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高三模拟考试英语试题卷 —1(共 12 页) 第Ⅰ卷 选择题部分( 80 分) 第一部分:英语知识运用 (共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节:单项填空(共 20 小题;每小题 0.5 分,满分 10 分) 从 A、B、C和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该 选项标号涂黑。 1. —How come you missed the train? You arrived at the station two minutes ahead of the timetable! — . The train had left early. A. Don ’ t mention it B. I have no idea C. Are you kidding me D. Just my luck 2. Shooting, as means of survival originally, developed into a sport only in late 19th century. A. a; a B. the; the C. a; the D. the; a 3. The large grassland, reaching out far away, looks extremely beautiful the blue and clean sky. A. with B. against C. through D. beyond 4. “ Those responsible for the accident be punished while those contributing to solving the problems be rewarded, ” promised the official then and there. A. need B. should C. must D. shall 5. Hearing that most of the members voted against her, she a smile. A. wore B. performed C. managed D. controlled 6. Today our schools are we send our children to get a practical education —not to pursue knowledge for the sake of knowledge. A. where B. what C. from where D. in which 7. Our English teacher often tells us that the meaning of a new word may be according to the given context. A. brought out B. picked out C. ruled out D. taken out 8. We ’ d better take umbrellas. I ’ m sure itwhen we arrive in London; it ’ s always wet there at this time of a year. A. will rain B. will be raining C. is raining D. is to rain 9. —Hasn’ t the thief admitted his crime by now? —No, questioned many times. A. if B. though C. unless D. once 10. The latest information showed these measures taken recently could not solve problems and, might even bring about more. A. first of all B. in particular C. to be honest D. on the contrary 高三模拟考试英语试题卷 —2(共 12 页) 11. —Why didn ’ t I see you at the concert? —Bad luck! I was at the entrance to the theatre as a result of not bringing my ticket. A. turned down B. turned over C. turned away D. turned off 12. —Is your neighbor Mr. King a man with good manners? —Actually, he is but polite. And nobody likes to talk to him. A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything 13. People say that young Chinese students ’ eyesight keeps droppingbecause of both too much homework and poor learning conditions. A. narrowly B. sharply C. automatically D. roughly 14. —What do you think of today ’ s interview, Sally? —A little nervous. You know, it is the first interview I ’ ve done in front of a(n) audience. A. live B. alive C. lively D. living 15. —What does PM 2.5 mean? —It ’ s a professional indicating the condition of air pollution. A. item B. number C. term D. mark 16. Fortunately, when I my stolen wallet, I found my ID and credit cards left untouched. A. recovered B. reviewed C. required D. remembered 17. Owing to heavy traffic jams, many people would like to choose the train driving. A. in terms of B. in preference to C. in place of D. in common with 18. Friends are like leaves, everywhere, but true friends are like diamonds, precious and rare. A. to find B. finding C. found D. being found 19. The result was far beyond we had expected, brought great joy to every one of us. A. that; which B. than; that C. what; what D. what; which 20. —How’ s your project work going, Jack? — . I ’m half finished with it. A. So far so good B. It ’ s up to you C. Never mind D. Forget it 第二节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分) 阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从 21— 40 各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C 和 D)中, 选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。 高三模拟考试英语试题卷 —3(共 12 页) While reading the New York Times today, I came across a story titled “ Free Sweets in His Cab to Delight and Heal ”. Mansoor Khalid, a 37-year-old electrical engineer from Pakistan has been driving a 21 cab in New York City since 1996. In 2010, his son, Saad, was born with a heart disease. Every time Mr. Khalid visited him in the hospital after his day shift, he would bring much 22 to drink during nights so as to take care of his son. He even gave some to the doctors and nurses there, who 23 him “ coffee man ”. Last April, Saad 24 away at 18 months old. Although Mr. Khalid was so sad, he had to 25 to work. After his son ’ s death, he got into the habit of 26 some sweets for his passengers, which nearly cost him $300 every month. From his 27 in the hospital with his son, Mr. Khalid learned that giving to others could at least 28 , if not heal his own feeling of 29 . “ I ’ d like to buy something for people; I feel 30 , ” Mr. Khalid said. “ When you giving something from your hand, someone gives a 31 to you in return . ” Since then, he has become famous on the Internet. His kind behavior 32 a steady stream of customers, with frequent request for pickups from fans who send their 33 to him via Twitter or Facebook . But he doesn ’ t expect the 13,000 other yellow taxis to 34 the same. The $300 a month Mr. Khalid spends on candy would 35 help many people to support their families for a time. Actually, it is not a small sum. “ If you think about it, you will 36 why he does it, ” said Juan Miranda, who drives Mr. Khalid ’ s cab during the nights. “ Everybody is sometimes depressed and 37 . Living in New York City is not very 38 , so when a passenger see all the candies, chocolates, they will 39 in a short time, ” Mr. Khalid explained. “ Some people even start screaming with 40 . ” 21. A. orange B. white C. brown D. yellow 22. A. coffee B. tea C. wine D. milk 23. A. praised B. called C. appreciated D. acknowledged 24. A. broke B. smoothed C. passed D. died 25. A. learn B. like C. forget D. return 26. A. buying B. stealing C. saving D. furnishing 27. A. carefulness B. movement C. imagination D. experience 28. A. lie B. hide C. defend D. stay 高三模拟考试英语试题卷 —4(共 12 页) 29. A. loss B. expectations C. failure D. problems 30. A. upset B. bored C. good D. grateful 31. A. world B. journey C. smile D. belief 32. A. attracts B. prevents C. refuses D. educates 33. A. photos B. positions C. money D. thoughts 34. A. do B. instruct C. treat D. protect 35. A. obviously B. naturally C. exactly D. probably 36. A. promise B. admit C. wonder D. discover 37. A. delighted B. stressed C. energetic D. special 38. A. different B. hard C. interesting D. easy 39. A. turn around B. cheer up C. settle down D. drop in 40. A. horror B. anger C. happiness D. disappointment 第二部分:阅读理解 (第一节 20 小题,第二节 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 50 分) 第一节:阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项( A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并 在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。 A With one of my best friends overseas at the moment, enjoying romance in Costa Rica, the job of looking after her dog has fallen to me. A few months ago, Missy came to my friend ’ s house at the request of a local vet, and she has been abused during her brief life. When we first visited my friend and Missy, my friend had to gently pull her over on a lead to get her to come to us. We waited about ten minutes while Missy ran back and forth, wanting to come but being terrified to do so, each step coming closer, then running away, and then coming another step closer. Once she was within reach of our hands, she allowed affection and received completely. In fact, once we began, there was no getting rid of her. She could not get enough of it. Even so, she would be weak in her hind legs, scared to stand full height, still showing signs of where she had been beaten and hurt, half expecting to be yelled at or beaten—the poor, beautiful thing. Obviously Missy came to the right home. My friend has given birth to a baby of her own and shows the loving mother energy without effort. This is just what Missy has needed. In the couple of months since I first met this lovely dog she has, step by step, evolved into a new dog, thanks to the love of my friend. Sadly, there are still signs of her injuries. She still does her dance of running away before coming forward with most people. I have also just discovered that Missy has some injury associated with cameras or some 高三模拟考试英语试题卷 —5(共 12 页) kind of equipment. Each time I took my camera out to take a photo of her, she ran away, very frightened. So for the sake of her wellbeing over her vanity( 自负 ) I will settle for the first photo I took before she ran from the camera. Over the last two weeks, my bond with Missy has strengthened daily, with long walks, lots of affection, and the most communicative eye contact a dog could ever offer. She is a beautiful soul and what that dear dog must have gone through, I hate to imagine. In quiet times together, Missy now trusts me enough to roll over completely, so I can rub her belly. When standing, she will jump up ever so gently to be closer to me, putting her paws on my legs as she looks at me with those beautiful eyes. And for the first time since I ’ ve known her, I now see her tail wag regularly as she runs around the yard with me, or whenever I speak with her. Missy is the most courageous, trusting soul I have known for a long time. Despite the effects of the hurt she has once suffered before, she has dared to trust again, to allow love in, and to realize that not everyone is like the people she used to meet. The unconditional love that dogs give to their co mpanions is a great lesson for us all the best of times. But seeing Missy ’ s courage in trying to trust again, I think she plays the role of a gentle teacher as well. When she dares to trust again, she does not know what lies ahead. Simply what she needs is to try to trust again, in order to allow love in and for her own happiness. If only all the people of the world who are carrying injure and fear from former hurts had the courage of Missy to try again, to open their hearts, and to know that not everyone they are meeting or will meet are the same kinds of people as before. Keep it in mind that tomorrow is another day. 41. What does the underlined word “ abused ” in the first paragraph mean? A. Protected greatly. B. Abandoned carelessly. C. Treated badly. D. Taken seriously. 42. Why did the author think it was good for Missy to stay with her friend? A. Because her friend could offer the love of mother to Missy. B. Because her friend had more free time to take care of Missy. C. Because her friend stayed long at home and felt quite lonely. D. Because her friend helped Missy to accept different people. 43. How did the author feel when she first saw Missy? A. Proud and relaxed. B. Sorry and concerned. C. Guilty and disgusted. D. Sad and disappointed. 44. What does the fifth paragraph mainly tell us? A. The author has mastered the skills to communicate with Missy. 高三模拟考试英语试题卷 —6(共 12 页) B. The author has made Missy understand and follow her orders. C. The author has succeeded in gaining the trust of Missy gradually. D. The author has come to realize the potential qualities of Missy. 45. According to the passage, what is the author ’ s suggestion? A. No future in the past. B. Every dog has its day. C. All efforts will pay off. D. Never too late to mend. B Liminal: Tate Britain, Information desk; Every weekend 11:00-15:00, and on Thursdays during school holidays 26 July-31 August 2013; Free;No booking required. Liminal invites families into a physical, material and social experience of sculpture through touch. Created by artists Abigail Hunt and Kieren Reed. Suitable for all ages. Guided Tours: Tate Liverpool; Every day at 15:00; Free; No booking required. Join one of our free daily guided tours to get an introduction to the Collection at Tate Liverpool. These tours are designed for individuals and small groups. Under 5s Zone: Tate Modern, Bloomberg Interactive Zone and Under 5s Zone; Available at any time during gallery hours (10:00-18:00, Saturday-Thursday; 10:00-22:00, Friday); Free; No booking required. A new play space for under 5s and their families. The Under 5s Zone invites children on a creative and physical exploration of themes related to cubist artworks. Open Studio: Tate Modern, Clore Learning Center; Every Saturday and Sunday 11:00-16:00, and on Thursdays and Fridays during the school holidays 26 July-31 August 2013; Free, No booking required. Visit Open Studio to experiment, play and create with ideas and materials before or after visiting the related artworks in the free collection displays. Hepworth Family Activity Trail: Tate Modern, Barbara Hepworth Museum and Sculpture Garden; Available at any time during gallery hours (10:00-22:00, Friday) $2; No booking required. Designed for adults and younger children to have fun together exploring this magical environment that was the artist ’shome and studio, including the garden she created for her sculptures. Available from the Admissions Desk, Barbara Hepworth Museum. Price includes basic art materials. Families at Art Dock: Tate Liverpool, Level 2 Galleries; Available at any time during gallery hours (10:00-17:50); Free; No booking required. Visit our family space at Art Dock in the first floor of the gallery, with beautiful views across the River Mersey. You can take time out from around the gallery to relax, play and create in this space, designed just for families! For all ages. 高三模拟考试英语试题卷 —7(共 12 页) 46. If you are free at 16:00 every Tuesday, you can choose to visit . A. Liminal & Under 5s Zone B. Open Studio & Families at Art Dock C. Guided Tours & Open Studios D. Under 5s Zone &Hepworth Family Activity Trail 47. You can have a break and enjoy beautiful river views in . A. Open Studio B. Under 5s Zone C. Families at Art Dock D. Hepworth Family Activity Trail 48. What can we learn from the passage? A. Liminal is not suitable for children under 5. B. Open Studio allows you to play with the artworks. C. Hepworth Family Activity Trail displays one artist ’ s artworks. D. Guided tours help you have a better understanding of cubist artworks. 49. The purpose of the passage is to . A. encourage you to display your own artworks B. teach you how to create great artworks C. help you understand famous artworks D. introduce several art activities C The temperature is sharply rising with each passing day. People, including many experts, find it difficult to slow down the process. However, leaving coal and major fossil fuels in the ground could help to limit climate change in the future, according to a new study. That is to say, a third of oil reserves on the earth, half of gas reserves and over 80 percent of current coal reserves should not be used before the year 2050. If we are to prevent global temperatures from rising above 2 degrees Celsius in the near future, we ought to carry some measures to severely control the emissions from factories vehicles and even our daily-life cooking. However, it is a goal that seems to be impossible in our eyes. “ Policy makers in different countries must realize that their attempt to completely use the fossil fuels within their countries is wholly incompatible( 矛盾的 ) with their hope to reach the 2-degree goal, ” Dr. Christophe Mc Glade at University College London ’ s Energy Institute said in a statement. “ If they go ahead with developing their own resources, ” he added, “ they must be asked which reserves elsewhere should remain unburnt in order for the carbon budget not to go beyond the limit. ” It ’ s not surprising to see how tapping into these unused reserves would be attractive. Energy-related industry is a big business all over the world. There are many coal reserves in 高三模拟考试英语试题卷 —8(共 12 页) China, Russia and the United States, along with over 260 thousand million barrels of oil reserves in the Middle East. Not to mention that oil is currently being developed in the Arctic. Companies spent over $670 billion last year in the expansion of fossil fuels, but according to the new model used in this latest study, developers may need to rethink their plans to develop these underground resources so as to make some contributions to control the world temperature from rising high in the future. “ We’ve now got practical figures of the quantities and locations of fossil fuels that should remain unused in trying to keep within the 2- degree temperature limit, ” added Mc Glade. World leaders and policy makers should take the advice to heart, because a recent IPCC report warned that if immediate and great actions are not taken soon, climate change will cause irreversible( 不 可逆转的 ) impacts on environments worldwide, leaving the world an unsafe place for us to live in. 50. According to Paragraph 1, our goal is to . A. discover more fossil fuels B. slow down the climate change C. refuse to use reserves on the earth D. keep the temperature rise below 2 degrees Celsius 51. The underlined word “ emissions ” in Paragraph 1 refers to. A. things that are sent out into the air B. products that are made from fossil fuels C. factors that cause the climate change D. changes that happen after temperature rise 52. According to what Mc Glade said in Paragraph 2, all countries should . A. make full use of their fossil fuels B. work together towards the 2-degree goal C. find better ways to dig out the coal D. care about the global carbon budget 53. We can infer from Paragraph 3 that great efforts have been made in . A. digging out the oil in the Middle East B. getting people to rethink their fuel plans C. developing fossil fuels around the world D. developing energy-related industry worldwide 54. What is the author ’ s attitude towards the future of temperature control? A. Confident. B. Negative. C. Satisfied. D. Unclear. D 高三模拟考试英语试题卷 —9(共 12 页) I moved to the Phoenix area in my early twenties, and to expand my social life I joined a young adult group at a church. Because I love music, I started singing in the choir( 合唱队 ), where I met Lisa. We were about the same age. Finding people with similar interests helped reduce my feelings of loneliness after moving to a new city. “ Are you going to go on the retreat( 静修 )? ” Lisa asked. Once or twice a year, the young adult group put on a retreat. I hesitated. I had little experience with retreats and I still felt like an outsider. “ Come on, ” Lisa said. “ Everyone goes. ” “ Okay. ” I agreed. After all, some cute guys were in the group. As the retreat weekend approached, I learned that the theme was forgiveness. In my twenties, the world revolved( 旋转 ) around me and what I wanted. And, as most people do, I learned how to be pleasant enough without giving in and having to apologize any more than necessary. In short, the forgiveness theme made me uncomfortable. I would attend the retreat, but I planned to sit quietly in the background and watch. The retreat was held at a camp in Prescott, Arizona. The first night we gathered in the common room where we also ate out meals. According to the plan, I found a spot in the back where I could watch, unnoticed. The leader got up and spoke about the healing power of forgiveness. His words were touching. “ Now comes the hard part, ” he said. “ I want to invite you to look into your hearts and if you feel moved to do so, go to a person here in the room and ask to be forgiven for something you ’ ve done. ” At the beginning, there was total silence. Was he kidding? Then Lisa stood up and made her way through the crowd toward me. Lisa planted her feet firmly in front of me. “ Kathleen, I ’ d like to ask your forgiveness. ” I shook my head. Then nodded, not sure how to respond. I felt the heat rise into my cheeks. I could hardly breathe knowing that everyone could hear and see all this. I had no idea what I was forgiving her for. I wanted her to just go away. “ I have been angry at how easily you joined our group. Even though you became my friend when we worked on music together, I still thought you were doing it for yourself. I ’ ve held that against you and I ’ m sorry. ” “ It ’ s okay, ” I choked out. Stunned, I stood up, gave her an awkward hug and then sat back down. Lisa turned and went back to her seat. Lisa ’ s bravery broke the ice and everyone started to ask forgiveness for various injuries, some big, some small. The world began to change for me. I learned empathy the day that Lisa asked my forgiveness. I had read To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee several times. But I realized that I had never understood the message Atticus Finch taught his children: “ You never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in him. ” Through the years my friendships were better, stronger and deeper. I apologized and forgave quickly. Lisa allowed me the gift of 高三模拟考试英语试题卷 — 10(共 12 页) friendship because her example taught me to forgive. 55. The author joined the adult group because she wanted to . A. have a better social life B. practice singing with her friends C. learn the importance of forgiveness D. get to know more about her neighbors 56. Which of the following can describe the writer before she attended the retreat? A. Self-confident. B. Dishonest. C. Responsible. D. Self-centered. 57. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. The writer didn ’ t want to join the retreat at first. B. The writer thought Lisa should say sorry to her. C. The writer thought the leader of the retreat was funny. D. The writer knew Lisa before she moved to the new city. 58. According to Paragraph 5, how did the writer feel when Lisa asked for forgiveness? A. Scared. B. Curious. C. Stressed. D. Satisfied. 59. What did Lisa apologize to the writer for? A. That she made the writer feel lonely. B. That she was envious of the writer. C. That she once took advantage of the writer. D. That she refused to make friends with the writer. 60. According to the last paragraph, Atticus Finch taught his children to ______. A. try to apologize and forgive B. get to know people ’ s true face C. value the friendship with others D. place oneself in others ’ position 第二节:下面文章中有 5 处(61—65 题 )需要添加小标题。请从以下选项( A 、B、C、D、E 和 F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余项。 A. Be realistic. B. Set specific goals. C. Make changes slowly. D. Be responsible for yourself. E. Deal with failure positively. F. Make sure your actions match your words. Consistency(一贯性 ) is one of those general features that everyone wants, but few people actually manage to gain. Don ’ t worry! Here is some advice that will help you. 高三模拟考试英语试题卷 —11(共 12 页) 61. Being consistent means that you don ’ t say one thing while actually doing something else. You can ’ t be inconsistent in your behavior and expect yourself to behave consistently in other parts of your life. T ry to avoid saying words that you can ’ t back up with your actions. There is no shame in admitting you don ’ t yet know how to do something. For example, if you ’ re tasked with something at work that you haven ’ t done before or don ’ t know how to do, don ’ t pretend like you have got everything under control. Instead, ask for some help and show your willingness to learn something you don ’ t know. 62. General consistency is great, but being consistent is not easier and more likely to succeed if you set specific goals. These goals will help you behave consistently and give you something to work for. You can set a variety of goals in different areas of your life. For example, if your specific goal is to lose weight, you would need to work on being consistent with exercise, with your diet(eating healthy foods), etc. 63. If you try and do everything at once all, you will be very tired. It will make it a lot harder for you to be consistent. Make gradual changes instead of jumping a big step. If you can do something for three weeks, it will become part of your routine. Pick one thing you ’ ll work to be consistent in for a month. When that month is up, add another thing to be consistent in. 64. To be consistent y ou have to make sure that you recognize when you don ’ t come up to the standards and goals that you ’ ve set. And that is when you don ’ t act consistently with your goals. On a calendar write down each day whether you succeeded or failed in following your consistency goals. If you failed, explain why you didn ’ t follow them. This will help keep you responsible for when you don’ t follow your goals and will also serve as a marker of your progress. 65. Everyone fails. It doesn ’ t matter how hard you work, how intelligent you are and how prepared you are, because you aren ’ t always going to succeed. You have to be willing to entertain that possibility and work out what to do if you don ’ t succeed. How are you going to handle failure? Plan for your setbacks and failures. If that literary agent rejects your manuscript, find out where next to send it, or look it over to see what might be improved. 第Ⅱ卷 非选择题部分(共 40 分) 高三模拟考试英语试题卷 — 12(共 12 页) 第三部分: 写作(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节:短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 下面短文中有 10 处语言错误。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。 增加 :在缺词处加一个漏字符后(∧) ,并在其下面写上该加的词。 删除 :把多余的词用斜线( )划掉。 修改 :在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。 注意 :1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。 例如: It was very nice to get your invitation to spend ∧ weekend with you. Luckily the I was completely free then, so I ’ll to say “yes”. I’ll arrive in Bristol at around 8:00 p. m. am in Friday evening. On I am writing to ask for whether you are able to do me a favor. I want to have a pen friend, hopeful a girl in her early twenty, and with interests similar to mine. In my mind, she is someone interesting in traveling, swimming, and playing table tennis. Beside, it would be better for her to have a pet dog as I have been keeping that at home for some time. With such a pen pal, I hope I can share her my experiences in traveling, taking care of pets, or whichever we have in common. I believe I would improve my English by doing so and learning more about her country. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. 第二节 :书面表达(满分 30 分) 请以 “Facing the challenges of our life ” 为题, 用英语写一篇 120 字左右的短文, 内容 包括: 1. 你认为应当如何看待生活中的考验; 2. 举例说明你经历过的一次困难或考验以及如何应对。 1—20 DCBDC AABBD CDBAC ABCDA 21—40 DABCD ADBAC CABAD CBDBC 41—45 CABCA 46—49 DBCD 50-54 DABCB 55-60 ADACBD 61-65 FBCDE I am writing to ask for whether you are able to do me a favor. I want to have a pen friend, hopeful a girl in her early twenty, and with interests similar to mine. In my mind, she is someone hopefully twenties interesting in traveling, swimming, and playing table tennis. Beside, it would be better for her to interested Besides have a pet dog as I have been keeping that at home for some time. With such a pen pal, I hope I one can share∧her my experiences in traveling, taking care of pets, or whichever we have in with whatever common. I believe I would improve my English by doing so and learning more about her country. will learn I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Possible version: Facing the challenges of our life Challenges of life are of great importance in our growth. As the saying goes, “ No cross, no crown. ” Only by facing and overcoming difficulties in our life can we grow up happily and healthily. It reminds me of my experience when I joined in the military training after I entered senior high school. It was the first time I had lived away from my home, so I found it difficult to fit in. And the training officer was strict with us. I once thought I couldn ’ t stick to the end. But anyway, I made it. The trials made it easier for me to adapt to life in high school, and the difficulties I came across have now become a precious memory in my life. In short, life consists of not only sunshine but also hardships. We should be brave in front of difficulties. Let ’ s learn to regard the challenges of life we are fa cing as a stepping-stone to future success and make the best of them.

