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河北省衡水市景县黎阳学校中考英语专题复习《从句汇总》(无答案) 人教新目标版 一.感受中考:‎ ‎( )1. —Could you tell me _________? — You can take No. 16 bus. (2011安徽芜湖)‎ ‎ A. how can we get to the Olympic Park B. how we can get to the Olympic Park ‎ C. how did we get to the Olympic Park D. how we got to the Olympic Park ‎ ‎( )2. —Could you tell me ? —He's a bank clerk. (2011•四川成都)‎ ‎ A. who your father is B. what your father does C. where your father works ‎( )3. I don’t know the girl in red. Could you tell me ________? (2011湖北黄石)‎ ‎ A. what is her name B. how old is she C. who is she D. where she comes from ‎( ) 4. The teacher asked us ________. (2011广东)‎ ‎ A. when did I finish my work B. why didn’t we tell him about it earlier ‎ C. what we were interested in D. where we are going to have our lunch ‎ ‎( )5. —Can you tell me _________? —I lose my MP3 player. (2011•铜仁)‎ A. What’s the matter with you B. what the matter is with you ‎ C. what the matter you is D. what the matter with you are.‎ ‎( )6.—I’m new here. Could you please tell me ____? —Sure. It’s over there behind that tower. (2011连云港)‎ ‎ A. where the youth centre is B. when the library opens ‎ C. how far is the amusement park D. how can I get to the underground station ‎( )7. I don't know if she to my birthday party tomorrow. If she , I'll be very happy.( 2011湖南益阳)‎ A. comes; comes B. will come; comes C. comes; will come ‎( )8. We don’t know_______ it next. Let’s go and ask Mr. Li. (2011重庆)‎ A. what to do B. to do what C. whether to do D. to do whether ‎( )9. The policeman asked the small girl __________ (2011山东临沂)‎ ‎ A. why she was crying B. why was she crying C. why she is crying D. why is she crying ‎ ‎( )10. Can you tell me ______ after this exam ? (2011山东济宁)‎ ‎ A. what you did B. what did you do C. what will you do D. what you will do 二.宾语从句考点小结:‎ ‎1.语序:在宾语从句中,一律用陈述句语序。‎ ‎ 如Where does she live? ( Do you know?) ----Do you know where she lives?‎ 特使情况:(疑问词本身作主语)‎ What happened? / What’s up?/ What’s the matter? /What’s wrong with you?/Which is the way to the park?‎ Who is the best singer?/ Who likes writing…‎ ‎2. 时态; 1)如果主句是一般现在时态,宾语从句时态根据实际情况而定.‎ ‎2)如果主句是过去时态,从句也要用过去时态。‎ 如:It’s going to rain. I thought. ---I thought it was going to rain. ‎ ‎3). 若从句表达的是客观真理,规律,不管主句是什么时态,从句都用一般现在时。‎ 如He told us the earth moves round the sun. / The teacher said the light travels faster than the sound.‎ My father told me the sun rises from the east.‎ ‎3.连接词1)如果被连接的句子是陈述句,那么连接词用that, (也可省)‎ 如 He’ll be back in a month. ( I hear…) I hear ( that ) he will be back in a month.‎ ‎2.)如果被连接的句子是一般疑问句,则用连接词if或whether.‎ 如:*Does he live in that house? ( She asked me …) She asked me if/ whether he lived in that house.‎ ‎3) 如果被连接的句子是特殊疑问句,用原句中的特殊疑问词引导:what, who, where, when, which, why, how (many/ much/ often/ long/ old).如: Who are you waiting for? Can you tell me? --- Can you tell me who you are waiting for?‎ ‎***其中 以wh- 疑问词或how 引导的宾语从句与动词不定式可相互转换 如I don’t know what I can do.可以说成 I don’t know what to do.‎ The policeman showed me where I could get books. 可以说成The policeman showed me where to get books.‎ Can you tell me how I can make a kite?可以说成 Can you tell me how to make a kite?‎ ‎4. 宾语从句的否定转移。在think, believe, suppose 等动词所跟的宾语中,如果从句谓语是否定的,一般要将否定词not转移至主句谓语上去,而将从句谓语改为肯定形式。如:I don’t think he has time to play with the girl.‎ 三.当堂巩固: ‎ ‎( )1.—Do you know _______ Beijing with his family?—Next week.‎ A. when Mr Zhao will visit B. when will Mr Zhao will visit C. when Mr Zhao visited ‎( )2. The woman asked the policeman where_______.‎ A. the post office is B. the post office was C. is the post office D. was the post office ‎( )3. -Can you tell me to send this postcard to New York by airmail?-Let me check. Oh, it’s one dollar.‎ A. how long it takes B. how much it cost C. who can help me D. if there’s a post office.‎ ‎( )4. Franklin told them all _______ to be in Britain again.‎ A. he was how happy B. how happy he was C. how was he happy D. he was happy how ‎( )5. Could you guess ______ the new schoolbag yesterday. – Sorry, I have no idea.‎ A. how much did he pay for B. how much he spent C. how much he paid for D. how much did he spend ‎( )6. Please follow ______ I say. A. what B. that C. which ‎( )7. ---I wonder ______. –I’m afraid we will be late. A. how we can be on time B. what we are going to do C. why we get to school late D. if we arrive at the meeting on time ‎( )8. — May I come in? I'm sorry I am late. — Come in, please. But could you please tell me ?‎ A. how do you come to school B. what were you doing then C. who you talked with D. why you are late again ‎( )9. Most children are interested in amazing things, and they wonder ______ .‎ A. when can they see UFOs B. how can elephants walk on tiptoe ‎ C. why do fish sleep with their eyes open D. why there is no plant life without lighting ‎( )10. Please tell me________. I have some gifts for him.‎ A. how has Robert come B. where Robert is C. when will Robert leave D. what does Robert like ‎ ‎( )11.— Could you tell me _____ Zhang‎ Daqian ‎Museum? —The day after tomorrow, I think.‎ A. when will you visit B. when you will visit C. when you would ‎( )12. —Look at the girl with a pair of glasses over there. Can you tell me ______? —She is a nurse.‎ ‎ A. who is she B. who she is C. what is she D. what she is ‎( )13. --- Mr. Li, I found a watch on the playground. --- You should try to find out ______‎ A. whose is the watch B. who is the owner of the watch C. whom does the watch belong to ‎ ‎( )14. Do you know ___________?‎ A. when will he be back B. when he will be back C. where did he go D. where will he go ‎( )15.. Allen wanted to know ____ after it got out of the UFO.‎ A. what is the alien doing B. what the alien would do C. where would the alien go D. where the alien is going 四.能力训练:‎ ‎ People all over the world celebrate Valentine’s Day.However, the holiday __1___differently in different countries __2___ each culture has its own Valentine’s Day customs.‎ ‎ For example,people in the United States and Japan both celebrate Valentine’s Day__3___February 14.But in Japan,only romantic partners come together, while in America,it can be shared by anyone ___4___ is close,friend or lover.Chocolate is the most preferred gift in the US ___5___ it is common in Japan,too.However, in the US other kinds of gifts are ___6___ given,and many people exchange cards.‎ ‎ The biggest ___7__ is that in Japan,only girls and women.___8___ chocolates to boys and men,but in the US boys and girls will give cards or small gifts to all of ___9___ friends.And while American men and women both receive gifts,women usually get __10__ expensive gifts than men.That’s why I would like to be a man in Japan but a woman in the US!‎ ‎( )1.A.celebrates B.is celebrating C.celebrated D.is celebrated ‎( )2.A.although B.where C.because D.if ‎( )3.A.on B.in C.at D.by ‎( )4.A.whom B.who C.whose D.which ‎( )5.A.so B.as C.and D.or ‎( )6.A.too B.either C.neither D.also ‎( )7.A.difference B.differences C.different D.differently ‎( )8.A.give B.to give C.giving D.given ‎( )9.A.theirs B.they C.them D.their ‎( )10.A.many B.more C.few D.fewer 定语从句 定语从句考点概述:‎ 1、 定语从句的引导词 2、含有介词的定语从句 3、从句的单复数及时态 一、感受中考 ‎( )1.-- Do you know the man is reading the book over there?--Yes, he’s our PE teacher. (2011襄阳)‎ ‎ A. which B. what C. whom D. who ‎( )2.There will be a flower show in the park ______ we visited last week. (2012广东)‎ ‎ A. who B. when C. what D. which ‎( )3. John is the boy____ legs were badly hurt in the accident. A. whose B. that C. who D. which (2011天津) ‎ ‎( )4. Have you read the book _____ is about the moon? A. what B. it C. / D. which (2011清远)‎ ‎( )5.The policeman caught the thief ______ has stolen Mr. Li’s computer. (2011广西百色)‎ ‎ A. which B. whose C. whom D. who ‎( )6.The basketball ____ I bought yesterday cost me 80 yuan. A. that B. where C. who D. when (2011桂林)‎ ‎( )7. The teachers came for a visit are foreigners. A. who B. whom C. whose D. which (2011河北)‎ ‎( )8. The first thing _____ my brother is going to do this afternoon is to write a letter. (2011广东)‎ ‎ A. which B. that C. why D. who ‎ ‎( )9. —Do you know the kid with ______Bob is talking over there? —Yes, it’s my cousin. (2011湖北黄石)‎ ‎ A. who B. that C. 不填 D. whom ‎( )10.Piano is a word ______ was originally borrowed from Italian. (2012山东潍坊)‎ ‎ A. where B. who C. which D. whose 二.定语从句考点小结:‎ ‎1、定语从句的定义:在复合句中修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句. 被修饰的名词或代词叫先行词, 连接定语从句和先行词的连词叫关系代词或关系副词. ‎ ‎2、定语从句的引导词:‎ ‎1、若先行词为人, 则引导词为that, who, whom( 只做宾语)‎ ‎2、若先行词为物, 则引导词为which, that ‎3、引导词只用that的情况 ‎1)先行词被序数词或形容词最高级所修饰,或本身是序数词、基数词、形容词最高级时,只能用 that;‎ ‎2)被修饰的先行词为 all, any, everything, anything, none 等不定代词时, 只能用 that;‎ ‎3)先行词被 the only, the very, the same, the last 等词修饰时,只能用 that;‎ ‎4)先行词里同时含有人或物时, 只能用 that ;‎ ‎5) 以 who 或 which 引导的特殊疑问句,为避免重复,只能用 that。‎ ‎3、含有介词的定语从句 ‎1)若介词在关系代词前时,只能用“介词 + which/whom”结构。例如:This is the house in which we lived last year. / Please tell me from whom you borrowed the English novel. ‎ ‎2)含有介词的固定动词词组中,介词不可前置,只能放在原来的位置上。例如:‎ This is the person whom you are looking for.‎ ‎4、从句的单复数及时态:‎ 从句谓语单复数由先行词确定,时态由从句时间状语决定,不必跟主句保持一致。‎ 三.当堂巩固 单选:‎ ‎( )1. —I hear that Lily’s brother is a worker here. —Look, the man ____ is working over there is her brother.‎ ‎ A. who B. whom C. what D. which ‎( )2.Jane is one of the students in the class have ever been to China.‎ ‎ A. who B. whose C. which D. whom ‎( )3.Tony, tell me the result of the discussion_____ you had with your dad yesterday. ‎ ‎ A. what B. which C. when D. who ‎( )4. Mary Smith says she likes to have friends______ are different from her. A. whose B. which C. who ‎( )5. I hate those _____ don’t help others when they are in trouble. A.who B.which C.what D.where ‎( )6. Confucius was a great thinker words still have a great effect on millions of people around the world today. A. who B. who's C. whose ‎( )7. Who is the man ______ is reading a book over there? A. that B. which C. whose D. what ‎( )8. I’ve become good friends with several of the students in my school _________ I met in the English ‎ speech contest last year. A. who B. where C. when D. which ‎( )9. I’ ll never forget the day_____ the great scientist came to our school and gave us a speech. ‎ A. that B. which C. when D. where ‎( )10. The girl catches the flowers on a wedding will be the next to get married.‎ A. whom B. which C. who D. whose ‎( )11. Peter likes music _________is very loud and energetic. A. that B. who C. whom D. /‎ ‎( )12. There will be a stamp show in the museum ___we visited last week. A. who B. when C. which D. what ‎( )13. This is the factory _____ I worked last year. A. which B. that C. where D. when ‎( )14. He is a person ______ is easy to get along with. A. who B. which C. whom D. what ( )15. I will never forget the days ______ I spent with my friends. A. when B. that C. where D. who 四.能力训练:‎ ‎ Fifty-three years ago Barbie Millicent Roberts first appeared in the world of toys. Since then, Barbie doll, as everyone called her, has become the most successful toy doll in history. Her parent, the Mattel Company, said that 90% of all American girls between 3 and 10 have at least one Barbie at home.‎ ‎ However, Barbie is facing some trouble at present (现在). There are many similar dolls on the market in competition with her. Another doll named Bratz, for example, come to life thirteen years ago. She looked more like today’s pop stars with heavy makeup(浓妆) and miniskirts. And her company offers more kind of clothes too. It seems that Barbie has lost her magic among older girls. “ For younger girls, playing with a Barbie is much fun. But when you get older, you want something smarter and more modern,” says Vera Shepherd, a shop assistant in a New York toy store.‎ ‎ It is good news that on the international market. Barbie is still No. 1. Although Mattel is selling fewer Barbies in the United States three years, sales in other countries are still going up. in January 2009, Mattel opened its first Barbie store in Shanghai, where girls can shop, eat, drink or even become fashion designers for their own Barbies.‎ ‎ Mattel is planning big celebration for Barbie’s 53rd birthday. Fashion designers from all over the world have been called to make new dresses for Barbie. How long will Barbie stay popular in the world of toy dolls? It is hard to say, but 53 is surely not the age to retire(退休).‎ ‎( )1. Barbie’s family name is______. A. Roberts B. Millicent C. Shepherd D. Bratz ‎( )2. Barbie’s trouble is that_____. ‎ A. it wears heavy makeup and miniskirts. B. other dolls are more popular with little girls. ‎ C. other dolls are trying to beat her in the market. D. it has become less popular in the international market.‎ ‎( )3. Girls can do the following in the first Barbie shop in Shanghai except_______.‎ A. going shopping B. having food C. drinking juice D. taking photos ‎( )4 What’s the meaning of the underline words “fashion designers” in the passage?‎ A. 珠宝设计师 B.发型设计师 C.舞台设计师 D.服装设计师 ‎( )5 What is the best title of the passage? A. First Barbie Shop in Shanghai B. Barbie’s Past and present C .Barbie’s 53rd Birthday Party D. Barbie Lost Her Magic ‎ 状语从句 考点概述:1、条件状语从句 2、时间状语从句3、原因状语从句 4、结果状语从句 一、感受中考:‎ ‎( )1. If she _____here tomorrow, I will tell you. A. comes B. will comeC. come D. came( 2011重庆江津)‎ ‎( ) 2.—Mary, could you tell me if your mother ________ our school sports meeting tomorrow?  ‎ ‎ —I think she will come to school if she _________ free.  (2011山东滨州)‎ ‎ A. will take part in; will be B. takes part in; is C. will take part in; is D. takes part in; will be ‎( )3. — You study ____ hard ___ you’re sure to pass the exam. — Thank you for saying so. (2011·福州中考)‎ ‎ A. enough… to B. as…as C. so…that ‎( )4. 10.The students ________ have a sports meeting this weekend if it ________.(2011雅安)‎ ‎ A. won’t; rains B. will; rains C. won’t; will rain D. are going to; is going to rain ‎( )5. — When will you come to Daqing? — I will call you _____I arrive. ( 2011大庆)‎ ‎ A. till B. while C. as quickly as D. as soon as ‎ ‎( )6. If there no buying and selling of animals, there no killing in nature. (2011陕西)‎ ‎ A. is; will he B. will be; will be C. is; is D. will be; is ‎( )7. Mr. Green speaks very loudly_______ all the people can hear him clearly. (2011黑龙江绥化市)‎ ‎ A. when B. so that C. because ‎ ‎( )8 You can’t watch TV ________ you finish your homework. (2011内蒙古包头)‎ ‎ A. before B. if C. while D. as ‎( )9. —Let’s go fishing if it _____ this weekend. —But nobody knows if it _______.(2011广东)‎ ‎ A. is fine, will rain B. will be fine, rains C. will be fine, will rain D. is fine; rains ‎ ‎( )10. Kate was so glad she received a Christmas gift from his grandparents away in Thailand. (2011•成都)‎ ‎ A. that B. when C. if 二.状语从句考点小结:‎ ‎1、条件状语从句:‎ ‎1)主句为一般将来时、祈使句或含有情态动词句子,从句用一般现在时。‎ ‎2) 引导条件状语从句的连词有:if, not… until, unless, as soon as, when, before, after 如:We’ll visit the Great Wall if it doesn’t rain. / Call me if he comes. ‎ ‎ You can make a lot of progress if you work hard. / I’ll call you as soon as I come back.‎ ‎2、时间状语从句:‎ 常见从属连词有when, while, before, after, until, as soon as, since等,其中since 引导的时间状语从句主句一般用完成时或一般现在时,从句的动词用一般过去时态。常用句型:It is/has been +时间段+since从句   译为:自从……有多长时间了。‎ ‎3、原因状语从句: 常用连词有because, ,as ‎4、结果状语从句: 由so… that…/such…that引导的从句, 其中so所修饰的中心词为形容词、副词原级, 而such所修饰的中心词为名词。‎ 三、当堂检测:‎ ‎( )1.They develop their skills __ they can do things better and better.A. however B. because C. since D. so that ‎( )2. I will send you an e-mail as soon as I___ in Canada. A. arrive B. arrived C. am arriving D. will arrive ‎( )3. If Tom _____ the game, we'll give him a surprise. A. win B. wins C. won D. miming ‎( )4. I don't know if she to my birthday party tomorrow. If she , I'll be very happy.‎ ‎ A. comes; comes B. will come; comes C. comes; will come ‎( )5. It was _________ lovely weather _______we decided to spend the day on the beach.‎ ‎ A. such a; that B. such; that C. such; as D. so; that ‎( )6. They develop their skills _____ they can do things better and better.‎ ‎ A. however B. because C. since D. so that ‎( )7. The old man asked the girl to take another seat he wanted to sit next to his wife.‎ ‎ A. because B. so that C. so ‎( )8. --Tom wants to know if you will have a picnic tomorrow. --Yes. But if it _____, we’ll play chess instead. ‎ ‎ A. will rain B. rained C. is raining D. rains ‎( )9. I’ll give it to Jim as soon as I ____him tomorrow. A saw B. will see C. see D. have seen ‎( )10. Liu Shuhao is _______ famous ______ all the basketball fans in China know him.‎ ‎ A. too; to B. enough; to C. so; that D. as…as ‎( )11. Though the old man didn’t have enough money, ______ he gave a thousand yuan to the charity.‎ ‎ A. / B. and C. or D. but ‎( )12. – Where are you going for the coming winter camp? – I won’t decide on the place _____ the end of this month. A. until B. unless C. though D. through ‎( )13. Miss Liu has taught English ______ she came here. A. since B. as C. when D. for ‎( )14. He doesn’t tell me when he ____. I’ll telephone you as soon as he _____.‎ ‎ A. will come, comes B. will come, will come C. comes, will come D. comes, comes ‎ ‎( )15. He met many problems ______ he was going over his lessons. ‎ ‎ A. before B. as soon as C. since D. while ‎ 四.能力训练:‎ What does it feel like to break a bone (骨头)? It’s different for everyone, but the pain is often sharp (严重). If the break is small, however, the person may not feel much pain at all. If you think that you or someone else has broken a bone, the most important things to do are to stay calm, make the hurt person comfortable, and ‎ call the doctor. Do not move the injured body part since movement could make it worse.‎ To treat the break, the doctor will need to take an X-ray. This gives the doctor the information he or she needs to set (接上) the bone: to put it back to its normal place. If the bone is large or it is broken in more than one place, the doctor may need to use metal pins (钢钉) to set it. After the bone has been set, the next step is usually putting on a cast, the special, hard thing that will keep the bone in place for a month or two.‎ Your bones are excellent at healing themselves. Broken bones will produce many new cells (细胞) and tiny blood vessels (血脉). These cover both ends of the broken part, and close up the break until the bone is as whole and strong as before.‎ ‎( )1. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?‎ A. How to Know if a Bone is Broken B. How Broken Bones Heal Themselves C. Common Causes (原因) of Broken Bones D. What You Should Know about Broken Bones ‎( )2. When someone breaks his bone, the following should be done except ______.‎ A. asking the doctor for help B. comforting the hurt person C. moving the injured part D. staying calm ‎( )3. Which is the correct order to treat the break?‎ ‎ a. take an x-ray b. use metal pins to set it c. put it back to its normal place d. put on cast A. a→b→c→d B. a→c→b→d C. a→d→c→b D. d→a→b→c ‎( )4. The underlined word “heal” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to “______”.‎ ‎ A. break again B. become worse C. wound or hurt D. become healthy again ‎ ‎( )5. Where would you probably read this passage?‎ ‎ A. In a story book. B. On a poster. C. In a health care book. D. In a chemistry book.‎ ‎ ‎

