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只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 1 - 动词时态语态 (时间 50 分钟;满分 100 分) 班 级 _________________ 姓 名 _____________ 考 号 _________________ 得 分 _______________________ I 语言知识及应用 (共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节 完形填空 (共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)【内蒙古杭锦后旗奋斗中学 2017 届 高三上学期第一次月考】阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Slice of Generosity It was Saturday and we decided to take our kids for 1 out. We chose a branch of Pizza Express at the Surbiton Street. We entered the restaurant and sat down 2 an empty table. There was an elderly lady dining alone at the next table. It was clear that the lady had 3 needs. After some time, she finished her eating, sat up and went to the 4 to pay the bill. The waitress tried her bank card several times but couldn’t make it. Then the waitress turned to her and 5 told the lady that there was something wrong with her bank card and it couldn’t be used at that moment. The lady looked 6 and confused, not knowing what to do. The kind and patient waitress told her not to be nervous and that she could call her 7 for help. Hearing that word, Jeremy, my husband, 8 sat up and told the waiting staff that we would pay for the lady's meal. The waitress smiled to us approvingly and said OK. My husband went to her and handed her our bank card. However, just at that moment, the manager arrived. He learned about the matter and turned to the lady, saying that 9 she couldn’t use her bank card to pay, there was no need to worry because Pizza Express had allowed the restaurant to give away two 10 meals every month and on this occasion, they would like to 11 her with a free meal. She was extremely 12 and apologetic that she had been unable to pay. We were 13 that the lady had been 14 in such a respectful way and that she was not placed in a difficult and embarrassing position. Then, the manager turned and headed to us. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 2 - He said that, as we had shown such 15 and helpfulness, he would like to 16 the second free meal that the restaurant was able to offer to us! We were extremely surprised! I have never heard of any chain restaurant behaving in such a 17 way. We were quite impressed with gratitude, expressing our 18 to the manager on behalf of both the lady and us. I made sure that the lady was able to get home OK then we thanked the staff and manager again and left the restaurant. I think Pizza Express, and in particular the manager of the Surbiton branch, 19 our praise and respect. I told the manager that my younger son also had special needs and that I really 20 the way the restaurant had treated this special case. Everyone may come across something unpredictable and if we can act just like the manager in the Pizza Express, then the world will become a better one. 1. A. fun B. music C. play D. dinner 2. A. in B. behind C. at D. on 3. A. special B. ordinary C. extraordinary D. particular 4. A. kitchen B. counter C. restaurant D. bank 5. A. proudly B. impatiently C. hurriedly D. politely 6. A. satisfied B. embarrassed C. pleased D. unfriendly 7. A. manager B. chef C. husband D. father 8. A. excitedly B. gradually C. immediately D. happily 9. A since B. for C. as D. though 10. A. free B. ordinary C. regular D. cheap 11. A. provide B. fill C. equip D. furnish 12. A. satisfied B. disappointed C. grateful D. sympathetic 13. A. interested B. worried C. stressed D. relieved 14. A. criticized B. treated C. accepted D. recognized 15. A. modesty B. curiosity C. generosity D. honesty 16. A. deliver B. show C. sell D. donate 17. A. generous B. silly C. sensitive D. selfish 18. A. satisfaction B. disappointment C. thanks D. regret 19. A. receives B. deserves C. needs D. wants 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 3 - 20. A. disapproved B. appreciated C. forgave D. disliked 【解析】 试题分析:Pizza Express,餐厅及连锁店经理处理特殊情况的方式令人欣赏,值得尊重。 1. D 考查名词。A. fun 乐趣;B. music 音乐;C. play 游戏,比赛;D. dinner 晚餐,宴会。 带孩子去外面吃饭。故选 D。 2. C 考查介词。坐在一个空桌子旁。at a table 坐在一个桌子旁。故选 C。 3. A 考查形容词。A. special 特殊的,专门的;B. ordinary 普通的;C. extraordinary 特别的;D. particular 挑剔的。很清晰这位女士有特殊的需要。故选 A。 4.B 考查名词。A. kitchen 厨房;B. counter 柜台;C. restaurant 餐厅;D. bank 银行。去 柜台付账。故选 B。 5.D 考查副词。A. proudly 自豪地;B. impatiently 耐心地;C. hurriedly 匆忙地;D. politely 有礼貌地。女服务员转向她,有礼貌地说她的银行卡有问题。故选 D。 6.B 考查形容词。A. satisfied 感到满意的;B. embarrassed 尴尬的;C. pleased 感到高兴 的;D. unfriendly 不友好的。这位女士看起来尴尬和困惑。故选 B。 7.A 考查名词。A. manager 经理;B. chef 厨师,大师傅;C. husband 丈夫;D. father 父亲。 这位善良、耐心的女服务员告诉她不要紧张,她给经理打电话求助。故选 A。 8. C 考查副词。A. excitedly 兴奋地;B. gradually 逐渐地;C. immediately 立刻,马上; D. happily 高兴地。听到这话,我的父亲立刻站起来要去为这位女士付款。故选 C。 9. D 考查连词。银行经理说尽管她不能用银行卡付款,但她没必要担忧。故选 D。 10. A 考查形容词。A. free 自由的,免费的;B. ordinary 普通的;C. regular 有规律的; D. cheap 便宜的。每月 Pizza Express 允许餐厅赠送两顿免费的饭。故选 A。 11. A 考查动词。A. provide 提供;B. fill 填充;C. equip 装备;D. furnish 供应,用家 居装修。在这个时侯,他们愿意提供给她一顿饭。故选 A。 12. C 考查形容词。A. satisfied 感到满意的;B. disappointed 感到失望的;C. grateful 感激的;D. sympathetic 同情的。这位女士非常感激。故选 C。 13. D 考查动词。A. interested 感兴趣;B. worried 担忧;C. stressed 强调;D. relieved 解除,缓解。这位女士用这样一种值得尊重的方式被对待,我们感到欣慰。故选 D。 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 4 - 16. D 考查动词。A. deliver 递送;B. show 出示,展示;C. sell 卖;D. donate 捐赠。 当经理看到我们的慷慨和帮助时,他说他愿意捐赠第二次免费的饭。故选 D。 17. A 考查形容词。A. generous 慷慨的;B. silly 愚蠢的,傻的;C. sensitive 敏感的; D. selfish 自私的。我从来没听说一家连锁店用这样一种慷慨的方式运作。故选 A。 18. C 考查名词。A. satisfaction 满意;B. disappointment 失望;C. thanks 感谢;D. regret 后悔。我们的感激之情十分深刻,代表这位女士和我们向经理表示感谢。故选 C。 19. B 考查动词。A. receives 收到;B. deserves 值得;C. needs 需要;D. wants 想要。Pizza Express,尤其是分店的经理值得称赞和尊重。故选 B。 20. B 考查动词。A. disapproved 不赞成;B. appreciated 感激,鉴赏;C. forgave 原谅; D. disliked 不喜欢。我真的欣赏餐厅对待特殊情况的方式。故选 B。 第二节 语法填空 (共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 21.(2015·安徽六校联考一)—Mum, I always feel everything is unfair to me. —Complaints in life________(make) no sense, for things will be what they should be. 22 . (2015· 江 苏 启 东 中 学 月 考 一 )In the vibrant coastal resorts ________(be) international restaurants that provide you with a variety of exotic food and high -quality modern hotels. 23.(2015·福建清流一中段考)—How long have you________(employ) at this job? —Since 1990. 24.(2015·江苏南京调研)—I wonder what makes you a good salesperson. —I ________(serve) as a waiter for three years, which contributes a lot to my today’s work. 25.(2015·浙江温州十校联考)—Have you got any job offers? —No. I ________(wait). Hopefully, I will get one by the end of this month. 26.(2015·湖南湘潭联考)—Why are you still here? Everybody has gone to attend the lecture made by the president. —Oh, I ________(inform) about it! 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 5 - 27.(2015·重庆南开中学月考)—Did you enjoy your holiday in Hawaii? —Yes, but I would rather you________(go) there too.] 28.(2015·江西崇义中学月考一)Traffic conditions in Nanchang________(worsen) for decades. At first people only complained about jams during rush hours, but today every hour is rush hour. 29.(2015·湖南株洲二中期中)—Do you smoke? —No, I don’t. But I used to. It’s 20 years since I ________(smoke). 30.(2015·北京东城区综合练习二)The cinema________(build) ten years ago when we first moved to this town. 24.served 根据语境可知,回答者现在是一名优秀的销售人员,从他的回答可知,(过去) 做过三年服务员的经历对他现在的工作有很大的帮助。即做服务员三年发生于过去,所以时 态要用一般过去时。] 25.am waiting 句意:——你得到工作机会了吗?——没有,我正在等。希望这个月底会 得到一个。这里使用了现在进行时,表示现阶段正在做的事情。] 26.wasn’t informed 句意:——为什么你还在这里?大家都去听校长的演讲了。——我 没有得到通知。be informed of/about 被告知某事。注意此处要用否定。] 27.had gone 句意:——你在夏威夷的假期过得好吗?——是的,我想你要是去了该多好 呀。would rather 后跟从句时,谓语动词用过去完成时形式表达虚拟语气。] 28.have been worsening 句意:十年来,南昌的交通状况越来越糟糕了。起初,人们只是 抱怨高峰期的交通堵塞,但如今每小时都是高峰期。根据时间状语 for decades 和句意可知 用现在完成进行时。] 29.smoked 句意:——你吸烟吗?——我不吸烟。但是我过去吸烟。我有二十年不吸烟了。 since 引导的从句应该用一般过去时态。] 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 6 - 30.was built 句意:这个电影院是 10 年前建的,那时我们第一次搬到这个镇上。因为电 影院是 10 年前被建成的,所以用一般过去式的被动语态。] II 阅读 (共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节 阅读理解 (共 10 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 20 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项 涂黑。 A 【重庆市第十一中学 2017 届高三 9 月月考】 Are you looking for something to do? You might like to try one of these four experiences. Crocodile watching Do you fancy getting up close to some of the most terrifying animals on earth? Crocosaurus Cove, in Darwin (Australia) has the “Cage of Death”. It’s an enclosure that’s lowered into a pool. This gives you a 360 degree view of a crocodile as it’s being fed. The cable broke once and the cage sank to the bottom, but they’ve fixed it since then. EdgeWalk How about walking along the edge of a building several hundred meters up in the air? If that sounds like fun, head off to the CN Tower in Toronto (Ontario, Canada). Built in 1976, the tower is 553.33 meters tall. The EdgeWalk consists of a 20-30 minute stroll along a 1.5 meter wide platform that runs around the tower’s restaurant roof. During the walk, you’re encouraged to lean forwards as you look over Toronto’s skyline (轮廓线). Plastic ball rolling Do you fancy rolling down a hill in a plastic ball? Plastic ball rolling is popular all over the world, but the place to give it a go is in Rotorua (New Zealand). Brother David and Andrew Akers came up with the idea in 1994. A typical orb (球) is about 3 meters in diameter, with an inner orb size of about 2 meters. There’s no brake or steering mechanism, but the inner layer of the plastic ball helps absorb the shock. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 7 - Volcano bungee jumping If you’re looking for the adventure of a lifetime, how about going bungee jumping off a helicopter into the crater of a live volcano? As part of the jumping, a helicopter ride takes you to the Villarrica volcano, one of the most active in Chile. Once you’re at the drop zone, you leap off the helicopter and fall into the volcano. Finally, you enjoy the ride back to the airport flying at 130kph. Attracted by the above? If so, please contact us. Only half price from March 22 to April 25th For more information, please click here. 31. According to the passage, there was an accident once when people _____. A. jumped into the Villarrica volcano B. walked along the platform of the CN Tower C. rolled down a hill in a plastic ball in Rotorua D. watched crocodiles in the “Cage of Death” in Darwin 32. Which of the following was first invented in New Zealand? A. EdgeWalk. B. Crocodile watching. C. Plastic ball rolling. D. Volcano bungee jumping. 33. It can be inferred that all the four experiences are ______. A. interesting sports B. exciting and extreme C. held on high places D. fit for middle to old people 32.C细节理解题。根据Plastic ball rolling中Plastic ball rolling is popular all over the world, but the place to give it a go is in Rotorua (New Zealand).可知Plastic ball rolling首次发明是在新西兰。故选C。 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 8 - 33.B 推理判断题。根据最后一段中 Attracted by the above? If so, please contact us. 你被以上的四种体验吸引住了吗?如果是,请和我们联系。可知这四种体验是令人兴奋的和 极端的,故选 B。 B 【黑龙江省牡丹江市第一高级中学 2017 届高三 9 月月考】 It was a cold night in Washington, D.C., and I was heading back to the hotel when a man approached me. He asked me for some money so he could get something to eat. I’d read the sign: “Don’t give money to beggars.” So I shook my head and kept marching. I wasn’t prepared for a reply, but he said, “I am really homeless and I am really hungry! You can come with me and watch me eat!” But I kept on marching. The incident bothered me for the rest of the week. I had money in my pocket and it wouldn’t have killed me to hand over a dollar or two even if he had been lying. On a freezing cold night, I still assumed the worst of the fellow human being. Flying back to Anchorage, I couldn’t help thinking of him. I tried to seek excuses for my failure to help by assuming government agencies, churches and charities were there to feed him. Besides, you’re not supposed to give money to beggars. Somewhere over Seattle, I started to write my weekly garden column for the Anchorage Daily News. Out of the blue, I came up with an idea. Bean’s Café, a soup kitchen in Anchorage, feeds hundreds of hungry Alaskans every day. Why not try to get all my readers to plant one row in their gardens devoted to Bean’s Café? Before long my idea took off. People would fax me or call when they took something in. Those who only grew flowers donated them. Food for the spirit. And relief for my conscience. As more and more people started working with the “Plant a Row” concept, many companies gave free seeds to customers and displayed the logo, which also arose in national gardening publications. Row markers with the “Plant a Row” logo were distributed to gardeners to set apart their “Row for the Hungry”. It is unexpected that millions of Americans are threatened by hunger. If every gardener in America--- and we’re seventy million strong---plants one row for the 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 9 - hungry, we can lower the number of neighbors who don’t have enough to eat. Maybe then I will stop feeling guilty about abandoning a hungry man I could have helped. 34. Why did the author turn down the beggar’s request? A. He was previously reminded not to do so. B. He was eager to march back to the hotel. C. He thought that it was beyond his duty. D. He was short of money at that moment. 35. Which of the following is the closest to the underlined phrase “took off” (Paragraph 6)? A. We eventually took off at 11o’clock and landed in Seattle safely. B. To take off pounds, you have to cut down the number of calories. C. On hearing the news, he took off at once and headed back to the hotel. D. His business has really taken off owing to his advanced management.] 36. What did the author do after the beggar’s incident? A. He felt guilty but couldn’t help him. B. He started a project to help the hungry.] C. He ran a blue kitchen to supply the hungry with soup. D. He still supposed it was unwise to give the hungry with soup. 37. What can be a suitable title for the passage? A. Plant a Row for the Hungry B. Lend a Hand to Beggars C. Never Hesitate to Help Others D. Plan a Gardening Project 【解析】 试题分析:这篇文章讲述了作者由饥饿引发的为饥民种一排蔬果的想法。 34.A 细节理解题。根据第三段第二句 I had money in my pocket and it wouldn’t have killed me to hand over a dollar or two even if he had been lying.我在口袋里有钱,即使我 被骗几元钱我也不会因此失去生命。可知作者拒绝提供帮助的原因在于他认为乞丐可能是骗 子。故选 A。 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 10 - C 【内蒙古杭锦后旗奋斗中学 2017 届高三上学期第一次月考】 The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Grain Rain (Chinese: Gu Yu),as the last term in spring, starts on April 19 and ends on May 4. Grain Rain came from the old saying, “Rain brings up the growth of hundreds of grains,” which shows that this period of rainfall is extremely important for the growth of crops. The Grain Rain marks the end of cold weather and a rapid rise in temperature. Here are five things that you may not know about the Grain Rain.] Key time for agriculture Grain Rain brings a marked increase in temperature and rainfall and the grains grow faster and stronger. It’s a key time to protect the crops from insect pests. Sandstorms occur Grain Rain falls between the end of spring and the beginning of summer, with infrequent cold air moving to the south and wandering cold air in the north. From the end of April to the beginning of May, the temperature rises much higher than it does in March. With dry soil, an unpredictable atmosphere and heavy eastern winds, gales and sandstorms become more frequent. Drinking tea There is an old custom in southern China that people drink tea on the day of Grain Rain. Spring tea during Grain Rain is rich in vitamins and amino acids (氨基酸), which can help to remove heat from the body and is good for the eyes. It is also said in 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 11 - the south that drinking tea on this day would prevent bad luck. Eating toona sinensis People in northern China have the tradition to eat the vegetable toona sinensis during Grain Rain. An old Chinese saying goes “toona sinensis before the rain is as tender as silk”. The vegetable is nutritious and can help to strengthen the immune system. It is also good for the stomach and skin. Grain Rain Festival The Grain Rain festival is celebrated by fishing villages in the coastal areas of northern China. Grain Rain marks the start of the fishermen’s first voyage of the year. The custom dates back to more than 2,000 years ago, when people believed they owed a good harvest to the gods, who protected them from the stormy seas. People would worship the sea god and stage sacrifice food on the Grain Rain festival, praying for a wonderful harvest and a safe voyage for their loved ones. 38. People in southern China drink tea on this day __________. A. to prevent bad luck B. to cure the eye diseases C. to fight against the sandstorm D. to strengthen the immune system] 39. It is a custom to eat the vegetable toona sinensis __________. A. in the coast areas B. in the south C. in the north D. in the east 40. If a fisherman wanted to get fish in the sea in the past, he would__________. A. get the fresh vegetables B. drink tea in this festival C. fight against the sandstorm D. worship the sea god 39.C 细节理解题。根据第六段最后一句 People in northern China have the tradition to The Tree of Toona Sinensis 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 12 - eat the vegetable toona sinensis during Grain Rain. 中国北方有在谷雨节气吃香椿芽 的传统。故选 C。 40.D 细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句 People would worship the sea god and stage sacrifice food on the Grain Rain festival, praying for a wonderful harvest and a safe voyage for their loved ones. 在谷雨节这天人们会祭海并举办节日活动,以祈求出海满载 而归以及家人的平安。故选 D。 第二节 【甘肃省兰州第一中学 2017 届高三 9 月月考】根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选 出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 How to Say No to Your Boss Saying “no” to a request can be a difficult thing, especially when the person making the request is your boss. 41 The following steps are helpful. 1. Give yourself some time to think about the request before saying “no”. If the request arrives via email, don’t reply right away. 42 If your boss asks you in person or on the telephone, request some time to give it thought and tell her you will get back to her by a specific time. Consider the request carefully to determine whether you have to say “no”. 2. Prepare your answer before telling your boss “no”. Anticipate questions she might ask in response to your answer, and decide how you want to answer them. Rehearse your conversation with your boss out loud to help build your confidence before the real conversation. 3. Choose the right time and place to speak with your boss. Have the conversation in private if your work situation allows you to get a moment alone with your boss. Keep in mind your boss’s workday pressures and work style. If she is a morning person and gets grumpy(脾气暴躁的)in the afternoon, be sure to speak with her before lunch. 4. 43 If your boss is asking you to take on more responsibility, that shows that she has faith in your ability to do the job. Acknowledge that it means a lot to you before telling her that you feel you cannot do it. 5. Tell your boss why you have to say “no” to the request. 44 Your boss will be grateful that you answered honestly, rather than trying to take on a project you cannot handle. 6. Offer an alternative solution. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 13 - For example, if your boss asks you to serve on a committee, suggest someone else in the company that you think may be interested and capable of serving. 45 A. Pay your boss a compliment while denying her request. B. Even if you try your best to do everything the boss lets you do, there are times when you can’t do and have to say “no”. C. Put yourself in your boss’s shoes and consider how the company will be affected if you refuse the request. D. Maybe you could offer to share the workload with someone else. E. Most employers respect honesty in their employees. F. Try a compromise. G. Set the request aside and think about it for a while. 【解析】 试题分析:怎样对你的老板说“不”? 41.B 根据上句:对一个请求说“不”可能是一件困难的事情,尤其请求的人是你老板。可知 B. Even if you try your best to do everything the boss lets you do, there are times when you can’t do and have to say “no”.即使你尽最大的努力去做老板让你做的每件 事情,有很多时候你不能做,你必须说“不”。符合题意,故选 B。 42.G 根据上句:如果请求用邮件发来,不要立刻回答。可知下句的意思是:把请求搁在一边, 考虑一会儿。故选 G。 III 写作 (满分 25 分) 【广东省中山市第一中学 2017 届高三上学期第一次统测】书面表达(满分 25 分) 11.假如你是李华,最近你在澳大利亚布里斯班的 home stay 打算来中国旅游并来看望你,来 之前有些问题要咨询你,请根据下面 home stay 的电子邮件用英语回一封电子邮件。 Hi,Li Hua,] 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 14 - Hope you and your family are well. We have booked a tour to see the sights of China in March. In the travel we plan to fly to Guangzhou to see you .How does that sound? Because we are going to stay in your city for two days, so can you keep us informed of your arrangements about our stay and how can we get to your city from the airport? By the way, which hotel we had better reserve in your city? Waiting for your reply! Steven and Karen 注意:1. 词数 100 字左右; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 写作内容不要透露你所在城市的任何信息,推荐酒店为 Hilton Hotel。 Dear Steven and Karen, I’ m more than thrilled to know that you are going to be with us for two days and ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Looking forward to your coming ! Yours faithfully LiHua 【答案】 Hi Steven and Karen, I’ m more than thrilled to know that you are going to be with us for two days and I’m writing to tell you my arrangements for your stay in our city. I swear you will find it worthwhile to visit our city. I can guide you to the museum .Therefore you can get a better understanding of our history .Additionally, since there lies a lake in our city, we can cycle around the lake to have a feast for our eyes when light green grasses shoot out of ground and a sea of cherry trees are in blossom. By the way, it is very convenient for my parents and I to pick you up at the airport, which can save you a lot of trouble from taking a bus or a train. As for the hotel, I strongly recommend Hilton Hotel. It is a five-star hotel with 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 15 - well-equipped rooms and excellent services .If you can reserve a room two months ahead, you can have a good discount. Looking forward to your coming! Li Hua 【亮点说明】本文是一篇电子邮件,语言简练,结构严谨,层次分明,布局合理,文中运用 高级句子。I’ m more than thrilled to know that you are going to be with us for two days and I’m writing to tell you my arrangements for your stay in our city.并列 句中包含着比较级和宾语从句;Additionally, since there lies a lake in our city, we can cycle around the lake to have a feast for our eyes when light green grasses shoot out of ground and a sea of cherry trees are in blossom.原因状语从句和时间状语从句 完美结合;By the way, it is very convenient for my parents and I to pick you up at the airport, which can save you a lot of trouble from taking a bus or a train.非 限制性定语从句用在句中;If you can reserve a room two months ahead, you can have a good discount.条件状语从句使用恰如其分;另外,Therefore,Additionally, By the way, As for 的运用为文章增色添彩。 考点:考查电子邮件式话题作文

