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秘密   ★  启用前 衡阳市八中 2020 届高三月考试题 (三) 英     语 注意事项: 1ư 答题前, 考生务必将自己的姓名、 准考证号写在答题卡上, 并认真核对条形码上的 姓名、 准考证号和科目。 2ư 考生作答时, 选择题和非选择题均须作在答题卡上, 在本试题卷上答题无效。 考生 在答题卡上按答题卡中注意事项的要求答题。 3ư 考试结束后, 将本试题卷和答题卡一并交回。 4ư 本试题卷共 8 页。 如缺页, 考生须声明, 否则后果自负。 5ư 时量 120 分钟, 满分 150 分。 第一部分   听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。 录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转 涂到答题卡上。第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1ư 5 分,满分 7ư 5 分)听下面 5 段对话。 每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。 每段对话仅读一遍。 1ư What will the woman probably do today? Aư Attend a weddingư         Bư Go over her lessonsư         Cư Take an examư 2ư What will the weather be like tomorrow? Aư It will rainư Bư It will be cold Cư It will be windyư 3ư When will the next bus leave? Aư At 9∶ 30ư Bư At 9∶ 35ư Cư At 10∶ 00ư 4ư Where is the woman going for holiday this year? Aư Canada Bư Turkeyư Cư Italyư 5ư What is the woman going to do this afternoon? Aư Attend a meetingư Bư Go to a chess clubư Cư Watch a tennis matchư第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1ư 5 分,满分 22ư 5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。 每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项 中选出最佳选项。 听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各 小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。 每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 6ư What does the man remind the woman to do? Aư Turn down the heatư Bư Bring her identificationư Cư Leave money for the childrenư 7ư How are the speakers getting to the airport? —英语月考试卷 (三)   第 1 页 (共 8 页) — Aư They are drivingư Bư They are taking a busư Cư They are getting picked upư听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。 8ư What is David trying to do? Aư Watch a movieư Bư Work on his studiesư Cư Sing some songsư 9ư Why is David annoyed about the last song? Aư Anna sang it very badlyư Bư Anna sang it too much beforeư Cư Anna kept repeating the four words of itư 10ư What is the relationship between the speakers? Aư Classmatesư Bư Brother and sisterư Cư Father and daughterư听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。 11ư What has the woman’s aunt forbidden her to do? Aư See the dollsư Bư Talk about the dollsư Cư Touch the dollsư 12ư What does the woman’s aunt think of the dolls? Aư They are uncomfortableư Bư They are very valuableư Cư They are old - fashionedư 13ư How does the man probably feel in the end? Aư Very worriedư Bư Quite surprisedư Cư A little embarrassedư听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 17 题。 14ư Who is the woman’s favorite soccer player? Aư Ronaldoư Bư Salahư Cư Messiư 15ư When did the 9 - year - old fan want Salah to score? Aư During overtimeư Bư Near the end of regular timeư Cư At the beginning of regular timeư 16ư Why did the 9 - year - old fan want to get home early? Aư She had homework to doư Bư She wanted to sleep earlierư Cư She needed to meet her teacherư 17ư What does the woman seem to think about Salah? Aư He always makes people happyư Bư He really cares about his fansư Cư He often misunderstands othersư听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。 18ư What is the weather usually like in October? Aư Rainyư Bư Sunnyư Cư Snowyư 19ư What will the temperatures be during the wild storm? Aư 56 degreesư Bư 45 degreesư Cư 40 degreesư 20ư When will it be sunny again? Aư On Thursdayư Bư On Fridayư Cư On Saturdayư第二部分   阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该 项涂黑。 —英语月考试卷(三)  第 2 页(共 8 页)— A Running—or sitting—can change the shape of your heart Scientists have long known that humans are built for endurance, with our shock - slowing joints and springy tendonsư Now, a new study shows people’ s hearts are also improved for endurance— though how much depends on whether we run, farm, or stay put on the couchư To get to the heart of the matter, researchers examined the hearts of more than 160 adult men from four groups: long - distance runners, coach potato, highly trained football linemen( 前锋), and the Tarahumara, Native American farmers renowned for their running abilityư For comparison, they also looked at the hearts of 43 adult male chimpanzees—one of our closest evolutionary cousinsư When researchers compared the thickest of the heart’ s four rooms—the blood - pumping, strawberry - shaped left rooms—there were clear differencesư Endurance runners and farmers had larger rooms with thin walls—qualities that help pump large volumes of blood for a long time, the researchers report todayư The linemen, whose training emphasized short, high - intensity exercise, had shorter, wider rooms with thicker wallsư So did the coach potatoư The chimps, whose main activities are short bursts of high - intensity exercise like fighting or climbing, had the shortest, thickest roomsư Because high - intensity activity causes blood pressure in the blood tubes to surge for a short amount of time, such small volume, thick walls, and rounder shapes are beneficial to the linemen and chimps, researchers say, by making sure enough blood is still flowing to the brain to maintain consciousnessư But even without those evolutionary pressures, a couch potato lifestyle seems to result in the same kind of thickeningư Adaptations for endurance likely helped our early hunter - gatherer and farming ancestorsư But they also would have led to fewer parallel adaptations for problems like high blood pressureư Ironically, therefore, the researchers suggest those early endurance adaptations may have made it harder for modern populations to deal with high blood heart diseaseư But coach potato shouldn’t feel heartbroken—the researchers emphasized that heart shapes are likely reversible, by taking part in endurance activities like distance running and swimming over many yearsư That’s one way to undergo a change of heartư 21ư What do we know from paragraph 3? Aư People with shorter room prefer to exercise more vigorously Bư Larger rooms with thin walls fit runners well Cư Chimps like fighting because of their heart shape Dư Runners are born with larger rooms 22ư Which is not the reason why rounder shapes with thick walls help linemen ? Aư Making sure blood flowing to the brain Bư Maintaining consciousness Cư Causing blood pressure up at once Dư Training more high - intensity exercise 23ư What does the underline word “reversible” in paragraph 6 probably mean? Aư trainable        Bư believable        Cư changeable        Dư achievableB The world ’ s largest rainforest and a crucial store of carbon dioxide gets most of its phosphorous, an important nutrient, from an unexpected source: fires in Africaư Strange as it may seem, we thought that the Amazon got much of its phosphorus from dust whipped up from the Sahara Desert and transported across the Atlantic on the windư Cassandra Gaston at the University of Miami, US, and her colleagues had set out to quantify —英语月考试卷(三)  第 3 页(共 8 页)— the effect of the phosphorous in Saharan dust on the Amazon’ s growthư To do this, they collected and analyzed particles caught in filters from a hilltop in French Guiana, at the northern edge of the Amazon Basinư But at the same time, they used satellites to track smoke from fires in Africa — both people burning wood and natural forest fires — drifting Westwards across the oceanư It turned out that the arrival of patches of smoke coincided with high levels of phosphorous being detected in the filterư Gaston and her team then estimated how much of the phosphorus placed on the Amazon Basin comes from African biomass burningư They found that, in Spring, smoke from the fires was responsible for most of the nutrient entering the Amazon Basinư “Smoke from African biomass burning was a very important source of not just phosphorus, but solvable forms of phosphorus that are readily available for biological processes,” says Gastonư This changed in autumn, when the dust travelling across the ocean droppedư The findings suggest that people burning wood and other materials in Africa might have an impact on how much the Amazon grows and therefore how much carbon it stores in futureư But it is not easy to predict what the effect might beư At the moment, households in Sub - Saharan Africa overwhelmingly depend on wood for cooking and Gaston says that the growing population in Africa will probably result in an increase in burningư But at the same time there may be a drop in the number of wildfires as land use changesư 24ư What’s the author’s attitude towards Gaston and her team’s findings? Aư Positive Bư Negative Cư Indifferent Dư Objective 25ư Which of the following statement is true? Aư Gaston collected dust particle only from natural forest firesư Bư Smoke from fires in Africa contains a lot of phosphorusư Cư The smoke blows from northern Amazon Basinư Dư Phosphorus is the most important nutrient in Amazon rainforestư 26ư What did Gaston and her team find in the research? Aư The phosphorus from natural forest fires dropped across the ocean in autumnư Bư Africa’s rising population is beneficial to Amazon growsư Cư Smoke from people burning contains high level of phosphorus in springư Dư The phosphorus is an important nutrient in Amazon rainforestư 27ư What will not happen if Africa’s population continues to grow? Aư A growth of carbon the Amazon stores Bư A change in land use Cư An increase in burning Dư A drop in the number of wildfireC Cleaning clothes usually requires soap and water to remove stainsư The time and energy needed to turn a heap of dirty laundry into a pile of clean clothes might make people wish for clothes that just clean themselvesư That wish is a step closer to coming trueư Recent experiments, conducted by researchers of China’s Shanghai Jiao Tong University, show that cotton fabric ( 织 物) coated with the right mixture of chemicals can remove stains after only a few hours in the sunư The fabric gets its self - cleaning abilities from a titanium dioxide (二氧化钛) mixture that coats the cotton threadsư Researchers had previously found that titanium dioxide could remove stains in clothesư But there was one problem: this happens only when they are exposed to ultraviolet light (紫外线) , which is not visible, and most people don’t have access to ultraviolet lightư “We knew that self - cleaning cotton fabrics with titanium dioxide coating had already been developed, but they cannot work, or they work weakly, under sunlight,” Long saysư “If we want to —英语月考试卷(三)  第 4 页(共 8 页)— use the fabric in daily life, we must develop cotton that cleans itself under regular daylightư ” The researchers created just such a fabric, by combining titanium dioxide with nitrogen (氮). Then they added silver iodide ( 碘化银), which can speed up chemical reactions in sunlightư In laboratory tests, their creation was nearly seven times better at removing stains than titanium dioxide aloneư The scientists can’ t start selling their self - cleaning cotton just yet; scientists still need to make sure the coated cotton won’ t harm those who wear itư Although titanium dioxide is used in some foods, recent experiments have shown that it can cause health problems if it gets in the lungsư So before the material can be worn, scientists need to find a way to make it safeư 28ư How was the problem mentioned in Paragraph 3 solved? Aư By adding silver iodide to nitrogenư Bư By using nitrogen instead of titanium dioxideư Cư By adding silver iodide to titanium dioxideư Dư By mixing titanium dioxide with nitrogenư 29ư What is the use of adding silver iodide to the cotton fabric? Aư Making more stains removedư Bư Helping to remove stains under ultraviolet lightư Cư Helping to remove stains faster in the sunư Dư Making ultraviolet light visibleư 30ư What is the Chinese researchers’ achievement? Aư Turning ultraviolet light into regular sunlightư Bư Developing a fabric that cleans itself in sunlightư Cư Bringing self - cleaning cotton to our daily lifeư Dư Removing stains in clothes with titanium dioxideư 31ư Which of the following can be the best title for the text? Aư New Use of Sunlight Bư Cleaning with Sunlight Cư A New Mixture of Chemicals Dư A Cleaner EnvironmentD Many people trying to sell homes find that an increase in home prices has turned the market in their favorư But sellers can still get the short end of the deal if they aren’t carefulư Here are a few tips for you: Don’t test your luckư Of course you think anyone who moves into your lovely home should be willing to pay top dollars, especially if you’ve recently invested in some improvementsư But listing a home at a price that’s too high above the market price could turn away some buyersư Buyers noticing that the home still hasn’t sold may begin to assume there’s something wrong with the house and use that as a reasonable excuse for offering a lower priceư And if a home hasn’t received any offers after two weeks, it might be time to reset the priceư A price that’s too low can bring about an undesired outcomeư Listing your home at or slightly below the market price can have the effect of drawing in a large group of buyers and increase the chances that a home will receive multiple offersư But setting the price too low comes with several risksư One possibility is that buyers will get skeptical of the home that is listed for S| 15,000 to S| 20,000 less than similar homes in the area, especially if it’s not properly marketedư Once again, people might assume there is something wrong with the home and may not bother to look at itư Spy on the competitionư Going to other people’s open houses can give you a better sense of how your home compares to others on the marketư Check out the finishes in their kitchens, the size of —英语月考试卷(三)  第 5 页(共 8 页)— their backyards and use the information to figure out where your home should fit in the range of the priceư But don’t set your pricing just on what you see elsewhereư 32ư What does the author mean in paragraph 1? Aư Marketing is a booming industryư Bư Rising housing prices is a sign of changeư Cư Selling houses should be cautiouslyư Dư Trying to sell houses at a better priceư 33ư What is the result of setting the price of your house too high? Aư Your house might be sold at a better priceư Bư Some buyers might turn down to go to have a lookư Cư You may come into conflict with your competitorsư Dư Buyers might think it isn’t properly marketedư 34ư What is the benefit of spying on the competition? Aư You can know how to decorate your house properlyư Bư You can defeat the opponent according to their shortagesư Cư You can get your price based on what you see elsewhereư Dư You can work out the right price range of your homeư 35ư What should home sellers do according to the passage? Aư To sell your house at a market price slightly below the market Bư To price your house on the basis of your competitors Cư To learn some useful lessons before house selling Dư To decorate your house in a simple and clean style第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 选项中有两项为多余 选项。 Real - life Room Escape Games Real - life room escape games are a type of physical adventure game in which people are locked in a room with other participants and have to use the things in the room to settle a series of puzzles, find clues, and escape the room within a set time limitư The game are based on Escape the Room video games, such as Crimson Room and QP - Shot, created by TAKAGISM Incư by Toshimitsu Takagi in 2005, in which the player is locked inside a room and must explore his or her surroundings in order to escapeư   36  Other inspirations include adventure board games and moviesư Real - life room escape games are becoming popular in the United States, Japan, and Chinaư   37  For example, some games require you escape prison cells while others require you escape space stationsư   38  Soon, they were exported to North America, Asia and Australiaư Examples include the two pioneer companies Hint Hunt and Adventure Roomsư The games were so successful that new locations began opening up across China, in cities big and small, according to Want China Timesư In the southern city of Shenzhen, for example, the first escape game location opened last Augustư   39  “These real - life escape games can help those who stay at home on their computers and iPads all day to experience real social circles,” Tian Xiaochuan, who owns two room escape game stores in Jinan, told Want China Timesư Earlier this year, The South China Morning Post said the real - life escape games are a hit among “ highly stressed students and overworked young professionals”ư   40  Some players get so involved that they tear down equipment or decorations inside their “prisons”, as Zhu Yumeng, chief operating officer of Beijing room escape game store Taoquan told China Dailyư Aư Each game adds local themes to settingsư Bư And seven new game locations quickly followedư —英语月考试卷(三)  第 6 页(共 8 页)— Cư They should also be brave enough to face their fearsư Dư Sometimes the excitement becomes a bit much, thoughư Eư Weekend or day event escape games have been held in some storesư Fư Permanent real life escape games in a fixed location were first opened in Europeư Gư Players must be observant and use their critical thinking skills to escape the roomư第三部分   英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节(共 20 小题;每小题 1ư 5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Last month, 24 - year - old Li Hua took a seat and put his food on a table at a McDonald’sư He was intending to   41  breakfast by himself when 65 - year - old Jane, who is living alone,   42  himư Then she asked in a weak voice   43  she could share the table with himư Li Hua said ‘yes’   44  ư Li Hua introduced himself and shook the little lady’ s   45  handư They didn’ t know each other, and they couldn’t be more   46  ư But that day they had a meal together and spent the next 45 minutes enjoying each other’ s   47  and sharing stories about their livesư Like they were friends, they talked and   48  togetherư When their time together came to an end, Li Hua   49  her to her car and they exchanged numbers with the intention of having a   50  again soonư “She is such a   51  woman,” Li Hua recalledư “ She mentioned many times how we all should love one another and how we should not   52  anyone because you never know how their day is going and what they have   53  ư ” Li Hua is glad that his   54  conversation with Jane could inspire so many people, but he says that he is mostly just happy to have a new   55  ư He says that he is very   56  to set up another breakfast dateư “I’ll   57  trying,” said Li Huaư “I know if we were together forever she would have a   58  for me for every dayư ” Every stranger has the   59  to promote a new friendshipư Their   60  story has been posted on social media and it melts our heartsư 41ư Aư prepare Bư eat Cư order Dư finish 42ư Aư invited Bư greeted Cư recognized Dư approached 43ư Aư that Bư when Cư if Dư how 44ư Aư casually Bư nervously Cư anxiously Dư enthusiastically 45ư Aư wrinkled Bư delicate Cư strong Dư skilled 46ư Aư different Bư popular Cư friendly Dư admirable 47ư Aư success Bư peace Cư company Dư freedom 48ư Aư played Bư laughed Cư cheered Dư teased 49ư Aư walked Bư carried Cư led Dư drove 50ư Aư visit Bư share Cư breakfast Dư call 51ư Aư silent Bư generous Cư content Dư wonderful 52ư Aư judge Bư ignore Cư blame Dư suspect 53ư Aư depended on Bư gone through Cư given up Dư cared about 54ư Aư brief Bư private Cư serious Dư sweet 55ư Aư start Bư friend Cư target Dư opportunity 56ư Aư proud Bư upset Cư excited Dư frightened 57ư Aư consider Bư advocate Cư keep Dư start 58ư Aư gift Bư food Cư sponsor Dư story 59ư Aư intention Bư potential Cư fortune Dư confidence —英语月考试卷(三)  第 7 页(共 8 页)— 60ư Aư touching Bư amusing Cư familiar Dư strange第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1ư 5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 A pro - police assembly in a shopping center in Hong Kong's Kowloon on Saturday afternoon   61  (destroy) by anti - government protesters (示威者) in a conflict   62  injured several peopleư Bloodstains were seen on the ground while police moved in   63  ( separate) the two groups and arrest an unknown number of suspectsư At around 3 pm, hundreds of people spontaneously gathered in Amoy Plaza to show their support for the city 's policeư They waved national and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region flags,   64  (sing) the national anthem and pro - police slogansư A 60 - year - old Hong Kong resident Mrư Chen came to join the assembly after finishing lunchư " Generations of Hong Kong people are very upset to see the   65  (social) in disorderư So we came here, joining the crowds to show support for the police," he saidư Chen also blamed the protesters   66  having " a slavish mindset" ư " They are Chineseư But they just keep saying how good the UK and the US are while trashing their own country," he saidư Another resident Msư Lee in her 60s said she came   67  she wanted to wake up young peopleư " The mobsters (暴徒) have turned our city into   68  messư They keep insulting Chinaư Hong Kong is part of Chinaư These young people have no respect for their own country," Lee saidư   69  (short) after the assembly began, several masked protesters burst into the crowd and started annoying and attacking the police   70  (support)ư A dozen riot police officers soon arrived at the scene and arrested several protesters to the cheers of the crowd in the mallư第四部分   写作(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节  短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。 文中共 有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。 每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线( \)划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1ư 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2ư 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。 In order to strengthening our sense of social responsibility, the students in our school launched an activity of donating books to the children in poor areasư We gather in front of the school library in the afternoon of Jan, 15thư Each of them gave away some books what we treasuredư We even wrote our names and address on the front pages, hope to be contacted and two thousand books were collected in and sent awayư An activity not only provided a good chance for us show love for others, but also helped us to make new friendsư第二节  书面表达(满分 25 分)假定你是李华,是一名高中学生。 为庆祝新中国成立 70 周年,你校将举行合唱比赛。 请 给你的外教 Mrư Smith 写一封电子邮件,邀请他参加。 邮件的内容包括: 1ư 合唱主题:歌唱祖国和改革开放政策实施以来祖国的巨大变化; 2ư 比赛的时间、地点以及参加者; 3ư 注意事项:不得将零食和水带入活动现场。注意: 1ư 词数 100 左右; 2ư 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 —英语月考试卷(三)  第 8 页(共 8 页)— 1 衡阳市八中 2020 届高三月考试题(三) 英语 参考答案 第Ⅰ卷 选择题(1-20 题,每小题 1.5 分,21-40 题,每小题 2 分,41-60 题,每 小题 1.5 分.) 第Ⅱ卷 非选择题 语法填空(61-70 题,每小题 1.5 分) 61. was destroyed 62. which/that 63. to separate 64. singing 65. society 66. for 67. because 68. a 69. Shortly 70. supporters 短文改错(71-80 题,每小题 1 分) In order to strengthening our sense of social responsibility, the students in our strengthen school launched an activity of donating books to the children in poor areas. We gather gathered in front of the school library in the afternoon of Jan, 15th. Each of them gave away on us some books what we treasured. We even wrote our names and address on the front that(或删除 what) addresses pages, hope to be contacted and two thousand books were collected in and sent away. hoping 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 答案 B B C B A A C B C B 题号 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 答案 C B B A C A B A C C 题号 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 答案 B D C D B C A D C B 题号 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 答案 B C B D A G A F B D 题号 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 答案 B D C D A A C B A C 题号 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 答案 D A B D B C C D B A 2 An activity not only provided a good chance for us∧show love for others, but also The to helped us to make new friends. 书面表达(25 分) Dear Mr. Smith, In honor of the 70th anniversary of the foundation of New China, our school is going to organize a chorus competition. As a student of yours, I’d like to invite you to join us in the celebrations. With the purpose of promoting students’ patriotism, on the night of Sept. 29th, there is going to be a chorus competition among all the classes from Grades One and Two, singing songs for our great beloved motherland, and singing high praise of the great changes having taken place in China since the reform and opening-up policy’s being carried out. It will start at 19:00 in the musical hall. By the way, all the students are told not to bring any snacks or water to the competition site. I sincerely hope that you will join us and share the happiness with us. Looking forward to your early reply! Yours, Li Hua 附解析: 21.答案【B】 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“ Endurance runners and farmers had larger rooms with thin walls—qualities that help pump large volumes of blood for a long time, the researchers report today”可知容量大、薄壁心室对耐力跑 步者有益。 22.答案【D】 解析:细节理解题。根据第四段内容厚壁、偏圆润的心室形状有 益于足球前锋(适应高强度运动)原因有以下:高强度运动导致血压瞬时激升; 确保血流持续供应大脑;保持清醒。D 选项并不是原因而是足球前锋运动的特点。 23.答案【C】 解析:词义推测题。根据最后一段内容可知,作者对研究作出总 结:心室形状是可更改的(changeable),耐力运动是改变心室形状的一种方式。 24.答案【D】 解析:作者态度题。作者在文中对研究结果的贡献以及不足都做 了陈述,可知作者对 Gaston 团队研究结果持客观态度, 25.答案【B】 解析: 细节理解题。根据文中第二段最后一句“ It turned out that the arrival of patches of smoke coincided with high levels of phosphorous being detected in the filter.”结果表明烟中含高浓度的磷。 26.答案【C】 解析:推理判断题。根据第四段“They found that, in Spring, smoke from the fires was responsible for most of the nutrient entering the Amazon Basin” 春天里,亚马逊雨林大部分的磷都来自于人类燃烧的烟. D 选项并不是团队研究 结果。 3 27.答案 【A】 解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段如果非洲人口持续增长并没有 提到亚马逊森林二氧化碳含量的变化。 32.答案 【C】 解析:推理判断题。根据文中第一段“ But sellers can still get the short end of the deal if they aren’t careful. Here are a few tips for you”可知卖房需谨 慎。 33.答案 【B】 解析:细节理解题。文中第二段“But listing a home at a price that’s too high above the market price could turn away some buyers”房价设置过高不能吸 引买房者。 34.答案 【D】 解析:细节理解题。文中最后一段“Check out the finishes in their kitchens, the size of their backyards and use the information to figure out where your home should fit in the range of the price. But don’t set your pricing just on what you see elsewhere.”可知 D 正确,根据装修、院子大小等确定房子定价。 35.答案 【A】 解析:细节理解题。本文主要讲述房屋销售定价时应该注意哪几 项,根据第四段“Listing your home at or slightly below the market price can have the effect of drawing in a large group of buyers and increase the chances that a home will receive multiple offers. ”可知定价应略低于市场价可吸引大量买家。 听力材料: Text 1 M: Would you like to go to my friend’s wedding with me? W: To tell you the truth, I really can’t go anywhere because I’m going to have a final exam tomorrow. Text 2 M: Did you hear what the weatherman said just now? W: Yes, he said the temperature would be slightly above freezing tomorrow. Text 3 M: When does the bus leave for the zoo? W: The buses leave every half an hour. You just missed the nine-thirty bus by five minutes. Text 4 M: Are you going on holiday with your sister again this year? W: Yes, she comes home from Canada tomorrow, and then we’re going away next week. M: Where are you going? W: I’ve booked a hotel in Turkey. My sister wants to go to Italy again, so I hope she doesn’t mind. Text 5 M: Hey, Jane. Are you coming to watch the tennis match this afternoon? W: Sorry, I can’t. I have a student government meeting. 4 M: Student government? I thought you were joining the chess club this term. W: I do that, too. Text 6 W: OK, it just pulled up outside. Do we have everything? Passports, air tickets... M: Yeah,yeah. That’s the third time you’ve asked me that. W: You can never be too sure. Anything else you can think of ? M: We should probably save some money by lowering the temperature in the house. W: Good idea. Did you leave some money for the kids ? M: I texted John and told him I had left some in the cupboard. He should be on the bus on the way home. W: OK,good. I’ll help the driver put our suitcases in the trunk. M: I’m right behind you. I’m just going to lock up. Text 7 W:"I’ll never hide; I can’t, I’m too shiny!..." M: I know you like that movie, Anna, but will you please sing a different song? I can’t get the words out of my head, and I need to finish my homework! W: Sure, David. How about this one? " Let it go! Let it go! Can’t hold it back anymore...!" M: Anything but that! You sang that song for two months straight after the movie came out! W: All right... How about "Thank you! You’re welcome!..." M: OK, that one’s not too bad... W: "Thank you! You’re welcome! Thank you! You’re welcome!... M: Anna, don’t you know any other words to this song ? W: Nope!"Thank you! You’re welcome!..." M: I can’t take this anymore! Here, you can watch a movie on my iPad while I finish these problems. W: Thank you, big brother ! M: But you have to promise not to sing along to the songs. W: I promise! Text 8 M: Well, we’re almost at your aunt and uncle’s house. I think this is their street... W: Adrian, there’s something I should tell you about them. M: What’s that, Diana? You look uncomfortable... Are they old-fashioned ? It wouldn’t bother me at all. W: It’s not that. And it’s mainly about Aunt Cindy. She has a doll collection. M: Oh? That doesn’t sound too bad! I mean... What ? Are they baby dolls ? W: No, they’re dolls that are valued very highly by collectors. She would never let me touch them... She wouldn’t even let her own children ! M: Is that what bothers you--that your aunt is so protective of them? 5 M: Umm, I don’t know. You’ll understand what I mean when you see them. M: Oh,will she offer to show me her dolls ? W: She won’t have to. They’re all throughout the house. On the shelves, along the staircase... she even has some arranged at the dining table! M: Where do your aunt and uncle eat, then ? W: They have to put away some of the dolls in order to sit down at the table. M: Diana, this sounds unreal. Are you joking with me ? W: No,dear. I’m just warning you. Text 9 W: Look at him! He’s probably my second-favorite soccer player right now. M: Who ? Messi ? W: No... M: Well, it can’t be Ronaldo. He’s still your favorite. W: Of course. But Salah is a close second now. M: Salah ? That player from Egypt? W: Yeah! He’s getting better and better. But what I like about him most is his attitude. Did you hear about the young girl who asked him to score early in the game ? I read about it this morning. M: No. What’s this about ? W: The little 9-year-old fan held up a sign for Salah at the beginning of the game. She wrote "Salah, please score. I want to go home. I have homework."Of course, Salah didn’t notice it. He scored in the 90th minute of the game--the very last minute of regular time! Egypt won the game, but it probably wasn’t early enough for the girl M: At least he didn’t let the game go into overtime! W: True. I’m sure it was a joke, anyway . But Salah saw a picture of the message after the game. He responded to the girl, and it shows how caring he is . M: What did he say ? W: He told the girl that he really tried to let her go home early. He hoped the teacher would understand why the girl didn’t get her homework done. M: Ha-ha ! That must have made her very happy! Text 10 Good evening, Seattle ! We’ve been enjoying a little bit of summer in October this past week, with clear blue skies, sunshine, and warm evenings. But tomorrow, that will change to what we typically see this time of year: rain, rain, and more rain. Bring your umbrella with you because by noon, we’ll see showers. Temperatures will cool to 45 degrees. The rain and wind will pick up over the next few days, firt coming over the mountains and later pouring down over the city. Expect a wild storm on Thursday night, with high winds, possible lightning, and low temperatures of 40 degrees. On Friday, the rain will be replaced by a thick morning fog. Drive safely, everyone ! Or even better: consider taking the subway and avoid the roads altogether. This weather will make it difficult to see and may cause accidents. But 6 the sun will return briefly the very next day, just in time for the weekend. We’ll see high temperatures of 56 degrees and clear skies on Saturday. So, plan a hike in the woods or walk along the beach, and enjoy the warmth while you can ! And that’s the Channel 7 weather report, with me, Leslie Cooper. I’ll be back in one hour for another weather update.

