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牛津英语总复习专题练习-阅读填词 ‎ 阅读填词旨在考查学生四方面的能力:‎ ‎ 1.获取信息的能力:信息的理解;文章的结构和层次等。‎ ‎ 2.处理信息的能力:信息的分层;时间顺序;空间顺序;逻辑层次;共性与差异等。‎ ‎ 3.加工信息的能力:信息的分类;问题的原因、解决方法等;各种观点、看法以及建议;态度和目的等;·‎ ‎4.运用信息的能力:、信息的归纳与表达。‎ 答题技巧:‎ ‎1.在读文章之前,先看一下文章后面的题目及要求,这样在阅读文章时就会有针对性。‎ ‎2.在读文章过程中,要兼顾文章主旨的归纳和细节信息的收集。‎ ‎3.在读文章之后,核对各条题目,将信息进行梳理,根据要求处理信息,正确表达。‎ 针对性练习 ‎(一)‎ ‎ Students in Beijing‎ Sunshine ‎Secondary School are discussing on "Should people keep animals in zoos?" Here are Amy and Daniel's ideas.‎ ‎(二)‎ Late last night, or early this morning, something terrible happened in East‎ ‎Town. Mr Raymond Johnson has lived in East‎ ‎Town and has worked there as a manager for many years. He is forty-two years old, unmarried, and he lives in a big wooden house on Moonlight Road. The people of East‎ ‎Town know Mr Johnson as an unusual man. He does not often leave his house, but his business has made him very rich. Last night, at about midnight, a man who was out walking saw that one of Mr Johnson's rooms was on fire. He immediately called the fire station, and the firemen arrived soon after. It took them half an hour to put out the fire. The firemen were surprised that Mr Johnson did not come out of the house, and two of them went inside to look for him. But Mr Johnson was not in the house. In the bedroom the two men found an open safe (保险箱), which was empty. There were papers on the floor.Mr Johnson's bedroom windows on the ground floor of the house were open. The firemen also found a set of keys in the room. The police then found out that the keys belonged to Mr Paul White, who visited Mr Johnson at his home yesterday evening. The police are sure that they know the motive (动机) for the crime and are looking for Mr White. The police are puzzled because nobody knows where Mr Johnson is.‎ ‎(三)‎ ‎ Five people are complaining about the hotels they lived in during the holiday.‎ Mr Silk: The hotel was terrible. My room was dirty and the toilet was blocked. When I tried to call the hotel manager, nobody answered the phone and the problem had not been solved when I left the hotel. Miss Brown: The hotel I stayed in was not dirty. But it was too far away from my favourite beach. I could not enjoy much time there. Therefore, I moved to another hotel after two days.‎ Mr Smith: A group of young men in the room next door made my holiday a misery with their noisy parties. Many customers suffered a lot as I did. At last the hotel manager came and stopped the young men.‎ Mrs Black: I came down with serious stomachache after a meal in the hotel restaurant. I had to go to hospital for two days. Of course the hotel paid all the money. But my holiday was ruined by this.‎ Mr Cook: The building work outside the hotel drove me crazy. The building work started at 6:00 in the morning and stopped at midnight. Sometimes it kept going day and night. I had ‎ to end my holidav ahead of time.‎ ‎(四)‎ Dangerous Storms ‎ Hurricanes and typhoons are big storms. They can be up to 600 miles across and have strong winds at speeds up to 300 kph. The storms can last for over a week. When they come onto land, the heavy rain, strong winds and large waves can damage buildings, trees and cars. Storms can also cause injury and death.‎ If a hurricane or typhoon is likely in your area, you should:‎ ‎ •Listen to the radio or TV for information.‎ ‎•Make your house safe by closing your doors and. windows.‎ ‎•Make sure you have enough water for drinking and cleaning fill your bath with water to use.‎ Leave your home under the following conditions:‎ ‎ •If you are told to leave by the authorities-be sure to follow their instructions.‎ ‎ •If you INc in a high building.‎ ‎ •If you live near the sea or a river.‎ ‎•If you feel you are in danger.‎ ‎ •If you can't get out, follow these advice:‎ ‎•Stay indoors during the hurricane and keep away from windows and glass doors.‎ ‎ •Close all inside doors and outside doors.‎ ‎ •If the storm dies down, do not go outside; it could be the eye'of the stonTr~the winds will pick up again。‎ ‎ •Stay in a room on the ground floor. ‎ ‎•Lie on the floor under a table. ‎ ‎(五)‎ Isn't It Interesting?‎ ‎ One Sunday morning when Helen was walking down the street, she happened to notice a wallet lying on the ground. She picked it up and opened it to see if she could find out the owner's name. There was nothing but some change and a picture of a woman and a young girl. The girl looked like the woman's daughter. She took the wallet to the police station. Before she left, the policeman wrote down her name and address. He said the owner would want to write and thank her.‎ ‎ That evening, Helen went to have dinner with her aunt and uncle. They had also invited a young woman. Her face was familiar. Helen was quite sure that they had met somewhere before, but she could not remember where. During the dinner, the young woman happened to say that she lost her wallet that morning. All at once Helen remembered the picture in the wallet. She was the young girl in the picture. She was now much older. She was very surprised when Helen told her about the wallet.Helen's uncle insisted on going to the police station at once to get the wallet. As the policeman handed it over, he said that Helen had not only found the wallet but also the owner.‎ ‎(六)‎ ‎ It's important to develop the healthy habits in your daily life. The following will help you become healthier and keep perfect shape.‎ ‎ Eat properly. A healthy diet is very important for everybody. Breakfast is the most important meal in a day. Doctors suggest that students' breakfast should include fruit, eggs, milk, rice or noodles, because these can offer them necessary energy, help them listen carefully in class and keep them healthy.Eat enough for lunch and little for supper. But remember that too much sugar is bad for your teeth and blood .You shouldn't have too many sweet snacks and desserts in your diet, even though such food tastes delicious.‎ ‎ Keep off germs (病菌). Daily tooth cleaning reduces the amount of germs which will spread diseases. Germs in the mouth are likely to enter the blood and cause illness, even heart disease. Even if you' re not sick, always remember to cough or sneeze into your arms instead of your hands because hands can spread germs to others when you touch something else. Besides, washing hands is necessary after going to the toilet or before having a meal. And you'd better rub both hands while washing them.‎ ‎ Exercise regularly. Regular exercise can improve your moods and balance. What's more, it's good for bones. There are many forms of exercise: walking or running for about 30 minutes a day, playing ball games twice or three times a week, swimming or dancing often. You can choose ‎ your favorite to practise regularly. You will not only feel energetic but also think better after doing exercise.‎ ‎ Stay connected. Having regular communication with friends is the key to reducing stress. And sharing happiness and sadness, exchanging information with others can also help improve memory. Having a friend or a circle of friends can help you feel good.‎ ‎(七)‎ ‎ Students in Beijing‎ Sunshine ‎Secondary School got an interview about surfing the Internet.‎ Simon: Surfing the Intemet is very exciting. We can do lots of things, such as playing games, listening to music, chatting with our friends and so on. I really enjoy it.‎ Wilson‎: I like surfing the Internet, too, because I think it's useful. I can get the latest news all over the world. I can also find the information I need in no time~Google and Baidu can tell you everything !‎ Amy: It's hard to say. I agree that the Internet is helpful to our study, but it's not right to spend too ‎ much time on the games. And some information on the Internet is bad for us. What's more,surfing too much does harm to our eyes. In a word, we should use the Internet in a right way.‎ Students in Beijing‎ Sunshine ‎Secondary School got an (1) about surfing the Internet.‎ ‎(八)‎ The ‎Empire‎ State ‎Building ‎ The Empire State Building is a 102-floor skyscraper in New York City. It is one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World. People thought it was impossible to build anything taller than this.‎ ‎ The Empire‎ State ‎Building was built in 1931 and for 41 years it was the tallest skyscraper in the world. When the World Trade Centre was built in New York in 1972, the Empire‎ State ‎Building lost its title of the tallest skyscraper. Since the destruction of the World Trade Centre in 2001, the Empire State Building is once again the tallest building in New York, but there are many taller buildings around the world today.‎ ‎ The Empire‎ State ‎Building is 443 meters tall. It has 6,500 windows and 73 elevators. If you don't like elevators you can walk up the stairs. It will take you a long time! There are 1,860 stairs from the street level to the top floor.‎ ‎ On the 86th floor there is a large observation deck. People can go up there to look at the amazing views across New York. Over the years, more than thirty people have killed themselves jumping off this deck. In 1947, five people tried to jump off the observation deck in just three weeks. So a fence was built round it to stop people jumping off.‎ ‎ Some people may remember that it was at the Empire State Building that Tom Hanks met Meg Ryan in the famous romantic film Sleepless in Seattle. It was also where King Kong met his sad death.‎ ‎(九)‎ Sue and Jim were neighbours for five years but they were never interested in each other. Then one day, Sue saw Jim's music collection. She noticed a rare punk rock CD that she also owned. At that moment, she realized that they both had the same interest in music and they started talking. Sue said, "I thought we had nothing in common until I saw his CD by the New York Dolls. ' They are now married and living with each other.‎ ‎ Some psychologists (心理学家) think that your taste in music is related to your personality. As part of a test at the University of Texas, Austin‎, ‎USA, volunteers created a CD of their favourite songs. The volunteers then listened to each other's CDs and made guesses about the CD creator's personality-outgoing, adventurous, happy, and so on. These strangers correctly guessed much more about each others~ personalities through their CDs than through their clothes or taste in ‎ films. For example, Sue and Jim love punk music, which means they have outgoing personalities.‎ ‎ The psychologists who did the test found Snoop Dogg (hip-hop) fans are likely to be energetic and talkative. People who like U2 (rock/pop music) are generally independent and adventurous.‎ ‎ The psychologists also found that Louis Armstrong (jazz) fans tend to (倾向于) be shy. The psychologists were surprised to find that rap and heavy metal fans were also shier and quieter than many other music lovers.‎ ‎(十)‎ ‎ Raising money for charities isn't an easy job. If you believe in charity and want to do the best for it, make use of these ways to collect more donations and make a bigger difference.‎ ‎ Give sources (原始资料)‎ ‎ Giving sources and information is very important. People should believe you when they give you money. They should know that their money is being used for the right cause. You can write the detailed information on leaflets and give them out. If possible, you can invite a famous person to join your activity.‎ ‎ Do it in groups ‎ The more people take part in the charity, the more people will believe it. People are easy to think that the project is big enough and really needs some monetary (钱的) help.‎ ‎ Be fun and creative ‎ Organize students to make greeting cards, draw pictures and so on, and sell them in public places, such as the park, square, etc.‎ ‎ Hold a talent (才艺) show or a sport contest (比赛). You can sing, dance or run and play all kinds of ball matches in the contest. Teenagers must be interested in them. Sell tickets to them and their parents.‎ ‎ Organize a "special day", for example, "Do Housework" day. Encourage the students to do housework for their parents to raise money.‎ ‎ Now, take action! You will enioy the happiness from it!‎ ‎( 十一)‎ ‎ In classroom, your teachers will talk about topics that you are studying. The information they provide will be important for you to know when you take tests. So you must be able to take good written notes from what your teachers say.‎ ‎ Here are the three stages (阶段) of taking notes and what you should do during each stage.‎ ‎ 1. Before Class ‎ Review your notes you have taken before you come to class. This will be good for remembering what was covered. Get you ready to understand new information your teacher will provide.‎ ‎ 2. During Class ‎ Keep your attention on what your teacher is saying and "the signal words" that tell you what your teacher is going to say and it is important to write in your notes. Examples of signal words are "The most important point... ' and "Remember that...'. Be sure to include in your notes information that your teacher repeats or writes on the blackboard. Write quickly so that you can include all the important information in your notes. Do this by writing abbreviations such as med for medicine, using symbols such as "%" for percent, and writing short sentences.‎ ‎ 3. After Class ‎ Rewrite your notes to make them more complete and accurate (准确的) by changing abbreviations into whole words, symbols into words, and shortened sentences into longer sentences. Use them to answer your questions. If necessary, ask your teacher for help.‎ ‎(十二)‎ Have you ever wondered what an American high school is really like? This article will describe a typical (典型的) high school and its students.‎ ‎ A typical American high school has several large buildings and enough space for about 1,500 students. Every student is given a locker. When students first arrive at school, they go straight to their lockers to put away or get their textbooks and to hang up their outdoor clothes. As American text-books are expensive, students would rather loan (租借) than buy them. Students must pay back if they lost any of them.‎ ‎ American students have different types of school transport. They usually take a yellow school bus or walk to school if they live close enough. Sometimes their parents drive them to school. When they turn 16 years of age, most take a free driving class at school for one term. If students earn passing grades in the class and also pass their state driver's exam, they can begin driving themselves to school.‎ ‎ Each day, students take six or seven classes. They must take science, math, English and social studies. They can choose art, homemaking, fashion design and other classes. In some schools students are required to take one or more of the following special classes: health education, physical education or foreign language studies. Students move to different classrooms for each subject. This is because each teacher has their own classroom. There is a five-minute break between classes, to give the students the time to hurry to their next. class.‎ ‎ The regular school day usually ends early in the afternoon. After school more than half of the students are involved in after-school activities. These activities include sports--especially football, bas ketball, baseball and soccer or clubs, such as yearbook, speech, school newspaper, photograph or student government.‎ 阅读填词 ‎(一)‎ ‎1. idea 2. world 3. food 4. regularly 5. protected ‎ ‎6. wild 7. NO 8.freely 9. unnatural 10. looking ‎(二)‎ ‎1. early 2 Where 3. Moonlight 4. wealth 5.caught ‎ ‎6. thirty/30 7. empty 8. keys 9. find/get 10. missing/lost/gone ‎(三)‎ ‎1, unhappy/angry/dissatisfied 2. dirty 3. solved/settled 4, beach 5. two 6. noise 7. stomachache 8. building 9. night/midnight 10. earlier ‎ ‎ ‎(四)‎ ‎1.information 2. Close 3.water 4. high 5.danger ‎ ‎6.unable 7. indoors 8. doors 9. dies 10. ground ‎(五) ‎ ‎1.Sunday 2. wallet 3. change 4.policeman 5. address ‎ ‎6.young 7.familiar 8. picture 9. got 10. owner ‎(六)‎ ‎1. ways 2. provide 3. supper 4. but 5.brush ‎ ‎6. spreading 7. Exercising 8, energetic 9. less 10. improving ‎(七)‎ ‎1.interview 2.exciting 3. chats 4. useful 5.latest ‎ ‎6. information 7. games 8. all 9. harmful/bad 10. right/proper ‎(八)‎ ‎1.Height 2.102 3.Location/Place 4,1931 5.stairs 6.elevators 7. 6,500 8. observation 9. jumped 10, fence ‎(九)‎ ‎1,personality 2.taste 3.less 4.likely 5. like ‎ ‎6.shy 7.surprising 8.example 9.Though/Although 10.something ‎(十)‎ ‎1.ways 2, information 3.famous 4.groups 5. more ‎ ‎6.creative 7.greeting 8.sport 9.organizing 10. happiness ‎(十一)‎ ‎1.Reason(s) 2.provided 3.Before 4.remember 5.Prepare/Ready ‎ ‎6.Listen 7.include 8,quickly 9.answer 10.teacher's ‎(十二)‎ ‎1.life 2.students 3.outdoor 4.buying 5.School 6.parents 7.drive 8.special 9.different 10.clubs

