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中考完形填空练习 ‎ ‎1‎ A.‎ We had a math contest today. I am good at math, so I ___1____it quickly. I was the first one to _____2___ the paper. I was sitting on my seat relaxing, while the teacher shouted, "Whose paper is this?" I made no response. Some time later, I suddenly realized that I didn't sign my name on the paper. I stood up ____3___ and went to the teacher. She helped me find the __4____ paper and sign my name. I would have failed the contest if she hadn't ____5___me in time.uK6cKxsRya ‎( >1.A. did B. finished C. worked D. readeduK6cKxsRya ‎( >2. A. gave out B. put out C. hand in D. took outuK6cKxsRya ‎( >3. A. hurriedly B. quietly C. worriedly D. friendly uK6cKxsRya ‎( >4. A. nameless B. test C. writing D. blankuK6cKxsRya ‎( >5. A. told B. asked C. said D. reminded uK6cKxsRya B No one knows who made the first cheese, but an old legend says that it was an Arabian merchant. He put his milk in a __6___made from a sheep's stomach and___7___ across the desert. The __8___of his camel, the desert heat, and the chemicals in the pouch lining made the milk ___9___into curds and whey. The thick part, or curd, was the first cheese.uK6cKxsRya ‎  Ancient records show that cheese has been eaten for more than four thousand years. From earliest times it has been ___10____a very ___11__food. Americans eat ___12__cheese than people in some countries do, yet they still eat eight to ten pounds a year per person.uK6cKxsRya ‎  Today cheese is made ___13__the world. Most cheese is made__14___ cow's milk, __15___the supply of this milk is greater throughout the world. Smaller quantities come from the milk of other animals—goats, sheep, camels, and even reindeer.uK6cKxsRya ‎( > 6. A cup B jar C bag D bottle uK6cKxsRya ‎( > 7. A begin with B go off C move away D set off uK6cKxsRya ‎( > ‎8 A rocking B running C jumping D thrilling uK6cKxsRya ‎( > 9. A put B make C separate D divide uK6cKxsRya ‎( > 10. A ordered B considered C known D thoughtuK6cKxsRya ‎( > 11. A rich B poor C healthy D tastyuK6cKxsRya ‎( > 12. A more B less C bigger D more useful uK6cKxsRya ‎( > 13. A through B by C for D all over uK6cKxsRya ‎( > 14. A of B as C from D into uK6cKxsRya ‎( > 15. A although B after C when D becauseuK6cKxsRya ‎2‎ A It was a quiet night. I __1___ in bed sleeplessly, watching the moonlight. I was totally __2___ by the moonlight. She was hanging alone in the sky, but she seemed so honest and __3___, giving light to those people __4____were walking in the night without ____5___ anything. I saw her smiling at me. She is really a symbol of silence, and peace.uK6cKxsRya ‎( >1. A. sat B. lay C. stood D. wentuK6cKxsRya ‎( >2. A. surprised B. lighted C. looked D. moved uK6cKxsRya ‎( >3. A. selfless B. homeless C. nameless D. uselessuK6cKxsRya ‎( >4. A. what B. where C. that D. who uK6cKxsRya ‎( >5. A. looking for B. putting out C asking for D. provide for uK6cKxsRya B Poor Martin lost his work and was trying to find a job. One day he read in the newspaper that a man was ___6____ to work in the zoo. He was very ___7__ and went to the boss of the zoo to ask for the job. The boss told him that their monkey had just died and it would be two months ___8___ they could get another one, so they wanted him to take the monkey's place.uK6cKxsRya ‎  As soon as he heard this, Martin got angry and shouted, “You want me to take the place of a monkey! Take this place yourself. You look more like a monkey than I do.” “Don't expect it like that,” said the boss, “I know you don't look like a monkey, but we'll ___9___ you up.” Martin thought about it for a while. Though he didn't like the idea, he had to make a living after all. So he ___10___ the job in the end.uK6cKxsRya ‎  The next day Martin started to work. It wasn't so __11___. The only thing he didn't like was the tiger in the cage next to him. But, as there were strong bars(铁栏杆>___12___ them, he soon got used to his neighbor.uK6cKxsRya ‎  One afternoon he climbed up to the top of the bars. Suddenly he missed his footing and fell not on his own side of the bars, but into the tiger's cage. That great animal was asleep at the time, but the noise of Martin's fall woke him up. Martin had to __13____ the bars again quickly to get back into his own cage. He tried to get up, but he had hurt his feet so badly that he couldn't move. He hid his face in his hands so as not to see the tiger coming. The next few seconds seemed like hours. Then he ___14___ the tiger whispered in his ear, “Don't be ___15___, old man, I'm in the same boat as you.” uK6cKxsRya ‎( >6. A. told B. paid C. wanted D. chosenuK6cKxsRya ‎( >7. A. sad B. worried C. surprised D. gladuK6cKxsRya ‎( >8. A. before B. since C. after D. agouK6cKxsRya ‎( >9. A. pick B. dress C. bring D. giveuK6cKxsRya ‎( >10. A. took B. gave C. loved D. lostuK6cKxsRya ‎( >11. A. good B. clean C. bad D. niceuK6cKxsRya ‎( >12. A. behind B. among C. before D. betweenuK6cKxsRya ‎( >13. A. climb B. lift C. move D. jumpuK6cKxsRya ‎( >14. A. saw B. heard C. made D. thoughtuK6cKxsRya ‎( >15. A. angry B. sad C. unhappy D. afraiduK6cKxsRya ‎3‎ A People who have finished education often admire students for their carefree life. But they don't know how difficult it is to ___1__ a student. He can never finish his homework. Furthermore, he has to ___2___ the great pressure of examinations. Everyone wants to get the first __3__ in exams. And after school, there are also many extra classes waiting for him. The worst of all is that students can hardly do ____4__they really love to do, for they ___5__ almost all their time on studies.uK6cKxsRya ‎( > 1. A. grow B. take C. as D. beuK6cKxsRya ‎( > 2. A. use B. become C. face D. wait uK6cKxsRya ‎( > 3. A. place B. top C. position D. deskuK6cKxsRya ‎( > 4. A. how B. why C. what D. whichuK6cKxsRya ‎( > 5. A. take B. spend C. take D. haveuK6cKxsRya B Long ago, people sent messages in different ways. A man put his ears to the ground. He __6____ the horses. They were coming this way. He ran to ___7__ people. He was a ___8___. That was one way to send messages.uK6cKxsRya ‎  People in ___9___ countries also sent messages. One man made a cloud of smoke. In the next village people saw the smoke and went on doing that, too. The massage went from village to village by __10___. uK6cKxsRya ‎  Much ___11___, some soldiers kept many pigeons, these pigeons ___12___ flew back. When a soldier was sent far away from his own ___13__, he might take a pigeon along. He could tie a message to the bird's leg. It would fly back ___14____ the soldier's message.uK6cKxsRya ‎  These are slow ways to send messages. Can you think of ___15___ ways? uK6cKxsRya ‎( >6. A. saw B. found C. heard D. lostuK6cKxsRya ‎( >7. A. speak B. talk C. say D. telluK6cKxsRya ‎( >8. A. runner B. winner C. cleaner D. farmeruK6cKxsRya ‎( >9. A. another B. other C. others D. the otheruK6cKxsRya ‎( >10. A. animals B. horses C. people D. smokeuK6cKxsRya ‎( >11. A. better B. more C. later D. lateuK6cKxsRya ‎( >12. A. sometimes B. always C. never D. oftenuK6cKxsRya ‎( >13. A. place B. home C. family D. houseuK6cKxsRya ‎( >14. A. and B. to C. without D. withuK6cKxsRya ‎( >15.A. farther B. further C. faster D. more quicklyuK6cKxsRya ‎4.‎ A Spring is coming. What a nice season!‎ The weather is getting warmer and warmer. The flowers are ___1____. How beautiful the world is! Look around, the sky is blue and the leaves __2____ the trees are turning green. The sun is shining brightly and the air is so fresh, now everyone _____3___his warm coat and is more active than before. We all have good feelings. I must say, be careful not to catch cold again. A good beginning is half __4____and it’s the first season in the year. We must make the best use of our time and catch every ____5____ to work and study. Do you think so?uK6cKxsRya ‎( >1. A. putting out B. looking out C. coming out D. seeing out uK6cKxsRya ‎( >2. A. on B. in C. at D. but uK6cKxsRya ‎( >3. A. takes off B. puts on C. wears D. is out uK6cKxsRya ‎( >4. A. success B. done C. seen D. gottenuK6cKxsRya ‎( >5. A. hour B. minutes C. second D. times uK6cKxsRya B A man wanted to buy a hat , so he went to a hat shop and spoke to the assistant , “I__6___ buy a hat , please ,” he said . “Can I try on ____7__ , please ?” uK6cKxsRya ‎“Of course,” the assistant answered and he brought __8__ several hats .uK6cKxsRya The man ___9__ one by one but he didn’t like __10___ of them . “This one is too big and this one doesn’t ___11__ very nice and this one must be too cheap . Would you mind bringing __12___ hats , please ?” “__13___ ,” the assistant said . He went to the back of the shop and brought out some more hats. “Let’s try this one ,” the man said . “No, I’m afraid it’s too wide .” “What about this one ?” “No, I’m afraid it isn’t ___14__ . None of the hats are the right size ,” the man said . The assistant was very angry now .” “The hats are all right , sir,”he said , “but I’m afraid your __15___ isn’t the right size .”uK6cKxsRya ‎( >6. A. would B. would to C. like D. would like touK6cKxsRya ‎( >7. A. more B. a few C. a lot D. a littleuK6cKxsRya ‎( >8. A. to B. from C. on D. inuK6cKxsRya ‎( >9. A. put them on B. take them on C. tried them on D. wore themuK6cKxsRya ‎( >10. A. one B. any C. all D. everyuK6cKxsRya ‎( >11. A. look B. feel C. be D. seeuK6cKxsRya ‎( >12. A. some B. several C. a few more D. anyuK6cKxsRya ‎( >13. A. Yes, I would B No at all C. Yes. You’re welcome D. CertainlyuK6cKxsRya ‎( >14. A. enough wide B. cheap enough C. wide enough D. very wideuK6cKxsRya ‎( >15. A. mind B. head C. heart D. handuK6cKxsRya ‎5.‎ A Helen Keller lived in the USA. She was a great woman. Helen was blind and ___1___. She couldn’t see anything or hear anything. Her parents are very___2___. A teacher helped Helen study __3____. Helen studied them very hard. When she grew up, she went to college. In Helen Keller’s __4___, she wrote fourteen books and her first book is “My Life”. The book “If you give me three days light” is very famous. ____5___ she was blind and deaf, she found a way to see and hear.uK6cKxsRya ‎( >1. A. smart B. bright C. deaf D. homelessuK6cKxsRya ‎( >2. A. sad B. angry C. happy D. lonelyuK6cKxsRya ‎( >3. A. sentence B. grammar C. letter D. wordsuK6cKxsRya ‎( >4. A. life B. lives C. way D. timeuK6cKxsRya ‎( >5. A. So B. Because C. As D. ThoughuK6cKxsRya B.‎ About 70 million Americans are trying to lose weight . It is almost one out of __6___ three people in the United States . Some people go on diets .This __7___ they eat less of certain foods , especially fats and sugars . Other people exercise with special equipment , take medicine , __8___ even have surgery . Losing weight is hard work , but it can also cost a lot of money . So _9___ do so many people in the United States want to lose weight ?uK6cKxsRya Many people in the United States are anxious for looking __10___ and pleasure . To many people ___11__ good means being thin . Other people worry about their __12___ . Many doctors say being overweight is unhealthy . But are Americans really fat ?uK6cKxsRya Almost 30 million Americans weigh at least 20 percent less than their proper weight . __13___, the United States is the most overweight country in the world . “The stored __14___ of adult Americans weighs 2,300 million pounds ,” said an American scientist . He said burning off that stored energy would produce __15___ power for 900,000 cars to go 12,000 miles . Although losing weight is hard work , most people want to find a fast and easy way to take off fat .uK6cKxsRya ‎( >6. A. the B. all C. every D. theseuK6cKxsRya ‎( >7. A. ells B. means C. shows D. asks uK6cKxsRya ‎( >8. A. or B. that C. which D. untiluK6cKxsRya ‎( >9. A. what B. how C. when D. whyuK6cKxsRya ‎( >10. A. ready B. worried C. young D. old uK6cKxsRya ‎( >11. A. being B. looking C. eating D. actinguK6cKxsRya ‎( >12. A. friends B. looks C. health D. workuK6cKxsRya ‎( >13. A. And B. In fact C. At least D. At onceuK6cKxsRya ‎( >14. A. energy B. meat C. fat D. beefuK6cKxsRya ‎( >15. A. strong B. great C. enough D. muchuK6cKxsRya ‎6.‎ A Salt is very important to us. We need salt in our ____1__. Animals need it, too. Most of the salt in our country ___2____ the sea. When the sun dries up the water, people can get salt from the __3____. There are a lot of salt wells in Sichuan. A salt well is much like a water well. People bring the well water up to the ground and then dry it in big pans ____4___ a fire. In this way they get salt. In the north of our country, there are many salt lakes. Some of these lakes are very big. The salt in big lakes can even ____5____the needs of our people for many years ( > 1. A. meat B. vegetable C. food D. rice uK6cKxsRya ‎( >2. A. are from B. comes from C. go out of D. put into uK6cKxsRya ‎( >3. A. bottle B. sea C. water D. ground uK6cKxsRya ‎( >4. A. on B. over C. under D. at uK6cKxsRya ‎( >5. A. fits B. need C. look for D. meet uK6cKxsRya B A woman lives in a small village. Her husband is a ____6__, but he has only a small piece of farm. He can't get enough crops for his family. When spring comes, they have ___7____ to eat.uK6cKxsRya ‎  One winter, the man found a job in a town far away from his village. Before he __8____, he said to his wife, “Please take good care of the children when I am ___9___. The work is heavy, but I can get some money. Then I'll bring some ___10___ for you and our children. Don't worry about me. I shall often ___11____ you.”uK6cKxsRya ‎  After that, the woman got a __12_____ from her husband every month. But as soon as she got it, she ___13____ to hide it in the box. She was ___14___ someone could see them.uK6cKxsRya ‎  “you can't read, “ one of her friends said, “why don't you ask someone to read them for you?”uK6cKxsRya ‎  “___15____!” said the woman, “My husband will read all for me when he comes back.”uK6cKxsRya ‎( >6. A. farmer B. doctor C. soldier D. driveruK6cKxsRya ‎( >7. A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothinguK6cKxsRya ‎( >8. A. slept B. left C. went home D. ran awayuK6cKxsRya ‎( >9. A. ill B. in C. away D. freeuK6cKxsRya ‎( >10. A. clothes B. shoes C. skirts D. fooduK6cKxsRya ‎( >11. A. read for B. write to C. hear from D. look afteruK6cKxsRya ‎( >12. A. letter B. box C. newspaper D. bookuK6cKxsRya ‎( >13. A. wanted B. hoped C. hurried D. remembersuK6cKxsRya ‎( >14. A. afraid B. sorry C. sure D. gladuK6cKxsRya ‎( >15. A. All right. B. That's right. C. It doesn't matter. D. Be carefuluK6cKxsRya ‎7.‎ A I think that friendship is the most beautiful thing in the world. It’s something as ___1___ as crystal<水晶石). It’s not a skill but a true feeling. When something ___2___you, your best friend will say something to ___3___ you. When you feel cowardly, your friend will stay with you forever. Though sometimes you may quarrel, soon there will be nothing __4____. If you have a good friend, you’ll feel the colorful life and I must say, “What a lucky ___5___ you are!”uK6cKxsRya ‎( >1. A. dirty B. clean C. clear D. brightuK6cKxsRya ‎( >2. A. happens B. hits C. troubles D. belongs to uK6cKxsRya ‎( >3. A. look down B. inspire C. beat D. encourageuK6cKxsRya ‎( >4. A. happy B. serious C. bad D. nicely uK6cKxsRya ‎( >5. A. dog B. man C. donkey D. child uK6cKxsRya B How do you feel when you have to make a report in front of your classmates? What about when you go to a birthday party? Do you get 6 shy?uK6cKxsRya ‎ Shyness means feeling nervous or 7 when you’re round other people. Everyone experiences this shyness 8 they grow up. Most people have red faces and talk in broken sentences when they are in the center of attention. It’s Ok if it takes you a while to feel yourself again when you go to a new place or meet strangers. 9 , everybody gets a little shy sometimes. It’s just a case of how much. But many teenagers think that they hate themselves and that they won’t fit in the future at coming point.uK6cKxsRya ‎ Stop the negative thoughts about yourself. If shyness doesn’t keep you 10 something you want to do, being shy isn’t a very big problem. Some experts say shy people are not only cleverer, but also better at working with others, because they think more and talk 11 . Some great people in history were shy, too.uK6cKxsRya ‎ You see, being shy isn’t all 12 . But remember not to let good chances 13 just because of it! Your shyness will 14 . When you grow up year after year, you’ll become brave enough to speak to anyone. But now, you need practice! If you have to sing a song at a party, just do it! There’s nothing to be afraid of!uK6cKxsRya ‎ Remember, though you’re shy, you do not lack in 15 . Come on, our shy friends.uK6cKxsRya ‎( >6. A. true B. real C. really D. truthuK6cKxsRya ‎( >7. A. comfortable B. frightened C. proud D. surpriseduK6cKxsRya ‎( >8. .A. while B. since C. by D. whenuK6cKxsRya ‎( >9. A. What is worse B. In fact C. For example D. By accidentuK6cKxsRya ‎( >10. A. to do B. doing C. do D. from doinguK6cKxsRya ‎( >11. A. much B. more C. less D. leastuK6cKxsRya ‎( >12. A. good B. bad C. wonderful D. correctuK6cKxsRya ‎( >13. A. go down B. go over C. go by D. go upuK6cKxsRya ‎( >14. A. past B. pass C. passed D. goneuK6cKxsRya ‎( >15. A. confidence B. confident C. confidently D. shynessuK6cKxsRya ‎8‎ A It is said there is a kind of birds named the thorn<刺) birds. They only sing once in their lives. But the ____1___of singing is the most wonderful in the world. When they leave their nests, they will ____2___ the thistles<蓟) and thorns. And they don’t ___3____ till they find them. At last they thorn their chests with the longest and sharpest thorns,and then they sing the most beautiful songs at the great __4___of life. But they must stand hardships to do all these. I think we are like the thorn birds. We also have our own ____5___ like the best sound of singing. We should do our best to make our dreams come true like the thorn birds, too.uK6cKxsRya ‎( >1. A. noise B. voice C. loud D. sound uK6cKxsRya ‎( >2. A. look for B. go for C. find out D. watch out uK6cKxsRya ‎( >3. A. end up B. use up C. give up D. look up uK6cKxsRya ‎( >4. A. value B. cost C. help D. futureuK6cKxsRya ‎( >5. A. hopes B. dreams C. thoughts D. busiest thingsuK6cKxsRya B Most adults once studied at school, had classes and did their homework every day. The same __6____ is going on at school now. ____7___ it seems that doing weekend homework is 8_______ problem for the modern students.uK6cKxsRya ‎  All the students should agree that weekend homework should be abolished(取消>. It's ____9___ for them studying at school five days a week. They have a lot of interests. With homework to do on Saturday and Sunday, when can they find __10_____ to help around the house, go and see a football or basketball game or a good film, join in family recreations(娱乐>, or just have ___11___ at home? Because of these other activities, the homework can't be finished until ____12___. So their weekend homework is usually done in such a hurry that on Monday teachers are ____13____ and often threaten to fail whole class of students because they know nothing about the __14____. If there were no weekend homework for the students to do, they would be happy to go to school on Monday ___15___ having a good rest and to learn what the teachers teach. uK6cKxsRya ‎( >6. A. thing B. school C. class D. homeworkuK6cKxsRya ‎( >7. A. Also B. But C. Still D. ThoughuK6cKxsRya ‎( >8. A. no B. another C. one D. otheruK6cKxsRya ‎( >9. A. not enough B. enough C. no good D. no useuK6cKxsRya ‎( >10. A. friends B. time C. places D. moneyuK6cKxsRya ‎( >11. A. a rest B. an exam C. a lesson D. a picnicuK6cKxsRya ‎( >12. A. Monday afternoon B. Saturday afternoon C. Friday night D. Sunday nightuK6cKxsRya ‎( >13. A. pleased B. sorry C. unhappy D. not worrieduK6cKxsRya ‎( >14. A. lesson B. games C. interests D. activitiesuK6cKxsRya ‎( >15. A. until B. when C. before D. afteruK6cKxsRya ‎9.‎ A There is a supermarket called Times Supermarket near my school. It’s a big supermarket. There are ___1____ floors. On the first floor, there is some food for cooking, such as pork, __2___, chicken, fruit and so on. There are some snacks, CDs, books and every day items on the second floor. There are always many children on this floor because they like ___3___snacks very much. There are some clothes on the top floor. There are always many people in the supermarket at the weekend. The workers in it are ____4___. They are happy to answer your questions. They help you to find what you want. They always smile. There are some discounts ___5___some things. Things over there are very nice and cheap, so people all want to buy things there.uK6cKxsRya ‎( >1. A. first B. two C. four D. three uK6cKxsRya ‎( >2. A. beef B. pants C. shirts D. sheepuK6cKxsRya ‎( >3. A. bitter B. salty C. sweet D. sour uK6cKxsRya ‎( >4. A. handsome B. friendly C. uniforms D. terroristuK6cKxsRya ‎( >5. A. on B. at C. in D. for uK6cKxsRya B When Wang Hai went to Yucai‎ ‎Middle School two years ago, he worked hard and did very well in his lessons. He was also ‎6 in sports .He ran to school every day to build up his 7 . His parents were very 8 him and bought him a computer as a birthday present .However, something began to change. He stopped 9 early and never ran to school any more. He 10 his interest in studying.uK6cKxsRya ‎ One day in the middle of the night, Wang Hai’s mother discovered the cause of the 11 . He played computer games till midnight. It had a ___12_____ effect on him and must be stopped.uK6cKxsRya ‎ The next day Mother had a serious talk with Wang Hai 13 taking the computer away, she told him he was 14 enough to control himself. Wang Hai was happy he had a wonderful mother and 15 not to do that again.uK6cKxsRya ‎( >6. A. worried B. unusual C. active D. nervous uK6cKxsRya ‎( >7. A. body B. legs C. arms D. headuK6cKxsRya ‎( >8. A. surprised at B. strict with C. angry with D. satisfied withuK6cKxsRya ‎( >9. A. getting up B. putting up C. getting on D. putting onuK6cKxsRya ‎( >10. A. forgot B. lost C. found D. tookuK6cKxsRya ‎( >11. A. choice B. change C. chant D. chanceuK6cKxsRya ‎( >12. A. good B. bad C. useful D. uselessuK6cKxsRya ‎( >13. A. Instead of B. Instead C. Because of D. BecauseuK6cKxsRya ‎( >14. A. strong B. weak C. old D. younguK6cKxsRya ‎( >15. A. printed B. protected C. provide D. promiseduK6cKxsRya ‎10.‎ It was almost 9:00 pm when Mia Jason left her office to go home. It was 31 . She started her car and she 32 down the road that led to her house in the country. She 33 the radio and sang songs while she was driving. The heater <暖气机)wasn’t working, and singing helped to keep her 34 .uK6cKxsRya ‎ The snow was heavy. Then Mia went across a small 35 .The bridge was covered with ice and the car went out of control<失去控制). Mia hit her head on the steering wheel and lost consciousness<知觉).uK6cKxsRya ‎ When she 36 , her head was bleeding<流血), and she was shaking from the cold. She didn’t know 37 she was. Mia opened the car door and looked around. She was under the bridge, and her car was sitting on the 38 river! She felt very 39 . She knew the ice wouldn’t 40 her car for very long. She 41 to walk up the hill several times, but she kept falling in the snow. Mia tried 42 time. She knew that 43 could see her car under the bridge. She was lying in the snow, and she couldn’t 44 . Mia closed her eyes and 45 die.uK6cKxsRya ‎ Then she heard a voice. Mia opened her eyes. There was an old man standing over her. She stood up and walked up with the help of the old man. “That’s my truck,” said the old man. “Get in and I’ll take you home.” uK6cKxsRya ‎( >1. A. raining B. cool C. snowing D. lateuK6cKxsRya ‎( >2. A. ran B. drove C. walked D. rodeuK6cKxsRya ‎( >3. A. turned on B. turned over C. turned off D. turned downuK6cKxsRya ‎( >4. A. happy B. not alone C. warm D. not lonelyuK6cKxsRya ‎( >5. A. bridge B. village C. town D. farmuK6cKxsRya ‎( >6. A. got up B. came back C. looked up D. woke upuK6cKxsRya ‎( >7. A. how B. what C .why D. whereuK6cKxsRya ‎( >8. A. deep B. frozen C. wide D. cold uK6cKxsRya ‎( >9. A. angry B. sad C. surprised D. afraiduK6cKxsRya ‎( >10. A. keep B. pull C. take D. holduK6cKxsRya ‎( >11. A. tried B. wanted C. would like D. seemeduK6cKxsRya ‎( >12. A. one B. one more C. other D. the otheruK6cKxsRya ‎( >13. A. someone B. anyone C. everyone D. no oneuK6cKxsRya ‎( >14. A. feel B. hear C. move D. go uK6cKxsRya ‎( >15. A. waited to B. had to C. was able to D. decided touK6cKxsRya The keys:‎ ‎1. The Keys: 1-5 BCA AD 6‎-10 ‎C D A C B 11-15. ABDCDuK6cKxsRya ‎2. The keys: 1-5 BDADA 6-10 CDABA 11-15. CDABDuK6cKxsRya ‎3. The keys: 1-5 DCACB 6-10 CDABD 11-15. CBADCuK6cKxsRya ‎4. The keys: 1-5 CAABC 6-10 DB DCB 11-15. ACBCB ‎ ‎5. The keys: 1-5 CADAD 6-10 CBADC 11-15. BCBCC uK6cKxsRya ‎6. The keys: 1-5 CBDBD 6-10 ADBCD 11-15. BACACuK6cKxsRya ‎7. The keys: 1-5 CC DBA 6-10 CBDBD 11-15. CBCBAuK6cKxsRya ‎8. The keys: 1-5 DACBB 6-10 ABCBB 11-15.ADCADuK6cKxsRya ‎9.The keys: 1-5 DACBA 6-10. CABAB 11-15. BBACDuK6cKxsRya ‎10. The keys: 1-5. CBACA 6-10. DDBBD 11-15. ABDCAuK6cKxsRya 申明:‎ 所有资料为本人收集整理,仅限个人学习使用,勿做商业用途。‎

