黑龙江省大庆市铁人中学2021届高三上学期期中考试英语试题 Word版含答案

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黑龙江省大庆市铁人中学2021届高三上学期期中考试英语试题 Word版含答案

大庆铁人中学2018级高三年级上学期期中考试 英语试题 考试时间:2020.10‎ 试题说明:1、本试题满分 150 分,答题时间 120 分钟。‎ ‎2、请将答案填写在答题卡上,考试结束后只交答题卡。‎ 第 I 卷 选择题部分 一、 完形填空(一)( 共 20 小题; 每小题 1.5 分, 满分 30 分)‎ 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ I Have Two Names Oyindasola means “Honey poured into my wealth.” It's a fairly common Nigerian (尼日利亚的) name, mainly used for girls.____1____, I’m known as Oyindasola, but my nickname is Chelsea. Some ask why I don’t use my real ____2____ and I tell them what my father told me: a story about him ____3____ Chelsea, South West London a year after I was born. I tell them that this nickname spoke to him so much that it ____4____ on every birthday cake of mine.‎ When I was seven, inside the brick walls of our townhouse in New York, we decided to ____5____ to Nigeria. And my mother needed to know what my family there would call me. The nickname I’d been called for as long as I could ____6____ or the complex name on my passport? A simple question. But it tore me apart.‎ A week later we found ourselves at an airport with groups of Nigerians speaking as we ____7____ for our cab. After a week of getting used to the spicier foods, and sharper scents, I fell into ____8____. Soon, my memories of Disney in America were ____9____ with sounds of Nigerian music. My tongue grew heavier with a Nigerian _____10_____, and the words shared between my mother and grandmother in their native tongue finally _____11_____. But I still wasn't Nigerian enough. Their unfriendly looks and _____12_____ were a constant reminder of who I was: an American girl with the westernized name. So I wasn't _____13_____ sad when my mother announced our back to America for her work.‎ On the first day of middle school in America, _____14_____ coursed through me because I knew my birth name wouldn't _____15_____ the attendance list just as I couldn’t fail to draw others’ attention. I was _____16_____ when the teacher mispronounced my painfully long name and my classmates laughed.‎ But with every passing year, came new _____17_____. Every new attendance roll (考勤) call was responded with a braver voice and a _____18_____ smile. That long name, mispronounced or not, is mine. The Nigerian accent slipping through is mine. Who I am is simple: a Nigerian girl with _____19_____ to the American dream, a girl with two _____20_____ and two names.‎ ‎1. A. Luckily B. Frankly C. Legally D. Obviously ‎2. A. origin B. name C. identity D. signature ‎3. A. visiting B. describing C. abandoning D. leaving ‎4. A. competed B. happened C. passed D. appeared ‎5. A. drive B. move C. pace D. walk ‎6. A. imagine B. predict C. remember D. survive ‎7. A. headed B. answered C. changed D. turned ‎8. A. conversations B. chaos C. desperation D. routine ‎9. A. connected B. replaced C. faced D. decorated ‎10. A. recreation B. lifestyle C. accent D. diet ‎11. A. made sense B. took shape C. died away D. ran out ‎12. A. gifts B. decisions C. negotiations D. remarks ‎13. A. rarely B. really C. perfectly D. nervously ‎14. A. anxiety B. disappointment C. rudeness D. shock ‎15. A. form B. throw C. ruin D. escape ‎16. A. guilty B. regretful C. embarrassed D. confused ‎17. A. sympathy B. confidence C. generosity D. honesty ‎18. A. kinder B. weaker C. wider D. friendlier ‎19. A. reaction B. objection C. response D. access ‎20. A. languages B. advantages C. degrees D. occupations 二、 阅读理解(共两小节,20 小题; 每小题 2 分, 满分 40 分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ A Kinder Camp This is a week-long camp, Monday through Friday, for children from three years old to those entering first grade in the fall. Early childhood educators guide your child through activities including songs, games, stories and walks in the woods. Daily themes include dirt, furry animals, insects and more! Parents sign up to bring a snack (小吃). Choose from either morning or afternoon sessions, from June 9 to July 1, 2020.‎ Kids Camp Children explore all day in the natural world. Art, music, cooperative games and hikes through the woods are some of the activities in this fun-filled week. Each grade level has its own camp program especially designed with the campers’ interests in mind.‎ Camp takes place Monday through Friday, 9 am to 3 pm.‎ Level 1 (completed 1st grade): July 28 to August 1, 2020.‎ Level 2 (completed 2nd grade): August 4 to 8, 2020.‎ Level 3 (completed 3rd grade): August 11 to 15, 2020.‎ Please note: children must bring their own lunches.‎ Outdoor Expeditions Send your child on a traveling adventure. Teenagers will investigate the natural, cultural and historical facts that make their hometown a great city. Activities will include unique field trips and tours.‎ Outdoor Expedition: from 9 am to 3 pm, August 11 to 15, 2020.‎ Please note: children must bring their own lunches.‎ Rainbow Camp Campers enjoy all kinds of activities including arts and crafts, music and singing, drama, active games, cooking and a host of special events that go with our theme weeks! Special guests are invited to the camp every week to entertain our campers and may include storytellers, musicians and magicians.‎ Week-long camps, June 14 to July 18.‎ Campers must be at least 4 years old to take part.‎ For more information, call Frick‎ Environmental ‎Center at (412) 422-6538.‎ ‎21. According to the passage, we can infer that Kinder Camp is probably organized to _________.‎ A. help children learn about nature while playing B. get children prepared for primary school C. offer parents a chance to play with their children D. develop children's language skills ‎22. Jack, aged 13, interested in nature and is free in August, would probably take __________.‎ A. Rainbow Camp B. Kids Camp C. Kinder Camp D. Outdoor Expeditions ‎23. What is the purpose of writing this article?‎ A. To show the importance of attending camps.‎ B. To tell us how to have fun during vacations.‎ C. To give us some information about camps.‎ D. To introduce how to play with children.‎ B Police Officer Tidwell left the station just after ‎8 a.m. on Sunday June 4. He had spent a boring night on duty and was looking forward to his day of rest. By habit he took a short-cut down the path behind Dugby Hall road and after a minute or two he saw a man climbing down a drainpipe (雨水管)from an open bedroom window of Number 29. In silence, Tidwell crept into the garden. The man reached the ground and was dusting himself down when he felt his arm caught.‎ ‎“It's 8:15 on a Sunday morning,” said the officer, “and this sort of thing seems an unlikely adventure at such a time. Would you mind explaining?”‎ The man was obviously scared but tried to keep calm. He said, “I know what you are thinking, officer, but it isn't true. This is a funny mistake.”‎ ‎“It's part of my job to take an interest in unusual events. I think you've just left this house in a manner other than the customary one. That may be quite innocent, but I'd like to make sure." Tidwell took out his notebook and a pen. “Name, address and occupation and then, please, tell me ‎ your story..."‎ ‎“Charlie Crane, a lorry driver, from Nottingham, 51 Breton Street. My story...”‎ ‎“ Yes. What were you doing like a fly on that wall, Mr. Crane?”‎ ‎“Well, I had a breakdown yesterday and had to stay the night here. Bed and breakfast. The land-lady’s name is Mrs. Fern. She gave me breakfast at seven, and I was out of here in the right way and down at the lorry park by half past seven. Only when I felt around for a cigarette did I realize I’d left $‎80 in my envelope under the pillow here at number 29. I always put it under my pillow at night. It's a habit I've got into. I even do it at home...”‎ ‎“I see. Why didn't you miss it when you went to pay Mrs.... What’s her name?”‎ ‎“I’d paid her last night. You’ve got to pay when you take the room, see? So I came rushing back, but it’s Sunday, and she’d gone back to bed, and could I wake her? I rang the bell and banged on the front door for ten minutes before I came round here to the back and spotted my bedroom window still open. Up I went, then, up this pipe. It’s a trick I learned in the army. She didn’t make the bed, and money was still there. You know the rest, I hope you believe it because...”‎ ‎“Mr. Crane, whatever are you doing here? I thought you’d gone an hour ago.” It was Mrs. Fern speaking from the kitchen at the corner of the house.‎ ‎24. The police officer questioned the man because __________________.‎ A. the man had fallen and needed attention B. he thought he knew him C. he had seen him do a strange thing D. the man had tried to escape from a window ‎25. Crane stayed the night at number 29 because __________________.‎ A. he had lost his way in the dark B. he had suddenly fallen ill that night C. Nottingham was too far for him to drive that night D. there was something wrong with his lorry ‎26. Why didn't the man realize he had left his money at the landlady's earlier?‎ A. Because he had no occasion to remember the money thing.‎ B. Because he had put the money under the pillow.‎ C. Because he trusted the landlady.‎ D. Because he was in such a hurry that morning.‎ ‎27. In the end, Officer Tidwell would probably ____________.‎ A. take Crane back to his office.‎ B. accuse Crane of misbehaving.‎ C. force Crane to pay Mrs. Fern some money.‎ D. just let Crane go.‎ C Spending over a year in the bleak (荒凉的) Antarctica might change your brain for the worse, according to a new research out this month. It seems to show that polar explorers who lived for 14 months at an Antarctica research station experienced brain shrinkage(缩小), likely as a result of their loneliness and boredom.‎ The study’s authors used MRI (核磁共振) to scan the brains of eight members of a team before they began a long stay at the German-run research station. During their mission. the team periodically took tests of their cognition and memory and provided blood samples that allowed the study authors to measure their levels of a protein important for brain health called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). When they returned, they had their brains scanned again.‎ Finally, compared to themselves before the mission, the explorers’ brains appeared to have less grey matter on average. The shrinkage was most apparent in the hippocampus, in the area of the brain key to memory and cognition. Their average levels of BDNF also dropped during the trip and didn’t improve significantly even after one-and-a-half months back home.‎ The study’s findings, published in The New England Journal of Medicine, aren’t the first to suggest that long time of being separated can change the brain. But practically all of this work has involved animals, according to the researchers.‎ Of course, an eight-person study is small, so any of its conclusions should be taken with caution. Lead author Alexander C. Stahn, now a researcher at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, said that the effects on the hippocampus are likely temporary, provided the scientists returned to a life filled with social interaction and interesting things to see.‎ Still, since people will continue traveling to and from Antarctica for long periods of time, the findings are definitely worth keeping in mind and exploring further. They might even prove relevant for the rare few people who might travel as far as Mars in the future — perhaps the only ‎ similarly scientific, months-long mission that would be even more lonely.‎ ‎28. What will do damage to the brain according to the first paragraph?‎ A. Doing research in brain shrinkage B. Traveling to the Antarctica.‎ C. Working as a researcher in a station. D. Being in a lonely place for a long time.‎ ‎29. How did the scientists get the conclusion?‎ A. By comparing the scanned results. B. By studying the previous figures.‎ C. By making a long-term program. D. By scanning the participants’ brains.‎ ‎30. What can we infer about the explorers when they returned?‎ A. They were no longer used to the civilized world.‎ B. They had some difficulty in remembering things.‎ C. They became normal after one-and-a-half months.‎ D. They published their findings in a medical magazine.‎ ‎31. What is the last paragraph mainly about?‎ A. The importance of the finding. B. The disadvantage of the finding.‎ C. The future development of the space. D. The possibility of travelling to Mars.‎ D Communities across the world are starting to ban facial recognition technologies. The efforts are well intentioned but banning facial recognition is the wrong way to fight against modern surveillance(监 视).Generally, modern mass surveillance has three broad components: identification(辨认), correlation(关联) and discrimination(歧视).‎ Facial recognition is a technology that can be used to identify people without their consent(同意). Once we are identified, the data about who we are and what we are doing can be correlated with other data. This might be movement data, which can be used to “follow” us as we move throughout our day. It can be purchasing data, Internet browsing data, or data about who we talk to via email or text. It might be data about our income, ethnicity(种族), lifestyle, profession and interests. There is an entire industry of data brokers who make a living by selling our data without our consent.‎ It's not just that they know who we are; it's that they correlate what they know about us to create profiles about who we are and what our interests are. The whole purpose of this process is ‎ for companies to treat individuals differently. We are shown different ads on the Internet and receive different offers for credit cards. In the future, we might be treated differently when we walk into a store, just as we currently are when we visit websites.‎ It doesn't matter which technology is used to identify people. What's important is that we can be consistently identified over time. We might be completely anonymous (匿名的)in a system that uses unique cookies to track us as we browse the Internet, but the same process of correlation and discrimination still occurs.‎ Regulating this system means addressing all three steps of the process. A ban on facial recognition won't make any difference. The problem is that we are being identified without our knowledge or consent, and society needs rules about when that is permissible.‎ Similarly, we need rules about how our data can be combined with other data, and then bought and sold without our knowledge or consent. The data broker industry is almost entirely unregulated now. Reasonable laws would prevent the worst of their abuses.‎ Finally, we need better rules about when and how it is permissible for companies to discriminate. Discrimination based on protected characteristics like race and gender is already illegal, but those rules are ineffectual against the current technologies of surveillance and control. When people can be identified and their data correlated at a speed and scale previously unseen, we need new rules.‎ Today, facial recognition technologies are receiving the force of the tech backlash (抵制),but focusing on them misses the point. We need to have a serious conversation about all the technologies of identification, correlation and discrimination, and decide how much we want to be spied on and what sorts of influence we want them to have over our lives.‎ ‎32. According to Para.2, with facial recognition _______.‎ A. one’s lifestyle changes greatly B. one's email content is disclosed C. one's profiles are updated in time D. one's personal information is released ‎33. We can learn from the passage that _______.‎ A. discrimination based on new tech surveillance is illegal B. different browsing data bring in different advertisements C. using mobiles anonymously keeps us from being correlated D. data brokers control the current technologies of surveillance ‎34. The underlined part “the point”, in the last paragraph probably refers to _______.‎ A. people's concern over their safety B. the nature of the surveillance society C. proper regulation of mass surveillance D. the importance of identification technology ‎35. The author wrote this passage to _______.‎ A. call for banning facial recognition technologies B. advocate the urgent need for changes in related laws C. inform readers of the disadvantages of facial recognition D. evaluate three broad components in modem mass surveillance 第二节( 共 5 小题; 每小题 2 分, 满分 10 分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ There is no need to say again in business psychology that high self-confidence is the key to career success. I think low self-confidence is more likely to make you successful. Sure, extremely low confidence is not helpful. It prevents performance by including fear, worry, and stress, which may drive people to give up sooner or later. ___36___. If your confidence is low, rather than extremely low, you stand a better chance of succeeding than if you have high self-confidence.‎ ‎___37___. Therefore, you will be self-critical. Most people get trapped in their optimistic prejudice, so they tend to listen to positive feedback(反馈)and ignore negative feedback. Although this may help them come across as being confident to others, in any area of competition an achievement is 10% performance and 90% preparation. ___38___.‎ Lower self-confidence can get you to work harder and prepare more. If you are careful about your goals, you will work harder when you lack confidence in your abilities. ___39___, low confidence is negative. If you really want to do what you want, your low confidence will only make you work harder to achieve it because it will make you know the distance to the goals.‎ Lower self-confidence reduces the possibilities of pride and disappointment. ___40___, they are more likely to admit mistakes instead of blaming others. This is the most important benefit of ‎ low self-confidence because it points to the fact that low self-confidence can bring success, not just to individuals but also to organizations and society.‎ A. Then if you care about your inability very much,‎ B. Lower self-confidence makes you focus on negative feedback.‎ C. So low confidence can only prevent you from succeeding.‎ D. Thus, the more you know weaknesses, the better prepared you will be.‎ E. But appropriate low confidence helps you adjust your goals to complete.‎ F. Indeed, if people have low self-confidence,‎ G. Actually when you are careless about your goals,‎ 三、 完形填空(二)(共 20 小题; 每小题 1.5 分, 满分 30 分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳 选项.‎ For years, I thought a present and a gift as the same thing.‎ I grew up in a household where presents marked special ____41____ There was always a box for each of us under the tree at Christmas. ____42____, Dad always gave Mom something each Valentine’s Day and anniversary. He would carefully plan his shopping trips to find just the ___43___ thing. His joy in the hunt was proof of the ___44___of giving and of his love for her. I saw these presents as the ___45___ of a husband's devotion.‎ So when I married a man who did not give presents on a regular basis, it was an ___46___. I wrestled with my expectation. Gary did hot ___47___ avoid gift-giving. Gary would return from sea armed with a brown paper bag inside of which was something that ___48___ him of me. But mostly, he ignored holidays, ___49___ to shop for a thing to present to me as a sign of love.‎ I tried to change him ____50____. I prepared gifts for Christmas and for his birthdays ____51____. He appreciated the caring, but refused to do the same thing for me. I dropped hints, but they ____52____ deaf ears.‎ I began to tell him what I wanted, giving ____53____ instructions. When Gary left for the market one Saturday, I asked him to find me diamond earrings as a birthday present. Yet he came home with a road scraper(刮路机).‎ ‎____54____when the snowstorm stopped later that year and he was at sea, I used the road ‎ scraper to plow (犁)out both our driveway and our neighbor’s, thinking how ____55____ earrings would have been and it was then that I realized he had been giving me gifts all along. The gestures, large and small, born of his caring and concern were the ____56____that he gave daily.‎ We ____57____ to teach others how to love us. In that struggle, we often forget how to ____58____ the love they already give us as only they can give it.‎ I finally began to understand the ____59____ between a present and a gift. A present is a thing. But a gift is a small act of kindness, the willingness to ____60____ another’s needs, the sacrifice of time and effort.‎ ‎41. A. locations B. situations C. occasions D. conditions ‎42. A. Additionally B. Originally C. Fortunately D. Consequently ‎43. A. cheap B. astonishing C. splendid D. right ‎44. A. pleasure B. ambition C. intention D. addiction ‎45. A. example B. emphasis C. experiment D. expression ‎46. A. improvement B. adjustment C. excitement D. enjoyment ‎47. A. actively B. willingly C. patiently D. wholly ‎48 A‎. warned B. reminded C. convinced D. informed ‎49. A. refusing B. announcing C. demanding D. rushing ‎50. A. by tradition B. by force C. by example D. by accident ‎51. A. on purpose B. in order C. at random D. on time ‎52. A. absorbed in B. cared for C. fell on D. broke down ‎53. A. some B. specific C. brief D. unusual ‎54. A. And B. So C. Though D. But ‎55. A. precious B. practical C. useless D. ugly ‎56. A. promises B. gifts C. blessings D. instructions ‎57. A. struggle B. fail C. attempt D. decide ‎58. A. express B. appreciate C. return D. share ‎59. A. distance B. similarity C. difference D. conflict ‎60. A. fight against B. laugh at C. turn down D. bend to 第 II 卷 四、 语法填空 ( 共 10 小题; 每小题 1.5 分, 满分 15 分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式(不超过三个单词)。‎ The idea of a taxi that flies over a traffic jam and drops you home is an exciting proposal. It appears that we are almost there.‎ German air-taxi startup Volocopter will build its first 61______ (fly) taxi station by the end of this year in Singapore, paving the way for major changes in 62_____ humans will commute(通勤) in the future. These air taxis, or urban air mobility(UAM) vehicles, are usually 63______(electrical)powered taxis based on drone(无人机)technology 64______(design)to carry two people. The aim of the technology is 65_____ (save) people time and help cities transform their transportation systems toward a more sustainable future by adding a new mobility option for citizens.‎ Many companies, including Uber, 66______ (compete) fiercely in this space now. Chinese automaker Geely led a round of investment worth 50 million euros 67 ____will help the startup finance its commercialization in the next three years. Li Shufu, chairman of Geely Holding, said, “Our latest work 68 _____Volocopter builds up our confidence in Volocopter air taxis as the next 69_____ (ambition) step in our wider expansion in both electrification and new mobility services.” “It definitely still seems to be unusual, 70_____ at the same time it is not completely unexpected,” he added.‎ Still, practical problems remain unsolved, such as getting the go-ahead from regulators and ensuring the trips are safe as many taxis will be flown without pilots.‎ 五、 短文改错(共 10 处错误; 每处 1 分, 满分 10 分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。‎ Many parents have bought their children their own computers, hope that they will use them sensible for their schoolwork and have the latest skills. Schools teach information technology as an essential part of the school curriculum. But some people feel they have a lot of disadvantage.‎ ‎ Teenagers don’t have a balanced life and computers are turning them into “geeks”(笨蛋) which no longer take exercise or even know how to have a conversation. An expert also warned the various dangers of “chatting” to people one doesn’t know over the Internet. “I strongly recommend that the government ban all Internet cafes as such many teenagers are wasting their time on games and Internet chatting which has nothing to do with their schoolwork. But, some teenagers can be seen as good examples as they put the enthusiasm for computers to good use. Computers help him organize the schoolwork and learn a future career as well as.‎ 六、 书面表达( 满分 25 分)‎ 假定你是李华。在一个英文网络论坛上,你看到名叫Kelly的中学生发帖寻求帮助。请根据帖子的内容、写作要点和要求回帖。‎ Kelly on 19 Feb. 2020‎ Hi, everyone, my grandma smokes and my family come by her home a lot. When we come, she's always smoking. I always go to another room where I can’t smell the smoke, worried about my brother or someone else getting sick from second-hand smoke. What should I do?‎ 写作要点:‎ ‎1.结合亲身经历告诉 Kelly要怎样认识这个问题; ‎ ‎2.给Kelly提出建议。‎ 要求:‎ ‎1.词数100左右;2.内容充实,结构完整,语意连贯;3.书写清晰工整。‎ 大庆铁人中学2018级高三年级上学期期中考试 英语试题答案 第 I 卷 选择题部分 一、 完形填空(一)( 共 20 小题; 每小题 1.5 分, 满分 30 分)‎ CBADB CADBC ‎ ADBAD CBCDA 二、 阅读理解(共两小节,20 小题; 每小题 2 分, 满分 40 分)‎ ADC CDAD D ABA DBCB ‎ EBDGF 三、 完形填空(二)(共 20 小题; 每小题 1.5 分, 满分 30 分)‎ CADAD BDBAC ‎ ACBDC B A BCD 第 II 卷 四、 语法填空 ( 共 10 小题; 每小题 1.5 分, 满分 15 分)‎ ‎61.flying 62.how 63.electrically 64.designed 65. to save ‎ ‎66.are competing 67.that/which 68.with 69.ambitious 70.but 五、短文改错 ‎1. hope→hoping 2. sensible→sensibly 3. disadvantage→disadvantages ‎4 which→who 5. warned后加of/about 6.such→so 7. has→have ‎8. But→However 9. him→them 10. 去掉第二个as 参考范文:‎ Dear Kelly,‎ I know exactly how you feel. My mom was a smoker and I couldn't stand smelling the traces of cigarettes in her breath.‎ ‎ In my view, a direct and honest talk counts most. Firstly, not only did I tell her about my feelings that I was worried about her and family members’ health but also offered my suggestion that she kick her addiction to smoking. Besides, we ‎ worked together to find solutions, such as chewing gums, doing exercise and so on. Eventually she quit altogether! ‎ I hope my personal experience will be of some help to you.‎

