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‎2020届二轮复习阅读理解中如何解决词义猜测题——上下文中求答案 词句猜测题旨在考查考生根据上下文推断单词、短语或句子的本意或外延含义的能力,既可以考查生词的意义,也可以考查熟词的新意,还可以是对替代词所替代内容的判断。除了直接的命题外,在阅读理解的文章中,常常有一些单词或短语超出了考试大纲,但又没有附加注释,也需要考生猜测词义才能准确理解文章,这是词义猜测题的一种简单命题形式。‎ 明考纲,懂考查方式和考查角度 ‎[考纲解读]‎ ‎(1)正确理解文章中单词或短语的含义是理解文章的第一步,也是理解文章的基础。‎ ‎(2)英语单词的含义并非完全等同于词典中所标注的汉语意思,其含义在不同的语境中会有所不同,能根据上下文正确理解灵活变化的词义,才算是真正初步具备了一定的阅读理解能力。‎ ‎(3)阅读文章时,常常会遇到一些过去未见过的词,但许多这类生词的词义可以通过上下文推断出来,这是阅读理解中经常检测的一种能力。‎ ‎[考查特点]‎ Ⅰ.把握词句猜测题常见的命题方式 ‎(1)The phrase “...” in the sentence could be replaced by ________.‎ ‎(2)The word “...” in the paragraph refers to ______.‎ ‎(3)What is the meaning of the underlined word in the ... paragraph?/What does the underlined word mean?‎ ‎(4)Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the phrase “...”?‎ ‎(5)The word “...” most nearly means ________.‎ ‎(6)The underlined sentence in the second paragraph implies that ________.‎ Ⅱ.掌握词句猜测题的考查角度 ‎(1)猜测生词或熟词生义;(2)猜测短语的意义;(3)猜测替代词所替代的内容(如it, one, they, this, that, these, those等);(4)猜测句意。‎ 词义猜测题8大猜词技巧 要做好词义猜测题,考生除了必须熟练掌握《考试大纲》规定的词汇外,在平时的训练中还要注意积累生词和短语,掌握构词法的基本知识,对于各种前、后缀的变化形式了然于心,还要学会根据上下文语境进行合理推测,掌握一定的解题技巧。‎ 根据定义或上下文解释进行猜测 有时短文中出现一个需要猜测其意义的词或短语,下面接着出现其定义或解释。标点符号,如逗号后的解释(名词同位语 ‎)、破折号后的解释、括号内的解释等。这都是判断该词或短语意义的主要依据。‎ ‎[例] (2018·全国卷Ⅰ阅读C节选)‎ Soon afterwards, many of those people started settling down to become farmers, and their languages, too, became more settled and fewer in number. In recent centuries, trade, industrialisation, the development of the nationstate and the spread of universal compulsory education, especially globalisation and better communications in the past few decades, all have caused many languages to disappear, and dominant languages such as English, Spanish and Chinese are increasingly taking over.‎ ‎29.Which of the following best explains “dominant” underlined in paragraph 2?‎ A.Complex. B.Advanced.‎ C.Powerful. D.Modern.‎ ‎[分析] 根据画线词所在句子可知,人类社会发展的很多因素导致许多语言消失,而逐渐被英语、西班牙语、汉语等语言取代,画线词前后的解释暗示了这些语言逐渐占主导地位,故选C项powerful (强大的,有影响力的)。‎ 根据同位关系进行猜测 阅读中出现的难词有时后面紧跟一个同位语,对前面的词进行解释,因此可利用同位关系对前面的词义或句意进行猜测。‎ ‎[例] (2016·全国卷Ⅰ阅读C节选)‎ I am Peter Hodes, a volunteer stem cell courier. Since March 2012, I've done 89 trips — of those, 51 have been abroad. I have 42 hours to carry stem cells (干细胞) in my little box because I've got two ice packs and that's how long they last. In all, from the time the stem cells are harvested from a donor (捐献者) to the time they can be implanted in the patient, we've got 72 hours at most. So I am always conscious of time.‎ ‎29.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “courier” in paragraph 1?‎ A.provider B.delivery man C.collector D.medical doctor ‎[分析] “a volunteer stem cell courier”是“Peter Hodes”的同位语;根据文中“I have 42 hours to carry stem cells (干细胞) in my little box”可知,Peter Hodes的任务就是将捐献者捐献的干细胞运送给需要的病人,即作者是干细胞递送员。故选择B项。‎ 根据构词法(前缀、后缀、派生、合成等)进行猜测 在英语中,有很多词可以通过增加前缀和后缀的方式或合成的方式构成新词。乍看起来,这个词可能是新词,但在掌握了一定的构词知识之后,就不难猜出它的词义。阅读中常常会遇到一些由熟悉的单词派生或合成的新词,考生可以根据构词法猜测词义。‎ ‎[例] (2018·北京高考阅读D节选)‎ A study from the University of California at Davis suggested that replacing petrolpowered private cars worldwide with electric, selfdriving and shared systems could reduce carbon emissions from transportation 80% and cut the cost of transportation infrastructure (基础设施) and operations 40% by 2050. Fewer emissions and cheaper travel sound pretty appealing. The first commercially available driverless cars will almost certainly be fielded by ridehailing services, considering the cost of selfdriving technology as well as liability and maintenance issues (责任与维护问题).But driverless car ownership could increase as the prices drop and more people become comfortable with the technology.‎ ‎49.What does the underlined word “fielded” in paragraph 4 probably mean?‎ A.Employed. B.Replaced.‎ C.Shared. D.Reduced.‎ ‎[分析] field常用作名词, 表示“场地,领域”,此处用作动词,引申为“使用,应用”。根据画线词所在句的前半部分内容“The first commercially available driverless cars will almost certainly”并结合下句中“as the prices drop and more people become comfortable with the technology”可知,随着价格的降低以及人们对这项技术开始应用自如,第一批上市的无人驾驶车辆会“被应用”到“叫车服务”中。故选A。‎ 根据因果关系进行猜测 在一篇阅读文章中,根据原因可以预测结果,根据结果也可以找出原因。‎ ‎[例] (2018·全国卷Ⅱ阅读B节选)‎ If you have a_juicer,_you can simply feed in frozen bananas and some berries or sliced fruit. Out comes a “softserve” creamy dessert, to be eaten right away. This makes a fun activity for a children's party; they love feeding the fruit and frozen bananas into the top of the machine and watching the ice cream come out below.‎ ‎26.What is “a juicer” in the last paragraph?‎ A.A dessert. B.A drink.‎ C.A container. D.A machine.‎ ‎[分析] 该段第一句含有一个if引导的条件状语从句,若满足该条件,则产生的结果是第一句的后半句和第二句, “you can simply feed in frozen bananas and some berries or sliced fruit. Out comes a ‘softserve’ creamy dessert, to be eaten right away.” 即“将冰冻香蕉和其他莓类、水果片放进去,出来的是奶油状甜品”。由此因果关系可推知juicer指的是榨汁机。故选择D项。‎ 根据上下文的指代关系进行猜测 文章中的代词it, that, he,‎ ‎ him或them可以指代上文提到的人或物,其中it和that还可以指代一件事。有时代词指代的对象相隔较远,要认真查找;有时也需要对前面提到的内容进行总结,才能得出代词所指代的事物。‎ ‎[例] (2017·全国卷Ⅰ阅读C节选)‎ ‎[2]Despite the celebrations, though, in the U.S.the jazz audience continues to shrink and grow older, and the music has failed to connect with younger generations.‎ ‎[3]It's Jason Moran's job to help change that.As the Kennedy Center's artistic adviser for jazz, Moran hopes to widen the audience for jazz, make the music more accessible, and preserve its history and culture.‎ ‎29.What does the underlined word “that” in paragraph 3 refer to?‎ A.Jazz becoming more accessible.‎ B.The production of jazz growing faster.‎ C.Jazz being less popular with the young.‎ D.The jazz audience becoming larger.‎ ‎[分析] 根据语境可知,画线词that指代第二段“Despite the celebrations, though, in the U.S. the jazz audience continues to shrink and grow older, and the music has failed to connect with younger generations.”的内容,即爵士乐听众的数量减少并且趋于老龄化,不受年轻人喜欢的现状。故选C。‎ 根据同义或近义关系进行猜测 在同一句、同一段或同一篇文章中,作者为了避免语言的单调、重复,有时会使用意思相同或相近的词。因此,考生只要读懂上下文,知道其中一个词的意思,就能猜出另外一个词的意思。‎ ‎[例] (2018·全国卷Ⅲ阅读D节选)‎ Adults understand what it feels like to be flooded with objects. Why do we often assume that more_is_more when it comes to kids and their belongings? The good news is that I can help my own kids learn earlier than I did how to live more with less.‎ ‎32.What do the words “more is more” in paragraph 1 probably mean?‎ A.The more, the better.‎ B.Enough is enough.‎ C.More money, more worries.‎ D.Earn more and spend more.‎ ‎[分析] 根据该段第一句“Adults understand what it feels like to be flooded with objects.”可知,作者认为成年人都理解物质过剩的那种感觉,后面又用反问句提出了问题:但是,说到孩子们和他们的物品,我们为什么通常又认定more is more呢?由此推知,这里的 more is more与前面的 flooded with为近义呼应,指“越多越好”。故选A。‎ 根据转折或对比关系进行猜测 根据上下句的连接词,如but, however,‎ ‎ otherwise等可以推断上下文之间的逻辑关系,从而可以依据某一句的含义,来确定另一句的含义。另外,分号也可以表示转折、对比或不相干的意义。‎ ‎[例] (2019·北京高考阅读D节选)‎ Phytoplankton live at the ocean surface, where they pull carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) into the ocean while giving off oxygen.When these organisms die, they bury carbon in the deep ocean, an important process that helps to regulate the global climate.But phytoplankton are vulnerable to the ocean's warming trend.Warming changes key characteristics of the ocean and can affect phytoplankton growth, since they need not only sunlight and carbon dioxide to grow, but also nutrients.‎ ‎43.What does the underlined word “vulnerable” in paragraph 3 probably mean?‎ A.Sensitive. B.Beneficial.‎ C.Significant. D.Unnoticeable.‎ ‎[分析] 由前句“When these organisms die,they bury carbon in the deep ocean, an important process that helps to regulate the global climate.”可知,这些生物死后,他们把碳埋在深海的过程有助于帮助调节全球气候。有转折词but, 再加后一句,气候变暖改变了海洋的主要特点并能影响浮游植物的生长,因为它们要生长不仅仅需要阳光和二氧化碳,也需要营养。由此可知,这些浮游植物对海洋变暖很敏感,故A项正确。‎ 意义吻合定句意 高考阅读理解有时对某一个句子的外延含义进行考查,因此要求考生准确理解前后句表达的含义,巧解语句猜测题。‎ ‎[例] (2019·6月浙江高考阅读B节选)‎ Money_with_no_strings_attached.It's not something you see every day.But at Union Station in Los Angeles last month, a board went up with dollar bills attached to it with pins and a sign that read,“Give What You Can, Take What You Need.”‎ ‎24.What does the expression “Money with no strings attached” in paragraph 1 mean?‎ A.Money spent without hesitation.‎ B.Money not legally made.‎ C.Money offered without conditions.‎ D.Money not tied together.‎ ‎[分析] 根据第一段中的“Give What You Can,Take What You Need.(尽你所能,取你所需。)”可知,此处money with no strings attached的意思应该是“无条件提供钱”,故C项正确。‎ ‎[课堂应用体验]‎ A ‎(2019·长沙四校高考模拟)Josh Morrison, 17, dreamed of raising $100,000 to build a home for a lowincome family. After years of hard ‎ work, his dream has come true. The house is now in the early stages of building.‎ Six years ago, Josh and his dad went into a Habitat for Humanity ReStore, a home improvement store and donation center run by the nonprofit organization. They were there to buy a sink. Josh, then 11, also noticed a collection of pennies. “I instantly felt the urge to help out with that,” he said. Josh set a fundraising (筹款) deadline of four years. Many people doubted whether he could reach his goal of $100,000, but it didn't shake his faith. He raised money at his school and other nearby schools. He collected money from neighbors, got publicity from local newspapers, and placed cans in stores so that people could donate extra change.‎ Josh's fundraising efforts began to produce results. Still, there were challenges. Four months before his deadline, he was $30,000 short. He decided to hold a Family Fun Fair and Spaghetti Dinner in Uxbridge, which is in the province of Ontario. The event raised $19,000.‎ ‎“I didn't care how long it took me,” Josh said. “I would raise $100,000.” With three weeks left, a company called Josh's house, offering to donate $18,000. Eventually, Josh reached a total of $124,000 before his deadline. “The_momentum_just_kept_going,_and we decided to do more,” he said. “Josh's Penny House” is being built by Habitat for Humanity in the city of Oshawa, along with 24 ‎ ‎ new townhouses. Josh has helped with some of the construction, as have other volunteers. He will choose the family that moves into the unit.‎ Next year, the 17yearold will head to college in British Columbia, Canada's westernmost province. As a 11yearold kid when starting fundraising, Josh was able to send a powerful message across the world. No matter how old you are, if you have a dream and are willing to do anything to achieve it, it can come true.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。一个11岁的少年因一次偶然的经历决定为低收入家庭募捐建房,经过数年的不懈努力,实现了这一梦想。‎ ‎1.Which word can best describe Josh Morrison in paragraph 2?‎ A.Straightforward. B.Openminded.‎ C.Determined. D.Cautious.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。结合文中对Josh Morrison筹款过程的描述以及第二段中的“Many people doubted whether he could reach his goal of $100,000, but it didn't shake his faith.”可知,尽管很多人怀疑他是不是能在四年中完成这件事,但是他信念坚定。由此可见他是“意志坚定的”。‎ ‎2.Why was the Family Fun Fair and Spaghetti Dinner event in Uxbridge held?‎ A.To call for more attention.‎ B.To attain his goal.‎ C.To win approval from the locals.‎ D.To find sponsors for a family.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“his goal of $100,000.”和第三段中的“Still, there were challenges. Four months before his deadline, he was $30,000 short. He decided to hold a Family Fun Fair ... $19,000.”可知,在截止日期前的四个月,离他的筹款目标还差30 000美元,于是他决定举办这个活动来达到目标。‎ ‎3.What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 4 mean?‎ A.His project became more popular.‎ B.He received continuous donations.‎ C.The result was beyond expectations.‎ D.He got more support from the company.‎ 解析:选B 句意理解题。根据下文中的“we decided to do more”以及“‘Josh's Penny House’ is being built by Habitat for Humanity in the city of Oshawa, along with 24 new townhouses. Josh has helped with some of the construction”可知,捐款势头一直保持下去,他收到了比最初目标多的钱,于是打算做更多,他帮助建造“Josh's Penny House”以及24所新住宅来帮助需要的人,所以画线处应意为“他继续收到捐款”。‎ ‎4.What will be the best title of the text?‎ A.An Astonishing Fundraiser B.A Boy with a Warm Heart C.Kindness from a Company D.The Penny House Dream 解析:选D 标题归纳题。文章主要讲述了一个11岁的少年经过几年不懈的努力,实现为低收入家庭募捐建房的梦想的经历。本文提到的“Josh's Penny House”是解题的暗示。钱是Josh一分分筹来的,因此本文最佳标题选D项。‎ B ‎(2019·唐山一模)Since their earliest days, American colleges and universities have based their study programs around what is known as the liberal arts.‎ Liberal arts education does not require students to study only one subject. Apart from a major like history or politics, students also take classes in other subjects that may not directly relate to their majors. This is meant to give students a wider understanding of the world as well as improve their critical thinking skills.‎ However, in recent years, many Americans have avoided liberal arts degree programs. That is mainly due to the belief that students who graduate with degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, known as STEM, are more likely to find wellpaid jobs.‎ But a new survey conducted by the labor market research company Emsiand the Strada Education Network research group suggests liberal arts graduates are just as desirable to employers in the modern labor ‎ market.‎ According to the survey, 82% of liberal arts degree holders from fouryear programs are employed. Those who are employed fulltime made about $20,000 more per year than people with no higher education at all. And liberal arts degree holders with advanced degrees earned an additional $20,000 on average.‎ Rob Sentz, who works with Emsi, says an engineering student may be immediately hired after graduation. But very often, engineering programs fail to teach students how to work well with others or communicate complex ideas in a simple way. Those are exactly the types of skills taught in liberal arts education.‎ Nicole Smith, an economist, notes that with the rise of artificial intelligence, companies producing these intelligent machines need help teaching them how to think more like and interact with human beings. They need help selling products and solving problems, which are skills that come from a liberal arts education.‎ Sentz and Smith agree the biggest challenge facing liberal arts graduates is showing employers what their skills are and the value they represent.‎ 语篇解读:‎ 本文主要通过介绍文科生的专业特征和就业市场的现状来说明文科生的职业优势和就业前景。对于那些只注重工科学习的学生来说,他们在沟通方面有明显的不足,而这一点恰恰是文科学生的优势。‎ ‎5.Why does liberal arts education require students to learn more than their majors?‎ A.To teach students how to communicate with others.‎ B.To broaden students' horizons and promote their critical thinking.‎ C.To encourage students to learn as many subjects as possible.‎ D.To push students toward liberal arts degree programs.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“This is meant to give students a wider understanding of the world as well as improve their critical thinking skills.”可知,要求文科生学习更多专业以外的知识是为了让学生更广泛地了解世界,同时提高他们的批判性思维能力。故选B项。‎ ‎6.What advantage do liberal arts graduates have over STEM graduates?‎ A.They have more access to wellpaid jobs.‎ B.They have greater appeal for employers.‎ C.They are more skilled in communicating.‎ D.They are better at designing intelligent machines.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第六段中的“But very often, engineering programs fail to teach students how to work well with others or communicate complex ideas in a simple way. Those are exactly the types of skills taught in liberal arts education.”‎ 可知,文科生相对于理科生更善于交际和表达。故选C项。‎ ‎7.What does the underlined word “them” in paragraph 7 refer to?‎ A.Machines. B.Graduates.‎ C.Companies. D.Skills.‎ 解析:选A 词义猜测题。本题解题的关键在于“teaching”的直接宾语是“how to think more like and interact with human beings”,所以“them”不可能指人类,再结合前面“producing these intelligent machines”修饰“companies”可知,“them”是指智能机器。故选A项。‎ ‎8.What's the main idea of the text?‎ A.The modern labor market is full of great challenges.‎ B.Liberal arts education needs to reform its study programs.‎ C.STEM graduates are losing their advantages in the labor market.‎ D.Liberal arts graduates have a bright future in the labor market.‎ 解析:选D 主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了文科教育的优势和就业前景。大学的文科教育宗旨赋予的文科生所特有的一些优势成为他们在就业市场上的有利因素,就业前景一片光明。故选D项。‎ C ‎(2019·兰州实战模拟)Fire ants tunnels got dug efficiently by only a small percentage of the group doing most of the work. Freeloaders, they just sit around while their hardworking colleagues get things done. But might freeloaders actually be necessary for society to function efficiently? The answer could be yes — at least when it comes to fire ants and their ‎ efforts to dig nests underground.‎ Fire ants are highly social organisms. So, Goldman and his colleagues wanted to know how individual ants knew what to do without a central leader issuing orders. To find out, Goldman's team labeled individual fire ants with paint and then watched them dig their tunnels — only wide enough for two workers. It turned out that just 30 percent of the ants did 70 percent of the labor. “I was surprised that we ended up with so few workers actually doing the work at any one time.”‎ A quarter of the ants never even entered the tunnel. Others went inside, but left without digging out a single grain of dirt. These behaviors ensured the tunnels did not get clogged with insect traffic, which would make the construction process stop.‎ And when the scientists removed the five hardestworking ants from the tunnel, others immediately jumped in to compensate (补偿) — with no reduction in the group's productivity. It seems that it doesn't matter which ants are working or freeloading at a given time, as long as there is some division of labor to keep the tunnels flowing smoothly. The findings are in the journal Science.‎ The study could provide suggestions for the robotics. Imagine groups of robots sent to search for survivors from the ruins, or nanobots (微型机器人) coursing through our bodies to diagnose illness and deliver targeted medical treatment. Such robots will need to avoid ‎ getting jammed up in tight spaces. It might be necessary to program them so some just sit back and watch their colleagues work.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。研究发现,火蚁群体的生产力高,在建穴过程中,只有极少部分的火蚁参加完成大部分的工作,而其他火蚁不作为。这一发现可以应用于机器人技术。‎ ‎9.How do fire ants get the work done when digging tunnels?‎ A.They all work under the order of their leaders.‎ B.Only the strong ants do the majority of the work.‎ C.They all cooperate together and spare no effort to do the work.‎ D.Some work efficiently while others just sit around and do nothing.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第一段第一、二句“Fire ants tunnels got dug efficiently by only a small percentage of the group doing most of the work. Freeloaders, they just sit around while their hardworking colleagues get things done.”可知,火蚁的大部分建巢工作都是由一小部分蚁群来完成的,但挖掘效率却很高;其他的火蚁却什么都不做,故D项正确。‎ ‎10.What does the underlined word “clogged” in paragraph 3 probably mean?‎ A.Covered. B.Crowded.‎ C.Destroyed. D.Spotted.‎ 解析:选B 词义猜测题。根据第三段第二句“Others went inside, but left without digging out a single grain of dirt.”‎ 可知,其他蚂蚁进去了,但没有挖出一粒泥土就离开了;结合该段第三句中的“which would make the construction process stop”可知,这样的举动可能会使工作停止;据此可推知,该处表示这些行为能确保洞穴不发生交通堵塞,故画线词意为“堵塞”,故B项正确。‎ ‎11.When the hardestworking ants were taken away by the scientists, ________.‎ A.the rest of them didn't know what to do B.the leaders had to do the work by themselves C.other ants took their place and continued to do the work D.other ants were in panic and escaped from the tunnel immediately 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第四段第一句“And when the scientists removed the five hardestworking ants from the tunnel, others immediately jumped in to compensate (补偿) — with no reduction in the group's productivity.”可知,当科学家们把五只工作最勤奋的蚂蚁移开时,其他蚂蚁就会立刻来补偿,组织的生产力没有减少,故C项正确。‎ ‎12.According to the passage, the research findings can be applied to ________.‎ A.robot technology B.social communication C.underground construction D.scientific observations 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据尾段的内容尤其是第一句“The study could provide suggestions for the robotics.”‎ 可知,这一研究成果可以应用于机器人技术,故A项正确。‎ 文体分类练(一)——应用文 ‎(限时25分钟)‎ A ‎(2019·南昌二模)From Antigua to Zanzibar, these spots promise an incredible trip for 2020.‎ Antigua, Guatemala ‎“Antigua is worth every penny, but that doesn't mean you'll have to empty your wallet,”says Hudson. There are plenty of budgetconscious activities. It won't cost you a coin to visit Santo Domingo del Cerro, an outdoor sculpture park. Wanting something sweet? Head to ChocoMuseo. Admission is free and so are the samples!‎ Odessa,Ukraine Odessa is having a bit of a tourism boom nationwide — not that we're surprised, given its sandy beaches and pastelcolored buildings — but it's still fairly under the order for international audiences. You can also count on this port city for affordable fun. Tickets to the Odessa Opera House start at a mere $2!‎ Bogotá, Colombia ‎“Travelers on budget will find Colombia's vast capital far more of a bargain and every bit as fascinating,”says Hudson. “It's free to visit ‎ Museo de Oro and on Sundays many of the big roads are closed to accommodate food carts, street entertainers, and pedestrians.”‎ Zanzibar Zanzibar attracts vacationers with its white sand beaches, greenishblue tides, colorful coral reefs, and oceanfront seaside. Of course, wandering in historic Stone Town is pretty appealing too. Either way, you needn't spend a penny in this amazing place. It's also worth noting that Jozani Forest is the only place in the world you can see endangered red colobus monkeys.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了2020年值得一游的四个地方,包括危地马拉安提瓜、乌克兰的敖德萨以及哥伦比亚的波哥大和桑给巴尔,重点介绍了这四个地点的旅游特色。‎ ‎1.Which of the following requires admission fee?‎ A.ChocoMuseo. B.Stone Town.‎ C.Museo de Oro. D.Odessa Opera House.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“Tickets to the Odessa Opera House start at a mere $2!”可知,去敖德萨歌剧院的门票只需2美元起,故D项正确。‎ ‎2.What is special to Zanzibar?‎ A.White sand beaches. B.Colorful coral reefs.‎ C.Red colobus monkeys. D.Historic Stone Town.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句“It's also worth ‎ noting that Jozani Forest is the only place in the world you can see endangered red colobus monkeys.”可知,在Zanzibar可以在Jozani森林看到濒临灭绝的红疣猴,故C项正确。‎ ‎3.What do the four destinations have in common?‎ A.They are coastal cities.‎ B.They are inexpensive to visit.‎ C.They welcome street entertainers.‎ D.They will make your wallet empty.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第二段可知,参观Santo Domingo del Cerro不需要花费,ChocoMuseo是免门票的;根据第三段最后一句可知,去敖德萨歌剧院的门票仅需2美元起;根据第四段最后一句可知,参观Museo de Oro是免费的;根据最后一段第二、三句可知,在Stone Town旅游不需要花费。据此可知,这四个地点的共同点是所需旅游花费很少,故B项正确。‎ B ‎(2019·济南高三模拟)‎ New York Walking Tours ‎◆Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Walking Tour Start this exciting guided 4hour tour by getting early Reserve Line Access boarding on the ferry to Liberty Island. Once there, go inside the base of the statue and head to the observation decks for an awesome view of New York City and its surroundings. Then come back ‎ on the ferry to Ellis Island to learn about the history of immigration (移民入境) to America that took place here between 1892 and 1954.‎ ‎◆Central Park Walking Tour Walk through Central Park's most picturesque highlights on a 2hour tour with a professional photographer. Remember your New York City adventure with unforgettable images of you with family or friends as you circle the towers at Belvedere Castle, and walk through paths with flowers in the Conservatory Garden, or feed the swans by the Loeb Boathouse.‎ ‎◆New York City Architecture Walking Tour Learn about the history of the buildings that define the New York City skyline on a 3hour walking architecture tour. Walk down the famous 42nd Street corridor with a longtime New York resident (居民) and architectural expert, stopping along the way to learn about Midtown Manhattan's most iconic structures like the Chrysler Building, Grand Central Station and the New York Public Library.‎ ‎◆Greenwich Village Walking Tour Greenwich Village is one of New York City's most beautiful and famous neighborhoods. Take a guided 2hour walking tour of this legendary Lower Manhattan space. Hear about the famous artists who once lived here, from Edgar Allan Poe to Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix and countless others. Walk the winding streets and visit popular Washington ‎ Square Park, reliving more than 200 years of history.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文,介绍了四个在纽约进行徒步旅行的项目。‎ ‎4.Who will go with tourists on Central Park Walking Tour?‎ A.An experienced guide.‎ B.An architectural expert.‎ C.A professional photographer. ‎ D.A longtime New York resident.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据Central Park Walking Tour部分的第一句“Walk through Central Park's most picturesque highlights on a 2hour tour with a professional photographer.”可知,在中央公园的徒步旅行中会有一个专业摄影师和旅游者在一起。‎ ‎5.Which tour takes the longest time?‎ A.Central Park Walking Tour.‎ B.Greenwich Village Walking Tour.‎ C.New York City Architecture Walking Tour.‎ D.Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Walking Tour.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Walking Tour部分第一句中的“Start this exciting guided 4hour tour.”可知,这个徒步旅行需要4个小时。而其他三个徒步旅行需要的时间分别是:2个小时,3个小时,2个小时。故选D。‎ ‎6.What can tourists do on Greenwich Village Walking Tour?‎ A.Take unforgettable pictures.‎ B.Come across Bob Dylan.‎ C.Visit New York Public Library.‎ D.Learn about famous artists.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据最后一段第三句“Hear about the famous artists who once lived here, from Edgar Allan Poe to Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix and countless others.”可知,游客可以通过Greenwich Village Walking Tour这个徒步旅行项目去了解著名的艺术家。‎ C ‎(2019·黑龙江六校协作体一模)In more ways than one, Toronto is given far less credit than it really deserves. But Toronto has its own reasons to pull you in. The city is ever changing and some new attractions pop up every year.‎ CN Tower The CN Tower is a symbol of Toronto. It's a concrete observation and communications tower that goes over 500 meters high. The adventure of walking on an outdoor platform that sticks out from the very top part of the tower for those healthy adults is attractive. It has pulled in crowds from all over the world — the EdgeWalk.‎ Toronto Zoo Going out with kids? Then treat them to a fun and educational time at the Toronto Zoo. It is home to over 5,000 animals and constantly gets ‎ new arrivals. Amongst the newest comers are two Chinese pandas. For adventurous families, a visit there is not all about seeing animals. It's a unique experience where you and your kids get to fly over wolves and bears.‎ Ripley's Aquarium (水族馆) of Canada Located right by the base of the CN Tower and packed with unforgettable fun sights, Ripley's Aquarium of Canada will thrill adults and young ones alike. It hosts thousands of animals that you can get to see close, including rare sea animals, such as sharks, jellyfish, and rays.‎ Kensington Market The diversity of the food there will delight any taste. This is where you will find popular cuisines from different parts of the world. You can enjoy Venezuelan, Chinese, Italian dishes, and more. The experienced cooks will give you something you have never eaten before, by combining dishes from different traditions.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了加拿大多伦多的几处值得游览的地方。‎ ‎7.How may average tourists feel about Toronto?‎ A.It deserves a visit. B.It develops very slowly.‎ C.It has few new attractions. D.It is a fairly plain place.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“In more ways than one, Toronto is given far less credit than it really deserves.”‎ 可知,在许多方面,多伦多所得到的认可远远低于它自身真实的价值,也就是说人们没有真正意识到多伦多的美,可能只认为多伦多是一个极普通的地方。因此选项D正确。‎ ‎8.Which place is recommended for adventureloving parents and children?‎ A.CN Tower.‎ B.Toronto Zoo.‎ C.Ripley's Aquarium of Canada.‎ D.Kensington Market.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据Toronto Zoo部分的“For adventurous families, a visit there is not all about seeing animals. It's a unique experience where you and your kids get to fly over wolves and bears.”可知,Toronto Zoo适合有孩子且喜欢冒险的家庭一起去游玩,因此选项B正确。‎ ‎9.What is the feature of Kensington Market?‎ A.It's a place to sell food.‎ B.Cooks there teach people to do dishes.‎ C.Tourists can try new cuisines there.‎ D.People there are from diverse backgrounds.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据Kensington Market部分的“The experienced cooks will give you something you have never eaten before, by combining dishes from different traditions.”可知,在Kensington ‎ Market,人们可以品尝到从来没有吃过的食物,故选项C正确。‎ D ‎(2019·大连高三双基测试)An “adulting conference” (AC) this week allowed Kentucky high school seniors the chance to learn how to change a tire, how to cook and other basic life skills — things that they may not have learned at home or in classes. A series of photos posted by Bullitt Central High School on social media shows students taking “adulting conference” are learning about personal finances, resumes and other essential skills at the event, which has been widely reported on the local and national news outlets.‎ ‎“I saw a Facebook post that parents passed around saying they needed a class in high school on taxes and cooking,” AC organizer Christy Hardin told Louisville's WAVE 3 News. Those skills are taught at school theoretically, she said, but the event gave students a chance to fill in gaps in their knowledge.‎ Students could choose to attend three workshops out of 11 total options, the school says. The workshops were held in cooperation with numerous community partners.‎ Some young people have left home and graduated school without having those gaps filled, according to a report this week from CBS New York, which documented a trend of young people seeking outclasses to learn basic life skills.‎ While attending a cooking class, 29yearold Elena Toumaras told the station she's struggling with “simple things”.‎ ‎“I was so used to, when living at home, my mom always cooking”, she told the station.‎ An “Adulting School” in Portland, Maine, aims to use a new online format to teach the youths skills like conflict resolution, sewing and appreciation for art, the station says. ‎ Students' financial literacy has been of particular concern to some experts, as financial education in schools has stagnated (停滞) in the U.S., with only 17 states requiring students to take classes in personal finance — a number that hasn't risen in years.‎ ‎“The majority of U.S. states are failing our students by declining to offer these fundamental courses which are critical to their financial stability and security later in life. And this will be changed,” Nan J. Morrison, president and CEO of the Council for Economic Education, told CNBC.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇报道。文章介绍了一次教成年人一些基本生活技能的“成人研讨会”。‎ ‎10.What can we learn from what Christy Hardin said?‎ A.Only taxes and cooking classes are demanded.‎ B.AC helps put what has been learnt into practice.‎ C.Many parents passed by the AC classroom.‎ D.The event was organized by some parents.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据题干中的关键信息“Christy Hardin”可定位到第二段。根据该段中的“Those skills are taught at school theoretically, she said, but the event gave students a chance to fill in gaps in their knowledge.”可知,AC有助于将所学的东西付诸实践。故选B。‎ ‎11.Why did Elena Toumaras attend a cooking class?‎ A.To document a trend.‎ B.To struggle with “simple things”.‎ C.To satisfy her mother.‎ D.To learn basic life skills.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第四段“Some young people have left home and graduated school without having those gaps filled, according to a report this week from CBS New York, which documented a trend of young people seeking outclasses to learn basic life skills.”并结合第五至七段内容可知,Elena Toumaras上烹饪课是为了学习基本的生活技能。故选D。‎ ‎12.What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?‎ A.Experts will be concerned about finance.‎ B.Fundamental majors won't be provided in schools.‎ C.More financial courses will be offered.‎ D.More states will decline students' courses.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据全文和关键句可推知,将来会提供更多的金融课程。故选C。‎

