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中考一轮复习 D 开头词汇(一)(讲义)‎ ‎❤❤以字母 D 开头的单词 dad /dæd/ n. (口语) 爸爸,爹爹 daddy papa father family = Father and mother I love you.‎ daily /’deili/‎ adj. 每日的;日常的 our daily lives = our everyday lives 日常生活 adv. 每天 The museum is open daily.‎ n. 日报 China Daily is a very popular English newspaper in China.‎ dance /dɑːns/‎ n. 跳舞;舞蹈 swing dance 摇摆舞 v. 跳舞 dance to music dance a waltz 跳一支华尔兹 dance the tango 跳探戈舞 the most talented dancers 舞蹈家 danger /'deɪn(d)ʒə/ n. 危险 in (great) danger 处于危险中out of danger 脱离危险 dangerous /'deɪn(d)ʒ(ə)rəs/ adv. 危险的 dangerous places endanger v. 危及,使遭受危险 endangered animals 濒临灭绝的动物 dare /deə/ 敢,敢于(不用进行式)‎ v.‎ She dared to sing in front of her class.‎ modal v.‎ Do you dare (to) tell him the news? How dare you accuse me of lying! 你竟敢指责我撒谎!‎ dark /dɑːk/‎ n. 黑暗;暗处;日暮 Be careful if you’re walking home in the dark. after dark 天黑以后 before dark 天黑以前 adj. 黑暗的;暗淡的;深色的 dark hair 黑发 get dark(天)变黑 dark blue 深蓝 dark horse 黑马(竞争中出乎意料获胜的人) brown 棕色的 blonde 金色的 date /deɪt/ n. 日期;约会 Please write your name, address, and date of birth on the form. make a date 约好时间 What’s the date today?‎ It’s October 1st.‎ What day is it today?‎ It’s Tuesday.‎ What’s today?‎ It’s Tuesday, October 1st.‎ daughter /'dɔːtə/ n. 女儿 day /deɪ/ n. (一)天,(一)日;白天 daytime n. 白天;日间 one day(指将来/过去的某一天)‎ One day/Some day I’ll buy a boat and sail around the world. 一般将来时 One day, she just didn’t come for work. 一般过去时some day 将来有一天,总有一天(将来的某一天) Teachers’ Day Clean-up Day I’m taking a day off next week. (have a day off)‎ The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow the other day We had a letter from Kim the other day. 前几天;最近 another day Let’s discuss it another day. 另一天;改日 die /daɪ/‎ v. 死 die down 逐渐变弱;逐渐消失die of/from 死于……‎ The babies often die from/of illness. (a heart attack/ earthquake) Old habits die hard. 积习难改。‎ No zuo, no die. 不作不死。‎ dead /ded/ adj. 死的;无生命的 The man has been dead for about three months.(die 是瞬间动词,不与 for 引导的时间状语连用)‎ death /deθ/ n. 死 He is worried to death.‎ deaf / def/ adj. 聋的 blind deal /diːl/‎ v. (dealt, dealt) 处理;应付;做生意 deal with=do with 应对;处理 I don’t know how to deal with the matter. I don’t know what to do with the matter.‎ n. 协议;交易 It’s a deal! 成交 It’s not a big deal. 没什么大不了的 A good/great deal of (修饰不可数名词) 大量的,非常多的 A great deal of their work is unpaid.‎ A good /great deal (修饰动词和形容词的比较级) 许多,很多 He knew a good deal more than I did.‎ December /dɪ'sembə/ n. 十二月 on December 3rd January February March April May June July August September October November December decide / dɪ'saɪd/ v. 决定;下决心 decide to do sth. 决定做某事 decide on + n./pron./v.-ing 对……作出决定 He thought about Spain and Greece, but finally decided on Canada. decide what to do decision / dɪ'sɪʒ(ə)n/ n. 决定;决心 make a decision deep /diːp/‎ adj. 深 The well is 10 meters deep.‎ 同义句:‎ This is a 10-meter-deep well.‎ ‎(deep, high/tall, wide, long, old) The depth of the well is ten meters.‎ adv. 深;深厚 deep into night 直到深夜 I am deeply moved. deeply 深深地 deer /dɪə/ n. 鹿(复 deer)单复同形:sheep Chinese Japanese degree /dɪ'griː/ n. 度数;程度 to a/some degree 从某种程度上来说 delicious / dɪ'lɪʃəs/ adj. 美味的,可口的 dentist /'dentɪst/ n. 牙科医生 see a dentist/go to the dentist depend / dɪ'pend/ v. 依靠,依赖,指望;取决于 depend on sb/sth/句子 依靠;信赖 depend on their parents/whom they are speaking to/how I feel that day.‎ It all depends. = That depends. 视情况而定。‎ independent adj.独立的 independence n.独立 describe /dɪ'skraɪb/ v. 描写,叙述 description n.‎ desk /desk/ n. 书桌,写字台 desk mate 同桌 develop /dɪ'veləp/ v. (使)发展;(使)发达;(使)发育;开发;冲洗(照片) develop a good/bad habit of (doing) sth. = build/form a good habit of (doing) sth. develop a serious illness/a law developing countries 发展中国家 developed countries 发达国家 develop a film 冲洗胶片 She came to get the film developed.‎ development /dɪ'veləpm(ə)nt/ n. 发展,发达,发育,开发 with the development of the society/science dialogue /'daiə,lɔɡ/ n. (美 dialog) 对话 diary /'daɪərɪ / n. 日记;日记簿 Keeping diaries is a good habit.‎ dictionary /'dɪkʃ(ə)n(ə)rɪ / n. 词典,字典 look it up in a dictionary difference /'dɪf(ə)r(ə)ns/ n. 不同 [C] differences and similarities between things make a big/great difference (to sb.) 有很大影响 no Lily and Lucy are twin sisters, it is not easy to tell the differences between them.‎ different /'dɪf(ə)r(ə)nt/ adj. 不同的,有差异的 be different from 与……不同 the same as 与……一样 difficult /'dɪfɪk(ə)lt/ adj. 难的;艰难的;不易相处的 It’s difficult not to cry.‎ difficulty /'dɪfɪk(ə)ltɪ/ n. 困难,费力 have difficulty/trouble/bother (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难 problems/a hard time/a good time 复数形式:difficulties dig /dɪg/ v. (dug, dug) 挖(洞、沟等);掘 dig potatoes 挖马铃薯 dinner /'dɪnə/ n. 正餐,宴会 go out for dinner (同 supper)‎ make dinner/after dinner/eat dinner school dinner 学校午餐Thanksgiving dinner 感恩节的大餐dining hall 餐厅;饭厅 direct /dɪ'rekt /‎ adj. 直接的;径直的;直截了当的 a direct question 直截了当的问题direct speech 直接引语 v. 指挥;指导;监督;管理;指挥(演奏);导演(电影) An economic elite(精英)directed the nation’s affairs. Lost in Hong Kong is directed by Xu Zheng.‎ adv. 径直地,中途不停地,直接地 Can we fly direct to Chicago?‎ directly adv. 直接地 speak/ask/answer etc. directly director n. 导演,主管,主任,董事 direction /dɪ'rekʃ(ə)n / n. 方向;方位 ‎—Are we going north?‎ ‎—Don’t ask me! I’ve got no sense of direction(方向感) at all. in all directions 四面八方 in the direction of 朝/在/向…方向 dirty /'dɜːtɪ / adj. 脏的 ‎❤❤与字母 D 相关的谚语 Deeds, no words.‎ Diamond cut diamond.‎ Diet cures more than the doctor. Diligence is the mother of success.‎ Diseases come on horseback, but go away on foot. Do as the Romans do (or Do as they do at Rome). Doing is better than saying.‎ Do not cut down the tree that gives you shade.‎ ‎❤❤精讲精练 一、单项选择 ‎( )1. —Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow?‎ ‎—Well, it all the weather.‎ A. belongs to B. happens to C. depends on D. concentrates on ( )2. —I have great _ in finishing the work by myself. Could you help me?‎ ‎—No problem.‎ A. fun B. success C. advice D. difficulty ( )3. The children decide their school yard this Friday afternoon.‎ A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning D. cleaned ( )4. —Wow, so many beautiful cars! I don’t know which one to buy.‎ ‎—Anyway, you have to make a .‎ A. conclusion B. screen C. progress D. decision ( )5. —How are you getting along with your English study?‎ ‎—Much better. I don’t feel it as as before.‎ A. interesting B. much C. difficult D. easy 二、根据提示填空 1. No one in the small town has ever (deal) with such a problem before.‎ 2. She hopes to be an excellent (舞蹈家) like Yang Liping.‎ 3. Are you crazy? How do you (胆敢) to do so?‎ 4. Don’t do everything for teenagers. They are wise enough (处理) their own problems.‎ 5. As we know, good results (取决于) hard work.‎ ‎【参考答案】‎ ‎❤❤与字母 D 相关的谚语 1. 不要光说不练。‎ 2. 不要忘恩负义。‎ 3. 药补不如食补。‎ 4. 勤奋是成功之母。‎ 5. 病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。‎ 6. 入乡要随俗。‎ 7. 行胜于言。‎ 8. 强中更有强中手。‎ ‎❤❤精讲精练一、单项选择1—5:CDBDC 二、根据提示完成句子 ‎1. dealt 2. dancer 3. dare 4. to deal with 5. depend on

