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高考英语词汇全息速记 E1. ‎ ‎1. excuse [ iks5.kjuz ][ iks5.kjus ] ‎ ‎2. use [ jus ] ‎ ‎3. useful [ 5.jusfl ] ‎ ‎4. useless [ 5.juslis ] ‎ ‎5. used tobe (get) used to ‎ I used to use excuse, but now I'm not used to doing so. ‎ E2. ‎ ‎1. arouse [ E5.rauz ] ‎ ‎2. blouse [ blauz ] ‎ ‎3. house [ haus ] ‎ ‎4. housework [ 5.hauswEk ] ‎ ‎5. mouse [ maus ] ‎ ‎6. trousers [ 5.trauzEz ] ‎ The mouse's tearing my trousers and blouse in the house arouses my anger. ‎ E3. ‎ ‎1. boot [ but ] ‎ ‎2. foot [ fut ]feet [ fit ] ‎ ‎3. football [ 5.futbCl ] ‎ ‎4. root [ rut ] ‎ ‎5. shoot [ Fut ]shot [ FCt ] ‎ The seeds root and shoot in the football boot. ‎ E4. ‎ ‎1. arrow [ 5.ArEu ] ‎ ‎2. narrow [ 5.nArEu ]~-minded ‎ ‎3. sparrow [ 5.spArEu ] ‎ ‎4. borrow [ 5.bCrEu ] ‎ ‎5. tomorrow [ tE5.mCrEu ] ‎ Tomorrow the narrow-mined man will borrow arrows and shoot the sparrows. ‎ E5. ‎ ‎1. according [ E5.kCdiN ] ‎ ‎2. record [ ri5.kCd ]~er [ ri5.kCdE ] ‎ ‎3. record [ 5.rekCd ] ‎ ‎4. word [ wEd ]~y [ 5.wEdi ] ‎ ‎5. sword [ sCd ] ‎ ‎6. world [ wEld ]~wide [ 5.-waid ] ‎ According to my order, the word “world” is recorded on my sword. ‎ E6. ‎ ‎1. help [ help ] ‎ ‎2. helper [ 5.helpE ] ‎ ‎3. helpful [ 5.helpful ]helpless [ 5.helplis ] ‎ ‎4. hero [ 5.hiErEu ]~ine [ 5.herEuin ] ‎ ‎5. zero [ 5.ziErEu ] ‎ ‎6. zebra [ 5.zibrE ] ‎ He helps her hero onto zebra No. zero. ‎ E7. ‎ ‎1. drink [ driNk ]drank [ drANk ]drunk [ drQNk ] ‎ ‎2. ink [ iNk ]~y [ 5.iNki ] ‎ ‎3. sink [ siNk ] ‎ ‎4. think [ WiNk ]thought [ WCt ] ‎ ‎5. thinker [ 5.WiNkE ] ‎ ‎6. thinking [ 5.WiNkiN ] ‎ ‎7. twinkle [ 5.twinNkl ] ‎ ‎8. twin [ twin ] ‎ When sinking into thinking, the twin thinker would drink twinkling ink. ‎ E8. ‎ ‎1. although [ Cl5.TEu ],though [ TEu ] ‎ ‎2. cough [ kCf ] ‎ ‎3. enough [ i5.nQf ] ‎ ‎4. rough [ rQf ]~ly ‎ ‎5. tough [ tQf ] ‎ ‎6. ought [ Ct ] ‎ ‎7. thought [ WCt ]~ful ‎ ‎8. through [ Wru ]~out ‎ ‎9 thorough [ 5.WQrE ]~ly ‎ Although my cough was tough enough, I thought I ought to go through it thoroughly. ‎ E9 ‎ ‎1. courage [ 5.kQridV ]~ous ‎ ‎2. discourage [ dis5.kQridV ]~d ‎ ‎3. discouraging [ dis5.kQridViN ] ‎ ‎4. encourage [ in5.kQridV ]~ment ‎ ‎5. course [ kCs ]of ~ ‎ ‎6. court [ kCt ] ‎ ‎7. pour [ pC ] ‎ ‎8. tour [ tuE ]~ist [ 5.tuErist ] ‎ Of course the four courageous tourists poured into the court. ‎ E1.0 ‎ ‎1. colo(u)r [ 5.kQlE ]~ful [ -fl ] ‎ ‎2. favo(u)r [ 5.feivE ] ‎ ‎3. favo(u)rite [ 5.feivErit ] ‎ ‎4. labo(u)r [ 5.leibE ] ‎ ‎5. laboratory [ 5.lAbErEtEri ],lab ‎ ‎6. hono(u)r [ 5.CnE ]~able ‎ The honorable man favors the colorful labors in the laboratory. ‎ E1.1. ‎ ‎1. fight [ fait ]fought [ fCt ] ‎ ‎2. fighter [ 5.faitE ] ‎ ‎3. right [ rait ] ‎ ‎4. bright [ brait ]~ly [ 5.-li ] ‎ ‎5. brighten [ 5.braitn ] ‎ ‎6. frighten [ 5.fraitEn ]~ed [ -d ] ‎ ‎7. frightful [ 5.fraitful ] ‎ For his own right, the bright fighter isn't frightened of fight. ‎ E1.2. ‎ ‎1. Africa [ 5.AfrikE ]African [ 5.AfrikEn ] ‎ ‎2. America [ E5.merikE ]American [ E5.merikEn ] ‎ ‎3. Asia [ 5.eiFE ]Asian [ 5.eiFn ] ‎ ‎4. Europe [ 5.juErEp ]European [ 7.juErE5.piEn ] ‎ ‎5. Arctic [ 5.Bktik ] ‎ ‎6. Antarctic [ An5.tBktik ]~a [ -E ] ‎ ‎7. Atlantic [ Et5.lAntik ]the ~ ‎ ‎8. Pacific [ pE5.sifik ]the ~ (Ocean) ‎ Around the Pacific Ocean are America, Asia and Oceania. ‎ E1.3. ‎ ‎1. bean [ bin ] ‎ ‎2. lean [ lin ] ‎ ‎3. clean [ klin ]~ly [ 5.-li ] ‎ ‎4. cleaner [ 5.klinE ] ‎ ‎5. cleanly [ 5.kleni ]cleanliness ‎ ‎6. mean [ min ]~t [ ment ] ‎ ‎7. means [ minz ] ‎ ‎8. ocean [ 5.EuFEn ] ‎ ‎9 Oceania [ 7.EuFi5.einjE ] ‎ The lean cleaner means to clean the beans by means of ocean water. ‎ E1.4. ‎ ‎1. if [ if ] ‎ ‎2. I'm [ aim ] ‎ ‎3. I'll [ ail ] ‎ ‎4. ill [ il ]~ness [ 5.ilnis ] ‎ ‎5. bill [ bil ] ‎ ‎6. pill [ pil ] ‎ If I'm ill, I'll fill a bill for pills. ‎ E1.5. ‎ ‎1. announce [ E5.nauns ] ‎ ‎2. announcement [ E5.naunsmEnt ] ‎ ‎3. pronounce [ prE5.nauns ] ‎ ‎4. pronunciation [ prE7.nQnsi5.eiFn ] ‎ ‎5. bounce [ bauns ] ‎ How to pronounce the word “bounce” in the announcement ‎ E1.6. ‎ ‎1. bell [ bel ] ‎ ‎2. sell [ sel ]sold [ sEuld ] ‎ ‎3. seller [ 5.selE ] ‎ ‎4. smell [ smel ]smelt [ smelt ] ‎ ‎5. spell [ spel ]~ing ‎ ‎6. tell [ tel ]told [ tEuld ] ‎ ‎7. well [ wel ] ‎ Well, I'll tell the bell seller the spelling of smell. ‎ E1.7. ‎ ‎1. pale [ peil ] ‎ ‎2. sale [ seil ] ‎ ‎3. salesman [ 5.seilzmEn ] ‎ ‎4. scale [ skeil ] ‎ ‎5. tale [ teil ] ‎ The pale salesman sells tale books on a large scale. ‎ E1.8. ‎ ‎1. found [ faund ]~er [ 5.-E ] ‎ ‎2. foundation [ faun5.deiFn ] ‎ ‎3. pound [ paund ] ‎ ‎4. sound [ saund ] ‎ ‎5. wound [ wund ] ‎ ‎6. wounded [ 5.wundid ] ‎ The wounded founder sold the sound for one pound. ‎ E1.9 ‎ ‎1. aunt [ Bnt ] ‎ ‎2. hunt [ hQnt ]~er [ 5.hQntE ] ‎ ‎3. count [ kaunt ] ‎ ‎4. country [ 5.kQntri ]~side ‎ ‎5. account [ E5.kaunt ] ‎ ‎6. amount [ E5.maunt ] ‎ ‎7. mountain [ 5.mauntin ]~ous [ -Es ] ‎ The amount may account for why aunt hunts in the countryside mountains. ‎ E2.0 ‎ ‎1. hair [ hZE ]~y [ 5.-ri ] ‎ ‎2. haircut [ 5.hZEkQt ] ‎ ‎3. chair [ tFZE ] ‎ ‎4. chairman [ 5.tFZEmEn ]chairmen ‎ ‎5. stair [ stZE ] ‎ ‎6. downstairs [ 5.daun5.stZE ] ‎ ‎7. upstairs [ 5.Qp5.stZE ] ‎ The chairman went upstairs for haircut. ‎ E2.1. ‎ ‎1. fair [ fZE ] ‎ ‎2. fairly [ 5.fZEli ] ‎ ‎3. unfair [ 7.Qn5.fZE ] ‎ ‎4. affair [ E5.fZE ] ‎ ‎5. pair [ pZE ] ‎ ‎6. repair [ ri5.pZE ] ‎ It's a fairly unfair affair to put the chairmen in a pair of repaired chairs. ‎ E2.2. ‎ ‎1. port [ pCt ] ‎ ‎2. sport [ spCt ] ‎ ‎3. sportsman [ 5.spCtsmEn ] ‎ ‎4. transport [ 5.trAnspCt ] ‎ ‎5. transport [ trAns5.pCt ] ‎ ‎6. transportation [ 7.trAnspC5.teiFEn ] ‎ The sportsmen are transported to the port. ‎ E2.3. ‎ ‎1. report [ ri5.pCt ] ‎ ‎2. reporter [ -E ] ‎ ‎3. importance [ im5.pCtEns ] ‎ ‎4. important [ im5.pCtEnt ] ‎ ‎5. opportunity [ 7.CpE5.tjuniti ] ‎ ‎6. support [ sE5.pCt ] ‎ The reporter got an important opportunity for support. ‎ E2.4. ‎ ‎1. king [ kiN ]~dom [ 5.kiNdEm ] ‎ ‎2. song [ sCN ] ‎ ‎3. sing [ siN ]sang [ sAN ]sung [ sQN ] ‎ ‎4. singing [ 5.siNiN ] ‎ ‎5. single [ 5.siN^l ] ‎ ‎6. finger [ 5.fiN^E ] ‎ ‎7. final [ 5.fainEl ]~ly [ -i ] ‎ The king found the single singer's finger finally. ‎ E2.5. ‎ ‎1. among [ E5.mQN ] ‎ ‎2. strong [ strCN ]~ly ‎ ‎3. strength [ streNW ]~en ‎ ‎4. wrong [ rCN ] ‎ ‎5. wrongdoing [ 5.rCN5.duiN ] ‎ ‎6. length [ leNW ]~en ‎ ‎7. long [ lCN ] ‎ ‎8. along [ E5.lCN ]~side ‎ ‎9 belong [ bi5.lCN ] ‎ You are wrong, the strong string alongside the long table belongs to someone among us. ‎ E2.6. ‎ ‎1. British [ 5.britiF ] ‎ ‎2. Britain [ 5.britEn ] ‎ ‎3. captain [ 5.kAptin ] ‎ ‎4. certain [ 5.sEtn ]~ly [ -li ] ‎ ‎5. curtain [ 5.kEtn ] ‎ ‎6. chain [ tFein ] ‎ ‎7. main [ mein ]~ly ‎ ‎8. remain [ ri5.mein ] ‎ Certainly the British captain found the main chain remaining in the curtain. ‎ E2.7. ‎ ‎1. rain [ rein ]~y ‎ ‎2. raincoat [ 5.reinkEut ] ‎ ‎3. brain [ brein ] ‎ ‎4. grain [ ^rein ] ‎ ‎5. train [ trein ] ‎ ‎6. gain [ ^ein ] ‎ ‎7. again [ E5.^en ] ‎ ‎8. against [ E5.^enst ] ‎ I trained my brain against the rain again and again, then had a grain of gain. ‎ E2.8. ‎ ‎1. plain [ plein ] ‎ ‎2. explain [ iks5.plein ] ‎ ‎3. explanation [ 7.eksplE5.neiFEn ] ‎ ‎4. faint [ feint ] ‎ ‎5. pain [ pein ]~ful ‎ ‎6. paint [ peint ]~er [ 5.-E ] ‎ ‎7. painting [ 5.peintiN ] ‎ The faint painter plainly explains, “I painted my pain in the painting.” ‎ E2.9 ‎ ‎1. round [ raund ] ‎ ‎2. around [ E5.raund ] ‎ ‎3. ground [ ^raund ]under~ [ 5.QndE- ] ‎ ‎4. playground [ 5.plei^raund ] ‎ ‎5. surround [ sE5.raund ]~ing ‎ The round underground playground is surrounded by water. ‎ E3.0 ‎ ‎1. deep [ dip ]~endepth [ depW ] ‎ ‎2. jeep [ jip ] ‎ ‎3. keep [ kip ]~er [ 5.-E ] ‎ ‎4. sleep [ slip ]slept [ slept ] ‎ ‎5. asleep [ E5.slip ] ‎ ‎6. sheep [ Fip ]~ ‎ ‎7. weep [ wip ] ‎ ‎8. sweep [ swip ]swept [ swept ] ‎ After a deep sleep in the jeep, the weeping sheep keeper keeps on sweeping. ‎ ‎‎ E3.1. ‎ ‎1. Arab [ 5.ArEb ]Arabian [ E5.reibjEn ] ‎ ‎2. Australia [ Cs5.treiljE ]Australian [ Cs5.treiljEn ] ‎ ‎3. Egypt [ 5.i:dVipt ]Egyptian [ i5.dVipFn ] ‎ ‎4. Canada [ 5.kAnEdE ]Canadian [ kE5.neidjEn ] ‎ ‎5. India [ 5.indjE ]Indian [ 5.indjEn ] ‎ ‎6. Italy [ 5.itEli ]Italian [ i5.tAljEn ] ‎ ‎7. Russia [ 5.rQFE ]Russian [ 5.rQFn ] ‎ The Russian Australian married an Egyptian Italian. ‎ E3.2. ‎ ‎1. job [ dVCb ] ‎ ‎2. probable [ 5.prCbEbl ]probably ‎ ‎3. problem [ 5.prCblEm ] ‎ ‎4. rob [ rCb ]~ber~bery ‎ ‎5. robot [ 5.rEubCt ] ‎ ‎6. sob [ sCb ] ‎ The robbed robot probably sobbed for its job problem. ‎ E3.3. ‎ ‎1. bag [ bA^ ] ‎ ‎2. baggage [ 5.bA^idV ] ‎ ‎3. drag [ drA^ ] ‎ ‎4. dragon [ 5.drA^En ] ‎ ‎5. rag [ rA^ ]ragged ‎ ‎6. flag [ flA^ ] ‎ The dragon drags the ragged flag and baggage. ‎ E3.4. ‎ ‎1. anxious [ 5.ANkFEs ] ‎ ‎2. delicious [ di5.liFEs ] ‎ ‎3. precious [ 5.preFEs ] ‎ ‎4. obvious [ 5.CbviEs ]~ly ‎ ‎5. religious [ ri5.lidVEs ] ‎ The religious man is obviously anxious about his precious jewels and delicious food. ‎ E3.5. ‎ ‎1. cap [ kAp ] ‎ ‎2. lap [ lAp ] ‎ ‎3. map [ mAp ] ‎ ‎4. soap [ sEup ]~y ‎ ‎5. tap [ tAp ] ‎ ‎6. wrap [ rAp ]~per ‎ I tapped my lap with my cap and then wrapped the soap with a map. ‎ E3.6. ‎ ‎1. chemical [ 5.kemikl ] ‎ ‎2. chemist [ 5.kemist ] ‎ ‎3. chemistry [ 5.kemistri ] ‎ ‎4. ministry [ 5.ministri ] ‎ ‎5. minister [ 5.ministE ] ‎ ‎6. mister,Mr. [ 5.mistE ] ‎ ‎7. Mrs. [ 5.misiz ] ‎ Mr. minister, the chemist works in the Ministry of Chemical Industry. ‎ E3.7. ‎ ‎1. lie [ lai ]liar [ 5.laiE ] ‎ ‎2. lie [ lai ]lay [ lei ]lain [ lein ]lying [ 5.laiiN ] ‎ ‎3. die [ dai ]dying [ 5.daiiN ] ‎ ‎4. tie [ tai ] ‎ ‎5. untie [ 5.Qn5.tai ] ‎ ‎6. piece [ pi:s ] ‎ The liar lying there died with a piece of tie around his neck. ‎ E3.8. ‎ ‎1. eager [ 5.i:^E ] ‎ ‎2. eagerness [ 5.i:^Enis ] ‎ ‎3. tiger [ 5.tai^E ] ‎ ‎4. tidy [ 5.taidi ] ‎ ‎5. title [ 5.taitl ] ‎ ‎6. tiny [ 5.taini ] ‎ The tidy tiny tiger is eager for a title. ‎ E3.9 ‎ ‎1. early [ 5.E:li ] ‎ ‎2. earn [ E:n ]~ings ‎ ‎3. earnest [ 5.E:nist ] ‎ ‎4. learn [ lE:n ]~t [ -t ] ‎ ‎5. earth [ E:W ]~quake [ 5.-kweik ] ‎ ‎6. earthnut [ 5.E:W- ] ‎ ‎7. search [ sE:tF ] ‎ ‎8. research [ ri5.sE:tF ] ‎ I learnt that the earnest researcher searched the earth for earthnuts in the early morning. ‎ E4.0 ‎ ‎1. afraid [ E5.freid ] ‎ ‎2. aid [ eid ] ‎ ‎3. aim [ eim ] ‎ ‎4. aimless [ 5.eimlis ] ‎ ‎5. him [ him ] ‎ ‎6. slim [ slim ] ‎ ‎7. swim [ swim ]swam [ swAm ]swum [ swQm ] ‎ ‎8. swimming [ 5.swimiN ]~ pool ‎ The slim girl swims toward him. I'm afraid her aim is not to aid him. ‎ E4.1. ‎ ‎1. convenient [ kEn5.vi:niEnt ]in~ ‎ ‎2. patient [ 5.peiFEnt ]im~ ‎ ‎3. patience [ 5.peiFEns ] ‎ ‎4. science [ 5.saiEns ] ‎ ‎5. scientific [ 7.saiEn5.tifik ] ‎ ‎6. scientist [ 5.saiEntist ] ‎ ‎7. ancient [ 5.einFEnt ] ‎ I can conveniently see an ancient scientist's patience in science. ‎ E4.2. ‎ ‎1. dinner [ 5.dinE ] ‎ ‎2. dining-room [ 5.dainiN rum ] ‎ ‎3. wine [ wain ] ‎ ‎4. line [ lain ] ‎ ‎5. underline [ 7.QndE5.lain ] ‎ ‎6. discipline [ 5.disiplin ] ‎ I underlined the discipline to the men lining up in the dining-room for dinner and wine. ‎ E4.3. ‎ ‎1. mine [ main ] ‎ ‎2. miner [ 5.mainE ] ‎ ‎3. examine [ i^5.zAmin ] ‎ ‎4. examination [ i^7.zAmi5.neiFEn ], exam ‎ ‎5. example [ i^5.zB:mpl ] ‎ ‎6. simple [ 5.simpl ]simply ‎ ‎7. similar [ 5.similE ]~ity ‎ The miner examined a similar simple example. ‎ E4.4. ‎ ‎1. spit [ spit ]spat [ spAt ] ‎ ‎2. hospital [ 5.hCspitl ] ‎ ‎3. capital [ 5.kApitl ] ‎ ‎4. sit [ sit ]sat [ sAt ] ‎ ‎5. situation [ 7.sitju5.eiFEn ] ‎ ‎6. visit [ 5.vizit ]~or [ -E ] ‎ ‎7. television [ 5.teli7.viVEn ], TV ‎ The sitting visitor's situation is bad for he spat in the Capital‎ ‎Hospital. ‎ E4.5. ‎ ‎1. rich [ ritF ] ‎ ‎2. which [ witF ] ‎ ‎3. whip [ wip ] ‎ ‎4. trip [ trip ] ‎ ‎5. ship [ Fip ]~ment [ 5.-mEnt ] ‎ Which rich man is tripped by the whip on the ship? ‎ E4.6. ‎ ‎1. chip [ tFip ] ‎ ‎2. dip [ dip ] ‎ ‎3. lip [ lip ] ‎ ‎4. slip [ slip ] ‎ ‎5. slippery [ 5.slipEri ] ‎ ‎6. tip [ tip ] ‎ The dipped chip slipped off his lip tip. ‎ E4.7. ‎ ‎1. art [ B:t ]artist [ 5.B:tist ] ‎ ‎2. article [ 5.B:tikl ] ‎ ‎3. start [ stB:t ] ‎ ‎4. star [ stB: ] ‎ ‎5. starve [ stB:v ] ‎ ‎6. starvation [ stB:5.veiFn ] ‎ ‎7. far [ fB: ]~ther~thest ‎ The starving artist starts on an article about the farthest star. ‎ E4.8. ‎ ‎1. orphan [ 5.C:fEn ] ‎ ‎2. organize [ 5.C:^Enaiz ] ‎ ‎3. organizer [ 5.C:^EnaizE ] ‎ ‎4. organization [ 7.C:^Enai5.zeiFEn ] ‎ ‎5. recognize [ 5.rekE^naiz ] ‎ ‎6. recognition [ 7.rekE^5.niFEn ] ‎ The organizer recognizes that the orphan is his son. ‎ E4.9 ‎ ‎1. medal [ 5.medl ] ‎ ‎2. metal [ 5.metl ]~lic ‎ ‎3. mental [ 5.mentl ] ‎ ‎4. mention [ 5.menFEn ] ‎ ‎5. moment [ 5.mEumEnt ] ‎ ‎6. monument [ 5.mCnjumEnt ] ‎ ‎7. monumental [ 7.mCnju5.mentl ] ‎ At the moment before the monument, I mentioned the mental metal medal to him. ‎ E5.0 ‎ ‎1. fur [ fE: ] ‎ ‎2. furniture [ 5.fE:nitFE ] ‎ ‎3. further [ 5.fE:TE ]furthest ‎ ‎4. hurt [ hE:t ]~ ‎ ‎5. murder [ 5.mE:dE ]~er ‎ ‎6. nurse [ nE:s ]~rynursing ‎ The murderer's taking away the furs and furniture hurt the nurse further. ‎ E5.1. ‎ ‎1. lot [ lCt ]a ~ ‎ ‎2. pilot [ 5.pailEt ] ‎ ‎3. dot [ dCt ] ‎ ‎4. rot [ rCt ]~ten ‎ ‎5. total [ 5.tEutl ] ‎ ‎6. totally [ 5.tEutli ] ‎ The pilot found lots of dots on the totally rotten potato. ‎ E5.2. ‎ ‎1. cold [ kEuld ] ‎ ‎2. gold [ ^Euld ]~en [ 5.-En ] ‎ ‎3. hold [ hEuld ]held [ held ] ‎ ‎4. holder [ 5.hEuldE ] ‎ ‎5. scold [ skEuld ] ‎ ‎6. soldier [ 5.sEuldVE ] ‎ The old soldier scolded the cold gold holder. ‎ E5.3. ‎ ‎1. at [ At,Et ] ‎ ‎2. bat [ bAt ] ‎ ‎3. cat [ kAt ] ‎ ‎4. rat [ rAt ] ‎ ‎5. pat [ pAt ] ‎ The rat patted at the cat with a bat. ‎ E5.4. ‎ ‎1. fat [ fAt ]~ten ‎ ‎2. flat [ flAt ]~ten ‎ ‎3. hat [ hAt ] ‎ ‎4. that [ TAt ]those [ TEuz ] ‎ ‎5. what [ wCt ] ‎ ‎6. whatever [ wCt5.evE ] ‎ ‎“What?” “The fat rat ran into that flat hat.” ‎ E5.5. ‎ ‎1. poison [ 5.pCizn ]~ous ‎ ‎2. prison [ 5.prizn ]~er ‎ ‎3. per [ pE: ] ‎ ‎4. person [ 5.pE:sn ] ‎ ‎5. persuade [ pE5.sweid ] ‎ ‎6. persuasion [ pE5.sweiVEn ] ‎ ‎7. persuasive [ pE5.sweisiv ] ‎ Persuade the person in prison not to take poison. ‎ E5.6. ‎ ‎1. broken [ 5.brEukn ] ‎ ‎2. choke [ tFEuk ] ‎ ‎3. joke [ dVEuk ]~r ‎ ‎4. smoke [ smEuk ] ‎ ‎5. smoking [ 5.smEukiN ]No ~ ‎ ‎6. stroke [ strEuk ]at a ~ ‎ The smoke from the broken chimney choked the joker at a stroke. ‎ E5.7. ‎ ‎1. inch [ intF ] ‎ ‎2. bench [ bentF ] ‎ ‎3. such [ sQtF ] ‎ ‎4. touch [ tQtF ] ‎ ‎5. torch [ tC:tF ] ‎ ‎6. porch [ pC:tF ] ‎ On the bench in the porch, I touched such an inch long torch. ‎ E5.8. ‎ ‎1. coffee [ 5.kCfi ] ‎ ‎2. of [ Cv,Ev ] ‎ ‎3. off [ Cf ] ‎ ‎4. offer [ 5.CfE ] ‎ ‎5. official [ E5.fiFEl ] ‎ ‎6. office [ 5.Cfis ] ‎ ‎7. officer [ 5.CfisE ] ‎ In the office the officer officially offered the officials coffee. ‎ E5.9 ‎ ‎1. canoe [ kE5.nu: ] ‎ ‎2. poem [ 5.pEuim ] ‎ ‎3. poet [ 5.pEuit ]~ry ‎ ‎4. shoe [ Fu: ] ‎ ‎5. toe [ tEu ] ‎ In the canoe the poet wrote the poem Shoe and Toe. ‎ E6.0 ‎ ‎1. conclude [ kEn5.klu:d ] ‎ ‎2. conclusion [ kEn5.klu:VEn ] ‎ ‎3. include [ in5.klu:d ]inclusion ‎ ‎4. rude [ ru:d ]~ness ‎ ‎5. rule [ ru:l ]~r ‎ In conclusion, I included the rude ruler too. ‎ E6.1. ‎ ‎1. fix [ fiks ] ‎ ‎2. mix [ miks ] ‎ ‎3. mixture [ 5.mikstFE ] ‎ ‎4. figure [ 5.fi^E ] ‎ ‎5. future [ 5.fju:tFE ] ‎ The figure will be fixed with a mixture in the near future. ‎ E6.2. ‎ ‎1. curious [ 5.kjuEriEs ] ‎ ‎2. cure [ kjuE ] ‎ ‎3. pure [ pjuE ]im~ ‎ ‎4. sure [ FuE ]~ly ‎ ‎5. sugar [ 5.Fu^E ]~canecane ~ ‎ ‎6. cane [ kein ] ‎ The pure sugar can surely cure the curious disease. ‎ E6.3. ‎ ‎1. lunch [ lQntF ] ‎ ‎2. lung [ lQN ] ‎ ‎3. hunger [ 5.hQN^E ] ‎ ‎4. hungry [ 5.hQN^ri ] ‎ ‎5. jungle [ 5.dVQN^l ] ‎ In the jungle hundreds of hungry tigers took the pig's lung for lunch. ‎ E6.4. ‎ ‎1. eager [ 5.i:^E ]~ness ‎ ‎2. tiger [ 5.tai^E ] ‎ ‎3. big [ bi^ ] ‎ ‎4. dig [ di^ ]dug [ dQ^ ] ‎ ‎5. pig [ pi^ ] ‎ ‎6. pigsty [ 5.pi^stai ] ‎ The tiger is eager to eat the big pig digging in the pigsty. ‎ E6.5. ‎ ‎1. march [ mB:tF ] ‎ ‎2. match [ mAtF ] ‎ ‎3. catch [ kAtF ]caught [ kC:t ] ‎ ‎4. scratch [ skrAtF ] ‎ ‎5. snatch [ 5.snAtF ] ‎ ‎6. watch [ wCtF ] ‎ ‎7. kitchen [ 5.kitFin ] ‎ ‎8. switch [ switF ]~ on~ off ‎ Switching off the kitchen light, I catch the man who snatched my watch on the scratching match. ‎ E6.6. ‎ ‎1. best [ best ] ‎ ‎2. chest [ tFest ] ‎ ‎3. nest [ nest ] ‎ ‎4. pest [ pest ] ‎ ‎5. test [ test ] ‎ ‎6. yesterday [ 5.jestEdi ] ‎ ‎7. yes [ jes ] ‎ Yes, yesterday the pest's nest was put in the best chest for test. ‎ E6.7. ‎ ‎1. beyond [ bi5.jCnd ] ‎ ‎2. fond [ fCnd ]~ness ‎ ‎3. diamond [ 5.daiEmEnd ] ‎ ‎4. pond [ pCnd ] ‎ ‎5. second [ 5.sekEnd ] ‎ ‎6. wonder [ 5.wQndE ]~ful [ -fl ] ‎ I'm fond of the second wonderful diamond beyond the pond. ‎ E6.8. ‎ ‎1. boil [ bCil ]~er [ 5.-E ] ‎ ‎2. oil [ Cil ]~y ‎ ‎3. toilet [ 5.tCilit ] ‎ ‎4. soil [ sCil ] ‎ ‎5. soul [ sEul ] ‎ In the toilet the boiling oil soiled his soul. ‎ E6.9 ‎ ‎1. mile [ mail ]~stone [ 5.-stEun ] ‎ ‎2. smile [ smail ] ‎ ‎3. pile [ pail ] ‎ ‎4. silent [ 5.sailEnt ]~ly [ -li ] ‎ ‎5. silence [ 5.sailEns ] ‎ ‎6. since [ sins ] ‎ I smiled a while silently after I piled up the milestones. ‎ E7.0 ‎ ‎1. between [ bi5.twi:n ] ‎ ‎2. green [ ^ri:n ] ‎ ‎3. queen [ kwi:n ] ‎ ‎4. screen [ skri:n ] ‎ ‎5. scene [ si:n ] ‎ ‎6. scenery [ 5.si:nEri ] ‎ The queen has the scenery set between the green screens. ‎ E7.1. ‎ ‎1. feel [ fi:l ]felt [ felt ] ‎ ‎2. heel [ hi:l ] ‎ ‎3. reel [ ri:l ] ‎ ‎4. steel [ sti:l ] ‎ ‎5. wheel [ wi:l ] ‎ With my heel I feel the steel wheel on the reel. ‎ E7.2. ‎ ‎1. boy [ bCi ]~friend [ 5.-frend ] ‎ ‎2. joy [ dVCi ]~ful [ 5.-fl ] ‎ ‎3. enjoy [ in5.dVCi ]~ment [ -mEnt ] ‎ ‎4. enjoyable [ in5.dVCiEbl ] ‎ ‎5. royal [ 5.rCiEl ] ‎ ‎6. destroy [ dis5.trCi ] ‎ ‎7. toy [ tCi ] ‎ ‎8. voyage [ vCidV ] ‎ On the voyage the royal boy enjoyed destroying toys. ‎ E7.3. ‎ ‎1. construct [ kEn5.strQkt ]~ion ‎ ‎2. constructor [ kEn5.strQktE ] ‎ ‎3. destructive [ dis5.trQktiv ] ‎ ‎4. instruct [ in5.strQkt ]~or [ -E ] ‎ ‎5. instruction [ in5.strQkFEn ]~al [ -l ] ‎ ‎6. instrument [ 5.instFumEnt ] ‎ ‎7. struggle [ strQ^l ] ‎ The constructors struggled to give destructive instructions to the instrument. ‎ E7.4. ‎ ‎1. institute [ 5.institju:t ] ‎ ‎2. salute [ sE5.lju:t ] ‎ ‎3. pollute [ pE5.lu:t ] ‎ ‎4. pollution [ pE5.lu:FEn ] ‎ ‎5. revolution [ 7.revE5.lu:FEn ]~ary ‎ ‎6. solution [ sE5.lu:FEn ] ‎ ‎7. solve [ sClv ] ‎ We should salute the institute whose revolutionary solution solved the pollution problem. ‎ E7.5. ‎ ‎1. tool [ tu:l ] ‎ ‎2. stool [ stu:l ] ‎ ‎3. cool [ ku:l ]~ness [ 5.ku:lnis ] ‎ ‎4. pool [ pu:l ]swimming ~ ‎ ‎5. fool [ fu:l ]~ish~ishly ‎ The foolish schoolboy put the tools on stool into the cool swimming pool. ‎ E7.6. ‎ ‎1. pride [ praid ] ‎ ‎2. proud [ praud ] ‎ ‎3. loud [ laud ]~ly [ 5.-li ] ‎ ‎4. loudspeaker [ 5.laud5.spi:kE ] ‎ ‎5. aloud [ E5.laud ] ‎ ‎6. cloud [ klaud ]~y ‎ Proud Loudspeaker speaks loudly in the cloud. ‎ E7.7. ‎ ‎1. head [ hed ] ‎ ‎2. ahead [ E5.hed ] ‎ ‎3. headache [ 5.hedeik ] ‎ ‎4. lead [ li:d ]led [ led ] ‎ ‎5. dead [ ded ]death [ deW ] ‎ ‎6. deadly [ 5.dedli ] ‎ ‎7. instead [ in5.sted ]~ of ‎ I lead the way ahead instead of the dead leader. ‎ E7.8. ‎ ‎1. mind [ maind ] ‎ ‎2. remind [ ri5.maind ] ‎ ‎3. behind [ bi5.haind ] ‎ ‎4. blind [ blaind ] ‎ ‎5. find [ faind ]found [ faund ] ‎ ‎6. kind [ kaind ]~ly [ 5.-li ] ‎ ‎7. kindness [ 5.kaindnis ] ‎ ‎8. wind [ waind ]~ing ‎ ‎9 wind [ wind ]~y [ 5.-i ] ‎ The kind blind man reminds me to find with mind the winding wire behind the windy window. ‎ E7.9 ‎ ‎1. chief [ tFi:f ] ‎ ‎2. achieve [ E5.tFi:v ]~ment ‎ ‎3. believe [ bi5.li:v ] ‎ ‎4. belief [ bi5.li:f ] ‎ ‎5. thief [ Wi:f ] ‎ The thief chief believes in my chief achievement. ‎ E8.0 ‎ ‎1. amaze [ E5.meiz ]~ment ‎ ‎2. amazing [ E5.meiziN ] ‎ ‎3. gaze [ ^eiz ] ‎ ‎4. lazy [ 5.leizi ] ‎ ‎5. laziness [ 5.leizinis ] ‎ ‎6. lady [ 5.leidi ] ‎ Gazing the lazy lady, I'm amazed at her laziness. ‎ E8.1. ‎ ‎1. chicken [ 5.tFikin ] ‎ ‎2. quick [ kwik ]~ly~ness ‎ ‎3. sick [ sik ]~ness [ 5.siknis ] ‎ ‎4. stick [ stik ]stuck [ stQk ] ‎ ‎5. chopstick [ 5.tFCpstik ] ‎ ‎6. pick [ pik ] ‎ ‎7. picnic [ 5.piknik ] ‎ The sick chicken quickly picks the picnic food on the chopsticks. ‎ E8.2. ‎ ‎1. daily [ 5.deili ] ‎ ‎2. fail [ feil ]~ure [ 5.feiljE ] ‎ ‎3. mail [ meil ] ‎ ‎4. nail [ neil ] ‎ ‎5. rail [ reil ]~road,~way ‎ ‎6. sail [ seil ]~or ‎ ‎7. tail [ teil ] ‎ ‎8. tailor [ 5.teilE ] ‎ The sailor nailed the tailor's tail on the rail for he failed to mail the Daily. ‎ E8.3. ‎ ‎1. forward [ 5.fC:wEd ] ‎ ‎2. backward [ 5.bAkwC:d ] ‎ ‎3. reward [ ri5.wC:d ] ‎ ‎4. toward [ tE5.wC:d ] ‎ ‎5. downward [ 5.daunwEd ] ‎ ‎6. upward [ 5.QpwEd ]~(s) ‎ For the reward, he first moved forward and backward, then upward and downward. ‎ E8.4. ‎ ‎1. chimney [ 5.tFimni ] ‎ ‎2. hey [ hei ] ‎ ‎3. key [ ki: ] ‎ ‎4. money [ 5.mQni ] ‎ ‎5. monkey [ 5.mQNki ] ‎ ‎6. obey [ E5.bei ] ‎ ‎“Hey! Monkey, put the key and money into the chimney!” “Obey!” ‎ E8.5. ‎ ‎1. health [ helW ]~y ‎ ‎2. wealth [ welW ]~y ‎ ‎3. meal [ mi:l ] ‎ ‎4. steal [ sti:l ] ‎ ‎5. deal [ di:l ]~er ‎ ‎6. real [ riEl ]~ly [ 5.-i ] ‎ ‎7. reality [ ri5.Aliti ] ‎ ‎8. realize [ 5.riElaiz ] ‎ ‎9 realization [ 7.riElai5.zeiFn ] ‎ Really realizing that health is wealth, I steal a great deal of meal. ‎ E8.6. ‎ ‎1. prime [ praim ] ‎ ‎2. time [ taim ]~table ‎ ‎3. daytime [ 5.deitaim ] ‎ ‎4. sometime [ 5.sQmtaim ]~s [ 5.sQmtaimz ] ‎ ‎5. full-time [ 5.ful5.taim ]part-time [ 5.pB:t5.taim ] ‎ I sometimes do part-time job in the daytime; I'll get a full-time job sometime. ‎ E8.7. ‎ ‎1. bury [ 5.beri ]burial ‎ ‎2. burst [ bE:st ] ‎ ‎3. burn [ bE:n ]~t [ bE:nt ] ‎ ‎4. turn [ tE:n ]in ~ ‎ ‎5. turning [ 5.tE:niN ] ‎ ‎6. return [ ri5.tE:n ] ‎ ‎7. church [ tFE:tF ] ‎ After the burst, the burnt man is returned to the church and buried at the turning. ‎ E8.8. ‎ ‎1. camera [ 5.kAmErE ] ‎ ‎2. camel [ 5.kAmEl ] ‎ ‎3. lame [ leim ] ‎ ‎4. blame [ bleim ] ‎ ‎5. flame [ fleim ]flaming ‎ ‎6. same [ seim ] ‎ ‎7. shame [ Feim ]~ful~less ‎ ‎8. ashamed [ E5.Feimd ] ‎ The lame camel is ashamed to blame the flame for burning two cameras at the same time. ‎ E8.9 ‎ ‎1. hi [ hai ] ‎ ‎2. high [ hai ]height [ hait ] ‎ ‎3. highway [ 5.haiwei ] ‎ ‎4. neighbo(u)r [ 5.neibE ] ‎ ‎5. weigh [ wei ]~t ‎ ‎6. sight [ sait ]eye~ [ 5.aisait ] ‎ ‎7. sight-seeing [ 5.sait7.si:iN ]sightseer [ 5.sait7.si:E ] ‎ ‎8. see [ si: ]saw [ sC: ]seen [ si:n ] ‎ ‎9 seem [ si:m ] ‎ Hi! I see the sightseer's height and weight seem to be the same as my neighbor's. ‎ E90 ‎ ‎1. box [ bCks ] ‎ ‎2. pen [ pen ] ‎ ‎3. pen-name [ 5.penneim ] ‎ ‎4. pencil [ 5.pensl ]~-box ‎ ‎5. penny [ 5.peni ]pence [ pens ]pennies [ 5.peniz ] ‎ ‎6. open [ 5.EupEn ]~ly [ -li ] ‎ ‎7. opening [ 5.EupniN ] ‎ Opening the pencil-box, I saw a pen and ten pennies. ‎ E91. ‎ ‎1. film [ film ] ‎ ‎2. fill [ fil ]full ‎ ‎3. full [ ful ]~y [ 5.fuli ] ‎ ‎4. bullet [ 5.bulit ]~-proof ‎ ‎5. pull [ pul ] ‎ I pulled out a bullet box and fully filled it with film. ‎ E92. ‎ ‎1. but [ bQt ] ‎ ‎2. cut [ kQt ]~ ‎ ‎3. duty [ 5.dju:ti ]on ~ ‎ ‎4. hut [ hQt ] ‎ ‎5. shut [ FQt ]~ ‎ ‎6. nut [ nQt ] ‎ ‎7. put [ put ]~ ‎ ‎...but my duty is to put the cut nuts into the shut hut. ‎ E93. ‎ ‎1. in [ in ] ‎ ‎2. skin [ skin ] ‎ ‎3. spin [ spin ] ‎ ‎4. tin [ tin ] ‎ ‎5. violin [ 7.vaiE5.lin ]~ist ‎ ‎6. into [ 5.intu,5.intE ] ‎ ‎7. onto [ 5.Cntu ] ‎ ‎8. to [ tu,tE ] ‎ The spinning tin cut into the violinist's skin. ‎ E94. ‎ ‎1. uncle [ 5.QNkl ] ‎ ‎2. circle [ 5.sE:kl ] ‎ ‎3. cycle [ 5.saikl ] ‎ ‎4. bicycle [ 5.baisikl ] ‎ ‎5. bike [ baik ] ‎ Uncle put his bicycle in the circle. ‎ E95. ‎ ‎1. like [ laik ] ‎ ‎2. dislike [ dis5.laik ] ‎ ‎3. like [ laik ]un~ [ 5.Qn5.laik ] ‎ ‎4. likely [ 5.laikli ]un~ [ Qn5.laikli ] ‎ ‎5. strike [ straik ]struck [ strQk ] ‎ Unlike uncle, I like strike. ‎ E96. ‎ ‎1. border [ 5.bC:dE ] ‎ ‎2. order [ 5.C:dE ] ‎ ‎3. orderly [ 5.C:dEli ] ‎ ‎4. ordinary [ 5.C:dinEri ] ‎ ‎5. extraordinary [ iks5.trC:dnri ] ‎ ‎6. extra [ 5.ekstrE ] ‎ The order at the border is extraordinarily good. I ordered an extra meal. ‎ E97. ‎ ‎1. menu [ 5.menju: ] ‎ ‎2. man [ mAn ]~kind [ 5.-kaind ] ‎ ‎3. woman [ 5.wumEn ]women [ 5.wimin ] ‎ ‎4. human [ 5.hju:mEn ] ‎ ‎5. manage [ 5.mAnidV ]~r ‎ ‎6. management [ 5.mAnidVmEnt ] ‎ ‎7. manner [ 5.mAnE ]~s ‎ The woman manager likes the human man's manner of taking menu. ‎ E98. ‎ ‎1. and [ And ] ‎ ‎2. land [ lAnd ] ‎ ‎3. island [ 5.ailEnd ] ‎ ‎4. stand [ stAnd ]stood [ stud ] ‎ ‎5. standard [ 5.stAndEd ] ‎ ‎6. standardize [ 5.stAndEdaiz ] ‎ ‎7. understand [ 7.QndE5.stAnd ]understood [ 7.QndE5.stud ] ‎ ‎8. wander [ 5.wCndE ] ‎ Standing on the land of the island, the wandering man understands a standard. ‎ E99 ‎ ‎1. air [ ZE ] ‎ ‎2. airless [ 5.ZElis ] ‎ ‎3. airline [ 5.ZElain ]~r [ -E ] ‎ ‎4. airport [ 5.ZEpC:t ] ‎ ‎5. airplane[ 5.ZEplein ] ‎ ‎6. plane [ plein ] ‎ The airline's airplane lands on an airless airport. ‎ E1.00 ‎ ‎1. get [ ^et ]got [ ^Ct ]got,gotten [ 5.^Ctn ] ‎ ‎2. jet [ dVet ] ‎ ‎3. let [ let ]let ‎ ‎4. net [ net ]~work ‎ ‎5. wet [ wet ] ‎ Let me get the wet net from the jet plane. ‎ E1.01. ‎ ‎1. first [ fE:st ] ‎ ‎2. one [ wQn ] ‎ ‎3. once [ wQns ]at ~ ‎ ‎4. hundred [ 5.hQndrEd ]~th [ -W ] ‎ ‎5. thousand [ 5.WauzEnd ]~th [ -W ] ‎ ‎6. million [ 5.miljEn ]~th [ -W ] ‎ First, I'll get one million, one hundred thousand (1.,1.00,000) yuan at once. ‎ E1.02. ‎ ‎1. second [ 5.sekEnd ] ‎ ‎2. two [ tu: ] ‎ ‎3. twice [ twais ] ‎ ‎4. twelve [ twelf ] ‎ ‎5. twelfth [ twelfW ] ‎ ‎6. twenty [ 5.twenti ] ‎ ‎7. twentieth [ 5.twentiEW ] ‎ Second, I'll use twelve twentieths of it. ‎ E1.03. ‎ ‎1. three [ Wri: ] ‎ ‎2. third [ WE:d ] ‎ ‎3. thirteen [ 5.WE:5.ti:n ] ‎ ‎4. thirty [ 5.WE:ti ] ‎ ‎5. four [ fC: ]~th [ fC:W ] ‎ ‎6. fourteen [ 5.fC:5.ti:n ] ‎ ‎7. forty [ 5.fC:ti ] ‎ thirteen thousand, three hundred and forty four (1.3.,3.4.4.) ‎ E1.04. ‎ ‎1. five [ faiv ] ‎ ‎2. fifth [ fifW ] ‎ ‎3. fifteen [ 7.fif5.ti:n ]~th [ -W ] ‎ ‎4. fifty [ 5.fifti ] ‎ ‎5. six [ siks ] ‎ ‎6. sixth [ 5.siksW ] ‎ ‎7. sixteen [ 5.siks5.ti:n ]~th [ -W ] ‎ ‎8. sixty [ 5.siksti ] ‎ Sixty minus fifty plus five equals fifteen. ‎ E1.05. ‎ ‎1. seven [ 5.sevn ] ‎ ‎2. seventh [ 5.sevnW ] ‎ ‎3. seventeen [ 5.sevn5.ti:n ] ‎ ‎4. seventy [ 5.sevnti ] ‎ ‎5. eight [ eit ] ‎ ‎6. eighth [ 5.eitW ] ‎ ‎7. eighteen [ 5.ei5.ti:n ] ‎ ‎8. eighty [ 5.eiti ] ‎ Seven times eight makes fifty-six. ‎ E1.06. ‎ ‎1. nine [ nain ] ‎ ‎2. ninth [ nainW ] ‎ ‎3. nineteen [ 5.nain5.ti:n ] ‎ ‎4. ninety [ 5.nainti ] ‎ ‎5. ten [ ten ]~th [ -W ] ‎ ‎6. eleven [ i5.levn ] ‎ ‎7. eleventh [ i5.levnW ] ‎ Ninety-nine divided by eleven is nine. ‎ E1.07. ‎ ‎1. bow [ bEu ][ bau ] ‎ ‎2. bowl [ bEul ] ‎ ‎3. cow [ kau ] ‎ ‎4. how [ hau ] ‎ ‎5. somehow [ sQmhau ] ‎ ‎6. however [ hau5.evE ] ‎ However, the cow bowed to the bowl somehow. ‎ E1.08. ‎ ‎1. enter [ 5.entE ] ‎ ‎2. entrance [ 5.entrEns ] ‎ ‎3. center,centre [ 5.sentE ] ‎ ‎4. central [ 5.sentrEl ] ‎ ‎5. recent [ 5.ri:snt ] ‎ ‎6. recently [ 5.ri:sntli ] ‎ Recently I entered the center of the kingdom from the entrance. ‎ E1.09 ‎ ‎1. cent [ sent ] ‎ ‎2. percent [ pE5.sent ] ‎ ‎3. percentage [ pE5.sentidV ] ‎ ‎4. centigrade [ 5.senti^reid ] ‎ ‎5. century [ 5.sentFuri ] ‎ A cent is one percent of one yuan. In the next century it may be as high as 7.0 degrees centigrade. ‎ E1.1.0 ‎ ‎1. come [ kQm ]came [ keim ]come ‎ ‎2. become [ bi5.kQm ]became [ bi5.keim ]become ‎ ‎3. income [ 5.inkEm ] ‎ ‎4. overcome [ 7.EuvE5.kQm ]overcame~ ‎ ‎5. welcome [ 5.welkEm ] ‎ ‎6. home [ hEum ]~less ‎ ‎7. homework [ 5.hEumwE:k ]homeland ‎ ‎8. home-made [ 5.hEum5.meid ] ‎ ‎9 some [ sQm ]~thing [ 5.sQmWiN ] ‎ With shortcomings overcome, some home-made goods become welcome, so our income increases. ‎ E1.1.1. ‎ ‎1. January [ 5.dVAnjuEri ] ‎ ‎2. February [ 5.februEri ] ‎ ‎3. March [ mB:tF ] ‎ ‎4. April [ 5.eiprEl ] ‎ ‎5. May [ mei ] ‎ ‎6. June [ dVu:n ] ‎ ‎7. July [ dVu:5.lai ] ‎ ‎8. August [ 5.C^Est ] ‎ ‎9 September [ sEp5.tembE ] ‎ ‎1.0 October [ 5.CktEubE ] ‎ ‎1.1. November [ nEu5.vembE ] ‎ ‎1.2. December [ di5.sembE ] ‎ J F M A M J J ASOND ‎ E1.1.2. ‎ ‎1. I [ ai ]me [ mi:, mi ]my [ mai ]mine [ main ]myself [ mai5.self ] ‎ ‎2. we [ wi:, wi ]us [ Qs,Es ]our [ 5.auE ]ours [ 5.auEz ]ourselves [ 7.auE5.selvz ] ‎ ‎3. he [ hi:, hi ]him [ him ]his [ hiz ]himself [ him5.self ] ‎ ‎4. she [ Fi: ]her [ hE: ]hers [ hE:z ]herself [ hE:5.self ] ‎ ‎5. they [ Tei ]them [ TEm ]their [ TZE,TEr ]theirs [ TZEz ]themselves [ TEm5.selvz ] ‎ ‎6. it [ it ]its [ its ]itself [ it5.self ] ‎ ‎7. you [ ju: ]your [ jC: ]yours [ jC:z ]yourself [ juE:5.self ],yourselves ‎ ‎8. who [ hu: ]whom [ hu:m ]whose [ hu:z ] ‎ ‎“Who is he?” I asked her. “He is my friend.” ‎ E1.1.3. ‎ ‎1. chapter [ 5.tFAptE ] ‎ ‎2. after [ 5.B:ftE ] ‎ ‎3. shelter [ 5.FeltE ] ‎ ‎4. shelf [ Felf ] ‎ ‎5. self [ self ] ‎ ‎6. selfish [ 5.selfiF ] ‎ On the shelf in the shelter she read the after chapters. ‎ E1.1.4. ‎ ‎1. date [ deit ] ‎ ‎2. fate [ feit ] ‎ ‎3. fateful [ feitfl ] ‎ ‎4. gate [ ^eit ]~ keeper ‎ ‎5. gateway [ 5.^eitwei ] ‎ ‎6. hate [ heit ]~ful [ 5.-fl ] ‎ ‎7. water [ 5.wC:tE ]~y [ -ri ] ‎ The date is fateful to the hateful water gate keeper. ‎ E1.1.5. ‎ ‎1. ray [ rei ]X-ray ‎ ‎2. gray,grey [ ^rei ] ‎ ‎3. okay, OK [ 5.Eu5.kei ] ‎ ‎4. pay [ pei ]paid [ peid ] ‎ ‎5. payment [ 5.peimEnt ] ‎ ‎6. stay [ stei ] ‎ ‎7. say [ sei ]said [ sed ] ‎ He says, “Okay, I'll pay if you stay in the gray ray.” ‎ E1.1.6. ‎ ‎1. China [ 5.tFainE ]Chinese [ 5.tFai5.ni:z ] ‎ ‎2. Japan [ dVE5.pAn ]Japanese [ 7.dVEpE5.ni:z ] ‎ ‎3. England [ 5.iN^lEnd ] ‎ ‎4. English [ 5.iN^liF ]~man ‎ ‎5. Britain [ 5.britEn ]British [ 5.britiF ] ‎ ‎6. France [ frB:ns ] ‎ ‎7. French [ frentF ]~man ‎ ‎8. Germany [ 5.dVE:mEni ] ‎ ‎9 German [ 5.dVE:mEn ] ‎ Britain‎, China, England, France, Germany, Japan ‎ E1.1.7. ‎ ‎1. bake [ beik ]~r ‎ ‎2. cake [ keik ] ‎ ‎3. shake [ Feik ]shook [ Fuk ]shaken [ 5.FeikEn ] ‎ ‎4. snake [ sneik ] ‎ ‎5. wake [ weik ]woke [ wEuk ]woken [ 5.wEukEn ] ‎ ‎6. awake [ E5.weik ]awoke [ E5.wEuk ] ‎ The cake baker shakes the snake and wakes it. ‎ E1.1.8. ‎ ‎1. moon [ mu:n ] ‎ ‎2. mooncake [ 5.mu:nkeik ] ‎ ‎3. noon [ nu:n ]after~ ‎ ‎4. soon [ su:n ] ‎ ‎5. spoon [ spu:n ]~ful ‎ I had a spoonful mooncake soon after the noon. ‎ E1.1.9 ‎ ‎1. may [ mei ]might [ mait ] ‎ ‎2. night [ nait ]~-time ‎ ‎3. tonight [ tE5.nait ] ‎ ‎4. light [ lait ]~er [ 5.-E ] ‎ ‎5. daylight [ 5.deilait ] ‎ ‎6. moonlight [ 5.mu:nlait ] ‎ Tonight the moonlight might be as light as the daylight. ‎ E1.2.0 ‎ ‎1. straight [ streit ]~en ‎ ‎2. tight [ tait ]~en ‎ ‎3. light [ lait ]~en [ 5.-n ] ‎ ‎4. slight [ slait ]~ly [ 5.-li ] ‎ ‎5. delight [ di5.lait ] ‎ ‎6. flight [ flait ] ‎ ‎7. fly [ flai ]flew [ flu: ]flown [ flEun ] ‎ ‎8. flyer, flier [ 5.flaiE ] ‎ The light flyer in tights is slightly delighted at straight flights. ‎ E1.2.1. ‎ ‎1. cry [ krai ] ‎ ‎2. dry [ drai ] ‎ ‎3. dryness [ 5.-nis ] ‎ ‎4. fry [ frai ]fried [ fraid ] ‎ ‎5. try [ trai ] ‎ The crier tried the fried dry fish. ‎ E1.2.2. ‎ ‎1. why [ wai ] ‎ ‎2. shy [ Fai ]~ly ‎ ‎3. shyness [ 5.Fainis ] ‎ ‎4. sky [ skai ] ‎ ‎5. spy [ spai ] ‎ She asks shyly, “Why does the spy fly in the sky?” ‎ E1.2.3. ‎ ‎1. hour [ 5.auE ]~ly [ -li ] ‎ ‎2. journey [ 5.dVE:ni ] ‎ ‎3. young [ jQN ] ‎ ‎4. youth [ ju:W ]~ful ‎ ‎5. month [ mQnW ]~ly [ 5.-li ] ‎ ‎6. mouth [ mauW ]~ful ‎ ‎7. worth [ wE:W ] ‎ ‎8. worthless [ 5.wE:Wlis ] ‎ ‎9 worthy [ 5.wE:Ti ] ‎ The four-hour journey is worth trying for you young youth. ‎ E1.2.4. ‎ ‎1. appear [ E5.piE ] ‎ ‎2. appearance [ E5.piErEns ] ‎ ‎3. disappear [ disE5.piE ]~ance ‎ ‎4. pear [ pZE ] ‎ ‎5. tear [ tiE ] ‎ ‎6. tear [ tZE ]tore [ tC: ]torn [ tC:n ] ‎ ‎7. wear [ wZE ]wore [ wC: ]worn [ wC:n ] ‎ The torn wear and pears make tear appear in her eyes. ‎ E1.2.5. ‎ ‎1. bear [ bZE ] ‎ ‎2. clear [ kliE ]~ly [ 5.-li ] ‎ ‎3. clearness [ 5.kliEnis ] ‎ ‎4. dear [ diE ] ‎ ‎5. fear [ fiE ] ‎ ‎6. fearful [ 5.fiEfl ]fearless [ 5.fiElis ] ‎ ‎7. year [ jE:,jiE ]~ly [ 5.-li ] ‎ Oh, dear! This year I fear to clear the bear's room. ‎ E1.2.6. ‎ ‎1. ear [ iE ] ‎ ‎2. hear [ hiE ]~d [ hE:d ] ‎ ‎3. heart [ hB:t ] ‎ ‎4. near [ niE ] ‎ ‎5. nearby [ 5.niEbai ] ‎ ‎6. nearly [ 5.niEli ] ‎ With my own ears I heard the fearful bear's heart beating nearby. ‎ E1.2.7. ‎ ‎1. already [ C:l5.redi ] ‎ ‎2. bread [ bred ] ‎ ‎3. read [ ri:d ]~ [ red ] ‎ ‎4. ready [ 5.redi ]~-made [ -meid ] ‎ ‎5. spread [ spred ]~ ‎ ‎6. thread [ Wred ] ‎ The reader already spread the ready-made bread on the thread. ‎ E1.2.8. ‎ ‎1. care [ kZE ] ‎ ‎2. careful [ 5.kZEful ]~ly [ -i ] ‎ ‎3. careless [ 5.kZElis ] ‎ ‎4. scare [ skZE ] ‎ ‎5. scarf [ skB:f ] ‎ ‎6. dare [ dZE ] ‎ ‎7. rare [ rZE ]~ly ‎ ‎8. square [ skwZE ] ‎ ‎9 stare [ stZE ] ‎ The careful man dares not to stare at the rare square scarf that scared him. ‎ E1.2.9 ‎ ‎1. accident [ 5.AksidEnt ] ‎ ‎2. accidental [ 7.Aksi5.dentl ] ‎ ‎3. president [ 5.prezidEnt ]~ial ‎ ‎4. student [ 5.stju:dEnt ] ‎ ‎5. study [ 5.stQdi ] ‎ ‎6. stupid [ 5.stju:pid ]~ity ‎ The stupid student studied the president's accident. ‎ E1.3.0 ‎ ‎1. any [ 5.eni ] ‎ ‎2. many [ 5.meni ] ‎ ‎3. Germany [ 5.dVE:mEni ] ‎ ‎4. German [ 5.dVE:mEn ] ‎ ‎5. term [ tE:m ] ‎ In Germany many students can study German in any term. ‎ E1.3.1. ‎ ‎1. are [ B:,B ]were [ wE ] ‎ ‎2. area [ 5.ZEriE ] ‎ ‎3. share [ FZE ] ‎ ‎4. spare [ spZE ] ‎ ‎5. parent [ 5.pZErEnt ]~s ‎ ‎6. prepare [ pri5.pZE ] ‎ ‎7. preparation [ 7.prepE5.reiFn ] ‎ ‎8. compare [ kEm5.pZE ] ‎ ‎9 declare [ di5.klZE ] ‎ My parents declare that they are prepared to compare the shared spare areas. ‎ E1.3.2. ‎ ‎1. angry [ 5.AN^ri ] ‎ ‎2. anger [ 5.AN^E ] ‎ ‎3. danger [ 5.deindVE ]~ous [ -rEs ] ‎ ‎4. hang [ hAN ]hung [ hQN ] ‎ ‎5. kangaroo [ 7.kAN^5.ru: ] ‎ ‎6. strange [ streindV ]~r [ 5.-E ] ‎ ‎7. language [ 5.lAN^widV ] ‎ ‎“Hang the dangerous kangaroo!” the angry man said in a strange language. ‎ E1.3.3. ‎ ‎1. grand [ ^rAnd ] ‎ ‎2. grandparents [ 5.^rAnd7.pZErEnts ] ‎ ‎3. grandson [ 5.^rAndsQn ] ‎ ‎4. granddaughter [ 5.^rAn7.dC:tE ] ‎ ‎5. grandma [ 5.^rAnmB: ] ‎ ‎6. grandpa [ 5.^rAnpB: ] ‎ A grandson or granddaughter calls their grandparents grandma and grandpa. ‎ E1.3.4. ‎ ‎1. command [ kE5.mB:nd ] ‎ ‎2. commander [ kE5.mB:ndE ] ‎ ‎3. demand [ di5.mB:nd ] ‎ ‎4. sand [ sAnd ]~y [ 5.-i ] ‎ ‎5. sandwich [ 5.sAnwitF ] ‎ ‎6. thousand [ 5.WauzEnd ] ‎ On the grand commander's demand, I made a thousand sandy sandwiches. ‎ E1.3.5. ‎ ‎1. other [ 5.QTE ] ‎ ‎2. otherwise [ 5.QTEwaiz ] ‎ ‎3. another [ E5.nQTE ] ‎ ‎4. bother [ 5.bCTE ] ‎ ‎5. brother [ 5.brQTE ] ‎ ‎6. mother [ 5.mQTE ]~ly [ -li ] ‎ ‎7. grandmother [ 5.^rAnd7.mQTE ] ‎ ‎8. grandfather [ 5.^rAnd7.fB:TE ] ‎ Otherwise mother would see grandmother and brother on another day. ‎ E1.3.6. ‎ ‎1. either [ 5.ai:TE,5.i:TE ] ‎ ‎2. neither [ 5.naiTE,5.ni:TE ] ‎ ‎3. together [ tE5.^eTE ]~ with ‎ ‎4. altogether [ 7.C:ltE5.^eTE ] ‎ ‎5. get-together [ 5.WetE7.^eTE ] ‎ ‎6. whether [ 5.hweTE ]~ or no ‎ Altogether, whether it is good or bad, neither of us is going to either of the get-togethers. ‎ E1.3.7. ‎ ‎1. father [ 5.fB:TE ] ‎ ‎2. gather [ 5.^ATE ]~ing ‎ ‎3. rather [ 5.rB:TE ] ‎ ‎4. feather [ 5.feTE ] ‎ ‎5. weather [ 5.weTE ] ‎ Father gathered feathers for grandfather for this rather cold weather. ‎ E1.3.8. ‎ ‎1. oh [ Eu ] ‎ ‎2. or [ C:,E ] ‎ ‎3. orange [ 5.CrindV ] ‎ ‎4. arrange [ E5.reindV ]~ment ‎ ‎5. change [ tFeindV ] ‎ ‎6. exchange [ iks5.tFeindV ] ‎ ‎7. charge [ tFB:dV ] ‎ ‎8. large [ lB:dV ]~ly ‎ Oh! Don't change the arrangement for me to be in charge of large orange exchanges. ‎ E1.3.9 ‎ ‎1. alarm [ E5.lB:m ] ‎ ‎2. arm [ B:m ]arms [ B:mz ] ‎ ‎3. army [ 5.B:mi ] ‎ ‎4. farm [ fB:m ]~er [ 5.-E ] ‎ ‎5. harm [ hB:m ]~ful~less ‎ ‎6. warm [ wC:m ]~th [ -W ] ‎ The army's alarm harmed the farmer's warm arms. ‎ E1.4.0 ‎ ‎1. born [ bC:n ] ‎ ‎2. corn [ kC:n ] ‎ ‎3. corner [ 5.kC:nE ] ‎ ‎4. morning [ 5.mC:niN ] ‎ Boys born in the morning may have the corn in the corner. ‎ E1.4.1. ‎ ‎1. half [ hB:f ]halve [ hB:v ] ‎ ‎2. hall [ hC:l ] ‎ ‎3. shall [ FAl ]should [ Fud ] ‎ ‎4. tall [ tC:l ] ‎ ‎5. wall [ wC:l ] ‎ ‎6. valley [ 5.vAli ] ‎ ‎7. fall [ fC:l ]fell [ fel ]fallen [ 5.fC:lEn ] ‎ The tall wall around half of the hall shall fall into the valley. ‎ E1.4.2. ‎ ‎1. all [ C:l ] ‎ ‎2. calm [ kB:m ] ‎ ‎3. call [ kC:l ] ‎ ‎4. recall [ ri5.kC:l ] ‎ ‎5. ball [ bC:l ] ‎ ‎6. balloon [ bE5.lu:n ] ‎ ‎7. small [ smC:l ] ‎ All callers calmly recalled their falling from the small balloon. ‎ E1.4.3. ‎ ‎1. next [ nekst ] ‎ ‎2. text [ tekst ]~book [ 5.-buk ] ‎ ‎3. book [ buk ] ‎ ‎4. bookshop [ 5.bukFCp ] ‎ ‎5. cook [ kuk ]~er [ 5.-E ] ‎ ‎6. copy [ 5.kCpi ]~book ‎ ‎7. copper [ 5.kCpE ]~plate ‎ ‎8. hook [ huk ]~ed ‎ ‎9 look [ luk ]~out [ 5.-5.aut ] ‎ The next textbook and copybook are to be cooked in the copper cooker on the hook under my lookout. ‎ E1.4.4. ‎ ‎1. apart [ E5.pB:t ] ‎ ‎2. department [ di5.pB:tmEnt ] ‎ ‎3. part [ pB:t ]~ly [ 5.-li ] ‎ ‎4. part-time [ 5.pB:t5.taim ]~ job ‎ ‎5. particular [ pE5.tikjulE ] ‎ ‎6. particularly [ pE5.tikjulEli ] ‎ ‎7. party [ 5.pB:ti ] ‎ Apart from a part-time job in the department, I got a full-time one while taking part in a particular party. ‎ E1.4.5. ‎ ‎1. empire [ 5.empaiE ] ‎ ‎2. emperor [ 5.empErE ] ‎ ‎3. emphasis [ 5.emfEsis ]emphasize ‎ ‎4. empty [ 5.empti ] ‎ ‎5. temperature [ 5.tempritFE ] ‎ ‎6. temple [ 5.templ ] ‎ I emphasized, “The emperor of the empty empire got a high temperature in the temple.” ‎ E1.4.6. ‎ ‎1. require [ ri5.kwaiE ] ‎ ‎2. requirement [ ri5.kwaiEmEnt ] ‎ ‎3. fire [ 5.faiE ] ‎ ‎4. fireman [ 5.faiEmEn ] ‎ ‎5. fireplace [ 5.faiEpleis ] ‎ ‎6. firm [ fE:m ]~ness ‎ ‎7. firmly [ 5.fE:mli ] ‎ I require the fireman to make the fireplace firm. ‎ E1.4.7. ‎ ‎1. tire [ 5.taiE ]tireless [ 5.taiElis ] ‎ ‎2. tired [ 5.taiEd ]tiring [ 5.taiEriN ] ‎ ‎3. tyre,tire [ 5.taiE ] ‎ ‎4. entire [ in5.taiE ]~ly ‎ ‎5. retire [ ri5.taiE ]~d ‎ ‎6. retirement [ ri5.taiEmEnt ] ‎ The retired worker was tired when he repaired the entire tire. ‎ E1.4.8. ‎ ‎1. admire [ Ed5.maiE ]admiration ‎ ‎2. desire [ di5.zaiE ]desirable ‎ ‎3. hire [ 5.haiE ]~r ‎ ‎4. inspire [ in5.spaiE ] ‎ ‎5. wire [ 5.waiE ]~less ‎ The admirer is admitted to hire the wire she desires. ‎ E1.4.9 ‎ ‎1. break [ breik ]broke [ brEuk ]broken [ 5.brEukEn ] ‎ ‎2. breakdown [ 5.breikdaun ] ‎ ‎3. breakfast [ 5.brekfEst ] ‎ ‎4. daybreak [ 5.deibreik ] ‎ ‎5. speech [ spi:tF ] ‎ ‎6. speak [ spi:k ]spoke [ spEuk ]spoken [ 5.spEukEn ] ‎ ‎7. English-speaking [ 5.iN^liFspi:kiN ] ‎ ‎8. weak [ wi:k ]~en ‎ ‎9 weakness [ 5.wi:knis ] ‎ On the daybreak speech, the weak speaker broke the bowls for breakfast. ‎ E1.5.0 ‎ ‎1. fun [ fQn ]~ny [ 5.fQni ] ‎ ‎2. gun [ ^Qn ] ‎ ‎3. sun [ sQn ]~ny [ 5.-i ] ‎ ‎4. sun-glasses [ 5.sQn ^lB:s ] ‎ ‎5. run [ rQn ]ran [ rAn ]run ‎ ‎6. ruin [ ruin ]~ous ‎ The gun ruined the runner's funny sun-glasses. ‎ E1.5.1. ‎ ‎1. class [ klB:s ] ‎ ‎2. classroom [ 5.klB:srum ] ‎ ‎3. classmate [ 5.klB:smeit ] ‎ ‎4. glass [ ^lB:s ] ‎ ‎5. glass-topped [ 5.^lB:stCpt ] ‎ ‎6. grass [ ^rB:s ] ‎ My classmates take class on a glass-topped grass. ‎ E1.5.2. ‎ ‎1. pass [ pB:s ] ‎ ‎2. message [ 5.mesidV ] ‎ ‎3. passage [ 5.pAsidV ] ‎ ‎4. passenger [ 5.pAsindVE ] ‎ ‎5. passer-by [ 5.pB:sE5.bai ]passers-by [ 5.pB:sEz5.bai ] ‎ A pass-by passed a passage of message to the passengers. ‎ E1.5.3. ‎ ‎1. brow [ brau ] ‎ ‎2. crowd [ kraud ] ‎ ‎3. crowded [ 5.kraudid ] ‎ ‎4. grow [ ^rEu ]grew [ ^ru: ]grown [ ^rEun ] ‎ ‎5. row [ rEu ] ‎ ‎6. throw [ WrEu ]threw [ Wru: ]thrown [ WrEun ] ‎ The arrow thrower grows a row of crowded brows. ‎ E1.5.4. ‎ ‎1. low [ lEu ] ‎ ‎2. lower [ 5.lEuE ] ‎ ‎3. below [ bi5.lEu ] ‎ ‎4. blow [ blEu ]blew [ blu: ]blown [ blEun ] ‎ ‎5. flow [ flEu ] ‎ ‎6. flower [ 5.flauE ] ‎ ‎7. slow [ slEu ]~ly [ 5.-li ] ‎ ‎8. plow,plough [ plau ] ‎ He blows slowly to the flowing flower below the low plow. ‎ E1.5.5. ‎ ‎1. allow [ E5.lau ]~ance [ E5.lauEns ] ‎ ‎2. shallow [ 5.FAlEu ] ‎ ‎3. yellow [ 5.jelEu ] ‎ ‎4. fellow [ 5.felEu ]~ship ‎ ‎5. follow [ 5.fClEu ]~ing ‎ I allow the shallow yellow fellow to follow me. ‎ E1.5.6. ‎ ‎1. owe [ Eu ]owing to ‎ ‎2. own [ Eun ] ‎ ‎3. owner [ 5.EunE ]ownership [ 5.EunEFip ] ‎ ‎4. down [ daun ] ‎ ‎5. town [ taun ]home~ [ 5.hEum- ] ‎ ‎6. brown [ braun ] ‎ ‎7. crown [ kraun ] ‎ The man who owes me money went down the town with the brown crown. ‎ E1.5.7. ‎ ‎1. now [ nau ] ‎ ‎2. snow [ snEu ]~y [ 5.-i ] ‎ ‎3. know [ nEu ]knew [ nju: ]known [ nEun ] ‎ ‎4. well-known [ 5.wel5.nEun ] ‎ ‎5. knowledge [ 5.nClidV ] ‎ ‎6. edge [ edV ] ‎ Now I know how the snow comes on the knowledge edge. ‎ E1.5.8. ‎ ‎1. shade [ Feid ] ‎ ‎2. shadow [ 5.FAdEu ]~y [ -i ] ‎ ‎3. window [ 5.windEu ] ‎ ‎4. show [ FEu ]~ed~n [ FEun ] ‎ ‎5. shower [ 5.FauE ] ‎ ‎6. sow [ sEu ] ‎ In the shadow of the window shade, I showed him how to sow in shower. ‎ E1.5.9 ‎ ‎1. towel [ 5.tauEl ] ‎ ‎2. tower [ 5.tauE ] ‎ ‎3. power [ 5.pauE ] ‎ ‎4. powerful [ 5.pauEfl ] ‎ ‎5. powder [ 5.paudE ] ‎ The powerful powder in the towel ruined the tower. ‎ E1.6.0 ‎ ‎1. north [ nC:W ] ‎ ‎2. northern [ 5.nC:TEn ]~er [ -E ] ‎ ‎3. south [ sauW ] ‎ ‎4. southern [ 5.sQTEn ] ‎ ‎5. east [ i:st ] ‎ ‎6. eastern [ 5.i:stEn ] ‎ ‎7. west [ west ] ‎ ‎8. western [ 5.westEn ]~er ‎ The four directions are south, north, east and west. ‎ E1.6.1. ‎ ‎1. least [ li:st ] ‎ ‎2. beast [ bi:st ] ‎ ‎3. northeast [ 5.nC:W5.i:st ] ‎ ‎4. northwest [ 5.nC:W5.west ] ‎ ‎5. southeast [ 5.sauW5.i:st ] ‎ ‎6. southwest [ 5.sauW5.west ] ‎ At least one beast ran northeast, and two southwest. ‎ E1.6.2. ‎ ‎1. sign [ sain ] ‎ ‎2. design [ di5.zain ] ‎ ‎3. before [ bi5.fC: ] ‎ ‎4. foreign [ 5.fCrEn ] ‎ ‎5. foreigner [ 5.fCrEnE ] ‎ ‎6. forest [ 5.fCrist ] ‎ In the forest the foreigner signed on the design. ‎ E1.6.3. ‎ ‎1. rest [ rest ] ‎ ‎2. restless [ 5.restlis ] ‎ ‎3. restaurant [ 5.restErEnt ] ‎ ‎4. interest [ 5.intrist ] ‎ ‎5. interested [ 5.intristid ] ‎ ‎6. interesting [ 5.intristiN ] ‎ The restless foreigner has no interest in the rest of the restaurants. ‎ E1.6.4. ‎ ‎1. guess [ ^es ] ‎ ‎2. guest [ ^est ] ‎ ‎3. question [ 5.kwesFEn ] ‎ ‎4. request [ ri5.kwest ] ‎ ‎5. suggest [ sE5.dVest ]~ion ‎ ‎6. harvest [ 5.hB:vist ] ‎ ‎7. vest [ vest ] ‎ I guess the guest requested the harvester in vest to give suggestion on my question. ‎ E1.6.5. ‎ ‎1. heavy [ 5.hevi ] ‎ ‎2. heavily [ 5.hevili ] ‎ ‎3. heaven [ 5.hevn ]~ly ‎ ‎4. weave [ wi:v ]~r ‎ ‎5. leave [ li:v ]left [ left ] ‎ ‎6. leaf [ li:f ]leaves [ 5.li:vz ] ‎ ‎7. deaf [ def ]~en ‎ The deaf weaver leaves the leaves in the heavy heaven. ‎ E1.6.6. ‎ ‎1. hand [ hAnd ] ‎ ‎2. handbag [ 5.hAndbA^ ]handful [ 5.hAndfl ] ‎ ‎3. handkerchief [ 5.hANkEtFif ] ‎ ‎4. handsome [ 5.hAnsEm ] ‎ ‎5. handwriting [ 5.hAnd7.raitiN ] ‎ ‎6. husband [ 5.hQzbEnd ] ‎ Her handsome husband's handwriting is left on a handkerchief in the handbag. ‎ E1.6.7. ‎ ‎1. noise [ 5.nCiz ]noisy ‎ ‎2. nose [ nEuz ] ‎ ‎3. rose [ rEuz ]rosy ‎ ‎4. lose [ lu:z ]lost [ lCst ] ‎ ‎5. loser [ 5.lu:zE ] ‎ ‎6. close [ 5.klEus ][ 5.klEuz ] ‎ ‎7. closely [ 5.klEusli ] ‎ ‎8. closet [ 5.klCzit ] ‎ In the closet the rose loser closed his nose so as not to make a noise. ‎ E1.6.8. ‎ ‎1. voice [ vCis ] ‎ ‎2. choice [ tFCis ] ‎ ‎3. choose [ tFu:z ]chose [ tFEuz ]chosen [ 5.tFEuzn ] ‎ ‎4. goose [ ^u:s ]geese [ ^i:s ] ‎ ‎5. loose [ lu:s ] ‎ ‎“Those good geese are chosen to let loose.” “Good choice!” a voice says. ‎ E1.6.9 ‎ ‎1. creature [ 5.kri:tFE ] ‎ ‎2. great [ ^reit ]~ly [ 5.-li ] ‎ ‎3. treat [ tri:t ]~ment ‎ ‎4. threat [ Wret ]~en ‎ ‎5. repeat [ ri5.pi:t ] ‎ ‎6. repeatedly [ ri5.pi:tidli ] ‎ Don't treat the great creature with threat repeatedly. ‎ E1.7.0 ‎ ‎1. eat [ i:t ]ate [ eit ]eaten [ 5.i:tn ] ‎ ‎2. meat [ mi:t ] ‎ ‎3. wheat [ wi:t ] ‎ ‎4. cheat [ tFi:t ] ‎ ‎5. cheap [ tFi:p ] ‎ ‎6. heap [ hi:p ] ‎ ‎7. heat [ hi:t ]hot [ hCt ] ‎ The cheats heated a heap of cheap wheat and ate it with meat. ‎ E1.7.1. ‎ ‎1. neat [ ni:t ]~ness ‎ ‎2. seat [ si:t ] ‎ ‎3. sweat [ swet ]~y ‎ ‎4. sweater [ 5.swetE ] ‎ ‎5. theater,theatre [ 5.WiEtE ] ‎ In the hot theater the sweaty man put his neat sweater in a seat. ‎ E1.7.2. ‎ ‎1. beneath [ bi5.ni:W ] ‎ ‎2. breath [ breW ] ‎ ‎3. breathe [ bri:T ] ‎ ‎4. beat [ bi:t ]~~en [ 5.bi:tn ] ‎ ‎5. defeat [ di5.fi:t ] ‎ The defeated cheat beneath my seat lost heartbeat and breath. ‎ E1.7.3. ‎ ‎1. drill [ dril ]~er ‎ ‎2. hill [ hil ]~y [ 5.hili ] ‎ ‎3. silly [ 5.sili ] ‎ ‎4. kill [ kil ] ‎ ‎5. skill [ skil ]~ed ‎ ‎6. skil(l)ful [ 5.skilfl ] ‎ The silly skilfully killed a skilled driller on the hill. ‎ E1.7.4. ‎ ‎1. still [ stil ]~ness ‎ ‎2. until [ Qn5.til,En5.til ],till [ til ] ‎ ‎3. till [ til ] ‎ ‎4. village [ 5.vilidV ]~r [ -E ] ‎ ‎5. will [ wil ]would [ wud ] ‎ ‎6. willing [ 5.wiliN ]un~ [ 5.Qn5.wiliN ] ‎ The villagers will willingly keep the village still till tomorrow. ‎ E1.7.5. ‎ ‎1. crop [ krCp ] ‎ ‎2. drop [ drCp ] ‎ ‎3. mop [ mCp ] ‎ ‎4. shop [ FCp ]~keeper ‎ ‎5. shopping [ 5.FCpiN ] ‎ ‎6. top [ tCp ] ‎ ‎7. stop [ stCp ] ‎ ‎8. step [ step ] ‎ The shopkeeper stopped his steps on a hilltop and dropped a crop of mops. ‎ E1.7.6. ‎ ‎1. memory [ 5.memEri ] ‎ ‎2. member [ 5.membE ]~ship [ -Fip ] ‎ ‎3. remember [ ri5.membE ] ‎ ‎4. number [ 5.nQmbE ] ‎ ‎5. No. , number[ 5.nQmbE ] ‎ ‎6. numberless [ 5.nQmblis ] ‎ ‎7. umbrella [ Qm5.brelE ] ‎ The member has a good memory; he remembers the number of my umbrella. ‎ E1.7.7. ‎ ‎1. dream [ dri:m ]~y ‎ ‎2. ice-cream ‎ ‎3. scream [ skri:m ] ‎ ‎4. team [ ti:m ]~work ‎ ‎5. steam [ sti:m ] ‎ ‎6. stream [ stri:m ] ‎ Dreaming of the team member dropping into the steam stream, Ice-cream screamed. ‎ E1.7.8. ‎ ‎1. pocket [ 5.pCkit ] ‎ ‎2. rock [ rCk ]~y [ 5.-i ] ‎ ‎3. rocket [ 5.rCkit ] ‎ ‎4. rocking [ 5.rCkiN ] ‎ ‎5. sock [ sCk ] ‎ ‎6. stocking [ 5.stCkiN ] ‎ I took out the sock and stocking from the pocket and tied the rocket onto the rock. ‎ E1.7.9 ‎ ‎1. block [ blCk ] ‎ ‎2. clock [ klCk ] ‎ ‎3. lock [ lCk ]un~ ‎ ‎4. o'clock [ E5.klCk ] ‎ ‎5. cock [ kCk ] ‎ ‎6. knock [ nCk ] ‎ At ten o'clock a block of rock knocked down the locked cock. ‎ E1.8.0 ‎ ‎1. police [ pE5.li:s ] ‎ ‎2. policeman [ pE5.li:smEn ]policemen ‎ ‎3. polite [ pE5.lait ]~ly [ -li ] ‎ ‎4. political [ pE5.litikEl ] ‎ ‎5. politics [ 5.pClitiks ] ‎ The policeman took the politics textbook politely. ‎ E1.8.1. ‎ ‎1. camp [ kAmp ]~er [ 5.kAmpE ] ‎ ‎2. campaign [ kAm5.pein ] ‎ ‎3. champion [ 5.tFAmpiEn ] ‎ ‎4. damp [ dAmp ] ‎ ‎5. lamp [ lAmp ] ‎ ‎6. stamp [ stAmp ]~-collector ‎ On the damp camp the political campaign champion stamped my lamp. ‎ E1.8.2. ‎ ‎1. dark [ dB:k ]~ness [ 5.-nis ] ‎ ‎2. mark [ mB:k ] ‎ ‎3. market [ 5.mB:kit ] ‎ ‎4. supermarket [ 5.su:pE7.mB:kit ] ‎ ‎5. remark [ ri5.mB:k ] ‎ ‎6. remarkable [ ri5.mB:kEbl ] ‎ ‎7. park [ pB:k ]~ing [ 5.-iN ] ‎ He remarked that the No Parking mark in the dark supermarket was remarkable. ‎ E1.8.3. ‎ ‎1. ash [ AF ]~-tray ‎ ‎2. fashion [ 5.fAFEn ]~able ‎ ‎3. splash [ splAF ] ‎ ‎4. wash [ wCF ] ‎ ‎5. washing [ 5.wCFiN ] ‎ ‎6. Washington [ 5.wCFiNtEn ] ‎ Washington washed the fashionable ash-tray that was splashed with ash. ‎ E1.8.4. ‎ ‎1. door [ dC: ]doorway ‎ ‎2. doorway [ 5.dC:wei ] ‎ ‎3. doorbell [ 5.dC:bel ] ‎ ‎4. floor [ flC: ] ‎ ‎5. indoor [ 5.indC: ]~s ‎ ‎6. poor [ puE ] ‎ The poor doorbell fell on the indoor floor. ‎ E1.8.5. ‎ ‎1. neck [ nek ]~lace [ 5.-lis ] ‎ ‎2. check [ tFek ] ‎ ‎3. check-up [ 5.tFek Qp ] ‎ ‎4. cheer [ tFiE ]~ful [ 5.-fl ] ‎ ‎5. deer [ diE ] ‎ ‎6. pioneer [ 7.paiE5.niE ] ‎ The young pioneer checked the cheerful deer's neck. ‎ E1.8.6. ‎ ‎1. ache [ eik ] ‎ ‎2. stomach [ 5.stQmEk ] ‎ ‎3. stomachache [ 5.stQmEkeik ] ‎ ‎4. machine [ mE5.Fi:n ] ‎ ‎5. machinery [ mE5.Fi:nEri ] ‎ ‎6. magazine [ 7.mA^E5.zi:n ] ‎ The Machinery Magazine made my stomach ache. ‎ E1.8.7. ‎ ‎1. imagine [ i5.mAdVin ] ‎ ‎2. imaginable [ i5.mAdVinEbl ] ‎ ‎3. imagination [ i7.mAdVi5.neiFn ] ‎ ‎4. engine [ 5.endVin ] ‎ ‎5. engineer [ 7.endVi5.niE ] ‎ ‎6. engineering [ 7.endVi5.niEriN ] ‎ The engine engineer thinks it is imaginable. ‎ E1.8.8. ‎ ‎1. do [ du: ]did [ did ]done [ dQn ] ‎ ‎2. deed [ di:d ] ‎ ‎3. indeed [ in5.di:d ] ‎ ‎4. need [ ni:d ] ‎ ‎5. seed [ si:d ] ‎ ‎6. speed [ spi:d ]~y [ 5.-i ] ‎ ‎7. seek [ si:k ] ‎ To seek the seeds needs speedy deed indeed. ‎ E1.8.9 ‎ ‎1. necessary [ 5.nesisEri ] ‎ ‎2. necessarily [ 5.nesisErili ] ‎ ‎3. procession [ prE5.seFEn ] ‎ ‎4. success [ sEk5.ses ] ‎ ‎5. successful [ sEk5.sesfEl ]~ly [ -i ] ‎ ‎6. succeed [ sEk5.si:d ] ‎ I'll necessarily join the successful procession if I succeed. ‎ E1.90 ‎ ‎1. bomb [ bCm ] ‎ ‎2. climb [ klaim ]~er ‎ ‎3. comb [ kEum ] ‎ ‎4. combine [ kEm5.bain ] ‎ ‎5. tomb [ tu:m ] ‎ ‎6. atom [ 5.AtEm ]~ic ‎ I climbed up the tomb and combined the comb with the atom bomb. ‎ E1.91. ‎ ‎1. brush [ brQF ] ‎ ‎2. bush [ buF ] ‎ ‎3. bushy [ buFi ] ‎ ‎4. push [ puF ] ‎ ‎5. rush [ rQF ] ‎ I pushed the bushy brush in a rush. ‎ E1.92. ‎ ‎1. smooth [ smu:T ] ‎ ‎2. tooth [ tu:W ]teeth [ ti:W ] ‎ ‎3. toothbrush ‎ ‎4. toothpaste ‎ ‎5. too [ tu: ] ‎ ‎6. zoo [ zu: ] ‎ In the zoo I saw that smooth tooth too. ‎ E1.93. ‎ ‎1. both [ bEuW ] ‎ ‎2. cloth [ klCW ]~es [ klEuTz ] ‎ ‎3. clothing [ 5.klEuWiN ] ‎ ‎4. nothing [ 5.nQWiN ] ‎ ‎5. thing [ WiN ] ‎ ‎6. anything [ 5.eniWiN ] ‎ They both have nothing but clothing. ‎ E1.94. ‎ ‎1. ease [ i:z ] ‎ ‎2. easy [ 5.i:zi ]easily ‎ ‎3. disease [ di5.zi:z ]~d ‎ ‎4. increase [ in5.kri:s ][ 5.inkri:s ] ‎ ‎5. decrease [ di:5.kri:s ][ 5.di:kri:s ] ‎ ‎6. reason [ 5.ri:zn ] ‎ ‎7. reasonable [ 5.ri:znEbl ] ‎ ‎8. season [ 5.si:zEn ]~al [ -l ] ‎ For reason of the season, some diseases easily increase and decrease. ‎ E1.95. ‎ ‎1. release [ ri5.li:s ] ‎ ‎2. please [ pli:z ]~d [ -d ] ‎ ‎3. pleasure [ 5.pleVE ] ‎ ‎4. pleasant [ 5.pleznt ]un~ ‎ ‎5. peasant [ 5.pezEnt ] ‎ ‎6. measure [ 5.meVE ] ‎ ‎7. measurement [ 5.meFVEmEnt ] ‎ ‎8. treasure [ 5.treVE ] ‎ Please release that pleasant peasant, who takes pleasure in measuring treasure. ‎ E1.96. ‎ ‎1. blood [ blQd ] ‎ ‎2. bleed [ bli:d ]bled [ bled ] ‎ ‎3. flood [ flQd ] ‎ ‎4. food [ fu:d ] ‎ ‎5. feed [ fi:d ]fed [ fed ] ‎ ‎6. good [ ^ud ]betterbest ‎ ‎7. goodbye [ ^ud5.bai ] ‎ ‎8. wood [ wu:d ]~en [ 5.-En ] ‎ In the flooded woods, I feed good food to the bleeding peasant. ‎ E1.97. ‎ ‎1. greet [ ^ri:t ]~ing ‎ ‎2. meet [ mi:t ]met [ met ] ‎ ‎3. meeting [ 5.mi:tiN ] ‎ ‎4. sheet [ Fi:t ] ‎ ‎5. street [ stri:t ] ‎ ‎6. sweet [ swi:t ]~en ‎ She met me in Sheet Street and greeted me with sweet smile. ‎ E1.98. ‎ ‎1. collect [ kE5.lekt ]~ion [ kE5.lekFn ] ‎ ‎2. elect [ i5.lekt ]~ion ‎ ‎3. electric [ i5.lektrik ] ‎ ‎4. electricity [ i7.lek5.trisiti ] ‎ ‎5. lecture [ 5.lektFE ]~r ‎ ‎6. select [ si5.lekt ]~ion ‎ By election, the lecturer is selected to collect electric wire. ‎ E1.99 ‎ ‎1. expect [ ik5.spekt ]~ation ‎ ‎2. inspect [ in5.spekt ]~ion ‎ ‎3. inspector [ in5.spektE ] ‎ ‎4. respect [ ris5.pekt ] ‎ ‎5. respectable [ ris5.pektEbl ] ‎ ‎6. disrespect [ 5.disris5.pekt ] ‎ I expect the respectable inspector to inspect. ‎ E2.00 ‎ ‎1. affect [ E5.fekt ] ‎ ‎2. effect [ i5.fekt ] ‎ ‎3. effective [ i5.fektiv ]~ly [ -li ] ‎ ‎4. perfect [ 5.pE:fikt ]~ly ‎ ‎5. insect [ 5.insekt ] ‎ The perfect effect affects the insect inspector. ‎ E2.01. ‎ ‎1. architect [ 5.B:kitekt ] ‎ ‎2. protect [ prE5.tekt ]~ion ‎ ‎3. object [ 5.CbdVikt ] ‎ ‎4. object [ Eb5.dVekt ]~ion ‎ ‎5. reject [ ri5.dVekt ]~ion ‎ ‎6. subject [ 5.sQbdVikt ] ‎ The architect protected the object from rejection. I object the subject. ‎ E2.02. ‎ ‎1. connect [ kE5.nekt ] ‎ ‎2. connection [ kE5.nekFEn ] ‎ ‎3. correct [ kE5.rekt ] ‎ ‎4. correctly [ kE5.rektli ] ‎ ‎5. direct [ di5.rekt ] ‎ ‎6. directly [ di5.rektli ] ‎ ‎7. direction [ dai5.rekFEn ] ‎ Under my direct direction, the electric wire is correctly connected. ‎ E2.03. ‎ ‎1. knife [ naif ]knives [ naivz ] ‎ ‎2. wife [ waif ]wives [ waivz ] ‎ ‎3. life [ laif ]lives [ laivz ] ‎ ‎4. lifetime [ 5.laiftaim ]lifeboat [ 5.laifbEut ] ‎ ‎5. live [ laiv ]~ly [ 5.-li ] ‎ ‎6. live [ liv ]living-room ‎ ‎7. living [ 5.liviN ] ‎ ‎8. alive [ E5.laiv ] ‎ His wife is alive; she lives a life by selling knives. ‎ E2.04. ‎ ‎1. arrive [ E5.raiv ] ‎ ‎2. arrival [ E5.raivEl ] ‎ ‎3. dive [ daiv ]~r ‎ ‎4. drive [ draiv ]drove [ drEuv ]driven [ 5.drivn ] ‎ ‎5. driver [ 5.draivE ] ‎ ‎6. river [ 5.rivE ] ‎ When the diver arrived at the river, the driver is still alive. ‎ E2.05. ‎ ‎1. give [ ^iv ]gave [ ^eiv ]given [ 5.^ivn ] ‎ ‎2. gift [ ^ift ] ‎ ‎3. gifted [ 5.^iftid ] ‎ ‎4. lift [ lift ] ‎ ‎5. left [ left ] ‎ In the left lift I give a gift to the gifted girl. ‎ E2.06. ‎ ‎1. act [ Akt ] ‎ ‎2. action [ 5.AkFEn ] ‎ ‎3. active [ 5.Aktiv ] ‎ ‎4. activity [ Ak5.tiviti ] ‎ ‎5. actor [ 5.AktE ]actress [ 5.Aktris ] ‎ ‎6. actual [ 5.AktjuEl ]~ly ‎ Actually the actors and actresses acted actively in the activity. ‎ E2.07. ‎ ‎1. exact [ i^5.zAkt ]~ly ‎ ‎2. fact [ fAkt ]factor [ 5.fAktE ] ‎ ‎3. factory [ 5.fAktEri ] ‎ ‎4. satisfactory [ 7.sAtis5.fAktEri ] ‎ ‎5. satisfaction [ 7.sAtis5.fAkFEn ] ‎ ‎6. satisfy [ 5.sAtisfai ] ‎ ‎7. sacrifice [ 5.sAkrifais ] ‎ In exact fact, the factory gave a satisfactory sacrifice. ‎ E2.08. ‎ ‎1. character [ 5.kAriktE ] ‎ ‎2. practical [ 5.prAktikEl ] ‎ ‎3. practically [ 5.prAktikEli ] ‎ ‎4. practice [ 5.prAktis ] ‎ ‎5. practise [ 5.prAktis ] ‎ ‎6. tractor [ 5.trAktE ] ‎ A tractor has practical characters to the farmer's practice. ‎ E2.09 ‎ ‎1. back [ bAk ] ‎ ‎2. backache [ 5.bAkeik ] ‎ ‎3. backward [ 5.bAkwEd ]~s ‎ ‎4. black [ blAk ] ‎ ‎5. blackboard [ 5.blAkbC:d ] ‎ ‎6. blacksmith [ 5.blAksmiW ] ‎ The blacksmith went backwards with a blackboard on his back. ‎ E2.1.0 ‎ ‎1. jacket [ 5.dVAkit ] ‎ ‎2. pack [ pAk ]~ed ‎ ‎3. package [ 5.pAkidV ] ‎ ‎4. track [ trAk ] ‎ ‎5. attack [ E5.tAk ]~er ‎ On a track the attackers found a package packed with jackets. ‎ E2.1.1. ‎ ‎1. horse [ hC:s ]~back [ 5.-bAk ] ‎ ‎2. worse [ wE:s ]~n [ 5.-n ] ‎ ‎3. worst [ wE:st ] ‎ ‎4. worship [ 5.wE:Fip ]~er ‎ ‎5. war [ wC: ]~ship [ 5.-Fip ]~-horse ‎ ‎6. warn [ wC:n ]~ing ‎ On the warship the worshiper is warned not to ride the worst war-horse. ‎ E2.1.2. ‎ ‎1. board [ bC:d ] ‎ ‎2. aboard [ E5.bC:d ] ‎ ‎3. card [ kB:d ]~board [ 5.-bC:d ] ‎ ‎4. yard [ jB:d ] ‎ ‎5. pardon [ 5.pB:dn ] ‎ ‎6. Paris [ 5.pAris ] ‎ In Paris I pardoned him for putting a yard of cardboard aboard. ‎ E2.1.3. ‎ ‎1. regret [ ri5.^ret ]~ful ‎ ‎2. set [ set ]set ‎ ‎3. upset [ 7.Qp5.set ] ‎ ‎4. alphabet [ 5.AlfEbit ] ‎ ‎5. yet [ jet ] ‎ He has no regret at upsetting sets of alphabet cards yet. ‎ E2.1.4. ‎ ‎1. face [ feis ] ‎ ‎2. surface [ 5.sE:fis ] ‎ ‎3. race [ reis ] ‎ ‎4. race-horse [ 5.reis hC:s ]horse-race [ 5.hC:s reis ] ‎ ‎5. pace [ peis ] ‎ I'd to face a surface fact that his race-horse set the pace on the horse-race. ‎ E2.1.5. ‎ ‎1. peace [ pi:s ] ‎ ‎2. peaceful [ 5.pi:sfl ] ‎ ‎3. palace [ 5.pAlis ] ‎ ‎4. place [ pleis ]take ~ ‎ ‎5. space [ speis ] ‎ ‎6. spaceship [ 5.speisFip ] ‎ The spaceship is placed in the peaceful space palace. ‎ E2.1.6. ‎ ‎1. daughter [ 5.dC:tE ] ‎ ‎2. laugh [ lB:f ]~ter ‎ ‎3. naughty [ 5.nC:ti ] ‎ ‎4. because [ bi5.kCz ] ‎ ‎5. cause [ kC:z ] ‎ ‎6. pause [ pC:z ] ‎ My naughty daughter's laughter paused because of this cause. ‎ E2.1.7. ‎ ‎1. amuse [ E5.mju:z ] ‎ ‎2. amusement [ E5.mju:zmEnt ]amusing [ E5.mju:ziN ] ‎ ‎3. museum [ mju:5.ziEm ] ‎ ‎4. music [ 5.mju:zik ]~al [ -El ] ‎ ‎5. musician [ mju:5.ziFEn ] ‎ In the museum the musician was amused by the amusing music. ‎ E2.1.8. ‎ ‎1. refuse [ ri5.fju:z ] ‎ ‎2. refusal [ ri5.fju:zl ] ‎ ‎3. usual [ 5.ju:VuEl ] ‎ ‎4. usually [ 5.ju:VuEli ] ‎ ‎5. unusual [ Qn5.ju:VuEl ] ‎ ‎6. USA [ 7.ju:es5.ei ](United States of America) ‎ In the USA, it's unusual to refuse this excuse. ‎ E2.1.9 ‎ ‎1. dust [ dQst ]~y ‎ ‎2. duster [ 5.dQstE ]dustbin [ 5.dQstbin ] ‎ ‎3. industry [ 5.indQstri ]industrial [ in5.dQstriEl ] ‎ ‎4. locust [ 5.lEukEst ] ‎ ‎5. must [ mQst ] ‎ ‎6. mustn't [ 5.mQsnt ] ‎ You mustn't put locusts in the industrial dustbin. ‎ E2.2.0 ‎ ‎1. judge [ dVQdV ] ‎ ‎2. judgement [ 5.dVQdVmEnt ] ‎ ‎3. just [ dVQst ] ‎ ‎4. just [ dVQst ]un~ [ 5.Qn5.dVQst ] ‎ ‎5. thrust [ WrQst ] ‎ ‎6. trust [ trQst ]~ful ‎ Just now the judge trusted my just judgement on the thrust. ‎ E2.2.1. ‎ ‎1. goal [ ^Eul ]~keeper [ 5.-7.ki:pE ] ‎ ‎2. coal [ kEul ]~ mine ‎ ‎3. coast [ kEust ]~line ‎ ‎4. roast [ rEust ] ‎ ‎5. toast [ tEust ] ‎ On the coast the goalkeeper uses the coal to roast toast. ‎ E2.2.2. ‎ ‎1. boat [ bEut ]~ing ‎ ‎2. float [ flEut ] ‎ ‎3. goat [ ^Eut ] ‎ ‎4. throat [ WrEut ] ‎ ‎5. coat [ kEut ]over~ ‎ On the floating boat the goalkeeper in overcoat cut the goat's throat. ‎ E2.2.3. ‎ ‎1. governor [ 5.^QvEnE ] ‎ ‎2. government [ 5.^QvEnmEnt ] ‎ ‎3. over [ 5.EuvE ] ‎ ‎4. overhead [ 5.EuvEhed ] ‎ ‎5. poverty [ 5.pCvEti ] ‎ ‎6. cover [ 5.kQvE ]un~ ‎ ‎7. discover [ dis5.kQvE ]~y ‎ ‎8. recover [ ri5.kQvE ]~y [ ri5.kQvEri ] ‎ Opening the overhead cover, the government discovers the recovered governor in poverty. ‎ E2.2.4. ‎ ‎1. above [ E5.bQv ] ‎ ‎2. glove [ ^lQv ] ‎ ‎3. love [ lQv ]~r ‎ ‎4. lovely [ 5.lQvli ] ‎ ‎5. movie [ 5.mu:vi ]~s ‎ ‎6. move [ mu:v ]~ment ‎ ‎7. stove [ stEuv ] ‎ The movie lover moved the gloves above the stove. ‎ E2.2.5. ‎ ‎1. remove [ ri5.mu:v ] ‎ ‎2. removal [ ri5.mu:vEl ] ‎ ‎3. improve [ im5.pru:v ] ‎ ‎4. improvement [ im5.pru:vmEnt ] ‎ ‎5. prove [ pru:v ] ‎ ‎6. proof [ pru:f ] ‎ The proof proves that the stove is improved a lot. ‎ E2.2.6. ‎ ‎1. take [ teik ]took [ tuk ]taken [ 5.teikEn ] ‎ ‎2. mistake [ mis5.teik ]mistookmistaken ‎ ‎3. make [ meik ]made [ meid ] ‎ ‎4. man-made [ 5.mAn meid ] ‎ ‎5. lake [ leik ] ‎ I take the making of the man-made lake to be a mistake. ‎ E2.2.7. ‎ ‎1. ankle [ 5.ANkl ] ‎ ‎2. bank [ bANk ]~er [ 5.-E ] ‎ ‎3. blanket [ 5.blANkit ] ‎ ‎4. rank [ rANk ] ‎ ‎5. thank [ WANk ]~ful~s ‎ ‎6. than [ TAn ] ‎ The thankful banker put a first rank blanket around my ankles. ‎ E2.2.8. ‎ ‎1. erase [ i5.reiz ] ‎ ‎2. eraser [ i5.reizE ] ‎ ‎3. phrase [ freiz ] ‎ ‎4. vase [ vB:z ] ‎ ‎5. base [ beis ] ‎ ‎6. basin [ 5.beisin ] ‎ Erase the phrase on the base of the vase in the basin! ‎ E2.2.9 ‎ ‎1. ask [ B:sk ] ‎ ‎2. basket [ 5.bB:skit ] ‎ ‎3. basketball [ 5.bB:skitbC:l ]~er ‎ ‎4. mask [ mB:sk ] ‎ ‎5. task [ tB:sk ] ‎ I ask the basketballer in mask to do the task. ‎ E2.3.0 ‎ ‎1. energy [ 5.enEdVi ] ‎ ‎2. general [ 5.dVenErEl ] ‎ ‎3. generally [ 5.dVEnErEli ] ‎ ‎4. several [ 5.sevrEl ] ‎ ‎5. gentle [ 5.dVentl ]~ness ‎ ‎6. gentleman [ 5.dVentlmEn ]gentlemen [ 5.dVentlmen ] ‎ ‎7. gently [ 5.dVentl ] ‎ Several generals and gentlemen are full of energy. ‎ E2.3.1. ‎ ‎1. astronaut [ 5.AstrEnC:t ] ‎ ‎2. beautiful [ 5.bju:tiful ]~ly ‎ ‎3. beauty [ 5.bju:ti ] ‎ ‎4. author [ 5.C:WE ] ‎ ‎5. autumn [ 5.C:tEm ] ‎ ‎6. column [ 5.kClEm ]~ist ‎ In the autumn the astronaut read the beautiful author's colorful column. ‎ E2.3.2. ‎ ‎1. motor [ 5.mEutE ] ‎ ‎2. motorcycle [ 5.mEutE7.saikl ] ‎ ‎3. motorbike [ 5.mEutEbaik ] ‎ ‎4. motorcar [ 5.mEutEkB: ] ‎ ‎5. photo [ 5.fEutEu ]~s ‎ ‎6. photograph [ 5.fEutE^rB:f ]~y [ fE5.tC^rEfi ] ‎ These are the photos of the motorbike, motorcycle and motorcar. ‎ E2.3.3. ‎ ‎1. cost [ kCst ]cost ‎ ‎2. most [ mEust ]~ly ‎ ‎3. almost [ 5.C:lmEust ] ‎ ‎4. post [ pEust ] ‎ ‎5. post-office [ 5.pEust 5.Cfis ] ‎ ‎6. postage [ 5.pEustidV ] ‎ ‎7. postcard [ 5.pEustkB:d ] ‎ ‎8. postman [ 5.pEustmEn ] ‎ The postage for postcards almost cost most of my money. ‎ E2.3.4. ‎ ‎1. garden [ 5.^B:dEn ]~er [ -E ] ‎ ‎2. regard [ ri5.^B:d ]dis~ ‎ ‎3. guard [ ^B:d ] ‎ ‎4. harbo(u)r [ 5.hB:bE ] ‎ ‎5. hard [ hB:d ]~en [ 5.-n ]~working [ 5.-5.wE:kiN ] ‎ ‎6. hardly [ 5.hB:dli ] ‎ The hardworking gardener hardly regards the harbor guard. ‎ E2.3.5. ‎ ‎1. boss [ bCs ] ‎ ‎2. cross [ krCs ]~ing ‎ ‎3. across [ E5.krCs ] ‎ ‎4. possess [ pE5.zes ]~ion ‎ ‎5. possible [ 5.pCsibl ]possibly ‎ ‎6. impossible [ im5.pCsibl ] ‎ The cross is possibly possessed by the boss. ‎ E2.3.6. ‎ ‎1. branch [ brB:ntF ]~y ‎ ‎2. broad [ brC:d ]~en ‎ ‎3. broadcast [ 5.brC:dkB:st ] ‎ ‎4. road [ rEud ]~side ‎ ‎5. crossroad [ 5.krCsrEud ] ‎ From the broadcast I know that the broad road has many crossroads and branches. ‎ E2.3.7. ‎ ‎1. brick [ brik ] ‎ ‎2. trick [ trik ] ‎ ‎3. kick [ kik ] ‎ ‎4. ticket [ 5.tikit ] ‎ ‎5. thick [ Wik ]~en [ 5.-En ] ‎ ‎6. thickness [ 5.Wiknis ] ‎ ‎7. thin [ Win ]~ness [ 5.-is ] ‎ I tricked him into kicking the thin ticket onto the thick brick. ‎ E2.3.8. ‎ ‎1. each [ i:tF ] ‎ ‎2. beach [ bi:tF ] ‎ ‎3. reach [ ri:tF ] ‎ ‎4. teach [ ti:tF ]taught [ tC:t ] ‎ ‎5. tea [ ti: ]~cup~pot ‎ ‎6. technology [ tek5.nClEdVi ] ‎ ‎7. technical [ 5.teknikEl ] ‎ ‎8. technique [ tek5.ni:k ] ‎ After reaching the beach, the teacher taught each of us the technique of making teapot. ‎ E2.3.9 ‎ ‎1. bath [ bB:W ] ‎ ‎2. bathe [ beiT ] ‎ ‎3. bathing [ 5.beiTiN ]~ suit ‎ ‎4. bathroom [ 5.bB:Wrum ]bathtub [ 5.bB:WtQb ] ‎ ‎5. math(ematics) [ 7.mAW(i5.mAtiks) ] ‎ ‎6. path [ pB:W ]~finder ‎ The pathfinder found the math teacher's bathing suit in the bathroom. ‎ E2.4.0 ‎ ‎1. comfort [ 5.kQmfEt ] ‎ ‎2. discomfort [ dis5.kQmfEt ] ‎ ‎3. comfortable [ 5.kQmfEtEbl ] ‎ ‎4. uncomfortable [ Qn5.kQmfEtEbl ] ‎ ‎5. effort [ 5.efEt ] ‎ ‎6. fortunate [ 5.fC:tFEnit ]un~ ‎ ‎7. fortunately [ 5.fC:tFEnitli ]un~ ‎ Unfortunately, my efforts made him uncomfortable. ‎ E2.4.1. ‎ ‎1. coin [ kCin ] ‎ ‎2. join [ dVCin ]~t ‎ ‎3. point [ pCint ]~ed ‎ ‎4. appoint [ E5.pCint ]~ment ‎ ‎5. disappoint [ 7.disE5.pCint ] ‎ ‎6. disappointed [ 7.disE5.pCintid ]disappointing [ 7.disE5.pCintiN ] ‎ The coin maker pointed out that he joined the disappointing appointment. ‎ E2.4.2. ‎ ‎1. short [ FC:t ] ‎ ‎2. shorten [ FC:tn ] ‎ ‎3. shortcoming [ FC:t5.kQmiN ] ‎ ‎4. shortly [ 5.FC:tli ] ‎ ‎5. shorts [ FC:ts ] ‎ ‎6. tortoise [ 5.tC:tEs ] ‎ ‎7. sort [ sC:t ] ‎ The tortoise in shorts shortly pointed out this sort of shortcomings. ‎ E2.4.3. ‎ ‎1. sorry [ 5.sCri ] ‎ ‎2. worry [ 5.wQri ] ‎ ‎3. worried [ 5.wQrid ] ‎ ‎4. porridge [ 5.pCridV ] ‎ ‎5. bridge [ bridV ] ‎ ‎6. fridge [ fridV ] ‎ Sorry, I worry about the porridge in the fridge under the bridge. ‎ E2.4.4. ‎ ‎1. cemetery [ 5.semitri ] ‎ ‎2. meter, metre [ 5.mi:tE ] ‎ ‎3. kilometre, kilometer [ 5.kilE7.mi:tE ] ‎ ‎4. kilo [ 5.ki:lEu ] ‎ ‎5. kilogram [ 5.kilE^rAm ] ‎ The ten-kilogram tortoise is a kilometer away from the cemetery. ‎ E2.4.5. ‎ ‎1. grammar [ 5.^rAmE ] ‎ ‎2. program [ 5.prEu^rAm ] ‎ ‎3. dress [ dres ] ‎ ‎4. address [ E5.dres ] ‎ ‎5. progress [ 5.prEu^res ] ‎ ‎6. professor [ prE5.fesE ] ‎ While the grammar program was in progress, the professor wrote my address on her dress. ‎ E2.4.6. ‎ ‎1. press [ pres ] ‎ ‎2. pressure [ 5.preFE ] ‎ ‎3. express [ iks5.pres ] ‎ ‎4. expression [ iks5.preFEn ] ‎ ‎5. impress [ im5.pres ] ‎ ‎6. impression [ im5.preFEn ] ‎ ‎7. impressive [ im5.presiv ] ‎ The expression expresses that he is impressed by the pressure from the press. ‎ E2.4.7. ‎ ‎1. anybody [ 5.eni7.bCdi ] ‎ ‎2. body [ 5.bCdi ] ‎ ‎3. everybody [ 5.evribEdi ], everyone ‎ ‎4. nobody [ 5.nEubEdi ] ‎ ‎5. somebody [ 5.sQmbEdi ], someone [ 5.sQmwQn ] ‎ ‎“Has anybody seen the nobody's body?” Somebody asks. ‎ E2.4.8. ‎ ‎1. day [ dei ] ‎ ‎2. today [ tE5.dei ] ‎ ‎3. holiday [ 5.hClEdi ] ‎ ‎4. gay [ ^ei ] ‎ ‎5. hay [ hei ] ‎ ‎6. lay [ lei ] ‎ ‎7. delay [ di5.lei ] ‎ ‎8. play [ plei ] ‎ ‎9 player [ 5.pleiE ] ‎ Today is holiday, the gay players delay laying hay. ‎ E2.4.9 ‎ ‎1. way [ wei ]any~ ‎ ‎2. away [ E5.wei ] ‎ ‎3. always [ 5.C:lweiz ] ‎ ‎4. may [ mei ]might [ mait ] ‎ ‎5. May [ mei ] ‎ ‎6. maybe [ 5.meibi: ] ‎ ‎7. mayor [ mZE ] ‎ Maybe the mayor may say in such a way: Spring always goes away with May. ‎ E2.5.0 ‎ ‎1. Arctic [ 5.B:ktik ] ‎ ‎2. Antarctic [ An5.tB:ktik ]~a [ -E ] ‎ ‎3. Atlantic [ Et5.lAntik ] ‎ ‎4. elephant [ 5.elifEnt ] ‎ ‎5. plant [ plB:nt ] ‎ ‎6. plantation [ plAn5.teiFEn ] ‎ The elephants came across the Atlantic to the Antarctic plantation. ‎ E2.5.1. ‎ ‎1. ant [ Ant ] ‎ ‎2. want [ wCnt ] ‎ ‎3. giant [ 5.dVaiEnt ] ‎ ‎4. Belgian [ 5.beldVEn ] ‎ ‎5. pianist [ 5.pjAnist ] ‎ ‎6. piano [ 5.pjAnEu ] ‎ The Belgian giant ants want the pianist's piano. ‎ E2.5.2. ‎ ‎1. constant [ 5.kCnstEnt ]~ly ‎ ‎2. distant [ 5.distEnt ] ‎ ‎3. distance [ 5.distEns ] ‎ ‎4. instance [ 5.instEns ] ‎ ‎5. instant [ 5.instEnt ] ‎ ‎6. substance [ 5.sQbstEns ] ‎ ‎“In substance, the distance is constant,” the teacher gave an instance instantly. ‎ E2.5.3. ‎ ‎1. assist [ E5.sist ] ‎ ‎2. assistant [ E5.sistEnt ] ‎ ‎3. insist [ in5.sist ] ‎ ‎4. resist [ ri5.zist ] ‎ ‎5. resistance [ ri5.zistEns ] ‎ ‎6. sister [ 5.sistE ]~-in-law [ -rinlC: ] ‎ My sister-in-law insists that my assistant should resist. ‎ E2.5.4. ‎ ‎1. accept [ Ek5.sept ]~ance ‎ ‎2. except [ ik5.sept ] ‎ ‎3. reception [ ri5.sepFEn ]~ist ‎ ‎4. receive [ ri5.si:v ] ‎ ‎5. receiver [ ri5.si:vE ] ‎ ‎6. ceiling [ 5.si:liN ] ‎ The receptionist accepted all except the receiver on the ceiling. ‎ E2.5.5. ‎ ‎1. form [ fC:m ] ‎ ‎2. information [ 7.infE5.meiFEn ] ‎ ‎3. perform [ pE5.fC:m ]~er ‎ ‎4. performance [ pE5.fC:mEns ] ‎ ‎5. uniform [ 5.ju:nifC:m ] ‎ ‎6. worm [ wE:m ]earth~book~ ‎ ‎7. normal [ 5.nC:mEl ]~ly [ -i ] ‎ ‎8. storm [ stC:m ]~y [ 5.-i ] ‎ Normally, the worms' performance in uniform form gives us information on storm. ‎ E2.5.6. ‎ ‎1. milk [ milk ]~y [ 5.-i ] ‎ ‎2. silver [ 5.silvE ] ‎ ‎3. silvery [ 5.silvEri ] ‎ ‎4. silly [ 5.sili ] ‎ ‎5. silk [ silk ]~y [ 5.-i ] ‎ ‎6. silkworm [ 5.silkwE:m ] ‎ The silly put a silvery silkworm in the milk. ‎ E2.5.7. ‎ ‎1. advance [ Ed5.vB:ns ] ‎ ‎2. advanced [ Ed5.vB:nsd ] ‎ ‎3. balance [ 5.bAlEns ] ‎ ‎4. chance [ tFB:ns ]by ~ ‎ ‎5. dance [ dB:ns ]dancer ‎ ‎6. France [ frB:ns ] ‎ ‎7. French [ frentF ]~man ‎ With her advance in advanced dance, the French dancer can balance herself by chance. ‎ E2.5.8. ‎ ‎1. atmosphere [ 5.AtmEsfiE ] ‎ ‎2. here [ hiE ] ‎ ‎3. there [ TZE ] ‎ ‎4. therefore [ 5.TZEfC: ] ‎ ‎5. where [ wZE ]~ver ‎ ‎6. anywhere [ 5.eniwZE ]somewhere [ 5.sQmwZE ] ‎ ‎7. everywhere [ 5.evriwZE ] ‎ ‎...therefore, there's atmosphere here, there and everywhere. ‎ E2.5.9 ‎ ‎1. recite [ ri5.sait ] ‎ ‎2. excite [ ik5.sait ]~ment ‎ ‎3. exciting [ ik5.saitiN ]excited [ ik5.saitid ] ‎ ‎4. excellence [ 5.eksElEns ] ‎ ‎5. excellent [ 5.eksElEnt ] ‎ The excited excellent student recited the exciting excellences of the lady. ‎ E2.6.0 ‎ ‎1. celebrate [ 5.selibreit ] ‎ ‎2. celebration [ 7.seli5.breiFEn ] ‎ ‎3. liberate [ 5.libEreit ]liberty [ 5.libEti ] ‎ ‎4. liberation [ 7.libE5.reiFn ] ‎ ‎5. operate [ 5.CpEreit ] ‎ ‎6. operationoperator [ 5.CpEreitE ] ‎ ‎7. rate [ reit ]at any ~ ‎ ‎8. separate [ 5.sepEreit ] ‎ ‎9 separation [ 7.sepE5.reiFEn ] ‎ At any rate, the operators will celebrate their liberation separately. ‎ E2.6.1. ‎ ‎1. calculate [ 5.kAlkjuleit ] ‎ ‎2. calculation [ 7.kAlkju5.leiFEn ] ‎ ‎3. congratulate [ kEn5.^rAtjuleit ] ‎ ‎4. congratulation [ kEn7.^rAtju5.leiFn ] ‎ ‎5. chocolate [ 5.tFCkElit ] ‎ ‎6. plate [ pleit ] ‎ I congratulate myself on having calculated the cost of the chocolate plates. ‎ E2.6.2. ‎ ‎1. late [ leit ] ‎ ‎2. latest [ 5.leitist ] ‎ ‎3. later [ 5.leitE ] ‎ ‎4. lately [ 5.leitli ] ‎ ‎5. translate [ 5.trAns5.leit ] ‎ ‎6. translation [ trAns5.leiFEn ] ‎ ‎7. translator [ trAns5.leitE ] ‎ Later the translator gave me his latest translation. ‎ E2.6.3. ‎ ‎1. relate [ ri5.leit ] ‎ ‎2. relation [ ri5.leiFEn ] ‎ ‎3. relationship [ ri5.leiFEnFip ] ‎ ‎4. relative [ 5.relEtiv ] ‎ ‎5. relatively [ 5.relEtivli ] ‎ ‎6. relax [ ri5.lAks ] ‎ He related that he relaxed the relationship with his relatives lately. ‎ E2.6.4. ‎ ‎1. composition [ 7.kCmpE5.ziFEn ] ‎ ‎2. opposite [ 5.CpEzit ] ‎ ‎3. position [ pE5.ziFEn ] ‎ ‎4. expose [ iks5.pEuz ]exposure ‎ ‎5. purpose [ 5.pE:pEs ] ‎ ‎6. suppose [ sE5.pEuz ] ‎ The composition exposed his purpose, I suppose from an opposite position. ‎ E2.6.5. ‎ ‎1. radio [ 5.reidiEu ]~s ‎ ‎2. comrade [ 5.kCmreid ] ‎ ‎3. grade [ ^reid ] ‎ ‎4. gradual [ 5.^rAdjuEl ]~ly ‎ ‎5. graduate [ 5.^rAdjuit ][ 5.^rAdjueit ] ‎ ‎6. graduation [ 7.^rAdju5.eiTEn ] ‎ ‎7. trade [ treid ]~mark ‎ The graduate gradually graded the radio trademarks for my comrade. ‎ E2.6.6. ‎ ‎1. skate [ skeit ] ‎ ‎2. skating [ 5.skeitiN ] ‎ ‎3. educate [ 5.edjukeit ]educator ‎ ‎4. education [ 7.edju5.keiFEn ]~al [ -l ] ‎ ‎5. appreciation [ E7.pri:Fi5.eiFEn ] ‎ ‎6. appreciate [ E5.pri:Fieit ] ‎ ‎7. immediate [ i5.mi:djEt ]~ly ‎ I immediately appreciated the educator's education on skating. ‎ E2.6.7. ‎ ‎1. satellite [ 5.sAtElait ] ‎ ‎2. station [ 5.steiFEn ] ‎ ‎3. state [ steit ]~ment [ 5.-mEnt ] ‎ ‎4. state [ steit ] ‎ ‎5. statesman [ 5.steitmEn ] ‎ ‎6. hesitate [ 5.heziteit ] ‎ At the radio station the statesman hesitated to state the state of the satellite. ‎ E2.6.8. ‎ ‎1. behavio(u)r [ bi5.heiviE ] ‎ ‎2. behave [ bi5.heiv ] ‎ ‎3. have [ hAv ]had [ hAd ] ‎ ‎4. has [ hAz,hEz ]had [ hAd,hEd ] ‎ ‎5. shave [ Feiv ]~r ‎ ‎6. sharp [ FB:p ]~en ‎ ‎7. brave [ breiv ]~ry ‎ ‎8. travel [ 5.trAvl ]~(l)er [ 5.trAvlE ] ‎ With a sharp shaver in his hand, the traveller behaved bravely. ‎ E2.6.9 ‎ ‎1. cave [ keiv ]~man ‎ ‎2. wave [ weiv ] ‎ ‎3. safe [ seif ]~ly ‎ ‎4. safety [ 5.seifti ] ‎ ‎5. save [ seiv ]savings ‎ ‎6. slave [ sleiv ] ‎ ‎7. slavery [ sleivEri ] ‎ The caveman waved his hand to the safely saved slave. ‎ E2.7.0 ‎ ‎1. idea [ ai5.diE ] ‎ ‎2. wide [ waid ]~ly [ 5.-li ] ‎ ‎3. ride [ raid ]rode [ rEud ]ridden [ 5.ridn ] ‎ ‎4. hide [ haid ]hid [ hid ]hidden [ 5.hidn ] ‎ ‎5. slide [ slaid ] ‎ The rider has an idea of hiding under the wide slide. ‎ E2.7.1. ‎ ‎1. absence [ 5.AbsEns ] ‎ ‎2. absent [ 5.AbsEnt ]~-minded ‎ ‎3. present [ 5.preznt ]~ly ‎ ‎4. represent [ 7.repri5.zent ] ‎ ‎5. representative [ 7.repri5.zentEtiv ] ‎ ‎6. sentence [ 5.sentEns ] ‎ Presently the sentence represents the absent representative's idea. ‎ E2.7.2. ‎ ‎1. end [ end ] ‎ ‎2. ending [ 5.endiN ] ‎ ‎3. endless [ 5.endlis ] ‎ ‎4. friend [ frend ]~ly [ 5.-li ] ‎ ‎5. friendship [ 5.frendFip ] ‎ In the end, the friends ended their friendship. ‎ E2.7.3. ‎ ‎1. Monday [ 5.mQndi ] ‎ ‎2. Tuesday [ 5.tju:zdi ] ‎ ‎3. Wednesday [ 5.wendzdi ] ‎ ‎4. Thursday [ 5.WE:zdi ] ‎ ‎5. Friday [ 5.fraidi ] ‎ ‎6. Saturday [ 5.sAtEdi ] ‎ ‎7. Sunday [ 5.sQndi ] ‎ ‎8. week [ wi:k ]~ly ‎ ‎9 weekday [ 5.wi:kdei ]weekend [ 5.wi:k5.end ] ‎ Monday through Friday are weekdays, Saturday and Sunday are weekend. ‎ E2.7.4. ‎ ‎1. depend [ di5.pend ]~ence ‎ ‎2. independent [ 7.indi5.pendEnt ]~ly ‎ ‎3. splendid [ 5.splendid ] ‎ ‎4. spend [ spend ]spent [ spent ] ‎ ‎5. expensive [ iks5.pensiv ] ‎ I spent a splendid expensive weekend independently. ‎ E2.7.5. ‎ ‎1. attention [ E5.tenFEn ] ‎ ‎2. attentive [ E5.tentiv ]~ly ‎ ‎3. attend [ E5.tend ] ‎ ‎4. intend [ in5.tend ] ‎ ‎5. pretend [ pri5.tend ] ‎ ‎6. tend [ tend ]~ency ‎ I intend to attend and pretend to pay attention to the tendency. ‎ E2.7.6. ‎ ‎1. fence [ fens ] ‎ ‎2. defence, defense [ di5.fens ] ‎ ‎3. defend [ di5.fend ] ‎ ‎4. sense [ sens ] ‎ ‎5. nonsense [ 5.nCnsEns ] ‎ ‎6. tense [ tens ] ‎ It's a big nonsense to depend on the tense fence for defence. ‎ E2.7.7. ‎ ‎1. bend [ bend ]bent [ bent ] ‎ ‎2. lend [ lend ]lent [ lent ] ‎ ‎3. lender [ 5.lendE ] ‎ ‎4. mend [ mend ]~er ‎ ‎5. send [ send ]sent [ sent ] ‎ ‎6. sender [ 5.sendE ] ‎ I mended the bend and sent it to the lender. ‎ E2.7.8. ‎ ‎1. spot [ spCt ]~less ‎ ‎2. pot [ pCt ] ‎ ‎3. potato [ pE5.teitEu ]~es ‎ ‎4. tomato [ tE5.meitEu ]~es ‎ ‎5. tobacco [ tE5.bAkEu ] ‎ The tobacco, tomatoes and potatoes are put in the spotless pot. ‎ E2.7.9 ‎ ‎1. white [ wait ] ‎ ‎2. write [ rait ]wrote [ rEut ]written [ 5.ritn ] ‎ ‎3. type [ taip ]~writer [ 5.taip7.raitE ] ‎ ‎4. typist [ 5.taipist ] ‎ ‎5. bite [ bait ]bit [ bit ]bit, bitten [ 5.bitn ] ‎ ‎6. invite [ in5.vait ] ‎ ‎7. invitation [ 7.invi5.teiFEn ] ‎ ‎8. spite [ spait ]in ~ of ‎ ‎9 kite [ kait ] ‎ In spite of being bitten by the writer, the typist invited him to fly white kites. ‎ E2.8.0 ‎ ‎1. letter [ 5.letE ] ‎ ‎2. better [ 5.betE ]best [ 5.best ] ‎ ‎3. bitter [ 5.bitE ]~ness ‎ ‎4. butter [ 5.bQtE ] ‎ ‎5. matter [ 5.mAtE ] ‎ ‎6. material [ mE5.tiEriEl ] ‎ I wrote a better letter about the bitter butter matter. ‎ E2.8.1. ‎ ‎1. discuss [ dis5.kQs ]~ion ‎ ‎2. biscuit [ 5.biskit ] ‎ ‎3. suit [ sju:t ] ‎ ‎4. suitable [ 5.sju:tEbl ] ‎ ‎5. fruit [ fru:t ]~ful [ 5.-fl ] ‎ ‎6. juice [ dVu:s ]juicy [ 5.-i ] ‎ ‎“The fruit juice is suitable for making biscuits,” in the discussion I said. ‎ E2.8.2. ‎ ‎1. quite [ kwait ] ‎ ‎2. quiet [ 5.kwaiEt ]~ly [ -li ] ‎ ‎3. equip [ i5.kwip ] ‎ ‎4. equipment [ i5.kwipmEnt ] ‎ ‎5. liquid [ 5.likwid ] ‎ The liquid runs quite quietly in the equipment. ‎ E2.8.3. ‎ ‎1. Africa [ 5.AfrikE ] ‎ ‎2. African [ 5.AfrikEn ] ‎ ‎3. America [ E5.merikE ] ‎ ‎4. American [ E5.merikEn ] ‎ ‎5. A.M., AM, a.m., am [ 7.ei5.em ] ‎ ‎6. P.M., PM, p.m., pm [ 7.pi:5.em ]7.:00pm ‎ ‎7. am [ Am,Em ]was [ wCz ] ‎ When I am in America at 7.:00a.m., it's 3.:00p.m. somewhere in Africa. ‎ E2.8.4. ‎ ‎1. game [ ^eim ] ‎ ‎2. name [ neim ]~ly [ 5.-li ] ‎ ‎3. famous [ 5.feimEs ] ‎ ‎4. family [ 5.fAmili ]~ name ‎ ‎5. familiar [ fE5.miljE ] ‎ ‎6. peculiar [ pi5.kju:ljE ]~ly ‎ The game player is peculiarly familiar with the famous family name. ‎ E2.8.5. ‎ ‎1. last [ lB:st ] ‎ ‎2. lasting [ 5.lB:stiN ] ‎ ‎3. blast [ blB:st ] ‎ ‎4. fast [ fB:st ]~en [ 5.fB:sn ] ‎ ‎5. past [ pB:st ] ‎ ‎6. cast [ kB:st ]~ ‎ ‎7. castle [ 5.kB:sl ] ‎ The last fast blast ruined the cast castle at half past six. ‎ E2.8.6. ‎ ‎1. plastic [ 5.plAstik ]~s ‎ ‎2. disaster [ di5.zB:stE ] ‎ ‎3. dynasty [ 5.dainEsti ] ‎ ‎4. master [ 5.mB:stE ] ‎ ‎5. taste [ teist ] ‎ ‎6. waste [ weist ] ‎ The master tasted the waste plastics which made a disaster to the dynasty. ‎ E2.8.7. ‎ ‎1. side [ said ]~-road [ 5.-7.rEud ] ‎ ‎2. aside [ E5.said ] ‎ ‎3. beside [ bi5.said ] ‎ ‎4. besides [ bi5.saidz ] ‎ ‎5. inside [ 5.in5.said ] ‎ ‎6. outside [ 5.aut5.said ] ‎ ‎7. consider [ kEn5.sidE ]~ation ‎ ‎...besides, both sides of inside and outside are considered. ‎ E2.8.8. ‎ ‎1. province [ 5.prCvins ]provincial ‎ ‎2. provide [ prE5.vaid ]~d ‎ ‎3. divide [ di5.vaid ] ‎ ‎4. video [ 5.vidiEu ] ‎ ‎5. guide [ ^aid ] ‎ ‎6. decide [ di5.said ] ‎ ‎7. decision [ di5.siVEn ] ‎ The guide decided to divide the video sets provided by the province. ‎ E2.8.9 ‎ ‎1. experience [ iks5.piEriEns ]~d ‎ ‎2. experiment [ iks5.perimEnt ]~al ‎ ‎3. expert [ 5.ekspE:t ] ‎ ‎4. concert [ 5.kCnsEt ] ‎ ‎5. desert [ 5.dezEt ] ‎ ‎6. fertilize [ 5.fE:tilaiz ] ‎ ‎7. fertilizer [ 5.fE:tilaizE ] ‎ The fertilizer expert expects to experience the experiment on desert after the concert. ‎ E2.90 ‎ ‎1. even [ 5.i:vEn ] ‎ ‎2. eve [ i:v ] ‎ ‎3. evening [ 5.i:vniN ] ‎ ‎4. event [ i5.vent ] ‎ ‎5. prevent [ pri5.vent ]~ion ‎ ‎6. adventure [ Ed5.ventFE ] ‎ ‎7. invent [ in5.vent ]~ion ‎ ‎8. inventor [ in5.ventE ] ‎ Even the evening event can't prevent the inventor from adventuring. ‎ E2.91. ‎ ‎1. ever [ 5.evE ]for ~ ‎ ‎2. forever [ fE5.revE ] ‎ ‎3. never [ 5.nevE ] ‎ ‎4. fever [ 5.fi:vE ]~ish ‎ ‎5. clever [ 5.klevE ] ‎ ‎6. very [ 5.veri ] ‎ ‎7. every [ 5.evri ] ‎ ‎8. everything [ 5.evriWiN ] ‎ Everyone thinks that the feverish boy is very clever; but it's never so forever. ‎ E2.92. ‎ ‎1. B.C., BC (Before Christ) ‎ ‎2. Christmas [ 5.krismEs ]~ Eve ‎ ‎3. wrist [ rist ]~watch ‎ ‎4. waist [ weist ]~coat ‎ ‎5. wait [ weit ]~er [ 5.-E ]~ress [ 5.-ris ] ‎ ‎6. waiting-room [ 5.weitiN ru:m ] ‎ On the Christmas Eve in the waiting-room the waiter found in a waistcoat a wristwatch made in 1.00BC. ‎ E2.93. ‎ ‎1. not [ nCt ] ‎ ‎2. notice [ 5.nEutis ] ‎ ‎3. note [ nEut ]~book ‎ ‎4. vote [ vEut ]~r ‎ ‎5. devote [ di5.vEut ]~d ‎ ‎6. hotel [ hEu5.tel ] ‎ ‎7. hot [ hCt ]heat [ hi:t ] ‎ ‎8. shot [ FCt ] ‎ The devoted voter did not note the notice of shot in the hot hotel. ‎ E2.94. ‎ ‎1. dictation [ dik5.teiFEn ] ‎ ‎2. dictionary [ 5.dikFEnEri ] ‎ ‎3. picture [ 5.piktFE ] ‎ ‎4. strict [ strikt ]~ly ‎ ‎5. restrict [ ris5.trikt ] ‎ ‎6. district [ 5.distrikt ] ‎ In dictation, dictionaries with pictures are strictly restricted to use in one district. ‎ E2.95. ‎ ‎1. agricultural [ 7.A^ri5.kQltFErEl ] ‎ ‎2. agriculture [ 5.A^rikQltFE ] ‎ ‎3. difficult [ 5.difikElt ]~y ‎ ‎4. fault [ fC:lt ]faulty ‎ ‎5. result [ ri5.zQlt ] ‎ My fault resulted in difficulty in agriculture. ‎ E2.96. ‎ ‎1. dirt [ dE:t ]~y ‎ ‎2. shirt [ FE:t ] ‎ ‎3. skirt [ skE:t ] ‎ ‎4. virtue [ 5.vE:tju: ] ‎ ‎5. girl [ ^E:l ]~friend ‎ ‎6. sir [ sE: ] ‎ ‎7. thirst [ WE:st ]~y [ 5.-i ] ‎ Sir, the girl in dirty shirt and skirt is thirsty for your virtues. ‎ E2.97. ‎ ‎1. for [ fC:,fE ] ‎ ‎2. forbid [ fE5.bid ]~den ‎ ‎3. force [ fC:s ] ‎ ‎4. forget [ fE5.^et ]forgot [ fE5.^Ct ]forgotten [ fE5.^Ctn ] ‎ ‎5. folk [ fEuk ] ‎ ‎6. fork [ fC:k ] ‎ ‎7. pork [ pC:k ] ‎ ‎8. work [ wE:k ]~er [ 5.-E ] ‎ ‎“Some folk forget that forks are forbidden to be forced into pork,” the worker said. ‎ E2.98. ‎ ‎1. school [ sku:l ]~master [ 5.-7.mB:stE ] ‎ ‎2. schoolbag [ 5.sku:lbA^ ] ‎ ‎3. schoolboy [ 5.sku:lbCi ] ‎ ‎4. schoolgirl [ 5.sku:l^E:l ] ‎ ‎5. wool [ wul ]~en [ 5.-lin ] ‎ ‎6. wolf [ wulf ] ‎ A wolf with woolen schoolbag plays with schoolboys and schoolgirls. ‎ E2.99 ‎ ‎1. finish [ 5.finiF ] ‎ ‎2. punish [ 5.pQniF ]~ment ‎ ‎3. Spanish [ 5.spAniF ] ‎ ‎4. dish [ diF ] ‎ ‎5. fish [ fiF ]~erman [ 5.fiFEmEn ] ‎ ‎6. wish [ wiF ] ‎ I wish to punish the Spanish fisherman who finished a dish of fish. ‎ E3.00 ‎ ‎1. club [ klQb ] ‎ ‎2. public [ 5.pQblik ]~ly [ -li ] ‎ ‎3. publish [ 5.pQbliF ]~er ‎ ‎4. republic [ ri5.pQblik ]~an ‎ ‎5. rub [ rQb ]~ber ‎ ‎6. rubbish [ 5.rQbiF ] ‎ ‎7. suburb [ 5.sQbE:b ]~an ‎ In a suburb club the Republican publicly published a report on rubber rubbish. ‎ E3.01. ‎ ‎1. pole [ pEul ] ‎ ‎2. holiday [ 5.hClEdi ] ‎ ‎3. hole [ hEul ] ‎ ‎4. whole [ hEul ]wholly ‎ ‎5. who [ hu: ] ‎ ‎6. whom [ hu:m ] ‎ ‎7. whose [ hu:z ] ‎ Who made the whole hole in the pole on the holiday? ‎ E3.02. ‎ ‎1. list [ list ] ‎ ‎2. listen [ 5.lisn ]~er ‎ ‎3. whistle [ 5.wisEl ] ‎ ‎4. whisper [ 5.wispE ] ‎ ‎5. while [ wail ] ‎ The men on the list listened to the whispering whistle a while. ‎ E3.03. ‎ ‎1. out [ aut ] ‎ ‎2. outer [ 5.autE ]~most ‎ ‎3. about [ E5.baut ] ‎ ‎4. shout [ Faut ] ‎ ‎5. shoulder [ 5.FEuldE ]~-strap ‎ ‎6. route [ ru:t ] ‎ The shouter with shoulder-straps is on the route to the outer space. ‎ E3.04. ‎ ‎1. minute [ 5.minit ][ mai5.nju:t ] ‎ ‎2. compute [ kEm5.pju:t ]~r ‎ ‎3. company [ 5.kQmpEni ] ‎ ‎4. accompany [ E5.kQmpEni ] ‎ ‎5. companion [ kEm5.pAnjEn ] ‎ ‎6. complete [ kEm5.pli:t ] ‎ ‎7. completely [ kEm5.pli:tli ] ‎ ‎8. completion [ kEm5.pli:FEn ] ‎ By computer my companion completed comparing the two companies in minutes. ‎ E3.05. ‎ ‎1. doctor [ 5.dCktE ] ‎ ‎2. Dr., Dr [ 5.dCktE ] ‎ ‎3. doll [ dCl ] ‎ ‎4. dollar [ 5.dClE ] ‎ ‎5. roll [ rEul ] ‎ ‎6. volleyball [ 5.vClibC:l ] ‎ The doctor's one-dollar doll can roll like volleyball. ‎ E3.06. ‎ ‎1. duck [ dQk ] ‎ ‎2. luck [ lQk ]~y ‎ ‎3. lucky [ 5.lQki ]luckily [ -li ] ‎ ‎4. suck [ sQk ] ‎ ‎5. truck [ trQk ] ‎ ‎6. trunk [ trQNk ] ‎ The trunk fell from a truck to the lucky sucking duck's side. ‎ E3.07. ‎ ‎1. equal [ 5.i:kwEl ]~ly [ -i ] ‎ ‎2. equator [ i5.kweitE ] ‎ ‎3. quantity [ 5.kwCntiti ] ‎ ‎4. quarrel [ 5.kwCrEl ]~some ‎ ‎5. quality [ 5.kwCliti ] ‎ ‎6. quarter [ 5.kwC:tE ]~s ‎ ‎7. quarterly [ 5.kwC:tEli ] ‎ I quarreled that the quality and quantity of the quarters on the equator are equally important. ‎ E3.08. ‎ ‎1. rise [ raiz ]rose [ rEuz ]risen [ 5.rizn ] ‎ ‎2. arise [ E5.raiz ]arose [ E5.rEuz ]arisen [ E5.rizn ] ‎ ‎3. surprise [ sE5.praiz ] ‎ ‎4. surprised [ sE5.praizid ]surprising [ sE5.praiziN ] ‎ ‎5. raise [ reiz ] ‎ ‎6. praise [ preiz ] ‎ His surprising rise arises from the raiser's praise. ‎ E3.09 ‎ ‎1. advice [ Ed5.vais ] ‎ ‎2. advise [ Ed5.vaiz ] ‎ ‎3. exercise [ 5.eksEsaiz ] ‎ ‎4. promise [ 5.prCmis ]promising ‎ ‎5. promising [ 5.prCmisiN ] ‎ ‎6. wise [ waiz ]un~ ‎ The wise man promised to advise me on exercise. ‎ E3.1.0 ‎ ‎1. ice [ ais ]icy [ 5.aisi ] ‎ ‎2. nice [ nais ] ‎ ‎3. rice [ rais ] ‎ ‎4. price [ prais ] ‎ ‎5. prize [ praiz ] ‎ ‎6. seize [ seiz ] ‎ ‎7. size [ saiz ] ‎ Seize the big-sized prize! The iced rice is nice and the price is low. ‎ E3.1.1. ‎ ‎1. nervous [ 5.nE:vEs ] ‎ ‎2. observe [ Eb5.zE:v ]~r ‎ ‎3. servant [ 5.sE:vEnt ] ‎ ‎4. serve [ sE:v ]service [ 5.sE:vis ] ‎ ‎5. serious [ 5.siEriEs ]~ly [ -li ] ‎ ‎6. seriousness [ 5.siEriEsnis ] ‎ ‎7. period [ 5.piEriEd ] ‎ During that period, the serious servant served the nervous observer. ‎ E3.1.2. ‎ ‎1. free [ fri: ]~ly [ 5.-li ] ‎ ‎2. freedom [ 5.fri:dEm ] ‎ ‎3. freeze [ fri:z ]froze [ frEuz ]frozen [ 5.frEuzn ] ‎ ‎4. freezing [ 5.fri:ziN ] ‎ ‎5. tree [ tri: ]family ~ ‎ ‎6. agree [ E5.^ri: ]~ment [ -mEnt ] ‎ ‎7. disagree [ 7.disE5.^ri: ]~ment ‎ ‎8. degree [ di5.^ri: ] ‎ I agree to freely freeze the tree at low degree. ‎ E3.1.3. ‎ ‎1. exist [ i^5.zist ] ‎ ‎2. existence [ i^5.zistEns ] ‎ ‎3. existing [ i^5.zistiN ] ‎ ‎4. exit [ 5.eksit ] ‎ ‎5. Mexican [ 5.meksikEn ] ‎ ‎6. Mexico [ 5.meksikEu ] ‎ After the exit, the Mexican no longer exists. ‎ E3.1.4. ‎ ‎1. child [ tFaild ]children [ 5.tFildrEn ] ‎ ‎2. childhood [ 5.tFaildhud ] ‎ ‎3. childish [ 5.tFaildiF ] ‎ ‎4. build [ bild ]built [ bilt ] ‎ ‎5. building [ 5.bildiN ] ‎ ‎6. rebuild [ 5.ri:5.bild ]rebuilt [ 5.ri:5.bilt ] ‎ ‎7. wild [ waild ]~ly ‎ The wild children are building a building. ‎ E3.1.5. ‎ ‎1. view [ vju: ] ‎ ‎2. review [ ri5.vju: ] ‎ ‎3. new [ nju: ]~s ‎ ‎4. news [ nju:z ] ‎ ‎5. newspaper [ 5.nju:s7.peipE ] ‎ ‎6. few [ fju: ] ‎ ‎7. jewel [ 5.dVu:El ]~er~ry ‎ ‎8. sew [ sEu ] ‎ In my view, you should review a few of jewels sewed on the new clothes. ‎ E3.1.6. ‎ ‎1. old [ Euld ]~-fashioned [ 5.- 5.fAFEnd ] ‎ ‎2. elder [ 5.eldE ]eldest [ 5.eldist ] ‎ ‎3. field [ fi:ld ] ‎ ‎4. seldom [ 5.seldEm ] ‎ ‎5. modest [ 5.mCdist ]~y ‎ ‎6. model [ 5.mCdl ] ‎ ‎7. modern [ 5.mCdEn ]~ize [ -aiz ] ‎ The modest elder seldom modernizes the old-fashioned models in the field. ‎ E3.1.7. ‎ ‎1. alone [ E5.lEun ] ‎ ‎2. lonely [ 5.lEunli ] ‎ ‎3. loneliness [ 5.lEunlinis ] ‎ ‎4. one [ wQn ] ‎ ‎5. oneself [ wQ5.self ] ‎ ‎6. anyone [ 5.eniwQn ] ‎ ‎7. none [ nQn ] ‎ ‎8. once [ wQns ]at ~ ‎ Once none of us is with the lonely man, he'll live alone. ‎ E3.1.8. ‎ ‎1. phone [ fEun ] ‎ ‎2. telephone [ 5.telifEun ] ‎ ‎3. only [ 5.Eunli ] ‎ ‎4. honest [ 5.Cnist ] ‎ ‎5. honesty [ 5.Cnisti ] ‎ Only the honest can use the phone of the telephone. ‎ E3.1.9 ‎ ‎1. bone [ bEun ] ‎ ‎2. tone [ tEun ] ‎ ‎3. stone [ stEun ] ‎ ‎4. astonish [ Es5.tCniF ] ‎ ‎5. astonishing [ Es5.tCniFiN ] ‎ I'm astonished at the tone of the stone and bone. ‎ E3.2.0 ‎ ‎1. battle [ 5.bAtl ] ‎ ‎2. cattle [ 5.kAtl ] ‎ ‎3. bottle [ 5.bCtl ] ‎ ‎4. little [ 5.litl ] ‎ ‎5. settle [ 5.setl ]~ment ‎ ‎6. settler [ 5.setlE ] ‎ The settler settled the cattle battle with little bottles. ‎ E3.2.1. ‎ ‎1. beg [ be^ ]beggar [ 5.be^E ] ‎ ‎2. begin [ bi5.^in ]began [ bi5.^An ]begun [ bi5.^Qn ] ‎ ‎3. beginning [ bi5.^iniN ]beginner [ bi5.^inE ] ‎ ‎4. egg [ e^ ] ‎ ‎5. leg [ le^ ] ‎ ‎6. college [ 5.kClidV ] ‎ ‎7. Negro [ 5.ni^rEu ]~es ‎ The one-legged Negro began to beg eggs in the college. ‎ E3.2.2. ‎ ‎1. level [ 5.levl ] ‎ ‎2. develop [ di5.velEp ]~er [ -E ] ‎ ‎3. development [ di5.velEpmEnt ] ‎ ‎4. envelope [ 5.envilEup ] ‎ ‎5. slope [ slEup ] ‎ ‎6. telescope [ 5.teliskEup ] ‎ The sloping telescope on the envelope represents its development level. ‎ E3.2.3. ‎ ‎1. people [ 5.pi:pl ] ‎ ‎2. apple [ 5.Apl ] ‎ ‎3. happy [ 5.hApi ]happily [ -li ] ‎ ‎4. happiness [ 5.hApinis ] ‎ ‎5. happen [ 5.hApEn ] ‎ ‎6. perhaps [ pE5.hAps ] ‎ Perhaps the apples may happen to fall on the happy people's heads. ‎ E3.2.4. ‎ ‎1. hope [ hEup ]~ful~less ‎ ‎2. proper [ 5.prCpE ]im~ ‎ ‎3. properly [ 5.prCpEli ] ‎ ‎4. property [ 5.prCpEti ] ‎ ‎5. rope [ rEup ] ‎ ‎6. Europe [ 5.juErEp ] ‎ ‎7. European [ 7.juErE5.piEn ] ‎ In Europe, rope is improper property to hopeless people. ‎ E3.2.5. ‎ ‎1. bring [ briN ]brought [ brC:t ] ‎ ‎2. during [ 5.djuEriN ] ‎ ‎3. ring [ riN ]rang [ rAN ]rung [ rQN ] ‎ ‎4. spring [ spiN ]~time [ 5.-taim ] ‎ ‎5. string [ striN ] ‎ Bring me a string of rings that rings during springtime. ‎ E3.2.6. ‎ ‎1. sugar [ 5.Fu^E ]~canecane~ ‎ ‎2. huge [ hju:dV ] ‎ ‎3. bug [ bQ^ ] ‎ ‎4. plug [ plQ^ ] ‎ ‎5. ugly [ 5.Q^li ]ugliness ‎ The huge ugly bugs struggle to eat the sugar on the plug. ‎ E3.2.7. ‎ ‎1. telegram [ 5.teli^rAm ] ‎ ‎2. telegraph [ 5.teli^rB:f ] ‎ ‎3. geographical [ dViE5.^rAfikEl ] ‎ ‎4. geography [ dVi5.C^rEfi ] ‎ ‎5. surgeon [ 5.sE:dVEn ] ‎ ‎6. pigeon [ 5.pidVin ] ‎ ‎7. urge [ E:dV ] ‎ The pigeon raiser urged the surgeon to study geography by telegraph. ‎ E3.2.8. ‎ ‎1. reduce [ ri5.dju:s ]reducible ‎ ‎2. introduce [ 7.intrE5.dju:s ] ‎ ‎3. introduction [ 7.intrE5.dQkFEn ] ‎ ‎4. produce [ prE5.dju:s ]~r [ -E ] ‎ ‎5. product [ 5.prCdEkt ] ‎ ‎6. conduct [ kEn5.dQkt ] ‎ ‎7. conductor [ kEn5.dQktE ] ‎ The conductor reduced the producer's product introduction. ‎ E3.2.9 ‎ ‎1. continent [ 5.kCntinEnt ] ‎ ‎2. continue [ kEn5.tinju: ] ‎ ‎3. contrary [ 5.kCntrEri ] ‎ ‎4. control [ kEn5.trEul ]~ler ‎ ‎5. don't [ dEunt ] ‎ ‎6. front [ frQnt ] ‎ On the contrary, they continue to control the continent front, don't they? ‎ E3.3.0 ‎ ‎1. crawl [ krC:l ] ‎ ‎2. draw [ drC: ]drew [ dru: ]drawn [ drC:n ] ‎ ‎3. drawing [ 5.drC:iN ] ‎ ‎4. drawer [ 5.drC:E ] ‎ ‎5. drawer [ drC: ] ‎ The drawer crawled to the drawer and drew a drawing on it. ‎ E3.3.1. ‎ ‎1. raw [ rC: ] ‎ ‎2. straw [ strC: ] ‎ ‎3. strawberry [ 5.strC:bEri ] ‎ ‎4. law [ lC: ] ‎ ‎5. lawyer [ 5.lC:jE ] ‎ In the straw the lawyer found some raw strawberries. ‎ E3.3.2. ‎ ‎1. escape [ is5.keip ] ‎ ‎2. grape [ ^reip ] ‎ ‎3. paper [ 5.peipE ] ‎ ‎4. shape [ Feip ]~less ‎ ‎5. tape [ teip ] ‎ The escaping man taped the paper into grape shape. ‎ E3.3.3. ‎ ‎1. car [ kB: ] ‎ ‎2. carpet [ 5.kB:pit ] ‎ ‎3. carriage [ 5.kAridV ] ‎ ‎4. carry [ 5.kAri ] ‎ ‎5. hurry [ 5.hQri ] ‎ The carriage carried the carpet onto a car in a hurry. ‎ E3.3.4. ‎ ‎1. marry [ 5.mAri ] ‎ ‎2. married [ 5.mArid ]un~ [ 5.Qn5.mArid ] ‎ ‎3. marriage [ 5.mAridV ] ‎ ‎4. merry [ 5.meri ] ‎ ‎5. mercy [ 5.mE:si ]merciful ‎ The merciful merry man married an unmarried woman. ‎ E3.3.5. ‎ ‎1. bed [ bed ]~room [ 5.-rum ] ‎ ‎2. red [ red ]~den [ 5.-n ] ‎ ‎3. hundred [ 5.hQndrEd ] ‎ ‎4. thunder [ 5.WQndE ] ‎ ‎5. under [ 5.QndE ] ‎ Under the thunder, hundreds of red beds are destroyed. ‎ E3.3.6. ‎ ‎1. kiss [ kis ] ‎ ‎2. Miss [ mis ] ‎ ‎3. miss [ mis ]~ing ‎ ‎4. dismiss [ dis5.mis ]~al ‎ ‎5. permission [ pE5.miFEn ] ‎ ‎6. permit [ pE5.mit ] ‎ ‎7. mirror [ 5.mirE ] ‎ By permission, the dismissed man kissed Miss Bliss and gave her the missing mirror. ‎ E3.3.7. ‎ ‎1. pea [ pi: ] ‎ ‎2. tea [ ti: ]~cup~pot ‎ ‎3. sea [ si: ] ‎ ‎4. seaman [ 5.si:mEn ]seashore [ 5.si:FC: ] ‎ ‎5. seagull [ 5.si:^Ql ] ‎ ‎6. gulf [ ^Qlf ] ‎ The seaman fed tea and peas to the seagulls in the gulf. ‎ E3.3.8. ‎ ‎1. shore [ FC: ]a~ ‎ ‎2. store [ stC: ]~house [ 5.-haus ] ‎ ‎3. storey [ 5.stC:ri ] ‎ ‎4. score [ skC: ] ‎ ‎5. more [ mC: ] ‎ ‎6. moral [ 5.mCrEl ]im~ ‎ The story about the two-storeyed storehouse on the shore got more moral score. ‎ E3.3.9 ‎ ‎1. bottom [ 5.bCtEm ] ‎ ‎2. cottage [ 5.kCtidV ] ‎ ‎3. cotton [ 5.kCtn ] ‎ ‎4. mutton [ 5.mQtn ] ‎ ‎5. mud [ mQd ]~dy ‎ ‎6. much [ mQtF ] ‎ Much muddy mutton is hidden at the bottom of the cotton in the cottage. ‎ E3.4.0 ‎ ‎1. proof [ pru:f ]water~ ‎ ‎2. roof [ ru:f ] ‎ ‎3. room [ ru:m ] ‎ ‎4. broom [ bru:m ] ‎ ‎5. bloom [ blu:m ] ‎ Brooms bloom on the waterproof room roof. ‎ E3.4.1. ‎ ‎1. monitor [ 5.mCnitE ] ‎ ‎2. common [ 5.kCmEn ] ‎ ‎3. uncommon [ Qn5.kCmEn ] ‎ ‎4. communist [ 5.kCmjunist ] ‎ ‎5. communism [ 5.kCmjunizEm ] ‎ ‎6. committee [ kE5.miti ] ‎ The monitor joined an uncommon communist committee. ‎ E3.4.2. ‎ ‎1. unit [ 5.ju:nit ] ‎ ‎2. unite [ ju5.nait ] ‎ ‎3. united [ ju5.naitid ] ‎ ‎4. union [ 5.ju:njEn ] ‎ ‎5. universe [ 5.ju:nivE:s ] ‎ ‎6. university [ 7.ju:ni5.vE:siti ] ‎ The United Universe University is a union of many units. ‎ E3.4.3. ‎ ‎1. nature [ 5.neitFE ] ‎ ‎2. natural [ 5.nAtFErEl ]~ly ‎ ‎3. unnatural [ Qn5.nAtFErEl ] ‎ ‎4. native [ 5.neitiv ] ‎ ‎5. nation [ 5.neiFEn ]~al [ 5.nAFEnl ] ‎ ‎6. international [ 7.intE5.nAFEnl ] ‎ ‎7. interrupt [ 7.intE5.rQpt ]~ion ‎ Naturally, the natives of the nation wish the international talk to be interrupted. ‎ E3.4.4. ‎ ‎1. dog [ dC^ ] ‎ ‎2. fog [ fC^ ]~gy [ 5.fC^i ] ‎ ‎3. smog [ smC^ ] ‎ ‎4. frog [ frC^ ] ‎ ‎5. from [ frCm,frEm ] ‎ In the foggy smog the frog escaped from the dog's mouth. ‎ E3.4.5. ‎ ‎1. dialog(ue) [ 5.daiElC^ ] ‎ ‎2. apologize [ E5.pClEdVaiz ] ‎ ‎3. apology [ E5.pClEdVi ] ‎ ‎4. biology [ bai5.ClEdVi ] ‎ ‎5. biologist [ bai5.ClEdVist ] ‎ From their dialog I know the biologist apologized. ‎ E3.4.6. ‎ ‎1. debt [ det ]~or ‎ ‎2. doubt [ daut ]~ful ‎ ‎3. double [ 5.dQbl ] ‎ ‎4. trouble [ 5.trQbl ]~some [ -sEm ] ‎ ‎5. troop [ tru:p ] ‎ No doubt, the debt gets the debtor into double troubles in the troop. ‎ E3.4.7. ‎ ‎1. citizen [ 5.sitizn ] ‎ ‎2. pity [ 5.piti ] ‎ ‎3. city [ 5.siti ] ‎ ‎4. civil [ 5.sivl ] ‎ ‎5. critic [ 5.kritik ]~ize ‎ ‎6. critical [ 5.kritikl ] ‎ It's a pity to the city that the citizens criticize its critical civil law. ‎ E3.4.8. ‎ ‎1. Marxism [ 5.mB:ksizEm ] ‎ ‎2. society [ sE5.saiEti ] ‎ ‎3. socialism [ 5.sEuFElizEm ] ‎ ‎4. socialist [ 5.sEuFElist ] ‎ ‎5. special [ 5.speFEl ]~ly ‎ ‎6. especial [ is5.peFEl ]~ly ‎ ‎7. imperial [ im5.piEriEl ] ‎ ‎8. imperialism [ im5.piEriElizEm ] ‎ Marxism is good for societies, especially for special imperial ones. ‎ E3.4.9 ‎ ‎1. split [ split ] ‎ ‎2. bit [ bit ] ‎ ‎3. rabbit [ 5.rAbit ] ‎ ‎4. habit [ 5.hAbit ] ‎ ‎5. habitual [ hA5.bitjuEl ] ‎ ‎6. exhibition [ 7.Eksi5.biFEn ] ‎ On the exhibition the rabbit habitually splits its hair bit by bit. ‎ E3.5.0 ‎ ‎1. fit [ fit ] ‎ ‎2. unfit [ 5.Qn5.fit ] ‎ ‎3. benefit [ 5.benifit ] ‎ ‎4. hit [ hit ]~ ‎ ‎5. admit [ Ed5.mit ] ‎ ‎6. limit [ 5.limit ]~ed ‎ ‎7. limitation [ 7.limi5.teiFEn ] ‎ I admit that limiting benefits is an unfit hit on her. ‎ E3.5.1. ‎ ‎1. arithmetic [ E5.riWmEtik ] ‎ ‎2. with [ wiT ] ‎ ‎3. within [ wi5.Tin ] ‎ ‎4. without [ wi5.Taut ] ‎ ‎5. faith [ feiW ] ‎ ‎6. faithful [ 5.feiWfl ] ‎ I completed the arithmetic within minutes without faith. ‎ E3.5.2. ‎ ‎1. difference [ 5.difrEns ] ‎ ‎2. different [ 5.difrEnt ] ‎ ‎3. suffer [ 5.sQfE ]~ing ‎ ‎4. refer [ ri5.fE: ]~ence ‎ ‎5. prefer [ pri5.fE: ]~able ‎ ‎6. pretty [ 5.priti ] ‎ The pretty girl prefers the reference book about different suffering. ‎ E3.5.3. ‎ ‎1. fine [ fain ] ‎ ‎2. pine [ pain ] ‎ ‎3. shine [ Fain ]shone [ FCn ] ‎ ‎4. sunshine [ 5.sQnFain ] ‎ ‎5. vine [ vain ] ‎ ‎6. medicine [ 5.medsin ] ‎ ‎7. medical [ 5.medikEl ] ‎ ‎8. cinema [ 5.sinimE ] ‎ The fine sunshine shines the vine on the pine. Take the medicine to the cinema. ‎ E3.5.4. ‎ ‎1. is [ iz ]was [ wCz,wEz ] ‎ ‎2. this [ Tis ]these [ Ti:z ] ‎ ‎3. history [ 5.histEri ] ‎ ‎4. historical [ his5.tCrikl ] ‎ ‎5. story [ 5.stC:ri ] ‎ ‎6. victory [ 5.viktEri ] ‎ ‎7. glory [ 5.^lCri ]glorious ‎ ‎8. theory [ 5.WiEri ] ‎ ‎9 the [ Ti:,Ti,TE ] ‎ This historical story tells his glorious victory in the theory. ‎ E3.5.5. ‎ ‎1. ability [ E5.bilEti ] ‎ ‎2. able [ 5.eibl ] ‎ ‎3. unable [ Qn5.eibl ] ‎ ‎4. table [ 5.teibl ] ‎ ‎5. vegetable [ 5.vedVitEbl ] ‎ ‎6. tremble [ 5.trembl ] ‎ The trembling man is unable to get the vegetable on the table. ‎ E3.5.6. ‎ ‎1. frequent [ 5.fri:kwEnt ]~ly [ -li ] ‎ ‎2. plenty [ 5.plenti ] ‎ ‎3. plentiful [ 5.plentifl ] ‎ ‎4. rent [ rent ] ‎ ‎5. tent [ tent ] ‎ ‎6. tennis [ 5.tenis ]table ~ ‎ Plenty of tents are frequently rented to the tennis players. ‎ E3.5.7. ‎ ‎1. population [ 7.pCpju5.leiFEn ] ‎ ‎2. popularity [ 7.pCpju5.lAriti ] ‎ ‎3. popular [ 5.pCpjulE ] ‎ ‎4. regular [ 5.re^julE ]~ly ‎ ‎5. irregular [ i5.re^julE ] ‎ The popularity of popular songs in a population is irregular. ‎ E3.5.8. ‎ ‎1. print [ print ] ‎ ‎2. winter [ 5.wintE ] ‎ ‎3. win [ win ]won [ wQn ] ‎ ‎4. winner [ 5.winE ] ‎ ‎5. wing [ wiN ] ‎ ‎6. swing [ swiN ] ‎ The print winner saw the bird's wings swinging in the winter sky. ‎ E3.5.9 ‎ ‎1. can [ kAn ] ‎ ‎2. can [ kAn ]could [ kud,kEd ] ‎ ‎3. can't [ kB:nt ],cannot [ 5.kAnEt ] ‎ ‎4. canal [ kE5.nAl ] ‎ ‎5. candle [ 5.kAndl ] ‎ ‎6. cannon [ 5.kAnEn ] ‎ ‎7. banana [ bE5.nB:nE ] ‎ You can find candles, cannons and bananas in the Canadian canal. ‎ E3.6.0 ‎ ‎1. cruel [ kruEl ] ‎ ‎2. cruelty [ 5.kruElti ] ‎ ‎3. true [ tru: ] ‎ ‎4. truly [ 5.tru:li ] ‎ ‎5. truth [ tru:W ] ‎ ‎6. truthful [ 5.tru:Wfl ] ‎ Sometimes it's true that truth is cruel. ‎ E3.6.1. ‎ ‎1. blue [ blu: ] ‎ ‎2. value [ 5.vAlju: ] ‎ ‎3. valuable [ 5.vAljuEbl ] ‎ ‎4. rescue [ 5.reskju: ] ‎ ‎5. argue [ 5.B:^ju: ] ‎ ‎6. argument [ 5.B:^ju:mEnt ] ‎ ‎7. league [ li:^ ] ‎ ‎8. tongue [ tQN ] ‎ The long-tongued league argued for rescuing the valuable blue print. ‎ E3.6.2. ‎ ‎1. cabbage [ 5.kAbidV ] ‎ ‎2. age [ eidV ]~d ‎ ‎3. wage [ weidV ] ‎ ‎4. wage-earner~s ‎ ‎5. cage [ keidV ] ‎ ‎6. page [ peidV ] ‎ The aged wage-earner put pages of paper and the cabbage into the cage. ‎ E3.6.3. ‎ ‎1. diary [ 5.daiEri ] ‎ ‎2. library [ 5.laibrEri ] ‎ ‎3. librarian [ lai5.brZEriEn ] ‎ ‎4. vary [ 5.vZEri ] ‎ ‎5. various [ 5.vZEriEs ] ‎ ‎6. salary [ 5.sAlEri ] ‎ ‎7. secretary [ 5.sekritri ] ‎ ‎8. secret [ 5.si:krit ] ‎ The librarian's salary varies with various jobs in library. The secretary's secret is in the diary. ‎ E3.6.4. ‎ ‎1. bless [ bles ]be ~ed with ‎ ‎2. blessed [ 5.blesid ] ‎ ‎3. less [ les ]~en [ 5.lesn ] ‎ ‎4. lesson [ 5.lesn ] ‎ ‎5. unless [ Qn5.les ] ‎ I'm not blessed unless I have less lesson. ‎ E3.6.5. ‎ ‎1. bad [ bAd ]~ly ‎ ‎2. dad [ dAd ],daddy [ 5.dAdi ] ‎ ‎3. sad [ sAd ]~den~ness ‎ ‎4. glad [ ^lAd ] ‎ ‎5. ladder [ 5.lAdE ] ‎ ‎6. mad [ mAd ]~ly ‎ ‎7. madam [ 5.mAdEm ] ‎ ‎8. majority [ mE5.dVCriti ] ‎ ‎“You mad madam, the majority of us are glad to use the bad ladder,” dad said sadly. ‎ E3.6.6. ‎ ‎1. be [ bi:,bi ] ‎ ‎2. being [ 5.bi:iN ]come into ~ ‎ ‎3. bee [ bi: ] ‎ ‎4. beef [ bi:f ] ‎ ‎5. flee [ fli: ]fled [ fled ] ‎ ‎6. knee [ ni: ] ‎ ‎7. kneel [ ni:l ] ‎ I kneel down to see how the bees flee from the beef. ‎ E3.6.7. ‎ ‎1. on [ Cn ] ‎ ‎2. upon [ E5.pCn ]once ~ a time ‎ ‎3. ton [ tQn ] ‎ ‎4. son [ sQn ] ‎ ‎5. lion [ 5.laiEn ] ‎ ‎6. opinion [ E5.pinjEn ] ‎ ‎7. iron [ 5.aiEn ] ‎ The lion's son has no opinion of the ton of iron. ‎ E3.6.8. ‎ ‎1. group [ ^ru:p ] ‎ ‎2. couple [ 5.kQpl ] ‎ ‎3. cousin [ 5.kQsn ] ‎ ‎4. cup [ kQp ] ‎ ‎5. up [ Qp ] ‎ ‎6. upper [ 5.QpE ] ‎ The group of boys want cousin to put a couple of cups up to the upper lip. ‎ E3.6.9 ‎ ‎1. pupil [ 5.pju:pl ] ‎ ‎2. supper [ 5.sQpE ] ‎ ‎3. supply [ sE5.plai ] ‎ ‎4. reply [ ri5.plai ] ‎ ‎5. rely [ ri5.lai ] ‎ I rely on your reply of supplying supper to the pupils. ‎ E3.7.0 ‎ ‎1. kid [ kid ] ‎ ‎2. rid [ rid ]~get ~ of ‎ ‎3. rapid [ 5.rApid ]~ly ‎ ‎4. ride [ raid ]rode [ rEud ]ridden [ 5.ridn ] ‎ ‎5. middle [ 5.midl ] ‎ ‎6. lid [ lid ] ‎ ‎7. solid [ 5.sClid ] ‎ The kids rapidly got rid of the solid lid in the middle for the rider. ‎ E3.7.1. ‎ ‎1. go [ ^Eu ]went [ went ]gone [ ^Cn ] ‎ ‎2. ago [ E5.^Eu ] ‎ ‎3. god [ ^Cd ]~dess [ 5.-is ] ‎ ‎4. nod [ nCd ] ‎ ‎5. no [ nEu ] ‎ ‎6. noble [ 5.nEubl ] ‎ ‎7. nor [ nC: ] ‎ The noble did not nod to the God long ago, nor did I. ‎ E3.7.2. ‎ ‎1. hen [ hen ] ‎ ‎2. then [ Ten ] ‎ ‎3. when [ wen ] ‎ ‎4. whenever [ wen5.evE ] ‎ ‎5. dozen [ 5.dQzn ]~(s) ‎ ‎6. sudden [ 5.sQdn ]~ly [ -li ] ‎ ‎...then dozens of hens suddenly cried. ‎ E3.7.3. ‎ ‎1. plus [ plQs ] ‎ ‎2. thus [ TQs ] ‎ ‎3. bus [ bQs ] ‎ ‎4. bus-stop [ 5.bQs stCp ] ‎ ‎5. busy [ 5.bizi ] ‎ ‎6. business [ 5.biznis ] ‎ ‎7. businessman [ 5.biznismEn ] ‎ Thus far there's a busy businessman plus us at the bus-stop. ‎ E3.7.4. ‎ ‎1. eye [ ai ]~sight ‎ ‎2. bye [ bai ] ‎ ‎3. by [ bai ] ‎ ‎4. buy [ bai ]bought [ bC:t ] ‎ ‎5. baby [ 5.beibi ] ‎ By my eyesight, you can buy the baby, bye! ‎ E3.7.5. ‎ ‎1. a [ ei,E ]a horse ‎ ‎2. an [ An,En ]an hour ‎ ‎3. animal [ 5.AnimEl ] ‎ ‎4. answer [ 5.B:nsE ] ‎ ‎5. fan [ fAn ] ‎ ‎6. plan [ plAn ] ‎ An animal fan plans to answer my question. ‎ E3.7.6. ‎ ‎1. adopt [ E5.dCpt ] ‎ ‎2. add [ Ad ] ‎ ‎3. addition [ E5.diFEn ] ‎ ‎4. condition [ kEn5.diFEn ] ‎ ‎5. conditional [ kEn5.diFEnl ] ‎ In addition to this condition, I adopted another one he added. ‎ E3.7.7. ‎ ‎1. trouble [ 5.trQbl ]~some [ -sEm ] ‎ ‎2. terrible [ 5.teribl ]terribly [ -i ] ‎ ‎3. terrify [ 5.terifai ] ‎ ‎4. describe [ dis5.kraib ] ‎ ‎5. description [ dis5.kripFEn ] ‎ ‎6. desk [ desk ] ‎ At the desk I described a terrible trouble. ‎ E3.7.8. ‎ ‎1. chalk [ tFC:k ] ‎ ‎2. talk [ tC:k ]~er ‎ ‎3. walk [ wC:k ] ‎ ‎4. walker [ 5.wC:kE ] ‎ ‎5. salt [ sC:lt ]~y [ 5.-i ] ‎ The walking talkers had the salty chalks. ‎ E3.7.9 ‎ ‎1. hammer [ 5.hAmE ] ‎ ‎2. summer [ 5.sQmE ] ‎ ‎3. mum [ mQm ],mummy [ 5.mQmi ] ‎ ‎4. enemy [ 5.enimi ] ‎ ‎5. envy [ 5.envi ]envious [ 5.enviEs ] ‎ ‎6. my [ mai ] ‎ The enemy envied my mummy's hammer in the summer. ‎ E3.8.0 ‎ ‎1. stem [ stem ]~ from ‎ ‎2. system [ 5.sistim ]~atic ‎ ‎3. physical [ 5.fizikl ] ‎ ‎4. physics [ 5.fiziks ] ‎ ‎5. physicist [ 5.fizisist ] ‎ ‎6. P.E.(physical education) ‎ ‎“It's the stem of the system,”the physicist said on the physics lesson. ‎ E3.8.1. ‎ ‎1. traffic [ 5.trAfik ]~ker [ -E ] ‎ ‎2. pipe [ paip ] ‎ ‎3. wipe [ waip ]~r ‎ ‎4. flesh [ fleF ] ‎ ‎5. fresh [ freF ] ‎ ‎6. freshen [ 5.freFEn ] ‎ The trafficker wiped his pipe on the fresh flesh. ‎ E3.8.2. ‎ ‎1. often [ 5.Cfn ] ‎ ‎2. soft [ sCft ]~en [ 5.sCfn ] ‎ ‎3. so [ sEu,sE ] ‎ ‎4. also [ 5.C:lsEu ] ‎ ‎5. else [ els ] ‎ Someone else's hair is also so soft, because he often cares it. ‎ E3.8.3. ‎ ‎1. jump [ dVQmp ] ‎ ‎2. trumpet [ 5.trQmpit ] ‎ ‎3. bird [ bE:d ] ‎ ‎4. birth [ bE:W ] ‎ ‎5. birthday [ 5.bE:Wdei ]birthplace [ 5.bE:Wpleis ] ‎ On the birthday party, a bird jumped into my trumpet. ‎ E3.8.4. ‎ ‎1. as [ Az,Ez ] ‎ ‎2. gas [ ^As ] ‎ ‎3. inspiring [ in5.spaiEriN ] ‎ ‎4. spirit [ 5.spirit ]~ed ‎ ‎5. spiritual [ 5.spiritjuEl ] ‎ ‎6. tunnel [ 5.tQnl ] ‎ ‎7. channel [ 5.tFAnl ] ‎ His spirit is inspiring, as the gas in the tunnel is poisonous. ‎ ‎‎

