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‎2014届高考英语二轮专题复习突破:完形填空 ‎1.阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ When I was eight, I wrote my first poem. My mother read and cried. “Buddy, you didn’t really write this beautiful poem!”‎ ‎  Shyly, but 36 , I said yes. She poured out her 37 . “It was nothing short of talent!”‎ ‎  “What time will Father be home?” I asked. I could hardly wait to 38 my work to him. ‎ I spent quite some time 39 for his arrival. I wrote the poem out in my finest flourish (花体字), drew a fancy border around it, and 40 I placed it right on my father’s plate on the dining table. My father had begun his motion-picture career as a writer. I was sure he would be able ‎ 41 my poem.‎ At almost 7 o’clock my father burst in. He seemed 42 . He circled the dining-room table, complaining about his employees.‎ Suddenly he paused and glared at his plate. “What is this?” He was reaching for my poem.‎ ‎“Ben, Buddy has written his first poem!” my mother began. “And it’s beautiful, absolutely amaz …”‎ ‎“If you don’t mind, I’d like to decide for myself.” Father said.‎ ‎  I 43 my head as he read that poem. It was only ten lines. But it seemed to take hours. Then I heard him dropping the poem back on the table. Now came the moment of 44 . ‎ ‎  “I think it’s terrible,” he said.‎ ‎  I couldn’t look up. My eyes were getting 45 .‎ ‎“Ben, these are the first lines of poetry he’s ever written,” my mother was saying. “He needs ‎ 46 .”‎ ‎“I don’t know why.” My father held his ground. “Isn’t there enough 47 ‎ ‎ poetry in the world already?”‎ I couldn’t 48 it another second. I ran from the dining room crying. Up in my room I ‎ 49 myself on the bed and cried the worst of the 50 out of me.‎ That may have been the end of the story, but not of its 51 for me. I realized how fortunate I had been. I had a mother who said, “I think it’s wonderful!” and a father who drove me to hear with “I think it’s awful.”‎ Every one of us needs that mother force, from which all 52 flows; and yet the mother force alone is incomplete. It needs the balance of the force that 53 , “Watch. Listen. Review. Improve.”‎ Those 54 voices of my childhood ring in my ears through the years, like two opposing winds blowing me. Between the two poles of 55 and doubt, both in the name of love, I try to follow my true course. ‎ ‎36. A. proudly B. slowly C. anxiously D. honestly ‎37. A. praise B. surprise C. admiration D. belief ‎38. A. recite B. show C. describe D. introduce ‎39. A. waiting B. planning C. praying D. preparing ‎40. A. quickly B. confidently C. nervously D. casually ‎41. A. read B. revise C. appreciate D. polish ‎42. A. upset B. calm C. tired D. relaxed ‎43. A. shook B. raised C. lowered D. turned ‎ ‎44. A. truth B. struggle C. decision D. discussion ‎ ‎45. A. wet B. wide C. dark D. swollen ‎46. A. practice B. judgment C. instruction D. encouragement ‎ ‎47. A. awful B. elegant C. fluent D. ‎ controversial ‎ ‎48. A. hold B. see C. stand D. control ‎ ‎49. A. seated B. threw C. left D. kept ‎ ‎50. A. confusion B. pressure C. dissatisfaction D. disappointment ‎51. A. significance B. development C. reflection D. challenge ‎52. A. love B. honor C. creation D. improvement ‎53. A. orders B. persuades C. cautions D. declares ‎54. A. conflicting B. warning C. disturbing D. inspiring ‎55. A. confidence B. confirmation C. distrust D. disapproval ‎ ‎2.阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ Twist was the name of an old champion racing horse. He was past thirty years old, but the heart of the true 36 still beat with the great spirit. However, I knew little about the 37 that the old horse’s spirit would have on my daughter.‎ My daughter Stacy had ever had a 38 experience with a runaway horse. She was just eight at the time, and a terrifying 39 accompanied the disaster. Although she broke no bones, her 40 , love for horses and the desire to learn to ride were 41 . No matter how my wife and I tried, we had no 42 in curing the damage caused that day. But when she was thirteen, a turning point came. One day as I saw Stacy look into the eye of the 43 fellow in the stall(牲口棚), I knew this was going to be the beginning of a 44 relationship.‎ Fortunately, Stacy’s accident had not weakened her love for 45 in general, and this small opening was all that Twist needed to create an unusual 46 . In the following weeks, Stacy began to express daily 47 in coming to the stall with me. She actively spent time with him, feeding, brushing and combing him, all the ‎ 48 talking to him about her life.‎ Then one day 49 I was readying one horse for a ride, I noticed the old guy’s eager expression and desire to be 50 , too. So I asked Stacy if she wanted to take Twist out for a ride. In 51 , Stacy looked once again into the old man’s eye. That moment, their two spirits 52 and completed the bond that had been forming over a couple of months. Continuing to look deep into his eyes, Stacy didn’t 53 . She only nodded yes. Moments later, I saw them riding 54 together, Stacy winning renewed(重建的) confidence and desire, and Twist winning his medal of a child’s 55 . ‎ ‎36. A. jumper B. member C. owner D. winner ‎37. A. wish B. ability C. effect D. idea ‎38. A. strange B. rich C. bad D. new ‎39. A. attack B. fall C. shake D. task ‎40. A. pride B. skill C. luck D. confidence ‎41. A. destroyed B. ignored C. violated D. reformed ‎ ‎42. A. success B. need C. aim D. surprise ‎43. A. strong B. old C. brave D. poor ‎44. A. serious B. similar C. special D. formal ‎45. A. animals B. parents C. friends D. fields ‎46. A. impression B. event C. style D. bond ‎47. A. thanks B. interest C. sympathy D. opinions ‎48. A. best B. way C. same D. while ‎49. A. although B. so C. as D. because ‎50. A. carried B. included C. praised D. trained ‎51. A. response B. brief C. addition D. return ‎52. A. rose B. fought C. met D. recovered ‎53. A. smile B. act C. think D. speak ‎54. A. off B. on C. down D. back ‎55. A. spirit B. heart C. agreement D. dependence ‎3.‎ The park bench was deserted as I sat down to read beneath an old willow tree. Not 36 with life, I was down. A young boy out of breath 37 me, all tired from play. He stood right before me with his head tilted(倾斜的) down, 38 with great excitement,“Look what I found!”‎ In his hand was a flower, and what a 39 sight, with is petals(花瓣) all worn—not enough rain, or too little light. 40 him to take his dead flower and go off to play,I 41 a small smile and then shifted away. But instead of 42 he sat next to my side and placed the flower to his nose and declared with 43 ,“It surely smells pretty and it’s beautiful, too. That’s why I 44 it; here, it’s for you.”‎ The flower before me was dying or dead. But I knew I must 45___it, or he might never leave. So I reached for the flower, and 46 , “Just what I need.”But instead of placing the flower in my hand, he 47 it mid-air without reason. It was then that I 48 for the very first time the boy was 49 .‎ I heard my voice shake, tears shone like the sun 50 I thanked him for picking the very best one. He smiled, and then ran off to play, 51 of the effect he’d had on my day.‎ I sat there and 52 how he managed to see a self-pitying woman beneath an old willow tree. How did he know of my self-indulged(放纵的) 53 ? Perhaps from his heart, he’d been blessed with true 54 .‎ Through the eyes of a blind child, at last I could see, the problem was not connected with the world; the problem was me. And for all of those times I myself had been blind, I vowed to see__55___, and appreciate every second that’s mine.‎ ‎36.A.excited B.inspired C.satisfied D.disappointed ‎37.A.approached B.overlooked C.understood D.talked ‎38.A.telling B.saying C.informing D.talking ‎39.A.unique B.rough C.bothering D.pitiful ‎40.A.Wanting B.Demanding C.Persuading D.Inviting ‎41.A.played B.adjusted C.forced D.delivered ‎42.A.declining B.accepting C.panicking D.quitting ‎43.A.surprise B.embarrassment C.sympathy D.sorrow ‎44.A.took B.pulled C.sold D.picked ‎45.A.bring B.fetch C.take D.smell ‎46.A.announced B.replied C.declared D.whispered ‎47.A.grasped B.held C.caught D.seized ‎48.A.convinced B.confirmed C.noticed D.refused ‎49.A.strange B.blind C.deaf D.unimaginable ‎50.A.once B.after C.as D.since ‎51.A.unaware B.unbelievable C.regretful D.regardless ‎52.A.doubted B.felt C.found D.wondered ‎53.A.embarrassment B.depression C.pleasure D.effort ‎54.A.sense B.hearing C.sight D.ability ‎55.A.beauty B.disability C.fantasy D.wonder ‎4.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ I have always been an independent person, but I have come to know that being independent does not mean refusing help. I may still be 16 with asking for help, but I try to accept. Furthermore, I will even 17 help and when my offers are refused, I am 18 willing to walk away. And all these changes came from a disaster on an island.‎ Sometimes a person’s independence is a 19 of pride, daring, stubbornness and luck. I used to be too 20 since I was little. I was once a traveler who never asked for 21 , choosing instead to struggle with maps and signs until I found my way.‎ Then one day on the island of Koh Phangan, in Thailand, everything 22 . I was swimming in the ocean with Sean, my fiancé, when he was 23 by a box jellyfish(箱型水母). He 24 within three minutes, 25 years old. Yet when onlookers and travelers asked if I wanted 25 , stubborn pride and force of habit 26 me accepting. But two young Israeli women stayed. 27 my protest(反对), they were with me even when the police tried to cover up the 28 of Sean’s death. It was listed as drunk drowning to avoid hurting the 29 industry. The Israeli women 30 have walked away. 31 , without even telling me, they 32 their schedule rather than leave me behind. ‎ ‎ 33 I didn’t realize it at that time, I would not have 34 the disaster without these great women. Actually, the person who needs help the most is usually the last person to ask for it. I have learned 35 is better than refusing because it not only helps you walk out of trouble, but also helps you know the real meaning of life.‎ ‎16.‎ A.‎ struggling B.‎ dealing C.‎ confused D.‎ satisfied ‎17.‎ A.‎ offer B.‎ accept C.‎ seek D.‎ desire ‎18.‎ A.‎ occasionally B.‎ frequently C.‎ usually D.‎ seldom ‎19.‎ A.‎ range B.‎ symbol C.‎ way D.‎ mix ‎20.‎ A.‎ adventurous B.‎ brave C.‎ independent D.‎ creative ‎21.‎ A.‎ money B.‎ equipment C.‎ directions D.‎ suggestions ‎22.‎ A.‎ happened B.‎ messed C.‎ changed D.‎ disappeared ‎23.‎ A.‎ attacked B.‎ caught C.‎ followed D.‎ impressed ‎24.‎ A.‎ sunk B.‎ died C.‎ failed D.‎ recovered ‎25.‎ A.‎ company B.‎ advice C.‎ comfort D.‎ evidence ‎26.‎ A.‎ kept B.‎ prevented C.‎ denied D.‎ suggested ‎27.‎ A.‎ In spite of ‎ B In case of C.‎ In terms of ‎ D As a result ‎28.‎ A.‎ proof B.‎ news C.‎ fact D.‎ cause ‎29.‎ A.‎ medicine B.‎ entertainment C.‎ fishing D.‎ tourism ‎30.‎ A.‎ could B.‎ need C.‎ should D.‎ must ‎31.‎ A.‎ Therefore B.‎ Otherwise C.‎ Instead D.‎ Besides ‎32.‎ A.‎ delayed B.‎ made C.‎ considered D.‎ threw ‎33.‎ A.‎ When B.‎ While C.‎ Because D.‎ If ‎34.‎ A.‎ survived B.‎ experienced C.‎ avoided D.‎ suffered ‎35.‎ A.‎ refusing B.‎ accepting C.‎ giving D.‎ begging ‎5.阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ Last weekend, I was blessed with an opportunity to serve as a volunteer in Maryland. I don’t have a car and the closest Amtrak station is about 30 minutes ‎ away from the actual site so I wasn’t sure __31__ I would get there. I started thinking that maybe it wouldn’t be __32__ and after a really long week, I thought that maybe I shouldn’t __33__ at all. But I went ahead and posted a request for a __34__ on the ride share board. ‎ A few days later, an individual I had never met __35__ that he would be able to pick me up and __36__ me off at the station. He was also planning on serving but said he would wait __37__ my train arrived before driving out there. How kind __38__ this person whom I’ve never even met, I thought to myself. My heart __39__ and the stress I had been feeling from my week __40__ away.‎ When my new friend drove me to the train station, he __41__ that it was in a deserted kind of area. There was no one __42__ around, it was cold outside, and I still had 30 minutes to wait. So he __43__ his car and said, “We will wait for the train to come together.”‎ ‎ I couldn’t believe his compassion and __44__. I knew that he had to be at work the next day __45__ me, and that his wife and son were waiting for his return. But he just waited there with me so __46__, generously serving with his time.‎ With five minutes __47__ before the train arrived, he shared with me stories from his childhood. As a young boy, he __48__ sit near the edge of the train tracks, excitedly waiting for the trains to rush by with all their force. That night, before returning home to his family, he waited with me as my train __49__. It didn’t rush by at full force but I left that station __50__ the full force of his compassion and generosity.‎ 31. A. how B. why C. whenever D. that 32. A. necessary B. essential C. possible D. fortunate 33. A. refuse B. volunteer C. evaluate D. challenge 34. A. terminal B. sightseeing C. departure D. ride 35. A. replied B. blamed C. reflected D.‎ ‎ advocated 31. A. fall B. break C. take D. drop 32. A. though B. until C. unless D. after 33. A. beyond B. against C. for D. of 34. A. warmed B. froze C. calmed D. burnt 35. A. gathered B. melted C. counted D. cherished 36. A. noticed B. founded C. regretted D. relieved 37. A. thus B. also C. else D. too 38. A. started B. purchased C. parked D. mended 39. A. encouragement B. kindness C. commitment D. privilege 40. A. instead of B. regardless of C. far from D. just like 41. A. strictly B. seriously C. patiently D. carefully 42. A. left B. gone C. passed D. spared 43. A. accustomed to B. used to C. stuck to D. attached to 44. A. stretched B. vanished C. pulled D. approached ‎50. A. envying B. impressing C. feeling D. ignoring ‎6.‎ Global warming could make humans ___36___, warn scientists who __37___ to have found __38___ that it caused the world’s first horses to shrink nearly 50 million years ago.‎ In fact, a team from the universities of Florida and Nebraska says it has found ‎ a __39___ between the Earth __40___ up and the size of mammals -- horses, in this __41__, the last time the world heated up.‎ The scientists used fossils to __42___ the ___43___ of horses from their earliest appearance 56 million years ago. __44__ temperatures went up their size went __45__, and vice versa(反之亦然); at one __46__ they were as small as a house cat, said Dr Jonathan Bloch, curator of the Florida Museum of Natural History, was quoted by the "Daily Mail" as saying.‎ The scientists say that the __47___ warming could have the same __48__ on mammals -- and __49__ even make humans smaller. "Horses started out small, about the size of a small dog __50__ a miniature schnauzer(迷你型雪纳瑞犬). What`s surprising is __51__ after they first appeared, they then became even smaller and then __52__ increased in size, and that exactly __53__ to the global warming event, followed by cooling.‎ ‎"It had been known that mammals were small during that time and that it was warm, __54__we hadn’t understood that temperature specifically was __55__ the evolution of body size," Dr Bloch said in the "Science" journal.‎ ‎36.A. taller B. higher C. shorter D. bigger ‎37. A. announce B. claim C. declare D. broadcast ‎38. A. evidence B. result C. sign D. information ‎39. A. difference B. gap C. condition D. link ‎40. A. heating B. freezing C. cooling D. clearing ‎41. A. case B. way C. occasion D. direction ‎42. A. find B. follow C. date D. allocate ‎43. A. evolution B. exploration C. growth D. movement ‎44. A. With B. Because C. While D. As ‎45. A. up B. away C. out D. down ‎46. A. situation B. occasion C. point D. place ‎47. A. international B. current C. past D. huge ‎48. A. effect B. result C. consequence D. outcome ‎49. A. could B. must C. should D. would ‎50. A. as B. like C. with D. of ‎51. A. whether B. when C. that D. why ‎52. A. specially B. fortunately C. eventually D. dramatically ‎53. A. agrees B. subscribes C. corresponds D. caters ‎54. A. so B. but C. and D. for ‎55. A. driving B. creating C. working D. operating 试卷答案 ‎1.36. A 37‎‎. A 38. B 39. D 40. B 41. C 42. A 43. C 44. C 45. A ‎46. D 47. A 48. C 49. B 50. D 51. A 52. C 53. C 54. A 55. B ‎2.36.D 37.C 38.C 39.B 40.D ‎41.A 42.A 43.B 44.C 45.A ‎46.D 47.B 48.D 49.C 50.B ‎ ‎51.A 52.C 53.D 54.A 55.B ‎3.36—40 CABDA 41---45 CDADC 46—50 BBCBC 51—55 ADBCA ‎4.16-20 AADDC 21-25 CCABA 26-30 BADDA 31-35 CABAB ‎5.31‎-35 A C B D A 36-40 D B D A B 41‎-45 A C C B D 46‎-50 C A B D C ‎6.文章概述:本文介绍了一队研究人员发现全球变暖可能会使人变矮,并用马在进化过程中大小的变化与气候的联系加以证明。‎ ‎36. 选C。全球变暖会使人类变矮。下文出现。‎ ‎37. 选B。声称已经找到全球变暖将5千万年前最初出现的马变小的证据的科学家警告人们。‎ ‎38. 选A。同上。‎ ‎39. 选D。一个来自福罗里达州大学和内布拉斯加大学的团体说他们已经发现了全球变暖和哺乳动物的大小的联系。‎ ‎40. 选A。同上。‎ ‎41. 选A。这一案例中马变矮的现象是上一次全球变暖时发生的。‎ ‎42. 选B。科学家用化石来追溯马从5600万年前诞生至今的进化历程 ‎43. 选A。同上。‎ ‎44. 选D。随着气温的上升,马的个头变小,反之马的个头就变大。‎ ‎45. 选D。同上。‎ ‎46. 选C。《每日邮报》引用佛罗里达自然历史博物馆馆长乔纳森•布洛赫博士的话说,它们曾一度像家猫那么小。At one point 一度,曾经。‎ ‎47. 选B。科学家称,当前的全球变暖可能也会对哺乳动物产生同样的影响,甚至可能会让人类的个子也变小。‎ ‎48. 选A。同上。‎ ‎49. 选A。could表可能性。‎ ‎50. 选B。布洛赫博士在《科学》杂志中写道:“马最初的个头很小,和一只小狗的个头差不多,大约也就像一只迷你型雪纳瑞犬那么大。‎ ‎51. 选C。令人惊讶的是,在马诞生后过了一段时间,它们的个子变得更小,之后个头又显著变大,而这些变化与全球变暖和变冷正好是相对应的。‎ ‎52. 选D。同上。dramatically显著地。‎ ‎53. 选C。同上。Correspond to和……一致。‎ ‎54. 选B。“我们已经知道哺乳动物在那个时期个头较小,而那个时期气候也较暖,但我们还未意识到正是温度驱动着身体大小的进化。”‎ ‎55. 选A。同上。drive 驱使。‎

