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Do you like traveling? Why do you like traveling Enrich our knowledge Make friends Be good to health You will go to some places for a holiday ,what kind of transport do you prefer to use? Why? Warming-up means of transportation on foot by bike by motor by bus by car by train by ship/boat/sea by plane/ air by spaceship Transport Advantage Disadvantage bus train ship airplane the advantages and disadvantages Transport Advantages Disadvantages fast, comfortable convenient, timely unsafe, carsick uncomfortable punctual, safe, inexpensive crowded leisurely and carefree slow,unsafe, seasick expensive transport sth/sb from… to… 把 sth/sb 从 … 运到 … transportation n. 交通工具  finally in the end  at last  eventually 阅读中与 attitude 相关的形容词 negative   positive optimistic    pessimistic    objective    subjective   critical    approval disapproval 否定的,消极的 积极的 乐观的 , 乐观主义的 悲观的 , 悲观主义的 客观的 主观的,个人的 批评的 , 吹毛求疵的 , 非难的 赞成的 , 满意的 不赞成的 , 非难的 admirable    fascinating    rational    unbiased    emotional opposite/opposing prejudiced 钦佩的 , 羡慕的 迷人的 , 吸引人的 , 使人神魂颠倒的 理性的 , 合理的 没有偏见的 感情的,情绪 反对的 有成见的;偏颇的 自从;自 …… 以后 关心;忧虑;惦念 喜爱;喜欢 改变主意 下决心;决定 投降;屈服;让步 照常 在午夜 穿着 …… 喜欢;想要 Wang Kun and Wang Wei are brothers and sisters. They have dreamed of ①________ (take) a great bike trip.②____ was Wang Wei who first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River. They ③________ (ride) bicycles to travel along the Mekong River, ④________ source is in Qinghai Province. ⑤________ it enters Southeast Asia, it travels slowly through hills and low valleys and the plains where rice grows. Despite the ⑥________ (difficult), taking It rode whose when difficulties Wang Kun and Wang Wei were ⑦________ (determination) to begin their journey at ⑧________ altitude of more than 5,000 meters in Qinghai Province. During their journey, they enjoyed the ⑨________ (continue) change of the weather.Finally, they reached Dali in Yunnan Province, ⑩________ Dao Wei and Yu Hang joined them.The four of them went on with their great bike trip. determined an continuous where words are difficult to memorize could hardly/couldn't wait to live preference n. 偏爱,倾向;优先权 prefer-prefe rred -prefe rred 我喜欢绿色食品而不喜欢垃圾食品。 I prefer green food to junk food. 宁愿 …… 而不愿 我宁愿读一些有趣的书而不愿看电视。 I prefer reading some interesting books to watching TV. 作为一名学生,在我看来,我们应该去旅游,因为旅游可以让我们的生活变得多姿多彩,丰富我们的知识。所以在假期,我宁愿去旅游而不愿宅在家里。 As a student ,as far as I am concerned, we should go traveling, for which can make our life colorful and enrich our knowledge. so during the holiday, i prefer to travel rather than stay indoors all the day. prefer sth. to sth.   喜欢 …… 而不喜欢 …… prefer doing to doing 宁愿 …… 而不愿 …… persuasive adj. 有说服力的 persuasion n. 说服 我让我爸爸相信了吸烟有害健康,但我还是没能说服他放弃吸烟。 I convinced my father that smoking is harmful to our health, but I failed to persuade him to give up smoking. being persuaded into buying it to persuade a woman to buy/into buying decide to do sth. decision has determined/is determined in one's opinion as far as sb. be concerned have/get a Prefer Persuade Determined View bear 他非常顽固,一旦他下定决心做任何事情,没有人能说服他改变主意。 He is very stubborn. Once he makes his mind to do anything, nobody can persuade him to change his mind. quit doing sth. Change one ’ s mind Give in 不定式主代表被动 Weakness 缺点 Strength 优点 Depend Depend on/upon Dependent Dependence 谢 谢

