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‎2019届二轮复习状语从句考点讲解 ‎[状语从句考纲]‎ ‎1.状语从句的分类 ‎1.可分为时间、原因、地点、目的、结果、条件、让步、比较及方式等类型。‎ ‎2.状语从句的引导词与介词的用法比较;状语从句与定语从句引导词的辨析。‎ ‎3.能够辨别同类状语从句中近似连接词的用法差异。‎ 状语从句:‎ ‎(一)时间状语从句 时间状语从句 ‎1.when, while, as的区别 这三个词都可以用作连接词,表示时间关系,但有所区别。 ‎ ‎(1)when表示时间关系时,意思常常是“当(在)……的时候”。主句和从句中的动作或事情可以同时发生,也可以先后发生。例如: ‎ When we were at school, we went to the library every day.‎ 我们在求学的时候,每天都到图书馆去。 ‎ ‎ (2)while 用作连接词表示时间关系时,意思也是“当(在)……的时候”,主句中的动作或事情在从句中的动作或事情的进展过程中发生。它有时可与when通用,但它只能指一段时间(a period of time),而不能指一点时间的(a point of time)。如上面第一个例句中的when,可以用while代替;而第二个例句中的when,就不能用while代替。例如: ‎ Please don’t talk so aloud while others are working.‎ 别人在工作的时候,请勿大声讲话。‎ ‎ (3)as用作连接词表示时间关系时,意思也是“当(在)……时候”,往往可与when或while通用,但它着重指主句和从句中的动作或事情相并发生。例如: ‎ I saw him as he was getting off the bus.当他下公共汽车的时候,我看见了他。 ‎ ‎2.一些表示时间的名词短语也可用来引导时间状语从句 the minute, the moment, the instant, every time, the last time, every time。如:‎ The first time I got to the island, I was amazed by its beauty.‎ 我第一次到这座岛屿的时候,我就对它的美丽感到惊异。‎ The moment I entered the room, I smelled something usual.‎ 我一走进房间里,就觉得不对头。‎ Every time I visit him, he is always reading.‎ 每次当我拜访他的时候,他总是在读书。‎ ‎3.directly和immediately也可作为连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“一……就……”,相当于the moment/the instant和as soon as。如:‎ I knew something was wrong directly I arrived.‎ 我一到就知道出事了。‎ ‎ The boys did all sorts of mischief immediately my back was turned.‎ 我一转身孩子们就捣乱。‎ ‎4.before 和after before 引导的从句的动作通常发生在主句动作之后,如果从句是过去时,主句 一般要用过去完成时或一般过去时。after引导的从句动作通常发生在主句动作之前,如果主句要用过去时,从句则要用过去完成时或一般过去时。例如:‎ The plane had taken off before he arrived at the airport.他到机场前飞机早就起飞了。‎ After he had lived in the south for nearly 20 years, he decided to go to seek his fortune in the north.‎ 他在南方生活了将近二十年后,决定去北方碰碰运气。‎ They arrived at the cinema after the film began.‎ 电影开始之后他们到了影院。‎ ‎5.no sooner...than 和hardly (scarcely)... when 这两个连词词组都是表示主句与从句动作随即发生,意为“一……就……”。主句动词用过去完成时。如果no sooner, hardly 或scarcely位于句首,主句要倒装。例如:‎ No sooner had he entered the house than it began to rain.‎ 他刚走进房间天就开始下起雨来了。‎ He had hardly gone to bed when the telephone rang.‎ 他刚上床电话就响了。‎ ‎6.till 和until 这两个词的用法十分近似,都表示“直到……”,但在句首只能用until。在肯定句中,主句要用延续性动词;在否定句中,主句要用非延续性动词,这时until和before同义。例如:‎ Until they had finished the work, they did not go home.直到他们完成工作才回家。‎ ‎7. It 与before, since, when引导的时间状语从句连用时的区别:‎ ‎(1)It is/has been+时间段+since ... 自从……以来已有多长时间了。‎ ‎(2)It is/was+时间点+when ... when 引导的是一个时间状语从句,主句中的 it 指时间,表语由具体的时间充当。常译为“当……的时候,是……”。 ‎ ‎(3)It be +时间段+ before ... it 指时间, 主句中的时态常是一般将来时或过去时两种时态.主句中的表语多是long, not long , 3 days , 2 weeks 等表示时间段的词或短语。常译为“……之后……”。例如:‎ How long is it since we met last time?‎ 自从上一次我们见面以来已有多长时间了?‎ It was a lready midnight when I got home.‎ 当我到家时已是半夜了。‎ It was not long before she got married and moved to Japan.‎ 不久她就结婚,搬往日本了。‎ ‎(二)地点状语从句 地点状语从句用where, wherever引导 Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。‎ Wherever they went, they received a warm welcome. 无论他们走到哪儿都受到热烈欢迎。‎ ‎(三)原因状语从句 原因状语从句用because(因为),since(既然), as(由于)引导 ‎1、由why提问必须用because回答。‎ since, as不回答why的提问,而且从句一般放在句首,because一般放在主句之后。‎ ‎2、because of +名词 Because of the rain, we didn’t go to the park.‎ ‎3、because 和so不可连用,只能选其一。(另有although, but)‎ Why didn’t he come to school? Because he was ill.‎ Since I must die, I must. 既然我一定要死,我一定这样做。‎ ‎4、for并列连词,不能放在句首,主要放在两个并列句之间。for所提供的理由为一个补充说明,而且前面常有逗号隔开。‎ The days are short, for it is December now.‎ ‎(四)目的状语从句 目的状语从句用so(常用于口语), that, so that, in order that引导 目的状语从句的谓语常含有may, might, can, could, should, would等情态动词。‎ We’ll sit never to the front so we can hear better.‎ He studied hard so that he might succeed. 他努力学习,以便成功。‎ They hurried to the station in order that they could catch the train.‎ 他们急忙赶往火车站,以便能赶上火车。‎ ‎(五)条件状语从句 ‎1.if 和unless if 表示正面的条件,意为“如果”,unless表示反向的条件,意为“除非,如果不”。例如:‎ If you’ve got exams tomorrow, why aren’t you studying?如果你明天有考试,你为什么不学习?‎ The sports meet will begin tomorrow unless it rains.运动会明天将要开始,除非下雨。‎ ‎【专家提醒】 条件状语从句中常用一般时表示将要发生的动作。‎ ‎2. providing, provided (that), supposing, suppose (that), as long as, so long as, on condition that 和in case 这些连词(词组)意思相近,有“如果,只要,假如,假使,在……条件下”等意思。例如:‎ All living things respire as long as they live.‎ 所有的生物只要他们活着都要呼吸。‎ Supposing (that) you fail a second time, don’t get disappointed, but try again.‎ 假如你又一次失败了,不要泄气,再试一次。‎ On condition that the liquid is cooled still further, it will turn to a solid.‎ 如果液体进一步冷却的话,会变成固体。‎ ‎3.only if和if only only if 引导的从句用陈述语气,意为“只要”; if only引导的从句要用虚拟语气,意为“但愿……”,“要是……就好了”。例如:‎ only if you have persistence, can you achieve great success.‎ 惟有你坚持下去,你才能成功。‎ If only I had wings, I would be able to travel around the world easily.‎ 如果我有翅膀,我就能够轻松地环游地球了。‎ ‎(六)结果状语从句 结果状语从句由such…that, so…that, so that, that 引导 ‎1. such… that 的常用句型 such +a/an +形容词+可数名词单数+that such +形容词+可数名词单数+that such+形容词+可数名词复数(不可数名词)+that 注意so many (much, few, little) +名词,such a lot of (或lots of)+名词是惯用法,不可乱用。‎ She is such a beautiful girl that we all like her.‎ They were such beautiful flower that we bought home.‎ It was such delicious food that they ate it up.‎ ‎2. so+形容词或副词+that so+形容词+a/an+可数名词单数+that He is so rich that he can buy lot of things for himself.‎ It was so hot a day that we all went swimming.‎ It was such a good day that we all went swimming.‎ ‎3. so that, that都可以引导结果状语从句 He didn’t study hard, (so) that he failed the exam.‎ ‎4. too…to, enough…to 可以引导结果状语从句与so…that 替换,so…that结构可以用too…to替换必须具备两个条件,一是主句和结果状语从句的主语必须一致,二是从句中的谓语部分必须含有can(could) not.‎ She is so young that she can’t go to school.‎ She is too young to go to school.‎ She isn’t old enough to go to school.‎ ‎(七)让步状语从句 ‎1.让步状语从句可由although,though,as,while,even if(though),whatever,whether...or...,no matter who (when,what...)等引导。‎ Although/Though she works very hard,(yet) she makes very slow progress.尽管她学习很努力,但还是进步不快。‎ Whenever I’m unhappy(=No matter when I’m unhappy),it is my friend who cheers me up.‎ 不管什么时候我不高兴,总是我的朋友给我鼓励。‎ ‎【专家提醒】‎ ‎(1)however引导让步状语从句时,与它所修饰的词一起放在句首。‎ ‎(2)英语不允许在though 或although从句后同时用but。如果要强调前后两个部分的对比意义,可以在主句前加上yet或still。‎ ‎2.as引导的让步状语从句的常见的几种倒装方式 ‎(1)如果从句的谓语部分为“不及物动词+副词”时,常将从句中的副词提到从句的句首。‎ Hard as you may try,you will not succeed.‎ 尽管你努力了,你可能不会成功。‎ ‎(2)如果从句的谓语部分为“情态动词+不及物动词”,常将这个不及物动词提到 从句的句首。‎ Wait as you may,he will not see you.‎ 尽管你等了,他可能不会见你。‎ ‎(3)如果从句的谓语部分是“系动词+单数名词”,则常将这个作表语的名词提前,但这个名词前面的不定冠词要省略。‎ Child as he is,he can tell right from wrong.‎ 尽管他还是个孩子,他能明辨是非。‎ ‎3.while作“尽管”讲引导让步状语从句时往往放在句首 While I understand your viewpoint,I don’t agree with you.‎ 尽管我明白你的观点,我不赞成你。‎ ‎(八)方式状语从句 ‎1.as 和just as 二者都表示“如……;犹如……,正如……”。just as 比as强调的语气更强。例如:‎ In the early days, people could not count as we do now.‎ 在早期日子中,人们不和我们现在一样能计数。‎ Most plants need sunlight just as they need water.‎ 大部植物像它们需要水一样,也需要阳光。‎ ‎2.as if 和as though as if 或as though从句可以用陈述语气,表示可能符合事实的情况;也可以用虚拟语气,表示不符合事实或与事实相反的情况,意为“好像,仿佛”。例如:‎ It looks as though it is going to rain.‎ 天看起来要下雨。‎ He spoke as if he were a philosopher.‎ 他说话就像是一位哲学家。(从句动词与主语谓语同时发生,从句谓语要用一般过去时)‎ He speaks as if he had been to the moon.‎ 他谈起话来就好像是去过月球。(从句动作发生在主句谓语之前,从句谓语要用过去完成时)‎ He speaks as if he would fly to the moon.‎ 他谈起话来就好像是要飞往月球。(从句动词发生在主句谓语之后,从句谓语要用would/could/might+do)‎ ‎(九)比较状语从句 比较状语从句由as…as, not as(so)…as, than, the+比较级,the+比较级引导 He swims as well as you. (do)‎ He doesn’t swim as well as you (do).‎ He got here earlier than you. (did)‎ The busier he is, the happier he feels.‎ ‎ ‎

