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必修三 Unit 4 课下语篇提能练 Ⅰ.阅读理解 (2019· 太 原 一 模 )More than 90 years has passed since Hollywood's official film organization first proposed plans to build its own museum. Those plans are finally becoming a reality, with the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures set to open in 2019. The project is underway at the site of a historic Los Angeles department store built in 1939. Museum officials say visitors will be able to “experience the magic of cinema” by learning about all parts of the filmmaking process. Film historian Kerry Brougher has been named director of the museum. Brougher says the museum will include over 12 million photographs and 80,000 screenplays as well as props (道具 ), costumes and other objects from famous films. The Academy Museum will also feature Oscar statuettes (小雕像) donated by actors who won the awards. Brougher says the museum is designed to make visitors feel like they are in a movie, too, with many interactive experiences.“You won't necessarily know what's coming next , ” he adds.“You'll be in environments sometimes that make you feel like you've gone back to the past and that you're in the area that you're actually exploring.” He adds that visitors may even get the chance to walk down a red carpet and accept their own Academy Award. Currently, Hollywood only has a few possibilities for visitors. They can go along the Walk of Fame, visit movie studios or see the Dolby Theater, where the Oscars are presented. But beyond these, movie fans have limited possibilities. Eric Garcetti, the mayor of Los Angeles says the Academy Museum will provide visitors with the chance to experience many different parts of the film industry all in one place. Garcetti notes the museum will also serve the hundreds of thousands of local people working in film­related businesses. He says they, too, will finally be able to visit a place that celebrates their own Hollywood movie industry. 语篇解读:本文主要介绍了好莱坞终于有了自己的电影博物馆,并将于 2019 年向公众开放。 1.When was the idea of building a museum in Hollywood first put forward? A.In the 1920s.       B.In 1939. C.In the 1990s. D.In 2019. 解析:选 A 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句可知,自好莱坞官方电影组织首次提出建 立自己的博物馆的计划以来,已经过去了九十多年,因此大约在 20 世纪 20 年代第一次提出 了在好莱坞建立博物馆的想法,故选 A 项。 2.What can we learn from Brougher's words? A.Photos of visitors will be put on display. B.Settings in the museum will feel quite real. C.Most visitors will be presented with an award. D.Actors will donate much money to the museum. 解析:选 B 推理判断题。根据第四段中的“You'll be in environments ...that you're actually exploring.”可知,博物馆的环境会让你有回到过去、身临其境的感觉,故从 Brougher 的话中可以推断出博物馆的背景环境令人感觉非常真实,故选 B 项。 3.What is Eric Garcetti's attitude towards the Academy Museum? A.Supportive. B.Critical. C.Disapproving. D.Cautious. 解析:选 A 观点态度题。根据最后一段中 Eric Garcetti 说的话可知,Garcetti 认为博 物馆将为游客提供体验电影行业许多不同方面的机会,并为成千上万在电影相关行业工作的 当地人员服务。因此可知,Garcetti 对博物馆持支持的态度,故选 A 项。 4.What is the best title for the passage? A.The Filmmaking Plans in Hollywood B.The Filmmaking Process of Hollywood C.Hollywood Making Plans of Film Museums D.Hollywood Getting Its Own Film Museum 解析:选 D 标题归纳题。通读全文及根据本文第一段中的“Those plans are finally becoming a reality, with the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures set to open in 2019.”可知, 本文主要围绕“好莱坞将要建成自己的电影博物馆”这个主题展开论述,故选 D 项。 Ⅱ.完形填空 (2019·辽宁五校高三上学期模拟)It had been a long time since I had been to Jacksonville, Florida. I had driven to town __1__ to find the old barbershop where my hair had been cut when I was a child. As I __2__ around, I was a little disappointed to see the old buildings had been __3__ with new high­rise ones. After walking about a block I saw an open shoe store. Wondering whether I could get the __4__, I walked in. As I stood talking to the salesman, the front door opened and a young man about twenty came into the store in a __5__.“I need a new pair of shoes,” said the __6__.As he turned the corner, I was __7__ to see that the young man had no legs. Seeing us __8__, the young man said,“When I was a __9__, my parents used to buy me a new pair of shoes every year. That was such a wonderful feeling — __10__ I have never forgotten.” Soon the salesman came with a large box. He put it down on the floor, took out a boot and handed it to the young man. Placing the boot __11__ his nose, the young man closed both eyes, and took a deep breath. I did not know what to say as tears began to roll down his __12__. Suddenly we heard the salesman shouting to an old man ___13__ who looked in the window from time to time. The young man looked at the old man and then turned to me. “Would you walk out and see what __14__ that fellow wears?” he __15__. Wondering why, I __16__ walked to the front door, opened it and asked the old man to __17__. “What size of shoes do you wear?” the young man asked the old man.“I don't know,” he replied, as he __18__ his old tennis shoes.“I would say nine and a half,” I suggested. “What's your __19__hiking boot in nine and a half?” the young man asked the salesman. Within a minute, the salesman returned with a pair of hiking boots. The young man __20__ out, took the boot, placed it to his nose and took a deep breath. Once again, tears came to his eyes.“Sir, would you mind trying on these boots?” the boy asked the old fellow. 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一位没有双腿的陌生青年为一陌生穷苦老人买鞋 的感人故事。 1.A.needing          B.waiting C.helping D.hoping 解析:选 D 根据空后的“where my hair had been cut when I was a child”及下文内容可 知,作者希望(hoping)找到这家理发店。 2.A.wandered B.jumped C.ran D.wondered 解析:选 A 当作者闲逛(wandered)时,看到老的建筑被新的高楼替代(replaced),作 者有一点失望。 3.A.ruined B.decorated C.replaced D.lined 解析:选 C 参见上题解析。 4.A.keys B.answer C.shoes D.service 解析:选 B 从上文可知作者在找那家理发店,作者看到一家开着门的鞋店,他想从鞋 店里得到答案(answer),所以他走了进去。 5.A.wheelchair B.car C.boot D.suit 解析:选 A 根据下文中的“had no legs”可推知这个年轻人是坐着轮椅(wheelchair)进 店的。 6.A.salesman B.owner C.elder D.customer 解析:选 D 根据空前的“I need a new pair of shoes”可知,进店的那位年轻人是一位顾 客(customer)。 7.A.excited B.shocked C.ashamed D.embarrassed 解析:选 B 根据上文可知,一个没有脚的年轻人却要买鞋子,这让作者感到震惊 (shocked)。excited“兴奋的”;ashamed“惭愧的”;embarrassed“尴尬的,窘迫的”。 8.A.unsatisfied B.uninterested C.puzzled D.worried 解析:选 C 根据下文那个年轻人解释自己为什么买鞋可知,此处表示“看到我们疑惑 (puzzled),那个年轻人解释道”。 9.A.student B.manager C.barber D.kid 解析:选 D 根据语境可知,当这个年轻人还是个孩子(kid)的时候,父母每年都会给他 买双新鞋。 10.A.everything B.something C.nothing D.anything 解析:选 B 根据空前的破折号可知,空处是对其前“such a wonderful feeling”的补充 说明,表示“一种至今难以忘怀的东西(something)”。 11.A.to B.over C.across D.on 解析:选 A 根据下文中的“placed it to his nose”可知答案为 A。 12.A.sleeves B.hands C.cheeks D.legs 解析:选 C 作者看到年轻人泪流满面,不知说什么好。cheek“面颊,脸颊”符合语 境,故选 C。 13.A.in horror B.in sorrow C.in relief D.in rags 解析:选 D 根据鞋店售货员吼窗外老人和下文年轻人要给老人买鞋可推断,该老人应 该是穿着破烂(in rags)的。in horror“惊恐地”;in sorrow“悲痛地”;in relief“放心地”。 14.A.color B.size C.price D.material 解析:选 B 根据下文“What size of shoes do you wear?”可知,这位年轻人请求作 者去询问窗外老人所穿鞋子的尺码(size),故选 B。 15.A.requested B.ordered C.required D.begged 解析:选 A 作者和该年轻人是陌生人,故此处应表示请求作者。request“请求”符 合语境。 16.A.suddenly B.unwillingly C.slowly D.steadily 解析:选 C 根据空前的“Wondering why”及语境可知,此时作者心里充满疑惑,这个 年轻人为什么要问这位老人穿多大尺码的鞋,所以作者应该是慢慢地(slowly)走出去。 unwillingly“不愿意地”;steadily“稳定地”。 17.A.leave B.enter C.visit D.meet 解析:选 B 从下文在店内的年轻人为老人买鞋可知,老人从店外进入(enter)店内。 18.A.turned around B.showed up C.turned back D.looked down at 解析:选 D 当老人听到年轻人问起鞋子的尺码时,就低头看(looked down at)脚上的 鞋子。turn around“转身,扭转”;show up“出现”;turn back“折回,掉转头”。 19.A.best B.dearest C.heaviest D.quickest 解析:选 A 根据语境可知,那个年轻人要为老人买最好的(best)鞋子。dear“昂贵 的”;heavy“沉重的”;quick“迅速的”。 20.A.burst B.looked C.reached D.broke 解析:选 C 根据下文“took the boot, placed it ... breath”等动作可知,第一个动作应该 是伸出手(reached out)接过鞋子。 Ⅲ.语法填空 Red is a particularly popular color in China. A pair of red shoes — __1__ they are for sports, dances or just fashion — is a must­have for every Chinese woman's shoe collection. For most Chinese brides, red shoes should also be worn __2__ their big day. As women's feet __3__ (connect) with female attraction, red shoes often emphasize this aspect __4___ convey special beauty. In some classical Chinese novels, there are __5__ (describe) of charming women in red silk shoes. If you wear a dark dress in __6__ cold season, a pair of red shoes can raise your ensemble (整套服装) to a __7__ (high) level. They can also go with different levels of red color, __8__ (give) the wearer a lively and joyful look. __9__ (sure) red will always be a beloved color for designers, and red shoes have also become a choice for many supermodels. If you are also a fan of this __10__ (energy) color, consider wearing a pair of red shoes for every Chinese Lunar New Year! 语篇解读:本文主要介绍了红色在中国备受青睐的原因和意义。 1.whether 考查连词。whether ... or ... 意为“无论……还是……”,表示选择,故用 连词 whether。 2.on 考查介词。on+具体的日子,表示在具体的某一天。 3.are connected 考查动词的时态和语态。动词 connect 和句子的主语 women's feet 之间为被动关系,且此处是对客观情况的陈述,故用一般现在时的被动语态。 4.and 考查连词。根据语境可知,前后句之间表示逻辑上的并列关系,即 emphasize 和 convey 并列,故用连词 and。 5.descriptions 考查名词复数。由介词 of 可知,此处应用名词形式,再由空前的 there are,且 description 为可数名词可知,应用 descriptions。 6.a 考查冠词。season 是可数名词,且此处表示泛指,故填 a。 7.higher 考查形容词比较级。一双红色的鞋可以把你的整套服装提升到一个更高的 水平。根据语境可知,此处隐含了一种比较的含义,故用形容词比较级 higher 修饰名词 level。 8.giving 考查非谓语动词。动词 give 和句子的谓语 go 之间没有连词,且和其逻辑主 语之间构成主动关系,故用现在分词作结果状语。 9.Surely 考查副词。此处修饰整个句子,故应用副词形式。 10.energetic 考查形容词。修饰名词一般用形容词,故此处用形容词 energetic 修饰 名词 color。 Ⅳ.短文改错 (2019·洛阳第一次统考)In my spare time, I often read some books written by famous writers in or abroad. I ever read China's Four Great Classical novel such as Journey to the West. Beside, I enjoy reading Tang poetry. I have been writing from I was nine years old. I am remember the first time my parents and I talked about my dream of becoming writer. They laughed out happy when they read the short story I write about robots. They think that my story is well worth read and that I am good at writing. I believe I will achieve their dream. 答案:第一句:or→and 第二句:novel→novels 第三句:Beside→Besides 第四句:from→since 第五句:去掉 am; writer 前加 a 第六句:happy→happily; write→wrote 第七句:read→reading 第八句:their→my

