soon become a really happy student again.‎ Step 5 Homework ‎ Finish the composition. The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard Unit 4 Body language Period 5 Speaking and Writing ‎1.Revision ‎2.Speaking Situation one: You fall and hurt your foot while you are hiking on a lonely path.You need help,and see someone in the distance. YOU:Help!Help!Please come over here! PERSON:What do you want?I can’t hear you!(hand behind ear) ‎... Situation two: You are visiting a strange city and need to buy some tea and oranges.You only know a little English and want to know where you can get them and how much they cost. YOU:Can you help me please?I need some tea and some oranges.(smiling and leaning forward) SHOPKEEPER:No problem.How much tea do you need?And how many oranges? ‎... ‎3.Oral composition ‎4.Writing Record after Teaching Activities and Research ‎ The students may prepare a short dialogue in which they discuss the behaviour of his classmate Lin Pei and then act it out in a class-setting. Reference for Teaching Additional Information A letter to Lin Pei Dear Lin Pei,‎ I’m really worried about you.I know that your mum is really ill and you have been doing all the work at home.You are worried about your mum and your dad has a new job so he is not at home very much.The problem is that you seem angry with everybody.You won’t talk to us.You just shake your head when we ask if we can help and nod when we ask if you are OK.You just turn away and leave,or stand looking at the floor with your arms crossed if we try to talk to you.Although you haven’t said anything to us,we understand your body language.I know you are not angry.You are just worried and sad.Let us help you with the problems because we are friends.Please tell us what we can do for you and your family. Yours,‎ Xiao Ming

