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上海英语试卷解读-2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 ‎ I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. MoiqkFSUFc ‎1.‎ W: Can you describe what you do?‎ M: I wash office building windows. I go high up in the basket to reach the windows.MoiqkFSUFc Q: What is the man's job?‎ A. A basketball player. ‎ B. A laundry worker.‎ 11. A window washer. ‎ 12. A rock climber ‎【答案】C. A window washer.‎ ‎【解读】这是一道事实细节题。从对话中可知,男士清洗办公楼的窗户。所以选项为C,他是个窗户清洁工。关键词句:I wash office building windows;to reach the window.MoiqkFSUFc ‎2.‎ M: Should we go out or eat in tonight?‎ W: I am too tired to do any cooking.‎ Q: What does the woman imply?‎ A. She is not hungry.‎ B. She wants to cook.‎ C. She is not tired.‎ D. She wants to dine out.‎ ‎【答案】D. She wants to dine out.‎ ‎【解读】这是一道推理题。从对话可知,女士说太累了一点儿也不想做饭,可推测她想出去吃。所以答案是D。dine out 表示出去吃饭。关键词:too tired to do any cooking. 注意too…to表示“太……而不能……”。MoiqkFSUFc ‎3.‎ M: Hi, Grace. Tell me something about your hometown.MoiqkFSUFc W: It's so beautiful and peaceful. But it's really far away from everything.MoiqkFSUFc Q: What does the woman think of her hometown?‎ A. Promising B. Isolated C. Crowded D. Modern ‎【答案】B. Isolated.‎ ‎【解读】这是一道推理题。从对话可知,女士认为她的家乡美丽而幽静。但却与世隔绝。所以答案是B,isolated 表示隔绝的,孤立的。关键词句:But it's really far away from everything.MoiqkFSUFc be far away from表示“远离”。听时注意“but”这个转折词后的信息。‎ ‎4. ‎ W: My printer is out of paper. I will run and get some.MoiqkFSUFc M: I will go with you. I need some fresh air.‎ Q: Where will the speakers probably go?‎ A. To a stationery shop.‎ B. To a gymnasium.‎ C. To a paint store.‎ D. To a news stand.‎ ‎【答案】A. To a stationery shop.‎ ‎【解读】这是一道场景题。从对话可知,女士说打印机里面没纸了,她跑去买纸,男士说一起去。所以答案是A,stationery shop 是文具店,符合题意。B是体育馆,C是油漆店,D是报摊。关键词句:My printer is out of paper. I will run and get some.MoiqkFSUFc ‎5. ‎ M: I don't like the prices on the menu. They always seem too high.MoiqkFSUFc W: You will have a different view after eating the delicious food.MoiqkFSUFc Q: What does the woman mean?‎ A. The man can see a different view.‎ B. The food is not tasty enough.‎ C. The man cannot afford the food.‎ D. The food is worth the price.‎ ‎【答案】D. The food is worth the price.‎ ‎【解读】这是一道推理题。从对话可知,男士认为菜单上的价格太高,女士说你尝了菜之后就会改变观点,言下之意是你吃了之后就不觉得贵。所以答案是D,The food is worth the price.这里的食物物有所值。关键词:have a different view, delicious food.MoiqkFSUFc ‎6. ‎ M: I had a hard time getting through the novel.‎ W: I know how you feel. Who could remember the names of 35 different characters?MoiqkFSUFc Q: What does the woman imply?‎ A. She reads different kinds of books.‎ B. She also finds the book difficult to read.‎ C. She is impressed by the characters.‎ D. She knows well how to remember names.‎ ‎【答案】B. She also finds the book difficult to read.‎ ‎【解读】这是一道推理题。从对话可知,男士说读完这本书很困难。女士说她懂他的感觉,谁能记住35个不同的人物角色的名字。言下之意是她也不能记住,觉得太难了。所以答案是B。关键词句:Who could remember…?听时注意说话者的反问语气。MoiqkFSUFc ‎7.‎ W: Why haven't we received any newspapers yet?‎ M: Well, sometimes it takes a while for the post office to deliver it.MoiqkFSUFc Q: What can we learn from the conversation?‎ A. The man will go to the post office.‎ B. The post office is closed for the day.‎ A. The woman is expecting the newspaper.‎ B. The delivery boy has been dismissed.‎ ‎【答案】C. The woman is expecting the newspaper.‎ ‎【解读】这是一道主旨题。从对话可知,女士疑惑他们没收到报纸。男士说有时邮寄需要花点时间。言下之意是女士在期盼报纸的到来。所以答案是C。关键词:is expecting, 表示“期望,等待”。MoiqkFSUFc ‎8.‎ M: My roommate and I are going to see a film tonight. And we are leaving at7:40.Do you want to join us?MoiqkFSUFc W: Sure. But my class ends at 7:30.And the professor never finishes on time.MoiqkFSUFc Q: What can we learn about the woman?‎ A. She is not sure if she can join them.‎ B. She will skip the class to see the film.‎ C. She will ask the professor for leave.‎ D. She does not want to see a film.‎ ‎【答案】A. She is not sure if she can join them.‎ ‎【解读】这是一道推理题。从对话可知,女士想去看电影,但是她不确定7:30是否老师会准时下课,因为老师通常拖堂。而男士和他室友7:40就要出发。所以答案是A。关键词句:class ‎ ends at 7:30;the professor never finishes on time. 老师从来不准时下课。MoiqkFSUFc ‎9.‎ W: Now that you are on the business, what’s your advice for someone to become a fashion designer?MoiqkFSUFc M: Go to school. I mean it. Find a good school and learn as much as you can.MoiqkFSUFc Q: What does the man mean?‎ A. Fashion designing is a booming business.‎ B. School learning is a must for fashion designers.‎ C. He hopes to attend a good fashion school.‎ D. The woman should become a fashion designer.‎ ‎【答案】B. School learning is a must for fashion designers.MoiqkFSUFc ‎【解读】这是一道推理题。从对话可知,男士的建议是设计师要找个好学校好好学习。所以答案是B, 学校教育是时装设计师必经之路。关键词句:Go to school;Find a good school and learn as much as you can.MoiqkFSUFc ‎10. ‎ W: Slow down. You are passing every car on the road.MoiqkFSUFc M: Most drivers usually ignore the speed limit unless they think the police will stop them.MoiqkFSUFc Q: What does the man mean?‎ A. Few people drive within the speed limit.‎ B. Drivers usually obey traffic rules.‎ C. The speed limit is really reasonable.‎ D. The police stop most drivers for speeding ‎【答案】A. Few people drive within the speed limit.‎ ‎【解读】这是一道推理题。从对话可知,女士要求男士减速,男士却说大多数驾驶者通常都会忽视车子限速,除非他们觉得警察会拦下他们。所以答案是A, 很少有人会驾驶不超速。MoiqkFSUFc 关键词句:Most drivers usually ignore the speed limit.‎ Section B Directions: In section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper,‎ ‎ and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. MoiqkFSUFc Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.MoiqkFSUFc I am Lynn. My previous job was as principal of a language school, where I received awards for training teachers to teach more effectively. A year ago, I started an international company. I spent months conducting programs in the US and Russia. During this time, some Russian immigrants came to stay at my house. Fortunately, these visitors helped a lot at home and made life easier. At the same time, I wrote several books to be published by my company and coedited a book for a major publisher. MoiqkFSUFc I am grateful I have a photographic memory, so I can remember everything I see. Otherwise, I might not be that productive. In addition to my work, I have a family at home. Some of my children have had serious health problems from birth, but I try to handle those problems well and efficiently. With tremendous help from my parents, the kids are fed, and clothed, and educated. MoiqkFSUFc I am busy from the time I get up until the time I go to bed. My time has to be carefully planned. I do not like to be interrupted because I want to accomplish my goals. MoiqkFSUFc Questions:‎ ‎11. What was the speaker’s previous job?‎ ‎12. What helps to make the speaker productive according to the passage?MoiqkFSUFc ‎13. What does the passage mainly tell us?‎ ‎11. A. A book publisher. B. A company manager.‎ C. A magazine editor. D. A school principal.‎ ‎12. A. Some training experience. B. A happy family.MoiqkFSUFc C. Russian assistants' help. D. A good memory.‎ ‎13. A. Lynn’s devotion to the family.‎ B. Lynn’s busy and successful life.‎ C. Lynn’s great performance at work.‎ D. Lynn’s efficiency in conducting programs.‎ ‎【答案】‎ ‎11. D. A school principal.‎ ‎12. D. A good memory.‎ ‎13. B. Lynn’s busy and successful life.‎ ‎【解读】‎ 第11题:说话人以前的工作是什么?‎ A. 图书出版商——短文提及,但与问题无关。说话人创办公司之后,才自己写书出版。‎ B. 公司经理——短文提及,但与问题无关。这是说话人目前的工作。‎ C. 杂志编辑——短文提及,但与问题无关。这是说话人目前的工作。‎ D. 学校校长——正确答案。说话人在一开始就明确表明,My previous job was as principal of a language school。MoiqkFSUFc 第12题:根据短文信息,说话人工作效率高的原因是什么?‎ A. 培训经验——短文提及,但与问题无关。短文只说…I received awards for training teachers to teach more effectively…,培训教师让我赢得了很多奖。MoiqkFSUFc B.幸福的家庭——短文提及,但与问题无关。说话人只介绍了自己的家庭情况,并没有提及家庭和工作效率高之间有何联系。MoiqkFSUFc C.俄罗斯助手的帮助——短文提及,但与问题无关。说话人提到these visitors helped a lot at home and made life easier.,并没有提及这和工作效率之间的联系。MoiqkFSUFc D. 好的记忆力——正确答案。I am grateful I have a photographic memory.... Otherwise, I might not be that productive. 没有好的记忆力,可能不会这么高效,符合题意。MoiqkFSUFc 第13题:短文主要讲述什么?‎ A. Lynn对家庭的付出——以偏概全。‎ B. Lynn忙碌又成功的生活——正确答案。短文前半部分讲述说话人在事业上的成功,后半部分讲述说话人在忙碌中平衡工作和家庭。MoiqkFSUFc C. Lynn在工作上的成就——以偏概全。‎ D. Lynn运行项目的高效——以偏概全。‎ Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.MoiqkFSUFc Job interviews can generally be divided into three types. MoiqkFSUFc The first is what I would call the traditional interview. This is usually just a series of standard questions about qualifications, work experience and ‎ expectations. So what you have here is basically a list of quite direct questions, like what duties did you have in your previous job. This is still the model for a lot of interviews today. In my view it’s not the best to select staff. MoiqkFSUFc Then there is the case interview. Here the interviewer presents a problem and a series of questions to find out how the candidate would approach the problem. It might go something like this, ‘A company wants to hire more graduates without spending more than its current budget. What would you advise them to do?’This can be particularly challenging, for you need to analyze the problem and solve it. MoiqkFSUFc The third type is known as the behavioral interview. The questions are usually designed to find out about how the candidates handle tricky situations in the past. A typical question might be ‘Can you give me an example of a situation where you had to follow orders that you didn’t agree with?’ This opens up a lot of information and the interviewer gets to see more of the candidate. MoiqkFSUFc Questions:‎ ‎14. What kind of questions are usually asked in the traditional interview?MoiqkFSUFc ‎15. What does the case interview focus on about the candidate?MoiqkFSUFc ‎16. What does the speaker mainly talk about?‎ ‎14. A. Economic questions. B. Routine questions.MoiqkFSUFc C. Academic questions. D. Challenging questions.MoiqkFSUFc ‎15. A. Work experience. B. Educational qualifications.MoiqkFSUFc C. Problem-solving abilities. D. lnfomation-gathering abilities.MoiqkFSUFc ‎16. A. Features of different types of interview.‎ ‎ B. Skills in asking interview questions.‎ C. Changes in three interview models. ‎ D. Suggestions for different job interviews.‎ ‎【答案】‎ ‎14. B. Routine questions.‎ ‎15. C. Problem-solving abilities. ‎ ‎16. A. Features of different types of interview.‎ ‎【解读】‎ 第14题:传统型面试经常会问什么类型的问题?‎ A. 经济类问题——短文未提及。‎ B. 常规性问题——正确答案。This is usually just a series of standard questions…标准问题实质上就是常规性问题,答案是对原文的同义转换。MoiqkFSUFc C. 学术性问题——短文未提及。‎ D. 具有挑战性的问题——短文提及,但与问题无关。这是case interview所问问题的特点。‎ 第15题:案例面试关注应试者的哪些方面?‎ A. 工作经验——短文提及,但与问题无关。这是traditional interview关注的问题。‎ B. 教育资历——短文提及,但与问题无关。这是traditional interview关注的问题。‎ C. 解决问题的能力——正确答案。…a series of questions to find out how the candidate would approach the problem.案例面试的目的就是考查求职者解决问题的能力。MoiqkFSUFc D. 收集信息的能力——短文未提及。‎ 第16题:说话人主要谈论的是什么?‎ A. 不同类型面试的特征——正确答案。短文开头就点明了主旨,Job interviews can generally be divided into three types.MoiqkFSUFc B. 问面试问题的技巧——短文未提及。‎ C. 三种面试模式的变化——短文未提及。‎ D. 对不同面试的建议——短文未提及。‎ Section C Directions: In section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet. MoiqkFSUFc ‎1. ‎ W: Hi, Bruce, it's Naomi.‎ M: Hi, Naomi.‎ W: I'm calling about the conference in Shanghai on November 8th. We have to make some changes. MoiqkFSUFc M: OK, go ahead. ‎ W: I don't think the peace guardian will be big enough. We need a center that can seat at least 600.MoiqkFSUFc M: That many? Any suggestions?‎ W: The Palace Center will be free that day, but it will mean increasing the registration fee by $50. From $800 to $850.MoiqkFSUFc M: That won't be a problem. Anything else?‎ W: Milan University says they are sending Carla Marisco instead of Professor Bertoni. But the talk would be the same, Opportunities and Risks in the African Market. MoiqkFSUFc M: Fine. Make those changes and all inform everyone at my end.MoiqkFSUFc Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.‎ Latest Conference Information Date: 8th __17__‎ Place: Palace __18__, Shanghai Registration fee: $ __19 __‎ Speaker: Carla Marisco from Milan University Speech topic: Opportunities and Risks in the __20__ Market ‎【答案】‎ ‎17. November ‎18. Center ‎19. 850‎ ‎20. African ‎【解读】‎ 第17题:这是一道事实细节题。从对话中可知,女士正打电话向男士确认关于会议修改的事宜。从女士所说的I'm calling about the conference in Shanghai on November8th.可知本题答案为November。MoiqkFSUFc 第18题:这是一道事实细节题。从对话中可知女士认为保安不够,男生询问她有什么建议时,她回答说The Palace Center will be free that day... 所以本题答案为Center。MoiqkFSUFc 第19题:这是一道事实细节题。从对话中女士的回答... but it will mean increasing the registration fee by $50.From 800$ to 850$.可知,登记费将上涨50美元,即从800美元到850美元。所以本题答案为850。MoiqkFSUFc 第20题:这是一道事实细节题。从对话中可知,女士告知男士说M兰大学虽然换了发言人,但是发言的主题并没有改变,从对话中的Opportunities and Risks in the African Market可知,本题答案为African。MoiqkFSUFc ‎2.‎ W: David, we all know you took up skateboarding at ten. But did your parents support you?MoiqkFSUFc M: Yeah, my parents even let me skate in the house.MoiqkFSUFc W: Did they?‎ M: Yeah, they were pretty cool.‎ W: How about your school work?‎ M: That was fine. I was able to get my school work done with good grades. My only problem was that I had so much physical energy that I could not sit still in class. Then some teachers started taking my skateboard away.MoiqkFSUFc W: That couldn't stop you from staking?‎ M: No way. The cool thing was that my parents managed to find me a different school. The headmaster there was wonderful. He let us plan our own P.E. classes. So guess what class I created.MoiqkFSUFc W: Skateboarding.‎ M: You got it. That was my P.E. class. By that time I was turning professional and starting to show off some techniques at competitions. MoiqkFSUFc W: Is that when your new style became famous?‎ M: Yeah. Other skaters had this smooth flowing style, but I was kind of like a robot always coming up with new tricks.MoiqkFSUFc Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.MoiqkFSUFc An Interview with David, a Skateboarding (滑板运动> LoverMoiqkFSUFc What was David's schoolwork like?‎ He was able to get his schoolwork done __21__.‎ What was his only problem at school?‎ He was unable to __22__ in class.‎ Why did he say the new headmaster was wonderful?‎ He let students __23__ of their own.‎ How was his new style different from other skaters?‎ It was robot-like, with __24__.‎ ‎【答案】‎ ‎21. with good grades ‎22.sit still ‎23. plan P.E. classes ‎24. new tricks 第21题:这是一道事实细节题。从对话可知,这是一次采访。当采访人询问David的成绩时,David回答说That was fine. I was able to get my school work done with good grades.所以本题答案为with good grades。MoiqkFSUFc 第22题:这是一道事实细节题。从对话中可知,David热爱滑板,成绩也不错,但是唯一的问题是他的精力太旺盛了,以至于不能安安静静坐在教室中.从David的话语My only problem was ‎ that I had so much physical energy that I could not sit still in class.可知本题答案为sit still。MoiqkFSUFc 第23题:这是一道事实细节题。对话中,David在聊到自己因为热爱滑板而转学时,对新学校的校长表示了称赞,从The headmaster there was wonderful. He let us plan our own P.E. classes.可知本题答案为plan P.E. classes。MoiqkFSUFc 第24题:这是一道事实细节题。David在提到自己和其他滑板运动者的区别时,他说... but I was kind of like a robot always coming up with new tricks.可知本题答案为new tricks。MoiqkFSUFc 第II卷 I. Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. MoiqkFSUFc ‎1. 今年元旦我们玩得很开心。(enjoy>‎ We enjoyed ourselves very much on this New Year's Day.MoiqkFSUFc ‎【解读】本题考查固定短语。玩得很开心,常用“enjoy oneself very ‎ much”来表达;同时,注意元旦的表达方式为New Year's Day。MoiqkFSUFc ‎2. 舅舅昨天寄给我一张卡片,祝贺我18岁生日。(congratulate>‎ My uncle sent me a card to congratulate me on my eighteenth birthday yesterday.MoiqkFSUFc ‎【解读】本题考查固定短语。祝贺某人……,常用“congratulate sb on sth”来表达。另外18岁生日需要用序数词eighteenth,注意拼写。MoiqkFSUFc ‎3. 经过多年的建设,这个小镇现在和地震前一样充满了活力。(as...as>‎ After years of construction, this town is as lively now as it used to be before the earthquake.MoiqkFSUFc ‎【解读】本题考查固定结构。与……一样,常用“as...as”的结构,两个as之间通常接形容词或副词比较级。本句中,要表达充满了活力,用形容词“lively”即可。MoiqkFSUFc ‎4. 演出以一段五十多岁的人耳熟能详的经典音乐开始。(familiar>‎ The show started with a piece of music familiar to people in their fifties.MoiqkFSUFc ‎【解读】本题考查固定短语。对某人来说耳熟能详,常用“familiar to”来表达。另外,本句中五十多岁的人,用in one's fifties来表达。根据句意,泛指五十多岁的人,可以用people in their fifties。MoiqkFSUFc ‎5. 她一看完那个关于已灭绝物种的电视节目,就立志加入野生动物保护组织。(No sooner>‎ No sooner had she finished watching that programme about those extinct species, than she decided to join the Wildlife Conservation Organization.MoiqkFSUFc ‎【解读】本题考查倒装结构。no sooner...than的结构用来引导时间状语从句,主句用过去完成时,than后面的从句用一般过去时。当no sooner放在句首时,表示强调,注意此时主句要采用倒装结构。另外,本句中的短语稍有难度,灭绝物种,常用extinct species来表达;野生动物保护组织,常用Wildlife Conservation Organization来表达。MoiqkFSUFc II. Guided Writing Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given in Chinese. MoiqkFSUFc ‎ 上海博物馆拟举办一次名画展,现就展出场所<博物馆还是社区图书馆)征集公众意见,假设你是王敏,给上海博物馆写一封信表达你的想法。你的信必须满足以下要求:MoiqkFSUFc ‎1. 简述你写信的目的及你对场所的选择; ‎ ‎2. 说明你的理由<从便利性,专业性等方面对这两个场所进行对比)‎ To whom it may concern:‎ I’ve learned that an art exhibition is to be held and that you’re collecting suggestions on its location. I’m writing this letter to share with you my opinions. MoiqkFSUFc In my opinion, it is more advisable to hold the art exhibition in Shanghai Museum than in community libraries. My reasons are as follows.MoiqkFSUFc On one hand, it is more convenient for people to get to Shanghai Museum which is located in the center of the city. And the museum is much more spacious than ‎ community libraries, which provides visitors with a more comfortable environment for appreciating art.MoiqkFSUFc On the other hand, as a well-known museum, Shanghai Museum is more professional and experienced in holding art exhibitions. Its professional security guards and advanced facilities can better protect those famous paintings from being damaged or stolen.MoiqkFSUFc Therefore, I suggest the exhibition be held in the museum.MoiqkFSUFc Wang Min 解读:‎ 总评:‎ 本次高考题目以书信的方式考查观点论述的表达,属于常见题型。题目要求中交待了背景,同时,题目还明确要求了书信的内容中要包括目的、观点、理由等方面,难度适中。MoiqkFSUFc 细评:‎ 本次高考作文考查观点论述,题型较为常见,要求对画展的展出场所做出选择,并且说明理由,而且已经提示了可以从便利性和专业性两个角度来分析,难度不算太大,要写好这篇作文,只要观点明确并且言之有理即可。MoiqkFSUFc 范文按照书信的形式,首先要提出给收信人,To whom it may concern这里表示的是敬启者,是在读者身份不明时用在信件、通知和证明书开头的套语,也是除了Dear xxx之外英语书信的常见用语。MoiqkFSUFc 信的第一段交待了自己的身份,并且表明了些这封信的目的。‎ 第二段明确提出了自己的观点,用了it is more advisable to do...句型,表明“……是更合理的”,常用在提出建议时。段落最后用My reasons are as follows.“我的理由如下”作为一个过渡句引出下面的理由论述。MoiqkFSUFc 第三、四段用on one hand... on the other hand... “一方面……;另一方面……”进行连接,层次清楚。在论述观点时连词的使用可以使逻辑显得更清晰。第三段从便利性角度进行分析,博物馆交通更便利而且环境更舒适,其中用到了which引导的非限定性定语从句。第四段从专业性角度说明博物馆的优势。MoiqkFSUFc 最后一段用therefore简单总结并重申自己的观点。‎ 申明:‎ 所有资料为本人收集整理,仅限个人学习使用,勿做商业用途。‎

