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高考英语作文范文50篇 ‎ 2009年全国各省市高考英语书面表达题 ‎ 范文集锦完整18套(附解析及专家简评)‎ ‎ 一、(2009全国卷I、海南、宁夏卷)‎ ‎ 假定你是李华,正在英国接受英语培训,住在一户英国人家里。今天你的房东Mrs Wilson 不在家,你准备外出,请给Mrs Wilson 写一留言条,内容包括: ‎ ‎ 1.外出购物 ‎ ‎ 2.替房东还书 ‎ ‎ 3.Tracy 来电话留言:1)咖啡屋(Bolton Coffee)见面取消 ‎ ‎ 2)此事已告知Susan ‎ ‎ 3) 尽快回电 ‎ ‎ 注意:1. 词数100左右; ‎ ‎ 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 ‎ ‎ 【参考范文】 ‎ ‎ Mrs Wilson, ‎ ‎ I’m going out shopping, and won’t be back until about 5:00 pm. I have taken with me the two books you asked me to return to the City Library. At about 1 o’clock this afternoon, Tracy called, saying that she couldn’t meet you at Bolton Coffee tomorrow morning as she has something important to attend to. She felt very sorry about that, but said that you could set some other time for the meeting. She wanted you to call her back as soon as you are home. She has already told Susan about this change. ‎ ‎ Li Hua ‎ ‎ 【解析】 ‎ ‎ 作文题仍然同去年一样,属于提纲式要点作文,要求学生就所给内容写一张留言条,是学生比较熟悉的题材,体现了英语学习应该注意实用性,生活型的原则。应注意下面几点:1)注意人称,应该用第一人称的形式给房东(第二人称)写便条;2)注意时态的正确使用:从试题的内容上可以看出在表达要点1和2时应用将来时;而要点3中的几个方面则需要注意时态的替换,会用到一般过去时,现在时和将来时。3)注意恰当使用逻辑词语,是各个要点间逻辑连贯,行文通顺。提纲类书面表达不是简单的逐条翻译,而是将所给的几个要点合理的组成比较通顺的语句,因此要仔细组织语言,合理安排结构。在语言方面,要特别注意简洁明了,开头要开门见山。‎ ‎ 【专家简评】‎ ‎ 依然保持全国卷I短文写作的老套路:人物李华(自1999年以来,中间除了02年,统统都是李华同学在写信,历时十年,众多效尤者),话题为简单的外语外事活动,形式为写信(邮件或留言),实则依然是短文写作,控制程度较高,体裁以陈述说明为主。‎ ‎ 二、(2009.全国卷II)‎ ‎ 假定你是李华,你的美国朋友sarah 打算暑期来北京旅游,来信询问改建后前门大街的情况。请你写封回信,简单介绍以下内容: ‎ ‎ 1.简况:长800余米、600多年历史、300余家商铺; ‎ ‎ 2.位置:天安门广场南面; ‎ ‎ 3.交通:公共汽车17、69、59等路,地铁2号线; ‎ ‎ 4.特色:步行街、当当车、茶馆、剧院等。 ‎ ‎ 参考词汇:步行街 pedestrian street ‎ ‎ 当当车 trolley car ‎ ‎ 地铁 subway ‎ ‎ 注意: ‎ ‎ 1.词数100左右; ‎ ‎ 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; ‎ ‎ 3.开头语已为你写好,请将完整的回信书写在答题卡上。‎ ‎ 【参考范文】‎ ‎ Dear Sarah,‎ ‎ Thank you for your letter for asking about the rebuilt Qianmen Street. Here is something about it. ‎ ‎ Qianmen Street is a famous street of over 600 years old. Along this 800-meter street, there are more than 300 shops. As the street is in the center of Beijing, just to the south of Tian’anmen Square, it’s very convenient to get there by bus. You may take Buses No. 17, 69 or 59. Subway Line 2 has a stop there too. Qianmen Street is a pedestrian street, but there are trolley cars to take you not only to the shops, but also to chatters and teahouses where you can experience a truly Chinese way of life. I’m sure you‘ll like it.‎ ‎ 【解析】 ‎ ‎ 本文是书信格式,给出四个要点,属于常规文体,学生只要把四个要点写全,注意上下文,句与句之间的合理过渡即可。‎ ‎ 【专家简评】‎ ‎ 人物李华,简单的外事活动。体裁属于陈述说明性质。话题是介绍前门大街改建情况。但这个话题对全国卷II考区的考生多少有些歧视。这种歧视可以理解为城乡歧视和信息歧视。因为该考区学生对前门并不熟悉,所幸试题控制很严,只当是翻译了。另外,试题所提供的名词类词汇缺乏考试的实际意义,只是照抄而已,对考生并无挑战。‎ ‎ 三、(2009.北京卷)‎ ‎ 第一节,情景作文(20分)‎ ‎ 假设你是红星中学高三一班的学生李华,为响应绿化祖国的号召,你班四月十二日去郊区植树,请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,介绍植树活动的全过程,给某英文杂志的“绿色行动”专栏写一篇以“Green Action in Our Class”为题的英文稿件。‎ ‎ 注意:词数不少于60‎ ‎ 提示词:郊区 suburbs ‎ 第二节 开放作文(15分)‎ ‎ 请根据下面提示,写一篇短文,词数不少于50‎ ‎ 第一节 情景作文(20分)‎ ‎ 一、内容要点:‎ ‎ 1、骑车去植树 ‎ 2、植树 ‎ 3、安插提示牌 ‎ 4、照相 ‎ 二、说明:‎ ‎ 内容要点可用不同方式表达 ‎ 【参考范文】‎ ‎ Green Action in Our Class ‎ April 12 is memorable because our class had a meaningful experience on that day. In the morning, we bicycled to the suburbs to plant trees, talking and laughing all the way. Upon arrival, we began to work immediately. Some were digging holes. Some were carrying and planting young trees. Others were watering them. After getting the work done, we put up a board reminding people to protect the trees. Before leaving we took some photos to record our green action. Seeing the lines of trees, we all had a sense of achievement. We feel it’s our duty to protect and beautify our environment.‎ ‎ 【解析】‎ ‎ 本文是设计巧妙的提纲要点式作文,与环保结合,立意较好。题材贴近学生实际,学生只要注意理清思路按照活动的内容和时间来写即可。‎ ‎ 【专家简评】‎ ‎ 在全国卷和地方卷中,08年只有北京卷是记叙文,09年又是记叙文。有趣的是,都是“红星中学高三一班的学生李华”。场景设置几无二致,形式更是何其相似乃尔。如果追索源头的话,全国卷NMET时代的连环画看图说故事便是始作俑者了。NMET1998年书面表达题跟北京卷有得一比。四格或六格连环画的形式,多少让人回到了九十年代。一个是红星农场,一个却是红星中学。就话题而言,08北京是春游活动,09北京是植树主题,而NMET1998则是参观活动主题,话题显然高度相关。‎ ‎ 第二节 开放作文(15分)‎ ‎ 【参考范文】‎ ‎ What an interesting picture! A Western young man, sitting at a table, is ready to eat a bowl of noodles. He is holding two forks the same way as we Chinese hold chopsticks. He is trying so hard to pick up the noodles that he is sweating a lot. At first glance, I think it’s a bit funny, for we Chinese take for granted that chopsticks are the tools for eating noodles. The man in the picture is trying to copy us. Obviously he is doing it the hard way. Maybe using one fork will do a better job, In my opinion, we don’t need to copy others’ ways of thinking. Sometimes a simpler way of doing things may be a better way.‎ ‎ 【解析】‎ ‎ 本文是开放性作文,要求考生把握好图画内容,发散表达。考生重点要看出这个人是卷发高鼻的外国人,要体会到西式刀叉对中式食物的矛盾性。‎ ‎ 【专家简评】‎ ‎ 北京卷每年的第二篇作文(开放作文)一直都比较新颖,也能引人思考,问题是往往那个思考的关键点(文眼),学生未必能抓住或说未必能清楚地表达出来,尤其是要达到一语破的之妙,在高考那种氛围中,似乎不易。In my opinion,we don’t need to copy others’ ways of thinking. Sometimes a simpler way of doing things may be a better way. 这样的灵智多么需要现场的急智啊!如何让自己的思想收缩在几个简单的句子结构里面,这本身就是智慧。‎ ‎ 北京卷的短文写作基本形成了自己的风格。近几年一直比较稳定。而2010年的北京随着课改的深入,高考应该会发生一些变化。‎ ‎ 四、(2009.天津卷)‎ ‎ 61.假设你是晨光中学的学生会主席李华。学生会将举办每年一度的英语演讲比赛,本年度的主题为“The English Novel I Like Best”。作为组织者,你将在演讲比赛开幕时发言,请你根据以下提示用英语写一篇发言稿。‎ ‎ 1. 说明比赛的意义,如提高英语听说能力,养成读书的习惯等;‎ ‎ 2. 说明比赛的注意事项,如每人演讲不超过5分钟,语言流利,发音准确等;‎ ‎ 3. 预祝比赛圆满成功。‎ ‎ 注意:‎ ‎ 1.词数:不少于100词;‎ ‎ 2.可适当加入细节,以使行文连贯;‎ ‎ 3.发言稿的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入词数。‎ ‎ 一、评分原则 ‎ 1.本题总分为25分,按5个档次给分 ‎ 2.评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后综合给分。‎ ‎ 3.词数少于100的,从总分中减去2分。‎ ‎ 4.评分时,应注意的主要内容为:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性、上下文的连贯性及语言的得体性。‎ ‎ 5.拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面。每错误书写3个单词从总分中减去1分,原则上不超过3分,重复的不计。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。标点符号错误,将视其对交际的影响程度酌情减分。‎ ‎ 6.如书写较差,以至影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。‎ ‎ 二、内容要点 ‎ 1.说明比赛的意义,如提高英语听说能力,养成读书的习惯等;‎ ‎ 2.说明比赛的注意事项,如每人演讲不超过5分钟,语言流利,发音准确等;‎ ‎ 3.预祝比赛圆满成功。‎ ‎ 【参考范文】‎ ‎ Good afternoon. Ladies and gentlemen.‎ ‎ Welcome to this year’s English speech competition. Taking part in English speech competition is a helpful way to learn English. While we fully prepare for the competition, we can improve our abilities of listening and speaking and develop a good habit of reading English. In the process of the competition, you should pay special attention to the following rules. First, you should finish your speech in five minutes. Second, you try your best to express yourself in English fluently. Finally, you should have a good English pronunciation. ‎ ‎ I hope that the English speech competition wil be a great success!‎ ‎ Thank you! ‎ ‎ 【解析】‎ ‎ 本题属于提纲式作文,体裁为应用文中的演讲稿,题材内容贴近学生生活,给出要点表述较全,题的难度较小,考生注意一下几点即可:‎ ‎ 1、学生在写作时对所给要点逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要逐条翻译,语言不要太书面化。‎ ‎ 2、正确运用关联词,使上下文联系更加密切,逻辑性强。‎ ‎ 3、注意要使所写内容和原文所给出的开头、结尾处衔接自然,浑然一体。‎ ‎ 【专家简评】‎ ‎ 天津卷的一贯风格接近全国卷I。前五年主要涉及与中学生生活学习相关(04,07,08)话题和与外事活动相关话题(05,06)。09年则是与外语学习相关的话题。本题属于标题作文,天津共出现三次标题作文(04:中学生应该如何使用家长给的零花钱。07:How to Protect Our Eyesight)。体裁属于陈说性质,连续多年都使用陈说性质或陈说+议论性质,08年则是叙事+议论,这说明天津比较偏好陈说性质和议论性质这两类写作文体。‎ ‎ 五、(2009.四川卷)‎ ‎ 假设你是李华。你的外国笔友Jane打算于七月来中国,特来信了解中国人的社交习俗。请你用英语回一封信,从以下几个方面作具体介绍。‎ ‎ 1.页面时的问候方式;‎ ‎ 2.对毛病伯回答方式;‎ ‎ 3.接收礼物时的回应方式;‎ ‎ 4.餐宴礼节。‎ ‎ 注意:‎ ‎ 1.词数100左右,信的开头和结束语已为你写好(不计入总词数)。‎ ‎ 2.可根据内容要点适当增加细节,使行文连贯。‎ ‎ 【参考范文】‎ ‎ Dear Jane,‎ ‎ Glad to hear from you and you’re welcome to China in July. The following are some Chinese customs.‎ ‎ Firstly, we greet each other by saying “Hello” or asking such questions as “Where are you going?” or “Are you busy?” to express our care. Secondly, when praised, we reply with “Oh, no!” or “I’m over-praised” to show good manners. Next, when receiving a gift, we usually say “It’s unnecessary” besides “Thanks” to show politeness and then put it away. Finally, at dinner parties, we talk loudly and touch glasses when drinking to someone’s health or success to show that we’re warm.‎ ‎ Anyhow, different cultures, different customs. If you “Do as the Romans do when in Rome”, you’ll enjoy more of your stay here.‎ ‎ I hope what’s mentioned above might be helpful and wish you a good journey.‎ ‎ Yours sincerely,‎ ‎ Li Hua ‎ 【解析】‎ ‎ 本文是一种常规的书信体提纲式作文,要点有四,学生只要把四个要点用恰当的语言,条理的句子,合适的句式,表达完整,注意过渡和复杂句使用即可。‎ ‎ 【专家简评】‎ ‎ 我一直认为语言学习的过程中应该双向度渗透文化,而不是单纯地从目的语国舶来文化,而且,更应该在学习目的语的过程中就开始将母语文化做对等的交流。惟其如此,才能充分使学生在语言学习中体会文化比较的快感,这个快感也是双向的:一方面来自对异族语言文化的吸纳与接受,一方面来自对母语文化的更深层次的认同感和自豪感。如果仅仅是单向度的获取甚至是“掠取”异族文化或母语文化,而对其中之一进行贬损、排斥,这必然将语言学习引向反面,也必然会使生动有趣的语言学习变得枯燥乏味,同时也必然会使两种语言的学习都产生障碍,由学习观念的障碍演变成为学习行为的障碍。可喜的是,目前国人已有一种共识:要想学好外语,母语必须学好。双语相长,汉英互补,这样就可以大大的提高中国学生学习语言的效率。‎ ‎ 六、(2009.安徽卷)‎ ‎ 假设你正在参加全省中学生英语演讲比赛,请你针对有些父母经常翻看孩子日记或书包这一现象,写一篇演讲稿,陈述你的观点。‎ ‎ 演讲稿的主要内容应包括:‎ ‎ 认为同学们不必为此苦恼;‎ ‎ 希望能够体谅父母的苦衷;‎ ‎ 建议与父母进行交流和沟通。注意:‎ ‎ 1. 词数100左右;‎ ‎ 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;‎ ‎ 3. 开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。‎ ‎ 【参考范文】‎ ‎ Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.‎ ‎ Some of us are having problems with our parents, as they often look into our school bags or read our diaries. I fully understand why we are not comfortable about it, but there’s no need to feel too sad. Our parents are checking our bags or diaries to make sure we’re not getting into any trouble. They have probably heard some horrible stories about other kids and thought we might do the same. Or perhaps they just want to connect with us but are dong it all wrong. My suggestion is: Tell them we want them to trust us as much as we’d like to trust them. If you don’t think you can talk to them, write them a letter and leave it lying around—thy are bound to read it.‎ ‎ Thank you!‎ ‎ 【解析】‎ ‎ 本文属于提纲类作文,体裁为应用文中的演讲稿,题材的现实性强,考生的话语较多,显见这种作文,难度不大,考生应注意基本语言和句式的运用,以及上下文的过渡。‎ ‎ 【专家简评】‎ ‎ 五年来,安徽基本上都是走的陈说(05)和陈说+议论(06,07,08)的文体路线。09年则来了一个典型的议论性质文体,这是一个很了不起的进步。和天津卷一样,话题场景设置为英语演讲比赛一类的活动。话题非常好,贴近中学生的实际生活。也是中学生十分困惑又十分敏感的一个问题。对于这样的问题,中学生一般都有话可说,也有话能说。往往有这样的情况,有话可说是满肚子的汉语在心中翻滚,可是无法转成英语。而这个话题的最大好处就在于有话能说。不过,本题的控制程度较高,三个观点已经用汉语给出,考生只需将其翻译或形成比较好的适合书面形态的英语即可。有几个问题值得师生们探讨。在这样的控制下,如何使语言表达更加贴切?如何用较高级语汇来表达?如何过渡?如何画龙点睛?如何使文气贯通等等?‎ ‎ 七、(2009.山东卷)‎ ‎ 第二节 写作(满分30分) ‎ ‎ 假设你是李华,曾在美国学习半年,现已回国。你想联系你的美国老师Mr. Smith,但没有其联系方式。请根据以下要点给你的美国同学Tom 写一封信: ‎ ‎ 1. 感谢Tom对你英语学习的帮助; ‎ ‎ 2. 询问Mr, smith 的近况并索要其联系方式; ‎ ‎ 3. 邀请Tom在春节期间来中国感受中国文化。 ‎ ‎ 注意:1. 词数120-150; ‎ ‎ 2.可适当增加细节。 ‎ ‎ 【参考范文】‎ ‎ Dear Tom, ‎ ‎ I am now back China and sound. In this letter I would like to convey my heartfelt appreciation to you for your kind assistance in my English learning when I was in New York. Additionally, your generous help and tender care made me feel warmly welcomed and transformed my first American trip into a unforgettable memory.‎ ‎ I have been missing our English professor, Mr. Smith whose unusual cast of mind, wide and varied knowledge, together with a singular personal charm, combined to exert a strong influence on me. What about him recently? I desire to contact him for some suggestions on improving my listening ability. However, his email address is not available. So would you mind delivering it to me via the online mailbox?‎ ‎ I am more than delighted to invite you to join us to celebrate the Spring Festival -Chinese Lunar New Year so that I can repay your friendship. You can partner with me to have a try in lion dances ,which is extremely exciting. And the grand lantern festival parade will be bound to impress you. I assure you that you would enjoy visiting here as I did at you home.‎ ‎ With my best regards! Yours cordially, Li Hua ‎ 【解析】‎ ‎ 本文仍属于半开放性体裁,与书写体结合给考生发挥的空间,考生按照三个要点的提 ‎ 示,用合适的句式,句型表达出来即可。‎ ‎ 【专家简评】‎ ‎ 李华,写信,海外学习背景,回国后的联系。和全国卷I短文写作的基本命题路数一致,是一种小心翼翼的翻版。所给话题第三条“邀请Tom在春节期间来中国感受中国文化”不失为很好的思路。语言的学习离不开文化,语言的交流更离不开母语文化的输出,学习别国语言并不代表别国的语言优于母语,更不等于别国的文化优于母语文化,只不过各自文化的发展路径不一样,文化的优势结构也不一样,等等。其实,文化的多元性和多样性只能说明我们这个世界丰富多彩,而不能由此得出自家文化不如别国文化的观点。所以,学习语言的目的不外乎两个,一是要“师夷之长技”,也就是要将别国的器物文化、制度文化到思想文化化为己用,使自己的文化更为先进和发达;另一个则是“自立于世界民族之林”,也就是要将自己的独特的灿烂的文化推介出去。所以,分省命题六年来,大家都接受了这样一个观点,那就是不仅要掌握目的语背后的东西,更要关怀母语背后的东西。不仅要关注异族语言与文化的输入,更要关注母语及自家文化的输出。‎ ‎ 八、(2009.陕西卷)‎ ‎ 假定你是李华。在一个英文网络论坛上, 你看到一个名叫Grown-up的中学生发帖(post)寻求帮助, 请根据帖子内容, 写作要点和要求回贴。 ‎ ‎ 写作要点: ‎ ‎ 1. 告诉Grown-up要理解母亲; ‎ ‎ 2. 给Grown-up提出解决问题的具体建议。 ‎ ‎ 要求: ‎ ‎ 1. 短文需写在答题卡的指定区域。 ‎ ‎ 2. 短文词数不少于80(不含已写好的部分)。 ‎ ‎ 3. 内容充实, 结构完整, 语意连贯。 ‎ ‎ 4. 书写须清晰、工整。 Ks5‎ ‎ 【参考范文】‎ ‎ Hi, Grown-up,‎ ‎ As a student of your age, I understand your situation. The problem you are facing is common among our teenagers. However, it should be wise not to do anything that may hurt her feelings. Here are a few suggestions.‎ ‎ First, it’s advisable to talk more with your mom. Heart to heart talks help you understand each other better. They are also opportunities to let her know your ideas of and attitudes toward many things.‎ ‎ Second, you should learn to do your own things well, proving to your mom that you are already a “Grown-up”. It’s even better if you could share more of the housework, such as cleaning, washing and cooking.‎ ‎ 【解析】‎ ‎ 考生在写作中应该注意如下几点:‎ ‎ 1. 文体:应用文(电子邮件)。‎ ‎ 2. 主体时态:一般现在时。‎ ‎ 3. 主体人称:第二人称。‎ ‎ 4. 内容要点:① 问题介绍;②建议一;③建议二;④我的愿望。‎ ‎ 亮点句式:‎ ‎ 1.The problem you are facing is common among our teenagers.‎ ‎ 2.Here are a few suggestions.‎ ‎ 3.it’s advisable to talk more with your mom.‎ ‎ 4.They are also opportunities to let her know your ideas of and attitudes towards ‎ ‎ many things.‎ ‎ 5.Second, you should learn to do your own things well.‎ ‎ 【专家简评】‎ ‎ 李华,英文网络论坛,这是高考英语写作中第一次出现回帖的形式,尽管回帖和回信、回电子邮件没有本质的差别,但是场景设置显然更加贴近时代了,也更没有写信的形式限制了。因此,质而言之,这种回帖仍然属于短文写作范畴。这个话题是关于成长的困惑和烦恼,即自己认为自己已经成人,但在父母眼中仍然是孩子。这个当然是老话题,无甚新意,但由于这个话题是开放式的,即题中所提供的材料只是起到了引发话题的作用,不像其他卷种那样由于材料丰富使得考生作文只是做一做翻译或接近翻译的工作,而陕西卷却要求考生提出个人思考:“理解母亲”和“解决问题的具体建议”。“理解母亲”起码可以有两个思路:一是可以写出年轻人应该主动接近母亲,积极理解母亲。二是可以写出如何理解母亲的具体方式,比如,开诚布公的谈话,多关心母亲等等。而“解决问题的具体建议”却要求考生放开思维,自己找话说。可能因为众多考生都会有话可说,甚至可能出现千差万别的思路和千差万别的作文,这样可能对有效和公平阅卷会产生一定的不利影响。但是,09陕西卷不仅有个好话题,而且还有个好形式,因为这个展开性话题留给考生的思维空间相对较大。‎ ‎ 九、(2009.江西卷)‎ ‎ 学校即将举行以“Turning a bad mood(心情)into a good one ”为题目的英语作文比赛,请按下列要求定一篇100词左右的记叙文或议论文。‎ ‎ 1.好心情的重要性。 ‎ ‎ 2. 产生坏心情的原因。 ‎ ‎ 3. 应该如何调整心情。‎ ‎ 记叙文 议论文 ‎ 1.发生的具体事件。 ‎ ‎ 2. 对你的心情有何影响? ‎ ‎ 3. 你如何应对?‎ ‎ 【参考范文】议论文 ‎ Turning a Bad Mood into A Good One ‎ It is very important for us to have a good mood in our daily life. If you have a good mood, you will be happy with everything in the world. Most importantly, you will have a optimistic effect on the people around you. We all will live a harmonious and happy life. It is also good for your health.‎ ‎ However,sometimes when you meet some difficulties, when you quarrel with others or when you fail in doing something. You may have a bad mood. If so, you should get rid of it as soon as possible. As we all know, every thing has its two sides. So you should think more about its bright side. We are sure that everything will be better with time passing by. Remember: Only you can make yourself happy.‎ ‎ I hope that everyone has a good mood every day!‎ ‎ 【解析】‎ ‎ 今年依然是开放式的作文,只提出了一个话题“Turning a bad mood into a good one”, 并给出了体裁上的选择和内容上的简要提示。话题非常切合学生实际生活,考生只要按照要点去写,注意过渡即可。‎ ‎ 【专家简评】‎ ‎ 这是第一次在地方卷种中对写作形式(体裁)作出的可选性规定,并分别给出了具体写作内容及写作说明。此举为创新。这个标题作文的命制具备双重可选特征,即既可以通过一个故事的叙述来完成,也可以通过对同主题的议论(重要性、原因与方法)来完成。这是一个典型的标题作文,江西05年获得自主命题权,五年来,基本上为标题作文形式(除05年外),此次尤为特别。可以预见,在今后的全国卷地方卷试题改革中,这种形式将会成为各卷种效仿的对象,甚至可能走得更远。‎ ‎ 不过也要指出的是,在本题记叙文要求下的第三条“你如何应对”,笔者认为这样的表述说明文的口气过重,容易误导考生的写作。最好表述为“你是如何应对的”。这样的表述才是叙事性的而不是说明性的了。第二条稍微好一点,不过建议改为“对你的心情产生了什么影响”。总之,那种“如何”,“有何”之类具有说明文性质的表述容易让考生写作时发生体裁“跑偏”现象。‎ ‎ 十、(2009.江苏卷)‎ ‎ 鼠标是计算机时代最佳的人机交互工具之一。它极大地方便了人们的计算机操作。但是,过分依赖鼠标的习惯也会带来一些不利影响。请你以鼠标为切入点,根据下表所提示的信息,用英语写一篇短文。‎ ‎ 鼠标的必要性对多数人来说,操作计算机,上网冲浪……‎ ‎ 鼠标的便捷性 ‎ ‎ 点击、移动、插入、拷贝、删除……编辑文本,搜索信息……‎ ‎ 收发邮件,选购商品……‎ ‎ 点播音乐,下载电影……‎ ‎ 如果过分依赖鼠标…… (请考生结合自身感受,列举两到三点)‎ ‎ 注意:‎ ‎ 1.对所给要点逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。‎ ‎ 2.词数150左右。开头已经写好,不计人总词数。‎ ‎ 3.作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。‎ ‎ 【参考范文】‎ ‎ The mouse is a most effective device used by people to communicate with a computer.‎ ‎ For most people, it’s almost impossible to operate a computer without a mouse, let alone surf the Internet. A well-chosen mouse is really handy, flexible and convenient in controlling the screen. With the functions of inserting, deleting, moving and copying, it enables us to edit test, browse web page and download what we want. It can even bring us a flood of music, movies and PC games. Just imagine, all this can be done with a cute mouse.‎ ‎ A convenient tool can certainly make our work easier, but it doesn’t always help in a positive way. Too much ready information on our fingertips leaves little room for knowledge pursuing. Too many ready answers make us less excited in finding truth. Relying too much on mouse clicking makes us lazier and less creative both mentally and physically.(153 words)‎ ‎ 【解析】‎ ‎ 本文为提纲式说明文体裁,所选内容与我们生活相关,考生只要把所给要点逐条陈述,适度发挥,不要逐条翻译即可。‎ ‎ 【专家简评】‎ ‎ 对于江苏的考生而言,自08年改革以来,整卷分值虽然下降为120分,但短文写作的分值仍然是25分,和绝大多数卷种同题赋分一样。但是,从写作词数要求、写作话题和写作形式(体裁)几个维度来看,江苏卷的写作可以归为比较难的一类。第一,写作词数要达到150左右的卷种,目前只有广东和江苏两地,09年江苏范文词数为153词。第二,六年来,江苏的话题选择有一个明显的特点:时代性比较强。从“江城介绍”(04)、“建设和谐社会”(05),“奥运志愿者的宜与忌”(06),“阳光体育活动”(07),到09年的“鼠标的利弊”等,这个话题选择的路径鲜明地反映出江苏卷对时代的敏感性,问题是这些特色话题又给考生带来了表达上的困难。对于优秀的考生,这种话题可能如鱼得水,而对于中等偏下的考生,这种话题显然有点“尴尬”:想说点什么,但要嘛说不出,要嘛说不好。第三,这个“难”还表现在写作形式上,几年来,江苏卷主要采用的是混合形式的写作:陈说+议论。我分析了一下09年江苏卷给的范文,尽管鼠标的好处部分汉语提示很充分,控制很严,但要想精确表达,也不容易。尤其是题中未列出“不利影响”的部分,考生要想用寥寥三、四句话把这个“不利影响”说明白显然需要功力,这个功力首先是要分析什么才是不利影响,列出个一二三,其次是如何转换成英语,最后才是如何集中而简洁地优化句子结构,使之达意而且有条理。由此看来,江苏卷今年的难度不低,如果再在阅读上加大阅读量,那整卷难度就可想而知了。另外,江苏有命制标题作文的习惯(05,06,08),09年卷虽然没有直接给出标题,也没有要求考生写出标题,但主体性标题已十分明晰。‎ ‎ 十一、(2009.湖南卷)‎ ‎ 假设你是某中学新老师李红,请给你的朋友张华写一封信,告诉他你第一天上课的情况,主要内容如下:‎ ‎ 1. 描述一件课堂上令你印象深刻的事情;‎ ‎ 2. 介绍你处理该事的方式;‎ ‎ 3. 谈谈你的感想。‎ ‎ 注意:‎ ‎ 1. 词数不少于120个;‎ ‎ 2. 可适当发挥想象,增加细节,以使行文连贯;‎ ‎ 3. 文中不得出现与本人及学校相关的任何真实信息。‎ ‎ 【参考范文】‎ ‎ Dear Zhang Hua,‎ ‎ It’s three months since I heard from you last time. Now I want to tell you an impressive story happened on my first lesson.‎ ‎ On hearing the bell, students ran into the classroom as quickly as they can. But a boy, Li Ming, whose father died a month ago, was late for the class. He stood outside the classroom, silently. I smiled to him and let him came in. After a while, he cried on his desk. Then I walked to him and asked what had happened .He told me that his mother was ill and he had to take some medicine for her. At the same time, he apologized to me for his lateness. Moved by his words, I praised him for his deeds and decided to sing a song named “Mother” for the students. How time flies! Class was over before I realized it.‎ ‎ From the story I felt we should respect our parents and do our best to help them. Do you think so? I’m looking forward to your reply.‎ ‎ Yours truly,‎ ‎ Li Hong ‎ 【解析】‎ ‎ 本文属于半开放性提纲式书信体,要点有三,选材学生熟悉,也是发生在他们身边的故事,学生只要把握准情景和要求,使表达的内容不走题即可。‎ ‎ 【专家简评】‎ ‎ 湖南卷这是第二次在短文写作中涉及老师(06Mr Moore,09李红)。第一次出现考生假设人是教师——“假设你是某中学新老师李红”。这个假设在历年的高考英语各卷种中都没有出现过,可以理解为考生毕业后的可能,但这个可能只能是大学毕业后的事情了,看来这个未来生活起码还得四年时间。可以划归到第三主题“与考生未来生活相关”。但由于考查的主题仍然是有关学习和课堂之间的事情,总的说来,有话可说,也有话能说,起码可以杜撰一点熟悉的东西。‎ ‎ 十二、(2009.湖北卷):‎ ‎ 假设你是华华,与英国网友汤姆约定用对方的母语通信,以提高各自的外语水平。最近你收到汤姆的电子邮件(附后),发现有一个成语使用不当。请根据下列要点,用英文回一封电子邮件。 ‎ ‎ 要点: ‎ ‎ 1.不应使用 “无所不为”,应使用 “无所事事”; ‎ ‎ 2.说明这两个成语的用法; ‎ ‎ 3.给予鼓励。 ‎ ‎ 注意: 1.词数为1叨左右; ‎ ‎ 2.参考释义:无所不为一do all kinds of bad things ‎ ‎ 无所事事一have nothing to do ‎ ‎ 3.除以上两个成语外,邮件中不得使用其它汉字或拼音; ‎ ‎ 4. 电子邮件的开头和结尾已为你写好(不计人你所写词数),但不得抄人答题卡。 ‎ ‎ 附(汤姆的邮件): ‎ ‎ 华华,你好! ‎ ‎ 近几天在忙什么事?有什么有意思的事吗?我们的学校放假了,所以这几天在家无所不为,饱食终日,只好上网发伊妹儿。没意思。我决定找份工作,做个自食其力的人。祝好! ‎ ‎ 汤姆 ‎ ‎ (以下所给内容不得抄入答题卡) ‎ ‎ 【参考范文】‎ ‎ Hi! Tom ‎ ‎ Nice to read your e-mail today. I noticed you’ve begun to use Chinese idioms and used most of them correctly. ‎ ‎ However, I’m afraid there is one mistake I’d like to point out. It is “无所不为”. This idiom means “do all kinds of bad things”. Are you doing all kinds of bad things at home? I guess what you were really trying to say is that you’ve got nothing to do these days. In that case, you should use “无所事事” . We usually use “无所不为” to express the idea that people dare to do anything bad, and “无所事事” to describe the situation in which people have got nothing meaningful to do. Have I made myself clear? ‎ ‎ Anyway, I’m amazed at the progress you’ve made. ‎ ‎ Hop you’ll find a good job soon. ‎ ‎ Huahua ‎ ‎ 【解析】‎ ‎ 本文题材现实性强,属于较为保守的提纲式作文,考生只要审好题按照要点去表达即可。‎ ‎ 【专家简评】‎ ‎ 六年来,湖北卷的写信人物比较多样而且有趣:05年是明华给建华写信,07年是李华(也是学生会主席,跟09天津卷一样)写信,08年则改成了一个十分怪异人名——卜曼宜,其谐音极似“不满意”或“not very easy”.而09年摇身一变又改成了华华,看来湖北卷是离不开李华同学的影子了。不过好歹总比卜曼宜好些。‎ ‎ 本题和04年全国卷I的写作题类似(外国人学中文,中文歌曲比赛),另外,07年高考语文湖北卷作文题也是以母语为话题的,这三者之间似乎有某种联系。不过,本题对语言本身要求更具体,甚至讨论到了成语的用法。应该说,能讨论这么细致的汉语问题对于中学生学英语而言是一个很大的刺激或促进。而且,毫不夸张地说,跨语言、跨文化的启示意义深蕴其间,对其他各卷种的命题思路不无裨益。‎ ‎ 十三、(2009.福建卷) ‎ ‎ 某英语报社拟成立“微笑俱乐部”,现向癸未征募会员。要求申请者提交一篇题为“I want to Smile”的英语短文。请你以申请者的身份,根据以下思路图的提示用英语写一篇短文。 ‎ ‎ 注意: ‎ ‎ 1. 根据思路图适当展开,以使行文连贯; ‎ ‎ 2. 词数:120左右 ‎ ‎ There are many advantages of smiling. It can not only make us happy, but also please others. If we smile at life, life will smile on us in return. So I want to smile at all whenever and wherever possible, ‎ ‎ First, I would like to smile at my parents because they have given me life and take all the trouble to bring me up. They arrange almost everything for me. With their help, I have made great progress. I would like to say “Thank you” to them with a smile. Then my smile should go to myself, for only in this way can I gain more confidence in smiling my troubles away and live a better life. ‎ ‎ In a word, let’s greet every day with a smile. Tomorrow is another day. ‎ ‎ 【解析】‎ ‎ 本文为图画式作文,做题的关键是审题,考生要把握如下几点:‎ ‎ 1.文体:说明文。‎ ‎ 2.主体时态:一般现在时。‎ ‎ 3.主体人称:第一人称。‎ ‎ 4.内容要点:①微笑的优点;②想对其微笑的人物(父母);③对父母微笑的理由;④对 ‎ ‎ 自己微笑的理由;⑤总结。‎ ‎ 【专家简评】‎ ‎ 本题是一个好的标题作文(05福建卷:My Opinion on Cheating in Examinations)。六年来,福建卷基本上使用的是议论性质的写作文体(04陈说,05、06议论,07、08陈说+议论),09年是一个典型的议论性质的文体。话题也非常好,和安徽卷一样,非常适合中学生表达。但从命题的角度看,写作难度较高,因为本题的控制方法不是采用汉语提纲形式,而是采用图文形式,在语言转换上较安徽卷难。从所给范文看,语言难度不高,但思维难度不低。考生得分不易。‎ ‎ 十四、(2009.广东卷)‎ ‎ 第一节 基础写作(共1小题,满分15分)‎ ‎ 你是校报小记者,最近进行了一次采访。以下是这次采访的情况: ‎ ‎ 时间: 上周末 ‎ 对象: 眼科医生(eye-doctor)王教授 ‎ 主题: 我国中小学生近视(short-sightedness)问题 ‎ 基本信息: (1)发生率: 略高于50%‎ ‎ (2)人数: 世界第一 ‎ 专家解读: (1)原因: 很复杂 ‎ (2)治疗: 没有哪一种药物能治愈近视 ‎ (3)建议: 不要过度用眼;多参加户外活动 ‎ (4)特别提示: 如何握笔也和近视有关 ‎ [写作内容]‎ ‎ 根据以上情况写一篇采访报道,并包括如下内容: ‎ ‎ 1. 采访的时间、对象和主题;‎ ‎ 2. 中小学生近视的发生率及人数;‎ ‎ 3. 专家解读。‎ ‎ [写作要求]‎ ‎ 只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。‎ ‎ [评分标准]‎ ‎ 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。‎ ‎ 【参考范文】‎ ‎ Last weekend, I had an interview with eye-doctor Professor Wang about our country primary and middle students’ short-sightedness. It is said that slightly more than 50% students, which ranks the No. ‎1 in the world, are short-sighted. Professor Wang said the reason of short-sightedness is complicated and three is still no cure for short-sightedness. He suggested that we should not overuse our eyes and do more outdoor exercises. What’s more, since the holding of pen has something to do with the short-sightedness, we need to pay attention to using the pen.‎ ‎ 【解析】‎ ‎ 本文题材贴近学生实际生活,这个话题真正的做到“话题来源于学生实际生活”‎ ‎。近视眼是每个校园所必不可少的现象,是学生校园生活得隐形热点。因此今年的基础写作题目让每个学生都有话可说。考生要注意三大要点和表格内容,恰当表达即可。‎ ‎ 【专家简评】‎ ‎ 本题话题为近视问题,天津卷曾涉及过(07天津卷:How to Protect Our Eyesight)。但角度有不同。广东卷侧重的是问题本身的描述,而天津则是强调的如何保护视力。不过,能有做天津卷的经验,对广东卷也就不会有难的感觉。更何况广东卷所给信息非常充分,对于考生而言,剩下的主要是组织句子了。需要特别指出的是,陈说性质的文体其核心在于陈述和说明(包括介绍),即讲清楚一桩事情。‎ ‎ 第二节 读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)‎ ‎ 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。‎ ‎ Jackie is perhaps the most easily annoyed koala(考拉)at the Featherdale Wildlife Park in southern Australia. All the koalas there are unhappy and complaining. You would be too if you were used to night activities and someone kept waking you up all day while you were trying to sleep it off. That’s right—sleep it off. The average koala is always half asleep because it feeds on the leaves of a special kind that makes it sleepy. ‎ ‎ Thereason Jackie and her fellow koalas are repeatedly awoken from their deep sleep is so they can be hugged and photographed by tourists,who make the trips to Featherdale and an increasing number of other national parks for just that special experience. Whatever department in the Aussie government in charge of such things is now moving to make the practice illegal,which is understandable. How would you react,my friend,if you were trying to sleep off a dozen times and some round,furry creature smelling of grass kept waking you?‎ ‎ * 考拉即树袋熊 ‎ [写作内容]‎ ‎ 1. 以约30个词概括这段短文的内容;‎ ‎ 2. 然后以约120个词就“该不该禁止游客和动物拍照”进行议论,内容包括: ‎ ‎ (1)人们在参观动物园时为什么喜欢和动物拍照;‎ ‎ (2)假如你处在那些动物的处境,你会有什么反应;‎ ‎ (3)你认为是否应该禁止游客和动物拍照。‎ ‎ [写作要求]‎ ‎ 1. 在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;‎ ‎ 2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。‎ ‎ [评分标准]‎ ‎ 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。‎ ‎ 【参考范文】‎ ‎ The passage narrates that koalas who are repeatedly awoken from their deep sleep are unhappy and complaining for tourists taking photos. The author appeals to us to be more kind to animals.‎ ‎ The reasons why tourists like taking photos of the animals in the zoo perhaps vary from people to people. Some think it a happy reminder of their visit to the zoo or the animals, while others may consider it just sort of fun to have. But anyway they may not share the deep feelings of the animals.‎ ‎ If I were in the same position as the animal in the zoo, my reaction would be very severe strongly against being photographed. No having peaceful surroundings to sleep, don’t you suffer restless and fidgets. No doubt we do and so do the animals.‎ ‎ I think it necessary to ban tourists’ taking pictures with animals, making a comfortable environment for them to live and regarding them as our friends, so as to found harmonious relations with animals.‎ ‎ 【解析】‎ ‎ 今年的读写任务让学生就“该不该禁止游客和动物拍照”展开议论。议论文的写作有助于培养学生正确的价值观,纠正不正确的价值观。今年的读写任务暗中旨在培养学生保护野生动物的观念、把多一点的空间还给动物的观念、与动物和谐共存的观念。‎ ‎ 如果考生从“应该禁止游客和动物拍照”这一观点入手的话就迎合了阅读材料,同时也能够受到改卷老师的青睐。‎ ‎ 【专家简评】‎ ‎ 自2007年广东卷改革以来,写作部分的两个试题在写作要求上均过于详细,控制程度很高。尤其是后者,尽管是阅读后的写作,但要领已经被列出,实际上难度已经大大下降。当然,广东卷这么做的主要目的无外乎便于教师阅卷,收缩考生的思维,不给考生跑题的机会。但是若往深的追问,本题给学生的思维空间并不多,这个值得考量。三年来,广东卷已经在短文写作上逐渐形成定势。‎ ‎ 十五、(2009.辽宁卷) ‎ ‎ 假定你住在一个涉外小区。社区委员会请你帮忙用英文以短文的形式写一封电子邮件,将周末农家采摘活动的安排传达给住户。 ‎ ‎ 要点: ‎ ‎ 时间:下周六上午8:00至11:00 ‎ ‎ 内容:采摘苹果 ‎ ‎ 报名:办公室,下周四下午5:00前 ‎ ‎ 提示:带帽子、手套 ‎ ‎ 注意: ‎ ‎ 1. 词数100左右,开头已为你写好。 ‎ ‎ 2. 可适当增加细节以使行文连贯。 ‎ ‎ 3. 参考词汇:社区 community ‎ ‎ 第二节: ‎ ‎ 一、 评分原则 ‎ ‎ 1. 本题总分为25分, 按5个档次给分。 ‎ ‎ 2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。 ‎ ‎ 3. 词数少于80和多余120的,从总分中减去2分。 ‎ ‎ 4.评分时应注意的主要内容为:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的丰富性和准确性及上下文的连贯性。 ‎ ‎ 5.拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面。评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。 ‎ ‎ 6.如书写较差以至影响交际,将其分数降低一个档次。 ‎ ‎ 二、内容要点 ‎ ‎ 1.时间:下周六上午8:00 至 11:00 ‎ ‎ 2.内容:采摘苹果 ‎ ‎ 3.报名:办公室,下周四下午5:00前 ‎ ‎ 4.提示:带帽子、手套 ‎ ‎ 5.欢迎踊跃参加 ‎ ‎ 【参考范文】‎ ‎ Dear neighbors,‎ ‎ We are very happy announce that our community is going to organize an activity for all the community members. Next Saturday, we going to pick apples in a village 20 kilometers away from our town, and all are welcome. We will meet at 8:00 am at the gate, where a blue bus will be waiting. Our outdoor activity will last 3 hours, and we’ll be back at about 11 o’clock.‎ ‎ If you are interested, please sign up at the office before 5:00 pm next Thursday so that we will make necessary arrangements.‎ ‎ We suggest that you bring with you a hat and a pair of gloves.‎ ‎ We are looking forward to your joining us.‎ ‎ Community Office ‎ 【解析】‎ ‎ 本题命制稳健,是中学教学中最为常见的提纲式作文。给出要点学生有话可说。‎ ‎ 第一步:审题 ‎ 1、看要求:本题要求以短文的形式写一封电子邮件,将周末农家采摘活动的安排传达给住户。开头已经写好,这样格式应该已经给出,审题的重点放在要点和要求上:要点有五项,注意有三项,但注意的第一项是重要的一项。 ‎ ‎ 2、理思路:调整要点,讲清本次活动的安排。可以先将活动的时间,活动的内容,要求、注意事项表达出来;然后再写5和3要点,这样逻辑清晰表达合理。‎ ‎ 第二步:写作 ‎ 可以先在草纸上起草,用自己最有把握的句型、单词、短语去表达,要尝试最简单的复杂句,如用定语从句、宾语从句等,但句式不易过于复杂,要用一些恰当的连词,使句与句之间、段与段之间过渡自然。‎ ‎ 第三步:检查 ‎ 作文写完后,最后要进行检查。重点放在要点写全了吗?时态、语态、动词的数、单词拼写对了吗?标点符号、大小写用对了吗?检查完后再抄写在试卷上,注意卷面的整洁。‎ ‎ 【专家简评】‎ ‎ 主题与考生学习生活或学校活动无关,但由于是以涉外小区为背景所开展的社区活动,主题空间更为开阔,因此该主题大体符合高考英语写作话题的一般思路,可以归类为外事活动。通常,命题以要点形式给出和以汉语题干形式给出,对考生而言,前者的难度要大于后者。因为要点内容的呈现一般看不出英语的句式结构,而如果是完整或半完整句式的汉语题干却能让考生比较容易辨别出英语句式结构。这本身就是一种便利。因此,对于各命题单位而言,这几种形式都应该依据整卷难度的分布情况加以合理配备使用,以免过难或过易。‎ ‎ 十六、(2009.浙江卷)‎ ‎ ‎5月1日,高二(3)班的学生志愿者Li Yue 和 Zhang Hua 去阳光敬老院(Sunshine Nursing Home)开展志愿者活动(送水果.打扫.聊天等)。假如你是校英语报的记者,请按下列要点用英语写一则100-120个词的新闻报道。 ‎ ‎ 1.时间.地点.任务.活动; ‎ ‎ 2.老人们的反应; ‎ ‎ 3.简短评论。 ‎ ‎ 注意:报道的标题和记者姓名已给出(不记词数)。 ‎ ‎ Student Volunteers Brought Sunshine to the Elderly ‎ ‎ s5【参考范文】 ‎ ‎ Student Volunteers Brought Sunshine to the Elderly ‎ ‎ On May Day, Li Yue and Zhang Hua, students from Class Three, Grade Two, went to Sunshine Nursing Home and did some voluntary work. Upon their arrival, Li Yue and Zhang Hua were warmly welcomed, and respectfully, they presented the elderly with flowers and fruits. Then, they started working at once, cleaning the windows and sweeping the floor. Everything done, they sat in the yard chatting with the elderly people. ‎ ‎ When it was time for the volunteers to leave, the elderly people thanked them for their kindness. They said it was such a beautiful day that they would remember it forever. ‎ ‎ Li Yue and Zhang Hua were very happy. What they did has brought joy to others and enriched their own lives. ‎ ‎ By Chen Jie, School Newspaper ‎ ‎ 【解析】‎ ‎ 本文仍属于提纲式半开放性体裁的作文,选材贴近学生实际,有利于考生的正常发挥,考生只要按照所给要点的思路来写即可。‎ ‎ 【专家简评】‎ ‎ 09浙江卷的话题和07湖北卷相似,又是志愿者,又是敬老,了无新意。但这并不就说明该卷乏善可陈。若从以考生为本的角度看,该卷第一次出现在题中直接给出汉语拼音人名,而不是汉语人名,这也算是一个首创。目的只有一个:避免考生出错。其实,遮掩在汉语拼音中的人名也让人看不出这个人名究竟是汉语中的哪几个字,因为对于外国人而言,字母人名只是一个符号,他们是无法想象汉字人名所携带着的鲜活感和亲切感的。‎ ‎ 浙江卷前几年基本上是选择疑问句式的标题作文。例如:“Film or book, which do you prefer?”(06),请你围绕“How do you prefer your English classes to be taught? In English only, or in both English and Chinese?”这个问题…(07),“Working Individually or Working in a Team”(08)。09年不在题中给出标题,却在文中直接给出标题,不知何意?不知这个对于检测考生的实际能力有何帮助?另外,虽然说的是新闻报道,但实际上是一个典型的叙事性质的短文写作。08年仅北京考了一篇叙事性质的写作。09年,除了北京继续考了叙事外,浙江也出现了叙事性质的文体要求。对于浙江考生而言,其写作难度应该远远低于前五年的写作要求了,应该是福。‎ ‎ 十七、(2009.重庆卷)‎ ‎ 国外某网站举办新一轮网上讨论活动,正面向全球中学生征集话题。假设你是新华中学的学生李华,经常访问该网站。现请你用英文给该网站发送一封电子邮件,向其推荐话题。 ‎ ‎ 内容包括: ‎ ‎ 自我简介 ‎ ‎ 写信目录 ‎ ‎ 话题:我们应该感恩(thankful) ‎ ‎ 推荐的理由 ‎ ‎ 预祝活动成功 ‎ ‎ 注意: ‎ ‎ 1.词数100左右 ‎ ‎ 2.邮件格式已为你给出 ‎ ‎ 3.邮件中不能出现本人真实信息 ‎ ‎ 4.请在答题卡上作答 ‎ ‎ 【参考范文】‎ ‎ Dear,‎ ‎ I am Li Hua, a student from Xin‎ Hua ‎Middle School. I often visit your website. I am very glad to know that you will make a new round of courses and are collecting topics facing the middle school students. As a student, I really want to recommend a topic to you wholeheartedly. It is that we should be thankful. Living in this world, we have many people that we should be thankful to. We should be thankful to our parents because it was they that brought us into this world; we should be thankful to our teachers because they taught us everything we know and we should be thankful to our friends because when we meet difficulties, they always give us a hand. So I can say we live in a grateful world. I hope that the activity will be a great success.‎ ‎ 【解析】‎ ‎ 这是一篇命题巧妙地书写体半开发性提纲式作文。话题树有教育意义,符合中学实际引导学生思考问题。在写作中应注意如下几点:‎ ‎ 1. 紧紧围绕话题“我们应该感恩”。‎ ‎ 2. 但自我简介、 写信目录 、推荐的理由 、预祝活动成功都是围绕话题展开。‎ ‎ 3. 注意分清段落层次,上下文的过渡。‎ ‎ 【专家简评】‎ ‎ 从写作文体要求看,重庆卷04年要求写记叙文,05年则改成议论文,近四年基本上是陈说性质的文体。就话题而言,近四年都与外事活动或外语学习相关。不过,09年的话题是涉外的话题征集,有些特点。六年来,三次短文写作,三次邮件(其中两次电子邮件)。李华同学出现3次(06,07,09)。总的说来,重庆卷一直比较谨慎,命题基本上没有超出全国卷I的范式。‎ ‎ 十八、(2009.上海卷)‎ ‎ Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.‎ ‎ 某海外学校举办英语夏令营,开设了如下课程:园艺(gardening),烹饪(cooking),防身术(self-defence),护理(nursing)。假如你是王跃华(不可以用自己的真实姓名),写一封申请信,报名参加其中一门课程的学习。信的内容必须包括:‎ ‎ 你感兴趣的课程 ‎ 你期望从这门课程中学到什么 ‎ 为什么想学这些内容 ‎ 【参考范文】‎ ‎ Dear leader,‎ ‎ I am very glad that your school will hold the English Summer Camp that contains many courses ,such as gardening 、 cooking 、 self-defence 、 nursing and so on 。I want to register to attend a course bout gardening ,because I have liked flowers 、grasses etc since I was a little child。I especially like playing in the garden where I can enjoy the beauty of nature。For one thing ,I hope to gain a bit more knowledge of gardening so that it can help me to major in the gardening after ‎ attending college。Besides I wish to get much more information about gardening so as to study it more easily when I enter the university。What's more ,I can realize the bitterness of the gardeners to treasure the plants much more。For another,after graduation from college I will devote my life to cultivate the flowers and grasses to turn our country into a more beautiful state and make many more foreigners come to visit our country 。‎ ‎ Yours,‎ ‎ Wang yue hua ‎ 【解析】‎ ‎ 本文是书信格式,报名参加其中一门课程的学习,属于半开放式作文。学生在写作时应注意如下几点:‎ ‎ 1.先谈自己感兴趣的学科,从四科中选取自己最有把握和有话可说学科,这是写作的关键,过渡要自然;‎ ‎ 2. 再写自己希望学到什么,要把握实用性。‎ ‎ 3. 然后谈出想学这些内容的原因,结合现实,理由合情合理。‎ ‎ 4. 在写作过程中可以尝试句型的复杂化,适度增加情节 ‎ 【专家简评】‎ ‎ 上海卷的一贯特点有以下几条:题干短,话题一般与学习或学校生活相关,写作形式主要是议论性质,间或插以混合性质,给考生的思维空间大。还有一点,从不给出范文。09年的Guided Writing属于混合性质:陈说+议论。话题涉外,且与教育教学课程相关,是很好的话题。但对于上海考生而言,材料的提供是否过于丰富了些?!参看一下惜墨如金的历年上海卷,你就会发现上海卷习惯于提供简练的题干信息,以利于考生的发挥。这次算是一个异数了。‎ ‎ 【总评】‎ ‎ 2009年高考英语全国卷地方卷共19套,短文写作共20篇(上海卷和广东卷各2篇,宁?海卷共享全国卷I的短文写作题)。综观2009年高考英语短文写作试题,我们发现最重要的一个特点就是关于地方或传统特色话题,也就是母语文化输出类话题增多(5篇),以前只是在某个年份、某个卷种中有这种话题的点缀,现在看来已经蔚成风气。这说明各卷种的命题者们已经认识到了母语文化输出的重要性、紧迫性和现实性,这是最令人感到欣慰的。相信对你有用!珍惜吧!值得拥有!相信对你有用!珍惜吧!值得拥有!相信对你有用!珍惜吧!值得拥有!相信对你有用!珍惜吧!值得拥有!相信对你有用!珍惜吧!值得拥有!相信对你有用!珍惜吧!值得拥有!‎ ‎ 2010年高考英语作文真题题目及范文 ‎ 江西卷 ‎ 英语中“please. ” “thank you” “sorry”等礼貌用语具有增进友谊,改善关系、化解矛盾等神奇的力量,因而被称为“magic words”。请 “Magic Power of Polite Words”为题写一篇100词左右的英语作文。体裁不限(叙述文、议论文、说明文……)‎ ‎ 【参考范文】‎ ‎ Magic Power of Polite Words ‎ We use magic words in our daily life without realizing it . These magic words , for instance “please” “thank you “ “sorry” , can add luster to our life .‎ ‎ Magic words can help build friendship . They make you polite and easier to get along with , thus strengthen the relationship between you and others .‎ ‎ Once you offend someone else , you can as well use these words . A word such as ‎ ‎“sorry” will make him less annoyed .‎ ‎ Try using polite words every now and then . Once you do , you will never find yourself drained of energy for life . You use polite words , in return , these words will provide you with magic power .‎ ‎ 安徽卷 ‎ 假如你将参加某英语杂志社开展的一次征文活动,征文的内容要求你在电视、手机(cell)和网络三考中,放弃其中一个并陈述理由。请你以“Which would you give up: TV, cell, or Web?”为题,写一篇英语短文。‎ ‎ 【范文】‎ ‎ We are now living in an intonation age, in which TV, cells and the Web are widely used. It seems that many people cannot enjoy themselves without them.‎ ‎ However, if I had to give up one of them, I would turn off the TV rather than switch off my cell or cut off the internet. I could do without TV because few shows my fancy, and there are too many commercial programs on TV are also available.‎ ‎ As for cells and the Web. they are more necessary to me. I need a cell to keep in touch with my friends and family. And almost all information can be gathered on the Internet..‎ ‎ 辽宁卷 ‎ 你校学生会需招聘一名留学生做英语学习顾问,请你以短文形式写一则招聘启事。内容主要包括:1)母语是英语,汉语流利者优先2)解答用语学习问题,协助组织英语活动3)每周4小时,报酬面议4)联系人:李华(Tel:13011223344)‎ ‎ 【参考范文】‎ ‎ English Advisor Wanted ‎ The Students’ Union of our school decides to invite an international student to work as an English Study Advisor next term . The main responsibilities of the advisor include helping students to practice their oral English , answering their questions , and helping organize activities such as singing English songs , English evenings , or lectures on interesting topics .‎ ‎ The applicant should be a native speaker of English . Fluency in Chinese is preferred . The advisor is expected to work 4 hours per week .‎ ‎ If you are interested , please call Li Hua at 13011223344 for an interview . Payment for the service will be discussed during the interview .‎ ‎ Students’ Union ‎ ‎Yucai‎ ‎High School ‎ 山东卷 ‎ 假设你是新华中学的学生李华,你和在上海上学的英国朋友Tom约好下周末去北京旅游,但你因故不能赴约。请根据以下要点用英语给他写一封电子邮件:‎ ‎ 1. 表示歉意; 2. 解释原因; 3. 另约时间。‎ ‎ 【参考范文】‎ ‎ Dear Tom,‎ ‎ I am indeed very sorry that I can’t go to Beijing with you next week , which I have promised .I feel sorry for about it and want you to know what happened .‎ ‎ Just now ,my cousin , Li Qiong , who left home to Australia for his further study last year , informed me that he would return this Saturday morning and asked me to ‎ pick him up at the airport with his family . You know , we haven’t seen each other for nearly a year .‎ ‎ I sincerely hope you can accept my apologies and understand me . I would appreciate your allowing me to make another date to show you around Beijing .Once again ,I’m sorry for any inconvenience caused .‎ ‎ Sincerely yours, ‎ ‎ Li Hua ‎ 陕西卷 ‎ 假定你是李华。你们学校和一所美国中学签署了教师交流协议。在过去的一年里,你们的英文老师是来自这所中学的Sue Wood。不久前她返回美国任教。请你根据写作要点和要求给Sue写封电子邮件。‎ ‎ 写作要点:‎ ‎ 1.对她表达感谢之意; 2.介绍她离开后你自己及班里发生的事情;‎ ‎ 3.希望了解她的近况。 ‎ ‎ 【参考范文】‎ ‎ Dear Sure,‎ ‎ I’m Li Hua, one of your students in China . It’s almost a month since you left us . We all miss you and are very grateful for what you did for us when we were together .‎ ‎ We are busy as usual . We had an English speech contest the other day . I won the first prize ! This again reminds me of all your kind help . Do you still remember the trees we planted together on the hill behind the school ? Yesterday , we went there and watered them . The tree you planted yourself is growing well , and the whole class decided to name it Sue Wood . Will you come back to see Sue Wood ?‎ ‎ How is everything with you lately ? We hope to know more about you and your American students . Hope to keep in close touch .‎ ‎ All the best ‎ Li Hua ‎ 四川卷 ‎ 假定你校将举行一个成人仪式,你将作为代表在仪式上发言。请你按以下内容要点准备一篇英文发言稿。‎ ‎ 1.过去对成年的向往;2.现在的感受和认识;3.将来的目标及措施。‎ ‎ 参考词汇:责任 responsibility ‎ 【参考范文】‎ ‎ Good morning , everyone !‎ ‎ The topic of my speech today is “Thoughts on becoming a grown-up .”As a child , I always hoped that I could grow up as soon as possible so that I could have whatever I wanted and do whatever I liked . Now I’m a grown-up , but I find things do not go as I expected . Although I can enjoy more freedom , at the same time I realized that being a grown-up not only means this , but also more responsibilities . I hope to do more for my parents and society in the future to make my life more meaningful . To reach the goal , I must first try my best to pass the college entrance examination and enter a good university . ‎ ‎ Thank you for your listening .‎ ‎ 浙江卷 ‎ 最近,李越被评为你们班的“每周之星”。请你根据她的事迹(在上周六下午,不顾天气的炎热,为班级选购歌咏比赛服装),用英语为班级板报写一篇100—120个词的短文。‎ ‎ 你的文章应包括下列要点:1. 李越的事迹及其对同学的影响;2. 你的评论。‎ ‎ 参考词汇:singing contest 歌咏比赛 costume 服装 ‎ 【参考范文】‎ ‎ Star Student of the Week ‎ Li Yue has been awarded the title of “Star Student of the Week” for what she did for our class. On the hot afternoon of last Saturday , Li Yue went downtown and walked from one store to another, looking for the costumes we would wear in the singing contest . While the rest of us were enjoying our leisure time in cool and comfortable rooms , she spent the whole afternoon searching and selecting . Finally , she found the right clothes . Deeply moved by her efforts , we tried our best and won the first prize in the contest . ‎ ‎ Li Yue is always warm-hearted and cares a lot about the class . Besides , she often devotes her spare time to helping others . She deserves the honor and we should learn from her . ‎ ‎ 重庆卷 ‎ 假设你是李华,于‎2010年6月3日搭乘国外某航空公司航班(flight number BA793)回国后,发现遗失了一个行李箱(suitcase)。现请用英文给该航空公司写一封信,请他们帮你寻找。信件要点包括:陈述写信原因,简要描述该行李,说明其重要性,期待回复并表示感谢。‎ ‎ 【参考范文】‎ ‎ Dear Sir/Madam ,‎ ‎ I’m Li Hua . I took the flight BA793 on June 3, 2010 . But when I came to my home , I found I lost a suitcase . I am writing to you to request you to help me find it back .‎ ‎ My suitcase is a small blue one with a zip . There is a label on the handle with my name and address on it . It is really important for me , because I had put all my important documents in it, including my ID card , passport and so on . Besides , it is what my father sent to me on my birthday .‎ ‎ Thanks for your kind consideration and I look forward to receiving your earliest reply .‎ ‎ Yours truly,‎ ‎ Li Hua ‎ 【参考范文】(2 )‎ ‎ Dear Sir/Madam ,‎ ‎ I am very sorry to say that I left my suitcase in flight number BA793 on 3 rd , June , so I am writing this letter to ask you for help .The lost suitcase is a red one with a long handle . It is of great importance to me . In it are some valuable books and my credit cards . I will be very grateful if anyone of you contact me by telephone immediately after seeing it . My telephone number is 133456 . There is nothing more gratifying to me than your reply .‎ ‎ I am looking forward to your reply .‎ ‎ Yours truly,‎ ‎ Li Hua ‎ 天津卷 ‎ 假设你是晨光中学的高中生李华。你校拟选拔一批优秀学生,利用暑期到晨曦希望小学为学生辅导英语。你希望参加此活动。请根据以下提示,用英语给校评选组写一封申请信:‎ ‎ ● 对此活动的认识(如对本人、学生及社会的益处等)‎ ‎ ●个人优势(如性格、独立生活能力、语言能力等)‎ ‎ ●你的计划(如怎样进行辅导等)‎ ‎ 参考词汇:晨曦希望小学 Chenxi Hope School ‎ ‎ 【参考范文】‎ ‎ Dear Sir or Madam,‎ ‎ I’m Li Hua from Class One , Senior Two . I’m writing to apply for the opportunity to help the students in Chenxi Hope School with their English . Thus they can improve their English during the summer vacation . Meanwhile , I can learn how to get along with the students and benefit the whole school .‎ ‎ I’m kind , easy-going and always ready to help others . I wash clothes and make beds by myself to develop independence . English is my favorite subject and I ‘ve won several prizes in English contests . So I think that I’m qualified for the position .‎ ‎ I plan to communicate with the students first to know what they need . Besides , I’ll try to get them more interested in English by telling stories , singing songs , playing games and so on .‎ ‎ I’d appreciate it if you could give me the opportunity .‎ ‎ Yours sincerely,‎ ‎ Li Hua ‎ 江苏卷 ‎ 假设你应邀参加学校组织的“英语学习师生座谈会”,请你根据下表所提示的信息,用英语写一篇发言稿,简单介绍自己英语学习的情况,并对学校今后的英语教学提出建议。‎ ‎ 自己英语学习的情况 ‎ 1.英语学习的目的2.英语学习的方法3.课外自学的途径……….对学校英语教学的建议 ‎ (请考生根据自己的经历与感想,提出两至三点建议)。【参考范文】‎ ‎ Dear teachers and schoolmates,1t’s a great pleasure for me to be here today and share my experience of learning English with you . I'm interested in English , and hope to be an interpreter in the future . Naturally it’s very important for me to learn English well . As everybody knows vocabulary is an important part of language , just like bricks in a building . I usually memorize twenty new words a day and put them to use whenever possible . After class .I often listen to English programs on TV and on the radio . Besides , I've learned a lot from the Internet and other sources.‎ ‎ Now , I'd like to make some suggestions on English teaching and learning in our school . Firstly , we should be given more opportunities to use what we’ve learned in order to have a better grasp of it . Secondly ,I hope our teachers can recommend more interesting books and magazines and give us more free time to read them . Finally ,1 suggest we have more English activities,such as English contests and festivals .‎ ‎ Thank you for listening . ‎ ‎ 湖南卷 ‎ 假设你和几位同学成立了一个英语俱乐部,开展了为期两个月的活动。现在,你将代表俱乐部在课堂上进行经验交流,请写一篇英语发言稿,主要内容如下:‎ ‎ 1.简要描述俱乐部开展的一项与英语有关的主要活动2.谈谈你们开展该活动的收获。‎ ‎ 【参考范文】‎ ‎ Boys and girls,‎ ‎ Today I’ll talk about our English club .Our English club was set up two months ago . Now we have members of 25 . We meet once a week on Saturday afternoon . So far we have conducted a variety of activities on English learning , such as watching English films , including a Christmas party and getting together with foreign students . Last week we held an English story-telling competition .We required that the entries be original and interesting and be presented in English within five minutes .Every member took an active part in the activity . Two foreign English teachers were invited to act as judges . At last Li Bing won the first place . Many members said the activity benefited them in many ways . Not only did it improve their spoken English , but also it brought them much fun .They hope many such activities can be held .‎ ‎ That’s all . Thank you .‎ ‎ 湖北卷 ‎ 请你根据以下提示,结合生活中的一个事例,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈微笑的作用。‎ ‎ The best example of universally understood body language may be the smile. A smile can help us get through difficult situations and find friends in a world of strangers. A smile can open doors and tear down walls. ‎ ‎ 注意:①无须写标题; ②内容只需涉及一个方面; ③词数为100左右。‎ ‎ 【参考范文】( 1 )‎ ‎ I still remember how serious I was on my first day in the new school three years ago, when I found it difficult to follow my teacher in the first English class . The teacher spoke English throughout the class , which was totally different from the lessons I had taken before.‎ ‎ In the morning class the next day , the English teacher came to me while I was reading the text aloud as other students . After listening to me for a while , she gave me a big smile and said she liked my voice very much . The smile shone on the whole day and the following days . A week later , I volunteered to take charge of English study in my class.‎ ‎ Thanks to the comforting smile in my first morning class , I began to be confident .‎ ‎ 【参考范文】(2 )‎ ‎ No body language can be more attractive/ fascinating than smiling. Not only can a beautiful smile make ourselves happy, but also it enables others to feel delighted. Sometimes when a smile is so powerful that it gives people suffering from disasters great courage. ‎ ‎ A little boy named Lang Zheng, for instance, impressed and encouraged a great many people when a serious earthquake happened in Wenchuan / overtook Wenchuan. Right after he was rescued by the soldiers from the ruins, he saluted and smiled to them. His smile was like sunshine which warmed people who were in sadness. ‎ ‎ It is safe/ no exaggeration to say that without smile our life would be colorless and difficult. It is suggested that we smile as much as possible.‎ ‎ 全国I卷 ‎ 假设你是育才中学学生会主席李华。你校将举办一次英语演讲比赛(speech contest),希望附近某大学的外籍教师Smith女士来做评委。请参照以下比赛通知给她写一封信。‎ ‎ 注意:词数100左右。‎ ‎ 【参考范文】‎ ‎ Dear Ms. Smith,‎ ‎ I'm Li Hua , the chair of the Students’ Union of Yucca Middle School , which is close to your university . I'm writing to invite you to be a judge at our English speech contest which will be held in our school on June 15 . It will start at 2:00 pm and last for about three hours . Ten students will deliver their speeches on the given topic "Man and Nature". We hope that you will accept our invitation if it is convenient for you . Please call me at 44876655 if you have any questions .‎ ‎ I am looking forward to your reply .‎ ‎ With best wishes,‎ ‎ Li Hua ‎ 福建卷 ‎ 假设你是李华,福建省某中学高中学生,今年暑假将前往澳大利亚参加主题为“WATER FOR LIFE”的交流活动。请你以代表的身份,根据以下图片提示,用英语写一篇发言稿。‎ ‎ 【参考范文】‎ ‎ Ladies and gentlemen, Good morning. I’m Li Hua from Fujian, China. It’s my great honor to be here to say something about global water shortage and ways of dealing with it. As we know, the global water shortage is becoming increasing severe mainly due to global warming, environmental pollution and the ever-increasing population. Therefore, it’s a high time we did something about it. ‎ ‎ Firstly, an effective way, I think, is to reserve water in a scientific way for future use. Secondly, new methods need to be developed to use the existing water resources, for example, turning sea water into fresh water. Thirdly, we must stop water pollution by law. Last but not least, it’s everyone responsibility to make good use of water, such as recycling and saving water in our daily life. ‎ ‎ In conclusion, people around the world should be aware of the real situaiton of water shortage, protect the present water resources and explore potential ones scientifically. ‎ ‎ That’s all. Thank you. ‎ ‎ 高考英语作文范文47篇 ‎ I.‎ 看图作文类 ‎ 1. 今年寒假,你参加了社会实践活动,去某旅行社当业余导游。请根据该旅行社提供的数据和你的所见所闻,用英语写一篇短文,作为寒假作业交给你的英语老师。‎ ‎ Number of people in City X travelling ‎ abroad in 1996, 2001 and 2006‎ ‎ 要求:1. 简析表格,说明产生这种现象的原因;2. 结合漫画,谈谈境外旅游出现的问题;‎ ‎ 3. 针对所出现的问题阐述你自己的看法(至少两点);‎ ‎ 4. 词数120左右;5. 参考词汇:吐痰 spit v. ‎ ‎ When people’s life is getting better and better, more and more people choose to spend their holidays abroad. The year 2006 sees a sharp increase in the number of overseas travelers compared with the year 2001, when the number was already much larger than that of the year 1996. It’s a good thing that Chinese tourism is developing very fast. However, reports about people’s bad manners flood in. Some are even asked if all Chinese spit and litter everywhere. The poor behavior has done great harm to the image of China, which is really shameful.‎ ‎ China has long been regarded as a country with good manners. Everybody should keep some do’s and don’ts in their mind to guide their behavior in public, home and abroad. Win respect for yourself and our country!‎ ‎ 2. 根据以下图画,写一篇英语短文,描述今昔通讯方式的变化,以及这些变化给人们生活带来的影响。注意:1.词数:100左右2.生词:通讯:communicate 互联网:the Internet ‎ ‎ Great changes have taken place in the way of communication in people’s life.‎ ‎ In the past, people kept in touch with each other mainly by writing letters or using the public telephone. But now almost everyone has his own mobile phone.People can communicate with each other almost at any place and at any time. What’s more, people have easy access to the Internet, which enables them to send and receive e-mails whenever they like.With these changes, people’s pace of life has been quickened and people’s work has been made more efficient. It used to take several days to hear from each other, but now it takes only several minutes, even if they are in two different countries. ‎ ‎ In a word, people have an easier life nowadays.‎ ‎ 3. 受某英文报的委托,你最近对高中生的英语阅读兴趣做了一次调查。请根据以下信息,用英语为该报写一篇100词左右的短文。短文的标题及首句已为你写好。‎ ‎ 调查内容:在新闻、故事、科普、学习方法四种英文文章中,学生最喜欢哪一种 ‎ 调查范围:湖北省的10所中学 调查对象:高中生 ‎ 调查人数:1200 调查方式:访谈 调查结果:(见下图)‎ ‎ Reading Interests of Senior‎ ‎Middle School Students ‎ Recently a survey has been done to find out the reading interests of senior middle school students. In this survey, one thousand senior middle school students from ten schools in Hubei‎ ‎Province were interviewed. They were asked which they liked reading most among the four categories of English articles: news, stories, popular science articles and articles about learning methods.‎ ‎ The survey shows that more than half of the students like to read news most. Twenty-six percent of the students say that English stories are their favorite. Only seven percent of the students are most interested in reading articles about learning methods. However, the number of students who enjoy reading popular science articles doubles that of those who prefer reading articles about learning methods.‎ ‎ 4. 目前,全区上下都在大力开展城乡清洁工程的活动。为了响应政府的号召,‎3月25日,星期天,你们班参加了一次校外环境卫生清洁活动。请根据图画所提供的信息,用英语写一篇日记,并谈谈你的看法。 (为方便排版,图见下页)‎ ‎ 注意: 1. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯、完整; 2. 词数:100左右。‎ ‎ Sunday, March 25 Fine ‎ Today our class went out to do some cleaning. We gathered at the school gate and ‎ started out early in the morning. Some collected the rubbish in the park, some cleared the old posters off the walls, and others swept the street. We hoped to make our city more beautiful with our own hands. At the same time some of us went to the public places, where there were a lot of people. We kept on telling people not to destroy the beauty of nature so that we can have a cleaner world. ‎ ‎ In my opinion, such activities are necessary and instructive because some people are unaware of the importance of protecting the environment at present.‎ ‎ 5. 根据图画写一篇短文,叙述某天小明与其妈妈发生的故事。‎ ‎ ①妈妈阻止儿子去扶摔倒的女孩;②儿子对于倒了的油瓶置之不理。‎ ‎ 要求:1.不仅要表述出图中的内容,还要发表自己的感想;‎ ‎ 2.字数:100字左右;3.开头已给出。‎ ‎ One day, Xiao Ming saw a little girl fall over. He wanted to help the girl up, but his mother stopped him and said, “Don’t do that, otherwise others will think it was you who knocked her down.” A few days later, the mother was shocked to see Xiao Ming just let the fallen oil bottle be. And Xiao Ming said to his mother, “If I did something about the bottle, you would think that it was I who knocked it over.”‎ ‎ I disagree with what the mother did in the story. I think parents should set a good example to their children. They should not only care for their children’s health, but their minds. They should let their children know it is a pleasure to help others who are in trouble. We live in the society which is a big family for all of us.‎ ‎ Everyone should do something good to build up our society, right?‎ ‎ 6. 下列图表反映的是我校2002年与2005年学生健康状况调查的部分数据。请你用英文为某报写一份报告,反映该校三年间学生健康状况的变化情况,分析其原因并提出相应的改进措施(不少于两条)。‎ ‎ 注意:1.报告必须包括图表中所有内容。‎ ‎ 2.词数:120左右。第一句已给出(不计入总词数)。‎ ‎ A recent survey shows that the health of the students in our school has been going from bad to worse in the past three years . The number of nearsighted students has increased from 78.2% in 2002 to 92.5% in 2005 , and that of overweight , from 36% to 52.4%. Compared to 2002 nearly 10% more students lack sleep because of more homework to do . Besides , over 15% more students has become mentally unhealthy .‎ ‎ To improve students’ health , we call for less homework . Only in this way can students get plenty of sleep and meanwhile prevent them from getting nearsighted . Proper diets and exercise should also be paid attention to so that they won’t easily put on weight . With their heavy burdens removed , students can then be mentally healthy.‎ ‎ 7. 假设你是李华,你的英国笔友Paul来信询问北京2008奥运吉祥物。请根据以下福娃图案写一封回信,简单介绍其所代表的涵义,以及颜色意义等内容,并邀请Paul届时来京观看比赛。‎ ‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;2.参考词汇:吉祥物—mascot;福娃(Fu Wa)—Friendlies ‎ Dear paul,‎ ‎ It was great to hear from you and I’m very glad to tell you something about Beijing Olympic Mascots .‎ ‎ There are 5 Friendlies , or Fu‎ ‎Wa in Chinese , to serve as the Mascots for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games . Designed to express the nature of Chinese children, the 5 doll-like Frinedlies are symbols of four popular animals-the Fish , the Panda , the Tibetan Antelope , the Swallow –and the Olympic Flame . Each of the Friendlies has a Chinese name-Beibei , Jingjjing , Huanhuan , Yingying and Nini. When we put them together , they say Beijing Huan Ying Ni, or “Welcome to Beijing !” in English . These lovely dolls show us the Olympic spirit of universal friendship , and they each represent one of the following-the sea , forest , fire , earth and sky . As you can see , their colours have something to do with the 5 colours of the Olympic rings . ‎ ‎ I really hope you may come to Beijing in 2008 ! Certainly I’ll be your company then ! Looking forward to your arrival !‎ ‎ Yours , ‎ ‎ Li Hua ‎ 8. 假如你叫王平,根据图表提示,给你的加拿大网友Smith 写一封信,介绍你的寒假生活(共20天),可根据自己的实际情况添加细节。‎ ‎ 注意:1.词数:100左右; 2.开头已经给出,不计入总词数。‎ ‎ Dear Smith,‎ ‎ How are you? How time flies! Now the winter vacation was over and I have come back to school again.‎ ‎ We had 20 days in all for the holiday, during which we had the most important Chinese Festival—the Spring Festival. It took me nearly a week to visit my relatives and attend family parties, as it is a traditional custom in China. Of course, I spent most of the time doing my lessons. As you know, I will take the National Examinations in June and it’s only a few months away. Every day I did some English reading, practiced writing compositions, worked out a number of science problems and so on. When I got tired, I would do something to relax myself, like playing basketball with my friends, listening to music, surfing the Internet, playing games, and everything that helped to recover my energy.‎ ‎ In a word, I had a full, busy and wonderful holiday. How about you? I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.‎ ‎ Yours,‎ ‎ Wang Ping ‎ 9.根据下列图示以 “The New Grading System in Our School”为题为你校英语报写一篇短文,说明这一举措以及你对学校实施这一举措的认识.‎ ‎ 要求: 1.词数 100左右, 已给出部分不包括在内.‎ ‎ 生词: 评分体制grading system 参与participation(n.)‎ ‎ ① tests ④ class participation ‎ ② notes ⑤ team work ‎ ③ homework ‎ The New grading system in Our School ‎ In order to help students develop their abilities in all fields, our school now has asked the teachers to make some changes in the grading system. This chart shows how it works.‎ ‎ The students’ final score will be made up of 5 parts. About 30% of it will come ‎ from their test results. The rest of the score is decided by the performances of the students in the following parts: 20% comes from your notes, and another 20% is decided by how you do your homework. If you take an active part in classroom activities, you can get another 20% of the score. Teamwork in class is also important. If you want a higher score, you should be good at working together with your classmates.‎ ‎ In my opinion, our school has made a good decision. This new grading system will certainly help to improve ourselves on all sides.‎ ‎ 10. 下面的饼状图(pie chat)显示了你对你校学生兴趣爱好的调查结果。请你用英语给English Weekly写一篇短文,报道你的调查结果,并对此结果发表你的看法或建议。词数120左右。首句已给出(不计入词数)。‎ ‎ A recent survey shows what the students of our school like to do in their spare time. From the pie chat, we can see 53% of the students like sports, so doing sports is the most popular activity in our school. The second popular activity for students is surfing the Internet and 36 % of the students have interest in it. Only a few students, about 8 percent of them, take reading as a hobby. And even fewer are fond of playing musical instruments.‎ ‎ In my point of view, our school should have more sports facilities built to satisfy the need of the students. Guidance should be given to students on surfing the Internet and ways must be found to arouse students’ interests in reading and music.‎ ‎ 11. 阅读下面漫画,先对漫画的内容进行描述,然后对这一现象发表自己的看法。(100词左右) 参考词汇: ‎ ‎ 西瓜皮:‎ ‎ water-melon skin ‎ 长凳:bench ‎ The boy and the girl in the picture sat on a bench talking merrily while eating a water-melon. When they went away they left the melon’s skin on the bench, making it very dirty. They didn’t want to take any trouble to throw it into the dustbin although it was very near where they were sitting. Instead, they said that there would be someone who should clean the rubbish.‎ ‎ However, what they did makes others look down upon them. If everyone behaves in this way, the world will be a big rubbish dump with flies flying round and people will live in a world of diseases. Besides, it will be impossible for dustmen to clean the world woth such people living in it.‎ ‎ 12. 根据以下图画再结合你的想象,写出一篇100字左右的短文:‎ ‎ It is the old man’s birthday today. Now he is sitting on a sofa alone. Maybe his wife has been dead. On the right side is a big birthday cake sent by his son. And there are also some presents given by his daughter on the left. Yet the old man doesn’t feel happy. Instead, he looks very sad because he is lonely. ‎ ‎ Our life is getting better and better than before. Some people think that old people will be satisfied as long as they have enough to eat and drink. I think they are quite wrong. Old people easily get lonely because they have no work to do. So we should spend as much time together with them as we can and take care of them in every possible way.‎ ‎ II. 应用文类 ‎ 13. 外籍教师Lynne任教期满准备回国,学校答应派车送她去机场。她在临行前一天写了张便条提醒办公室李老师:‎ ‎ 1).请检查(check on)明天的车是否落实,提醒司机(remind sb. of sth.提醒某人做某事)。‎ ‎ 2).她之所以要确定一下,是因为太早不好叫出租车。 3).感谢费心,并感谢一年来的关心。‎ ‎ 4).在学校一年来,生活愉快、难忘,很可能再来。‎ ‎ 5).留下一些英语书给贵校图书馆,希望对学生有用。 字数:100—120个词。‎ ‎ Hi, Mr. Li,‎ ‎ Could you please check on the car to take me to the airport? Please remind the car driver of this. I want to be sure of this car, because it will be too early in the morning to call a taxi if the school car doesn’t show up. I am sorry to trouble you again. Here I thank you again for all that you have done for me during my stay in your school. I really enjoy teaching here, and will never forget the day I spent with my students. Probably I will come back some day. I leave some English books to your library. I hope they will be useful to your students.‎ ‎ Yours ‎ Lynne ‎ 14. 假设你是李华,最近国内一家英文报纸正在讨论北京动物园是否应迁出市区。以下是你所在班级讨论的情况。请你给该报写一封信,反映讨论结果。‎ ‎ 赞成迁出:   反对迁出:‎ ‎ ①.游客多,交通堵塞 ①.建于1906年,中外闻名 ‎ ②.郊区环境好   ②.搬迁易造成动物死亡 ‎ 注意:1).词数100字左右,信的开头已为你写好。‎ ‎ 2).可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎ 3).参考词汇: 郊区—suburb ‎ June 3 ,2005‎ ‎ Dear Editor ,‎ ‎ Recently, our class have had a heated discussion about whether the Beijing Zoo should be moved out of the city . Some of my classmates are in favor of the move .They say large crowds of tourists to the zoo will result in traffic jams .They also say that once moved, animals will have more space and better living conditions in the suburbs. However, other students are against the idea, saying that the Beijing Zoo, built in 1906, has a history of 100 years, and is well –known at home and abroad. So it should remain where it is. What’s more, moving may cause the death of some animals. To move or not, this is a big decision which has to be made by people in Beijing.‎ ‎ Yours truly,‎ ‎ Li Hua ‎ 15. 假设你的英文名为Jack,是英国诺丁汉大学的中国留学生。你负责为在该校就读的32名中国学生筹划圣诞节期间的苏格兰之行,为期7天,请你给诺丁汉的STA(Students’Travel Agency)经理Phil发一封电子邮件,联系有关事宜。要点如下:‎ ‎ (1)希望能够派车接送; (2)需要一名说标准英语,并非常熟悉苏格兰的导游;‎ ‎ (3)请求告知旅行日程及就餐、旅馆、费用等情况;‎ ‎ (4)你的联系方式:电子邮箱地址:Jackwang@yahoo.com.cn或电话号码:07747745007‎ ‎ 注意:(1)词数:100词左右;(2)开头和结尾已为你写出,不计入总词数;‎ ‎ (3)参考词汇:旅馆住宿accommodation;旅行日程安排itinerary;长途客车coach ‎ Hi, Phil,‎ ‎ I’d like you to organize a trip to Scotland for us. I have here a group of 32 Chinese students studying in Nottingham‎ ‎University, who want to go on a seven-day tour during the Christmas days. I hope we can have a coach which will take us to Scotland and then bring us back to Nottingham. We also need a guide who speaks standard English and knows Scotland well. I would be very grateful if you can work out an itinerary as soon as possible and tell me about our accommodation, meals as well as how much each of us has to pay. If you have any information, please either email me to Jackwang@yahoo.com.cn or call me at 07747745007.‎ ‎ Looking forward to your early reply.‎ ‎ Yours Truly.‎ ‎ Jack ‎ 16. 加拿大高中生David在互联网上登出启事notice,希望结识一位中国朋友,以便学习中国的语言、文化。假设你是重庆实验中学的李华,请在看到这则启事后,用英文给David发出一封电子邮件。主要内容包括:‎ ‎ ①. 你怎样得知他的愿望 ②. 你愿意成为他的朋友 ‎ ③. 你打算如何帮助他 ④. 你盼望他的回复 注意:词数:100词左右 ‎ Dear David,‎ ‎ I am LiHua. I am glad to read your notice on the internet and I know you want to make friends with a Chinese in order to learn the Chinese language and culture. I want to be your friend. Now I’d like to introduce myself to you. I was born in Chongqing in 1990,I study in the Experimental Middle School of Chongqing and I am good at English.‎ ‎ I think I can help you to know about China by sending e-mails.What’s more, we can have chats on the Internet in Chinese or English and I’ll tell you the customs,the festivals,the foods,etc. of the Chinese. I hope we can keep in touch with each other.‎ ‎ I am looking forward to your reply.‎ ‎ Yours,‎ ‎ LiHua ‎ 17. 假如你是一名大学生叫李华,对近年来大学毕业生就业情况颇有已见,请根据下面提供的信息向报社写信谈谈你的看法。字数100左右。开头已给出 。‎ ‎ 学生心态向往城市,不愿下乡。‎ ‎ 就业现状城市人才过剩;农村渴求人才。‎ ‎ 就业前景农村天地广阔,可施展才华。‎ ‎ Dear editor, ‎ ‎ I am writing to you to talk about taking up occupations for college graduates. Nowadays many graduates are looking forward to obtaining employment in big cities, not willing to work in the countryside.‎ ‎ As a matter of fact, there are not enough opportunities to satisfy most of the hunters in big cities while in the countryside talented people are badly needed and ‎ a lot of posts are waiting for us. Rural areas are a vast world, where you can put your abilities to good use and you’ll be able to make greater contributions to the building of new countryside.‎ ‎ Therefore, I believe we can have as bright a future in the country as we have in the city.‎ ‎ Yours, ‎ ‎ Li Hua ‎ 18. 假如你叫王东,你的叔叔三十年前离开家乡去了美国。不久前,他观看China Report节目,得知中国决定加大建设社会主义新农村的力度,感慨万分,于是发了一份e-mail给你,询问近来家乡的变化情况。请根据email内容和提示要点,给你叔叔做简要回复。E-mail开头和结尾已经给出。‎ ‎ 日期:‎‎20-03-2006‎ ‎ 发件人:Wangguifu usa@hotmail.com ‎ 收件人:Wangdong_88@l63.com ‎ 主题:T0 Xiaodong ‎ Dear Xiao Dong ‎ How are you doing?‎ ‎ The other day when 1 was watching China Report CCTV at home, I was excited to learn that the Chinese government is calling on her people to speed up the reconstruction of their countryside. The report at once took my thoughts back to the small village I once lived in.‎ ‎ The houses were old and low. The roads were muddy and narrow. Villagers had to go a long way on foot or by bike in order to do some shopping or see a doctor in town. Because of very small income, villagers lived quite a plain life, even without TV sets or telephones.‎ ‎ How time flies!. It is 30 years since I left my home village. It must have changed a lot. Would you please write and tell me something about its changes?‎ ‎ Remember me to your parents!‎ ‎ Yours,‎ ‎ Wang Guifu ‎ 要点:①.叔叔离家后,家乡变化很大。 ②.生活条件愈来愈好。‎ ‎ ③.房子大而宽敞,许多人住进了设施齐全的公寓。‎ ‎ ④.装了电话,买了彩电、洗衣机、冰箱等。⑤.宽敞的道路连接了村庄和城镇。‎ ‎ ⑥.买了拖拉机、卡车和汽车。⑦.学校教育良好。⑧.政府重视农村城市化建设。‎ ‎ 要求:1)、词数:100左右。2)、可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎ Dear Uncle , ‎ ‎ I’m very glad to receive your email . ‎ ‎ Great changes have already taken place since you left , Our living conditions are getting better and better. Villagers have moved into big and comfortable houses, and many live in well-equipped blocks of flats. Almost all have been equipped with telephones . They have not only bought color TV sets , but also washing machines , fridges, etc. Wide roads have been built to connect villages and towns. Some families have got their own tractors, trucks or even cars. Besides, children can now enjoy very good education.‎ ‎ Our government cares very much about the reconstruction of our countryside . We are speeding up the citifying of the villages . ‎ ‎ I hope that you and aunt will come back and have a visit to the new village . ‎ ‎ Best wishes .‎ ‎ Yours ‎ ‎ Xiao Dong ‎ 19. 请以宿舍管理委员会的名义写一份通知,‎2007年4月2日发出。内容如下:‎ ‎ ①时间:‎4月5日晚上7点。 ②地点:3号楼103房间。‎ ‎ ③内容:学生宿舍安全问题:安全用电、火灾应变、防止失窃等。‎ ‎ ④参加人员:每间寝室一名同学。‎ ‎ ⑤要求:带笔记本,按时到场,做好记录,并传达给室友。‎ ‎ 注意:1)通知的格式已经为你写好,不计入总词数;2)词数:100左右。‎ ‎ 参考词汇:学生宿舍 dormitory,盗窃theft(n.)‎ ‎ Notice ‎ A meeting is going to be held in Room 103 of Building 3 at 7 on the evening of April 5. Problems to be talked about at the meeting include the safety of the dormitories, proper use of electricity, what to do in case of fire, prevention of theft and so on. A member of each dormitory is required to be present. They should take notebooks with them and arrive on time. They should take notes carefully and after the meeting they are to inform their roommates of what is discussed and what measures will be taken.‎ ‎ The Dormitory Committee ‎ April 2nd, 2007‎ ‎ 20. 假如你叫李平,是一位成绩优秀的学生,你班班主任在安排座位时,让成绩好的学生和成绩差的学生作同桌,这在你们班成绩优秀的学生中引起了反响,团活课上大家就此进行了讨论。现在请你根据下表把讨论结果向班主任写一封信反映一下,并说出自己的观点。‎ ‎ 赞同反对你的观点 ‎ 1.人人有长处和不足,成绩差的学生也有可取之处;‎ ‎ 2.相互学习,建立友谊;‎ ‎ 3.通过帮助学习差的学生的学习从而使他们建立自信。1.部分学习差的学生常常违反校规校纪,担心自己会受影响,养成坏习惯。‎ ‎ 2.老是问问题,使自己不能专心学习。?‎ ‎ 注意:1.词数:100~120,短文的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。‎ ‎ 2.短文需包括表中所有要点,内容可适当发挥,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎ 3.参考词汇:成绩差的学生:a slower student ‎ Dear Mr. Zhang,‎ ‎ We have held a discussion about whether it is good or not for a top student to share a desk with a slower student.‎ ‎ Some are for the idea. As they know, everyone has strengths as well as weaknesses. Although they are not good at lessons, they might do well in other fields like sports or arts. Therefore, they can learn from each other, and they may develop a friendship. In addition, top students can help slower ones gain self-confidence by helping them with their lessons, which benefits them all.‎ ‎ However, others don’t hold the same view. They think some slower students are ‎ always making trouble, such as keeping talking in class, breaking school rules, which may lead to them forming the bad habits. Besides, slower students often ask top students questions, which has a bad effect on their studies.‎ ‎ In my opinion, I’d like to choose to share a desk with a slower student so that we can learn from each other and make progress together. ‎ ‎ Yours,‎ ‎ Li Ping ‎ 21. 假如你是校报负责人,急需在学校内聘一位同学任英文版的编辑,请你用英文以“An English Editor Wanted”为题目写一则招聘启事。内容要如下:‎ ‎ ⑴.该工作主要包括两部分:一是从英文报刊杂志及互联网上选择适合学生的文章;二是选择与编辑同学们的来稿。 ⑵.希望该同学满足下列要求:‎ ‎ ① 乐意奉献出一些业余时间为同学们服务; ② 英文与美术皆好;能熟练使用电脑。‎ ‎ ③ 感兴趣的同学请在本周内与学生会(Students’ Union)联系。‎ ‎ 注意:(1)词数100左右;(2)不要逐字翻译,要组成一篇通顺连贯的短文。‎ ‎ An English Editor Wanted ‎ Our school newspaper is looking for an editor for its English edition.The job mainly includes two parts: One is to choose proper English articles from other newspapers, magazines or Internet for us students. The other is to pick out articles from those written by students in our school and edit them for use.‎ ‎ We hope that he/she could meet the following requirements: First, he/she is willing to devote some of his/her spare time to serving the others.Second, it’s necessary for him/her to be good at both English and fine arts. Besides, the ability to use the computer is important.‎ ‎ Those who are interested in the job, please get in touch with the Students’ Union this week.‎ ‎ Students’ Union ‎ 22. 假定你是某市居民,名叫李华。你觉得该市出租车行业问题较多,请写一封信给该市市长,内容应包括:‎ ‎ 问题 (1)停靠点太少,不易打的; (2)欺诈外地乘客; (3)车速过快,事故频频;‎ ‎ (4)仍有拒载者; (5)深夜聚集在娱乐场所外等客时制造噪音,影响他人休息。‎ ‎ 建议 要求加强管理 ‎ 注意:1.字数100词左右。文章开头已给出。‎ ‎ 2.参考词汇:绕道:take a roundabout route 不替别人着想的:inconsiderate (adj.) ‎ ‎ 行业:trade 加强管理:tighten control over…‎ ‎ Dear Mayor, ‎ ‎ I’m a resident of the city. I feel there are many problems existing in the trade of taxi in our city. First of all, there are still not enough stops in the streets so it’s not easy to take a taxi. And taxis often run very fast, which causes many traffic accidents. What’s more, some taxi drivers still refuse to pick up some passengers without any reason. Another terrible thing which often happens is that deep at night taxis waiting around the entertainment places make much noise. Many people suffer from this inconsiderate action. A friend of mine living in another city once visited me, and she told me our city’s taxi drivers cheated her by taking a roundabout route. What will a guest think of our city after such a bad experience? ‎ ‎ I think we must take actions to tighten control over the taxi trade. Maybe the first thing to do is raise the taxi drivers’ professional morality.‎ ‎ We are looking forward to your reply.‎ ‎ Sincerely yours,‎ ‎ Li Hua ‎ 23. 如你是学生会主席,请根据下面图表,用英语写一则关于春游的通知。‎ ‎ 参加者高中一、二年级的学生 ‎ 活动内容1.去博物馆看《人与自然》的展览。‎ ‎ 2.参加泉山植物园。‎ ‎ 集合地点学校大门前 ‎ 集合时间1. ‎4月25日上午乘校车前往;‎ ‎ 2.早上七点集合,七点二十分开车。‎ ‎ 注意事项1.参观展览时保持安静;并认真记笔记,准备回来后讨论。‎ ‎ 2.在山顶野餐,要自带午餐和饮料。‎ ‎ 3.参加者在本周四前到学生会报名。‎ ‎ 注意:‎ ‎ 1.通知必须包括表内所列内容,可以适当调整内容的顺序和增加细节,使其连贯、完整。‎ ‎ 2.词数:100左右。 3.通知时间:‎‎4月24日 ‎ 4.生词:植物园the botanical garden; 报名sign up for; 学生会the Students' Union ‎ Notice ‎ The students of Senior Grade One and Grade Two will go out for a visit on April 25. We'll first go to the museum to see an exhibition of Man and Nature. When you’re in the exhibition hall you should keep silent and make careful notes because we’re going to have a discussion after we come back. After that we plan to visit the botanical garden on the Quanshan Hill and have a picnic on the top of it. So please bring lunch and some drinking water with you.‎ ‎ Our school bus will take us there. The school bus will leave at 7:20. Please gather at our school gate at 7:‎00 a.m.‎ ‎ Those who want to take part in the activity should sign up for it at the Students’ Union before Thursday.‎ ‎ The Students’ Union ‎ April 24‎ ‎ 24. 假设你是浙江大学的老师,你将在开学典礼上向一年级的新生致辞。请你根据下面的提示写一篇演讲稿就大学的学习生活提出几点要求,并适当阐述其重要性。‎ ‎ ①.合理安排学习和生活 ②.同学之间关系融洽 ③.积极参加校园社团活动 ……‎ ‎ 参考词汇:大学一年级新生 freshman n. 社团 society n.‎ ‎ 注意:1).演讲稿必须包括所有提示要点,但不要逐条译成英语。‎ ‎ 2).演讲稿的开头和结尾已给出,不计入词数。 3).词数:100—120‎ ‎ Good morning, everybody. Welcome to Zhejiang‎ ‎University! ‎ ‎ As a freshman, you are going to have a completely new life. So here is something you should keep in mind.‎ ‎ First, arrange your time properly. You’d better make a timetable so that you will know what to do and how to do it and take advantage of every minute. It will make your work more efficient. Living in the university, sometimes you will face some ‎ problems that you can’t deal with all alone. Then help from others will make things easy for you. So get along well with all the people around you. Always be open-minded and warm-hearted. Don’t speak ill of others at will. You should always bear in mind that we are in a big family. At last, take an active part in societies. Societies at school are your second teachers. It will not only provide you more chances to make friends and challenge yourself, but make your school life rich and colorful as well.‎ ‎ Enjoy your university life!‎ ‎ 25. 下面是一个中学生给某报编辑部写的一封信,仔细阅读并就信的内容以编辑的名义给此中学生回一封信。‎ ‎ Dear editor.‎ ‎ I am an active girl, and I speak and laugh loudly in the classroom, like a boy. I don’t care about small matters. On the contrary, my neighbor, the girl who sits next to me, speaks quietly and dare not do the things I often do. I can understand this.‎ ‎ What I can’t stand is that she often gets angry with me about small things. How can I get along with her?‎ ‎ yours ‎ Sunny,‎ ‎ 注意:1).书信格式要规范;‎ ‎ 2).回信需就原信内容给出至少三条建议(如谈心,相互理解,参加他们的生日等活动,谈论共同话题,分享快乐等等); 3).字数:120左右。‎ ‎ Dear Sunny,‎ ‎ It’s very good that you want to be friends with this girl. In my opinion, you’d better first have a heart-to-heart talk with her, because understanding each other is very important for you two. And I also think it’s better for you to ask her to join you and your classmates in all kinds of activities, such as birthday parties, going out for a walk, discussing some fashionable topics, and so on. Besides, helping each other is also very important for both of you. Just share happiness and sadness with her. And I believe she will understand you in time and it is certain you two will be good friends inthe future. Good luck to you.‎ ‎ Yours,‎ ‎ Editor ‎ 26. 假如你是李华,针对目前有些中学生购买彩票的现象,给21st Century 报社编辑写信,并谈谈自己的看法,其中包括以下要点:‎ ‎ ①.弊远大于利;②.中学生没有经济来源,容易诱发一些不良行为;‎ ‎ ③.从当前说,会影响学习;‎ ‎ ④.从长远看,会养成事事走捷径的侥幸心理,其危害将影响其一生。‎ ‎ 注意(1)信的开头和结尾已经给出; (2)必须包括以上要点,可适当发挥,但不要逐句翻译; (3)字数100左右,不包括开头、结尾。‎ ‎ Dear editor , ‎ ‎ At present , many high school students are addicted to buying lottery tickets and they seem to have good reasons . However , I’d like to talk about my views on the phenomenon.‎ ‎ In my opinion , its disadvantages are far more than its advantages, despite one ‎ of their reasons that they can do something useful for society in this way . High school students can’t support themselves financially but depend on their parents for the moment. Thus, in order to collect money with which to buy lottery tickets, they may try every possible means , even commit crimes .‎ ‎ In addition, if they put their minds on lottery tickets, their lessons will be more or less affected. And in the long run, lottery ticket purchasing may contribute to their wrong understanding that there must be a shortcut to every destination , which will surely do great harm to their future life.‎ ‎ Therefore, I think it is necessary for them to keep away from lottery stations and concentrate on their studies for now.‎ ‎ Yours , ‎ ‎ Li Hua ‎ 27. 假如你是王林, 李明是你的好友, 他对布朗先生的公司感兴趣,打算到该公司谋职(apply for a position)。请根据下面李明的简历表,用英语为他写一封推荐信。‎ ‎ 词数110左右。‎ ‎ 姓名李明性别男国籍中国 ‎ 出生地重庆婚否已婚出生日期1980.8.21‎ ‎ 通讯地址重庆市人民路148号电话023-63335550‎ ‎ 职业律师学历大学毕业 ‎ 外语水平擅长英语, 懂一些日语、德语 ‎ 其他有三年工作经历,办事认真,待人诚恳,与人和睦相处 ‎ Dear Mr. Brown,‎ ‎ I’d like to introduce my friend to you, Mr. Li Ming, who is going to apply for a position in your firm. He graduated from college three years ago and has worked as a lawyerever since. He is good at English and knows some Japanese and German. He works hard and is careful in everything he does. He is honest, kind and easy to get on with. He was born on August 21st, ‎1980 in Chongqing‎, ‎China. He is married and lives at No 148 Renmin Road, Chongqing city. His telephone number is 023-63335550. He shows great interest in your firm. If he is accepted, he will do his best. I’m sure he will be fit for the position. ‎ ‎ I’m looking forward to your early reply.‎ ‎ Yours,‎ ‎ Wang Lin ‎ 28. 假如你是业余气象员,你从电台天气预报节目得知了今晚和明天上午你处的天气情况,晚饭后6点钟在校广播室用英语向全体师生作天气预报,并提出忠告。要点如下: ‎ ‎ ①午夜至凌晨两点有强劲北风。②气温将下降5-8度。‎ ‎ ③明天上午有阵雨。④要求同学们今晚离开教室时关好门窗。‎ ‎ ⑤明天早上起床时多穿些衣服,以防感冒。 词数100在右。‎ ‎ Attention, please.‎ ‎ It is six o'clock in the afternoon. I'm now giving the weather forecast as usual. From midnight to 2:00 tomorrow morning there will be strong north wind blowing across our town and the temperature will drop by 5‎-8℃‎.Also there will be showers tomorrow morning. Therefore be sure to close all the windows when you leave your classroom tonight and when you get up tomorrow morning, please put on more clothes in order ‎ to keep yourself from catching cold.‎ ‎ That's all. Thank you.‎ ‎ III. 表格提示类 ‎ 29. 下表是对某中学高三一班50个学生健康问题的调查表。请根据表格内容,综述学生当前存在的健康问题,并就中学生如何保持身心健康提出自己的建议。词数要求: 120左右。‎ ‎ 问题类型学习焦虑逆反心理缺乏交往睡眠不足缺乏锻炼视力不佳 ‎ 人数352015402535‎ ‎ 比例70%40%30%80%50%70%‎ ‎ As is apparently shown in the chart above, many middle school students have problems both physically and mentally, with 70% of students having learning anxieties as well as bad eyesight, and a larger percentage lacking sleep. Coming next is the lack of physical exercise. 40% of the students surveyed won't obey their parents or teachers. Still fewer claimed not to have enough communication with others.‎ ‎ So far as 1 am concerned, we students should balance our physical exercise and studies. Just like a saying goes:" All work but no play makes Jack a dull boy," without a sound body one cannot achieve anything; However, too much attention has been paid only to studies. Therefore, I suggest we be given less homework and more time for out-of--classroom activities to solve all the problems. Only in this way can we lead a healthy life.‎ ‎ 30. 去年,上海复旦大学开始通过面试自主招收学生,今年又有一些学校加入到这一行列。这一新的招生方式在学生中引发了一场讨论。假如你是李华,请根据下表提供的内容给二十一世纪报编辑写一封信反映讨论情况。‎ ‎ 60% 的学生赞成40%的学生反对 ‎ 1.面试可以全面综合地评价一个学生;‎ ‎ 2.鼓励学生发展个性和特长;‎ ‎ 3.社会需要一种更加开放和有效的录取方式。1.面试带有主观性、片面性,可能不公正;‎ ‎ 2.并非所有学生都擅于在面试中展示自己;‎ ‎ 3.不可能在3-5分钟内评价一个人。‎ ‎ 注意:1.开头已为你写好,不计人总词数。 2.词数:100左右 ‎ 3.参考词汇:comprehensive综合的,subjective主观的,one-sided片面的,evaluate 评价 ‎ Dear Editor,‎ ‎ Recently, a discussion has been held in our school on whether it is reasonable for the universities to admit students through interviews. The results are as follows:‎ ‎ 60% of the students support this action. They express that interviews can evaluate a student in a more thorough and comprehensive way. It can encourage students to develop their own interests and personalities. What’s more, with the development of society, a more open and efficient way to test a student’s abilities is needed.‎ ‎ On the other hand, the other 40% students are against this idea. They argue that first, interviews may be subjective and one-sided, which could lead to unfairness. Second, not all students are good at showing their talents in interviews. Last but not least, a student can’t be judged in only three or five minutes.‎ ‎ 31.‎ ‎ 人类已进入了一个崭新的世纪,不同的人有不同的幸福观。某英语杂志正在中学生中进行幸福观讨论,请你根据下表的提示,用英语写一篇短文,叙述一些人的观点及理由,发表对其中某一观点的看法,并表明自己的观点和理由,然后向该刊投稿。‎ ‎ Students Opinion Reason ‎ ‎ Some MoneyBuying and doing anything ‎ Some Health For enjoyment ‎ Some Wealth from parentsFree from work ‎ I ……‎ ‎ 注意:1.不要照抄表中的原句,否则酌情扣分。2.词数:120左右。‎ ‎ What is happiness in my mind?‎ ‎ Happiness means different things to different people. For example, some students, believe that if they have much money or large possessions, they will be happy. They believe that they will be able to do anything they want to if they have much money. Some students think that they should be in good health, and enjoy whatever they like. Many students wish to have much wealth from their parents. In this way they don’t have to work hard, and they can own everything .‎ ‎ I don’t quite agree with the above points. I don’t think money means happiness. We can’t buy many of the things with money, such as health and knowledge, I value knowledge, which makes me happy, for I can do much for mankind with knowledge. Although different people value happiness differently, my happiness comes from my study.‎ ‎ 32. 你校同学进行了一场有关高考英语听力测试的讨论。讨论的主题是:高考英语测试中的听力部分该不该取消?请你根据下表中的提示写一篇短文,介绍讨论的情况。‎ ‎ 一些同学认为不应该取消另一些同学认为应该取消 ‎ 听是语言的四项基本技能之一,不能忽视 ‎ 听是获取信息的重要途径之一 ‎ 国际合作日益增多,听说能力应加强考试中各地收听效果好坏不一、不公平 ‎ 英语教师和语音设备城乡差异过大 ‎ 今后并非人人都要与外国人口头交流 ‎ 注意:1.文章的起始句已给出。 2.词数:100左右(不包括已给的起始句)。‎ ‎ 3.参考词汇:取消—cancel 国际合作—international cooperation ‎ The students of our school had a discussion about whether listening test in the National Matriculation English Test should be kept or canceled. ‎ ‎ Some students think that listening test should not be canceled. They insist listening is among the four basic skills. We therefore can not ignore it. Besides, listening is one of the important channels for us to get information from the outside world. So it should be strengthened today when international cooperation is becoming more and more frequent. ‎ ‎ But others don’t agree. They think not everyone has to communicate with foreigners in the future. Moreover, listening test is unfair to the students in the areas where radio signals cannot be picked up effectively. And for certain reasons, there is a big difference in teachers and equipment between the countryside and the city.‎ ‎ 33. 请以My favorite Newspaper为题用英语写一篇100词左右的短文,介绍21世纪报,短文应包括下面表格中所提供的内容。‎ ‎ 报纸名称及使用语言21st Century, 英文报纸 ‎ 出版地点及出版周期北京,每周一期 ‎ 版面内容每周新闻,今日世界,语言课堂,体育与音乐,学生报导 ‎ 特色图文并茂 ‎ 目的学习英语词汇,提高英语水平,获取各种信息 ‎ 效果广为人知,深受喜爱 ‎ My Favorite Newspaper ‎ 21st Century is my favorite newspaper. It is an English language newspaper which is published in Beijing each week. It has sections of different kinds, including News of the week, the World Today, Language Class, Sports and Music and Students Report. There are plenty of beautiful pictures and interesting articles in it. I enjoy reading the paper. I read it to improve my English. I have learnt a lot of new words and useful expressions. Besides, I can get information about different things, from politics to sports and music. 21st Century is very popular wiEnglish learners. I do love it.‎ ‎ 34. 据调查,中国城市居民的电脑拥有率达30%。很多农村居民对电脑也越来越感兴趣,甚至有的家庭也买了电脑。参考下表写一篇题为“Computers in China”的短文。词数为100左右。‎ ‎ 家庭买电脑的目的中学生使用电脑的情况 ‎ 类别 比率因别 比率 ‎ 孩子学习需要 70%学习资料查询 30%‎ ‎ 家长工作需要 20%上网、聊天、游戏 60%‎ ‎ 娱乐 30%听音乐、看光盘 20%‎ ‎ Computers in ‎China ‎ According to a recent investigation, about 30% of the city families have computer. Besides, many village people are more and more interested in computers and some of them even have bought computers. About 70% of the parents bought computers for their children to study, and some for their work. And even some people bought them for entertainment. The fact how the middle school students use the computers really surprises us. Only about 30% of them use computers to find out useful in formation. About 60% use computers to play games and 20% use computers to watch VCDs or listen to music. In my opinion, we should make better use of our best invention— computers.‎ ‎ 35. 如今,外出旅游已成为时尚。下面的部分物品可能是你旅游时必备的。请你选择至少最重要的五种物品,并说出理由。字数100字左右。‎ ‎ DocumentsID card, passport ‎ Clothessweater, coat, walking, shoes ‎ ‎ Articlesmedicine, umbrella, vacuum bottle(热水瓶)‎ ‎ Equipmentmobile phone, compass ‎ Booksguidebook, map, magazine ‎ Other thingscamera, CD player, Mp3‎ ‎ While traveling, I always take the following things with me, which are my ID card, a camera, a compass, a CD player and some clothes. I think the ID card is a basic and necessary document, and it is a must for tourists wherever they go. The camera is used to take pictures or record what we have done during the trip, and it can bring us a lot of fun. The compass is very essential for us to travel in the forests. Without it, we may get lost. And then the CD player, I think, is also very important for me ‎ to kill the time when on the train or the plane. What’s more, I have to bring one or two coats when traveling to a different place. In a word, among all the above, I think the ID card is the most important.‎ ‎ 36. 目前,重庆的街头出现了越来越多的猫与狗,对此“中学生英语报”组织了一场讨论:城市内是否可以饲养宠物。根据下表所提供的信息,介绍讨论情况,并说明自己的观点和建议。‎ ‎ 支持饲养宠物反对饲养宠物你的观点 ‎ 1.安慰孤寡老人 ‎ 2.人与动物和谐相处,增添生活情趣1.造成环境污染 ‎ 2.吵闹声,甚至伤人……‎ ‎ 注意:1.词数100左右。2.可以适当增减细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎ 3.开头语已为你写好。‎ ‎ One possible version:‎ ‎ Recently we have had a heated discussion on whether people should keep pets at home in cities. Some students think it’s a good idea to keep pets because old people who live alone at home can get some comfort from pets. Besides, getting along well with animals will make our life interesting. On the contrary, the other students are against the idea. In their opinion, if too many people keep pets at home, it is bad for the environment. What is worse, pets may make too much noise and even attack people.‎ ‎ I like animals, so I don’t think it is bad to keep pets at home. But we must take some measures to prevent them from polluting our environment or causing other troubles.‎ ‎ 37. 据报道,2008年北京奥运会将选拔约十万志愿者为之服务。请你以“Dos and Don’ts for the 2008 Olympic Volunteers”为题,用英语写一篇短文,讨论志愿者应该做什么,不应该做什么。短文应包括下表中的内容:‎ ‎ DosDon’ts ‎ 1. 待人礼貌、友好1.避免不得体的言行 ‎ 2.坚守岗位2.不忘履行自己的职责 ‎ 3.介绍中国历史和文化3.不损害祖国的形象 ‎ 如果你成为志愿者,你还应该做什么,不应该做什么。 (内容由考生自己拟定)‎ ‎ 注意:1。对所给要点,不要简单翻译,要有适当发挥。‎ ‎ 2.字数120左右。短文中已写好了的部分,不计入词数 。 3.参考词汇:形象—— image ‎ One Possible Version ‎ It is reported that about 100,000 people will be chosen as volunteers for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. What should the volunteers do and what should they not do?‎ ‎ Firstly, they should be polite and friendly to the athletes and visitors from all over the world, and avoid improper behaviour. Secondly, they should stick to their posts, offering good services, satisfying any reasonable needs and being ready to help those in difficulty, and never fail to do their duty. Thirdly, they should introduce the Chinese culture and history to foreigners so that they may know China better and never say or do anything that harms the image of our motherland.‎ ‎ If I have the honour to be chosen as a volunteer, besides the above, I will work ‎ hard and creatively, but never be lazy. I will follow the law and disciplining, but never break them.. I will take the opportunity to make friends with the athletes and visitors, and help make the 2008 Olympic Games a great success.‎ ‎ 38.请你根据列表格内容,写一篇短文,比较newspaper与website的异同,并谈谈你的看法。‎ ‎ 相同点不同点 ‎ 1.向读者提供信息1.报纸一经出版不能改变,而网站可以不断更新内容。‎ ‎ 2.通过刊登广告赚钱2.报纸要花钱,而在网上可以免费浏览信息。‎ ‎ 3.可以容易地在网站上发表自己的看法。‎ ‎ 我的看法…… ‎ ‎ 注意:1、短文必须包括表内所有的内容,可以适当增加细节,使内容连贯;‎ ‎ 2、首句已给出,不列入总词数;‎ ‎ 2、词数:120词左右。‎ ‎ One possible version:‎ ‎ Newspapers have been popular for a long time, but in recent years more and more people prefer to get news from the Internet. ‎ ‎ Newspapers and websites are similar in several ways. For example, they both aim at providing information to the public. Besides that, advertising is an important way for both of them to make money.‎ ‎ In spite of the above similarities, there are a few differences. Websites update their news freely. As for newspapers, nothing can be changed once published. So websites offer us the latest news faster than newspapers. Furthermore, newspapers have to be paid for while most websites are free. And it is on the websites that we can express ourselves and exchange ideas with others more easily.‎ ‎ In my opinion, websites and newspaper play their own roles in our lives and they are part of our lives.‎ ‎ 39. 假如你是一名高三学生,经常为看电视的事跟妈妈闹意见,今天你和妈妈达成一致。请根据以下表格的内容,以An Agreement为题写一篇120字左右的英语短文。‎ ‎ 母亲儿子 ‎ 高三学生学习任务重,看电视浪费时间学习一天很疲劳,看电视可以放松一下 ‎ 儿子自制力差,看电视会影响学习,长期看电视会影响视力看电视也可以增长知识,了解国际国内大事,紧跟时代 ‎ 星期中不准我看电视,但在周末允许我看新闻、文艺、体育或科普类节目 ‎ 注意:1.字数100—120,短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数;‎ ‎ 2.不要漏掉表格中的内容,但不能逐字翻译;3.可适当增添合乎情理的过渡性语言。‎ ‎ I am a senior three student. I often quarrel with my mother over whether I can watch TV after school. My mother holds the view that students in senior three, shouldering heavy loads, are too busy to spare any time to watch TV. It seems to her that once I am allowed to do that I’ll not be able to control myself and forget all about my study. She also thinks that it is bad for my eyes to watch TV too often. But I really can’t accept her ideas. I think it is a relaxation to watch TV after a day’s hard work. Not only can it set my mind at rest, but it can broaden my horizons. Now we’ve at last reached an agreement that I can only watch TV at weekends, and the programs should be limited to news, programs ,entertainment, sports ‎ and science.‎ ‎ IV. 纯文字信息提示类 ‎ 40. 目前家长为孩子请家教是一种普遍现象。前几年多见于初、高中学生,现在有些小学生也请家教。父母们如此舍得花钱和忍心占去孩子的时间,究竟是为什么呢?某中学生英语报正在征文,了解其中原因。请根据下面所给的标题和首段内容,分析慢、中、快三类学生请家教的原因并说明你对家教现象的态度。注意:词数100词左右。‎ ‎ 参考词汇:1.慢等生:catch up with sb. ; become dependent on sth.依赖……‎ ‎ 2.中等生:surpass vt.超过 3.快等生:more competitive 更有竞争力的 ‎ Why Students Have Tutors(家教)?‎ ‎ Les’s take one class, either in primary or high school, as an example and divide it into three groups: the slow, the middle, and the fast learners. In the past, the slow learners used to have tutors. Today, however, it seems all of them have tutors for one reason or another.‎ ‎ The slow learners need tutors because they can’t catch up with others with their own efforts. They have difficulty in understanding the teachers and doing their homework.. So after – class tutoring is really important to them. But the problem is that they may become dependent on tutors and not work very hard in class.‎ ‎ As to the middle group learners, they worry about being surpassed and turn to tutors, too.‎ ‎ What about the fast learners? Though they are confident about their present position, they are not quite satisfied. They fix their eyes on a high goal. They desire to learn more in order to be more competitive later.‎ ‎ I think they have the right to have tutors, though I have no tutors.‎ ‎ 41. 阅读下面这封中学生来信(摘自 China Daily 21 Century).‎ ‎ Dear Editor:‎ ‎ I am a new student at No. 1 Middle School of Chongqing. My home is far from Chongqing, so I must live at school. This is the first time for me to get away from my parents. I feel very sad. When I left home, I could hardly tearing myself away from them. .I do not want to be alone at school, and I am a shy girl. I have been crying in bed at night these days. I want to stay at home forever. I miss my parents very much.. Could you tell me what to do ?‎ ‎ Your early reply is expected.‎ ‎ Regards ‎ Amy ‎ 请根据以上内容,写一封回信(信的开头已为你好。词数120左右)。‎ ‎ 回信应包括如下要点;1.鼓励Amy坚定求学信心,志存高远,四海为家。‎ ‎ 2.就Amy的目前状况,提两到三个建议。‎ ‎ Dear Amy:‎ ‎ Thank you for your letter. I am so glad to have a talk about your present situation with you.‎ ‎ People often miss their parents the first time they leave home. Most people do have to leave home for higher education or employment. You cannot live with your parents forever. I think you should realize that present separation will help your academic development and your improvement of personal ability.‎ ‎ You need to make friend in your school, sharing ideas with your classmates who are physically closest to you now. Maybe you will still miss your parents, but your new friends will bring happiness and joy to your new life. Also I suggest you enjoy yourself by taking an active part in different kinds of activities in school. You will get much pleasure from it.‎ ‎ Wish you happy every day.‎ ‎ Faithfully yours ‎ Editor ‎ 42. 众所周知,2008年奥运会将在北京举行。为了办好这次国际盛会,北京市将进一步改善环境,修建更多的体育场馆。与此同时,提高市民的素质和修养也势在必得,因为文明的举止在国际交往中非常重要。作为年轻人,我们自身也存在着一些不文明行为。请列举你所观察到的一些不文明行为(三种以上),并就此做出评论或提出建议。‎ ‎ It is known to all that the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. In order to make it successful event, we will improve the environment of Beijing and build more venues . As the same time ,it is necessary for us to improve the quality and culture of the citizens as manners play an important role in international communication. I notice that sometimes some young people don’t behave properly in our daily lives. For example ,spitting in public places can be seen somewhere .The lawns are entered in the park although it is not right to do so .The flowers in public garden are picked .What is worse , rubbish and plastic bags are thrown on the ground in the street .‎ ‎ In my opinion, these bad behaviors will make bad impressions upon visitors to China . So every one of us should form good habits from now on.‎ ‎ 43. 肥胖已经成为危害人们健康的严重问题,中小学生的肥胖趋势更为明显。你们班对此展开讨论。根据不同的观点,写一篇100词左右的短文。‎ ‎ 1.肥胖危害健康,应该节食,锻炼,预防肥胖。已经超重的,应该采取措施减肥。‎ ‎ 2.中学生长身体的时候,减肥会影响身体发育,也会影响学习,因此应该顺其自然。‎ ‎ 肥胖:fatness ‎ Fatness is one of the serious problems which have a bad effect on our health. And at present the situation in the teenagers is even worse, As to this, a discussion was carried out in our class.‎ ‎ Some students think fatness does harm to our health, so it is necessary to be on a diet and take suitable exercise to prevent it. Those who are overweight should take measures to lose weight to be healthy.‎ ‎ But others have a different opinion. They say losing weight will be bad for the teenagers during their growth course, as well as their studies. So there is no doubt to leave it as it is.‎ ‎ 44. 请根据下面的英文短诗,展开适当的想象,写一篇短文。‎ ‎ 标题为:My Teacher Mr Moore ‎ There’s a teacher Mr .Moore.‎ ‎ Who is lovely and therty-four.‎ ‎ Always encouraging us to try.‎ ‎ He leads us to a world of“why”.‎ ‎ We all admire him more and more.‎ ‎ 注意:1. 不得照抄短诗原文。2. 必须结合短诗的内容,发挥想象,适当展开。‎ ‎ 3.必须突出短诗的主题,结构完整,语意连贯。‎ ‎ 4. 短文不能写成诗歌形式。5. 词数:120左右。‎ ‎ My Teacher Mr Moore ‎ Of all my teachers,Mr. Moore is the one who impresses me most.,Though he is 34,he looks very young for hes age.And he’s one of the most popular teachers in our school.‎ ‎ Compared with other teachers ,Mr.Moore pays more attention to his way of teaching .He tries various ways to make his classes lively and interesting .In his opinion,we should not only know “what”, but also understand “why”.So ,instead of giving us answers immediately ,he encourages us to think by ourselves whenever he puts forward questions.With his help.we’ve learned how to analyze and settle problem. What a wonderful world of “why”he leads us to!‎ ‎ He is such a learned person that we all admire hem very much.‎ ‎ 45. 哈尔滨第六制药厂研制了一种新药,药品已经被外商定购。请你根据提示为该厂产品写一份使用说明书:‎ ‎ 1 本药品为中药(traditional Chinese medicine),对肺病疗效显著。‎ ‎ 2 常量:每天三次,一次三粒,根据情况可以加服1-2粒。‎ ‎ 3 服药后身体不适要停服,小孩和老人禁服。 4 本药品应存放在阴凉干燥处。‎ ‎ 5 使用本药品要严格遵从医嘱。 注意:写作时要包括要点,但不要逐条翻译。‎ ‎ Medicine Operation Instructions ‎ The medicine is made by the Sixth Medical Factory of Harbin. It is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine. It has a great effect on lung disease. Take three pills once and three times a day. One or two pills can be added according to your condition. Stop it if you feel uncomfortable after taking it. It is not suitable for children or the old people. Please strictly follow the doctor’s instructions when you take it. This medicine should be in dark and dry places.‎ ‎ 46. 以“Form a Good Habit”为题,谈谈早起的好处。要求言之有理,内容连贯,可参考以下提示:1. 有些学生迟到,是因为晚起; 2. 晚起不仅影响学习,而且也是一种坏习惯;‎ ‎ 3. 早起是一种好习惯,因为它能给你带来很多好处。早起有助于身体健康,有助于学习,有助于品德培养。英国有句俗话,“Early to bed, and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”这是千真万确的,希望大家养成早起的习惯。‎ ‎ (注:品德培养 train character;俗话 a saying)‎ ‎ Some students are often late for class because they get up late. Getting up late not only affects their studies but also is a bad habit. To get up early is a good habit, for it can do you much good. Getting up early can help you to be healthy. The air in the morning is fresh. If you breathe such air, it does you a lot of good. You can have some sports, too in the morning. This can make you stronger. The fresh air and quietness in the morning make you think more quickly than any other time of the day and memorize what you have learned easily. Another reason for you to think quickly and memorize things easily is that you have taken a long rest during the night.‎ ‎ Getting up early can also help you to train your character. Some students can get up early, but some can not. This needs perseverance. There is a saying in English, “Early to bed, and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” This is ‎ very true. I hope everyone will form the good habit of getting up early.‎ ‎ 47. 越来越多的学生在校外租房而不愿住大寝室。请根据下面提示,一分为二地用英语写一篇短文,说说两者各自的好处与坏处,并表明自己的观点。‎ ‎ 1. 学习时间; 2. 安全; 3. 自由性; 4. 与同学交往; 5. 学习效果。‎ ‎ 注意:可从其他角度阐述,但两方面的理由都至少要有两条;词数100左右。‎ ‎ Nowadays, some students would not like to live in a dorm. Instead, they rent houses outside the school. There are advantages for both. Living in a dorm can increase friendship and cooperation between classmates. And of cause it is safer. A dorm is more like a society, wich enables students to learn to adapt to each other, thus preparing for the social life later. As for renting houses to live alone, it’s better for study as you can feel free in your own room without being interrupted by others. As a result, you can have more time and devote yourself to studying whole-heartedly. But there may appear some safety problems as you live outside of the school.‎ ‎ Anyhow, as a student, I prefer living in a dorm.‎ ‎ 编者建议:如果想书面表达有较大进步,多背诵范文不失为一种有效方法。作文范文来源途径非常广泛,例如《英语周报》。最好自己至少先构思,再参照范文。另外,每次老师布置的作文以及考试作文要认真对待,在文章内容、书法、卷面等方面严格要求,之后认真对照范文,找出自己不足,不断改进。还有,《核按钮》上面关于书面表达有着丰富的、内容实用的讲解,对于这样的素材同学们可千万不要浪费哟!‎ ‎ 高考英语作文范文4篇 ‎ 一.假如你是高三的学生,最近你就高三模拟考试该难还是该容易这个问题进行了一次调查。请结合下表内容,用英语写一篇短文,介绍有关调查情况,并发表自己的看法。‎ ‎ 赞成偏难,反对偏易 ‎ 赞成偏易,反对偏难 ‎ 1.喜欢挑战,越难越好;‎ ‎ 2.有助于学生了解自己的薄弱环节,‎ ‎ 改进学习方法。‎ ‎ 1.题目太难,学生会泄气,会害怕今后的高考;‎ ‎ 2.题目容易,易获高分,有自信。‎ ‎ 注意:1.词数150左右,开头已为你写好(不计入总词数);‎ ‎ 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎ Recently I have made an investigation on whether a model-test paper for Senior Three should be difficult or easy.Opinions are divided on this matter.‎ ‎ Some students think that a difficult exam is just like a challenge.The harder, the better.It can help students find out where they are weak in studies and improve their learning approaches.‎ ‎ Others,however,are against a difficult exam.In their opinion,if it is very difficult,they may become discouraged and feel terrible about the coming College Entrance Examination.Besides,with an easy exam,they can get high marks and gain confidence.‎ ‎ I prefer it to be neither too difficult nor too easy, because if it is too easy,teachers will not know how we are getting on with our studies, but if it is too difficult, we will lose heart ‎ 二.从学校毕业,或上大学,或步入社会,毕业意味着前进、意味着选择。请以Graduation ‎ and moving on为题,写一篇100词左右的毕业感言。‎ ‎ 要求:1、毕业前活动:照相、留言等;‎ ‎ 2、心情(依依不舍,又要前进)及原因等。首句已经给出,不计入总词数。‎ ‎ Graduation and Moving on ‎ Graduation is a time when we move on, from school to university, or out into the real world.‎ ‎ Before graduating from school, We usually have a variety of activities, like taking pictures, leaving encouraging words to one another in memory of our friendship, or giving presents to our teachers express our thanks and show respect.‎ ‎ However, I have mixed emotions about moving on.I want to stay and have more fun with my friends, but I will have to move on.Graduation means taking a step forwardmoving onward and upward.Thus I can learn more and will be more skilled and experienced.‎ ‎ Graduation is coming whether we are ready or not.Let's make great efforts so that our dream will come true.‎ ‎ 三.假定你是某英文报的小记者,最近你对大学生的就业观点及专家对此的看法进行了采访。请根据以下要点写一篇题为“Different Job Outlooks”的短文,词数100词左右。‎ ‎ 学生观点:1.大部分想找一份薪金丰厚的工作;‎ ‎ 2.部分持观望态度,等待良机;‎ ‎ 3.少数想自己创业。‎ ‎ 专家观点:不应坐等,要尽快找份工作,理由是:‎ ‎ 1.积累经验;‎ ‎ 2.挣钱养活自己;‎ ‎ 3.明年就业形势或许更严峻。‎ ‎ Different Job Outlooks ‎ Nowadays university graduates have different job outlooks. For most of them, to find a job with satisfactory pay is their most important wish while majority want to be self – employed. However, a certain number of graduates are not in a hurry to hunt for jobs. They are just waiting for better chances. Toward this point of view, some experts warn that it is not wise to be just waiting. They advise that graduates should find a regular, full-time job as quickly as possible so that they can earn money to support themselves and get working experience, which will help to find a better position later. Moreover, it might be more difficult to find a satisfactory job next year.‎ ‎ 四.不知不觉我们已进入高三年级,高考一天天逼近。为了在学习上不落后于同学,很多学生搬出学校的集体寝室,在学校附近租了房子。就这一现象请你写一篇英语短文来发表自己的看法。内容包括:‎ ‎ 1在校外租房子的利与弊。(至少各写两点)‎ ‎ 2.你同意还是反对这种做法?并陈述你的理由。(至少写两点)‎ ‎ 注意:‎ ‎ 1.词数为120个左右;‎ ‎ 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; ‎ ‎ 3.开头语已为你写好(不计入总宇数)。‎ ‎ 参考词汇:宿舍dormitory ‎ Time seems to speed up as soon as the students step into their final and vital year.The college entrance examination is approaching day by day.Quite a few students have moved out from their dormitories to live in a rented room near the school to make every minute count.‎ ‎ It cannot be denied that they have their own time schedule after classes and easily concentrate on lessons alone in their small room.What’s important,with their morns taking care of them,they can spare more time for studies.However,there exist some disadvantages.For example,sometimes their minds go wandering easily without competitors round.Furthermore,a student who is left alone to study at rather an easy atmosphere tends to get distracted or even feel tired easily.‎ ‎ In spite of the fact that the dorm life is full of fun and friendship,noisy songs and shouts in the dorms after evening classes only quiet down long after the blackout at 10:30 p. m.,leading to a serious lack of sleep,I think.Worse still,they don’t make fullest use of time to study so,from my perspective.I prefer to live in the rented room.‎ ‎ 2008年上海英语高考作文范文 ‎ 高考英语开放性作文的典范 ‎ ——1999—2008年上海高考英语作文及范例 ‎ 1999年上海高考作文及范例 ‎ 一些学生认为学英语很重要;一些学生则认为不必学英语;我认为……(观点、理由)‎ ‎ Some students think it is very important to master English. They believe “A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life”. Others consider English useless. They feel learning English is nothing but a burden to them.‎ ‎ In my opinion, English is one of the most important subjects we learn at school. Of all subjects I like English best.‎ ‎ There are several reasons why English is my favorite subject. First, English is one of the most widely used languages of the world. Nearly all information on the Internet and over half of the world’s technical materials are in English, thus a good command of English will greatly benefit me in my work. Secondly,it is believed that good English also leads to greater chances and opportunities. In the competition for a well-paid job, the one who can speak English has an advantage over those who cannot.‎ ‎ For all these reasons we should not only learn English but master it in the shortest time possible. (166words)‎ ‎ 2000年上海高考作文及范例 ‎ 1、我最难忘的一课 2、具体说明为何难忘 3、感想 ‎ An Unforgettable Lesson ‎ In my life I have experienced many important things. But perhaps the most unforgettable thing which is really worth mentioning is the lesson given by my Chinese teacher just after she had an accident.‎ ‎ One morning just before our Chinese lesson, we were told our Chinese teacher, Miss Liu, had had an accident. One of her legs was badly injured and she couldn’t come to teach us. While we were planning to visit her after school, we also thought that maybe we would be free to do whatever we wanted during our Chinese lesson, and ‎ hoped our homework load would be reduced. But to our surprise, shortly after the bell, Miss Liu, with the help of a stick, came to the door of our classroom. With great respect w all stood up and greeted her.‎ ‎ She sat on a chair and began her lesson. She spoke slowly but forcefully. She prepared her lecture quite well and demanded that we do the same. Towards the end of the lesson, we got lots of homework from her.‎ ‎ A good teacher is many things to many people. Everyone has definite ideas about what a good teacher is. In my opinion the teachers who demanded the most from the students are perhaps liked best. (210 words)‎ ‎ 2001年上海高考作文及范例 ‎ 请你谈谈轿车大量进入家庭后,对家庭、环境和经济可能产生的影响。‎ ‎ Nowadays the number of people who own private cars is on the rise. Like everything else, private cars have both favorable and unfavorable aspects. Generally, the favorable aspects can be listed as follows.‎ ‎ First, private cars can bring convenience and mobility to owners. A car allows a person to move comfortably and safely as well as quickly and freely. Because my family owns a car, we are able to make extensive journeys every year. Therefore, I believe the tourist industry in China will develop more quickly with the increase in the number of private cars. Secondly, if more people buy cars, the automobiles industry will develop dramatically. What’s more, the growth of the automobile industry can trigger the boom of other important and related industries such as iron and steel production, energy and technological application.‎ ‎ Every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. To begin with, too many cars will give rise to a series of problems, such as serious environmental pollution and more traffic accidents. In addition, the driver may have drive around and around looking for available parking spaces. ‎ ‎ Through above analysis, we can see that private cars should be restricted rather than encouraged. (199 words)‎ ‎ 2002年上海高考作文及范例 ‎ 简要描述图片内容,结合生活实际,就图片的主题谈谈自己的感想。‎ ‎ Duo to theone-child policy in China, most families have only one child and therefore this child is regarded as the treasure of the whole world family. Both the parents and grandparents usually over indulge the child.‎ ‎ We can see in the picture, When a child is learning to ride a bicycle, the parent and the grandparent are sweating from running alongside the bike and are trying their best to protect the child for fear that they should fall and hurt themselves.‎ ‎ We all know the greatest glory consists not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. So I think, for the parents, they should be aware of the negative effect too much pampering has on their child. Under the parents’ protection, the child knows only comfort and ease. If they don’t learn how to live independently, how can they cope with the adversities which they will meet in the future? ‎ ‎ For the children, they should let their parents know that they have confidence in themselves and are able to exist in the competitive community without the constant watchful eye of an eager parent.‎ ‎ The path to success is filled with various kinds of difficulties and obstacles. Only when we have learned to stand on our own two feet, can we survive in the 21st century. (219 words)‎ ‎ 2003年上海高考作文及范例 ‎ 你的好友因家境一般买不起名牌而闷闷不乐。给他写信,谈谈你的看法和建议。‎ ‎ 受信人:徐海青 寄信人:黄平 写信日期:‎‎2003年六月八日 ‎ June 8, 2003‎ ‎ Dear Xu Haiqing,‎ ‎ You said in your letter that many of your classmates were wearing fashionable clothes, but you couldn’t afford to buy the best brands. So you felt very depressed. There are different views on people’s wear. The following are my ideas about it.‎ ‎ Firstly, you shouldn’t put too much emphasis on physical appearance. You must always remember the most important task for you today is to concentrate your attention on your studies. No matter what you wear, you will really look your best when you come out first in your examinations.‎ ‎ A famous saying goes, “Frugality is the mother of virtue.” So, secondly, you must understand that it is a fine virtue to learn live in frugality. Since your family is not able to provide you with enough money to buy clothes of the best brands, it is all the more necessary for you to try every means to lighten the financial burden of your family. You will find the virtue of frugality will benefit you a lot in your later life.‎ ‎ I hope you understand what I mean. I am sure you will take a positive attitude towards life and will be happy again when you read my letter. (205 words)‎ ‎ 2004年上海高考作文及范例 ‎ 老师要求你负责班级墙报(wall-newspaper)工作并征求你的意见。在日记中表述你的决定并谈谈想法。‎ ‎ Today Miss Wang asked me to be in charge of the wall newspaper of our class. I was so glad at that. But now I don’t know whether I should accept the task or not.‎ ‎ Though I have been in Class 4 for nearly two years, I have hardly done anything for it. I think it will be a good opportunity to devote my efforts to class if I take the job. On the other hand, I’m good at drawing. The job will also provide me with a good chance to show my talent.‎ ‎ However, I know that taking the job means having less time to relax and study. Perhaps it will take me several days to complete an excellent wall newspaper. Perhaps it will affect my studies as well. Perhaps…‎ ‎ No! No! No! I should believe my ability. I can get everything arranged well: relaxing, study, wall newspaper… It will be an hour for me to do something for my class. I want to be a person who is glad to challenge himself.‎ ‎ Now, I’ve decided I’ll accept the job. I’ll tell my decision to Miss Wang tomorrow. (187)‎ ‎ 2005年上海高考作文及范例 ‎ 古人云:“天生我材必有用”(There must be a use for my talent)。 通过描述你 ‎ 生活中一件事,说明人各有所长,无论才能大小都能成为有用的人。‎ ‎ There is an old English saying that there must be use for my talent. I have regarded it as my motto for many years. From my point of view, there is no difference between one person and another. With some useful talent, you will make your contributions to this society.‎ ‎ When I was ten years old, there was an old man living at the corner of xx Road. He didn’t have the opportunity to study in school, but he learned how to make wood furniture. Every time people went to ask him to solve some problems of furniture, he was willing to help them.‎ ‎ To my surprise, in his spare time, he would make some toys with small piece s of wood. Some of them were sold to the toy store and others were given to us. The moment I see the lovely toys made by this old man, I would remember the happy childhood.‎ ‎ From this old man, we can see whatever kind of talent you have, you can find your own method to display your talent. The most important factor is your confidence. If you believe that there must be a use for my talent, you will succeed. (200 words)‎ ‎ 2006年上海高考作文及范例 ‎ 下表提供了你所心仪的南、北两所大学的招生信息。通过比较作出选择,并结合个人情况说明理由。‎ ‎ 南方大学北方大学 ‎ 学费8000元/年5000元/年 ‎ 招生人数20人10人 ‎ 优惠政策无加20分 ‎ I dream to become an astronaut. Two universities in China can make my dream become true. They are both very good, but I can only choose one.‎ ‎ From the Internet, I learned that there are more advantages offered by the northern university than the ones by the southern one. For example, the fee charged by the northern one is lower. And it will add 20 marks while the southern university will not. In contrast, the southern university’s good point is that it enrolls more students.‎ ‎ After comparing the above information, I think I will choose the northern university for the following reasons. Firstly, my parents may not be able to afford my study and living expenses. Secondly, an addition of twenty marks is certainly an irresistible attraction. More importantly, four years of independent life in the north will obviously help develop my personality required as an astronaut.‎ ‎ 2007年上海高考作文及范例 ‎ 以“礼物”为主题写一篇作文。该文章必须包括以下内容:‎ ‎ 1、你送礼物的对象及所送的礼物;‎ ‎ 2、该礼物对他(她)可能产生的影响或带来的变化。‎ ‎ A Present for Father’s Day ‎ The Father’s Day will come soon. and I want to give my Dad a present. That is a VIP card of a health club. When I was a little boy, Dad worked hard as a teacher. During term, Mother and I sometimes accompanied Dad in his office till a late hour. From then on, I understood that Dad worked with great effort. There are still too many precious memories which I’ll cherish in my heart. And I want to give this present ‎ to express my thanks to him.‎ ‎ Time flies and I’m 18 now. As I grow up, Father is getting older. He is now still diving into piles of books. With the health club membership, I hope that he will make time to do more exercises. I think that he will relax in the health club and make more friends.‎ ‎ 2008年上海高考作文及范例 ‎ 你班将组队参加学校组织的集体舞比赛(group dancing cooipetition),班长希望大家积极参加。对此谈谈你的看法。你的文章必须包括以下内容:‎ ‎ 你是否会参加比赛 ‎ 你做出该决定的具体理由 ‎ Version 1:‎ ‎ A group dancing competition will be held in our school and the monitor calls on everybody to take an active part in it. While most of my classmates are still hesitating whether to participate, I have said yes to our monitor with great pleasure.‎ ‎ Generally speaking, there are two reasons for my decision. First, it is a good opportunity for me to relax myself, which will enable me to study more efficiently. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, so goes the saying, which clearly shows us the importance of relaxation. Besides, I think I am a good dancer after learning dance for more than five years. Participating in the contest will be a golden chance for me to show my dancing skills and make some contributions to the class.‎ ‎ For the two reasons mentioned above, it is no surprise that I have such a strong enthusiasm on the group dancing competition.‎ ‎ Version 2:‎ ‎ Today the monitor calls on everybody to take an active part in the group dancing competition which will be held in a couple of days in our school. But after some careful consideration, I have decided not to participate.‎ ‎ There are a number of reasons for my decision. First and foremost, as the College Entrance Exam is just around the corner, study is the top priority for me. Participating in the group dancing competition has to give way because it might take me too much time. What’s more, without any experience of dancing, I don’t think I can be a good dancing partner. I am afraid my poor dancing skills will probably spoil the performance of the whole class. In this case, it’s better for me to be a spectator cheering for my classmates. ‎ ‎ For these reasons, it seems more appropriate for me to watch the competition than to dance myself.‎ ‎ I'm very glad that a class team will be organized to take part in the group dancing competition by our school and the monitor expects all to be active. I've decided to join the team and win the top honour with my classmates. ‎ ‎ First, in the past two years the group dancing has been introduced all over the campus with the adoption of a practical policy issued by the national educational authority. As well as other social activities such as charity contribution, touring around the orphanages and nurseries and serving the public in the neighbourhood, the group dancing has become more and more popular among us. ‎ ‎ Second, the group dancing,regarded as one of the most popular group activities,it ‎ helps us to learn to be more cooperative,more confident and more optimistic. It also serves to develop a full personality, both physically and mentally. ‎ ‎ With the reasons listed above,I'm looking forward to the day when our class team will win the first prize in the competition with our great efforts.‎ ‎1‎

