中考英语总复习代词 导学案

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中考英语总复习代词 导学案

初中英语代词的用法 一.人称代词 ‎  1. 形式   人称代词的五种基本形式:‎ 人称 单复数 主  格 宾  格 形容词性 物主代词 名词性 物主代词 反身代词 第一 人称 单  数 I me my mine myself 复  数 we us our ours ourselves 第二 人称 单  数 you you your yours yourself 复  数 you you your yours yourselves 第三 人称 单  数 he him his his himself she her her hers herself it it its its itself 复  数 they them their theirs themselves ‎2. 人称代词的基本用法:‎ 主格:用作句子的主语,放在动词前(疑问句式放在特殊动词后);‎ e.g          She lives in Toronto‎, ‎Canada.‎ 宾格:用作句子的宾语,放在动词或介词后;‎ e.g          Yesterday my mother bought me a new bike.‎ ‎              I usually go to movies with her on weekends.‎ 形容词性物主代词:用作句子的定语,之后必须带名词;‎ e.g          This is my book. That’s his book.‎ 名词性物主代词:相当于一个名词词组,之后不能带名词(其代换的名词需在前文中出现);‎ e.g          His book is much newer than mine(= my book).‎ 反身代词:一般放在动词后,要求同主语人称一致。‎ e.g          She teaches herself English.‎ ‎3. 名词性物主代词作主语时,主谓一致关系:名词性物主代词作主语时,其后的谓语动词形式应同它所代换的名词形式保持一致。‎ ‎       e.g          My shoes are cheap. But his _____ expensive.‎ ‎                     A. is              B. are             C. be              D. am ‎4. 反身代词的正确写法(单复数的判断)以及所属关系的表示:‎ ‎(1)使用反身代词时,应注意根据句中的某些词语推断其单复数形式,并注意其正确写法。‎ ‎       e.g          Please help _____ to some cakes, children.‎ ‎                     A. you           B. yourself     C. yourselves  D. your ‎(2)在说明“某人自己的”时,不能用反身代词加所有格符号表示,而应用“形容词性物主代词+own+名词”表示。‎ ‎       e.g          错:He drove himself’s car to go camping last Sunday.‎ ‎                     对:He drove his own car to go camping last Sunday.‎ ‎   5. 双重所有格的使用:在“数词+名词+of+人称代词”这样的词组中,人称代词应使用名词性物主代词,同of一起构成双重所有格形式。‎ ‎       e.g          错:Lucy is a good friend of me.‎ ‎                     对:Lucy is a good friend of mine.  ‎ ‎ 6. 几个人称代词连用时的位置关系:几个人称代词同时作某一成分时,应将第二人称放在最前面,而将第一人称放最后。‎ ‎              e.g          You , he and I are good friends.‎ ‎                            These books are for you and me.‎ ‎  二、复合不定代词 由some; any; no; every和body; thing; one构成的合成词考点要求 ‎1. 自身的意义以及对句式的要求:构成复合不定代词的两个部分分别表示不同的意义和对句式的要求以及考虑其表人还是表物。‎ ‎       body用来表人;thing用来表物;one既可表人也可表物。‎ ‎       some表示“某”,用于肯定陈述句或用情态动词引导的问句中;‎ ‎       any表示“某”,用于否定句或问句;‎ ‎       no表示“没有”,用于肯定句说明否定意义;‎ ‎       every表示“每一”,用于肯定句或问句。‎ ‎   2. 主谓一致性关系:复合不定代词任何时候都看为单数,作主语时,谓语动词使用第三人称单数形式。‎ ‎       e.g          错:Everybody in our class are interested in English.‎ ‎                     对:Everybody in our class is interested in English.‎ ‎   3. 定语后置关系:对复合不定代词进行修饰的词语必须后置放在它的后面。‎ ‎       e.g          错:I have important something to tell you.‎ ‎                     对:I have something important to tell you.‎ ‎   4. none和其它复合不定代词的用法区别:none在句中不能单独作主语,但可同of连用带名词一起作主语;其它复合不定代词可单独作主语,但不能同of连用。‎ ‎       e.g          错:He is new here, so none knows him.‎ ‎                     对:He is new here, so no one knows him.‎ ‎                     错:Nobody of them has been to England before.‎ ‎                     对:None of them has been to England before..‎ ‎   5. 代换复合不定代词的人称代词:在使用人称代词代换复合不定代词时,应考虑其表人还是表物,表人时,用they代换,表物时,用it代换。‎ ‎       e.g          Something is wrong with your computer, isn’t it?‎ ‎                     Nobody has been there before, have they?‎ 三.不定代词 用于代换上文中可数名词的all, both, each, either, none, neither ( every)等表示不定概念的词语 考点要求 ‎1. 考虑表示“两者”还是“两者以上”:选用不定代词时,首先应根据上下文的关联以及句中某个关键词语对不定代词的限制,考虑其说明“两者”还是“两者以上”的人或物。‎ ‎       如说明“两者”,选用both、either、each或neither。‎ ‎       如说明“两者以上”,选用all、(every)、each或none。‎ ‎       e.g.  The twin sisters are both good at math.‎ ‎              None of the students in our class wants to go there.‎ ‎2. 考虑表示肯定还是否定:选用不定代词时,还应根据句子意义考虑应该使用表肯定的词语还是表否定的词语。‎ 如说明肯定,使用all、both、either、each或(every)。‎ ‎              如说明否定,使用neither或none。‎ ‎              e.g.  None of us wants more because we are all full.‎ ‎              3. 考虑作限定词使用时同名词的关系:除none以外的不定代词都可用作限定词,其后所带的名词应考虑使用适当的形式。‎ ‎              all可带复数可数名词或不可数名词;both只能带复数可数名词;either、neither、each、every只能带单数可数名词。不定代词作限定词使用时,用来表示总量关系,为前位限定词,应放在整个名词词组的最前面,其中all、both可同中位限定词和数词连用,但either、neither、each、every作限定词时,同其余限定词相排斥。‎ ‎              e.g   All the students in our class are going to take part in the sports meeting.‎ ‎                     Every boy in our class is going swimming this afternoon.‎ ‎4.‎ ‎ 考虑作主语时主谓一致性关系:不定代词作主语时,应考虑其说明单数还是复数,以便确定谓语动词是否应使用第三人称单数形式(-s形式)以及be动词使用单数还是复数。‎ both和all作主语时,看作复数,谓语动词不用-s形式,be动词用复数形式;‎ either、each、neither单独作主语时,看作单数,谓语动词用-s形式,be动词用单数形式;‎ either、each、neither、none同of一起构成词组作主语时,如of后带人称代词,一般将其看为单数,如of后带复数名词,既可看为单数,也可看作复数(初中英语中常看作单数)。‎ e.g   All of the students are going hiking next weekend.‎ ‎              Both of the twin brothers have been there several times.‎ ‎              None of them is going to the movie tonight.‎ ‎              Neither of the boys is / are going to watch the football match this afternoon.‎ ‎5、不定代词作同位语时的位置关系:不定代词作主语同位语时,应放在谓语动词前,特殊动词(情态动词、助动词)后;作宾语同位语时,应紧跟在宾语后。‎ e.g   The students all went to the movie except Mike.‎ ‎              We will all go to Beijing for vacation this summer.‎ ‎              It’s necessary for us all to learn English well.‎ ‎              Then mix it all up.‎ 四、other的用法:other, another, others, the other, the others的用法区别 ‎ 基本用法 ‎       other:形容词,其后可带复数名词,如带单数可数名词,其前应加上适当的限定词;‎ ‎       another:限定词,其后带单数可数名词;代词,代换上文中提及的可数名词(单数,泛指);‎ ‎       the other:限定词,其后可带名词;代词,代换上文中提及的可数名词(单数,定指);‎ ‎       others:代词,其后不能带名词,代换上文中提及的可数名词(复数,泛指);‎ ‎       the others:代词,其后不能带名词,代换上文中提及的可数名词(复数,定指);‎ ‎       注意:限定词同名词之间只能使用other。‎ ‎ 考点要求注意两个句式、一个搭配和两个区别 ‎1、两个句式的用法 ‎(1)One … the other …   一个 …… 另一个 注意:使用该句式时,其前应出现说明具体数量的数词two;如出现的数词大于two,one可以根据实际情况调整成其它数词;如出现的数词减去one或调整后的数词后仍大于“1”时,the other应变为the others或“the other + 数词”(两个数词相加应等于所给数词)。‎ ‎       e.g   There are two apples here. One is for you, the other is for your sister.‎ ‎              There are five apples here. Two are for you, the others are for your sister.‎ ‎              There are five apples here. Two are for you, the other three are for your sister.‎ ‎(2)Some … others …   一些 …… 另一些 ‎       注意:使用该句式时,其前应出现说明不定数量的词语;如出现说明具体数量的数词,others前应加上the。‎ ‎       e.g   There are many people on the beach. Some are swimming, others are enjoying the sun.‎ ‎              Mrs. Smith bought 25 books. Some were for her daughter, the others were for her son.‎ ‎       2、一个搭配:any同other连用时应注意之点:‎ ‎        Any others:any同单一的other连用,other应使用others;‎ ‎        Any other + 单数名词:any后如还带有名词,用other,名词用单数;‎ ‎        Any of结构:any of后的other前应加the,如含名词用other,名词用复数;如不含名词,用others。‎ ‎       e.g   Of all the cities in China, Shanghai is bigger than any others.‎ ‎              Of all the cities in China, Shanghai is bigger than any other city.‎ ‎              Of all the cities in China, Shanghai is bigger than any of the others.‎ ‎              Of all the cities in China, Shanghai is bigger than any of the other cities.‎ ‎       3、两个区别:‎ ‎       (1)同数词连用时another和more的区别 another用于数词前,more用于数词后。‎ ‎       e.g   To finish the work in time, we need another two men.‎ ‎              To finish the work in time, we need two more men.‎ ‎(2)other和else的区别 ‎ Other用于名词前;else用于wh-词或复合不定代词后,其后不能带名词。‎ e.g   What other animals do you like?‎ ‎       Do you have anything else to tell us?‎ ‎       What else did you buy last week?‎ ‎4、初中英语中除上述情况外,一般都用another。‎ e.g   This pair of shoes doesn’t fit me. Please show me another pair.‎ 练 习 ( )1.____office is much smaller than ____. A. Ours ; yours B. Our ; yoursC. Theirs ; our ( )2. “Help___ to some meat.”my uncle said to me . A. themselves B. yourself C. yourselves ( )3. There are twenty teachers in our school. Eight of them are men teachers and ____ are women teachers. A. others B. the others C. another ( )4.There isn’t ____ paper in the box. Will you go and get ____ for me ? A. any ; some B. any ; any C. some ; any ( )5.There are many trees on ___ sides of the street. A. both B. all C. each ( )6.___ of them has a dictionary and ____ one of them can look up words in it. A. Each ; every B. Every; each C. Every; every ( )7. “When shall we meet, this afternoon or tonight?” “I don’t mind. ____ time is OK. A. Either B. Every C. Neither ( )8.Would you like ___ cup of tea? A. other B. the other C. another ( )9.The two friends were so pleased to see each other that they forgot _____. A. other everything B. anything else C. everything else. ( )10.____ of his parents is a teacher. A. Both B. Neither C. None ( )11.The river is very dirty. ____ people go to swim in it. A. Few B. A few C. Little ( )12.A friend of ____ came to see ____ yesterday. A. his ; his B. he ; him C. his ; him ( )13.You can’t leave your baby by ___ at home. A. herself B. himself C. itself ( )14. My father is very busy with his work. He has ___ time to have a rest. A. little B. a little C. few ( )15.I have three skirts. One is red. ___ two are black. A. another B. the other C. the others ( )16.Jack has ___ friends here. So he often feels lonely. A. a little B. a few C. ‎ few ( )17.Who teaches ___ French? A. we B. our C. us ( )18.The boys were all tired, but ___ of them stopped to have a rest. A. any B. some C. none ( )19.Sorry, I can’t answer your question. I know ____ about the news. A. a little B. little C. few ( )20.—Hello, Bill! Help ____ to a cake . —Thanks . A. your B. yourself C. yourselves

