高中英语外研版必修2课件:Module2 Section Ⅱ Grammar

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高中英语外研版必修2课件:Module2 Section Ⅱ Grammar

Section Ⅱ  Grammar 一 二 一、用动词的适当形式或适当的连接词填空 1 .           (pass)the following National College Entrance Examination,they are studying harder.   2 .Tom has come to China           (learn)more Chinese culture.   3 .She is so good a girl        everyone there likes her very much.   4 .He is always making up to the leader           he can obtain some benefits.   To pass to learn that   so that 一 二 二、根据汉语提示完成句子 1 . 为了让听众听到 , 演讲人提高了嗓门。 The speaker raised his voice                           .   2 . 这么晚了 , 我们只好在农场上留宿。 It was                 we had to put up on the farm.   3 . 为了赶火车 , 她匆匆做完了她的工作。                     the train,she hurried through her work.   so as to/in order to be heard   so late that In order to catch   一 二 4 . 他进步这么大 , 父母对他很满意。 He had made                      his parents were pleased with him.   5 . 他病得很厉害 , 今天无法上班。 He was badly ill            he couldn ’ t go to work today.   so much progress that so that Grammar ★ 考点一   Infinitive of purpose 动词不定式作目的状语 , 意为 “ 为了 , 以便 ” 。 He turned his head around to look at what was happening . 他扭头去看正在发生的事情 。 考点延伸   (1) 阅读下列句子 , 体会黑体部分的作用 ① Adam Rouse stole something every day to pay for the drug’s money . 亚当 · 罗斯每天偷东西是为了偿还毒资。 作用 目的状语 ② To search for some useful information ,she always surfs on the Internet every day. 为了寻找一些有用的信息 , 她总是每天上网。 作用 目的状语 归纳 动词不定式作目的状语时 , 可位于 句首 和 句末 , 置于 句首 时 , 其后常有逗号隔开 。 (2) 阅读下列句子 , 体会黑体部分的意义 ① We took our teacher ’ s advice in order not to/so as not to make the same mistakes in the composition. 我们听从老师的建议是为了写作时不再犯同样的错误。 意义 为了不 …… ② In order to arrive at the airport in time,they had to take a taxi. 为了及时赶到机场 , 他们不得不乘出租车去。 意义 为了 …… ★ 考点二   Adverbial clause of result 结果状语从句 , 表示结果。引导结果状语从句的从属连词主要的有 so that,so...that,such...that 等。 He studied hard so that he passed the exam. 他学习用功 , 所以考试通过了。 考点延伸   (1) 阅读下列句子 , 体会黑体词的搭配和意义 ① I ’ m so tired that I could sleep in this chair! 我太累了 , 以至于在椅子上就能睡着。 搭配 so...that...   意义 太 …… 以至于 …… ② I ’ d put on such a lot of weight that I couldn ’ t get into my trousers. 我的体重增加了那么多 , 以至于我的裤子都穿不下了。 搭配 such...that...   意义 太 …… 以至于 …… ③ He injured his foot, so that he was unable to play in the match. 他脚扭伤了 , 结果无法出场比赛。 搭配 so that   意义 结果   (2) 阅读下列句子 , 体会黑体部分的结构 ① She is such a good girl/so good a girl that everyone in her class likes her very much. 她是一个这么好的姑娘 , 以至于班上的人都非常喜欢她。 结构 such+a(n)+ adj .+ 单数名词 +that.../so+ adj .+a(n)+ 单数名词 +that... ② He was so angry that he couldn ’ t speak. 他气得说不出话来。 结构 so+ adj ./ adv .+that... ③ She has so few words that she won ’ t speak until she is spoken to. 她话那么少以至于你不和她说话 , 她不会主动和你讲话。 结构 so+many/few/much/little+ 名词 +that... ④ There was such heavy rain that we couldn ’ t go out. 雨那么大 , 我们没法出去。 结构 such+ adj .+ 复数名词或不可数名词 +that... 用 in order to 或 so as to 的正确结构填空 ( 8 )              join the army , he lied to say he was 19 years old already.  ( 9 ) He sent an e-mail to her            ( not ) make her keep the secret.  ( 10 ) She was        honest        the boss decided to take her on as a secretary.  完成 句子 ( 11 ) 我试图用一种不会冒犯她的方法告诉她那事。 I tried to tell her                  she wouldn’t be offended.  ( 12 ) 她工作总是那么努力 , 结果什么事情都是事前准备好。 She worked so hard                  ahead of time.  答案 : ( 1 ) To free   ( 2 ) to help   ( 3 ) to catch   ( 4 ) not to be left   ( 5 ) such ; that   ( 6 ) so ; that   ( 7 ) so that ( 8 ) In order to   ( 9 ) in order not to/so as not to   ( 10 ) so ; that   ( 11 ) in such a way that   ( 12 ) that everything would be ready

