中考复习专题 数词

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中考复习专题 数词

专题三 数词 数词表示数量或顺序次第。数词在句子中充当主语、宾语、定语、表语和同位语等:‎ The first is better than the others.(主语)‎ ‎──How many apples do you want?‎ ‎──Please give me one.(宾语)‎ More than three hundred pupils have visited the museum.(定语)‎ My grandma is already seventy.(表语)‎ They two have gone off.(同位语)‎ 一、数词的分类 表示数量的数词叫基数词,如:one, ten, twenty -one等。‎ 表示顺序的数词叫序数词,如:first, tenth, twenty -second等。序数词前要加定冠词the。‎ 二、数词的构成 ‎(一)基数词 one two twenty three thirteen thirty four fourteen forty five fifteen fifty six sixteen sixty seven seventeen seventy eight eighteen eighty nine nineteen ninety ten twenty hundred eleven twenty-one thousand twelve million 巧记100以内的基数词 基数词不难记, 找出规律就容易。‎ 十二以内词各异, 一个一个单独记。‎ 后加teen变十几, thirteen,fifteen看仔细。‎ 十八需要看准确, eighteen只有一个t.‎ 二十到九十加ty, twenty、eighty重点记。‎ forty去掉字母u, thirty、fifty更出奇。‎ 十位数后接个位数,表示数字几十几。‎ 排列顺序不费力, 连字符号“-”莫丢弃。‎ 写到几百几十几, and把百与十系。‎ 巧学妙记加努力, hundred是你的好成绩。‎ ‎1)1-12都是独立的单词,需单独记忆:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve ‎2)13-19在词尾加- teen,如:fourteen, sixteen,但注意:thirteen, fifteen, eighteen。‎ ‎3)20-90整十位数在词尾加- ty,但注意:twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, eighty;21-99十位数与个位数之间要加连字符“-”,如:forty –four, ninety -one。‎ ‎4)101-999在hundred后加and;1,000以上的数,要从个位开始,由右到左,每隔三位分段读:‎ ‎407four hundred and seven, ‎ ‎698 six hundred and ninety –eight ‎8,436 eight thousand four hundred and thirty –six ‎56,367,290 fifty –six million three hundred and sixty- seven thousand two hundred and ninety ‎ 读数诀窍 从右向左三逗开,‎ 一逗千,二逗百万,‎ 三逗就是十万万,‎ 三位分开用百读,‎ 保准又快又清楚。‎ 注: hundred, thousand, million, billion即使被多于“一”的数词修饰,也不用复数,但和of 连用时,则要用复数,表示概数,如: hundreds of 成百上千的 thousands of 成千上万的 tens of thousands of 数以万计的 巧记口诀 确切数目用单数;糊涂数字用复数,后面还还要用of.‎ 二、序数词 基数词 序数词 基数词 序数词 基数词 序数词 one first eleven eleventh two second twelve twelfth twenty twentieth three third thirteen thirteenth thirty thirtieth four fourth fourteen fourteenth forty fortieth five fifth fifteen fifteenth fifty fiftieth six sixth sixteen sixteenth sixty sixtieth seven seventh seventeen seventeenth seventy seventieth eight eighth eighteen eighteenth eighty eightieth nine ninth nineteen nineteenth ninety ninetieth ten tenth twenty twentieth 基数词变序数词口诀 基变序,有规律 一、二、三,特殊记,‎ 结尾各是t,d,d.‎ th,从四起,八加h,九减e;‎ ty改为tie;‎ ve要用f来代替,‎ five,twelve是两兄弟;‎ 若是遇到几十几,‎ 只变个位就可以。‎ 序数词的基本构成方法是在基数词后加- th,十位整数序数词的构成是将y变i,加-eth。如:six –sixth twenty -seven─twenty –seventh twenty –twentieth ninety -ninetieth但:one –first two –second three –third five –fifth twelve –twelfth 序数词的缩略式是阿拉伯数字加上该序数词的末两个字母,如:first -1st thirty –second ─32 nd four hundred and sixtieth -460th 数词的用法 ‎(一)表示编号 Lesson 11 (the eleventh lesson) Page 5 (the fifth page) Room 2(the second room)‎ ‎(二)表示时间 ‎1.世纪年代:‎ 在1949年in 1949(nineteen forty -nine或nineteen hundred and forty -nine)‎ 在1905年in 1905(nineteen and five或nineteen hundred and five)‎ 在19世纪 in the 19th century 在70年代in the seventies 在20世纪70年代in the 1970s(1970’s)(nineteen seventies)‎ ‎2.日期 在7月10日On July 10 (th)(读作July tenth或 July ten) 或on 10(th) July (读作the tenth of July) 1975年7月10日July 10 (th),1975 10(th)July,1975‎ ‎3.时刻:5:00 at five (o’clock) ‎ ‎5:10 at five ten 或at ten past five ‎5:30 at five thirty或at half past five 5:45 at five forty -five 或at a quarter to six ‎“时刻”的表达法口诀 ‎“时”在前,“分”在后,quarter,half不能有。‎ 如果出现past,to,我们可要看清楚;‎ 前是“分”,后是“点”,past,to,立中间;‎ past是“过”,to是“差”。‎ 如果表示“几点半”,要用half past加钟点。‎ 注:① 在“差几分”、“过几分”的分钟数如为5或10,一般省略minutes,否则要加上。②‎ 在年月前用in,在日期前用on,在时刻前用at。‎ ‎(三)表示岁数 She is ten (years old). She is a twenty –year –old girl. She is twenties.她二十多岁。 At (the age of) six, he went to school.‎ ‎(四)用在四则运算中 ‎3+2=5 Three plus two is five. 5-2=3 Five minus two is three. 5×3=15 Five times/multiplied by three is fifteen. 15÷5=3 Fifteen divided by five is three.‎ ‎(五)表示次数时,一般在数词后加time(s)‎ 三次 three times 五十次 fifty times 第三次 the third time 第二十二次 the twenty –second time 注:一次 once, 两次twice ‎(六)分数 ‎“分数”的表达法口诀 分子基数词,分母序数词,‎ 分子大于“1”,分母加“-s”.‎ 带分数莫着急,前加整数,and连接就可以。‎ 分母若是“2”和“4”,half,quarter可代替。‎ 分数由基数词和序数词组成。分子用基数词,分母用序数词。分子大于1时,作分母的序数词要用复数形式。如:1/3 one –third 或a third 2/3 two ‎ ‎–thirds 4/5 four –fifths 注:带整数的分数中,整数用基数词,并在整数和分数之间加and:‎ ‎1 one and a half 4 four and nine twentieths ‎(七)小数 ‎ 小数的表示法和汉语的小数表示法相同,其中“点”读point。‎ ‎2.33 two point three three ‎ ‎0.546 zero (0) point five four six ‎(八)倍数 除了“一倍”用once,“两倍”用twice或double之外,其余都为基数词+times。注意识记表示倍数的句型:‎ ‎1.…倍数+as+形容词原形+as… ……是……的几倍 This rope is three times as long as that one.‎ ‎2.…倍数+the单位名词(size, length, width…) +of… 或…倍数+what 从句……是……的几倍 This rope is three times the length of that one.‎ The output of the car this year is three times what it was last year.‎ ‎3.…倍数+形容词比较级+than +… ……比……多(少,大,小,长,宽……)几倍 This rope is three times longer than that one.‎ ‎(九)表示年代或岁数时,用逢十的基数词的复数形式:‎ in the 1930’s 在二十世纪三十年代 in his fifties 在他五十多岁时 ‎ 注:十多岁时用 in one’s teens,而不是in one’s tens。‎ 数词何时用复数?‎ ‎1、表示几十岁时。‎ ‎2、表示几十年代时。‎ ‎3、表示不确定数目时。‎ ‎4、在分数中,当分子(基数词)大于“1”时,分母 ‎(序数词)要用复数。‎ ‎5、当基数词用作可数名词或用于某些固定词组中时,也要用复数。‎ ‎1.He died in his thirties.‎ ‎2.Great changes took place in the 1970s.‎ ‎3.History has entered the eighties.‎ ‎4.Some hundreds of new buildings ‎5.Two thirds of the teachers in our school are women.‎ ‎6.How many sevens are there in forty-nine?‎ ‎7.They arrived by twos and threes.‎ ‎(十)数词前加every表示“每隔”:‎ 复基,单序,时多一,其余不变照翻译。‎ Every two days = every second day =every other day每两天 ,每隔一天 ‎(十一)hundred, thousand, million, billion, score, dozen等数词前即使有数词修饰,也不能变为复数,但如和of连用时则用复数,表示概数。‎ ‎(十二)识记表示不定量的常用词或短语 ‎1.修饰可数名词:many, many a + +单数可数名词,a good/ great many, a number of, several,(a) few等。‎ ‎2.修饰不可数名词:much, (a) little, a great deal of, a large amount of等。‎ ‎3.修饰可数名词和不可数名词:some, all, a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a large quantity of, large quantities of等。‎ ‎[例题精析]‎ 例1.More than ______ of the students in their class are girls.‎ ‎ A. two third B. two three ‎ C. second three D. two thirds 解析:本题考查的是分词的构成,即基数词+序数词,如果基数词是二或二以上的数字,则序数词用复数,所以只有答案D的形式正确。‎ 例2.The population of China is ______that of the USA.‎ A.five times larger than B.larger five times than C.five times large as D.as large five times as 解析:倍数表达的三种基本句型中,倍数应紧跟在be之后,①…倍数+as+ 形容词原形+ as …②…倍数+the单位名词 (size, length, width…)+of … ③ …倍数+形容词比较级+than +… 。答案: A。‎ 例3.In the past two years, at least _______ trees have been planted along the road.‎ A. two thousand B. two thousands of ‎ C. two thousands D. thousand of 解析:thousand 只有和 of连用时,要变成复数,表示“成千上万的”。答案: A。‎ ‎ 专题测试 ‎1.Mary began to learn Russian ______ .‎ A. in fifties B. in her fifties ‎ C. in the fifty D. in her fifty ‎2.About 80 percent of the population ________ farmer.‎ A. are B. is C. was D. have been ‎3.He goes to school on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. That is to say, he goes to school every ______ day.‎ A. two B. the second C. another D. other ‎4. I go to see my parents _______ days.‎ A. a few B. few C. every a few D. every few ‎5. Sharon has been to China _______ times.‎ A. scores of B. score of ‎ C. two scores D. two scores of ‎6. A computer can store _______ information in it.‎ A. a good many B. a great deal of ‎ C. a large number of D. a lot ‎ ‎7. The population here is _______ it was three years ago.‎ A.twice B.twice much C.twice more D.twice what ‎8.____ of them among the visitors to this town are college students.‎ A. Two – fives B. Two fifths ‎ C. Second –fifth D. Two five ‎9. Don’t you know the earth is ____ the moon?‎ A. as big as forty –nine ‎ B. forty –nine times bigger than C. as big as one –third ‎ D. one –third times than size of ‎10.Almost three ____ died in the earthquake.‎ A. hundreds people B. hundred peoples ‎ ‎ C. hundred people D. hundreds peoples ‎11.I have paid 50 yuan for ___eggs. It’s too expensive!‎ A. two dozens and four B. two dozen and four C. two dozen and four of D. two dozens and four ‎12.The passenger has been waiting here for __.‎ A. one and the half hour B. one hour and a half ‎ C. one and half hour D. one hour and a half hour ‎13. Boys and girls, today we will study _______ .‎ A. the sixth part B. sixth part ‎ C. Part Six D. A and C ‎14. I failed in the test but my teacher advised me to try ___ time.‎ A. two B. the second C. a second D. the two ‎15. It is believed that the building is _____.‎ A. three metres high B. three metre high ‎ C. three metre high D. three –metre –high ‎16.He moved to England in ___, when he was in ___ .‎ A. the late 1990s, his forties ‎ B. late 1990s, his forties C. the late 1990’s, the forties ‎ D. D. late 1990’s, the forties ‎17.It’my _____ birthday today. Will you please come to my party?‎ A. twelve B. twelfth C. twelve’s D.twelves ‎18.It’s reported that America uses ___ energy as the whole Europe.‎ A. as twice B. twice more ‎ C. twice much as D. twice as much ‎19.He stayed in _____ last night.‎ A. Room 312 B. The Room 312 ‎ C. the 312 Room D. 312 Room ‎20.─How many teachers are there in your school?‎ ‎ ─There are 120, and fifty –five ___ of them ___ women.‎ A. percent, is B. percents, are ‎ C. percents, is D. percent, are

