高中英语人教版必修5练习:Unit 3 Section Ⅱ 

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高中英语人教版必修5练习:Unit 3 Section Ⅱ 

www.ks5u.com Unit 3Life in the future Section Ⅱ Learning about Language,Using Language,Summing Up & Learning Tip 课后篇巩固提升 一、单句填空 ‎1.Workers have been on a strike for a week.It is said that the boss of the factory will meet the workers in order to reach a         (settle). ‎ 答案:settlement ‎ ‎2.Are your opinions          (represent)of the views of all the students? ‎ 答案:representative ‎3.Do they have the          (motivate) to help the poor children?  ‎ 答案:motivation ‎4.When you find the red button       (press),you have to go there immediately. ‎ 答案:pressed ‎5.In fact,I feel ill      (instant) I drink coffee. ‎ 答案:instantly ‎6.Check over the paper carefully before passing it to the       (type). ‎ 答案:typist ‎7.One day,mentally      (exhaust),I wrote down all the reasons why this problem could not be solved. ‎ 答案:exhausted ‎8.I have the honour to be sent as their         (represent). ‎ 答案:representative 二、翻译句子 ‎1.我们认为这种产品是环保的。(environmentally friendly)‎ 答案:We think this kind of product is environmentally friendly.‎ ‎2.他又冷又饿,停下工作就回家了。(形容词做状语)‎ 答案:Cold and hungry,he stopped working and went home.‎ ‎3.我一进教室铃就响了。(the instant)‎ 答案:The bell rang the instant I entered the classroom.‎ ‎4.他在新屋居住下来。(settlement)‎ 答案:He took up his settlement in a new house.‎ ‎5.你在为谁熨衣服?(press)‎ 答案:Who(m) are you pressing the clothes for?‎ 三、阅读理解 A Since 2013,Awesome Con has brought together tens of thousands of comic book fans(漫画书迷) for a special weekend in Washington,D.C.This year’s event was held from March 30 through April 1 at the Walter E.Washington Convention Center.‎ At the yearly event,artists sell comic books,artwork,and other things.There are also performances,discussions,and famous guests.Awesome Con also has game rooms,where visitors can play many popular games like Donkey Kong.‎ Of all the activities at Awesome Con,cosplay is surely the most attractive one.Many people see Awesome Con as a way to express themselves and show off their hobbies.Cosplay is a very good way to achieve this purpose.‎ Cosplay is dressing up as a character(角色) from movies,games,or comics.People dress as superheroes,time travelers,robots,etc.Many build their own clothes and some of them are very skillfully made.‎ ‎“It’s a huge part of the whole event,and it’s really nice to see everyone having fun and putting so much time and energy(精力) into their cosplay clothes,”said John Hutson,who dressed up as superhero Captain America.‎ ‎“I dressed up as Deadpool,”said another comic book fan Sandy Millin.“I really enjoy this character,and I came out here because it allows me to express myself freely.”‎ For those who attend Awesome Con,talking about hobbies with people you don’t know is fun.There are other advantages too.For example,in Artist Alley,where comic-book creators talk to fans and sign books and drawings,you can find many different kinds of art and people who like that kind of work.“It’s nice to see not very well-known artists finally getting recognized for their wonderful artwork by people who really enjoy cartoons,comics,and video games,”said a student from Takoma Park Middle School in Maryland.‎ ‎1.What is the most eye-catching activity at Awesome Con?‎ ‎           ‎ A.Game playing. B.Book selling.‎ C.Discussion. D.Cosplay.‎ 答案:D 解析细节理解题。文章介绍了于华盛顿举办的漫展Awesome Con。由第三段中的“Of all the activities at Awesome Con,cosplay is surely the most attractive one.”可知,角色扮演是该漫展上最引人注目的活动。‎ ‎2.How did John Hutson feel about dressing up?‎ A.Very tiring. B.A bit regretful.‎ C.A bit doubtful. D.Very enjoyable.‎ 答案:D 解析推理判断题。由第五段中的John Hutson所说的话“it’s really nice to see...their cosplay clothes”可推断,John Hutson认为化妆打扮进行角色扮演是赏心悦目的。‎ ‎3.Why did Sandy Millin come to Awesome Con?‎ A.To do cosplay.‎ B.To meet Deadpool.‎ C.To buy comic books.‎ D.To get his comic books signed.‎ 答案:A 解析细节理解题。由第三段中的“Many people see Awesome Con as a way to express themselves and show off their hobbies.”和倒数第二段中Sandy Millin所说的话可知,他喜欢Deadpool这个角色,而在Awesome Con上,他可以通过角色扮演来自由展示自己的爱好,这也是他参加该漫展的原因。‎ ‎4.What is the last paragraph mainly about?‎ A.How artists get recognized.‎ B.The activities in Artist Alley.‎ C.The advantages of Awesome Con.‎ D.Fun things to do at Awesome Con.‎ 答案:C 解析段落大意题。本段主要阐述了参加Awesome Con的好处,除了能享受跟陌生人谈论自己的兴趣爱好之外,还有许多其他好处,如人们能在Artist Alley欣赏到不同类型的艺术品,还能碰到这些艺术品的爱好者;此外,不甚出名的艺术家也能凭借自己精湛的作品获得卡通漫画爱好者的认可。‎ B It has been described as art by some people,but to others it’s an ugly part of modern life.What is it?Graffiti(涂鸦),of course.Look around cities in the UK today and you can see graffiti on buildings,walls,doors and even on buses or trains that have stayed in one place for too long.But where modern technology creates a problem,it also finds a way to deal with it.Last week,The Weekend West was shown around the factory of a small but successful company(公司),Hubdean.‎ Hubdean’s achievement is a series of special paints which are graffiti-resistant.How do they work?It couldn’t be simpler.Take any graffiti-covered surface.First,a treatment called Agproclear is used.Then,using a very hot pressure jet(压力喷嘴),this treatment is taken away and the graffiti disappears at the same time.Now you have a clean wall.But before this clean wall can be painted on by graffiti lovers,a new product,Agproshield,is used.This paint has a special surface which gives it two important advantages.Firstly,spray paint(喷雾颜料) won’t stick to the surface very well,and secondly,the whole surface can be cleaned very easily,just using water.Once the surface is painted,no specialist equipment(设备) is needed to keep the area clean and graffiti-free.‎ Not surprisingly,Hubdean’s products are used by both local governments and private companies all over the UK,and now orders are being received from around the world.This brings the company a problem,however.Can they increase production to satisfy the needs?Of course,they can build a second factory or work with a large international company to make their products.The future is looking good for Hubdean!‎ ‎5.What does the underlined word “graffiti-resistant” in Paragraph 2 mean?‎ A.Painting graffiti.‎ B.Keeping graffiti.‎ C.Preventing graffiti.‎ D.Changing graffiti.‎ 答案:C 解析词义猜测题。由画线词后提到Agproclear和Agproshield的使用方法,尤其是其功效the graffiti disappears和“the whole surface can be cleaned very easily...keep the area clean and graffiti-free”可知,Hubdean研发的这两种特殊涂料可以去除涂鸦。‎ ‎6.When should Agproshield be used?‎ A.Before Agproclear is used.‎ B.When the wall is still clean.‎ C.When Agproclear doesn’t work.‎ D.After graffiti is painted on the wall.‎ 答案:B 解析细节理解题。第二段描述了Agproclear和Agproshield的使用方法。由其中的“before this clean wall can be painted on by graffiti lovers...Agproshield,is used.”可知,在墙面被涂鸦之前,先使用Agproshield这种特殊涂料。这样当墙面被涂鸦之后用水就可以把涂鸦去掉。‎ ‎7.What can we learn about Hubdean?‎ A.There is a good market for its products.‎ B.A large company is going to buy its products.‎ C.It is developing more new and better products.‎ D.Most of its business comes from private companies.‎ 答案:A 解析推理判断题。由第三段中的“now orders are being received from around the world”可知,Hubdean公司的产品非常有市场。‎ ‎8.What would be the best title for the text?‎ A.Is Hubdean successful?‎ B.Is graffiti art?Of course not!‎ C.Hubdean a high-tech company?‎ D.Graffiti a problem?Just wash it off!‎ 答案:D 解析主旨大意题。本文旨在介绍一家名为Hubdean的公司生产出抗涂鸦涂料。D项标题与本文主旨句“where modern technology creates a problem,it also finds a way to deal with it.”相呼应。‎ 四、语篇填空 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ I went to a classical music concert yesterday and I loved it.1.      I particularly experienced in a different way is how much I appreciated the musicians.I am 2. grateful for the gifts 3. (share) by the musicians with the audience that I’ll carry this special feeling along with me. ‎ I have noticed how the music can change one’s view,and I am thankful for the way musicians work to the best of their 4. (able) to provide this music for their audience.This newfound appreciation is thanks to the kindness that I have been allowed 5. (develop) here on KindSpring and from all of you KindSpringers.‎ On 6. topic of classical music,I always loved the clapping and the cheering 7. come at the end of a concert.8. (specific),in classical music concerts the applause can last to six or seven minutes.It always 9. (lift) my spirit,but now I know that it’s because it is an act of appreciation to the musicians and the music.Thanks 10. classical music concerts,I’ll never fail to carry on with the act.‎ 答案:1.What 2.so 3.shared 4.abilities 5.to develop 6.the 7.that/which 8.Specifically 9.lifts 10.to

