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初三英语专项训练之单项选择 单项选择题是同学们平时练习的常见题型,也是中考考查基础知识的重要题型,其内容涉及词汇、句型、习惯用语、语法、交际功能、文化常识等。‎ 近几年来单选题减少了对语法结构的考查,增加了对语境的考查,采取语义、语法相结合的方式,题目覆盖面广,灵活多样,交际性强,体现了新课标中提倡交流、强调运用、鼓励创新的理念。‎ 单选题的命题趋向:所选材料突出新颖性、与时俱进的特点(如:国内、国际大事);命题内容会近一步体现各学科之间的相互渗透与融合;命题形式会更加丰富多彩(如:表格、图表、实物图片、交通标志等);命题的切入点会进一步突出语言的实际运用(如:社会实践调查、现在信息工具的使用、生活常识等)。只要基本功扎实,具备解题技巧,不是很难的题型。‎ 一、 开放性试题:‎ ‎1.英语与日常知识类:考查学生对英美语言的差异、英美文化背景知识和日常生活常识的掌握和运用情况。‎ 例1 —Jane, your dress is beautiful. — A.No, it isn’t. B.Really? C.Thank you.‎ 例2—Shopping with me? —Sorry. I have a lot of clothes . ‎ A.to wash B.washed C.wash D.to be washed 例3 —Do you mind me smoking here? —_____. Look at the sign. It says, "No smoking."‎ A. It doesn't matter B. No, I don' t C. You' d better not D. Never mind 例 4 —Hello! Gould I borrow your CD Player tomorrow, please?—Sorry! Gould you speak more loudly, please? ________.‎ ‎  A.I'm afraid not B.Hold on for a moment, please C.It's a bad line   D.The line is busy 例5 My good friend has been to New Zealand.How miss him! You can use QQ or UC to talk with him and see him on the screen.Really? !P1ease show me how I can do it ‎2.英语与相关学科交叉类:考查学生对英语知识和其它学科的综合运用能力。‎ 例 1 Shenyang lies the north of Dalian. A. in B. to C. on D. over ‎ 例2 —Could you tell me if there is a flight to Dalian in the morning on July 3rd? —Just a minute, please. I have to ______. ‎ ‎  A.look at the map B.check my computer C.watch TV D.look it up in a dictionary ‎3.英语与图表类:考查考生最基本的识图和辨别常见标志的能力。‎ 例 1 Can you tell me which sign of the following means “NO PARKING”?‎ ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎ 例 2.Which of the signs shows the way out in a museum? .‎ C SILENCE DANGER A ENTRANCE D EXIT B 二、 共识的典型题:‎ 1、 考查学生掌握冠词情况:‎ 例1 This is song I’ve told you about. Isn’t it beautiful one? A.the /the B.a/a C.the /a D.a /the 例2 The cartoon "Mulan" is__ interesting film and_ story happened in China. A. a, the B. an, the C. the, a D. an, a ‎ 2、 考查学生掌握名词和数词情况:‎ 例1—Are there any on the farm ? —Yes , there are some .A.horse B.duck C.chicken D.sheep 例2There are few __ in the fridge. Let's go and buy some potatoes, carrots and peppers. ‎ A. eggs  B. meat   C. vegetables D. fruit ‎ 例3In our city people have moved into their new houses. A.thousand B.thousands C.thousands of ‎3、考查学生掌握代词情况:‎ 例1—Do you know the woman in the red dress ? —Certainly . She’s Mrs Xu. She teaches chemistry .‎ ‎ A.our B.us C.we D.ours ‎ 例2—A latest English newspaper ,please! —Only one copy left .Would you like to have ,sir?‎ ‎ A.it B.one C.this D.that 例3______ of the Class 1 students is in the classroom. They are having a PE lesson on the playground. ‎ A.Both   B.Neither  C.All   D.None 例4—Bill, is this your book? —Yes, it’s . A.yours B.his C.mine ‎4、考查学生掌握连词情况:‎ 例1Don't stand there,Tom, you'11 bang your head.Ouch! My head! woo....‎ ‎ A.or B.and C.but D.so 例2—I like riding fast . It’s very exciting.—Oh ! You mustn’t do it like that , it may have an accident .‎ ‎ A.and B.or C.so D.but ‎ 例3Edison never gave up, he failed many times. A.and B.though C.or ‎5、考查学生掌握介词情况:‎ 例1Did you do anything your mother on Mother's Day? Yes.I gave her a nice card and cooked her a big meal with my father. A.to B.for C.With D.at 例2The twins were born a Friday evening . A.in B.at C.on D.of 例3 —What do you call this in English? —It's a stamp. It is used _____ sending letters. A.for B.to C.with D.by ‎ 例4We are now short _____ fresh water. Something must be done to stop people ______polluting it. ‎ A. for, to B. for, from C. of, to D. of, from ‎ 例5My father will be back from Beijing a week. A.for B.in C.after 例6Thanks our English teacher, we have learned many English songs. A.to B.for C.不填 ‎6、考查学生掌握动词情况:‎ 例1Do you still have a toothache,Ji1l? No, it’s . I’m all right now, mum.‎ ‎ A.dropped B.po11uted C.gone D.protected 例2The children without parents good care of by their teachers in this special school .‎ ‎ A.takes B.take C.is taken D.are taken ‎ 例3I this silk dress ,and it so soft and comfortable. ‎ ‎ A.is feeling B.feels C.has felt D.is felt ‎7、考查学生掌握短语情况:‎ 例It seems that my parents some times don’t understand me.Talk with them more often and you’11 them.‎ ‎ A.get on well with B.agree with C.come up with D.be angry with ‎8、考查学生掌握形容词和副词情况:‎ 例1—Mr Zhou , of all the students in our group , who lives ? —I think Li Lei does . ‎ A.far B.farther C.farthest D.the farther 例2—Is chemistry more difficult than physics? —No, chemistry isn't as______ as physics.‎ A. easy B. difficult C. easier D. more difficult ‎ ‎9、考查学生掌握主从句情况:‎ 例1Frank to see his grandma if he free tomorrow . ‎ ‎ A.will come , will be B.comes , is C.will come , is D.comes , will be ‎ 例2—Are you sure you have to ?It’s been very late. —I don’t know I can do it if not now.‎ ‎ A.where B.why C.when D.how 例3—Why doesn't Jack have his computer repaired? —I know ______. Perhaps he wants to buy a new one.‎ A.why does he B.why he does C.why doesn't he  D.why he doesn't 中考英语单项选择解题技巧 ‎ 中考“易筋经”之拿分技巧 ‎ 单项选择包含了比较多的基础知识点,其中主要考察的是词汇和语法,但是随着每年中考一步步的改进,更注重学生的实际运用能力了。纯粹考语法的题目在逐渐减少,取而代之的是在着重考查单词、词组在特殊语境中的含义。因为考生易被干扰项迷惑,从而失分。所以要注意不要形成思维定势。 ‎ 在记单词、词组的固定搭配时,更应该注重自己归纳总结。比如那些动词后跟动词不定式,哪些动词后接动名词,那些动词既可以跟不定式又可以跟动名词。除此之外在做单选时一定要注意养成良好的习惯,审清题目,这样在做题时既能节省时间,又能提高正确率。 ‎ 当然由于单选的命题有重点突出,覆盖面广;答案唯一,选对不易;重视语境,强调情景;迷惑性大,综合性强等特点,所以在做单选时还应牢记下面的“六脉神剑”。 ‎ 中考“六脉神剑”之注意事项 ‎ 第一招:注意题干中暗示信息 ‎ 现在的考试中不再像以前那样,直接告诉题意,而是把题置于一个特定的环境。题干上常暗含题意,这种暗示信息,就是答题的关键。例如: ‎ ‎——Would you like some ________ ? ——No, thank you. I‘m not hungry at all. ‎ A. tea B. water C. bread D. coffee ‎ 第二招:注意积累知识,牢记固定搭配 ‎ His parents often encourage him _________ hard. A. work B. working C. to work D. works ‎ 第三招:注意审题,排除干扰选项 ‎ After discussing, the students _________ some good ideas to work on the project. ‎ A. put up B. set up C. caught up with D. came up with ‎ 第四招:注意观察日常生活,积累素材 ‎ ‎“The World Without Thieves ”is a very moving film. I _______ it twice already. A. will see B. see C. saw D. have seen ‎ 第五招:注意英语日常习惯表达 ‎ ‎——_______________ ? ——He is tall. ‎ A. How is he B. What does he like C. What is he D. What does he look like ‎ 第六招:注意一些特殊的语法现象 ‎ There ________ a football match on TV this evening. A. will have B. is going to be C. has D. is going to have ‎ 名词 ‎1. A child asks all kinds of while he is growing up.‎ ‎ A. trouble B. matters C. problem D. questions ‎2. Kuomintang Chairman (国民党主席) Lian Chan' s visit to the Chinese mainland built a “_______” across the Taiwan Straits ( 海峡). A. school B. factory C. bridge D. city ‎3. -Mum, I've got an "A" in the English exam today!-Great! And you are sure to win a second time because this is a good ______. A. report B. result C. start D. skill ‎4. _______work is very important in a discussion. A. Team B. House C. Farm D. School ‎5. It has been dry for a long time there, so people save every of water. A. drop B. glass C. cup ‎6.- Please give me a ______when you arrive.-OK. I’ll tell you everything as soon as I get there.‎ ‎ A. ring B. present C. hand D. ride ‎7. They won' t have any lessons this Wednesday afternoon.A. sports B. subject C. exercise D. classes ‎8.-I want to have a ________with you about the problem.-Sure. A. fun B. word C. play D. rest ‎9. I' m thirsty. 1 think I' ll buy some ________.A. water B. bread C. cakes D. eggs ‎10. -Can I help you?-I’d like_______ for my twin daughters.‎ A. two pair of shoes B. two pairs of shoe C. two pair of shoe D. two pairs of shoes ‎11. Today is September l0th. It's _______Day. Let's go and buy some flowers for our teachers.‎ A. Teachers B. Teachers' C. the Teachers' D. Teacher' s 动词 ‎1. ―______I have to show the school report to my parents, Miss King? ―Yes, you do. A. Must B. Do C. Can D. May ‎2. When autumn comes, some tree leaves _________red. A. sound B. turn C. smell D. taste ‎3. -Look! Mr. Hu is on the other side of the street.-It ________ be him. He has gone to London.‎ ‎ A. mustn't B. can't C. shouldn't D. won't ‎4.-I like the party so much, but I __ go home. It' s too late.-What a pity!A. mustn’t B. have to C. may D. can't ‎5. -Must we clean the classroom now?-No, you________. A. must B. needn’t C. aren’t ‎6. -You look tired. You had better______ right now.-Thank you. But I have much work to do.‎ ‎ A. not to have a good sleep B. to have a good sleep C. not have a good sleep D. have a good sleep ‎7. Our maths teacher always tells us ______ make the same mistakes again. A. don't B. not C. to not D. not to ‎8. We have worked for three hours. Now let' s stop _____ a rest. A. had B. have C. to have D. having ‎9. Jim spent three years ________Chinese before he came to China.A. learned B. to learn C. learning ‎10. -There a concert this evening.-Yeah. Exciting news!‎ ‎ A. are going to be B. is going to be C. is going to have D. will have ‎11. -How long________ here?-Only ten minutes. Tim_________ here with me.‎ ‎ A. are you; has walked B. are you; walked C. have you been; walked D. have you been; has walked ‎12.-Did you see Mr. Smith when you were in France? -No, when I France, he had gone to China.‎ ‎ A. had arrived to B. arrived to C. had got to D. got to ‎13. Bad luck! We_____ Moung Emei when it rained heavily. A. climbed B. were climbing C. are climbing D. have climbed ‎14. China has_______ the WTO for some years. A. taken part in B. joined C. been a member of D. entered 形容词和副词 ‎1. Remember not to speak _______when we are in the reading room.A. fast B. slowly C. politely D. loudly ‎2. Jack’s handwriting was so terrible that his teacher could read it. A. nearly B. almost C. hardly ‎3. Although the TV program was _______, he watched it for a long time, because he had nothing to do.‎ ‎ A. wonderful B. boring C. exciting ‎4. The price of the boots ________ than before. A. is more lower B. are more cheaper C. is much lower D. are much cheaper ‎5. -Lucy isn't so young as she_______, is she? -Yes, she is her friends.‎ ‎ A. expects; as young as B. thinks; no younger than C. appears; younger than D. looks; the oldest of ‎6._______people we help, ________ we feel.‎ ‎ A. Many; the more happily B. The more; the happier C. All; the happiest D. Most; the most happy ‎7. -Do you like the Moonlight Sonata?-Sure, it sounds really_______. A. clear B. clearly C. beautiful D. beautifully ‎8. -What do you think of Harbin and Qingdao in winter?-I think Harbin is_______ than Qingdao.‎ ‎ A. interesting B. the most interesting C. much interesting D. much more interesting ‎9. Guo Yue did quite ________ at the World Table Tennis Championship (锦标赛), but Zhang Yining did even_______.‎ ‎ A. better; well B. well; wellC. well; better D. better; better ‎10. How much is the ______ car? A. small Japanese B. Japanese small C. Japanese white 冠词 ‎1. --- Put _______ waste bag in the dustbin.---It' s not _______ waste bag. It' s my shopping bag.‎ ‎ A. a; the B. the; a C. /; a D. /; the ‎2. In the past few years, many tall buildings have been built in our city. The tallest is an ______ that stands in the center.‎ ‎ A. 80-floor building B. 60-floor building C. 80-floor buildings D. 70-floors building ‎3. --- Have you seen _______ film Kungfu (功夫)? --- Yeah. It's _______very exciting one, I think.‎ ‎ A. a; an B. the; an C. the; a D. a; the ‎4. --- What does your father do? ---He is________ art teacher.A. a B. an C. the D./‎ ‎5. --- What would you like for _______breakfast, Ms Scott?--- Three pieces of bread with _______ cup of black tea, please.‎ ‎ A . a; a B./; the C. a; the D./; a ‎6. There is________ 8-meter-tall tree in front of________ classroom. A. a; the B. an; the C. a; a D. an; a 代词 ‎1. -_______ will make your grandma happy if you buy a walking stick for her birthday, I guess.‎ ‎ -It sounds a good idea! She has some problems walking now . A. That B. It C. This D. What ‎2. -Do you believe _______ you read in newspapers? -No, I only believe some of them.‎ ‎ A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything ‎3. Jack caught a big fish this afternoon. Now he is cooking ______ for dinner. A. it B. one C. this D. that ‎4. -Do you like Lucy' s new skirt? -Yes, very much. I’ll ask Mum to buy______ for me.‎ ‎ A. it B. one C. this D. that ‎5. -Oh, these presents are so nice.-The CD is from Betty and the books are from ______.‎ ‎ A. I and Helen B. Helen and me C. Helen's and mine D. Helen and I ‎6. -Tom, Mary can' t sharpen the pencil. Can you give_______ a hand? -Certainly. A. she B. her C. hers D. herself ‎7. -Our teacher wouldn’t give us the answers to the questions directly.-Why not work them out all by _______?‎ ‎ A. themselves B. himself C. ourselves D. myself ‎8. Take care! You may hurt ______ if you play with the knife. A. oneself B. yourself C. himself D. itself ‎9. The teacher has _______ to tell you. A. important thing B. important something C. something important ‎10.______ went surfing at the beach because of the terrible weather. A. Someone B. Everyone C. Nothing D. No one ‎11.-Guess ______ I did yesterday!-I think you went to a party! A. where B. when C. which D. what ‎12.-Is David ______ classmate or______?-He is my classmate. A. our; their B. your; theirs C. her; they D. his; them ‎13. -Whose English - Chinese dictionary is this?-It' s . My parents bought it for my sister and me.‎ ‎ A. hers B. ours C. mine D. theirs ‎14. Betty and her sister went to the museum with a relative of______. A. her B. hers C. their D. theirs ‎15. -Which is more useful, biology or chemistry?-I think of them are usefulA. either B. none C. both D. all ‎ ‎16. I bought a pink dress and a red one for my sister, but she liked _______ of them. A. neither B. all C. none D. both ‎17. Yesterday afternoon, when we got to the town, _______ of the shops there was open, so we couldn’t buy anything.‎ ‎ A. all B, any C. some D. none 介词 ‎1. The boy sitting ____ Tina was so tall that she couldn’t see the film clearly. A. behind B. in front of C. beside D. next to ‎2.-What' s the matter Mr. Liu? He is wet through.-His car ran the river.‎ ‎ A. with; into B. for; in C. with; to D. to; at ‎3. It' s bad for your health to go to school________ breakfast.A. at B. for C. with D. without ‎4. The accident happened _______ a cold winter morning.A. in B. on C. at D. of ‎5. Soccer is different _________ American football. It' s played all over the world.A. from B. for C. in D. on ‎6. Ren Changxia, a policewoman, was always very busy. She had little time to spend _____ her family.‎ ‎ A. about B. on C. with D. in ‎7. An underground railway is being built _______Guangzhou and Foshan.A. along B. from C. between ‎8. -We' re planning to go______ a picnic tomorrow. Will you go with us, Joe?-I' d love to, _______ I have to finish my report first. A. for; but B. on; but C. for; and D. to; and ‎9.-It' s raining hard. Please wait ______ the house.-Thank you. A. outside B. around C. behind D. inside ‎10. The sign "@" in tzjoy@hotmail. com means________. A. a B. to C. at D. on ‎11. -When did you come back from Beijing?-_______the morning of April 18th.A. At B. Within C. On D. In ‎12. The actor is busy ________ his new film. A. of B. for C. with ‎13. Thank you for ______ my grandpa when I was away. A. looking after B. look over C. looking at D. look for ‎14. It' s not always necessary to look up the words _______ the dictionary. Sometimes we need to guess.‎ ‎ A. on B. in C. at D. for ‎15. James is looking _______ his cat everywhere. Have you seen it? A. like B. at C. for D. after 连词 ‎1. Which one is yours, A ______ B? A. but B. and C. or ‎2. --- You watched the fashion show last night, didn' t you? --- Yes,_____, I missed the beginning. A. so B. and C. but D. then ‎3. Remember to return the book to the school library in time, ________ you will be fined. A. or B. and C. but D. then ‎4. --- Would you like to go to the park with me, Susan?--I'd like to, _______ you don't want to go alone.‎ ‎ A. until B. before C. if D. after ‎5. --Why hasn’t Mr Li come to work today?--____he has gone to Beijing to have a meeting.A. If B.Until C. Though D. Because ‎6. --- Is your uncle still smoking?---Yes. It' s nearly five years _______ he smoked. A. when B. after C. since D. until ‎7. You can use my dictionary ______I am not using it.A. when B. so C. before ‎8. None of us knew that what had happened_______ we heard the news on the radio. A. after B. until C. when ‎9. We asked the policeman the way and he told us to walk straight on ______ we reached the restaurant.‎ ‎ A. whenever B. however C. until D. while ‎10. I was drawing a horse _______ the teacher came in. A. while B. as C. when D. the moment 宾语从句、状语从句,定语从句 ‎1.Could you tell me _________ the bike without any help this morning? ‎ A. how does he mend B. how he mends C. how he mended D. how did he mend ‎ ‎2.Jim doesn't understand _________ . A. which is the way to the museum B. why his wife always goes shopping ‎ C. what is the way to the museum D. why does she always go shopping ‎ ‎3.—Could you tell me _________? —I'm not sure. A. how many people have been out of hospital B. when is Thanksgiving C. which animal does he like best D. what time will the dolphin show start ‎ ‎4. I never seem to lose any weight ________hard I try. A. even though B. no matter how C. as if D. ever since ‎5. We’ll go to visit Tian’anmen Square _______ it doesn’t rain tomorrow. A. if B. as soon as C. when D. since ‎6. We won' t wait for you _________ you come here on time. A. if B. unless C. when D. till ‎7. Mr. Green, there is someone at the front desk _______ would like to speak with you. A. he B. who C. which D. whom ‎8. The town ________ we visited a few years ago is much larger than before.A. it B. who C. which ‎9. Toni is the first boy _______ left the room. A. who B. that C. whom D. whose

