浙江省湖州中学2021届高三上学期高考仿真模拟考试英语试题 Word版含答案

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浙江省湖州中学2021届高三上学期高考仿真模拟考试英语试题 Word版含答案

浙 江 省 湖 州 中 学 2021 届第一学期高三年级高考仿真模拟测试 英语 考生须知: 1.本试卷共 4 大题, 67 小题;考试时间 120 分钟,满分 150 分。 2.试题选择题部分需用 2B 铅笔填涂在答题纸上,主观题部分请用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔答在答题纸 相应的答题区域内,答在试卷上无效。 出卷人: 高三英语组 试 卷 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选 出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答 有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What does the man suggest the woman do? A. Buy a new refrigerator. B. Put the refrigerator far away. C. Have the refrigerator fixed. 2. Where will the speakers meet Sally? A. In the park. B. In the museum. C. At the library. 3. What does the man hope to do? A. Attend a meeting. B. Have a rest. C. Watch a basketball match. 4. What does the man need a suit for? A.A dance party. B. A business trip. C. A job interview. 5. Why didn't the man get the tickets? A. He forgot about it. B. The play was canceled. C. There were no tickets left. 第二节听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中 选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第 6 和第 7 两个小题。 6. Why does the woman come to the library? A. To renew a book. B. To return the books. C. To look for her library card. 7. How many books can students borrow at most at a time now? A. 4. B. 5. C. 10. 听下面一段对话,回答第 8 和第 9 两个小题。 8. What is the man? A. A high school student. B. A college student. C. A supermarket manager. 9. Where will the speakers go first? A. A coffee shop. B. A cinema. C. A supermarket. 听下面一段对话,回答第 10 至第 12 三个小题。 10. How does the woman feel about the news? A. Disappointed. B. Surprised. C. Nervous. 11. Why did the man quit his job? A. He lost his interest in the job. B. His boss often got angry with him. C. He had little chance to get promotion. 12. What does the woman suggest the man do? A. Go traveling with his parents first. B. Find a satisfying job immediately. C. Try to improve himself. 听下面一段对话,回答第 13 至第 16 四个小题。 13. Where is Bob now? A. In a TV station. B. At a friend's house. C. In his office. 14. Where did Bob grow up? A. In France. B. In Switzerland. C. In the UK. 15. What satisfies Bob most about Weybridge? A. The natural scenery. B. The friendly people. C. The living facilities. 16. How does Bob like his neighbor's dog? A. Annoying. B. Frightening. C. Acceptable. 听下面一段对话,回答第 17 至第 20 四个小题。 17. What is the purpose of the talk? A. To explain the rules of a race. B. To tell about a weekend event. C. To introduce some runners. 18. When should runners arrive at the Town Hall? A. At 8:30. B. At 9:15. C. At 9:45. 19. What are the prizes for the winners? A. Money. B. Coats. C. Running shoes. 20.How much should a family pay to run in the race? A.$6 .B.$5. C.$4.5. 第二部分: 阅读理解(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节(共 10 个小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 25 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项 涂黑。 A Beijing's transportation commission released a new regulation on Wednesday banning passengers from eating or drinking on the subway in a move intended to create a more comfortable space for travelers. Uncivilized behavior, such as selling products or playing loud music, are also prohibited under the regulation. It will be included in the passenger's credit record that if a passenger disobeys the rules, and the he could be forbidden from taking the subway in the future, the commission said. The commission also assigned special inspectors and supervisors to identify improper behavior on subway trains. Prohibitions against smoking electronic cigarettes and using fake tickets were also added to the rules. Liu Daizong, China transport program director at the World Resources Institute, applauded the new measure and said that as an enclosed space, a subway car will be filled with odors if passengers are allowed to have food. “These easily cause arguments between passengers, but there was no basis for law enforcement(实施) officers to get involved before," he said. In January, a woman named Wang caused heated discussion online after she was filmed eating snacks and spitting out the food debris onto the floor of a car on Beijing's Line 13.She was later found by netizens to be the same woman previously filmed eating chicken claws and spitting out bones in a Shanghai subway car. Netizens had dubbed her “chicken feet lady”. Other passengers asked Wang to clean up her mess but she refused, leaving the food packages in the subway car when she got off.She was later controlled by police in Beijing on suspicion of disrupting public transport. Han Yanni, a 26-year-old white collar worker in the finance industry in Beijing, said drinking water andbread is her daily routine on the subway, especially in the morning rush. “Except for onions or sunflower seeds, I can put up with most of the eating behaviors," she said. "Especially if they take a garbage bag for their trash.” 21. Which statement is true according to the passage? A. It is not prohibited that a man smokes electronic cigarettes on the subway. B. If a person breaks the rule, he may lose the chance of taking the subway now. C. A passenger may be supervised by someone when taking the subway in Beijing. D. One can eat bread if he or she brings a garbage bag in Beijing subway. 22. What does the underlined word “odors” mean in paragraph 3? A. an awful smell of food B. food remains C. used napkins D. food package 23. What can we learn about the woman Wang? A. She had spitted out all she had eaten in a Shanghai subway car. B. She got away with what she had done in Shanghai. C. She called herself “chicken feet lady”. D. She had cleaned up the mess she had caused on Beijing’s line 13. B Insects could disappear within a century at current rate of decline, says global review. The world’s insects are rushing down the path to extinction, threatening a “catastrophic collapse of nature’s ecosystems”, according to the first global scientific review. More than 40% of insect species are declining and a third are endangered, the analysis found. The rate of extinction is eight times faster than that of mammals, birds and reptiles. “It should be of huge concern to all of us, for insects are at the heart of every food web, they pollinate(授粉) the large majority of plant species, keep the soil healthy, recycle nutrients, control pests, and much more. Love them or hate them, we humans cannot survive without insects, ” said Professor Dave Goulson at the University of Sussex in the UK. In the food web, a creature often feeds on many kinds of creatures, and the same creature is eaten by many consumers. Therefore, when one species of organism is reduced or even extinct, other organisms will be affected. The analysis says intensive agriculture is the main driver of the declines, particularly the heavy use of pesticides(杀虫剂). Urbanization and climate change are also significant factors. One of the biggest impacts of insect loss is on the many birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish that eat insects. A small number of adaptable species are increasing in number, but not nearly enough to outweigh the big losses. Matt Shardlow, at the conservation charity Buglife, said: “It is alarming to see this collation of evidence that demonstrates the pitiful state of the world’s insect populations. It is increasingly obvious that the planet’s ecology is breaking and there is a need for an intense and global effort to stop and reverse these dreadful trends.” 24. Why cannot we humans survive without insects according to Professor Dave Goulson? A. Humans feed on insects. B. Insects pollinate most plant species. C. Humans love and hate insects. D. Insects are at the centre of all food webs. 25. What is the main idea of the text? A. The decline of insects threatens collapse of nature. B. Insects extinct faster than mammals, birds and reptiles. C. Insects keep the soil health and control pests. D. Using pesticides is the main cause of the decline of insects. 26. How does the author sound in the article? A. Humorous B. Hopeful C. Worried D. disappointed C When you go for a run outside, chances are that you’ll find litter all around you. Do you just go past it, or do you stop and pick it up? If you choose the latter, you’re part of the latest fitness trend that’s sweeping the West: plogging. The word “plogging” combines the Swedish phrase “plocka upp” (pick up) with the English word “jogging”. Running – especially marathons – is often associated with good causes. And plogging, which combines environmentalism with fitness, has become the new poster boy for the environmentally-friendly runner. All a plogger needs is a trash bag, and ideally a pair of gloves to protect their hands. The process of collecting garbage is simple, but it sheds light on serious environmental issues. “When I usually walk through the streets of New York, the sight of newspapers, lost hats, and shattered glass doesn’t bother me,” Matthew Sedacca of Men’s Health magazine wrote. “But when I was plogging and focused on trash collecting, the amount of garbage strewn ( 散布) across the sidewalks and along the pavement was kind of shocking.” While collecting garbage, ploggers learn to classify and dispose of it correctly too. Laura Lindberg, a plogger who lives in New Jersey, US, always keeps a note of what she’s collected in her mind. This way, she knows what can stay in her trash bag and what can go in a nearby recycling bin. It may be difficult to measure the sense of self-satisfaction that comes from making the world a cleaner, greener and more beautiful place, but the health benefits of plogging are easy to see. According to the Swedish fitness app Lifesum, a 30-minute plogging burns around 288 calories, compared to 235 calories burned from just jogging. So the next time you go out jogging, why not carry a trash bag and collect some litter along the way? Your body and the environment will thank you. 27. What can we learn about “plogging” from paragraph 1 to 3? A. Plogging is becoming a tendency throughout the world. B. A plogger should take a pair of gloves for protection. C. A plogger can contribute to environmental protection. D. Plogging is often connected with running especially marathons. 28. What does the underlined phrase “shed light on” in paragraph 4 most probably mean? A. To pick something up. B. To make something clear. C. To do good to something. D. To take advantage of something. 29. The author presents his ideas mainly by . A. setting down general rules B. drawing a comparison C. making assumptions D. giving examples 30. What can we infer from the passage? A. We should assist ploggers to classify rubbish correctly. B. Ploggers need keep a note of what they’ve collected. C. Plogging helps burn more calories than jogging only. D. The joy from plogging outweighs the health benefits. 第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 This month is the arrival of the graduation season. A large number of students will say goodbye to their colleges and get busy finding jobs. 31 . According to a survey by online recruiter Zhaopin in May, about 9.8% of the 93,420 graduates surveyed said they wouldn’t begin working right after graduation. This phenomenon is called “delayed employment”. One reason is that young people want to find a job that is related to their personal interests, and they are not willing to give in and take jobs they don’t like ,according to job consultants at Zhaopin.“ 32. Maybe I could have found a job or two, but I don’t want to just make a living or be stuck in a specific position.” Shen Yu, who graduated in 2014 but didn’t look for a job right away said. 33 . Statistics provided by the Ministry of Education show the number of new university graduates will reach a record 7.95 million this year. According to Zhaopin, by April, half the respondents said they have received between one and three offers, down 5.2% from 2016. 34 . For example, Chen Nuan 23, who will graduate from the Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts this summer, has planned to tour Europe immediately after graduation. “As the old Chinese saying goes, ‘traveling thousands of miles is better than reading thousands of books’,” she said. However, no matter what you choose after you graduate, make full use of the first few years.35 . The first 10 years are essential. They shape careers in the long term. A. This is when people develop soft skills such as punctuality and teamwork. B. However, it seems not all students will be in a hurry to get to work. C. A likely reason could be that the average 2016 US grad has $37,172 in student debt. D. Another reason that some have opted to delay finding work is to avoid the fierce competition of the job market. E. Looking for the right career is like looking for Mr. Right. F. In fact, the number of students who have opted not to work right after graduation has been growing. G. And some Chinese college students have chosen to travel or volunteer instead of finding jobs. 第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节:完形填空(共 20 个小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项。 Vishweshwar Dutt Saklani took his last breath on January 18, 2019, but he will live on in the memory of his countrymen as the “Tree Man of Uttarakhan”, who planted over 5 million trees. Saklani had been 36 of trees all his life. He planted his first tree at eight under his uncle's 37 and kept it for the next seven decades of his life, until he was 38 . People know he loved trees, but 39 know that he planted trees to 40 the tragedies in his life. When his brother died, the Tree Man disappeared into the forest every morning and 41 whole days planting trees. Then, in 1958, his wife died and he did the same to do with the 42 . It was like he 43 his life to planting trees as a tribute(悼念)to his 44 brother and wife. The people of his village grew to love him, 45 it wasn't always like this. In the beginning, villagers 46 him and even beat him, because he was covering common land. But he never 47 . He continued planting trees and 48 got understood. Saklani kept 49 his forest until 10 years ago, when he lost his sight. In 1986, he received the Indian Priyadarshani Award for his 50 efforts to protect the 51 . In the same year, Saklani 52 a major blow, after a massive wildfire turned many trees to ashes. Despite the efforts of the local community to control the 53 , it still destroyed much of the Tree Man's forest. Although hit by the 54 , Saklani believed that the trees would grow back once the rains came. Saklani died at 96, but his spirit 55 on in the forest. 36.A .tired B. fond C. sure D. proud 37.A. attack B. defence C. guidance D. blame 38. A. blind B. deaf C. silly D. dizzy 39. A. much B. many C. little D. few 40. A. deal with B. pay back C. set off D. hold on 41. A. wasted B. took C. spent D. cost 42. A. disease B. happiness C. breath D. pain 43. A. led B. devoted C. stuck D. turned 44. A. disappeared B. disabled C. late D. unfortunate 45. A. yet B. so C. or D. and 46. A. supported B. encouraged C. judged D. opposed 47. A. broke up B. died out C. gave up D. went away 48. A. luckily B. eventually C. sadly D. immediately 49. A. cutting B. experiencing C. purchasing D. expanding 50. A. continued B. senseless C. priceless D. expected 51. A. forest B. ecology C. village D. India 52. A. suffered B. created C. reduced D. increased 53. A. smoke B. leaves C. flames D. rain 54. A. difficulty B. emergency C. problem D. catastrophe 55. A. feeds B. lives C. depends D. works 第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 A lecturer was giving a lecture to his students 56 stress management. He raised a glass of water and asked the audience, “How heavy do you think this glass of water is?” The students’ answers 57 (range) from 20g to 500g. “It does not matter on the absolute weight. It depends on how 58 you hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it is OK. If I hold it for an hour, I will have 59 ache in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, you will have to call an ambulance. It is the exact same weight, 60 the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes.” “If we carry our burdens all the time, sooner or later, we will not be able to carry on, the burden becoming 61 (increase) heavier. What you have to remember is 62 (put) the glass down, rest for a while before holding it up again”. We have to put down the burden periodically, so that we can be 63 (refresh) and are able to carry on. So before you return home from work tonight, put the burden of work down. 64 (do) carry it back home. 65 burdens you are having now on your shoulders, let it down for moment if you can. Life is short, enjoy it. 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节 应用文写作(满分 15 分) 假如你是李华,你的美国朋友 Jack 下个月要来你校进行短期游学,他发邮件向你询问该如何准 备。请你给他回一封邮件,内容包括: 1.表示欢迎; 2.就学习和生活等方面提出建议。 注意: 1.词数 80 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 第二节:概要写作(满分 25 分) 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇 60 词左右的内容概要。 Which is more environmentally friendly, paper or plastic? There was a time when a trip to the supermarket in the United States often ended with a simple question from the cashier:“ Paper or plastic?”The customers knew it means “Which type of bag would you choose?” While all types of bags have some influence on the environment, it has long been supposed that paper bags are kinder. They are made from a renewable source, break down easily, burn without giving off thick smoke and can be recycled. However, the producing process behind paper bags uses more energy than that of plastic ones. Studies show that paper bag production requires four times as much energy as plastic bag production. And the amount of water used to make them is twenty times higher. Besides, the influence on forests is very serious. It takes about fourteen million trees to produce ten billion paper bags, which happens to be the number of bags used in the United States yearly. In terms of recycling, the idea that paper bags are more environmentally friendly than plastic ones can be quickly discarded. Research shows it requires about98%less energy to recycle plastic than it does paper. Even though paper bags might be more harmful than plastic ones, plastic still seems to be considered by governments as the more harmful of the two. In Ireland, for example, a tax has been introduced to discourage the use of plastic bags. People have to pay 22 cents for every plastic bag, and as a result, their use has dropped quickly. There’s no doubt that it makes more sense to reuse these bags. However, we don’t seem to be doing that at present. That may be because they fall apart quickly. If so, cloth bags are a better choice, but still, their production also has a bad influence on the environment. So what to do? How should we answer the question of “Paper or plastic?”It seems that we first need to ask ourselves one more general question: “What can I do to help the environment?” ____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 浙 江 省 湖 州 中 学 2020 学年第一学期高三年级高考仿真模拟测试 答案详解 第一部 听力 1~5CAACC 6~10ACBAB 11~15CCABC 16~20CBAAB 第二部分 阅读理解 第一节 A 【文章大意】这篇文章是一篇议论文,针对北京新发布的地铁上禁止饮食以及其他不文明行为的 规章制度进行议论,并列举了一些事例。 21. C 从第二 段 The commission also assigned special inspectors and supervisors to identify improper behavior on subway trains.中可以看出,人们在坐地铁时可能会有专人监视他们的行为。A 错第一段 中指出在吸电子烟也是不允许的;B 错在人们可能在未来乘不了地铁,而不是现在;D 错在文章在 讲规章制度的时候并未提到携带垃圾袋的人们可以进行饮食。 22. A 从“an enclosed space, a subway car will be filled with…”中可以看出,这是因为一个密闭空间, 而可以充满整个地铁车厢的事物,因此是 A 难闻的气味。其他几个选项,B 食物残渣;C 已使用的 纸巾;D 食物包装袋皆不是正确答案。 23. B 从第四段 She was later controlled by police in Beijing on suspicion of disrupting public transport.中 可以看出,她是被北京警察因为扰乱公共交通秩序而被拘留的,因此在上海并未因此受到惩罚,B 项正确。A 她在上海地铁上吐出的是食物残渣;C “chicken feet lady”是人们给她起的外号;D 她在北 京地铁上并未进行清理。 B 【文章大意】这是一篇环保主题的科普说明文,文章大意为:一项全球性科学报告显示世界上的 昆虫正在本世纪内快速走向灭亡,预示着生态会受到破坏,作者最后呼吁大家必须全力以赴避免此 灾难发生。 24.D 事实细节题。根据第三段“It should be of huge concern to all of us, for insects are at the heart of every food web,”可知 Dave Goulson 教授为什么说“离开昆虫,人类将无法生存”是因为“昆虫处 在食物网的中心”。故选 D。 25.A 主旨大意题。这是一篇因果结构的科普文章,通读全文可知“昆虫数量锐减,预示生态崩溃。” B、C、D 均为细节。故选 A。 26.C 推理判断题。作者全文在讲述研究表明昆虫数量锐减直接影响其它动物的生存,甚至导致生 态崩溃。从第二段的“catastrophic collapse of nature’s ecosystems”,第三段的“cannot survive”,和最 后一段的“alarming, pitiful state, global effort”都可以看出作者对这一现象十分担忧。故选 C。 C 【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了西方国家最新健身新风尚:边跑步边捡垃圾 Plogging,即 为 plucking(捡拾)+jogging(慢跑)的合体。据统计,边跑步边捡垃圾的运动效果比普通慢跑消 耗更多的卡路里,而且能保护环境。 27. C 细节理解题。根据第三段“plogging, which combines environmentalism with fitness, has become the new poster boy for the environmentally-friendly runner. ”可得知 C 选择正确。根据第一段最后可得知 A 选项有误,throughout the world 应改为 the west;根据第三段最后一句 All a plogger needs is a trash bag, and ideally a pair of gloves to protect their hands.可得知 B 选项 should 表述有误;根据第三段 Running – especially marathons – is often associated with good causes 可得知 D 选项有误。 28. B 词意猜测题。根据后文例子可以推断出 shed light on 意为“使……清楚地显出;阐明”,而不是 A 捡起;接载;学会,C 意为“对……有好处”,D 意为“利用”,故选 B。 29. D 推理判断题。根据文章框架和内容,可得知作者应用了很多例子来阐述观点,故选 D。 30. C 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段 a 30-minute plogging burns around 288 calories, compared to 235 calories burned from just jogging 可得知 C 正确。A 项属于无中生有;根据第五段中 Laura Lindberg, a plogger who lives in New Jersey, US, always keeps a note of what she’s collected in her mind.可排除 B 选 项;根据倒数第二段 It may be difficult to measure the sense of self-satisfaction that comes from making the world a cleaner, greener and more beautiful place, but the health benefits of plogging are easy to see.可 排除 D 选项。 第二节 【文章大意】又一年毕业季来临,但现在,不少大学生毕业后并不着急找工作,而是选择游学或是 做志愿者等其他方式,慢慢考虑人生道路。这种“慢就业”的现象正日益兴起。 31. B 根据下文内容可知,此处应该选者具有承上启下功能的句子。B 选项 However 承接上句,however 后面引出本文话题。 32. E 根据空格后面的内容可知,大学毕业生倾向于选择适合自己的工作,而 E 选项刚好和后面的内 容吻合。 33. D 该选项的 Another reason that 与第三段的 One reason is that…及文章的结构相吻合。 34. G 后面的举例是用来说明很多大学生选择旅行或当志愿者,而不是马上就业,G 选项刚好符合举 例的内容。 35. A This is when 指的是前面一句的 the first few years,所以 A 选项符合逻辑。第三部分 语言运用 第一节 完型填空 【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了印度老人 Saklani 一生种了五百万棵树的传奇故事 36. B 考查形容词词义辨析。根据第三段第一句,可知 Saklani 喜欢树木,而 be fond of 表示“喜欢”, 故选 B。 37.C 考查名词词义辨析。 attack 攻击; defence 防护; guidance 指导; blame 责备。据常识, Saklani 第一次植树时,还是小孩子,应该是在叔叔的指导下进行的,故选 C。 38.A 考查形容词词义辨析。下文提到十年前, Saklani 失去了视力,故选 A。 39.D 考查代词词义辨析。根据運辑关系,可知人们知 i 道 Saklani 喜欢树,可是几乎没有人知道他 植树的目的,故选 D。 40.A 考查动词短语辨析。 deal with 处理; pay back 偿还; set off 引爆; hold on 坚持。下文讲有亲人去 世后他就选择去植树,故此处讲 Saklani 用植树来应对他人生中所遇到悲剧,故选 A。 41.C 考查动词词义辨析。短语 spend time doing 表示“花费时间做……”, Saklani 花了整天时间来植 树,故选 C。 42.D 考查名词词义辨析。夫人去世, Saklani 会很悲痛,故选 D。 43.B 考查动词词义辨析。短语 devote..to.表示“全身心投入做某事”, Saklani 身心投入植树来悼念 亲人,特合语境,因此选 B。 44.C 考查形容词词义辨析。根据上文,他的兄弟去世了,他的夫人也去世了,他种树是为了悼念已 逝的亲人,late 表示“已经高世的”,因此选 C。 45.A 考查连词词义辨析。根据辑关系,人们慢慢喜欢 Saklani,但人们以前反对他还打他,上下文 为转折关系,故选 A。 46.D 考查动词词义辨析。根据语境,可知最初的时候,人们并不理解他的行为,反对他、打他,故 选 D 47.C 考查动词短语辨析。下一句提到 Saklani 继续植树,即他并没有放弃,故选 C。 48.B 考查副词词义辨析。根据事情的发晨顺序,可知人们最后理解了 Saklani 的行为,故选 B。 49.D 考查动词词义辨析。 Saklani 一直在植树造林,即他的森林一直在扩张张,故选 D。 50.A 考查形容词词义辨析。 continued 持续的; senseless 无意义的; priceless 无价的; expected 预料中 的。承接上文, Saklani 一直都在植树造林,这里指“他不断努力”,故选 A。 51.B 考查名词词义辨析。根据常识,植树造林是对生态的保护,故选 B。 52.A 考查动词词辨析。根据下文可知,一场大火将 Saklani 所种植的很多树烧成了灰烬,这是 Saklani i 所承受的打击,故选 A。 53.C 考查名词词义辨析。承接上文,一场大火发生了,人们会努力去拉制火势, flames 表示“火,火 苗”,行合语境。选 C。 54.D 考查名词词义辨析。尽管受到这场灾难的打击,但是 Saklani 没有气馁,他坚信,只要有画, 树就会长回来的,故选 D。 55. B 考查动词词义辨析。尽管 Saklani 已经离世,但是他的精神永存,“live on”表示“活着”,故选 B。 第二节 语法填空 56. on 点拨:由语境可知,此处指关于,故用介词 57. ranged 点拨: 语境时态为过去时,前后时态一致. 58. long 点拨:根据语境,此处表示多久。 59. an 点拨:名词前面泛指用冠词。 60. but 点拨:根据语境,前后是转折关系。 61. increasingly 点拨:分析句子结构,修饰形容词用副词。 62. to put 点拨:分析句子结构,需要用不定式作表语。 63. refreshed 点拨:分析句子结构,此处需用形容词。 64. Don’t 点拨:根据语境,此处是否定含义。 65. Whatever 点拨:根据语境,此处是让步状语从句。 第四部分 写作 第一节 应用文写作 【写作指导】本题考查考生整合运用英语语言进行写作的能カ,体现了语言能力和学习能力的核心 素养;任务情境是给美国朋友写信提建议,考生在进行跨文化交际时,需注意到彼此之间的文化差 异,体现了文化意识的核心素养。 审题:人称:第一人称为主,第二人称为辅; 时态:一般现在时为主,一般将来时为辅; 提纲:第一段表示欢迎; 第二段就学习和生活等方面提出建议; 第三段表达期望或愿望。 Dear Jack, I’d like to express my sincere welcome for your coming next month and my proposals are as follows: It’s necessary that you learn some basic Chinese for daily communication, which will help you avoid some unnecessary misunderstandings. Besides, to have a better knowledge of Chinese culture and custom, I strongly recommend you to live with a Chinese family. Moreover, People here are accustomed to using chopsticks, so it will be helpful if you have some practice ahead of time. Hope you’ll have an unforgettable experience and best wishes. Yours faithfully, Li Hua 第二节 概要写作 A possible version Paper bags have long been thought to be more environmentally friendly than plastic ones because of the renewable advantage. But researches argue/indicate that paper bags may consume more energy. Since more water is used to produce paper bags and huge numbers of trees are cut down to make paper bags, we are reminded to think of more ways to protect the environment.(62 词) 听力材料: Text 1 M: I'm no expert. But that noise in your refrigerator doesn't sound good. Maybe you should call and have it checked out. W: You are right. And I suppose I've put it off long enough. Text 2 M: Sally says we should meet her in the park at noon. Then we'll go to the museum together. W: I thought we were meeting at the library. Text 3 W: Take the medicine and I'm sure you'll get well again in a couple of hours. M: I hope so.Or I won't be able to take part in the meeting about tomorrow's basketball match. Text 4 M: Which suit do you like best? W: Well, to be honest, the brown one is not really appropriate, in my opinion. You are going to a job interview, not a dance party. You should go with something classic, like black or grey. Text 5 M: Honey, I'm home. W: Did you remember to buy the tickets? M: Well, I remember, but they were sold out. W: Oh no. I was really looking forward to the play. Text 6 W: Excuse me. I have an inquiry about my library privileges(优惠待遇).Can you help me? M: Probably, that is what I am here for. How can I assist you? W: ⑥I was wondering if I could renew a book on healthy diet that I borrowed. M: How many have you borrowed on your card at the moment? W: I think it's five. Is that too many for my library card? M: Not at all. W: But the old rules said new students could only borrow four books. M: The old rules are history! ⑦Ten at most now. Text 7 W: How is your studying going? M: ⑧It seems that university is much harder than high school. W: Yes, I agree. I'm very pleased that I finished my studies and started my job in a supermarket. OK, now, what do you want to see tonight? M: I don't know. I quite like comedy and drama, but adventure is always my favorite. W: Well. There is a new adventure movie on at the Circle Cinema tonight. Will that do? M: Yeah. Why not? W: Well, ⑨would you mind if we first stopped off at the café on Long Street? M: ⑨No worries. Text 8 W: Hi, Jack. Long time no see. You look upset. What's up? M: Hi, Mary. Nothing. I just quit my job. W: ⑩What? You once said you liked your job. M: Yes, but I have words with my boss days ago. W: Why? You didn't finish the work? M: No. I only made some small spelling mistakes in the book, and I didn't think it was any big deal, but he criticized me at the meeting! W: Well, he must have been under pressure recently. M: That's true, but it doesn't mean he can treat me like that. W: You quit your job just because of that? M: No, actually, I have worked there for five years and had little chance of getting promoted. W: I think that's the point. But what are you going to do next? M: I have no idea now. Maybe I will go traveling with my parents first. W: That's a good idea. But I suggest if you want to find a more satisfying job, you'd better improve yourself first. Text 9 W: Welcome to our talk show, Bob. Please make yourself at home. First, could you please tell me something about where you live? M: Yes. I was born in France, but I grew up in Switzerland. And I recently moved to the UK. Now I live in Weybridge. W: What sort of place is that? M: It's a large busy place with beautiful scenery. It's near London. It has got lots of people and houses. It's typical of London suburb. W: Is there anything you like best about Weybridge? M: The greatest thing about Weybridge is the facilities. You'll get everything you need—shops, buses and trains, cinemas, restaurants and entertainment. W: I see, thank you. Now, let's move on to your new house. M: At the back of my house there is a garden. My wife has grown many plants in it. And my neighbor has a crazy barking dog but luckily I like dogs and the dog likes me, so when she sees me she gets really excited and welcomes me home. W: That's a nice feeling. Text 10 W: Good morning, everyone. Now if you're looking for something to do this weekend, why not join in the Bartlow town race on Saturday? The race starts at Bartlow Town Hall and finishes at the football stadium; that's five kilometers. And don't worry if you can't run all that way. Walkers are welcome too! The race begins at a quarter past nine but you should arrive at the Town Hall forty-five minutes before, at half past eight, to check in and get your race number. There are money prizes for the winners in different age groups and everybody will get a free T-shirt when they finish. Adults pay $2 each to run in the race. It is only $1.50 for children and students and if the whole family decide to run there is a special price of$5 per family. Make sure to wear comfortable running shoes. And don't forget to bring some water with you—Saturday is going to be a lovely warm day and you may get thirsty. But it'll be lots of fun—see you there!

