高中英语Unit2Cloning课件 人教版选修8

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高中英语Unit2Cloning课件 人教版选修8

Section Ⅲ   Learning about Language & Using Language 练读文 记词汇 学翻译 1 教材助读 通语篇 学理解 重分析 2 语篇理解 记单词 记短语 记句型 3 基础梳理 compulsory owe shortly retire bother regulation strike drawback unable hatch assumption resist merely decoration adore reasonable (be) bound to (do)... strike ...into one's heart from time to time bring back to life in vain (be) in good/poor condition young The advantage is that Based on what we know now 研词汇 析句型 练拓展 4 要点透析 bothers going/to go about/with bothers→bother It bothers me that I can't keep up with others. What bothers me is that I can't keep up with others. to owes owes 后加 it Owing to 打动 使突然想到 / 想起 ( 钟 ) 报时 突然袭击 打;撞击 struck me most What struck me most brought back to life bring him back to life up down in sight in vain in return on conditions→condition that is 后加 that The drawback of is that lost with done permitting defeated 随堂练 固基础 夯根基 5 随堂训练 resist decoration adore drawback retire bother assumption strike reasonable merely owes his success to cold and hungry bring him back to life strikes into our hearts couldn't resist/help glancing

