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‎1.Having lost something in the cloakroom,I went inside to get it,and found Roy ________ the pockets of people’s coats.‎ A.going around B.going after C.going against D.going through 答案 D 解析 句意为:我进衣帽间去拿落下的东西时发现罗伊正在翻别人大衣的口袋。此处为find sb.doing sth.发现某人正在做某事。go through sth.仔细检查……,搜查……,符合语境。‎ ‎2.The recently released film Kong:Skull Island successfully ________ the audience to the adventure with Dolby 3-D technology.‎ A.transports B.adjusts C.transforms D.relates 答案 A ‎3.I called her nearly ten minutes this morning,but I couldn’t ________.‎ A.get through B.go through C.live through D.look through 答案 A 解析 句意为:今天早上我给她打了将近十分钟的电话,但是没打通。get through接通/打通(电话)。‎ ‎4.When I met her at the entrance to the hall,she ________ to me that she had seen me.‎ A.occurred B.mentioned C.referred D.reminded 答案 B 解析 句意为:当我在大厅入口处遇见她时,她向我提到她见过我。mention提到,说起。mention sth.to sb.向某人提起某事。此处sth.为that引导的宾语从句,为避免头重脚轻将to sb.移到了前面。‎ ‎5.The report shows that the increase in oil prices has________ many changes in our lives.‎ A.got through B.resulted from C.turned into D.brought about 答案 D 解析 get through穿过,完成;result from由……引起;turn into成为;bring about 带来。根据语境“给我们的生活带来了很多变化”,故选D。‎ ‎6.No matter how carefully you plan your finances,no one can ________ when the unexpected will happen.‎ A.prove B.imply C.demand D.predict 答案 D 解析 prove证明;imply暗示;demand需要;predict预测。句意为:不论你对你的资金计划得有多仔细,没有人能预测不期之事何时来临。故选D。‎ ‎7.Internet shopping is really ________ when people are sure of its safety and security.‎ A.taking off B.taking up C.setting off D.setting up 答案 A ‎8.If you________ any mistakes in the article,just mark them with a pencil.‎ A.make B.repeat C.spot D.ignore 答案 C 解析 make制作;repeat重复;spot看到,发现;ignore忽视。根据语境“发现任何错误”,可知选C。‎ ‎9.The reason why he ________ his post was that there was a more attractive and challenging job for him.‎ A.remained B.removed C.resigned D.replaced 答案 C 解析 句意为:他辞职的原因是他有了一个更吸引人、更具有挑战性的工作。remain 保持;remove 去除;resign 辞职;replace 代替,故选C。‎ ‎10.It seems hard for me to ________,because the other team members are all much younger and there is a big gap between them and me.‎ A.get away B.settle down C.fit in D.make up 答案 C 解析 根据下句“因为其他队员都年轻多了,我和他们之间有很大的差距”可知上句意为“我似乎很难适应”,fit in 适应。get away 离开,逃掉;settle down 定居,安顿下来;make up 组成,化妆,弥补,编造。故选C。‎ ‎11.—What do you think of the problem?‎ ‎—I think it can be________ without too much difficulty.‎ A.picked up B.got over C.taken down D.brought in 答案 B ‎12.Since it is a store of so many cultural splendors,the new museum ________ plenty of teenage visitors this April break.‎ A.holds B.strikes C.attends D.draws 答案 D 解析 hold掌握,举行;strike袭击,打击;attend出席,参加;draw吸引。根据句意:新博物馆吸引了很多的青少年游客,故选D。‎ ‎13.Susan has ________ more than 5,000 dollars in the last three months,with which she could buy new bicycles for those poor children.(2017·天津一中5月考,3)‎ A.accelerated B.accumulated C.acknowledged D.accompanied 答案 B 解析 accelerate 促进,加快;accumulate 累积,积聚;acknowledge 承认,鸣谢,对……打招呼;accompany 陪伴。句意为:苏珊在过去的三个月里积攒了超过5 000美元,她可以用这些钱为那些贫困的孩子们买新自行车。故选B。‎ ‎14.Anyway,we’re here now,so let’s ________ some serious work.‎ A.come up with B.get down to C.do away with D.live up to 答案 B 解析 come up with提出;get down to开始认真做……;do away with废除,消灭;live up to符合标准,达到期望值。根据语境“开始认真工作”,可知选B。‎ ‎15.And years later,she was proud that her son had read thousands of books,was awarded a PhD in literature,and ________ his own books,articles,poetry and fiction.‎ A.bid B.recited C.authored D.spotted 答案 C 解析 句意为:数年之后,她为儿子读了数千本书、被授予文学博士学位和写了自己的书、文章、诗歌及小说而感到骄傲。author编写,逗号符合语境。bid投标;recite背诵;spot发现。‎ ‎16.I sincerely suggest that you try to do your best to finish this project,unless you don’t ________ the complaints from all directions.‎ A.bring about B.set about C.care about D.go about 答案 C 解析 句意为:我真诚地建议你尽最大努力把该工程做完,除非你不在乎来自四面八方的投诉。care about在乎,符合句意。bring about导致;set about着手,开始做;go about着手做,四处走动,传开。‎ ‎17.Any violent acts that do harm to the world peace and mankind should be seriously________.‎ A.condemned B.invaded C.occupied D.overlooked 答案 A ‎18.It is reported that the police will soon ________ the case of the two missing children.‎ A.look upon B.look after C.look into D.look out 答案 C 解析 句意为:据报道,警察很快将调查两名失踪儿童的案件。look upon看待,把……看作;look after照顾;look into调查;look out小心。故选C项。‎ ‎19.Some parents are just too protective.They want to ________ their kids from every kind of danger,real or imagined.‎ A.spot B.dismiss C.distinguish D.shelter 答案 D 解析 句意为:有的父母太过于溺爱孩子。他们想保护孩子免受任何形式的危险,无论是真实的危险,还是虚构的危险。shelter sb.from sth.保护/遮蔽某人不受某事的危害。‎ ‎20.You may________my opinion on this matter,but you must tell me how you would like to deal with it.‎ A.set off B.set aside C.set out D.set up 答案 B 解析 句意为:你可以对我在这件事上的观点置之不理,但是你必须告诉我你将如何处理。set aside把……放在一边,符合句意。set off出发,引起,引爆;set out开始,着手;set up建立,设立。‎ ‎21.—Does he work hard at his lessons?‎ ‎—Yes, he ________ no effort, as far as I know.‎ A.wastes           B.shares C.spares D.makes 解析:选C 句意:“他学习努力吗?”“是的,据我所知,他不遗余力地学习。”固定短语spare no effort(to do sth.)“不遗余力(做某事)”。‎ ‎22.Most restaurants and cafes have ________ small nosmoking areas but won't enforce the law.‎ A.set aside B.set out C.set down D.set off 解析:选A 句意:大多数餐厅和咖啡馆没有执行法律而是留出了小的无烟区。set aside“留出”,符合句意。set out“动身”;set down“记下,登记”;set off“出发,动身”。‎ ‎23.The situation in the country is ________, yet we are still concerned about its future.‎ A.coming up B.drying up C.breaking up D.picking up 解析:选D 句意:这个国家的局势有所好转,然而我们仍然担心它的未来。come up“上升”;dry up“干涸”;break up“打碎,分裂”;pick up“好转,恢复”。根据句意可知,D项正确。‎ ‎24.His confident words have ________ our doubts about how the plan will be carried out.‎ A.brought in B.taken up C.cut in D.cleared up ‎25.Look before you leap! Why not ________ the advantages against the risks before you start?‎ A.weigh B.match C.defend D.fight 解析:选A 句意:三思而后行!为何不在开始之前权衡一下利弊呢?weigh在此处意为“权衡,认真考虑”。‎ ‎26.I've visited a lot of different places and stayed in lots of different hotels, but none of them ________ this one.‎ A.makes B.beats C.compares D.matches 解析:选D 句意:我参观过许多不同的地方,住过很多旅馆,但没有一个能比得上这家。match“与……相媲美”,符合句意。‎ ‎27.Our school has ________ a very good reputation depending on the affection atmosphere and advanced teaching approaches during the past 60 years.‎ A.picked out B.looked into C.worked out D.built up ‎28.Mandela, described by his own people as a great leader with a fine strategic mind________ on December 5, 2013 at the age of 95, leaving the world.‎ A.passed on B.passed down C.passed by D.passed away 解析:选D 由leaving the world可知,D项符合句意,pass away“去世”。pass on“传递,传给”;pass down“(世代)相传,传下来”;pass by“过去,逝去”。‎ ‎29.It is reported that a similar technique can be ________ to the treatment of cancer.‎ A.applied B.attached C.added D.compared 解析:选A 句意:据报道一项类似的技术能被应用到癌症的治疗中。apply“应用,适用”,符合句意。attach“附加,使依附”;add“加,增加”;compare“比较,对照”。‎ ‎30. When I was chatting with her on the mobile phone, the battery ________ dead suddenly.‎ A.went B.came C.remained D.changed 解析:选A 句意:我正和她用手机聊天的时候,突然电池没电了。系表结构“go+形容词”多表示“(从好的状态)变坏”。‎ ‎ ‎

