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中考英语一轮复习教案8下 Unit6 Sunshine for all 一、复习单词表 A 拼读易错单词、重点单词:‎ support expect chance training coach prize blood introduction B 重要单词用法:‎ ‎1. support deaf homeless adult intellectual event necessary task athlete silver ‎ background prize charity one-to-one south-west north-west project disease ‎2. train n 火车 可数名词 V 训练,培训 train sb to do sth ‎ train sb in sth 在某方面训练某人 train sb for sth为……而训练某人 ‎1)We many nurses for the hospital these years. (train)‎ ‎2)All the team members were seen____________(train) hard when I passed the room.‎ ‎3)Volunteers must receive before they take the tasks. (train)‎ ‎4)We will go to the language center by tomorrow.(train)‎ ‎5)Please train the students (be) good citizens ‎3. mean meaning meaningful meaningless ‎1)The word hope. The of the word is hope.‎ ‎2)What’s the (mean) of the word?‎ ‎3)You know our help ___________ a lot to the homeless people. (mean)‎ ‎4)Your words are (mean). Please don’t say them again.‎ ‎5)He often says some (mean) words to us. We thank him very much.‎ ‎6)To do self-assessment means (think) about your studies in order to find out your strengths and weaknesses.‎ ‎4. blind adj. 瞎的 blindness n. the blind 盲人们(复数) be blind in the left eye 左眼瞎 ‎1)He can't see anything because of ____________ (blind).‎ ‎2)The _________(blind) woman is his grandmother. She is 88 years old.‎ ‎3)___________ people often worry about their ___________. ( blind)‎ ‎4) affects about 45million people around the world.‎ ‎5. able disabled disability n 缺陷,障碍 复数disabilities ‎ ‎1)children and adults with intellectual (disable).‎ ‎2)We shouldn't laugh at the people with body ______________ (disable).‎ ‎3)We should give _________ (disable) people chances to show their skills to the world ‎4)Understanding this article is beyond my (able).‎ ‎5)Different children may have different learning____________ (disability).‎ ‎6. elderly adj. 年老的 an elderly person一位老人 the elderly=the old=the old people= the aged老人们 ‎1)In some things, you must believe in your ________ (old). They must think of things more carefully than you.‎ ‎2)I think students should give their seats on the bus to the ____________ (elder).‎ ‎7. volunteer vi & vt. 志愿做,义务做 Volunteer for Be a volunteer for Work as a volunteer volunteer to do sth=volunteer for sth志愿做某事 n. 志愿者a volunteer for the Olympic Games一名奥运会的志愿者 ‎1)It's meaningful to work as ______________ (volunteer) in the library at weekends.‎ ‎2)You can check the ____________( volunteer)names on the Internet.‎ ‎3)No one ____________( volunteer)for cleaning the henhouse.‎ ‎4)He volunteered ( water)our plants.‎ ‎5)Many ___________ (volunteer) ____________ (volunteer) to help those people in Ya’an Earthquake ‎8. expect vi & vt. 期待,指望;预料 ‎1). 表示“期待”“期望”,通常为及物动词expect sth We should not expect success overnight.‎ He did not know what ________(expect) when he volunteered for the Games.‎ ‎2). 后接动词时要用不定式,expect to do sth如:‎ His father expected (finish) planting those trees by the end of March.‎ ‎3). 其后还可接不定式的复合结构expect sb to do sth如:‎ He _______ (expect) me to help him with his English because he was very poor at it.‎ ‎4). 其后可接 that 从句,若从句谓语为否定,注意否定的转移。如:‎ I (not expect) that he has done such a thing. ‎ ‎9. chance n 机会 by chance /accident 偶然,意外地 give sb a chance to do sth 给某人做某事的机会 have a chance to do sth 有做某事的机会 ‎ ‎1) I will give you a chance (try) it again. ‎ ‎2)I had a chance to (go)abroad last year. ‎ ‎3) --- My teacher asks me to take part in the summer camp with the children from London. ‎ ‎---Oh? Really? Don't miss such a good ________ (chance).You can practice speaking English.‎ ‎4) I will give you a chance _______ (meet) the person from the government.‎ ‎5)I met one of my old friends by ________(chance)yesterday ‎10. similar adj 同样的,类似的 (almost the same) ‎ be similar to 与… 相似 be similar in 在某方面相似 ‎1)The twins look so __________ (similar) that their teachers often mix them by mistake.‎ ‎2)The two brothers often get on well with each other because one’s idea is always _____ the other’s.‎ A. the same as B. similar to C. as good as D. different from ‎3)Mars is a planet that has an environment__________ (similar) to that of the Earth.‎ ‎4)Her dress is similar colour to mine. A. with B. in C. to D. at ‎11. coach (coaches,复数) n. 教练; 长途汽车 the swimming coach for a young boy 男孩的游泳教练 head coach主教练 coach park 旅游车停车场 The clothes are one of the _________ (coach).‎ This_________ (coach) can carry 45 passengers at most at a time.‎ ‎12. confident adj. 自信的 more confident比较级; most confident最高级;名词confidence ‎ be confident of have confidence in ‎ ‎1) I’m ________ (confidence) that we will win the game.‎ ‎2)He has (confident) in winning the match.‎ ‎3)He is energetic and is (confidence) of his own ability. ‎ ‎13. close (1) adj. 亲密的,密切的,距离近的 (2) adv. 距离近地 (3) v. 关 ‎ closed adj. 关着的 closely adv. 密切地,紧密地 比较级:more closely 最高级: most closely work closely with sb. 和某人一起亲密地工作 close the door关门; keep the door closed让门开着 ‎ sit close to sb. have a close look / look at sth. closely/ look at sth. carefully look at/watch sth. closely仔细看 ‎ 1) He lives quite _________ to the supermarket. So he knows it ________ at 5.30 p.m. every day. (close)‎ ‎ 2) The police are watching that building ______. But the door and the windows are always _____.(close)‎ ‎ 3) Please take a ________ (close) look at these animals.‎ ‎ 4) She devotes most of her time to working _________(close) with Project Hope.‎ ‎5) Keep the door __________, my _________ friend.‎ A. close; closed B. close; close C. closed; closed D. closed; close ‎6) It’s very meaningful to work ___________ with the workers. (close)‎ ‎14. achieve(come true; realize) vt. 达到,实现 achieved adj. achievement n.‎ achieve one’s dreams 实现某人的梦想=make one’s dreams come true He spent as much time as he could _______________ (achieve) his goal.‎ Audrey’s _______________ (achieve) went beyond the film industry. ‎ ‎15. donate v. donation n. donate…to…‎ ‎1)The dying old man ____________ (donate) all his money to the poor family yesterday.‎ ‎2)He’s _________ a lot of __________ to Project Hope. (donate)‎ ‎16. organize v. organized adj. organation n..‎ ‎1)Project Hope is an _______ (organize) that raises money to build schools and buy books for poor students.‎ ‎2)You should be (organize) and fair if you want to b a good leader.‎ ‎3) (organize) your days around healthy eating and exercise.‎ ‎4)Is the long walk in the country________(organize) by Oxfam Hong Kong?‎ ‎17. blood n. bleed-bled-bled vi. 流血,出血 (过去式)____________ (过去分词)_____________‎ ‎ bleed to death 失血过多而死 ‎1)The victim was wounded with a knife and (bleed) to death as a result. ‎ ‎2)The man had some (bleed) on his shirt.‎ ‎3)Look! His nose (bleed)‎ ‎18. introduce v. introduce sb./sth. to sb. introduce oneself to sb. introduce…into…‎ introduction n.‎ ‎1)Pandas (introduce)into other countries from China.  ‎ ‎2)It’s your job________ the pop stars.‎ A. introduce B. introducing C. introduces D. to introduce ‎3)First, please read the __________(introduce) of the book. Then tell me your opinion.‎ ‎4)This is an __________(introduce) to the Special Olympics World Games.‎ ‎19. operate v. operation n. operate on sb=perform/do an operation on sb perform eye operations ‎ 1)Mr. White says the doctors will _____ on my mother, and it will ______ about200,000 yuan.‎ A. have a check; take B. provide an opeation; spend C. do an operation; cost D. take a good care; spend ‎2)Dr Smith has done three __________ (operate) today. He looks a little tired now.‎ ‎3)During my last visit, I __________ (operate) on 150 patients on the plane.‎ ‎20.survive v. survivor n.‎ ‎1)I don't know the ____________ (survive) names.‎ ‎2)The ______________ (survive) in the natural disaster are in great need of help.‎ ‎3)①vi. It’s difficult for giant pandas to ____________ (survive) in the wild.‎ ‎②vt. Timmy ________ (survive) the earthquake in 1999.‎ 二、重要词组、句型用法:‎ ‎1.I need some more food to eat at work. 我需要更多的一些食物在工作时吃 ‎ (1) need sth to do sth 需要某物来做某事 ‎ I need some tools (finish)the work.‎ ‎ (2) some more food 更多一些食物 ‎ 数量意义词+more+名词: 表更多…… e.g. two more apples=another two apples 再两个苹果 ‎ ‎2.Homeless people don’t have their own places to live. 无家可归的人没有他们自己居住的地方。‎ ‎ to live动词不定式做定语修饰前面的名词。‎ ‎ I have something (eat)‎ ‎3.They can provide special places for homeless people to stay.‎ ‎ provide sth for sb =provide sb. with sth. 为某人提供某物 ‎ e.g. He was very poor because he’d to  (provide) food for seven children.‎ ‎4.The Special Olympics World Games give children and adults with intellectual disabilities a chance to show their skills to the world. ‎ 特奥会给有智力缺陷的孩子和成人一个向全世界展示能力的机会。‎ 句中的with intellectual disabilities 为后置 定语,修饰children and adults。介词短语作定语一般要后置。‎ The key to my bicycle is missing. 我的自行车钥匙丢了。‎ ‎5.They include many events similar to those in the Olympics, such as basketball, football and swimming.‎ 特奥会包括很多与奥运会类似的项目,如篮球、足球和游泳。‎ 短语similar to those in the Olympics为后置形容词短语, 用于修饰events。similar 意思是“相似的,类似的”。be similar to 意为“与……相似 / 相仿”。‎ ‎ His teaching style is similar to that of most teachers. 他的教学风格和多数教师相似。‎ be similar in 表示“在某方面相似 / 相仿”。‎ The two houses are similar in shape. 这两个房子在形状上相似。‎ ‎【运用】根据句意,用恰当的介词填空。‎ ‎1) Your views on education are similar ______ Mr Wang’s.‎ ‎2) The two cars are similar only _____ color.‎ ‎6. Over 40,000 people gave up their spare time for the 2007 Special Olympics World Games.‎ give up 意为“放弃”,其后可接动词-ing形 式。‎ ‎ Nick’s father had to give up (smoke) because of his illness.‎ give up后还可跟名词(短语)。‎ ‎ Ed’s mother gave up her job (look)after him.‎ 注意:代词作give up的宾语时要放在give和up之间。‎ Smoking is bad for your health. You’d better ____________(放弃它).‎ ‎7.Then they provided support for the athletes and helped make the event a great success.‎ 然后志愿者们为运动员提供支持,使本届特奥会取得很大的成功。‎ ‎(1)句中的support可以用作名词或动词,意思是“支持”。‎ Thank you for (supper)me. ‎ ‎(2)动词help后接另一动词,中间可以省略to。‎ ‎ They helped (stop)the fire.‎ ‎8. He was born with intellectual disabilities. 他生下来就有智力问题。‎ 短语be born with 意思是“生来具有……”。‎ He was (bear)with a weak heart. 他生来心脏虚弱。‎ ‎9. To Li Hai, the most important thing is not to win a gold or a silver, but to take part.‎ 对李海来说,最重要的东西不是赢得一块金牌或银牌,而是参与。‎ not … but … 不是……而是……‎ PE is not my favourite, but Music. 我最喜欢的不是体育而是音乐。‎ ‎10. Li Hai tried his best and finished fourth. 李海尽了最大努力并取得第四名。‎ ‎ 当序数词表示名次时,其前面的定冠词通常可以省略。‎ Who won (one) prize? ‎ ‎11. Athletes and volunteers from different backgrounds feel like part of one big family.‎ ‎ 来自不同背景的运动员和志愿者感觉自己像一个大家庭的成员。‎ ‎ feel like 感觉像 feel like doing sth. 想做某事 ‎ It’s very hot today. I feel like (eat) ice cream. ‎ ‎12. “It’s great for us to work closely with these special athletes. You get to help them achieve their dreams,” says Liu Ming.‎ ‎“能和这些特殊运动员们近距离共事真的很棒。你有机会帮助他们实现梦想。” 刘明说。‎ 句中的achieve意思是“达到,取得”,指经过努力取得胜利、成功,实现目的、目标等。‎ achieve their dreams = make their dreams come true=realize their dreams ‎ He finally (achieve) success. ‎ get to do sth. 有机会做某事,得到(做…的)机会 I got (work) with some excellent engineers. ‎ ‎13. Do you have any trouble talking to people with intellectual disabilities? 与智障的人交谈你遇到麻烦吗?‎ ‎ have problems/difficulty/trouble with sth.‎ ‎ have problems/difficulty/trouble (in) doing sth.‎ ‎ Now some teenagers have difficulty ______(express) themselves.‎ ‎ She has many maths problems _____(solve) and she has many problems _____ (work out) the maths problems.‎ ‎ Do you have trouble in (learn) English? ‎ ‎14. 如果我们都能伸出援助之手,他不久就可能恢复健康。‎ If all of us can give a helping hand, he may get well again soon.‎ ‎ give a helping hand 伸出援助之手 give sb a hand 给予(某人)帮助 ‎ Please give people a (help) hand when they need help.‎ 三、语法复习:‎ ‎(1)It is + adjective + to-infinitive ‎ ‎ 在该句式中,it是形式主语,真正的主语是不定式短语。这种句式也可用动词不定式或动名词放在句首直接做主语。如:‎ It is wrong to look down on the disabled people .‎ ‎=To look /Looking down on the disabled people is wrong .‎ It is necessary to train for the coming exam .‎ ‎=To train /Training for the coming exam is necessary .‎ ‎(2) It is + adjective + for…+to-infinitive 在该句型中,it是形式主语,for引出不定式的逻辑主语sb. ;表语形容词只是说明不定式的特征而不表示人的性质或特征;for sb. to do sth.通常被称为动词不定式的复合结构。常用于这种结构的形容词有 easy, difficult, important, hard, necessary, possible, interesting, meaningful 等。如:‎ It is difficult for us to finish the work today .‎ It is meaningful for people to donate to the charities .‎ ‎(3) It is + adjective + of…+to-infinitive 在该句型中,it是形式主语,of引出不定式的逻辑主语 sb. ;表语形容词是表示不定式的主语特征。常用于这种结构的形容词有kind, polite, clever, foolish, silly, good, nice, generous, careful, careless, selfish 等。如:‎ It is very nice of you to say so .‎ It is generous of him to share his computer with you .‎ 注意:在上述句式中,第一和第三可以互换,意思不变。如:It is good for students to do morning exercises every day .= It is good that the students do morning exercise every day .‎ It is dangerous for a child to swim alone in the river .= It is dangerous that a child swims alone in the river .‎ ‎( )1. We all think was nice you to give your seat to a young lady with a baby in her arms yesterday.‎ ‎ A. that , for B. it, for C. it, of D. that, of ‎( )2. It’s silly you not to forgive your sister her mistake.‎ ‎ A. for, of B. of, for C. of, of D. for, for ‎( )3. It’s generous them to donate money to UNICEF. They think it important them to help poor children go to school.‎ ‎ A. to, for B. for, of C. of, to D. of, for ‎ ( )4. It’s very kind _____ you ______ help the old man cross the road.‎ A. for; to B. of; of C. for; to D. of; to ‎( )5. Sometimes it's necessary _______things from mistakes.‎ A. of us to learn B. for us to learn C. of us learning D. for us learning ‎6. It’s a ___________(please) to work with you.‎ ‎7. It’s fantastic (make) cards for their teachers. ‎ ‎8. I think it’s impossible for him (finish)it in ten minutes.‎ 四、语篇复习:‎ A. Read ‘The Special Olympics World Games’ on pages 80---81 and fill in the form.‎ ‎ Read carefully and fill in details About Special They give children and adults with intellectual disabilities a ______‎ Olympics World Games ‎ to show their skills to the world .‎ The events are ________ to those in the Olympics.‎ They also bring people _________ .‎ About ‎ volunteers Over 40,000 volunteers gave up their spare time to provide support for the ________ and help make the ______ a great success .[来源:学|科|网]‎ They receive _________ before doing the tasks .‎ About Liu Ming He worked as a swimming _______ for a boy called Li Hai.‎ He felt it was great to work ________ with these special athletes ‎ and get to help them _________ their dreams .‎ So it was the most __________ experience of his life .‎ About Li Hai He was ______ with intellectual disabilities .‎ He finished ________ in the Games.‎ He thinks the most important thing is not to win a _____ or a silver ,‎ but to take part and he feels more __________ after the Games .‎ B. Read ‘Giving a helping hand’ on page 90 and finish the following piece of writing.‎ 假如你是Peter,今天在网上看到一则关于贵州一对孤儿兄妹生活现状的新闻,很是同情。‎ 请根据下表提示,用英文写一封倡议书,呼吁更多的人来关心和帮助这对兄妹 姓名 肖凯(12岁)‎ 肖雯(10岁)‎ 学校 贵州省铜仁市光明小学 家庭背景[来源:学科网]‎ ‎1. 父亲患严重的血液病,医生说手术也许能够挽救他,‎ 但是手术要花费三十多万元, 母亲离家两年未归,‎ 他们没有足够的钱。然而,对父亲而言,手术很重要;‎ ‎2. 和70岁的奶奶一起生活,生活极度困难;‎ ‎3. 最近奶奶生病,两个孩子面临失学的危险。‎ 帮助措施 捐出零花钱;‎ ‎……(自拟内容)‎ Dear all,‎ ‎_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ‎ ‎ Peter Dear all,‎ Two students in Guizhou need our help.‎ Xiao Kai and Xiao Wen are brother and sister. Xiao Kai is 12 years old and Xiao Wen is 10 years old. Both of them study in Guangming Primary School, Tongren, Guizhou Province.‎ Their father has a serious blood disease. The doctor says an operation may save him. But it will cost over 300,000 yuan. Their mother has been away from home since two years ago. They do not have enough money. However, it is important for their father to have the operation as soon as possible .They live with their 70-year-old grandmother. They have no food to eat or clothes to wear. Sadly, their grandmother fell ill not long ago. The two children have no chance to go to school.[来源:学,科,网]‎ I’m writing to ask you for help. Please donate your pocket money or you can send them books and clothes. If all of us can give a helping hand, they will live a better life.‎ Thanks a lot for your help.‎ ‎ Peter 五、熟记书中重点短语与句子:‎ ‎ P78—79‎ 1. ‎ 训练成为一名志愿者train to be a volunteer 2. 志愿帮助穷人volunteer to help the poor 3. 支持我support me 4. 需要帮助的人们people who need help 5. 一名残疾人a disabled person 6. 一名盲人a blind person 7. 一名老人an elderly person 8. 聋哑人deaf people 9. 无家可归的人a homeless person 10. 给他们食物和衣服give them food and clothes 11. 给当地政府写信write to the local government 12. 提供特别居所给无家可归的人。(2种)‎ provide special places for homeless people = provide homeless people with special places P80—83‎ 13. ‎ 一份志愿者经历的报告 a report on the experience of a volunteer 14. 期待他做一名工程师expect him to be an engineer 15. 为奥运会志愿服务volunteer for the Olympics 16. 他生命中最令人惊喜的经历 the most amazing experience of his life 17. 有智障的成人adults with intellectual disabilities 18. 与---相似be similar to 19. 放弃他们的业余时间give up their spare time 1. 接受训练receive training 2. 做这些工作do the tasks 3. 一名运动员an athlete 4. 一名游泳教练a swimming coach[来源:Z。xx。k.Com]‎ 5. 感到更加自信feel more confident 6. 把人们团结在一起bring people together 7. 他对这项赛事的感受his feelings about the event 8. 获得一等奖/第一名win (the) first prize 9. 获得第四名finish (the) fourth 10. 使他们梦想成真make their dreams come true 帮助他们实现梦想help them realize their dreams P84—88‎ 11. ‎ 给老人让座give seats to the elderly 12. 帮助盲人过马路 help blind people (to) cross the road 13. 捐钱给慈善机构donate money to charities 14. 种植更多的树plant more trees 15. 许多组织机构many organizations 16. 在山区工作work in a mountain area 17. 一名大学生a college student 18. 一位小学老师a primary school teacher 19. 中国西北North-west China 20. 一个志愿者项目a volunteer project 21. 一项训练计划a training plan 22. 通过写邮件相互联系 keep in touch with each by writing emails 23. 教他们中文teach them Chinese 24. 在我们的日常生活中in our daily lives 25. 节省零花钱save one’s pocket money 26. 在社区中心做志愿者工作 27. work as volunteers at community centre P89—91 由---组成be made up of 28. 用不同的方式in different ways 29. 我家乡的变化changes in my hometown 30. 青少年们的课外活动 teenagers’ after-school activities 31. 向人们求助ask for people’s help = ask people for their help 32. 在二中at No. 2 Middle School 33. 患了严重的血液病have a serious blood disease 34. 贫困地区的人们people in poor areas 35. 失去双亲的儿童children without parents 36. 地震幸存者们earthquake survivors 二、重点句子及讲解 1. 为奥运会做些事情很有意义。It’s meaningful to do something for the Olympics.‎ 2. 我想要你帮我。I want you to help me.‎ 3. 我需要更多的一些食物在工作时吃。I need some more food to eat at work.‎ 1. 我们应该尽力去帮助他们。We should try our best to help them.‎ 2. 无家可归的人没有他们自己居住的地方。Homeless people don’t have their own places to live.‎ 3. 有些其它的办法帮助他们吗?Are there any other ways to help them?‎ 4. 第12届特奥会于2007年在上海成功举办。The 12th Special Olympic World Games were successfully held in Shanghai in 2007. = The 12th Special Olympic World Games took place successfully in Shanghai in 2007.‎ 5. 作为志愿者工作真的很精彩。It’s fantastic to work as a volunteer.‎ 6. 特奥会给有智力缺陷的孩子及成人向世界展示能力的机会。The Special Olympic World Games give children and adults with intellectual disabilities a chance to show their skills to the world.‎ 7. 他们包括很多与奥运会类似的项目,如篮球、足球和游泳。‎ They include many events similar to those in the Olympics, such as basketball, football and swimming.‎ 8. 在这些志愿者行使职责之前,接受训练是必须的。‎ It was necessary for the volunteers to receive training before doing the tasks.‎ 9. 他们为运动员们提供支持,协助使本届赛事获得巨大成功。‎ They provided support for the athletes and helped (to) make the event a great success.‎ 10. 他生下来就有智力缺陷。He was born with intellectual disabilities.‎ 11. 参加这项比赛,他真的十分勇敢。It was very brave of him to join /take part in the competition.‎ 12. 对李海来说,最重要的事不是赢得金牌或银牌,而是参与。‎ To Li Hai, the most important thing is not to win a gold or a silver, but to take part.‎ 13. 李海尽了最大努力并获得第四名。Li Hai tried his best and finished fourth.‎ 14. 来自不同背景的运动员和志愿者感觉像大家庭的一部分。[来源:Z。xx。k.Com]‎ Athletes and volunteers from different backgrounds feel like part of one big family.‎ 15. 对于我们来说能和这些特殊运动员们密切合作真的很棒。你有机会帮助他们实现梦想。‎ It’s great for us to work closely with these special athletes. You get to help them achieve their dreams.‎ 16. 你听说过比尔盖茨吗?Have you heard of Bill Gates?‎ 17. 你一定能获得游泳比赛的胜利。You’re sure to win the swimming competition.‎ 18. 特奥会包括哪些项目?What events are included in the Special Olympics World Games?‎ 19. 成为这么一项赛事的志愿者通常是令人惊喜的经历。‎ Being a volunteer for such an event is often an amazing experience.‎ 20. 照料失踪的宠物是正确的行为。It’s proper to take care of a lost pet.‎ 21. 对于人们来说,学习良好的礼仪很重要。(2种)‎ It’s important for people to learn good manners. = It’s important that people learn good manners.‎ 22. 对于他们来说没有志愿者的帮助,做一对一的工作几乎不可能。‎ It’s impossible for them to do their work one-to-one without the help of volunteers.‎ 23. 与智障的人交谈你遇到麻烦吗?Do you have any trouble talking to people with intellectual disabilities?‎ 24. 我们需要更加耐心。然而,人们与他们交朋友很容易。‎ We need to be more patient. However, it’s very easy for people to make friends with them.‎ 1. 到处乱扔垃圾,这些人的行为是错误的。It’s wrong of the people to drop litter everywhere.‎ 2. 这名年轻人很善良,他献血给需要的人。It’s kind of the young man to donate blood to people in need.‎ 3. 用这种方式,他们能帮助当地人改善他们的生活。‎ In this way, they can help the local people improve their lives.‎ 4. 天空不如以前那么蓝。The sky is not as blue as before.‎ 5. 我们需要采取行动保护环境。We need to take action to protect the environment.‎ 6. 他从上个月一直生病住院。He has been ill in hospital since last month.‎ 7. 手术可能会挽救他,但要花费30多万元。An operation may save him, but it will cost over 300,000 yuan.‎ 8. 然而对他来说尽快做这个手术很重要,否则,他可能会失去生命。‎ However, it’s important for him to have the operation as soon as possible. Otherwise, he may lose his life.‎ 9. 如果我们都能伸出援助之手,他不久就可能恢复健康。‎ If all of us can give a helping hand, he may get well again soon.‎ 10. 多谢你们的帮助!Thanks a lot for your help!‎ 11. 我们必须采取措施来帮助。We must do something to help.‎

