重庆市主城区七校2019-2020学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题 图片版含答案

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重庆市主城区七校2019-2020学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题 图片版含答案

20 19--2020 学年(下)期末考试 高 2022 级英语试题参考答案 听力答案 1-5 AABCC 6-10CABCC 11-15 BAACA 16-20 BCACB 阅读理解 21-23 BCD 24-27 CAAD 28-31 ABDB 32-35 BBDC 七选五 GCEFA 完型填空 41-45 CBDAA 46-50 BADCB 51-55 ADDCB 56-60 DBCDA 语篇填空 61. obviously 62. planning 63. safety 64.It 65. To repay 66. for 67. though 或 although 68. Touched 69. has been collected 70. that 单句改错 71.can’t 改为 couldn’t 72.which 改成 whom 73.去掉 the 74.improve 改为 improving 75. is 后加 being 76.were 改为 was 77. strength 改为 strengths 78. arise 改为 arising 79. worked 改为 work 80. such 改为 so 书面表达: Dear John, Thank you very much for your recommendation . It’s a great opportunity to take part in the English speech competition. However, I'm afraid that I can't attend it. My mother has been ill for several days and I have to take care of her in my spare time, so I don't have enough time to prepare for the speech competition. I strongly recommend my friend Zhang Ming, who I think is the most suitable person to participate in this competition. He is good at English and speaks fluent English. Besides, he is a member of the wild- animal protection club and devotes much time to caring animals. I'm sure his rich experience of animal protection and perfect spoken English will enable him to achieve success. Sorry again for my absence. Best wishes. Yours,[来源:学科网 ZXXK] Li Hua 听力原文 Text(1) W:Good morning, sir. What can I get for your today? M: I would like a cup of milk, one egg, and a piece of bread. Thank you! Text (2) W: We had power cut at my house because of that thunder and lightning last night. M: We didn’t have that, but we had water come through the roof from the rain. My pets were really scared. Too! Text (3) W: You should write to your grandma. She loves to hear from you. She always talks about you and your sister to your father and me. M: I will do. I am so used to using the Internet that I forget she doesn’t have a computer. Text (4) M: I don’t to tidy up, Mom. That’s girls’ work. Men do things like cleaning the car and repairing the house.[来 源:学_科_网] W: Just do it. That is very old-fashioned way of thinking. Nowadays we all do the same things. Text (5)[来源:学|科|网] W: It seems silly that we’re insid e a building when the sun is shining outside. M: You were the one who suggested coming to the art exhibition.[来源:Z+xx+k.Com] W: Shall we cut short our visit and go for a walk at the park instead? Text (6) W: I think my wallet was stolen, sir. M: What makes you b elieve that it was stolen? W: I left it on the table half an hour ago, but when I came back from the restroom, it was gone. M: Are you sure you left your wallet on the table? W: Of course, sir. I planned to pay the bill at the cash desk before I went to the restroom. M: Is this your wallet? We found it in the restroom. W: Oh, yes, it is. Well, I must have left it there and forgotten to take it. Thank you. Text (7) M: What do you think of the children in our class? W: I love those children. They are so lovely. M: They love you too. They said you were the best teacher they had ever had. W: When I first came into the classroom, all of them stood up and looked at me. They all had a smile on their faces. M: It seems that they began loving you from the very beginning. W: Right. They are also very active. No one is shy. M: That is why you became friends with each other. W: I really don’t want to leave. But I have to because of my parents. They aren’t in good health. I often have to take them to the hospital. M: They will miss you. W: I will miss them too. Text(8) W: Wake up, Peter. Time to rise and shine. M: I must have fallen asleep while I was reading. W: Why are you always so sleepy every time you read books? M: I have difficulty understanding the meaning of the book. W: Have you ever tried to find the main idea of the book first? M: Does it help? W: Of course. After finding the main idea, you can get to know the meaning of the book and then you can understand the details of the book. M: Is it difficult to find the main idea? W: It’s difficult the first time. But it will become easier and easier. Text (9) W: Welcome back to our show. My next guest is Darren Wilson from the city government. Darren, thanks for coming. M: It’s my great to be here. W: So, who influenced you to become a public figure? M: My parents were a big influence. They never put any pressure on me, but they taught me to work hard for myself, not for anyone else. W: How? M: My father always told me that no matter what I did, I should respect myself enough to try my best, even if I failed in the end. He taught me to t hink for myself and to express my opinions, even if they weren’t popular. He said a clear mind and a strong voice were the greatest advantages. Finally, he encouraged me to travel, to see the world with an open mind. It was definitely the m ost valuable advice I ever received. Wherever I’ve gone, I’ve always tried to understand people’s points of view. Thai has allowed me to be a better leader. [来源:学科网 ZXXK] W: Did your mother also teach your important lessons? M: She did, but she had a totally different way of explaining things… Text (10) People in the west should realize how much the world owes to Chinese inventions. The British may have invented the jet engine and television. The Americans have invented the telephone. But hundreds of years ago, the Chinese gave us paper , silk, gunpowder (火药) and printing. Why are the Chinese so clever? Some say it’s because of the education system, but that hasn’t always existed. Perhaps it is the food and drinks consume d by the Chinese that give them extra brain power. Personally, I think that having to learn all those Chinese characters at an early age must be very good exercise for the brain. Where would we be without the compass, the clo ck, alcohol and tea, all of which are Chinese inventions? And in the mode rn era, China is still showing it can come up with great inventions. Bike sharing and mobile phone payment have become highly developed in China over recent years. And maybe they didn’t invent trains, but high-speed railways have been an amazing modern development in China. It most impresses me. And who knows what inventions the Chinese will come up with in the future? Over the centuries, its clever people have certainly made the world a better place.

