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中考专辑----阅读表达 ‎2010年真题 We’ve come a long way from blackboards and chalk. Modern technology (技术) has provided us with lots of ways we can make learning more interesting. Perhaps most importantly of all, it’s also more interactive (互动).‎ Some kinds of tools (工具) have been developed. They make the 21st century learning experience much more interactive and interesting. Attracting the attention of students is always difficult, but these tools have made a big difference in how pupils learn.‎ For example, an interactive whiteboard is different from a traditional chalkboard. It allows the teachers to show images and provide sound as well. If you imagine a large computer screen with colorful images and sound added in, you can see why so many pupils are drawn in by what they see and hear in a modern classroom.‎ Various audio (声音的) tools also help to make sure that everyone can hear what the teacher has to say. In the past, if a teacher said something that a child missed, perhaps the child was too timid (胆小的) or nervous to ask them to repeat it. Now they are less likely to miss out simply because they’re sitting too far away from the teacher to hear them.‎ The 21st century classroom is able to teach pupils more than one thing. For example, imagine a history lesson is given in a modern classroom. How is it different from a classroom setting in the past? The answer is simple. The students will not only learn about history itself, they will also learn how to use the modern equipment (设备) that helps the teacher get their message across.‎ Modern technology can make teaching and learning easier. Student response (应答) system makes everyone able to express their opinions or answers without having to speak up. Since everyone can do it, the teacher can see who needs more help in other ways.‎ It’s clear that this kind of classroom technology is making a great difference in modern classrooms.‎ Topic: Modern technology helps us make teaching and learning more interesting and interactive.‎ ‎(34)__________‎ of using modern technology ‎ in the classroom ‎1. Make it much easier to attract pupils’ (35)______by using different tools.‎ ‎●Whiteboards allow teachers to show colorful images and provide sound.‎ ‎●Audio tools make students hear the teacher’s (36)________ even if they sit too far away from the teacher.‎ ‎2. Make students learn more than one thing.‎ ‎●Help students learn the knowledge of a (37)_________and the use of modern equipment as well.‎ ‎3. Make teaching and learning easier.‎ ‎●Student response system makes students give their opinions or answers without (38) _______up and allows teachers to help students when necessary.‎ Conclusion Modern classroom technology makes a great difference to teaching and learning.‎ 解题策略 ‎1、任务型阅读可以通过先观察表格基本了解文章内容。再根据各空在句子里的作用,可以初步确定词性及部分形式。例如:34,35,36应为名词,37为可数名词单数,38为v-ing形式。‎ ‎2、表格一般为三个部分:主标题、子标题、细节信息。左列子标题的叠加基本就是主标题;而每个子标题的右边相应表格信息的叠加就是该子标题的内容。34空应为“应用新技术课堂的优点”,由此断定为advantages,然后注意首字母大写。‎ ‎3、查找细节信息 ‎(1)生词很重要。 36空audio tools, 37空 modern equipment,38空 response system 都可以帮助我们确定所填信息在文本中的位置。‎ ‎(2)前后句也可以帮助我们找到要填信息处。35空的信息可能在前面,36空的可能在后面。‎ ‎4、找到相应的句子,发现缺漏信息。‎ ‎5、再次确定语法是否准确,逻辑是否符合语境,书写是否规范(大小写,要不要ing)。‎ 第二部分:真题训练 ‎2011年真题 The way in which we communicate with others can be greatly improved by building a bettervocabulary. In our personal life, we communicate and share experiences with others. However, how well we do it depends on our ability to express ourselves through spoken andwritten language. Luckily, increasing(加) our word power can make us own the skills we needto communicate better with others and can also help us get better results in our study.‎ When you see a new word, whether through reading or hearing someone say the word, just beready to take out your dictionary and look it up — learn about the word and anything thatrelates(与…相关)to it. If you understand the word, you’ll hopefully remember it well.‎ Meanwhile, you’d better write down words to learn. You can go through the dictionary, magazine and newspaper or even take down the unknown words you hear. Try to review themevery day — look at the words and speak them out loudly. Copy the words over and over again, along with their meanings, and you will surprisingly remember them in no time.‎ You can also do word searches, crossword puzzles or other word games. Playing these games, you are more likely to come across new words, and when you are caught in new words, studythem. The more words you have in your brain’s word bank, the better you will become at theseword games. You will be remembering, learning and having fun, too.‎ Finally, reading is also believed to be an excellent way to learn new words and build up yourvocabulary. Read things you are interested in, because in this way, you are less likely to becomebored. But don’t skip over(忽略) those words you don’t know. Instead, you should remember and use them in your own daily conversations. Use them more, and you’ll surely have a better chance of remembering them.‎ Topic: Increasing Your Vocabulary ‎(34)____of building up vocabulary ‎●Improve your ability to express yourselves and communicatebetter with others ‎●Be (35)________ to your study.‎ Suggestions on remembering new words ‎1. Remember every new word you meet with by (36)________ it.‎ ‎●Learn about the word and anything that relates to it by looking it up ‎ in your dictionary.‎ ‎2. Make a (37)________ of new words to learn.‎ ‎●Review the words every day by looking at and speaking them out loudly.‎ ‎●Copy the words and their meanings over and over again.‎ ‎3. Do word games.‎ ‎●Play these games, come across new words and study them with fun.‎ ‎4. Learn words through reading.‎ ‎●Read things you (38)________‎ ‎● Do not skip over new words, but remember and use them more.‎ ‎2012年真题 The 2012 London Olympic Games are around the corner. If you have the chance to visit Britain yourself, you can see at every bus stop the British people form a queue. You may have read about it, but you will still feel amazed to see it with your own eyes.‎ It’s an amazing social behavior; it brings the British to a higher level of civilization(文明). At least that is what one German professor thinks. The professor named Joseph Heinrich and his workmates say that standing in line is the “highest form of cooperative(协作的) group behavior”.‎ The social rules(细则) of standing in line are also interesting. For example, you need to be able to decide the correct distance to the person in front of you. Get too close and there is a danger of entering other people’s personal space. This is a serious mistake and often makes other people angry. However, when you leave too much space, the next person is likely to ask: “Are you in the queue?” This may sound polite but in fact it means: “Can’t you stand in line properly?” ‎ In no other countries can you see the one-man queue except in Britain. If a British person arrives at a bus stop and no one else is there, he will not simply wait. Instead, he stands at the head of the queue. ‎ Tourists are often unfamiliar with local customs(习俗), and if they do not get in line behind the British person, he or she will tell them strictly: “This is a queue.” ‎ Though it might seem that the British people take their queues too Seriously, one thing is certain: queues can save lives. In dangerous situations, standing in line has prevented them from getting very frightened.‎ In the serious train accident in 1999, people who were hurt formed a queue as they escaped from their trains. One writer later wrote about a polite man who let her pass with a quiet “after you”.‎ Topic Queuing in Britain Professors’‎ ‎(34)‎ of queuing ‎● The British have (35) a higher level of civilization.‎ ‎● It is the highest form of cooperative group behavior.‎ Social rules of queuing ‎● You should stand (36) too close to nor far from the person in front of you.‎ ‎● Even if there is only one British person waiting for a bus, he queues too.‎ ‎● If tourists do not queue, they will be strictly reminded to (37) the local custom.‎ The power of queuing The British queued and kept calm even in face of (38) .‎ ‎2013年真题 How important is music? When they are asked this question, students and parents usually answer that music is nice, but not very important. It is often considered only as entertainment, but not the first choice for education. This opinion is shortsighted. In fact, music education is necessary and important for all students.‎ Music tells us who we are. Music reflects the creators’ thinking and values, as well as the social environment it came from. For example, just as Mozart music represents a lifestyle, rock music represents a lifestyle, too. The jazz influence that George Gershwin and other musicians introduced into their music is obviously American because it came from American musical traditions.‎ Music provides a kind of ability to know the world in a different way. Science explains how the sun rises and sets. Music explores the emotive meanings. We need every possible way to discover and response to our world because no one way can get it all.‎ Music is a form of thought, as powerful as science. It is a way we human beings “talk” to each other. Through the language we expresses our feelings, our discoveries, our ideas, our imagination and our hopes so that they can be shared with others. When we do not let our children receive good music education, we take away from them the meanings that music expresses. Science does not tell us what it means to be human. Music does.‎ So music education is much more necessary than people generally realize.‎ Title: Music education is of 36_________‎ Passage outline ‎ Detailed information Introduction Shortsighted opinion: Music is only a way of entertainment, not the top choice for education.‎ Truth: Music education is necessary and important for all students.‎ Main Body A way to tell who we are:‎ Music not only reflects the social environment it came from but also expresses people’s thinking and 37______‎ A way to know the world:‎ We can’t discover and respond to our world in just one way.‎ Science explains how nature 38_________.‎ Music explores the emotive meanings of nature.‎ A way to communicate with others:‎ We use music to 39_______ our feelings, our discoveries, our ideas, our imagination and our hopes with others.‎ Music, 40from science, tells us what it means to be human.‎ Conclusion Music education is necessary.‎ ‎2014年真题 In modern society(社会)there is a great deal of argument about competition .Some value it highly, for they believe that it helpful for social progress and richness. Others say that competition is bad, and that it sets one person against another and leads to unfriendliness between people.‎ I have trained many children who held the belief(看法) that their self-worth came from well they performed at tennis and other skills. For them, playing well and winning are often life-and-death matters. Sadly, they forget to develop many other human qualities.‎ However, while some seem to be lost in the strong wish to succeed, others think quite the opposite. In a culture which values only the winner and pays no attention to the ordinary(普通) players, they strongly blame competition, especially youngsters who have suffered under competitive pressures(压力) from their parents or society. Teaching these young people, I often find that they even choose to fail. They seem to choose failure by not trying to win or achieve success. By not trying, they always have an excuse, “I may have lost, but it doesn’t matter because I really didn’t try.” In fact, they are worried that if they had really tried and failed, the failure would mean that they were worth nothing. ‎ Clearly, this belief is the same as that of the true competitors who try to prove themselves. Both are based on the mistaken belief that one’s self-worth comes from how well one performs ‎ in comparison(比较) with others. Both are afraid of not being valued. We can only discover a new meaning in competition as such worries and fear begin to disappear.‎ Title : Opinions about competition Main argument Some believe that competition can push society 36_______ ,while others think competition 37_________unfriendliness between people.‎ Children’s performances Some children 38_________ are about performing well and winning.‎ Some children give up trying to prevent themselves from 39_________ ‎ Reason behind They think one can prove his self-worth only by performing better than others in competition Writer’s 40______ to children ‎ Understand the new meaning of competition.‎ ‎2015年真题 Any time of the day you can devote to exercising is a good time for getting active,but if you want to make a healthy fitness plan, it may be helpful to keep several points in mind and find out the best time to exercise.‎ ‎ First, try to know what kind of person you are. Especially, are you an early bird who always wakes up early in the morning, or a night owl(猫头鹰)who almost never goes to bed before midnight? Once you are generally aware of what your sleep characteristics are,you will understand better when your body needs exercise, either early in the morning,sometime during the day, or later on in the evening.‎ ‎ Second, consider your daily plan. When do you seem to be most busy, and when do you plan your most important tasks? Try to fit in your exercise before or at least around these events if possible, so that you can keep exercising and your life won't be affected(影响)as well.‎ ‎ Third, think about when you feel you have the most energy. For most people, that time is usually in the morning after a good night's rest, or after a long day of work. After a busy or much stressful day, exercising can reduce your working stress from hard work.‎ ‎ Lastly, find out the place you plan to do exercise. Your house provides exercise at any time if you own fitness equipment(设备),but if there is a gym(健身房)down the street or along the way home from work, it will make it more suitable for you to exercise.‎ More importantly, you need to make a plan and try sticking to it for one week. If you do so and can get through the exercise without being pulled in another direction, make it a habit. And once you have set up your fitness plan, don't make any great changes to it unless your doctor allows you to.‎ Introduction ‎__36___to take several points about exercise and find out the best time to exercise.‎ Main Points ‎▲.Know your sleep characteristics and you will have a better__37_____of your body needs exercise.‎ ‎▲.Make your daily Plan well 50 that you can keep exercising____38_____your life.‎ ‎▲.Think about when you are most energetic.Exercising after work can make___39___stressed.‎ ‎▲.Find out where to do exercise,and it will make it more suitable for you.‎ Suggestions ‎▲.Stick to your time table and never give up for one week.Then a habit may formed.‎ ‎▲.Don”change your plan unless you and your doc,Or reach a(n)_____40_____.‎ ‎2016年真题 The Internet nowadays opens a wide world to people, including teenagers, but many parents worry that their children may meet with something unhealthy when searching online. In order to solve this problem, a new search engine for children called Kiddle has appeared.‎ Search results are filtered(过滤),so only safe website are shown and descriptions are written in simple language. Searches with bad words are shut off, too.‎ Kiddles uses the same colors as Google in its logo and a similar design on its homepage, too--with an extra robot picture.‎ The top three Kiddle search results show safe websites and pages written specially for kids, and those websites and pages are well chosen and checked by Kiddle developers.‎ The fourth to seventh results will be safe and trusted websites that are not written for adults. They provide expert content, but are harder for kids to understand.‎ Unlike on Google, most results appear along with large thumbnail pictures(缩略图)to make it easier for children to find what they are looking for. For example, when searching for "meow meow". Google produces pages for information about a drug(毒品)that has "meow meow" as its nickname(绰号),but Kiddle lists information only about cats, even with some cartoon pictures. ‎ The company explained, "Websites which appear in Kiddle search results satisfy family-friendly requirements, as we filter websites with unhealthy content."‎ Kiddle—a Child-Friendly Search Engine Characteristics l Only safe websites are shown.‎ l Descriptions are written in simple language.‎ l ‎36.______ bad words appear.‎ Logo It uses the same colors as Google with a robot picture.‎ Content The top three search results[来源:Z,xx,k.Com][来源:学科网ZXXK]‎ Websites and pages are written 37.______ for kids, after being well chosen and checked.‎ The fourth to seventh results Websites are also worth 38.______ and have content written in a simple way.‎ The eighth and onwards results Websites are safe and famous, written for adults, and they are not 39._____ for kids to understand.‎ ‎40.______ from Google l Kiddle has many thumbnail pictures.‎ l Kiddle only gives safe information.‎ Advantage Kiddle satisfies family-friendly requirements.‎ ‎2017年真题 British people pride themselves on their polite manners towards one another in public. They often use the word ‘sorry’—even when they don’t really mean it! Usually, if they want to ask a stranger for the time, they would start by saying ‘Sorry to bother you. Do you know what time it is?’ If they’re five minutes late for an appointment (约会), they would generally greet the person by saying ‘Sorry I’m late!’‎ They use the word ‘sorry’ in so many different situations that the meaning of the word has changed a little over time. The two main dictionary definitions (释义) of ‘sorry’ are: 1) feeling sad for someone else because of their problems or bad luck; 2) feeling regret because you’ve done something wrong. Now, think about this. Normally, when they want to ask a stranger a question, they start with ‘Sorry to bother you’. In this situation, they aren’t saying sorry because they feel sad for that person or because they feel regret.‎ So what does ‘sorry’ really mean? And why do British people use it so much? Well, in the British culture, saying ‘sorry’ is a way to be polite, especially to people who they don’t know very well. It’s also a very clever way to get what they want. In a recent experiment, an actor went up to a different strangers on a rainy day to ask if he could use their mobile phones in order to make a call. When he went up to one group of strangers and asked them without saying ‘sorry’ first, he was only 9 per cent successful in borrowing their phones. However, when he said ‘sorry’ to another group of strangers about the bad weather before asking if he could use their mobile phones, he was 47 per cent successful. So maybe saying ‘sorry’ is not just being polite, but it is also a good method to get what they want too!‎ Title: Why do British people say sorry?‎ Main points Detailed information The ___36___ in which they say ‘sorry’‎ l asking for the time l Being late for an appointment The change of the meaning of ‘sorry’‎ l The two main dictionary definitions of ‘sorry’;‎  feeling sad for others’ problems or bad luck ‚ feeling regret because of one’s own ___37____‎ l When British people ask a stranger a question by starting with ‘sorry’, they are saying sorry ____38____ because they feel sad for that person nor because they feel regret.‎ The ____39____ meaning of ‘sorry’‎ l a way to be polite l a good way to get what they want ‎ The result of an experiment shows it’s easier for one to ____40____ in borrowing a mobile phone by saying ‘sorry’.‎ ‎ ‎

