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‎2019届一轮复习人教版选修七Unit4Sharing单元学案 ‎[单词回顾·会拓展]‎ Ⅰ.核心词汇(能写会用)‎ 填一填 练一练 背一背 动词 ‎1.toast vt.烤(面包等);敬酒 n.烤面包(片);吐司面包;干杯 ‎2.purchase vt.& n.买;购买 ‎3.click vi.& vt.(使)发出咔嗒声 n.咔嗒声 ‎4.adjust vi.& vt.调整;(使)适合 ‎5.participate vi.参与;参加 ‎6.donate vt.捐赠 ‎7.distribute vt.分配;分发 ‎8.operate vi.工作;运转 vt.操作 用所给词的适当形式填空 ‎1.The desks and chairs are adjustable,and you can adjust them to the height of the students.The adjustment is not difficult to make.(adjust)‎ ‎2.They encouraged the participants to participate in the singing performances after the contest.(participat ‎1.以“ment”为后缀的高频名词集锦 ‎①adjustment调整 ‎②statement陈述 ‎③achievement成就 ‎④announcement宣告;公告;通告 ‎⑤advertisement广告 ‎⑥entertainment娱乐 ‎⑦arrangement安排 e)‎ ‎3.The schoolbus was donated to them by a motor company and they received donations from other companies as well.(donate)‎ ‎4.They distributed their products over New York by trucks and the distribution took them a long time.(distribute)‎ ‎2.以“ty”结尾的高频名词 ‎①security安全 ‎②necessity必需品;需要 ‎③similarity相似(性)‎ ‎3.以“s”结尾的非复数名词 ‎①politics政治 ‎②physics物理 ‎③news新闻 ‎4.以“able”为后缀的高频形容词 ‎①adjustable可调节的 ‎②respectable可敬的 ‎③adaptable可适应的 ‎④reasonable合理的 ‎⑤agreeable欣然同意的 ‎⑥variable可变化的 形容 词/‎ 副词 ‎9.relevant adj.有关的;切题的 ‎10.remote adj.遥远的;偏僻的 ‎11.otherwise conj.否则;不然 adv.用别的方法;其他方面 ‎12.voluntary adj.自愿的;志愿的;无偿的 ‎13.financial adj.财务的;金融的;财政的 ‎5.Helen volunteered (voluntary) to have Thanksgiving at her house this year.‎ ‎6.The company was in deep financial difficulties because no other company financed its new project and the finance for its ‎ ‎14.muddy adj.泥泞的;泥土般的 ‎15.political adj.政治的,政党的 operation came from a bank loan.(finance)‎ ‎7.The road was so muddy that when I arrived at the village,there was mud all over my trousers.(mud)‎ 名词 ‎16.fortnight n.两星期 ‎17.concept n.观念;概念 ‎18.privilege n.特权;特别优待 ‎19.anniversary n.周年纪念(日)‎ ‎20.security n.安全;保护;保障 ‎8.What he needs is the security (secure) of a happy home.‎ Ⅱ.阅读词汇(见词识义)‎ ‎1.weed n.杂草;野草 vt.& vi. 除杂草 ‎2.rectangle n.矩形;长方形 ‎3.platform n.台;平台;讲台;(火车站的)月台 ‎4.jar n.罐;广口瓶 ‎5.sniff vt.& vi.嗅;闻;用鼻子吸 ‎6.angle n.角;角度 ‎7.sew vi.(用针线)缝 vt. 缝制;缝合 ‎8.trunk n.树干;躯干;大衣箱 ‎9.tailor n.裁缝 vt.剪裁;缝制(衣服)‎ 语境串联 ‎ Many volunteers participate in the arrangement of the donation party.It is relevant to the distribution of the purchases to the remote areas.‎ ‎[短语再现·能应用]‎ 填一填 练一练 背一背 动词+介/副词 ‎1.hear from 收到……的信 ‎2.come across 偶然遇到 ‎3.participate in 参与……;参加……‎ ‎4.dry out (使浸水等之物)完全变干;干透 ‎5.dry up (指河流、井等)干涸 ‎6.get through ‎ 选用左栏短语填空 ‎1.I hear from my cousin every two months.‎ ‎2.Helen borrowed my book the other day,saying that she would return it soon.‎ ‎3.John hung up his wet wash in order to dry it out.‎ ‎4.I am dying to know where you are from.‎ ‎5.The delay of the ‎ ‎1.“v.+from”短语一览 ‎①hear from 收到……的来信 ‎②date from 追溯到 ‎③result from 由于 ‎④escape from 从……逃脱 ‎⑤benefit from 从……中获益 ‎2.“与……有关”短语全接触 ‎①be relevant to ‎②be related to ‎ 完成;穿过;接通电话 ‎7.participate in 参加 ‎8.operate on 动手术 be+形容词+介词 ‎9.(be) dying to 极想;渴望 ‎10.be relevant to... 和……有关 其他 ‎11.the other day 不久前的一天 ‎12.in need 在困难中;在危急中 ‎13.in need of 需要 airline is relevant to the volcanic eruption.‎ ‎6.They are allowed to participate in all the games.‎ ‎7.The track was laid down in the 19th century and is in need of repair.‎ ‎8.You can't see him.He was badly injured in the accident last night and is being operated on now.‎ ‎③be involved in 语境串联 The other day,a remote area was hit by floods.Many people donated for people who were in need and many volunteers also participated in the rescue work and others purchased necessities for them.Actually,everyone was dying to ‎ do something for them.‎ ‎[句型重温·巧仿写]‎ 原句展示——课本这样讲 句型提炼 迁移应用——高考这样考 ‎1.To be honest, I doubt whether I'm making any difference to these boys' lives at all.‎ 说实在的,我真的不知道我教的课是否会让这些孩子的生活有所改变。‎ doubt whether...“怀疑是否……”。doubt用于肯定句时,后面常用whether引导宾语从句或同位语从句。‎ 如果我们习惯于质疑别人告诉我们的是否是真的,那么我们就能找到正确的答案并学得更多。‎ If we are in the habit of doubting whether what we are told is true, we can find the correct answer and learn more.(2015·湖北卷,书面表达)‎ ‎2.We walked for two and a half hours to get there—first up a mountain to a ridge from where we had fantastic views and then from where we had fantastic views是修饰先行词a ridge的定语从句。‎ 站在我的立场上,我认为这位女士的慷慨大方不仅为那些缺乏金钱的学生描绘了一幅灿烂的蓝图,而且通过使他们相信他们的生活目标是可以实现的来重新点燃他们对生活的信心。‎ From where I stand, not ‎ down a steep path to the valley below.‎ 我们步行了两个半小时才到达那里——先是爬山,爬到山脊能看到奇妙的景色,然后走下一个陡坡,一直走到下边的山谷。‎ ‎ only will the lady's generosity paint a very brilliant blue print for the future of those students in want of money, but also it will rekindle their faith in life by convincing them that their life goal is to be realized.(2014·广东卷,读写任务)‎ ‎3. The gift you give is not something your loved one keeps but a voluntary contribution towards the lives of people who really need it.‎ 你送的礼物不是给你所爱的人留念的,而是给那些确实有生活需要的人的一项志愿性捐助。‎ not...but...“不是……而是……”。‎ 不是这个故事本身而是这个故事反映出来的东西才是重要的。‎ Not the story itself but what is reflected in the story counts.(2015·福建卷,书面表达)‎ 授课提示:对应学生用书第156页 教材情景导入 ‎01‎ 语法填空(关注加黑部分,核心考点逐一突破)‎ There's no electricity or water and even no textbooks 1.distributed (distribute) either!I'm still trying to adjust to these conditions.However,one thing is for sure,I have become more 2.imaginative(imagine) in my teaching.Science is my most 3.challenging (challenge) subject as my students have no concept of participating in doing experiments.In fact,there is no 4.equipment(equip),and if I need water I have to carry it from my house in 5.a bucket.Otherwise, I couldn't go on!The other day I was showing the boys the weekly chemistry experiment when the 6.mixture(mix) was bubbling over everywhere!The boys 7.who had never come across anything ‎ like this before started jumping out of the windows.Sometimes I wonder 8.how relevant chemistry is to these students,most of whom are not privileged and will be going back to 9.their (they) villages from where they were once taken out.To be honest,I doubt whether I am making any difference 10.to these boys' lives at all.‎ ‎1‎ distribute vt.分发,分配;散发,分布 ‎(1)distribute sth.     散发,分布;撒,播 distribute sth.to/among sb. 把某物分发给某人 ‎(2)distribution n. 分发,分配,分布状态 distributive adj. 分发的,分配的,分布的 distributor n. 分发者 ‎①The Rhode Island Blood Centre distributes blood products to hospitals in Rhode Island and Southern New England.‎ 罗德岛血液中心向罗德岛和新英格兰南部的医院分配血液制品。‎ ‎②The United Nations Organization(UNO) could undertake to direct the distribution (distribute)of aid.‎ 联合国组织能够承担指导援助的分配(任务)。‎ ‎2‎ adjust vi.& vt.‎ 调整;(使)适合 ‎(1)adjust sth.to sth.  调整……以适应……‎ adjust to sth./doing sth. 适应(做)某事 adjust oneself to 使自己适应于 ‎(2)adjustment n. 调整,调节,适应 make an adjustment 做出调整 ‎①Astronauts in flight must adjust to weightlessness.‎ 宇航员在飞行中必须适应失重状态。‎ ‎②When a child is studying abroad, he must learn to adjust to living on his own.‎ 当孩子出国留学时,他必须学会适应独立生活。‎ ‎③Some animals adjust themselves to their environment by instinct.‎ 有些动物会本能地使自己适应环境。‎ ‎④Some schools will have to make adjustments (adjust)in agreement with the national soccer reform.‎ 为了与国家的足球改革相适应,一些学校必须做出调整。‎ ‎3‎ participate vi.参与,参加;分享,分担 ‎(1)participate in      参加 participate with sb.in sth. 与某人分担某事 ‎(2)participant n. 参加者,参与的人 participation n. 参与;分享 ‎①Many countries participated in searching for the missing ‎ plane.‎ 很多国家参与了失联飞机的搜索。‎ ‎②She participated with her friend in her sufferings.‎ 她分担朋友的痛苦。‎ ‎③Some of the magic tricks called for audience participation (participate). ‎ 有些魔术要求有观众的参与。‎ ‎[写作链接] 完成句子 参加一些课外活动能使你获得许多经验。‎ Participating in some activities after class can make you gain some experience.‎ ‎4‎ otherwise conj.否则,不然adv.用别的方法;其他方面adj.别的,另外的;不同的 ‎(1)otherwise作连词,常放在祈使句后面,相当于or或or else ‎(2)otherwise常用于含蓄条件句中,与虚拟语气连用 ‎(3)or otherwise或相反 ‎①Thanks for your directions to the house; we wouldn't have found it otherwise.‎ 谢谢你带我们来这座房子,不然的话,我们找不到它。‎ ‎②The topic you choose should not be too narrow.Otherwise,it is very difficult to accumulate stamps around the topic.‎ 你所选的主题不应该太窄。否则,就很难积累有关这个主题的邮票。‎ ‎③He is slow,but otherwise he is a good worker.‎ 他虽慢,但在其他方面却是名好工人。‎ ‎④They(must have)liked the apartment,otherwise/or they wouldn't have stayed so long.‎ 他们(一定)喜欢这个公寓,不然他们不会待这么久。‎ ‎5‎ privilege n.特权;特别优待 ‎(1)a privilege to do sth./of(doing)sth.‎ ‎           有做某事的特权 have the privilege to do/of doing sth.‎ ‎        有做某事的特权;有幸做某事 It is a privilege to do sth. 做某事是荣幸的 ‎(2)privileged adj. 享有特权的;荣幸的;幸运的 be privileged to do sth. 做某事是荣幸的 ‎①Your satisfaction is guaranteed,with our 30day return privilege.‎ 您有30天内可退货的权利,包您满意。‎ ‎②Ladies and gentlemen,I am privileged to introduce our speaker for tonight.‎ 女士们、先生们,我很荣幸地向大家介绍今晚的发言人。‎ ‎6‎ from where 引导的定语从句 在“介词+关系词”型定语从句中,关系词常为which和whom,关系副词where和when之前一般不加介词,比较特殊的有from where和since when ‎①Alice stood at the window,from where she could watch her classmates playing football.‎ 艾丽斯站在窗户旁边,从那里她可以观看同学们踢足球。‎ ‎②China is the birthplace of kites,from where kiteflying spread to Japan,Korea and India.‎ 中国是风筝的故乡,放风筝从那里传到了日本、朝鲜和印度。‎ ‎③My brother graduated from Beijing Normal University in 2017,since when he has worked as a teacher in Tsingdao No.2 Middle School.‎ 我哥哥于2017年从北师大毕业,从那时起他一直在青岛二中当老师。‎ 教材情景导入 ‎02‎ 短文改错(按高考试卷要求从原文中修改) ‎ Would you like to donate unusual gift? The gift you give is not something 或 your loved one keeps but a contribution to the lives of people who really need it. a really useful gift for some of the world's poorest who are dying to have one. hope for a better future to a community in need.This gift will train a whole village in new ‎ methods.It seeds and simple agricultural . Just 20% more produce will mean the difference between and health, between families hungry and families providing for themselves.‎ ‎1‎ donate vt.捐献,捐赠,赠送 ‎(1)donate sth.to sb./sth. 向某人/某事捐献某物 ‎(2)donation n. 捐赠 give/make/present a donation to...‎ ‎ 向……捐赠 receive donations 接受捐赠 collect donations (for) (为……)募捐 ‎①Now I donate any change I have to charity tins and enjoy the feeling of giving.‎ 现在我把我所有的零钱捐到慈善罐中,体验给予的感觉。‎ ‎②All donations (donate)will be gratefully accepted.‎ 我们将十分感激地接受所有的捐赠。‎ ‎2‎ not...but...意思是“不是……而是……”,在句中连接两个表语。‎ ‎(1)not...but...连接两个平行成分,当连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数按“就近一致”原则确定 ‎(2)not only...but(also)...,either...or...,neither...nor...连接两个主语时,谓语动词按“就近一致”原则确定。as well as连接主语时,谓语动词按“就前一致”原则确定①It is not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do that benefits our work most.‎ 能给我们工作带来最大益处的不是我们做了多少,而是我们对于自己所做的事情付出了多少爱。‎ ‎②I realize the secret to success is not when or where you were born,but what you are doing and how you do it in your life.‎ 我意识到成功的秘诀不是你什么时间在哪里出生的而是由你在生活中所做的事情以及你怎样做这些事情决定的。‎ ‎③Not he but you are wanted on the telephone.‎ 电话找的是你而不是他。‎ ‎④Not only do the nurses want a pay increase,they want reduced hours as well.‎ 护士们不仅要求涨工资而且也要求减少劳动时间。‎ ‎3‎ ‎(be) dying to 极想;渴望 ‎(1)be dying for sth.      渴望得到某物 ‎(2) ‎①The students are dying to know the result of the exam.‎ 学生们渴望知道考试结果。‎ ‎②These children in the mountainous area are dying for knowledge.‎ 这些山区的孩子们渴求知识。‎ ‎③Mike is eager to stay (stay) away from the busy city life for a while.‎ 迈克渴望离开繁忙的城市生活一段时间。‎ ‎[写作链接] 翻译句子 我极想帮助他,但我不知道做些什么。‎ I am dying to help him but I don't know what to do.‎ ‎4‎ in need在困难中;在危机中 in need of         需要 There is no need for sth. 不需要某物 There is no need for sb.to do sth.‎ ‎ 某人没有必要做某事 ‎①A friend in need is a friend indeed.‎ 患难见真情。‎ ‎②Deeds are better than words when people are in need of help.‎ 当人们需要帮助时,行动比话语更好。‎ ‎③There is no need to regret what has happened.‎ 没必要为已经发生的事感到后悔。‎ ‎④Stepping out not only helped a brother in need, but it also gave my kids the sweet taste of helping others.‎ 走出去不仅仅帮助在危难中的兄弟,它还让我的孩子体会到了帮助别人带来的欢乐。‎ 授课提示:对应学生用书第158页 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.We thought it a privilege to have been invited to such a wedding party, where all guests drank a toast for the bride and bridegroom.‎ ‎2.In my opinion, everyone has periods in their lives when everything seems very hard.‎ ‎3.Teachers should encourage students to participate in all kinds of activities to develop their ability of teamwork.‎ ‎4.The people who made great contributions (contribute) to human beings and society should be respected.‎ ‎5.The doctor insisted that the patient was badly hurt and that he (should) be operated (operate) on at once.‎ ‎6.His nationality isn't relevant to whether he's a good teacher.‎ ‎7.There was a time when many young people were dying to go (go) abroad.‎ ‎8.The pinetrees have been planted in a very wide distribution (distribute).‎ ‎9.She donated her books to the library when she retired ‎ from her position.‎ ‎10.After supper, he usually stood near the window, from where he could see the tower, the tallest building in this city.‎ Ⅱ.单句改错(按高考试卷要求从原句中修改)‎ ‎1.Bill Gates made a generous donation for the charity.‎ 答案:Bill Gates made a generous donation the charity.‎ ‎2.Would participants the next race come forward?‎ 答案:Would participants the next race come forward?‎ ‎3.After he studied abroad, he went on operating on the company.‎ 答案:After he studied abroad, he went on operating the company.‎ ‎4.I'm glad to help people in the need.‎ 答案:I'm glad to help people in need.‎ ‎5.Whether you go or not makes no differences.‎ 答案:Whether you go or not makes no .‎ Ⅲ.根据提示词和结构补全句子 ‎1.His head soon appeared out of the window, from where he could see nothing but some trees.(from where定语从句)‎ 不久他的头伸出窗外,从那里他只能看到一些树。‎ ‎2.Love does not look with the eyes, but with the mind.(not...but...)‎ 爱不是用眼睛看,而是用心去感受。‎ ‎3.In your last mail you doubted whether it was possible to mend ‎ your friendship.(doubt whether) ‎ 在你的上封邮件中,你怀疑是否有可能修补你们的友谊。‎ ‎4.It's clear that the young American is dying to learn Chinese from you.(dying) ‎ 很明显,这位年轻的美国人渴望跟你学习汉语。‎ ‎5.He did come but soon went back.(do的强调用法)‎ 他的确来过,但很快就回去了。‎ Ⅳ.微写作 根据提示,利用本单元所学知识,完成下面的小作文。‎ ‎1.王华到一个偏僻的小山村做志愿者工作已经两个月了。(remote,voluntary)‎ ‎2.她的父母急切盼望收到她的来信,但是信要过两个星期才能到。(be dying to,fortnight)‎ ‎3.王华正忙于适应那里的生活,要不然早就写信了。(adjust to,otherwise)‎ ‎4.王华打算说服她的朋友为那里需要帮助的人捐一些钱。(donate to,in need)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎[参考范文]‎ Wang Hua has gone to a remote village to do some voluntary work for two months.Her parents are dying to hear from her,but the letter will take a fortnight to arrive.Wang Hua is adjusting ‎ herself to the life there,otherwise she has sent a letter to her parents.She plans to persuade her friends to donate some money to those in need.‎ 单独成册 对应学生用书第293页 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Patients in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease often struggle to remember recently learned information, meaning they forget things like important appointments or where they left their keys. But it seems that these memories are not lost. They are still filed away in the brain somewhere; they just can't be easily accessed.‎ Now, researchers at MIT have developed a means of getting back memories in mice suffering from Alzheimer's. The method relies on a technique that uses light to control genetically modified neurons (转基因神经元). Currently it is too early to be used in human trials as it involves inserting light emitting(发光) equipment into the subjects' brains, but the same principles still apply, the researchers said.‎ ‎“The important point is that this is evidence of the concept. That is, even if a memory seems to be gone, it is still there. It's a matter of how to get it back,”said the senior ‎ researcher Susumu Tonegawa.‎ The team took two groups of mice, one genetically engineered to develop Alzheimer's and one healthy. They then placed them into a room and gave them a mild electric shock.All of the mice showed fear when put back an hour later. When placed in the room a third time several days later, the Alzheimer's mice acted normally. They had forgotten the shock.‎ The researchers were then able to bring back the memory of the shock by activating(激活) the cells in which the memories were stored. Even when the mice were put into an unfamiliar room, they showed fear when the cells associated with the shock were activated.‎ ‎“Shortterm memories seem to be normal in order of hours.But for longterm memories, these earlyAlzheimer's mice seem to be damaged,”said the lead researcher Dheeraj Roy.“Directly activating the cells that we believe are holding the memory helps them get it back. This suggests that it is indeed an access problem to the information, not that they are unable to learn or store this memory.”‎ ‎[语篇解读] 本文主要介绍了利用光控制转基因神经元使早老性痴呆病患者恢复记忆的技术。‎ ‎1.What can we learn about the researchers at MIT?‎ A.They are the pioneers of brain research.‎ B.They have used the method in human trials.‎ C.They can cure Alzheimer's using the new method.‎ D.They can get back memories in mice with Alzheimer's.‎ 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的第一句“Now,researchers at MIT have developed a means of getting back memories in mice suffering from Alzheimer's.”可知,他们能够使患有早老性痴呆病的老鼠恢复记忆。‎ 答案:D ‎2.Why did the Alzheimer's mice behave normally the third time?‎ A.They failed to remember the electric shock.‎ B.They were accustomed to the situation.‎ C.They managed to overcome the fear.‎ D.They activated the association automatically.‎ 解析:细节理解题。根据第四段的“the Alzheimer's mice acted normally.They had forgotten the shock.”可知,这些老鼠忘记了受到的电击。‎ 答案:A ‎3.For longterm memories, the earlyAlzheimer's mice .‎ A.can transform their brain cells B.can't learn new tricks well C.can easily get back their memories D.can't access the information stored 解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段的“But for longterm memories,these earlyAlzheimer's mice seem to be damaged”和“Directly activating...this ‎ memory”可知,对于长期记忆来说,这些处于早老性痴呆病早期的老鼠因为(脑细胞)已经被损害,不能获得这种已经储存的信息。‎ 答案:D ‎4.The main purpose of the text is to .‎ A.introduce a method of a research B.report the latest discovery about a disease C.give advice on how to improve memories D.explain how a brain stores information 解析:作者意图题。通读全文可知,本文的主要目的是报道关于早老性痴呆病的最新发现。‎ 答案:B B If you followed the 2016 Olympic Games, you may have noticed that several athletes, including US swimmer Michael Phelps, had circular bruises on their bodies. These bruises were the result of “cupping (拔火罐) therapy”, a traditional Chinese medicinal practice that has been around for more than 2,000 years.‎ Many athletes say that they have benefited from the therapy. Phelps used the therapy in the fall of 2014 and has used it about twice a week since, reported ABC News. Another US swimmer, Dana Vollmer, also believes that “it really helps with blood flow”.‎ However, some have said that the supposed health effects result from people's feeling that the treatment works, rather than any physical effect of the treatment.‎ To figure out cupping therapy has any physical effect, last year researchers from Germany carried out a test in which a false treatment was provided.‎ In the study, the same type of cups was used in the real treatment and the false treatment. But in the false treatment,the cups had a hole at the top so that they couldn't create the proper suction (吸力).‎ The tested patients, who suffered from a disorder that caused a lot of pain, were told that they would receive either traditional cupping or “soft cupping”. But they were not informed that the socalled “soft cupping” was a false treatment.‎ It turned out that most patients correctly guessed which kind of cupping they had received. In both groups, patients also experienced about the same reductions in pain. “The results suggest the effects of cupping therapy might come from factors that are not necessarily part of the treatment itself,” the researchers told the Live Science website.‎ The question of whether cupping therapy works still needs to be answered.“But because the treatment is relatively safe and it could be helpful for some people, the therapy can be used as part of a comprehensive treatment program involving other exercises, nutritional choices and lifestyle changing,”Dr Brent Bauer, director of the US Complementary and Integrative Medicine Program at Mayo Clinic, told Live Science.‎ ‎[语篇解读] 本文主要介绍了中国传统医疗方式拔火罐的实际疗效问题。‎ ‎5.Why is Michael Phelps mentioned in the passage?‎ A.To give athletes a new way to swim faster.‎ B.To provide athletes with a new way of treatment.‎ C.To introduce the topic on cupping therapy.‎ D.To show swimmers suffer from disorders.‎ 解析:推理判断题。根据文章前两段的整体内容可推知,提到运动员菲尔普斯是为了导入文章的话题,即拔火罐疗法是否有效,故选C。‎ 答案:C ‎6.The purpose of the test by researchers from Germany was to .‎ A.promote the health effects of cupping therapy B.see whether cupping therapy has a physical effect C.compare traditional cupping with soft cupping D.compare cupping therapy's effects on different groups of people 解析:细节理解题。根据第四段整体内容可知,实验的目的是验证拔火罐是否真的有效。‎ 答案:B ‎7.What can be learned from the passage?‎ A.Different people need different types of cupping therapy.‎ B.The real treatment and false treatment almost have the same effects.‎ C.The results show that cupping therapy is not part of the ‎ treatment.‎ D.Cupping therapy is only effective when used with lifestyle changing.‎ 解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“In both groups,patients also experienced about the same reductions in pain.”可知,实验表明两种不同的拔火罐方法效果是一样的。‎ 答案:B ‎8.According to Dr Brent Bauer, cupping therapy .‎ A.is a fast and easy treatment for people to carry out B.is a newly invented way to cure some diseases C.needs a long period of time to take effect D.can be used together with other treatments 解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“But because the treatment is relatively safe and it could be helpful for some people,the therapy can be used as part of a comprehensive treatment program involving other exercises,nutritional choices and lifestyle changing”可知,Dr Brent Bauer认为拔火罐可以和其他方法一起配合治疗。‎ 答案:D Ⅱ.完形填空 A 14yearold Chinese boy overcame two of humankind's most dreaded fears — getting stuck in an elevator and getting homework done in a single night thanks to his quickwitted(反应敏捷的)character.‎ Sun Yixiao was on his way up last Tuesday evening after school ‎ when the lift suddenly stopped.A moment of 1 followed before the teenager decided to take 2 into his own hands and find a way out.Sun said he tried to pry(撬)the elevator door open,but 3 there could be a malfunction (机器故障)that would send the elevator ‎4 a free fall,he 5 the idea and instead 6 against the wall.He then pressed all the buttons in the hope of getting the elevator to work again,but in vain.Sun then pushed the “Stop” button to lock the elevator and make sure it wouldn't move. ‎7 a cellphone at hand,Sun tried 8 to get the attention of people outside,but no one responded 9 time passed by.‎ But the young boy didn't give up.‎ He slipped a note 10 the door with the message “People stuck inside;please ask the property management(物业)for help”and hoped someone would pick it up and act it on.After 11 all his options,the 12 kid decided to tend to his homework, not knowing how long it would take 13 someone found him.He took out his textbooks and 14 himself with his daily homework routine.Soon after he finished his duties,Sun heard loud voices coming from 15 .‎ ‎“There was a large crowd outside,including my teachers and other parents;people looked quite 16 ,”Sun said the moment he was rescued.He had been trapped for five hours by the help arrived.‎ On China's Twitterlike Weibo,many netizens 17 the ‎ boy's bravery and calmness in the face of such 18 .“The guy must have 19 the advantages and disadvantages of the situation:he had a great chance to survive an 20 elevator,but would have been doomed if he left homework undone,”joked @Zealshifang.‎ ‎[语篇解读] 本文主要讲述了中国14岁男孩儿孙轶潇在电梯出了故障后不仅没有惊慌失措,最后还把作业做完了的故事。‎ ‎1.A.panic      B.excitement C.confusion D.depression 解析:与上文的“fears”呼应,主人公在电梯突然停止后,随之而来的是惊慌。panic“惊慌”;excitement“激动”;confusion“困惑”;depression“抑郁”。‎ 答案:A ‎2.A.materials B.substances C.matters D.events 解析:根据下文的“find a way out”可推知,主人公决定自己处理这种意外情况,与上文的“overcame”呼应。take matters into one's own hands固定搭配,意为“亲自处理某事”。‎ 答案:C ‎3.A.considering B.telling C.understanding D.ignoring 解析:根据语境可知,主人公试图撬电梯,但考虑到电梯出了故障可能会自由下坠。consider“考虑”。‎ 答案:A ‎4.A.onto B.into C.within D.from 解析:send sth.into sth.为固定词组,意为“使进入(某种状态)”,此处表示“使电梯自由下落”。‎ 答案:B ‎5.A.formed B.abandoned C.rejected D.accepted 解析:根据上文的“but”和下文的“instead”可推知,主人公放弃了自己之前的想法。abandon“抛弃,放弃”。‎ 答案:B ‎6.A.stood B.lay C.knelt D.leaned 解析:根据常识可知,在电梯出故障时,最好靠着电梯内墙。lean“靠在”。‎ 答案:D ‎7.A.With B.Without C.Through D.By 解析:根据语境可知,主人公手边没有手机,故用Without表示“没有”。‎ 答案:B ‎8.A.screaming B.crying C.whispering D.yelling 解析:根据空后的“to get the attention of people outside”可推知,主人公当时大声喊叫,希望有人能够听到,以便得到帮助。yell“叫喊”。‎ 答案:D ‎9.A.with B.as C.when D.while 解析:此处as引导时间状语从句,意为“随着”,表示“随着时间的流逝,没有人回应他”。‎ 答案:B ‎10.A.from B.by C.through D.across 解析:根据语境可知,困在电梯里的主人公通过电梯门缝塞出求救便条。through“穿过”,表示立体概念;across“横过”,表示平面概念。‎ 答案:C ‎11.A.exhausting B.wearing C.completing D.finishing 解析:根据语境可推知,主人公用尽了各种能想到的求救办法,都没有得到回应。exhaust“耗尽,使筋疲力尽”。‎ 答案:A ‎12.A.handsome B.terrified C.practical D.modest 解析:根据语境可知,主人公决定做作业,这说明他是一个务实的(practical)孩子。‎ 答案:C ‎13.A.before B.after C.when D.until 解析:此处表示“在有人发现他之前”,符合语境,故用before引导时间状语从句。‎ 答案:A ‎14.A.occupied B.charged C.devoted D.abandoned 解析:occupy sb.with sth.为固定词组,意为“使某人忙于某事”,结合语境可知,主人公开始埋头做作业了。‎ 答案:A ‎15.A.inside B.outside C.upside D.downside 解析:根据上文的“to get the attention of people outside”可推知,后来主人公听到外面有很大的声音,与下文的“There was a large crowd outside,including my teachers and other parents”呼应。‎ 答案:B ‎16.A.relieved B.delighted C.scared D.puzzled 解析:根据“he was rescued”可推知,当主人公得救时,人们都松了一口气。relieved“感到宽慰的”。‎ 答案:A ‎17.A.cheered up B.thumbed up C.warmed up D.built up 解析:根据“bravery and calmness”可推知,微博上许多网民对主人公的勇敢和冷静评价很高。thumb up“竖起大拇指,评价很高”。‎ 答案:B ‎18.A.emergency B.incident C.accident D.event 解析:主人公被困在故障电梯中,这是一种紧急状况。emergency“紧急情况”;incident“小事件”;accident“意外,(交通)事故”;event“公开活动,重大事件”。‎ 答案:A ‎19.A.compared B.figured C.imagined D.weighed 解析:根据语境可知,此处表示主人公认真权衡(weighed)了利弊。‎ 答案:D ‎20.A.outoforder B.outofdate C.outofbalance D.outofshape 解析:根据上文的多处描述可知,电梯出现故障。outoforder“有故障的”。‎ 答案:A Ⅲ.短文改错 This morning, I got an email from the library. It said the book I reserved was ready to be picking up. Because I had always been waiting to read it, so at that moment I was very exciting. Outside the library, I saw the man driving around the small parking lot, try to find a parking space. He head for the disabled parking space, the only one that was free. He got off his car with a pile of library book to return. Seeing that, I offered to return them to him. He thanked me and jumped quick in his car and drove off, keeping the disabled parking space free for someone needed it.‎ 答案:‎ This morning, I got an email from the library. It said the book I reserved was ready to be up. Because I had always been waiting to read it, at that moment I was very . Outside the library, I saw man driving around the small parking lot, to find a parking space. He for the disabled parking space, the only one that was free. He got off his car with a pile of library to return. Seeing that, I offered to return them him. He thanked me and jumped in his car and drove off, keeping the disabled parking space free for someone needed it.‎

