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‎[词语运用]涉及的词形变化种类 ‎1.名词-复数、所有格;‎ ‎2.数词-基数词、序数词、次数;‎ ‎3.代词-主格、宾格、形容词性物主代词、名词性物主代词、反身代词;‎ ‎4.形容词-副词、比较级与最高级形式;‎ ‎5.副词-比较级、最高级形式;‎ ‎6.动词—动词原形;动词第三人称单数;动词过去式;动词的过去分词;动词的现在分词形式;‎ ‎7.转化词(见构词法):water名词-动词;cut动词-名词;well副词-形容词;‎ ‎8.派生词(见构词法):happy-happiness, friend-friendly-friendship;‎ 真题回顾 ‎1. Nasreddin was ______(please) when his cousin visited him from Konya. (2019河南中考) ‎ ‎2. His first public show was at a school program in his _____(one) grade. (2019河南中考)‎ ‎3. The earlier you start to value your life, the ____(early) you can enjoy it. (2019河南中考)‎ ‎4. You don't need to deal with the ____ (die) of your pet alone. (2019质量检测)‎ ‎5. While you are _____(waste) it today, you'll realize you are at the end of it tomorrow.‎ 前缀 前缀通常只改变词义,不改变词性。‎ ‎ A.表示否定的前缀 ‎ ①un-  构成反义词,表示“不”  例:unfit 不合适的,unhappy 不高兴的 unusual 不寻常的 ‎ ②dis- 构成反义词,表示“不”  例:discover 发现, disagree 不同意, disability 无力,残疾 ‎ ③in-/im-   构成反义词, 表示“不”, 用于以c, b, m, p等开头的词。‎ ‎     例:impossible 不可能的, incorrect不正确的 B.表示其他意义的前缀:‎ ‎①re-  表示“再;又;重”。 例: retell复述;repeat重复 ‎②a- 表示“的”,多构成表语形容词。 例:alone 单独的,alike 相像的,awake醒着的 写出下列词的适当形式 ‎1. cover—_____(反义词) —_______(名词) 2. agree—_____(反义词) —_______(名词)‎ ‎3. possible—_____(反义词) —_______(名词) 4. able—_____(反义词) —_______(名词)‎ ‎ 猜词义 reread ______ restore_______ retell_____ reappear _____ recall _____ redo ____‎ 形容词性后缀:‎ ‎1.-ern  表示“方向的”。例:east-eastern, west-western, south-southern, north-northern;‎ ‎2.-ful 表示“具备某种特征的” ;‎ 例:care-careful, help-helpful, use-useful, hope-hopeful, success-successful;‎ ‎3.-less  表示否定  例:care-careless( 粗心的);use-useless(无用的)hope-hopeless(无希望的);‎ ‎4.-y  表示“天气”等。  例:wind-windy,sun-sunny,rain-rainy,snow-snowy,cloud-cloudy;‎ ‎5.-ous  例:famous 著名的,continuous 连续不断的dangerous危险的 ‎6.-ish  例:childish 孩子气的,selfish 自私的 ‎7.-en  表示“某材质的” 例:golden 金色的,wooden 木制的,woolen 羊毛的 副词性后缀-ly  ‎ 例:successful-successfully, slow-slowly, quiet-quietly, careful-carefully 名词后缀:‎ ‎1.-ment  例:agreement 一致; movement 运动; encouragement鼓励;‎ ‎2.-ness  例:illness 疾病, happiness快乐, darkness黑暗,business生意;事务 ‎3.-tion  例: invention发明invitation邀请 ‎4.-er  表示“人”。  例:worker工人,buyer买主 ‎5.-or  表示“人”。  例:actor演员, sailor海员 ‎6.-ist 表示“人”。例: pianist钢琴家, scientist科学家 ‎7.-th  例: truth 真理, length长度  ‎ 写出下列特殊词的适当形式 ‎1. care—_____/_____(形容词) —___/_____(副词) 2. mean—_____(名词) —______(形容词)‎ ‎3. develop—_____(名词) — _____/_____(形容词) 4.act—_____/___(名词) —______(形容词)‎ ‎5. appear —_____(反义词) —_____(名词) 6. direct —_____(导演) —_____(方向)‎ ‎7. image —_____(动词) —_____(名词) 8. perform —_____(演员) —_____(表演)‎ ‎9. please—_____(高兴的) —_____(令人愉快的) —_____(乐趣)‎ 词的转化 ‎( 1 )动词转化为名词 ‎  有大量动词可以转化为名词,有时意思没变化。‎ Let me have a try. 让我试一试。‎ We stopped there for a swim. 我们在那停下来游了一会儿泳。‎ ‎( 2 )名词转化为动词 有相当多的名词可以用作动词,特别是许多表示物体的名词用作动词来表示动作 ‎ Have you booked your ticket?  你的票订好了吗?‎ It can seat 1000 people.   它能容纳1000人。‎ ‎ 一些表示某类人的名词也可做动词 He insisted on staying up to nurse the child. 他坚持不睡觉来护理这个孩子。‎ ‎  (3) 形容词转化为动词 The train slowed down to half its speed.  火车速度减慢了一半。‎ 常用同源词词性表 ‎1) death n.去世 die v.死去 dead adj.死的 ‎ ‎2) open v.打开 open adj.开着的 ‎3) clean v.清理干净 clean adj.干净的 ‎ ‎4) miss v.错过 missing adj.错过的 ‎5) important adj.重要的importance n.重要性 ‎6) hard adj. 困难的;坚硬的hard adv.努力地 ‎7) difficult adj.困难的 difficulty n.困难 ‎ ‎8) pride n.自豪 proud adj.自豪的 ‎9) breath n.气息、呼吸 breathe v.呼吸… ‎ ‎10) choose v. 挑选choice n.选择 ‎11) good adj. 品质好的well adj.气色好的adv.表现好地;‎ ‎12)过去分词用作形容词worried, lost, broken, spoken, closed ‎ 例如:broken windows 破碎的窗户 fallen leaves 落叶 spoken English 口语 健康 (health/healthy)‎ ‎1. health n. 健康 ‎ ‎ your health你的健康 ‎ ‎ in good health健康状况良好 ‎2. healthy adj. 健康的 ‎ ‎ keep healthy保持健康; ‎ ‎ a healthy lifestyle健康的生活方式 汉译英 ‎1. 为了保持健康,你必须要吃的好。______________________.‎ ‎2. 吃的药物奏效了,所以我感觉很好。______________________.‎ ‎3. 演讲完之后,我自我感觉良好。______________________.‎ ‎4. 你的蛋糕不仅做的很好看,而且尝起来也好吃。______________________.‎ 去世 (die, dead, death)‎ ‎1.die v.死 ‎ The tree has died. 那棵树已经死了。‎ ‎2.dead adj.死的 ‎ How long has his grandpa been dead? 他爷爷已去世多久了?‎ ‎3.death n.死亡 ‎ We felt sorry for his death. 我们为他的去世而难过。‎ ‎4.dying adj.病危的 ‎ The driver sent the dying man to hospital. 那个司机把那个病危的人送到了医院。‎ 练习 ‎1. It's said that his father has _____ for almost 3 years.‎ A. died B. been dead C. been died D. dead ‎ ‎2. 他的死亡引发了官方的关注。______________________.‎ ‎3. 我们应该向病危的人伸出援助之手。______________________.‎ 高兴(pleasure, pleased, pleasant)‎ ‎1. pleasure n.=happiness快乐 ‎ Reading can bring us pleasure.阅读能为我们带来快乐。‎ ‎2. pleasant adj.= nice, comfortable令人愉悦的、舒适的 ‎ What a pleasant seat! 多么舒适的座椅!How pleasant the weather is ! 天气多么怡人!‎ ‎ Mr Green is a pleasant teacher.格林先生是一位风趣的老师。‎ ‎3. pleased=satisfied adj满意的 be pleased with=be satisfied with对……满意 He is pleased with their warm welcome. 他们的热烈欢迎使他很高兴/满意。‎ ‎4. —Can you help me with my math? 能帮助我学习数学吗?‎ ‎ —With pleasure=Glad to help.乐意效劳。‎ ‎5. It's my pleasure.不必客气。‎ 成功(success, succeed)‎ ‎1. succeed v.成功做……(in doing)‎ ‎ If you try, you can succeed. 如果努力,你可以成功。‎ ‎ He finally succeed getting the first prize through hard work. 通过努力他终于获得了一等奖。‎ ‎2. success n.成功 ‎ The performance was a great success.表演获得巨大的成功。‎ ‎3. successful. adj. 成功的 ‎ It's a very successful movie.这是部很成功的电影。‎ ‎4. successfully adv. 成功地 How can she cross the river successfully? 她怎么能够成功过河呢?‎ 真题回顾 ‎1. Dear friends, please read every sentence carefully. Details decide ____ or not. (2019, 哈尔滨)‎ A. success B. successful C. succeed D. successfully ‎ ‎2. How can she ____ swimming across the river?‎ A. successful B. succeed C. success D. successfully ‎3. As a businessman, Jobs' passion and energy encouraged the world. (success ) (2019,福州)‎ sometime, some time, some times sometimes ‎1.sometimes=at times偶尔 ‎2.some times几次,与once, twice,three times同类 ‎3.some time一段时间 ‎ He has lived here for some time.他在这儿住了一段时间。‎ ‎4.sometime某时(不确定的时间)‎ ‎ I met her sometime last week. 上周某时我遇到过她。‎ ‎ I hope to see you sometime next week. 我希望下周找个时间见见你。‎ the number, a number of ‎1. the number 代词 ……的数目, 用作主语时谓语用单数;‎ the number (of the students)(学生的)数量 ‎2. a number of形容词 一些……=some/a few ‎ (A number of) students are reading.‎ ‎ (一些)学生在读书。‎ ‎ a small number of 少数的…… a large number of 很多的……‎ 感谢(thank sb / thanks to sb / thanks for sth.)‎ ‎1. We should thank our parents for their great love.‎ ‎ (thank our parents=be thankful to our parents)‎ ‎ 我们应该感谢父母对我们的关心。‎ ‎2.Thanks for your help.‎ ‎ 多谢你的帮助。‎ ‎3.Thanks to the Internet, we can learn about the news very soon. ‎ ‎ 多亏了互联网,我们能非常快的了解新闻。‎ 选词填空 thanks to , thanks for , thank sb ‎ ‎1. _____ your help, or I can't succeed in my English speech.‎ ‎2. ______ you, this dog can recover from illness.‎ ‎3. ______ you for giving money to the Animal Helpers.‎ as well as…‎ ‎1.与……一样好 ‎ ‎ She can speak English as well as a native speaker.‎ ‎ 她的英语讲得跟本地人一样好。‎ ‎2.也;与……一样 ‎ His parents enjoy reading, and David enjoys reading as well.‎ ‎ 大卫和父母一样喜欢读书。‎ 同义句:(强调David)‎ ‎1). David enjoys reading as well as his parents.‎ ‎ 2). David, as well as his parents, enjoys reading.‎ ‎ 3). Not only his parents but also David enjoys reading.‎ 小试身手 ‎1. Don't worry! You can do as ____ as others some day if you practice more.‎ ‎ A. good B. well C. better D. best ‎ ‎2. My best friend Rose, as well as her parents, often ____ people in need nearby.‎ ‎ A. help B. to help C. helps D. helping ‎ instead, instead of (取代;相反)‎ ‎★ instead强调与预想相反的情况,放到肯定句的句首或句尾;‎ instead of后接名词或doing,表示“而不是……”。‎ ‎ 例句:‎ ‎ 大卫没有跟我们一起购物,而是去了公园。‎ ‎1. David didn't go shopping with us. Instead, he went to the park.‎ ‎2. David didn't go shopping with us. He went to the park instead.‎ ‎3. David went to the park instead of going shopping.‎ 小试身手 ‎1. _____ studying hard at school, Eric went to a movie on Monday. ‎ ‎ A. Instead B. Instead of C. Except D. Besides ‎ ‎ 2. —George, how can you prove the earth is round?‎ ‎ —I can't, sir. _____, I never said it was.‎ ‎ A. Then B. However C. Besides D. Instead ‎ So do I / So I do / Neither do I.‎ ‎1.Lucy likes reading and so does Lily.露西喜欢阅读,丽丽也一样。‎ ‎ =Lily likes reading, too.‎ ‎2. —Lucy is a good student.‎ ‎ —So she is. 确实是这样 ‎3. Lucy has never been abroad and neither has Lily. ‎ ‎=Lily has never been abroad, either.‎ 露西从没出过国,丽丽也一样。‎ ‎4. —I don't have a pet.‎ ‎ —Me, neither. / Neither do I. / I don't have a pet, either.我也没有。‎ ‎5. —I have a pet.‎ ‎ —Me, too . / So do I. / I have a pet, too.我也有。‎ 动词位于句首doing/to do/do的区别 ‎1.陈述句表达观点时doing作主语,如:‎ ‎ I think doing chores can help develop children’s independence.‎ ‎ 我觉得做家务有助于培养孩子的独立性。‎ ‎2.to do位于句首用来强调主要动词的目的,如:‎ ‎ To prove himself right, he did lots of experiments.‎ ‎ 为了证明他是对的,他做了大量的实验。‎ ‎ To support his family, David has to work even harder.‎ ‎ 为了养活一家人,戴维不得不工作更努力了。‎ ‎3.表达指令的祈使句用do,如:‎ ‎ Open the door and come in.‎ ‎ 把门打开进来吧。‎ ‎ Get up, or you will be late.‎ ‎ 起来,否则你就要迟到了。‎ rather than ‎1. rather than (连词)连接两个对等结构:"与其说…不如说…"。‎ Mary hopes to stay at home rather than me.玛丽比我更想呆在家里。‎ I think I'll have a cold drink rather than coffee.我想我将来杯冷饮而不是咖啡。‎ These shoes are comfortable rather than good-looking.这双鞋的舒适度比外观好些。‎ You are doing this for yourself rather than for your friend.‎ 你这样做与其说为朋友,不如说为你自己。‎ I always prefer starting early, rather than leaving everything to the last minute.‎ 我更倾向于早着手而不是把一切都推到最后一分钟。‎ I decided to write rather than give him a call. ‎ 我决定写信而不是打电话给他。‎ ‎2.rather than可以和would连用,如would rather…than…或would…rather than…前后并列同等结构。‎ 1)I'd rather have the red one than (have) the green one.我愿意要个红色的而不要绿色的。‎ 2)I'd take the slowest train rather than go there by air.我宁愿坐慢车而不愿坐飞机。‎ 3)He would rather walk than drive.我宁愿走路,而不愿意开车。‎ 冠词 ‎1.定冠词用到名词前边表示“特指”:如“第几、最……”和一定范围内独一无二的事物,‎ 如the earth, the book on the table和特指双方都清楚的事物及上文提到过的名词。总之,只要说话双方所谈论的事物是双方心知肚明的,就用定冠词。另外,定冠词还用到乐器和姓的复数前,如the piano, the Smiths。‎ ‎2.不定冠词用到名词前表示某一类别中的“一个……”:‎ 如:a beautiful flower一束漂亮的花(漂亮花中的一束)。‎ ‎3.在修饰单数可数名词时,a用在辅音(这里指读音而不指字母)开头的单数名词之前;‎ an用在以元音(指读音不指字母)开头的单数名词之前。 如:a one-year-old baby, a university, a useful tool, a European country, an honest boy, an unusual day, half an hour。‎ 小试身手 用( a, an, / )完成下列空格。‎ ‎1. ___one-year-old baby; 2. ___university 3. ___European country ‎ ‎4. ___useful book 5. ___apartment; 6. ___exciting story; ‎ ‎7. ___important lesson; 8. ___orange; 9. ___11-year-old student; ‎ ‎10. ___ unlucky day ; 11. ___honest boy; 12. ___interesting news; ‎ ‎13. ___useful information; 14. ___important advice;‎ 不用冠词的情况 ①不可数名词表示类别时。如:‎ We cannot live without water. 没有水,我们就活不了。‎ It's useful news/information/advice. 这是有用的消息(信息、建议)。‎ ②表示人名、地名的专有名词前不用冠词。如:Lucy, China等。‎ ③与季节月份相关的时间名词前不用冠词。‎ 如:in spring, on Teachers' Day, in September, on Sunday ④饮食娱乐类名词前不用冠词。如三餐(have breakfast/lunch/supper)、球类(play football/basketball)、棋(play chess)、学科(study maths/Chinese)。‎ ⑤部分短语中不用冠词,如:go to school上学, go to university上大学; go to bed;睡觉 stay in bed卧病在床。‎ 数词 ‎1.基数词与序数词 ‎ Lesson Nine, the ninth lesson第九课 ‎ Class twenty, the twentieth class二十班 ‎2.分数的表达法(分子用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子>1时,分母加s)‎ ‎ one third 1/3, two thirds 2/3, three fifths 3/5‎ ‎3.hundred, thousand, million的用法 ‎ two hundred students两百名学生 ‎ hundreds of students几百名学生 ‎4.次数的表达 ‎ once, twice, three times ‎5.表示编号时,用基数词置于集体名词之后,如;‎ ‎ Room 205; No. 6 bus; Class 7等。‎ 易拼错数词表 ‎1‎ first 第一 ‎8‎ twenty-first 第二十一 ‎2‎ second 第二 ‎9‎ thirtieth 第三十 ‎3‎ fifth 第五 ‎10‎ thirty-third 第三十三 ‎4‎ ninth 第九 ‎11‎ fortieth 第四十 ‎5‎ twelfth 第十二 ‎12‎ forty-ninth 第四十九 ‎6‎ nineteenth 第十九 ‎13‎ ninetieth 第九十 ‎7‎ twentieth 第二十 ‎14‎ 名词的种类 类别 意义 例词 专有名词 表示人、地方、事物、机构、组织等名称的词 David, China 可数 个体 名词 表示个体的人或事物的词 book, radio 普通名词 名词 集体 名词 表示-群人或-些事物的词 family, police, class 不可数 名词 物质 名词 表示构成各种物体的物质或材料的词 wood, paper, water 抽象 名词 表示状态、品质、行为、感情等抽象概念的词 wealth, health, danger 名词前的修饰语 不同的名词前面所使用的修饰语不同, 比如: ‎ ‎1)much, little, a little, a piece of, a slice of等只能修饰不可数名词;‎ ‎2)many, a number of, several, a couple of, a few, few, two boxes of等只能修饰可数名词复数;‎ ‎3)some, plenty of, lots of等既能修饰不可数名词也能修饰可数名词复数。‎ 名词的格 当用来说明物体的所属时,用名词的所有格形式。名词所有格有以下几种表达方式:‎ ‎1.单数名词所有格,在名词后加's,如:Jim's book ‎2.复数名词的所有格,以s结尾的复数名词,只加',如:Teachers' Day;不以s结尾的复数名词所有格,在词尾加's,如:Women's Day。‎ ‎3. 当说明两人共有某物时,只在后一个名词后加's,如:Linda and Tom's teacher;当两人不共有某物时,两个名词后都加's,如;Linda's and Tom's teacher。‎ ‎4.多重所有格,除了在名词后加's,还要借用of,‎ 如:a friend of my father's 我的爸爸的一个朋友。‎ ‎5.a photo of me与a photo of mine ‎ a photo of me一张我的肖像; a photo of mine一张属于我的照片。‎ ‎6.当某物是某一无生命的名词的组成部分时,用of说明。‎ 如:the wall of the house房子的墙;the windows of the classroom 教室的窗户 ‎7.表示时间的名词也要通过词尾's或s'的变化来说明时间段,如:‎ ‎ ten days' time十天的时间。‎ 有关“国民”的名词复数变化表 单数 复数 单数 复数 ‎1‎ a Chinese Chinese ‎6‎ a Frenchman Frenchmen ‎2‎ a Japanese Japanese ‎7‎ an American Americans ‎3‎ an Australian Australians ‎8‎ an Indian Indians ‎4‎ a Russian Russians ‎9‎ a Canadian Canadians ‎5‎ an Englishman Englishmen ‎10‎ a German Germans 名词规则变化复数表 单数 复数 单数 复数 ‎1‎ a monkey monkeys ‎6‎ a photo photos ‎2‎ a holiday holidays ‎7‎ a potato potatoes ‎3‎ a baby babies ‎8‎ a thief thieves ‎4‎ a family families ‎9‎ a knife knives ‎5‎ a bus buses 部分不规则变化的名词复数形式 单数 复数 单数 复数 ‎1‎ a child children ‎6‎ a woman women ‎2‎ a foot feet ‎7‎ a sheep sheep ‎3‎ a tooth teeth ‎8‎ a fish fish(fishes)‎ ‎4‎ a mouse mice ‎9‎ a person people ‎5‎ a man men 名词作定语时的复数形式 单数 复数 单数 复数 ‎1‎ a sports meeting sports meetings ‎4‎ an apple tree apple trees ‎2‎ a man worker men workers ‎5‎ a five-year-old boy five-year-old boys ‎3‎ a woman teacher women teachers ‎6‎ a girl student girl students 物主代词变化表 ‎ 属性 数 人称 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词 单数 第-人称 my mine 第二人称 your yours 第三人称 his his her hers its its 复数 第-人称 our ours 第二人称 your yours 第三人称 their theirs 人称代词变化表 数/格 人称 单数 复数 主格 宾格 主格 宾格 第-人称 I me we us 第二人称 you you you you 第三人称 he him they them she her it it 反身代词变化表 数 人 称 单数 复数 第-人称 myself ourselves 第二人称 yourself yourselves 第三人称 himself themselves herself itself oneself ‎【巩固训练】用适当的反身代词完成空格。‎ ‎1. Anna said she ______could do the job.‎ ‎2. Kids, please be careful and look after ________.‎ ‎3. Sometimes we shouldn't only think for _________.‎ ‎4.—Who taught you to swim?‎ ‎ —Nobody. I taught ______.‎ ‎5. The woman raised her 3 children all by ________.‎ 很少(little, few)‎ 替代词 强调“少”‎ 强调“足够”‎ 修饰复数名词 few only/just a few a few quite a few 修饰不可数名词 little only/just a little a little still a little The teacher's lesson is boring, few (only a few) students like it.‎ 那个老师的课很无聊,很少学生喜欢它。‎ Don't worry about food, we still have a little left. ‎ 别担心食物,我们还剩余一些。‎ 别的(another, other)‎ ‎ ‎ 另一……‎ 别的……‎ 指定范围内的 the other (one)‎ the other (ones)‎ ‎=the others 未知领域的 another (one)‎ other (ones)=others ‎1.……better than the others (any other one) 比其余的(其它任一)都好 You are more hard—working than the other students (any other student)‎ 你比其余所有学生(其它任一个学生)都努力。‎ ‎2.…another two...=two others / more...另两个…… ‎ ‎3. one + the other=全部(两个) ‎ ‎ one + the others=全部 ‎ 没有(none, nothing, no one)‎ ‎1.none 强调(指定对象)的数量:无一点;无一个 ‎ 1) —How many apples did he buy?‎ ‎ —None. (强调没有买一个苹果)‎ ‎ 2) I have many friends, but none of them can speak English.‎ ‎ 我有很多朋友,但他们之中没有人会说英语。(强调我的朋友无一人)‎ ‎2. no one未指定对象:没有人 ‎ ‎ —Who wants to be poor? ‎ ‎—No one wants to be poor. Everyone wants to be rich. ‎ ‎3. nothing 未指定对象:什么都没有 ‎ — What do you need to buy?‎ ‎— Nothing. I have prepared everything for this trip. ‎ any-; every-; some-;‎ ‎1.肯定句中:‎ You can sleep in any room tonight. (any具有不确定性“任一”)‎ ‎ He has read every book here. (every强调“全部”)‎ ‎2.否定句中 (somebody不能用于否定句):‎ ‎ I don't want to see anybody today. (一个人也不见)‎ ‎ You can't make everyone happy. (取悦所有人是不可能的)‎ ‎3.疑问句 ‎ Was anyone hurt?(有人受伤吗?)‎ ‎ Is everyone here?(都在这儿吗?)‎ ‎ Can you say something about yourself?(建议)‎ 小试身手 ‎1. —Is _____ here?‎ ‎ —No, Tom hasn't arrived here yet.‎ A. somebody B. anybody C. everybody D. nobody ‎2. He can't do ____ very well. After all, he is only a child.‎ ‎ A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything 不定代词 意义 对应词 替代范围 修饰或替代的数 任一 either ‎=2‎ 单数 any ‎≥3‎ 单数 每一 each ‎≥2‎ 单数 every ‎≥3‎ 单数 都 both ‎=2‎ 复数 all ‎≥3‎ 复数 都不 neither ‎=2‎ 单数 none ‎≥3‎ 单数或复数 指示代词that与those ‎1.对可数名词的替代用the one, the ones, those;‎ ‎ Students from Class 1 study harder than those from Class 2.一班的学生比二班的学习努力。‎ ‎2.对不可数名词的替代用that; ‎ ‎ The water here is sweeter than that in my hometown.这的水比我们家的水甜。‎ one, it, that, this one同类物中的“一个”;it它;‎ this, that成对出现,表示“近处某物,远处某物”;‎ this还指“即将提及的情况”;that指“上文提到的情况”‎ ‎1. Your watch looks nice, where did you buy it? I want to buy one, too.‎ 你的手表真漂亮,在哪儿买的?我也想买一块。‎ ‎2. David has left school. Have you heard of that? 大卫辍学了, 你听说了吗?‎ ‎3. I will never forget the accident. This is how it happened.‎ 我永远都忘不了那场车祸,它的经过是这样……‎ ‎1. Could you record the football game for me? I can watch ____ later.‎ ‎ A. it B. one C. this D. that ‎ ‎2. I've got several novels written by Mo Yan. You can borrow ____ if you like.‎ A. it B. one C. every D. either ‎ 结构代词it ‎1.用作形式主语,替代不定式、动词-ing、that从句 ‎1).考高分很难。‎ It's hard to get good grades. ‎ ‎2).处于你这个年纪并不容易。‎ ‎ It's not easy being your age.‎ ‎3).这儿似乎没有人。 ‎ It seems that no one is here.‎ ‎4).据说他不久要走了。 ‎ ‎ It's said that he is going to leave soon.‎ ‎2. 用作形式宾语。‎ ‎1).我感觉考高分很难。‎ ‎ I find it hard to get good grades.‎ ‎2) 你的帮助让我上大学有了可能。‎ ‎ Your help makes it possible for me to go to college. ‎ ‎3. 用于强调句型。‎ It was the picture that reminded me of my childhood. 是这张照片让我想起了我的童年。‎ 形容词用法 ‎1.系动词后。‎ ‎ 系动词种类如下:‎ ‎ 1)be动词,如:She is angry.‎ ‎ 2) "变化"类的动词,如:get angry, become happy, turn green ‎ 3) "保持"类的动词,如:keep healthy, stay angry, remain silent ‎ 4)“感官”类动词,如:look happy, sound good, taste delicious, ‎ feel happy, smell good, seem worried ‎2.名词前,如:good students, worried mother ‎3.不定代词后,如:something nice, nothing interesting ‎4.宾语后,如:make her happy, find it easy to learn English 知识检测 ‎1. I hope all of you can keep our room _____.‎ ‎ A. cleaned B. cleaning C. cleans D. clean ‎ ‎2. Don't leave the door ____ when you leave the classroom. ‎ ‎ A. opening B. open C. opened D. to open ‎ 方式副词与程度副词 ‎1.方式副词 ‎ 1)动词前:He quickly got up and left.‎ ‎ 2)动词后:He is listening to music carefully.‎ ‎2.程度副词 ‎ 1)绝对程度副词very, too, so, as,这类副词不能修饰其它形容词或副词的比较级。如:‎ ‎ David runs fastest. I can't run so fast. (那么快)‎ ‎ 2)相对程度副词much, a little, even, far。这类副词修饰其它形容词或副词的比较级。如:‎ ‎ Though you work hard, Gina works even harder.(更加努力)‎ 语气副词与地点副词 ‎1.语气副词 luckily幸运地;actually事实上;unfortunately不幸地;besides另外;therefore因此; however然而;exactly确切地;nearly几乎;almost几乎;mostly大部分地;‎ ‎2.地点副词 ‎ go home回家;go there去那;go abroad出国;‎ 比较级 二者比较:‎ ‎1)Tony is much taller than Ed.‎ ‎2)The twins look nearly the same, Tony is the older one.‎ ‎3)—How fast Tony runs!‎ ‎ —Ed runs much faster.‎ 三者比较 ‎1)I have never seen a taller boy than John before.‎ ‎2)Bruce is taller than the othes. (than any other one).‎ ‎3)Of all the students in the school, Ed works the hardest.‎ ‎4)Ed is the most hard-working student that I have ever seen.‎ 重叠比较:越来越……‎ ‎1)以-er结尾的重叠比较级的结构为: harder and harder越来越难 ‎2)特殊变化的比较级重叠结构为:better and better 越来越好 ‎3)以添加more构成比较级的结构为:more and more difficult越来越难 递进比较: (条件) 越……, (结果) 越……‎ ‎1) the +形容词比较级+名词+ (主语+行为动词) ‎ The better grades you can get, …‎ ‎2) the +形容词比较级+ (主语+系动词) ‎ The taller you are, …‎ ‎3) the +副词比较级+ (主语+行为动词) ‎ ‎ The faster he runs,…‎ 练一练 ‎1. How beautifully she sings! I have never heard _____ voice.   A. a better B. a best C. the better D. the best  ‎ ‎2. In the exam, ____ you are, _____ mistakes you'll make.‎ A. the careful ; the fewer B. more carefully, the fewer C. the more carefully ; the less D. the more careful ; the fewer . ‎ ‎3. _____exercise you do , _____ you will be.‎ ‎ A. The more ; the more healthier B. The much ; the healthier ‎ C. The much ; the more healthy D. The more ; the healthier ‎ 形容词和副词比较级和最高级变化规则:‎ ①单音节词和少数双音节词在词尾加–er, -est构成比较级和最高级,分四种情况。‎ ‎ A. -般直接加-er, -est, 例如:cold—colder—coldest ‎ B. 以e结尾的名词,只加-r, -st. 如:large—larger—largest ‎ C.以重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有-个辅音字母的单音节形容词,先双写该辅音字母,再加-er,-est.如:thin—thinner—thinnest ‎ D.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的形容词,先把y变成i,再加-er或-est。例:busy-busier-busiest ②其它的双音节和多音节词,在其前加more或most,构成比较级和最高级。例如:‎ ‎ difficult—more difficult—most difficult ‎ 形容词和副词比较级和最高级特殊变化表 ‎1) good/well—better—best ‎2) ill/bad/badly—worse—worst ‎3) many/much—more—most ‎4) little—less—least ‎5) far—farther/further—farthest/furthest 努力 (hard, hard-working)‎ ‎1. hard adj .困难的;坚硬的;艰苦的 ‎ a hard question一个很难的问题;a hard seat一张硬座;hard work艰苦的工作 ‎ adv. 努力地;(雨下的程度)猛烈地 study hard学习努力;rain hard雨下得很大 ‎2. hardly adv.几乎不 ‎ ‎ I can hardly see anything.我几乎什么也看不到。‎ ‎ hardly ever=seldom 很少 ‎ He hardly ever does his homework.他很少做作业。‎ ‎3. hard-working adj.勤奋的 ‎ Eric is a very hard-working student. Eric是一个非常勤奋的学生。‎ 汉译英 ‎1. 父母希望我们在学校努力学习。_____________________________.‎ ‎2. 他是一个多么勤奋的孩子啊。 _____________________________.‎ ‎3. 你说的太快了以至于我几乎没理解。_________________________.‎ ‎4. 你最好不要出去因为外面的雨下的很大。______________________.‎ 好(good, well)‎ ‎1. good adj. 好的 a good boy一个好男孩, ‎ sound good听起来不错, ‎ be good at擅长...‎ ‎2. well ‎ ‎ 1) adj. 气色好的 ‎ ‎ look well看起来气色好; feel well感觉舒服 ‎ 2) adv. 出色地 ‎ ‎ do well in在……做得好; ‎ ‎ sing well唱得好 ‎ 小试身手 ‎1. He doesn't play the violin so ____ as his father.‎ A. good B. better C. well D. best ‎ ‎2. — Do you think the fish tastes ____?‎ ‎— She cooked it ____, I think.‎ ‎ A. good ; good B. well ; good C. well ; well D. good ; well ‎ ‎-ed; -ing形容词 ‎1.-ed 说明所修饰的人自身感受 ‎ an excited teacher一个激动的老师 ‎ She felt worried.她感觉很担心。‎ ‎2.-ing说明所修饰人或物给别人带去的感受 ‎ ‎ an interesting teacher一个有趣的老师 ‎ ‎ The trip was exciting.这次旅途很激动人心。‎ 选词填空 用surprise , surprising , surprised完成下列句子。‎ ‎1) To our ______, the little boy won the first prize.‎ ‎2) It's a great _____ to see them here. The world is so small.‎ ‎3) The story about ET made us very _____.‎ ‎4) It's _____ that he can come here alone.‎ alone / lonely ‎1. alone adj.(可作表语或后置定语)孤零零的;仅仅 When I got there, I found the child was alone in the house.‎ This room alone is not enough. 仅仅这个房间远远不够。‎ ‎2. alone adv. 独自地 Old people are afraid of living alone.老人们害怕独居。‎ ‎3. lonely adj. 孤寂的;荒凉的 Everyone can feel lonely sometimes. 每个人都有感到孤寂的时候。‎ You can find no one on the lonely island. 在那个荒凉的小岛上找不到一个人。‎ 小试身手 ‎1. His grandparents live ___ in a small house, but they don't feel _____. (2019, 四川)‎ ‎ A. lonely ; alone B. alone ; lonely C. lonely ; lonely D. alone ; alone ‎ ‎2. Are you afraid of ____at home, Linda?‎ A. alone B. being alone C. lonely D. being lonely ‎ ‎3. 那个老人独自住在一个荒凉的岛上,但他不感到孤独。‎ ‎ _______________________________________________.‎ 如此、这般 (so, such)‎ ‎1.so如此……(修饰形容词或副词)‎ ‎ so happy如此开心, so carefully...that...如此细心以至于 ‎ so that….. 为了,以便于 ‎2.such类似这样的……(修饰名词)‎ such warm weather...这么暖和的天气 ‎ such a big house这么大的一所房子 ‎ such an interesting story一个多么有趣的故事 ‎ ‎ such friendly people类似这么友好的人 ‎ ※但名词前出现“两多(many/much)、两少(few/little)" 的形容词时,用so修饰 ‎ so many people 如此多的人 so little time 这么少的时间 小试身手 ‎1. The FIFA world cup is ____ fantastic that a lot of people in the world are crazy about it.‎ ‎ A. such B. so C. very D. quite ‎ ‎2. It's almost impossible for ____ few people to do so much work in ___ a short time.‎ A. so ; so B. so ; such C. such ; such D. such ; so ‎ 非常、很(too, very, quite, much等)‎ ‎1. too young to...= not old enough to do...不到……的年龄 so...that+从句= too...to do ‎ 例句:他这么穷,买不起车。‎ He is so poor that he can't afford the car.‎ ‎ He is too poor to afford the car.‎ ‎ He is not rich enough to afford the car.‎ ‎2.a very nice day = quite a nice day 多好的一天 ‎3.绝对程度副词so, as, very, quite, pretty不修饰比较级;‎ 相对程度副词even, much, a little, far修饰比较级。如:pretty young;much younger 小试身手 ‎1. I think Helen is ____ than most of us.‎ A. much serious B. more funnier C. much more talented D. much more better ‎ ‎2. I'm a little more outgoing, but my friend is pretty ____.‎ ‎ A. more quite B. much quiet C. quieter D. quiet ‎ ‎3. You can't sing so ____ as my friend Mary.‎ ‎ A. good B. better C. well D. best ‎ 多久(how long, how soon)‎ ‎1. how long用来说明某一状态延续的时间段 ‎—How long will he stay here? 他将在这儿待多久?‎ ‎—For a week.一周。‎ ‎2. how soon用来说明短暂动词再过多久发生 ‎—How soon will he come back? 他再过多久返回?‎ ‎—In a week.再过一周。‎ ‎★ how far 多远、how often 对频率的提问、‎ how much+ 不可数名词对钱的提问、how many + 可数名词,对个数的提问 小试身手 ‎1. —_____ have you been in the sports club?‎ ‎ —Since the first month I came to the school.‎ ‎ A. how old B. how long C. how much D. how soon ‎2. — _____ have you been to the Great Wall?‎ ‎ —Twice. It's very fantastic.‎ A. how often B. how long C. how many times D. how soon ‎ 远(far, away) ‎ ‎1) far与里程是替代关系,二者不能同时出现;‎ ‎2) away表示一种距离单位,可以省去。‎ ‎1. It's about two kilometers (away) from here. 离这儿大约有两公里远。‎ ‎ It's far (away) from here.离这儿很远。‎ ‎2. How far (away) is it from here? 距离这里多远?‎ 小试身手 ‎1. — How far is the factory from here?‎ ‎—It's about 4 kilometers___.‎ A. far B. long C. away D. near ‎ ‎2. My house is two kilometers ____ the bus station.‎ A. far from B. far away C. away from D. far away from ‎ ‎3. Although we are ______ each other, distance is not problem for us.‎ ‎ A. away form B. far away C. far from D. far ‎ 疑难副词exactly;especially;mostly;alomst,nearly ‎1.The train arrives at exactly 10:00.火车10点整到达。‎ ‎2.This is exactly what I need.这正是我所需要的。‎ ‎3.What exactly do you mean?你到底什么意思?‎ ‎4.The show was very exciting, especially when the singer showed up.‎ ‎ 那次演出很激动人心,尤其是歌手出现时。‎ ‎5.The students here are mostly hard-working.这儿的学生大多数很勤奋。‎ ‎6.Almost everybody is willing to leave.几乎每一个人都想走。‎ ‎7.The car nearly hit me. 那辆车差点撞着我。‎ 动词种类 ‎1.不及物(独立表达行为动作,不能变为被动句)‎ The tiger died.老虎死了。‎ ‎2.及物+宾语 He needs a book.他需要一本书。‎ ‎3.及物+人+宾语 teach us English教我们英语 bring us happiness为我们带来快乐 ‎4.及物+人(宾格)+补语(adj.; to do; doing; do)‎ ‎ make me happy; make her laugh; find them playing; find it easy to learn a language.‎ ‎5.系动词(be; look; keep; seem; get)+形容词 be happy;sound good; seem worried;keep healthy; get annoyed ‎6.情态动词+do You had better not do sth ‎ ‎7.短暂动词与延续动词 He has got married.(短暂动词)他已经结过婚了。‎ ‎ He has been married for three years.(be married状态动词) 他结婚应经有三年了。‎ 情态动词 ‎1.能力:could;couldn't(过去); can, 会,能 can't 不会、不能、一定不是 ‎2.请求许可:‎ ‎ —Can/May/Could I...?我可以……吗?‎ ‎ —Yes, you can可以;No, you can't / mustn't不可以 ‎3.指令或建议 ‎ 必须must=have to;应该should;最好had better ‎ 不准can't/mustn't;不应该shouldn't; 没必要needn't=don't have to ‎4.推测:-定must;有可能can, may, might, could; 也许不may not;不可能can't。 ‎ ‎5.征求意见:‎ ‎—Must I finish my work before 10:00? 我必须在10点前完成作业吗?‎ ‎—No, you needn't. You can finish it tomorrow.不,没有必要。你可以明天完成。‎ ‎ 6.must的否定词1)没必要;2)不可能;3)不要……‎ ‎ 1.—Must I stay and help you?‎ ‎ —No, you ____. I can do it by myself.‎ ‎ 2.You must keep silent in the library. You ____talk or make any noise.‎ ‎ 3.The book must belong to a girl. It ____be a boy’s. ‎ 短暂动词与延续性动词 ‎ 短暂动词指引起状态改变的动词,短暂动词在肯定句中不能与表示时间段的状语连用。如:die引起be alive变化到be dead,die就是短暂动词,die在肯定句中不能与时间段连用。肯定句中能与时间段连用的动词必须是延续性动词或系表结构,如:‎ You can borrow the book, but you can only keep it for a week.‎ 你可以借这本书,但你只能借一周。‎ Gina has arrived, and she has been here for two days.吉娜已到了,她已到两天了。‎ 短暂动词 延续动词 借 borrow / lend keep (for...)‎ 买 buy have (for...)‎ 去世 die be dead (for...)‎ 开始 start/begin be on...(for...)‎ 离开 leave be away (for...)‎ 变化 get/become + adj.‎ be + adj. (for...)‎ 到达 arrive be here (for...)‎ ‎ 结束 ‎ end ‎ be over ‎ 有(have, there be)‎ ‎1.人称(就近原则):‎ There is an apple and some bananas on the table.‎ 桌子上有一个苹果和一些香蕉。‎ ‎2.时态:‎ ‎ There will be a sports meeting in our school next week. 我们学校下周将有场运动会。‎ ‎ There have been many people who want to buy the book. 一直有很多人想买这本书。‎ ‎3.易混干扰词have:‎ ‎ 我们学校有很多学生会讲英语。‎ ‎ There are many students who can speak English in our school.‎ ‎ Our school has many students who can speak English. ‎ 小试身手 ‎1. There ____ an NBA basketball game in ten minutes.‎ A. will have B. will be C. is going to have D. are going to be ‎ ‎2. In the past few years there _____ great changes in my hometown.‎ A. have been B. has been C. have had D. had been ‎ 花费(spend, take, cost)(主语不同、后续结构不同)‎ Tom spends much money on books. ‎ ‎=Tom pays much money for books.‎ ‎=Books cost Tom much money.‎ Tom spends half an hour on his homework. ‎ ‎= Tom spends half an hour doing his homework.‎ ‎= Homework takes Tom half an hour.‎ ‎= It takes Tom half an hour to do his homework.‎ How much does Tom spend on the books? ‎ ‎=How much does Tom pay for the books?‎ ‎=How much do the books cost?‎ How long does Tom spend on his homework?‎ ‎=How long does Tom spend doing his homework?‎ ‎=How long does it take Tom to do his homework?‎ used to / be used to ‎1. used to do过去的动作或状态 I used to be very shy.我曾经很内向。I used to get up late.我过去常常起床很晚。‎ ‎2. get used to sth./doing sth. 适应……习惯…..‎ ‎ Have you got used to living here? 你习惯住在这儿吗?‎ ‎3. be used to sth./doing sth. 习惯……‎ ‎ She is not used to the food here.她不习惯这的食品。‎ ‎4. be used to do/for doing被用作……‎ ‎ The room is used to store books.这个房间被用来存放书。‎ ‎ The room is used for storing things.这个房间被用来存东西。‎ 小试身手 ‎1. —Excuse me, what's this for?‎ ‎ —It’s a cleaner and it ____ dirt. ‎ A. uses to pick up B. is used to pick up C. used to pick up D. is used to picking up ‎ ‎2. I ____ with a person like him, though it was difficult at the beginning.‎ A. used to working B. am used to work C. am used to working D. used to work 说、讲(speak, say, talk)‎ ‎1. speak 讲话;发言 ‎ ‎ speak English讲英语 ‎ ‎ spoken English 口语 ‎2. say sth to sb.对某人说……. ‎ ‎ say hello/ thank you/ sorry to sb ‎ ‎ say that....说……‎ ‎3. tell ‎ ‎ tell me the truth/story给某人讲实话/故事 ‎ tell her not to cry叫某人别哭……‎ ‎ tell the differences between...判断,鉴别 ‎4. talk ‎ ‎ talk with somebody; ‎ ‎ talk about something with sb 与某人交谈关于…….‎ 赢 (beat,win)‎ ‎1. beat sb 击败、打败某人;跳动 We beat them in the basketball match. 篮球比赛中我们打败了他们。‎ ‎2. win + 奖项/比赛 I am happy to win an award. 获奖了我很开心。‎ Our class has won the match. 我们班赢得了比赛。‎ 小试身手 ‎1.In the 9th World Table Tennis Championship, Wang Liqin ____ Ma Lin and ____ the champion of the Men's Singles. ‎ A. beat ; beat B. won ; won C. beat ; won D. won; beat ‎ ‎2. My hands began shaking and my heart started ____ fast. (2019, 河南)‎ ‎ A. falling B. breaking C. beating D. jumping ‎ ‎3. Strong winds were ____heavily against the windows when the rainstorm came.‎ ‎ A. hitting B. beating C. breaking D. knocking ‎ 穿(wear, dress, put on)‎ ‎1.wear...穿着…,戴着…(…hats, a dress)表状态 She always wear a blue T-shirt at school. ‎ 她总是在学校穿着一件蓝色的T-shirt.‎ ‎2.dress sb in...给某人穿上……‎ ‎ be dressed in….某人穿着……‎ The mother dressed Lucy in jeans= Lucy was dressed in jeans (by the mother).‎ ‎ 妈妈给露西穿上牛仔裤。‎ ‎3. dress sb up in...把某人打扮起来 The mother dressed her up in a beautiful costume. ‎ 妈妈给她穿上美丽的衣服。 ‎ ‎4. dress (up) 穿衣;打扮 ‎ He is still dressing.他还在打扮。‎ ‎1. The small child is not old enough to _____ himself ‎ ‎ A. have B. dress C. wear D. put on ‎ ‎2. The baby is always ____ in yellow, maybe her mother likes the color.‎ ‎ A. wearing B. dressing C. dressed D. putting ‎ 参与(join, take part, attend)‎ ‎1. join +组织,人群 ‎ join the army参军, join them加入他们, join the club加入俱乐部 ‎2. join in (+活动) join in (the game) 参与(游戏)‎ ‎3. take part in +竞技性活动 (the Olympic Games, championship, sports meeting 等)‎ ‎ take part (in the activities)=join in (the activities)参加(活动)‎ ‎4. attend出席,听课 ‎ attend a concert 听音乐会 attend the class 上课 小试身手 ‎1. When I was young, my wish was to ____ the army and serve the people.‎ ‎ A. join in B. join C. take part in D. attend ‎ ‎2. Hide—and—seek game is very interesting. Let's ____ it.‎ ‎ A. join B. take part in C. join in D. attend ‎ 到达(reach, arrive, get to)‎ ‎1. reach达到;够到 Can you reach the apple? ‎ 你能够到苹果吗?‎ ‎ The bus hasn't reached the station. ‎ ‎ 公共汽车还没有到站。‎ ‎2. get to school=reach school=arrive at school到达学校 ‎3. 短语:‎ ‎"到达" 表达方式 arrive in Shanghai; ‎ ‎ arrive at school; ‎ ‎ arrive / get / reach there 遗忘(forget, leave)‎ ‎1. leave something somewhere把……落在……‎ I left my book on the bus yesterday. 我昨天把书落在公交车上了。‎ ‎2. leave sb/sth. + adj. 让……保持(……状态)‎ ‎ leave me alone 走开、让我一个人呆着 ‎ leave the door open/closed把门开着/关着 ‎3. forget something 忘了…… ‎ I forgot your name. 我忘了你的名字。‎ ‎4. forget to do sth 忘记去做某事 forget doing sth 忘记做过某事 I forgot to tell you the address. 我忘记告诉你地址了。‎ ‎ I will never forget staying there. 我永远不会忘记曾在那儿住过。‎ 提供(offer, provide)‎ ‎1. offer sb sth = offer sth to sb 为某人提供某物 offer me some information = offer some information to me 为我提供信息 offer to do sth 主动愿意去做某事 ‎2. provide sb with sth = provide sth for sb为某人提供某物 provide us with good education = provide good education for us 为我们提供好的教育 小试身手 ‎1.—Are you going to Tibet for vacation? ‎ ‎—Yes. I want you to ________ me with some information about it. (2019, 荆州中考)‎ A. offer B. give C. show D. provide ‎ ‎2. — Do you know Tsering Danzhou, a Tibetan ten-year-old boy in Yushu? (2019, 黄冈中考)‎ ‎— Yes. He ______the people his great help as a translator after the earthquake.‎ ‎ A. provided B. supported C. offered D. afforded ‎3. The Red Cross ____ the homeless there _____ food and tents.‎ ‎ A. regards ; as B. offered ; for C. divided ; into D. provided ; with ‎ 时间介词in, on, / , at ‎1. in在……时间段 in the morning在早上, in summer在夏天, in 2019在2019年 ‎2. on在具体某天 on Friday morning在星期五的早上 on a cold night在一个寒冷的夜晚 on the evening of October 1st在8月1日的晚上 ‎ ‎3. / 前不用介词 this week这周, next week下周,the day after tomorrow后天 ‎4. at 在……时刻 at 6:00 yesterday morning昨天 at the age of 9在九岁时 at that moment在那时 除了(besides, except)‎ ‎1. besides 不仅……还有……,除此之外  + + ‎ 个体A+besides+个体B A B C……‎ ‎ She bought some apples, bananas besides some story books.‎ ‎ 她不仅买了些故事书,还买了些苹果、香蕉。‎ ‎ Besides English, I can also speak Japanese and French.‎ ‎ 我不仅会讲英语,我还会讲日语和法语。‎ ‎2. except 除去……个案; ‎ A ‎ 整体情况+except+例外情况 She bought nothing except a book. 她就买了本书。‎ ‎ I like all the subjects except P.E. 我就不喜欢体育。‎ ‎ 整体之中减去A ‎1. — Why did you go swimming ____ Tom?‎ ‎ — Because he was ill at home.‎ ‎ A. with B. beside C. besides D. except ‎ through : 空间的内部穿过 get through window 穿过窗户 walk through the crowd 穿过人群 across : 物体的表面穿过 walk across the road ‎ swim across the river ‎ past : 旁边经过 walk past a tree 经过一棵树 over : 上方经过 fly over the mountain 飞越山峰 过 (through, across, over, past) ‎ ‎1. Sam likes trekking ____ the jungle, because he thinks it's exciting.‎ ‎ A. over B. under C. across D. through ‎ ‎2. —Excuse me, where is the nearest China Bank?‎ ‎ — Walk ____ the post office, then turn left, you can find it on your right.‎ ‎ A. past B. across C. through D. over ‎ 疑难介词 Water freezes below zero.水在零度以下结冰。‎ We can see some clouds above the mountain.山顶飘着一些白云。‎ You can see a woods beyond the village.往村子的远处看,你可以看到一片树林。‎ The design is beyond my imagination.这个设计超越了我的想象。‎ The sand is moving towards the city.沙堆正朝着城市移动。‎ We’re going to play against Class 1.我们的对手将是一班。‎ Don’t put the ladder against the young tree.别把梯子靠在那棵小树上。‎ I’m not against having too much homework.我不反对有太多的作业。‎ 并列连词 ‎ 并列两个分句的连词 (and就…., or否则….., for因为…., so 因此…..)‎ ‎1.我不喜欢英语和语文。‎ I don't like English or Chinese.‎ ‎2.我不喜欢英语,我也不喜欢…… ‎ I don't like English and I don't like...‎ ‎3.努力学习,你就能…… ‎ Study hard, and you can...‎ ‎4.努力学习,否则你的父母会生气。‎ Study hard, or your parents will be angry.‎ ‎5.我们没有去那儿,因为天气不好。‎ ‎ We didn't go there, for the weather was bad.‎ 并列对等词或结构的连词(not….but…不是…而是…, neither…nor…/ either…or….)‎ ‎ not today but tomorrow 不是今天,而是明天 ‎ either at home or at school 不是在家就是在学校 ‎ neither hot nor cold 既不热也不冷 时间状语从句连词 ‎1. I will wait for you until you come back.‎ ‎ 我会一直等到你回来。‎ ‎2. I will not leave until you come back.‎ ‎ 你不回来,我是不会走的。‎ ‎3. I will give you a call as soon as I get there.‎ 我一到那儿就给你打电话。‎ ‎4. He went home after he had finished his homework.‎ 他写完作业后回家了。‎ ‎5. The plane had taken off before I got there.‎ 我到那儿之前飞机就起飞了。‎ ‎6. I have never seen her since I left my hometown.‎ 自从我离开家乡就再没见过她。‎ ‎7. They were having a meeting when I arrived.‎ 我到的时候他们在开会。‎ 定语的种类 ‎1. an interesting story(形容词前置定语)有趣的故事 ‎2. something interesting(形容词后置定语)有趣的东西 ‎3. the boy in jeans(介词短语后置定语)穿着牛仔裤的男孩 ‎4. the first woman to win the prize(不定式后置定语)第一位获奖的女性 ‎5. the newspapers (that are) sold on trains(过去分词后置定语)火车上卖的报纸 ‎6. the boy who sits behind me(从句后置定语)坐在我旁边的男孩 ‎7. the boy sitting behind me(现在分词后置定语)坐在我旁边的男孩 ‎8. a good place to have dinner(不定式后置定语)就餐的好地方 定语与谓语 后置定语在翻译成汉语时,先翻译后置定语,再翻译名词;‎ 谓语在翻译成汉语时,先翻译主语,后翻译谓语。如:‎ ‎1. the house with a garden 有花园的房子 ‎2. The house has a garden 那所房子有花园。‎ ‎3. the boy in jeans 穿牛仔裤的那个男孩儿 ‎4. The boy wears jeans 那个男孩儿穿着牛仔裤。‎ ‎5. the students playing soccer 在踢球的学生们 ‎6. The students are playing soccer. 学生们在踢球。‎ ‎7. the people interested in music 对音乐有兴趣的人 ‎8. The people are interested in music.那些人对音乐有兴趣。‎ ‎9. the house built last year 去年建的那所房子 ‎10. The house was built last year.那所房子建于去年。‎ 语态;时态;人称的综合运用 ‎1.语态:be done ‎2.时态:do, will do; did; have done; be doing; were doing ‎3.人称; ‎ ‎ 1)主谓一致:The number of the students is...‎ ‎ I as well as my mom often go shopping ‎2)就近原则:There is an apple and....‎ ‎ Not only her friends but (also) Gina is…‎ ‎     Either my parents or I am…‎ ‎ I as well as my mom often go shopping ‎ ‎3)整体概念: Three years is a very short time 三年是一个很短的时间。‎ ‎ Ten kilometers is a long way. 十公里是一段很长的路。‎ be动词四种时态句型变化 ‎1.一般现在时态 ‎ David is a doctor.‎ David isn't a doctor.‎ Is David a doctor?‎ What's David?‎ ‎2. 一般过去时态 Robert was at school yesterday.‎ Robert wasn't at school yesterday.‎ Was Robert at school yesterday?‎ Where was Robert yesterday?‎ ‎3. 一般将来时态 Cindy will be a student soon.‎ Cindy won't be a student soon.‎ Will Cindy be a student soon?‎ What will Cindy be?‎ ‎4. 现在完成时态 Frank has been in China for 2 years.‎ Frank hasn't been in China for 2 years.‎ Has Frank been in China for 2 years?‎ How long has Frank been in China?‎ 行为动词六种时态句型变化 ‎1.一般现在时态 ‎ David plays soccer after school.‎ David doesn't play soccer after school.‎ Does David play soccer after school?‎ When does David play soccer?‎ ‎2.一般过去时态 ‎ Robert bought a computer yesterday.‎ Robert didn't buy a computer yesterday.‎ Did Robert buy a computer yesterday?‎ What did Robert buy yesterday?‎ ‎3. 一般将来时态 Cindy will go shopping this afternoon.‎ Cindy won't go shopping this afternoon.‎ Will Cindy go shopping this afternoon?‎ When will Cindy go shopping?‎ ‎4. 现在进行时态 Eric is reading a book now.‎ Eric isn't reading a book now.‎ Is Eric reading a book now?‎ What is Eric doing now?‎ ‎5. 过去进行时态 Helen was watching TV at that moment.‎ Helen wasn't watching TV at that moment.‎ Was Helen watching TV at that moment?‎ What was Helen doing at that moment?‎ ‎6. 现在完成时态 Frank has bought the ticket.‎ Frank hasn't bought the ticket.‎ Has Frank bought the ticket?‎ What has Frank bought?‎ ‎1.一般现在时态 ‎1.有规律性动作、目前生活状态、与生俱来的特征 ‎ She usually gets up at 7:00 am.(通常)‎ ‎ She lives in a mountain village and has three children.(目前生活)‎ ‎ The train leaves at midnight. (规定)‎ ‎2.真实条件从句if, unless和when, as soon as, until从句中用一般现在时态结构表达未来的动作。(主将从现)‎ ‎1).We will go for a picnic if it doesn't rain tomorrow.(如果不下雨)‎ ‎2).She will not come back unless she finds her child.(除非找到孩子)‎ ‎3).I will give you a call when he arrives.(当他到达)‎ ‎4).She will come here as soon as she gets off the train.(一下火车)‎ ‎5).He will not return until he finishes his work.(直到完成工作)‎ ‎2.一般过去时态与一般将来时态 ‎1).一般过去时态 ‎ 记叙过去发生的一个动作时,用一般过去时态:‎ Last week, I bought a new car. 上周我买了辆新车。‎ ‎2).一般将来时态 说明未来即将发生或计划做的动作:  ‎ Look at the clouds, it's going to rain.(即将下雨)‎ ‎ Wait! I'll help you.(就要帮助)‎ ‎ I'm visiting my grandpa for vacation.(将要拜访)‎ ‎3.现在进行时态与过去进行时态 ‎1.现在进行时态—描述眼前正发生的动作:‎ Lucy, I can't help you now. I'm babysitting my sister.(正在照顾)‎ ‎2.过去进行时态 描述过去某时正发生的动作:‎ We were having a party when the police arrived.(强调过去正在)‎ I was doing my homework while my mother was cooking. ‎ 当妈妈正在做饭的时候,我正在做我的作业。‎ ‎4.一般过去时态与过去进行时态 ‎1.Gina did her homework last night. (“做作业”的时间短于“昨晚”)‎ ‎2.Gina was doing her homework when her father arrived home at 8:00. ‎ ‎(“做作业”的时间长于“爸爸到家”这一瞬间)‎ ‎3.Tony was shopping when I saw him. (“购物”的时间长于“看到”)‎ ‎4.My mother was cooking while my father was reading a newspaper. ‎ ‎(“做饭”时间同于“读报”时间)‎ went , have been, have gone 的区别 ‎1. My sister went to Shanghai on business last month.‎ ‎ (强调“上个月去了上海”,与现在无任何联系)‎ ‎2. My sister has been to Shanghai only once.‎ ‎ (强调经历“去过一次”,时间不详)‎ ‎3. My sister has been in Shanghai for a month.‎ ‎ (强调某行为已延续至今的时间段)‎ ‎4. My sister has gone to Shanghai on business.‎ ‎ (强调结果“已去了……”,此人已不在这儿)‎ ‎5.现在完成时态 ‎1.谈论经历“曾/不曾”(ever / never......before)‎ Bob has ever toured the USA.‎ Cindy has never seen a foreigner before.‎ I have never been to Shanghai. ‎ ‎2.已做过但不涉及时间的动作“已/还未”(already/not...yet)‎ Tony has already had breakfast. ‎ Eric hasn't read the book yet.‎ ‎3.目前状态存在时间段及近几年未……‎ ‎ 标志性状语:几年来since 10 years ago/for 10 years/over the years/in the last few years ‎1)目前状况持续时间段(延续性动词)‎ ‎ Gina is a nurse.(目前职业)——She has been a nurse for a year.‎ ‎ Eric stays in a city.(目前状况)——He has stayed there for 2 weeks.‎ ‎2)近几年未……(短暂动词)‎ I haven't seen my friend Alice since she left us. ‎ Our family haven't eaten out for half a month.‎ 被动语态 (be + done 结构)‎ ‎1. Usually, John is taken to school in his father's car. ‎ 约翰通常坐爸爸的车去学校。 (一般现在时态的被动语态的)‎ ‎2. More schools will be built in our city next year.‎ 明年我们城市会建更多的学校。(一般将来时态的被动语态)‎ ‎3. The house was built last year.‎ 这座房子是去年建的。 (一般过去时态的被动语态)‎ ‎4. I won't leave my office until my work is finished.‎ 我完成我的工作才会离开。(一般现在时态的被动语态的)‎ ‎5. The trees have been watered already. ‎ ‎ 树已经被浇过水了。 (现在完成时态的被动语态的)‎ ‎6. My bike is being repaired now.‎ ‎ 我的自行车正在被修理中。(现在进行时的被动语态)‎ 过去时态、现在完成时态、过去完成时态 现在完成时和过去时的区别:‎ ‎1. I have bought the ticket.我买了票。‎ ‎ (强调发生过,但时间不详。)‎ ‎2. I bought the ticket last week.上星期我买了票。‎ ‎ (强调动作发生的时间。)‎ ‎3. I had bought the ticket when he called.‎ 他打电话时我已经买过票了。(强调过去的过去)‎ 知识检测 ‎1. —Have you ever visited the West Lake?‎ ‎ —Yes. I ____ it twice when I was in Hangzhou A. have visited B. had visited C. would visited D. visited ‎2. By the time he arrived the bus stop, the bus _____ . He only waited the next bus.‎ ‎ A. have left B. left C. had left D. would left ‎ 被动语态、现在完成时态、现在进行时态 ‎1. The room is cleaned every day. (被动句)房间每天都打扫。‎ ‎2. We are cleaning the room. (现在进行时态)我们正在打扫房间。‎ ‎3. They have cleaned the room. ‎ ‎(现在完成时态) 我们已经打扫过房间。‎ ‎4. The zoo has been open to public for 2 years.‎ ‎(现在完成时态) 动物园已经向公众开放了两年。‎ 知识检测 ‎1. —God ! I failed my test.‎ ‎ — Come on! You'd better work harder. Lots of your time ____ in the past.‎ A. wasted B. had wasted C. is wasted D. was wasted ‎2. Mother's day _____ at different times in different countries.‎ ‎ A. celebrates B. celebrated C. is celebrated D. was celebrated ‎ ‎3. —How long has the store ____?‎ ‎ —For about 10 years.‎ A. opened B. opening C. been opened D. been open ‎ 动词的第三人称单数规则变化表 变法规则 例 词 一般-s read—reads 以s,x,ch,sh,或o结尾的动词,词尾加-es watch—watches; finish—finishes 以辅音+y结尾的,变y为i,再加es。‎ study—studies; fly—flies 特殊变化 go—goes; have—has; be—is; do—does 动词的过去式、过去分词规则变化表 变化规则 例词 一般情况 在词尾加-ed work—worked 以e结尾 直接加-d live—lived 以辅音字母+y结尾 变y为i再加-ed study—studied 以重读闭音节结尾,且结尾只有一个辅音字母。‎ 双写该辅音字母,然后再加-ed plan—planned stop—stopped 动词的现在分词规则变化表 变化规则 例词 一般情况 在词尾加-ing be—being 以不发音e结尾 去e,再加-ing write—writing 以重读闭音节结尾,且结尾只有一个辅音字母。‎ 先双写词尾的辅音字母,再加-ing。‎ sit—sitting begin—beginning 少数几个以-ie结尾 变-ie为-y,再加ing。‎ die—dying tie—tying 易拼错的动词过去式、过去分词、现在分词 原形 过去式 过去分词 现在分词 原形 过去式 过去分词 现在分词 study Studied studied studying write wrote written writing feel Felt felt feeling lay(放置、产…)‎ laid laid laying eat Ate eaten eating lie(躺、位于)‎ lay lain lying happen happened happened happening lie(撒谎)‎ lied lied lying fall Fell fallen falling 三类宾语从句的连词 ‎1.陈述句: ‎ ‎"Lucy studies hard." He said. ‎ He said (that) Lucy studied hard. 他说露西学习很努力。‎ ‎2.一般疑问句:‎ ‎"Will Lucy come back soon?" She asked.‎ She asked if/whether Lucy would come back.(whether…or not) 她问露西是否会回来。‎ ‎3.特殊疑问句:‎ ‎ “Which book is yours?” She asked.‎ She asked me which book was mine.‎ 练一练 ‎1. The teacher asked me ____ I needed any help.‎ A. whether B. that C. what D. which ‎ ‎2. She wondered ____ .‎ ‎ A. that the light travels faster than sound B. if teacher is angry.‎ ‎ C. if I was at home D. Lucy was ill ‎ 不同时态的语序变化 ⅰ. 一般疑问句变陈述句 ‎1.Where does Lucy live? 直接引语 Do you know where Lucy lives? 间接引语 ‎2.Why did he come back late? 直接引语 ‎ Do you know why he came back late? 间接引语 ‎3.When will the train come back? 直接引语 ‎ Do you know when the train will come back? 间接引语 ‎4.How long has he stayed here? 直接引语 ‎ Do you know how long he has stayed here?间接引语 ‎5.What is Lucy doing? 直接引语 ‎ Do you know what Lucy is doing? 间接引语 ‎6.When was the bridge built? 直接引语 ‎ Do you know when the bride was built? 间接引语 ⅱ.“疑问语序=陈述语序”的情况 ‎1.“Who studies hardest in your class?” ‎ ‎ Can you tell me who studies hardest in your class?‎ ‎2.“How many students are still in the classroom?”‎ ‎ No one knows how many students are still in the classroom.‎ ⅲ. 宾语从句时态不受主句影响的情况 ‎1.“How soon will David be back?”‎ ‎ Could you please tell me how soon David will be back?‎ ‎2.“The earth moves around the sun.” He said.‎ ‎ He told us that the earth moves around the sun.‎ ‎(主句过去时,从句真理性知识用一般现在时)‎ ‎1. Tom asked my friend _____.‎ ‎ A. where was he from B. that the earth is bigger than the moon ‎ C. when did he come back D. if light travels faster than sound ‎2. Could you tell me ____?‎ A. where do you live B. who are you waiting for C. who is waiting for you D. Who were you waiting for ‎ if从句 ‎1.真实条件句(主将从现) ‎ I will go for a picnic if it doesn't rain tomorrow.‎ 如果明天不下雨,我会去野餐。‎ ‎2.非真实条件句(委婉建议;美好愿望用虚拟语气)‎ ‎ If I were you, I would study harder. 如果我是你,我会更努力学习。‎ If I had enough time, I would go with you. 如果有足够时间,我会跟你一起去。‎ ‎3.引导一般疑问句变化而来的宾语从句,表是否。‎ ‎"Will Lucy come back soon?"‎ ‎ I don't know if Lucy will come back soon.‎ 我不知道露西是否会很快回来。‎ 试一试 ‎1. We aren't sure if the boss ____ tomorrow. We will tell him the news if he ____.‎ ‎ A. returns ; will returns B. will return ; returns C. will return ; will returnD. returns ; returns ‎ ‎2. Ben asked me ___ I had read the news in today's newspaper.‎ ‎ A. that B. if C. what D. when ‎ 定语从句关系词的选择 ‎1. The boy __ studies hard is my friend.‎ ‎ 人+【主语(who, that)+动宾结构】‎ ‎2. The boy _ you are looking for is my friend.‎ ‎ 人+【宾语 (who, whom, that,/) + 主谓结构】‎ ‎3. The school ___ has a long history is very old.‎ ‎ 物+【主语(that, which)+动宾结构】‎ ‎4. The school ___ they are talking about is far.‎ ‎ 物+【宾语(that, which,/)+主谓结构】‎ ‎5. The school ___ he used to study English is old.‎ ‎ 地点+【状语(where)+简单句】‎ 限定词只能用that的情况 ‎1.表示物的中心词受到the first, the best限定时,只能用that;‎ ‎ the first book (that) I read ‎ the best movie (that) I have ever seen ‎2.含有-thing的复合不定代词,只能用that。如: everything (that) you know 从属连词that, what ‎1.that引导定语从句、宾语从句 The first book (that) I bought is a novel. 我读过的第一本书是一部小说 ‎ He said (that) he didn't want to go. 他说他不想去。‎ ‎2.what引导主语从句、宾语从句 ‎ What he likes is English. 他喜欢的是英语。‎ ‎ I don't know what he looks like. 我不知道他长什么样。‎ ‎ She isn’t satisfied with what I have done. 她对我所做的不满意。‎ 小试身手 ‎1. —Have you been to new Sports Center ____ is just opened in town?‎ ‎ —No, not yet.‎ ‎ A. where B. who C. that D. when ‎ ‎2. —What did you say to your mother just now?‎ ‎ —I asked her ____ she cooked for dinner.‎ ‎ A. that B. if C. how D. what ‎ 感叹句 ‎1. what+名词 What a good boy your friend is!‎ ‎ What an interesting story Tony told us!‎ ‎ What interesting news/weather the teacher brought us!‎ ‎ What beautiful flowers you bought!‎ ‎2. how +adj./adv.‎ How fast the new train is!‎ How happy we were yesterday!‎ ‎1. _____ fine day it is! Let's go and fly a kite. ‎ A. What B. What a C. How D. How a ‎ ‎2. — This math problem is so difficult that only she can work it out.‎ ‎ — ____ clever the girl is!‎ A. How B. What a C. What D. what a ‎3. —Tan Qianqiu died in order to save his four students in the earthquake in Wenchuan.‎ ‎ —_____ teacher he is!‎ A. How excellent B. What an excellent C. What excellent D. how an excellent ‎ 反义疑问句的构成和回答 一般的反义疑问句具备的特征:‎ ‎1)与前边句子的助动词保持一致;‎ ‎2)通常情况下,遵循前肯定、后否定的原则。‎ ‎3)主语要用代词形式。‎ Linda bought a new house, didn't she? Linda买了一所新房子,不是吗?‎ Bob can hardly speak Chinese, can he? Bob 几乎不会讲汉语,是吗?‎ There is little water left, is there? 那几乎没有水剩下了,是吗?‎ ‎4)回答时,不管反义疑问句是前肯后否,还是前否后肯,答语都依照实际情况而定。‎ ‎ —Tom doesn't get up early, does he?‎ ‎ —Yes, he does. No one gets up earlier than him. (从这句话中看出,Tom 起床早。)‎ 祈使句的反义疑问句 ① Don't make any noise here, will you? ‎ ② Be sure to bring me some books, will/won't you?‎ ③ Let's go shopping this weekend, shall we?‎ ④ Let us have a rest, will you, Mum?‎ 练一练 ‎1. He's never been to the Great Wall,________?‎ A. is he B. has he C. isn't he D. does he ‎2.—David is a hard-working student, isn't he?‎ ‎—_______. And he always gets to school earliest.‎ A. No, he isn't B. Yes, he is C. Yes, he isn't D. No, he is ‎ ‎3. — Your brother doesn't get up early, does he?‎ ‎ —_____. He is always the first one to get to school.‎ A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn't C. Yes, he doesn't D. No, he does 非谓语动词易混结构辨析( I )‎ ‎1. remember to do记着去做……,‎ ‎ remember doing记得做过……, ‎ Remember to close the door when you leave. 走时记着关门。‎ I still remember living with my classmates at school.‎ 我仍然记得在学校与同学住在一起的事情。‎ ‎2 .forget to do忘记去做……, ‎ forget doing忘记已做过的事, ‎ She forgot to bring her homework here. 她忘带作业来了。‎ I will never forget talking with him that evening.我永远忘不了那晚上与他的交谈。‎ ‎3. stop to do停下来去做……, ‎ stop doing停止做……, ‎ When he saw me, he stopped to say "Hello" to me.当他看到我时,他停下来向我问好。‎ The teacher asked us to stop talking.老师叫我们停止说话。‎ 非谓语动词易混结构辨析( II )‎ ‎4. need to do(人)需要做……, ‎ need doing(某事)需要……, ‎ She needs to have a rest.她需要休息一下了。‎ My room needs cleaning.我的房间需要打扫。‎ ‎5. used to do以前、曾经(现在不是了)……., ‎ get (be) used to doing习惯于……行为 She used to teach kids.她以前是教小孩子的。‎ She hasn' t got used to getting along with her classmates. 她还不习惯与同学打交道。‎ Are you used to staying in this city? 你在这所城市住得惯吗?‎ ‎6. have something to do有……要去做;‎ have something done安排(人)做……‎ I have no homework to do today, I' m very happy. 我今天没有作业,我很开心。‎ She wants to have her room painted green. 她想让她的房间漆成绿色。‎ 非谓语动词作主语和表语:‎ I.非谓语动作做主语有两种基本句型:‎ ‎1).Doing something+单数谓语....‎ ‎ Having more friends makes you happier.‎ 有更多的朋友让你更快乐。‎ ‎2).It' s adj. to do…‎ It' s important to learn a foreign language.‎ 学一门外语很重要。‎ II.非谓语动词作表语有两种基本结构:‎ ‎1). My dream is to become a professional athlete.‎ 我的梦想是当一个职业的运动员。(to do做表语表达未来的动作)‎ ‎2). His hobby is collecting coins. ‎ 他的爱好是集邮。(doing做表语表达习惯)‎ 非谓语动作作定语:‎ ‎1).My head teacher is always the first one to get to school. 我的班主任总是第一个进校的人。 当名词受到序数词、最高级限定时,后用to do做后置定语;‎ ‎2).The boy wearing glasses likes reading alone. 戴眼镜的那个男孩喜欢一个人读书。‎ 当名词的定语从句是"关系词+谓语动词"结构时,“关系词+动词”可以改为doing结构,意思不变。此句中的the boy wearing glasses就相当于定语从句the boy who wears glasses。‎ ‎3). The boy injured in the accident has been sent to hospital.‎ 在事故中受伤的那个男孩儿已被送往医院。‎ 当名词的定语从句是"关系词+被动语态"结构时,“关系词+被动语态”可以改为done结构,意思不变。此句中的the boy injured in the accident就相当于定语从句the boy who was injured in the accident.‎ 巩固训练 ‎1. The man _____at the bus stop looked very worried.‎ ‎ A. waiting B. who waiting C. was waiting D. waited ‎2. I'd like to find the book _____by Bill Gates.‎ ‎ A. wrote B. was written C. written D. which wrote 非谓语动词作状语 ‎1) to do作目的状语,可提前。‎ To make more money, his father worked very hard. 为了多挣钱,他爸爸工作很辛苦。‎ She went to hospital to see the doctor.她去医院看大夫。‎ ‎2) doing做伴随状语 The girl left his home, crying loudly. 那个大声女孩哭着离开了家。‎ Thinking what to buy, he went to the mall with his parents.‎ 想着要买些什么,他与父母去了商场。‎ 巩固训练 ‎1._______(open) the door, you need to find the key to it.‎ ‎2._______(think) where to have dinner, they left home.‎ ‎3. Mr. Green went to his son's school _______(talk) to the teacher about his son's study.‎ ‎4. They spent five days there _______(discuss) the problem.‎ ‎5. Please raise your hands _____(let) me see you.‎ 介词、连词后的doing结构: ‎ He always goes to school without having breakfast.他总是不吃早饭去上学。‎ We have nothing against running.我们对跑步不反对。‎ The boy fell asleep while doing his homework.在做作业时,那个男孩睡着了。‎ to用作介词后接doing的短语有:‎ ‎1)get used to doing习惯于……‎ ‎2)prefer doing to doing更喜欢……而不……‎ ‎3)look forward to doing期待做……‎ ‎4)pay attention to doing 关注……‎ 巩固训练 ‎1. Thanks for _______(help) us.‎ ‎2. The driver sent the boy to hospital without ________(think) twice.‎ ‎3. Most of the students are against _______(get) up so early.‎ ‎4. Are you used to _______(stay) in such a small hotel?‎ ‎5. I'm still looking forward to _______(attend) the concert.‎ 非谓语动词结构训练 ‎1.The old man advised us ____(not play) near the river.‎ ‎2. Are you allowed _____(hang) out late?‎ ‎3. Why didn’t you ask Tony _____(help) you?‎ ‎4. To avoid _____(make) the same mistake again, you’d better take some notes.‎ ‎5. Where will you choose ____(go) for your vacation?‎ ‎6.We are considering _____(buy) another house?‎ ‎7.He didn’t dare _____(live) there alone.‎ ‎8.I decided _____(not buy) the car.‎ ‎9.My parents always encourage me __(try) new things.‎ ‎10.Does anybody enjoy _____(play) volleyball?‎ ‎11. All the teenagers are expected ____(get) into a good university in China.‎ ‎12. She has tried everything but she still failed ____(pass) the test.‎ ‎13.Did you find it hard ____(finish) the job in a week?‎ ‎14.We finally finished _____(paint) the house.‎ ‎15.I will never forget _____(teach) in the poor area. The kids there were so hard-working. ‎ ‎16.Did you forget _____(turn) on the lights yesterday?‎ ‎17.We happened _____(meet) some people from the countryside.‎ ‎18.When hearing the story, everyone couldn’t help _____(laugh).‎ ‎19.My family always hope_____(live) in a comfortable room.‎ ‎20.But he insisted on ____(come) to help us.‎ ‎21.If you can keep _____(practise), you’re sure to make it.‎ ‎22.As you grow older, you should learn ____(get) on with others.‎ ‎23.Why don’t you let us _____(help) you?‎ ‎24.She used to like ______(hike) very much.‎ ‎25.The rainstrom made most of them _____(lose) their homes.‎ ‎26.No matter how hard life is, we should manage ____(live) through it.‎ ‎27.Do you mind me ____(open) the window?‎ ‎28.You don’t need _____(come) tonight.‎ ‎29.Did anyone notice a boy _____(run) past?‎ ‎30.At last, the man offered _____(send) us in his car.‎ ‎31.Where have you planned _____(go)?‎ ‎32.She has kept practising _____(dance) for years.‎ ‎33.The police are preventing people ____(get) in.‎ ‎34.No matter what we said, he refused ____(tell) us the truth.‎ ‎35.Remember _____(bring) me some food when you come.‎ ‎36.How long will we spend _____(hang) out?‎ ‎37.When he saw his teacher, he stopped _____(say) ‘Hello’ to him.‎ ‎38.Did it take you long ____(get) there?‎ ‎39.How I wish you could teach me _____(cook) fish!‎ ‎40.Our teacher always tells us _____(not) talk in class.‎ ‎41.All the people nearby are trying ___(help) the boy out.‎ ‎42.She didn’t want ____(do) her homework yesterday.‎ ‎43.The sign warned us ______(not) go near the river.‎ ‎44.You can find them_____(play) soccer everywhere in China.‎ ‎45.The teachers there are made _____(leave) schools.‎ ‎46.The book is worth______(read) carefully. ‎ ‎47.She hasn’t been used to _____(stay) here. ‎ ‎48.We are still looking forward to ____(win) the prize.‎ ‎49.Have you had your room ______(tidy)?‎ ‎50.Do you have trouble ______(learn) a language?‎ ‎51.You many have fun ____(play) with the kids here.‎ ‎52.He has promised _____(buy) me a gift.‎ 打造作文亮点句 ‎(1)冠词与名词 ‎1) 一位老人在河边散步。________________________________________________‎ ‎2) 老师正在办公室呢。 ________________________________________________‎ ‎3) 他才是一个一岁大的婴儿呀。__________________________________________‎ ‎4) 你可以在网上得到大量信息。__________________________________________‎ ‎5) 下面是我给你的一些建议。____________________________________________‎ ‎6) 我的朋友很喜欢读书。________________________________________________‎ ‎(2)数量词 ‎1)操场上有三百多学生。________________________________________________‎ ‎2)我们班上三分之二的学生是男生。_______________________________________‎ ‎3)他20多岁时就离开了故乡。____________________________________________‎ ‎4)2个房间不够,我们再需要一个房间。____________________________________‎ ‎5)他出生于20世纪70年代。_____________________________________________‎ ‎(3)代词 ‎1) 我看到他们在教室读书。________________________________________________‎ ‎2) 他回到了他自己的房间。________________________________________________‎ ‎3) 瓶子里的水比茶杯里的凉。______________________________________________‎ ‎4) 他学习比别的学生都努力。_______________________________________________‎ ‎5) 这里的学生昨天没有一个学生迟到。________________________________________‎ ‎(4)形容词与副词 ‎1) 你的朋友越多,你的生活越精彩;___________________________________________‎ ‎2) 你是我见过的最勤奋的学生之一;___________________________________________‎ ‎3) 你会发现学好英语很容易。_________________________________________________‎ ‎4) 她跟她妈妈一样的细心。___________________________________________________‎ ‎5) 你要尽可能安静地走进去。_________________________________________________‎ ‎(5)动词 ‎1) 你需要加强锻炼来保持健康。________________________________________________‎ ‎2) 他已被送往医院。__________________________________________________________‎ ‎3) 你不需要等我们了。____________________________________________________‎ ‎4) 老师建议我们别熬夜太晚。______________________________________________‎ ‎5) 他们已离开学校一周了。________________________________________________‎ ‎(6)介词 ‎1)我们的学校在马路对面。_______________________________________________‎ ‎2)来自美国的运动员 ________________________________________________‎ ‎3)通过听录音提高英语 ________________________________________________‎ ‎4)他手里边拿着一本书去了教室。_________________________________________ ‎ ‎5)他不假思索地就答应帮助我。____________________________________________‎ ‎6)我们默默地把剩余的饭吃完。_____________________________________________‎ ‎(7)连词 ‎1) 努力学习,你就会考高分。________________________________________________‎ ‎2) 他似乎是不能及时到那儿了,除非他现在就走。_______________________________‎ ‎5) 雨开始下时,他正在做作业。________________________________________________‎ ‎4) 为了能使父母开心,他将更努力地学习。_________________________________________‎ ‎5) 自从他的家搬到城里,我们再也没有见过他。_____________________________________‎ ‎(8)谓语动词 ‎1) 开始下雨时,我们正上体育课。(when) _________________________________________‎ ‎2) 这个城市的第一所学校建于1980年。__________________________________________‎ ‎3) 自从他毕业,我们再也没有见过他。(since) ______________________________________‎ ‎4) 我最要好的朋友之一已经去美国了。___________________________________________‎ ‎5) 他一下飞机就会开手机的。(as soon as) ________________________________________‎ ‎6) 她是不会开心的,除非她得到了她想要的。______________________________________‎ ‎(9)非谓语动词 ‎1) 我觉得学好英语一点也不难。________________________________________________‎ ‎2) 学生的愿望是在周末能好好地休息一下。________________________________________‎ ‎3) 在车祸中受伤的那个学生已被送往医院。________________________________________‎ ‎4) 家长们期望他们的孩子考入好的大学。________________________________________‎ ‎5) 空气是我们生存在地球上保证。______________________________________________‎ ‎6) 他让我别担心他。 _______________________________________________‎ ‎(10)宾语从句 ‎1) 我想知道他长得什么样。________________________________________‎ ‎2) 没有人知道他明天能否回来。________________________________________‎ ‎3) 请写下你昨天所看到的一切。________________________________________‎ ‎4) 我不清楚明天会有多少人来这儿。________________________________________‎ ‎5) 昨天老师说他不久要去北京。________________________________________‎ ‎(11)定语从句 ‎1) 我来自一个有山有水的乡村。 ________________________________________‎ ‎2) 这是一个我永远忘不了的日子。 ________________________________________‎ ‎3) 那个学习努力的学生坐在我后边。________________________________________‎ ‎4) 我想找一个我们可以吃海鲜的地方。________________________________________‎ ‎5) 我最想感谢的人是我的妈妈。 ________________________________________‎ ‎(12)其它功能句 ‎1) 多聪明的孩子呀! ________________________________________‎ ‎2) 读书给我带来很多快乐。________________________________________‎ ‎3) 你一点也不喜欢英语,对吧?________________________________________‎ ‎4) 打开门进来吧。 ________________________________________‎ ‎5) 为了多挣钱,他不得不更努力的工作。__________________________________‎ 常用特殊疑问句:‎ ‎1.—What does his father do?询问职业 ‎ —He is a doctor.‎ ‎2. —Who is the boy? 询问身份 ‎ —He is my friend. ‎ ‎3. —How is your teacher? 评价人物 ‎ —He is kind-hearted. ‎ ‎4.—What does Tom look like?询问长相 ‎ —He is very tall and has curly hair. ‎ ‎5. —How is the weather there?询问天气 ‎ —It is very cold there. ‎ ‎6. —What color is your backpack?‎ ‎ —It is green and blue. ‎ ‎7. —What's the time now? 询问时间 ‎ —It's 7:00 now.‎ ‎8. —What day is today? 询问周几 ‎ —Today is Tuesday. ‎ ‎9. —What's the date today? 询问日期 ‎ —It is May 2, 2019.‎ ‎10. —How old is your brother? 询问年龄 ‎ — He is 15 years old. ‎ ‎11. —How long has she lived here? 询问时间长度 ‎ —She has lived here for 5 years.‎ ‎12. —How far is your school? 询问距离 ‎ —It is half an hour's walk from here.‎ ‎13. —How often does she go to visit her grandma?‎ ‎ —She goes to visit her grandma once a week.‎ ‎14. —How soon will the teacher be back? 再过多久 ‎ —He will be back in a week.‎ ‎15. —How many books did he buy? 询问数量 ‎ —He bought 10 books.‎ ‎16. —How much did the shirt cost? 询问价格 ‎ —It cost her 200 dollars.‎ 短语速查表 动词短语 agree with sb.同意某人 arrive at (in) a place 到达某地 belong to 属于 break down 损坏 break off 打断; 折断 care about关心……‎ care for 喜欢;照顾(病人)‎ catch up with 赶上 check in 报到,登记 ‎ check out 查明; 结账 ‎ come out 出来,出版,发行 ‎ come true 实现 come up with想出;找出(答案) ‎ cut off 切断 ‎ depend on (upon) 依靠 divide...into... 把……分成…… ‎ drop in 顺便走访(某人) ‎ fill ... with 用……填充 get along with 与……相处 get close (to) 接近 ‎ get in the way of妨碍 get off 脱下(衣服等);下车 ‎ get on with sb. 与……相处 ‎ get on 上车; ‎ get through 通过,拨通 get up 起床 ‎ give away 赠送 give back 归还;送回 ‎ give in 屈服,让步 ‎ give out 分发 ‎ give up 放弃 ‎ go for a walk 散步 ‎ go on with 继续 ‎ go out 出去, 熄灭 ‎ go over回顾; 复习 ‎ go through 浏览; 翻阅 grow up 长大 hand in 上交; 交纳 hand out 分发 ‎ hang out闲逛 have a good time过得愉快 ‎ have fun with 玩得高兴 ‎ hear from 收到……的来信 ‎ hear of 听说,知道 ‎ help oneself to 请随便吃点 help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事 ‎ hold on 等一等(别挂电话)‎ keep on 继续(进行) ‎ keep up 保持; 维持; ‎ knock at 敲 ‎ knock into sb. 撞上 laugh at 嘲笑 lead to 导致,导向 ‎ let in 让……进来,放进 let out 放掉, 泄露 ‎ live on 以……为主食 look after 照顾 look down upon 看不起,轻视 look for 寻找 look forward to doing渴望……‎ look into 向……里面看去; 调查 hurry up 赶快 join in 参加(活动)‎ keep off 远离…… ‎ look out 留神,当心 ‎ look through 看穿, 浏览 look up 查找 ‎ make friends with 与……交朋友 make noise吵闹 make up 和解,化装,组成 open up 开启;开创;‎ pay attention to注意 ‎ pay back 偿还(借款等) ‎ pay for 为……付款 pay off 偿清(欠款等)‎ pick…up捡起、拿起 put away收好,放好 put down 记下 put off 推迟 ‎ put on 穿,戴上,上演 ‎ put out 扑灭,关熄 ‎ put up 挂起,举起, 贴(广告等)‎ promise to do sth 承诺做某事 run out of 用完 ‎ see...off 为某人送行 sell out 卖完, 出卖 send for 派人去叫(请) ‎ send out 发出,派遣 send up 发出, 射出 set off 动身,起程;使爆发 ‎ set out 出发; 开始 ‎ set up 建立,创立 stand for 代表,象征 stay up熬夜 take after(性格方面)继承 take away 拿走 take care of 照顾 take it easy 别着急,别紧张 ‎ take off 脱下,起飞 take out 取出 ‎ take part in参加 take place发生 take pride in为...自豪 take the place of 取代,代替 talk about 谈论,议论 think about 考虑 think of 想起,认为,看法 ‎ throw away 扔掉 ‎ try on 试穿,试试看 ‎ try out 试验 ‎ turn down 关小,调低 ‎ turn off 关掉 turn on打开 turn over 翻动,犁翻(土地) ‎ turn up 到达,来到;开大(声音)‎ used to do sth 过去常常 wait for 等候,等待 ‎ wake up 醒来 work on致力于……‎ work out 算出,解决 worry about 担心,烦恼 ‎ write down 写下,记下 ‎ write for为……撰稿 write to sb写信给……‎ 形容词短语 be busy doing忙于做……‎ be busy with sth.忙于……‎ be close to离……很近 be covered with被……覆盖 be different from与……不同 be far away from远离……‎ be full of 充满 be good at擅长 be good for 对……有好处 be interested in 对……感兴趣 be pleased with sb.对(某人)满意 be proud of 骄傲,自豪 be similar to 与……相似 be strict with sb. 对(某人)严格要求 ‎ be tired of 厌倦 be used to doing习惯于做……‎ 介词短语 according to 根据,按照 as usual 通常,平常地 by accident 偶然 ‎ from now on 从今以后,今后 from then on 从那时起 ‎ in a hurry 匆忙,很快地 ‎ in danger 处在危险之中 ‎ in front of 在……前面 ‎ in need of 需要,缺少 ‎ in time 及时,来得及 on display 展出 on duty 值日,值班 on sale出售 on show 展出,在上演(放映) ‎ on time 准时 ‎ 过渡性短语 above all 首先,首要 after all 毕竟,终究 as a matter of fact 事实上,其实 ‎ as a result (作为)结果 ‎ as well as 除……之外(也) ‎ as well 也,还有 ‎ by the way另外 in public 当众;公开 ‎ in silence沉默地 in surprise 吃惊地 ‎ in the future将来 in fact实际上 in a word 简言之,总之 in other words 换句话说 in the end 最后,终于 in this way 用这种方法 so far 到目前为止 ‎ sooner or later 迟早,早晚 ‎ to be honest 说实话 to one's surprise 让某人吃惊的是 to tell you the truth 说句实话吧 修饰性短语 a few 几个、一些 a little 一点 all kinds of 各种各样的 more or less 或多或少 ‎ a number of 几个 a lot of(lots of) 许多,大量 a pair of 一双 a piece of 一块,一张,一片 plenty of大量的 a great many 许多 a sum of 一笔 连词短语 as if 好像,仿佛 as though 好像,仿佛 ‎ as soon as 一……..就 as long as 只要 as far as 就……而言 even if 即使,尽管 even though 即使,尽管 in case 假使,以防 in order to 为了 now that 既然 no matter how/what 无论 so that以便于……‎ thanks to 多亏了 参考答案 P1 1. pleased 2. first 3. earlier 4. death 5. wasting ‎ P2 1. discover , discovery 2. disagree disagreement 3. impossible, possibility ‎ ‎4. disable ability 猜词义 重读 、修复、 复述、重现、 回忆 、重做 P4 1. careful/ careless, carefully/ carelessly 2.meaning,meaningful 3.development, developed/ developing 4. actor, active 5. disappear/ appearance 6. diretor, direction ‎7. imagine, imagination 8. performer, performance 9. pleased, pleasant, pleasure ‎ P7 1. To keep healthy, you must eat good food. ‎ ‎2. The taken medicine works, so I feel well. ‎ ‎3. After speech, I feel good. ‎ ‎4. Your cake not only looks good, but also tastes good.‎ P8 1. B 2. His death has caused the attention from the offical.‎ ‎3. We should give a hand to the dying.‎ P10 1. A 2. B 3. successful P12 1. Thanks for 2. Thanks to 3. Thank ‎ P13 1. B 2. C P14 1. B 2. C ‎ P18 1. a 2. a 3. a 4. a 5. an 6. an 7. an ‎ ‎8. an 9. an 10. an 11. an 12. an 13. / 14. / ‎ P28 1. herself 2. yourselves 3. ourselves 4. myself 5. herself P32 1. C 2. D P34 1. A 2. B P36 1. D 2. B P39 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. D P411.Parents hope we can study hard at school.‎ ‎2.What a hard-working student he is!‎ ‎3.You speak so fast that I can hardly understand you.‎ ‎4.You had better not go out because it’s raining hard outside now.‎ P42 CD P43 1. surprise 2. surprise 3. surprised 4. surprising ‎ P44 1. B 2. B 3. That old man lives alone on that lonely island, but he doesn’t feel lonely.‎ P45 1. B 2. B P46 1. C 2. D 3. C P47 1. B 2. A P48 1. C 2. C 3. C P50 1. needn’t 2. mustn’t 3. can’t P51 1. A P52 1. B 2. A ‎ P54 1. B 2. C P56 1. C 2. C 3. B P57 1. B 2. C P58 1. B 2.C ‎ P61 1. D 2. C 3. D P63 1. D P64 1. D 2. A P77 1. D 2. C P78 1. D 2. C 3. D P81 1. A 2. C P83 1. D 2. C P84 1. B 2. B P86 1. C 2. D P87 1. B 2. A 3. B P89 1. B 2. B 3. A P93 1. A 2. C ‎ P94 1. to open 2. thinking 3. to talk 4. discussing 5. to let ‎ P95 1. helping 2. thinking 3. getting 4. staying 5. attending ‎ P96 1. not to play 2. to hang 3. to help 4. making 5. to go 6. buying ‎ ‎7. to live 8. not to buy 9. to try 10. playing 11. to get 12. to pass ‎13. to finish 14. painting 15. teaching 16. to turn 17. to meet 18.laughing ‎ ‎19. to live 20. coming 21. practising 22. to get 23. help 24. hiking ‎ ‎25. lose 26. to live 27. opening 28. to come 29. run 30. to send ‎ ‎ 31. to go 32. dancing 33. getting 34. to tell 35. to bring 36. hanging ‎ ‎37. to say 38. to get 39. to cook 40. not to 41. to help 42. to do ‎ ‎43. not to 44. playing 45. to leave 46. reading 47. staying 48. winning ‎ ‎49. tidied 50. learning 51. playing 52. to buy P100 (1)冠词与名词 ‎1. An old man is walking by the river. 2. The teacher is in the office now.‎ ‎3. He is only a one-year-old baby. 4. You can get lots of information on the Internet.‎ ‎5. Here is some of my advice for you. 6. My friend enjoys reading books.‎ ‎(2)数量词 ‎1. There are more than 3 hundred students on the playground.‎ ‎2. Two thirds of the students are boys in our class. 3. He left his hometown in his twenties.‎ ‎4. Two rooms aren’t enough, we need a third one. 5. He was born in the 1970s.‎ ‎(3)代词 ‎1. I saw them reading in the classroom. 2. He went back to his own room.‎ ‎3. The water in the bottle is cooler than that in the cup. ‎ ‎4. He studies harder than the other students. 5. None of the students here was late yesterday ‎(4)形容词与副词 ‎1. If you have more friends, your life will be more colorful.‎ ‎ The more friends you have, the more colorful your life will be.‎ ‎2. You are the most hard-working student that I have ever seen.‎ ‎ I have never seen a more hard-working student than you.‎ ‎ I have never seen such a hard-working student like you.‎ ‎3. You may find it easy to learn English well.‎ ‎ You may find (that) it is easy to learn English well.‎ ‎4. She is as careful as her mother. 5. You should walk in as quietly as possible.‎ ‎(5)动词 ‎1.You should exercise more to keep healthy. 2.He has been sent to hospital.‎ ‎3.You needn’t wait for us. 4.The teacher advised us not to stay up too late.‎ ‎5.They have been away from school for a week.‎ ‎(6)介词 ‎1.Our school is across from the road. 2.athletes from America ‎3.improve English by listening to tapes 4.He went to the classroom with a book in his hand.‎ ‎5.He agreed to help me without thinking twice. 6.We finished the rest of our dinner in silence.‎ ‎(7)连词 ‎1.Study hard, and you can get good grades. ‎ ‎2.It seems that he can’t get there in time unless he leaves now. ‎ ‎3.When it started raining, I was doing my homework.‎ ‎4.He will study harder so that he can make his parents happy.‎ ‎5.We have never seen him since he moved into town.‎ ‎(8)谓语动词 ‎1.It began to rain when we were having P.E. 2.The first school in the city was built in 1980.‎ ‎3.Since he graduated, we haven’t seen him. 4.One of my best friends has gone to America.‎ ‎5.He will turn on his phone as soon as he gets off the plane.‎ ‎6.She won't be happy unless she gets what she wants.‎ ‎(9)非谓语动词 ‎1.I think learning English well isn’t hard at all. ‎ ‎2.The students’ dream is to have a good rest on weekends.‎ ‎3.The student injured in the car accident has been sent to hospital.‎ ‎4.Parents expect their children to go to good university.‎ ‎5.The air makes it possible for us to live on the earth. 6.He told me not to worry about him.‎ ‎(10)宾语从句 ‎1.I wonder what he looks like. 2.No one knows if he will come back tomorrow.‎ ‎3.Please write down what you saw yesterday. ‎ ‎4.I’m not sure how many people will come tomorrow.‎ ‎5.Yesterday the teacher said that he would leave for Beijing soon.‎ ‎(11)定语从句 ‎1.I’m from a village where there are rivers and mountains. ‎ ‎2.This is a day which I will never forget. 3.The student who studies hard sits behind me.‎ ‎4.I want to find a place where I can taste seafood.5.The person I want to thank most is my mom.‎ ‎(12)其它功能句 ‎1.What a clever boy! 2. Reading can bring us happiness.‎ ‎3.You don’t like English at all, do you? 4. Open the door and come in.‎ ‎5.To make more money, he has to work harder.‎

