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- 1 - 高考英语一轮单元总复习讲义外研版必修三 Module 2 知识详解 1 measure  v. 测量;评估;测定 n. 尺寸;大小;度量单位;措施 (回归课本 P12)What does the Human Development Index measure? 人类发展指数是测量什么的? 12 归纳总结 例句探源 ①Education shouldn’t be measured purely by examination results. 教育不应该纯粹用考试成绩来衡量。 ②I would rather have my clothes made to my own measure than buy those which are ready­made. 我宁愿让人根据我自己的尺寸定制衣服也不愿意买现成的。 ③The government has promised to take measures to help the unemployed. 政府已答应采取措施来帮助失业者。 ④Her work has improved beyond measure. 她的工作已大有进步。 即境活用 1.It is amazing that the little boy can swim________the river________100 meters wide. A.across;measuring       B.over;measured C.across;measure D.through;measuring 解析:选 A。across 表示从表面上穿过;over 指越过;through 指从中间穿过,所以第一空用 across; 第二空用现在分词作定语,修饰 the river。 本句意为“那小男孩能游过一百米宽的河真是了不 起。” 2.It’s high time we________effective________to improve your working conditions. A.took;measures B.made;measures C.did;measure D.had;measure 解析:选 A。考查固定短语 take measures to do...表示“采取措施干……”。本句意为“该是我们 采取有效措施来改善你们的工作条件的时候了。” 2 position  n. 地点,位置;姿势;地位;立场,处境;职位 (回归课本 P12)The UK is in the thirteenth position,while China is in the middle of the list. 英国排在第十三位,而中国排在中间位置。 归纳总结 in a...position 处于……的地位/处境 be in/out of position 在/不在适当的位置 be in a position to do sth.(因有能力、金钱或权力而)能做某事 take up(one’s)position 就位 shift one’s position 改变立场 - 2 - 例句探源 ①This put him and his colleagues in a difficult position. 这使他和同事们处于困难的境地。 ②When I know all the facts,I’ll be in a position to advise you. 在我了解所有的事实之后,我就能给你提出建议了。 ③She held the position of sales manager. 她担任销售经理的职务。 ④After the shelves were in position ,we realized we’d forgotten to paint them. 把那些架子放好之后,我们才意识到忘记给它们上漆了。 易混辨析 state,condition,situation,position (1)state 多表示身体、心理状况,也可表示物质的状态。 (2)condition 表示周围的工作、学习等的环境、条件(常用复数);表示身体条件(多为不可数)。 (3)situation 表示政治上的形势、局面;表示公司或集团的总状况、处境等。 (4)position 处境、情势 (尤指影响自己的行动能力);也可用来表示政治上的形势、局面,不如 situation 正式。 ①He applied for the position of assistant manager in the big company. ②She is in no condition to travel. ③The economic situation of the country is disastrous. ④Water has three states:solid,liquid and steam. 即境活用 3.(高考陕西卷)From their________on the top of the TV Tower,visitors can have a better view of the city. A.stage B.position C.condition D.situation 解析:选 B。考查名词辨析。stage“(进展的)阶段,时期”;position“位置,职位”;condition“情 况,条件”;situation“情况,形势,情景”。句意:从他们所在的电视塔顶的位置,游客们可以 更好地观看这座城市。这里明显说的是位置,所以用 position。 4.Before entering the room,I was asked to show the soldier the________of my suitcase. A.contents B.shape C.position D.instructions 解析:选 A。句意:在进屋之前,战士让我出示一下手提箱里的东西。content 内容,容纳物; shape 形状;position 位置;instructions 指示,说明。故 A 项符合。 3 figure  n. 数字;图形;人物;身材 v. 计算;认为,以为 (回归课本 P13)Complete the chart with figures from the passage. 用短文中的数字完成表格。 归纳总结 例句探源 ①His score is now well into double figures. 他的得分现在已达到两位数了。 ②I figured that he was drunk and shouldn’t be allowed to drive. 我认为他喝醉了,不应该让他开车。 ③(高考安徽卷)Ask some open­ended questions,which will allow you to figure out what intention - 3 - he is hoping to satisfy. 问一些开放式的问题,这将使你弄清楚他希望达到什么意图。 即境活用 5.The present situation is very complex,so I think it will take me some time to________ its reality. A.make up B.figure out C.look through D.put off 解析:选 B。句意是:目前的形势非常复杂,因此我认为要花费一段时间才能弄清楚它的真实 情况。make up 组成;编造;弥补;look through 温习;仔细查看;浏览;put off 推迟。 6.完成句子 Can you ________________it?你能弄明白如何做这事吗? 答案:figure out how to do 4 exchange  v. & n. 交换;调换;兑换;交易 (回归课本 P19)There are visits and exchanges between schools,theatre groups and sports teams. 双方的学校、戏剧团体和体育代表团队之间进行互访和交流。 归纳总结 例句探源 ①He exchanged the plough for the sword. 他以犁换剑(化干戈为玉帛)。 ②Will you exchange seats with me? 你愿意同我调换座位吗? ③An exchange of opinions is helpful. 相互交换意见是有益的。 ④Let’s make an exchange.You’ll clean my room,and I’ll do the shopping for you. 让我们做个交换,你为我打扫房间,我为你买东西。 ⑤(牛津 P691)Would you like my old TV in exchange for this camera? 用我的旧电视换这架照相机,你愿意吗? 即境活用 7.I have offered to paint the house ________ a week’s accommodation. A.in exchange for      B.with regard to C.by means of D.in place of 解析:选 A。句意是:我主动提出粉刷这所房子,条件是让我免费吃住一周。空白处要用 in exchange for 表示“作为交换”。with regard to 关于;by means of 凭借……手段;in place of 代替。 5 make efforts 努力,尽力 ( 回 归 课 本 P12)The report shows that we are making some progress but that we need to make greater efforts. 报告显示我们一直在进步,但我们还需要付出更大的努力。 归纳总结 例句探源 ①Every effort is being made to deal with the issues you raised at the last meeting. 正尽一切努力处理你在上次会议上提出的问题。 ②Frank put a lot of effort into the preparations for the party. 弗兰克花了很大力气来准备这次聚会。 - 4 - ③We will spare no effort to host the Shanghai Expo. 我们将尽一切力量举办上海世博会。 ④(牛津 P641)With effort she managed to stop herself laughing.她好不容易才忍住了笑。 即境活用 8.Every effort should be________to save the boy’s life. A.taken      B.done C.made D.given 解析:选 C。考查固定搭配 make every effort to do...表示“尽一切努力做……”,本句意为“应该 尽一切努力来挽救那个男孩的生命。” 9.完成句子 She________________(尽力)to be nice to her boss. 解析:本句意为“她努力讨好她的老板。” 答案:made an effort 6 be connected with 与……有联系;与……有关 (回归课本 P16)Which word is connected with building? 哪个词和建筑有关? 归纳总结 例句探源 ①Connect the speakers to the record player and plug it in. 将扬声器连接在唱机上,再插上插头。 ②( 高 考 江 苏 卷 )The first would possibly connect Kunming with Singapore via Vietnam and Malaysia. 第一个或许能通过越南和马来西亚把昆明和新加坡连接起来。 ③Her diligence must have something to do with her success. 她的勤勉和她的成功一定有某种关系。 ④We only discuss what is related to us. 我们只讨论与我们有关的问题。 ⑤The reporter wants to know whether the official is involved in the case. 这个记者想知道那位官员是否涉及此案。 即境活用 10.That soldier was suspected to________the crime. A.connect to  B.connect with C.be connected to D.be connected with 解析:选 D。be connected with“和……有联系”。 句型梳理 1【教材原句】 Norway is at the top of the list,while the U.S. is at number 7.(P12) 挪威高居榜首,而美国则名列第七。 【句法分析】 while 在此句中作并列连词,意为“然而”,表示一种对比关系。 ①Some people are for his plan while others are against it. 一些人赞成他的计划,而其他人反对。 ②I am fond of music while my brother is fond of sports. 我喜欢音乐而我弟弟喜欢体育运动。 while 还可以表示“尽管,虽然”以及“只要(=as long as)”。 ③(牛津 P2293)While I am willing to help,I do not have much time available. 尽管我愿意帮忙,但是没有多少时间。 【注意】 but 是并列连词,常用以引出与前后相对照或修饰前文的句子、词或词组。while - 5 - 常用作从属连词,表示“而,然而”时强调前后对比性,用来引导句子。 即境活用 11.(高考安徽卷)—I wonder how much you charge for your services. —The first two are free________the third costs $30. A.while       B.until C.when D.before 解析:选 A。句意:——我想知道你要收多少服务费。——前两次是免费的,但第三次的费用 是 30 美元。while 而,但是;until 直到;when 当……时候;before 在……之前,才,就。 12.She thought I was talking about her daughter , ________in fact , I was talking about my daughter. A.whom B.where C.which D.while 解析:选 D。句意“她认为我在谈论她女儿,但事实上,我谈论的是我女儿。” 2【教材原句】 It’s an agreement between towns or cities of similar size and age,and...(P19) 它是有着相似的面积和年代的城镇之间的一份协定,而且…… 【句法分析】  (1)be of+抽象名词=be+该名词相对应的形容词 (2)“be of+集合名词或其他类型的名词”。此处为普通用法,相当于“……的”,此时的名词多是 表示亲属、血统、种族、国籍及出处等的名词,常用的名词有 family/blood/race/origin 等。 (3)“be of+物质名词”表示主语是“用某种材料构成或制作的”,相当于 be made of 或 be built of。 (4)还有些抽象名词没有相应的形容词形式。如: be of the size/weight/height/depth/length/age/colour/shape/kind/type...。 ①This dictionary is of great use to learners of English. =This dictionary is very useful to learners of English. 这本词典对英语学习者很有用。 ②Her father is a man of short height. 她爸爸是一位身材矮小的男人。 ③Several of the stamps were of the unusual kind. 其中几张邮票是不常见的种类。 ④They are of the same state.=They belong to the same state.他们属于同一个州。 ⑤Our building was of bricks.=Our building was built of bricks.我们的楼房是用砖建的。 即境活用 13.(高考辽宁卷)Children need friends________their own age to play with. A.of        B.for C.in D.at 解析:选 A。考查介词搭配。of 与 age 构成固定搭配。friends of their own age 意思是“他们的 同龄朋友们”。 14.This book is________to my translation,but that one is________. A.great help;helpless B.a great help;of no use C.important;of few importance D.very helpful;of no any use 解析:选 B。a help“一件有帮助的东西”,be of no use =useless“没有用处的”。

