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只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 1 专题限时集训(十六) 细节理解题(一) A (2016·苏北四市摸底考试) An oral drug,named ERDRP-0519,was invented.It is specifically designed to protect people who got infected measles( 麻 疹 ) from spreading the virus to others.Like the flu,measles spreads through the air by breathing,coughing or sneezing. There is typically a time,about two weeks,between becoming infected with the virus and the beginning of symptoms like skin rash(皮疹),runny nose,heavy cough and high fever. “This therapy application determines the desired characteristics of the drug, which are orally available, cost-effective manufacture and high stability,” Richard Klemperer,professor of Georgia State University,told reporters last Wednesday. “With these criteria in mind,we have developed a small drug that blocks the measles virus over the past years,which is essential for copy of the virus.” The researchers tested the drug in rats infected with canine distemper virus(犬 瘟病),which is a close relative of measles virus.They found that all of the infected rats treated with the drug survived the deadly infection,showed no clinical signs of disease and developed a strong protective immune response. “The drug could be used to treat friends,family and other social contacts of a person infected with measles virus,which have not developed symptoms yet but are at risk of having caught the disease,” Klemperer said truthfully. “The emergence of strong antiviral immunity (抗病毒免疫力)in treated animals is particularly encouraging,since it suggests that the drug may not only save an infected individual from disease but contribute to closing measles immunity gaps in a population,”Klemperer said. The researchers emphasized the drug is not intended as a substitute for vaccination,but as an additional weapon to get rid of the measles.They planned to test the drug's safety in larger animals,before moving into clinical trials in humans. “If our next series of studies confirms that the human situation mirrors what we have seen in rats,then this drug may make a major contribution to getting rid of measles by preventing local outbreaks,” Klemperer said. Despite the existence of an effective vaccine,annual measles deaths worldwide 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 2 have remained constant at around 150,000 since 2007. The reasons for this are the highly infectious nature of the virus,in the developing world largely due to issues of resources,and in many developed countries in particular in the European region due to parental concerns regarding vaccination safety. 本文是一篇新闻报道类阅读理解。文章介绍了一种用于预防麻疹病毒传播的新药。 1.If a boy got infected by measles virus,he might NOT show the symptom like ________. A.runny nose B.bad cough C.high fever D.sick stomach D [细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句可知,麻疹的症状包括流鼻涕、咳嗽和高烧,而 不包括胃疼。故选 D。] 2.From what Klemperer said,we know that the drug ________. A.is only intended as a substitute for vaccination B.can only save those infected individuals from disease C.is cost-effective and high stability for curing measles D.has the same effect on human as on larger animals C [细节理解题。由第二段第一句可知,C 项正确。] 3.The best title of the passage is“________”. A.The Introduction of a New Oral Drug B.The Desired Characteristics of Drugs C.The Common Symptoms of Getting Measles D.The Application of Post-exposure Therapy A [主旨大意题。根据全文内容可知,本文主要介绍了一种名叫 ERDRP-0519 的新药, 这种药主要用于防止麻疹病毒传染。因此选 A。] B (2016·石家庄市调研检测) During the two and a half years since I settled down in Germany,I've caught a cold several times and gotten to experience how different German cold remedies (疗法) are from the Chinese ones. Back in Taiwan,whenever I had a streaming nose and a dry throat,I'd rush to the hospital to get prescribed medicine.For a fever,I would receive a red pill, which I now know is a type of antibiotic (抗生素). Another thing I know now is that the criminal behind my cold is a virus.The drugs I used only relieved the symptoms.When I went to a German hospital intending to get 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 3 some medicine to treat my cold,I got nothing more than a pat on my shoulder and words from the doctor,saying that I should get some really good rest.The first time this happened,I was shocked.I wondered how I could put up with my sickness without the help of medicine.But the longer I stayed in Germany,the better I knew how to self-medicate as other Germans do. I learned to take vitamin C to build up my resistance.But what I like the most is drinking “Erk ltungstee”.For German people,Erk ltungstee is what their grandmother gives them when they catch a cold.It's a tea bag mainly made of lime flower and orange rind.Another popular cold remedy in Germany is chicken soup.During my first winter in Germany,I got a really bad cold.My neighbor brought me a bowl of chicken soup to make me feel better.It contained a lot of ginger,onion,garlic, carrots and celery.Germans believe these ingredients are perfect for helping your body recover. 本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了作者在德国是如何应对感冒的故事。 4.How did the author feel after seeing the German doctor? A.Relieved. B.Surprised. C.Satisfied. D.Stressed. B [细节理解题。根据第三段的“The first time this happened,I was shocked.” 可知,作者第一次在德国看医生时,医生的应对方式让他很震惊。] 5.According to the author,what effect do antibiotics have on his cold? A.They cure his cold. B.They prevent the disease. C.They kill the virus in him. D.They make him feel better. D [推理判断题。根据第三段的第二句“The drugs I used only relieved the symptoms.”可推知,作者之前生病时所吃的抗生素只是缓解了感冒的症状,让他自己感觉 好一些而已。] 6.What do Germans think of “Erk ltungstee”? A.It can replace any cold remedy. B.It can build up one's resistance. C.It's a good way to self-medicate. D.It's better than chicken soup. C [细节理解题。根据第三段的最后一句“But the longer I stayed in Germany,the better I knew how to self-medicate as other Germans do.”并结合最后一段所列举的 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 4 Erk ltungstee 的例子可知,它是一种自我疗法。] 7.What can we infer from the text? A.Germans tend not to use antibiotics to treat a cold. B.The author often catches a cold in Taiwan. C.The author seldom drinks chicken soup. D.German doctors are cold to patients. A [推理判断题。根据第三段和最后一段内容可知,德国人感冒后医生是不给开药的, 而且德国人有自我疗法。由此可推知,德国人不会一感冒了就去吃抗生素。] 【导学号:57732054】 C (2016·西安市教学质量检测) Cheerleading(拉拉队) dates back to the late 19th century,when crowds began to chant and yell to encourage their teams.Credit for the first organized cheer was given to a University of Minnesota student named Johnny Campbell,who got the students to shout “Rah,rah,rah! Sku-u-mar,Hoorah! Hoo-rah! Varsity! Varsity! Varsity, Minn-e-so-ta!” for their football team in the 1898 season.Soon after,a yell -leader group of six male students was organized,a practice that became popular at numerous other universities. For the first few decades of its history cheerleading was an all-male activity, but by the 1920s,women began to take part in the activity as well.Nowadays more than 90% of America's cheerleading participants are female. In 1948,Lawrence Herkimer,a former Southern Methodist University cheerleader formed the National Cheerleaders Association (NCA).Herkimer is credited with creating many of cheerleading's fundamental moves. Cheerleading remained in its supporting role until the 1980s,when cheerleading competitions,organized by the National Cheerleaders Association and other groups, started to grow in popularity.For the first time,teams got off the sidelines and took centre stage,competing with teams from all over the U.S. Today cheerleaders can be found at almost any kind of sporting event,including the Olympics and the Cricket World Cup.The sport has spread from the U.S.to many other countries,like Mexico. 本文是说明文。简单介绍了拉拉队的发展历史。 8.Which of the following is TRUE to the first organized cheer? A.It started in the early 19th century. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 5 B.It made crowds around the school chant and yell to encourage their teams. C.It had the students shout certain words for their football team. D.It got a group of six male students to shout for their football team. C [细节理解题。第一段第二句提到,第一次有组织的加油助威要归功于明尼苏达大学 的学生强尼·坎伯,在 1898 年赛季他让学生(而非学校周围的人或者六个男学生)喊口号为 他们的足球队助威,故 C 项正确,B、D 两项错误。此外,再结合第一段的首句可知,拉拉 队开始于 19 世纪晚期,而第一次有组织的加油助威开始于 1898 年赛季,即 19 世纪晚期, 故 A 项错误。] 9.At the early years of the cheerleading history ________ took part in the activity. A.only men B.only girls C.both males and females D.both youths and adults A [细节理解题。第二段第一句提到,在拉拉队出现的早期,拉拉队的活动全是男性参 加,而到了 20 世纪 20 年代才有了女性参加。] 10.After the 1980s,teams of cheerleading ________. A.played their part on the sidelines B.could play their part on the centre stage C.stayed the same as they were before D.were completely different from what they were before B [细节理解题。根据第四段的内容可知,20 世纪 80 年代之后,拉拉队离开场外区域, 进入了场区的中心位置,并且和来自全美的其他队伍竞争。故 B 项正确。] 11.The best title for this passage may be“____________”. A.People who started cheerleading B.How cheerleading was started C.What cheerleading means D.A brief history of cheerleading D [主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章主要讲述了拉拉队的发展历史。故 D 项做文章标 题最佳。]

