高中英语外研版必修1练习:Module2 Section Ⅲ Integrating Skills

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高中英语外研版必修1练习:Module2 Section Ⅲ Integrating Skills

Section Ⅲ Integrating Skills 课后篇巩固提升 一、单词拼写 1.A (校长) is a teacher who is in charge of a school. 答案:headmaster 2.There were many important events in this (期间). 答案:period 3.According to the (时间表),the train leaves at 3:00 this afternoon. 答案:timetable 4.She did no (复习),but she still got a very high mark. 答案:revision 5.She read the letter and gave us a rough (翻译). 答案:translation 6.The environment is a popular (话题)these days. 答案:topic 7.She has gone to Canada on (度假). 答案:vacation 8.The teacher has a very good (关系) with her students. 答案:relationship 9.The job does not require any (正规的) training. 答案:formal 10.We usually get ourselves (放松的) by playing golf at weekends. 答案:relaxed 二、用下列单词或短语的适当形式填空 at present in fact have problems with similarly be true of relaxed relationship discipline a couple of consider 1.She was proud of her good with her workmates. 答案:relationship 2.We were having a great time and feeling very . 答案:relaxed 3.—When shall we meet next time? —I Tuesday is OK for me. 答案:consider 4.Many people in developing countries suffer from AIDS,but the same many westerners. 答案:is true of 5. ,art should be around us,not in museums. 答案:In fact 6. ,many teenagers take cellphones to school. 答案:At present 7. at some private schools is very strict. 答案:Discipline 8.—How long have you been here? — days. 答案:A couple of 9.In some poor countries,most people their health care. 答案:have problems with 10.Our bodies are arranged by taking exercise. ,our minds are developed by learning. 答案:Similarly 三、同义句转换 1.We lived in Nanjing for some time. We lived in Nanjing for time. 答案:a period of 2.An Indian or a Chinese meal?You decide it. An Indian or a Chinese meal? . 答案:It’s up to you 3.Have a look at the questions at first,and then answer them. at the questions at first,and then answer them. 答案:Take a look 4.I prefer to walk there rather than take a taxi. I there take a taxi. 答案:would rather walk;than 5.He wishes this wouldn’t happen again. He this happen again. 答案:would rather;didn’t 四、阅读理解 ( 语言能力 思维品质) The most important day Helen Keller remembered in all her life was the one on which her teacher,Anne Sullivan,came to her.It was three months before she was seven years old. On the afternoon of that day,Helen knew that something would happen.She went outside and waited at the door of the house.She could feel the sun on her face and she could touch the leaves of the plants.Then she felt someone walking towards her.She thought it was her mother and she went to her and held her close.This was the teacher who had come to teach all the things to her and,above all,to love her. The next morning,the teacher took her into her room and gave her a doll.When Helen was playing with it,Miss Sullivan slowly spelled the word“d-o-l-l”onto her hand.Helen learnt a lot of words like this.After the teacher had been with her for several weeks, Helen understood that everything had a name. One day Helen didn’t understand the difference between “mug” and “water”.She became angry and threw the doll on the floor.In her quiet,dark world she didn’t feel sorry for doing it.Then her teacher took her out into the warm sunshine.They walked down to the well where someone was drawing water.Her teacher put her hand under the water and spelled the word “w-a-t-e-r” at the same time in her other hand.Suddenly,Helen felt an understanding.She knew then that “w-a-t-e-r” was the wonderful cool thing flowing over her hand.That living word awakened her spirit,gave it light, hope,fun and set it free! 1.How was the girl different from other children? A.She didn’t know how to play games. B.She was angry all the time. C.She couldn’t speak. D.She was deaf and blind. 答案:D 解析:从第四段中的 “In her quiet,dark world she didn’t feel sorry for doing it.”我们可推知答案。 2.Helen Keller was when she met Miss Sullivan. A.five B.under six C.above six D.seven 答案:C 解析:从 “...Anne Sullivan,came to her.It was three months before she was seven years old” 可推知 答案。 3.Why was her teacher so important to her? A.Because her teacher loved her and taught her. B.Because her parents were both dead. C.Because she wanted to go to university. D.Because there was nobody to play with her. 答案:A 解析:“The most important day Helen Keller remembered in all her life was the one on which her teacher...” 和“This was the teacher who had come to teach all the things to her and,above all,to love her.”这两句话暗示了答案。 4.Helen learnt new words when . A.she went to the well B.Miss Sullivan spelled them on her hand C.the teacher gave her a doll D.she knew the difference between two words 答案:B 解析:从 “...Miss Sullivan slowly spelled the word ‘d-o-l-l’ onto her hand.Helen learnt a lot of words like this.”可知答案。 五、语篇填空 导学号 91364010 ( 语言能力 学习能力) In recent years,learning Chinese has become popular among people around 1 world.Last month,I 2 (receive) an email from my cousin Jack in Canada.He said he was 3 (interest) in Chinese,and asked me 4 (find) him some books intended for Chinese beginners.I was very pleased to do such 5 favour.So I went to several bookstores,hoping to find something suitable for him. 6 (final) I selected a set of Chinese textbooks among a 7 (various) of similar ones.Then I went to a post office to have them 8 (deliver) by air without delay.Several days later,I received Jack’s email, 9 (say) that he really appreciated the books I had sent.I’m very glad that Jack is beginning to learn Chinese just like many other foreigners abroad,although I know 10 may be an enjoyable challenge for him. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 答案:1.the 2.received 3.interested 4.to find 5.a 6.Finally 7.variety 8.delivered 9.saying 10.it 六、短文改错 ( 语言能力) Dear Sir, I’m Li Ming,a student of Senior 1.I am writing to ask yourself for some advice.Since I enter Senior 1,my parents and teachers have kept ask me to board in the school.They say it will be very much convenient for me to ask question whenever and wherever.Besides,they think boarding will make it possible to make fully use of my nighttime,and that I can also develop the ability to look after myself. However,in my opinion,staying at home in the evening allow me more time to work at my lessons.At same time,I can learn which I think I’m not good at.I really don’t know how to deal in the disagreement.Can you help me out? Yours, Li Ming 答案: Dear Sir, I’m Li Ming,a student of Senior 1.I am writing to ask

