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‎ 2015~2016学年度九年级英语模拟考试试题2016.5‎ ‎ (本试卷共120分 考试时间120分钟)‎ 第I卷 选择题(共60分)‎ 请注意:考生须将本卷所有答案答到答题纸上,答在试卷上无效! ‎ 一、单项选择 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)‎ 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ ‎1. _____ UN report shows _____ number of the poor around the world is becoming bigger.‎ A. A; the B. An, a C. A, a D. An, the 2. ‎---Are those beautiful flowers for _______?‎ ‎ ---No. They belong to .‎ A. you; my mother B. you; my mother’s C. yours; my mother’s D. yours; my mother ‎3. What do you think________ if the car________?‎ A. can we do; is broken B. can we do; breaks out C. we can do; breaks down D. we can do; is broken into ‎4. ----Linda, you look so tired today. Shall I give you a ride back home?‎ ‎---- _____________. Thanks very much. .‎ A. It’s my pleasure B. It couldn’t be better ‎ C. Don’t mention it D. Do as you like ‎5. —Do you think the fish tastes _______ ?‎ ‎—She cooked it _______ , I think.‎ A. good; good B. good; well C. well; well D. well; good ‎6. --Do you know it will be much ______ tomorrow?‎ ‎ ---Yes. There will be much _______ tomorrow.‎ ‎ A. rain ; rain B. rainier ; rainier C. rain; rainier D. rainier ; rain ‎7. --- What type of mobile phone do you want to have? Something big?‎ ‎ ---Well, it _______ be big ----- that's not important.‎ ‎ A. mustn't B. needn't C. can't D. won't ‎8. On Christmas Eve, people ________fireworks to celebrate. Everybody in the USA is happy.‎ A. put off B. take off C. set off D. get off ‎9. -- Life is full of happiness and tears. ‎ ‎-- Exactly. We won’t get a big success we can solve the problems one by one in the way.‎ A. if B. after C. unless D. when ‎10. ---- Hurry up, we must be the first to interview the pop star.‎ ‎---- Sure. _____________________.‎ A. Many hands make light work. B. East or west, home is the best C. The early bird catches the worm D. Practice makes perfect ‎11. ----It’s impossible for us to work out the Math problem in just 10 minutes. It’s too difficult. ‎ ‎---- You’re right. We can’t be _______ careful while working on it.‎ A. quite B. very C. too D. more ‎12.I told you not to be late again, John, ___________I? ‎ ‎ A. do B. did C. don’t D. didn’t ‎13. ---So many people are standing outside the hall. ________ will the concert begin?‎ ‎---________ seven o'clock.‎ A. How soon; Until B. How long; Until ‎ C. How long; Not until D. How soon; Not until ‎14. . —Andy seldom has hamburgers, ________? ‎ ‎—________. He has hamburgers every day.‎ A. does he; Yes B. does he; No C. doesn’t he; Yes D. doesn’t he; No ‎ ‎15. —Excuse me, could you tell me _______ ?‎ ‎ —Of course. It’s ten minutes’ ride from here.‎ A. which is the way to Mazhou Park B. how I can get to Mazhou Park C. how far my trip is to Mazhou Park ‎ D. how long it will take me to Jingjiang People’s Hospital 二、完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。‎ When I was a junior high school student in1980, God gave me a gift, it was happiness.‎ One weekend, I went to visit my grandparents in the countryside. On my way home a car ran over me and cut off my____1____because of its high speed. Several days later when I woke up at the hospital, I realized I had to spend the rest of my life____2____arms. How sad I felt at that time! Even I was full of fears. ____3____ slowly I knew I had to face the fact and got over it. I couldn’t get my arms back even though I ____4____ every day.‎ However, it’s easier ____5____ than done. It took me nearly half a year to get out of the sadness ____6____. I got so much from my past story. .From then on, I could treat my life with a____7___ mind. But in our daily life , I often see my classmates ____8____ about little things : They get a bad grade on a test ; their bus comes ____9____; they don’t have a mobile phone but ____10____ have , and so on . But I only ____11____ life. I was lucky to realize from an accident: It is a waste of our life to focus on what you have ____12____. We should always think of what we have. So why are so many people unhappy? Someone may say,“ My whole life would improve ____13____ I have a new car.” But when you get the car and what ____14____? For a whole week you are walking on air. Then you go right back to being unhappy.‎ Happiness depends on what we have! It’s in our heart. It’s a state of mind, even though you own the whole world, you may still feel ____15____ . Happiness comes from mastering the heart of appreciating (感激) and taking pleasure in what you really have .‎ ‎ 1. A. feet B. legs C. arms D. ears ‎ 2. A. with B. without C. for D. on ‎ 3. A. Or B. But C. So D. Once ‎ 4. A. cried B. laughed C. sat D. stood ‎ 5. A. dreamed B. acted C. called D. said ‎ 6. A. strongly B. especially C. completely D. similarly ‎ 7. A. crazy B. normal C. full D. special ‎ 8. A. get excited B. get nervous C. get serious D. get worried ‎ 9. A. early B. first C. fast D. late ‎ 10. A. the other B. one another C. other D. others ‎ 11. A. hate B. dislike C. enjoy D. save ‎ 12. A. lost B. had C. found D. spent ‎ 13. A. because B. as C. if D. whether ‎ 14. A. happens B. takes place C. used D. uses ‎15.A.funny B. happy C. excited D. unhappy 三、阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ ‎ 阅读下面的三篇短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,‎ 选择最佳选项。 ‎ A A rich man was riding along the road and saw an old man digging in his garden. There was a young tree lying on the ground. The rich man asked the old man.” what kind of tree are you planting there, my good man?” “This is a fig(无花果)tree, sir.” He said. “A fig tree? the rich man was very surprised.” Why, how old are you, may I ask?” “I am ninety years old.” “What! “ shouted the rich man. “ You're ninety years old, You are planting a very young tree now and it'll take years to give fruit. You certainly don' t hope to live long enough to get any fruit from this tree.” The old man smiled and said, “Tell me, sir, did you eat figs when you were a boy?” ‎ ‎“Sure” the man did not know why he asked this question. The old man asked, “who planted the fig trees?” “ well, I don’t know.” “You see, sir.” The old man said slowly, “our forefathers(祖先)planted trees for us to enjoy ‎ and I am doing the same for the people after me.” The rich man was quiet, then said, “ you are right, my good man. We should do some things for the people after us. Thank you very much.” Then he rode away.‎ ‎( )1. The old man was planting _ when the rich man saw him. A. an apple tree B. a fig tree C. a pear tree D. a banana tree ‎( )2. The old man was planting the tree____________. A. to get himself some fruit to eat ‎ B. for the people after him C. to make his garden more beautiful ‎ D. just for fun ‎( )3. The sentence in the last paragraph “The rich man was quiet” means_________ A. he was thinking about who were his forefathers B. he didn't want to disturb the old man C. he couldn't communicate with the old man D. he understood why the old man planted the young tree ‎( )4.What kind of personality does the old man has?‎ A. creative B. brave C. wise D. curious ‎( )5. We can express the main idea of this passage”_________” in Chinese.‎ A. 前人栽树,后人乘凉 B. 光阴似箭,一去不返 C. 君子爱财,取之有道 D. 财多惹祸,树大招风 B ‎ The Sydney Opera House is a very famous building in the world. It has become Sydney’s best-known landmark and international symbol. The Opera House with a “sailing roof ” was designed by a famous Danish architect (丹麦建筑师),Utzon. The base for the building started in 1959. Before the designs were finished, Utzon ‎ spent four years designing the Opera House. In 1962,the designs were finalized (定稿) and the construction began. In 1967,they started the decoration inside. It took 14 years in total to build the Opera House. Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ officially opened it on October 20th,1973.‎ The Sydney Opera House cost around $100 million and was paid for by the public. 6,225 square meters of glass was used to build it. The Opera House includes 1,000 rooms. It is 185 meters long and 120 meters wide. The building’s roof sections weigh about 15 tons. Each year,this fantastic building attracts 200,000 tourists to come for a visit or enjoy events in it.‎ The Opera House reaches out into the harbor (港湾).It is amazing and unforgettable,offering people a strong sense of beauty.‎ ‎6. The designer of the Sydney Opera House was from_____.‎ A. America B. Australia C. England D. Denmark ‎7. Building the Sydney Opera House lasted_____.‎ A. from 1959 to 1973 B. from 1962 to 1973‎ C. from 1959 to 1967 D. from 1962 to 1967‎ ‎8. The underlined word “construction” means_____ in Chinese.‎ A.创立 B.设计 C.施工 D.竣工 ‎9. _____paid for the cost of the building of the Sydney Opera House.‎ A. Utzon B. The public ‎ C. Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ D. The government ‎ ‎10. Which is the best title for the passage?‎ A. Sailing Roof B. Travelling in Sydney C. The Sydney Opera House D. The Opening of the Opera House ‎(C)‎ ‎ Have you noticed your life becoming a little easier? Now, when you go to a certain shopping mall, you can enjoy its free Wi-Fi there. When you want to take a taxi, you can book one with your phone. In fact, all these can be seen as the basic parts of a smart city. ‎ ‎ The idea of a smart city was brought up by US company IBM in 2010. Generally, a smart city is a city that uses digital technologies such as the Internet to improve city planning, save money and resources, and make our life convenient. How smart can a city be? Here are great examples that we can learn from.‎ ‎ In 2009, Dubuque became the first smart city in the US. The city used smart water meters to take the place of traditional water meters. They can detect(探测〉water waste and leakage(泄漏)and send data to let the house owner know. The same system is used for other city resources like electricity and natural gas. This way, people know how they use their resources and are glad to help reduce waste.‎ ‎ Santander in Spain also gives us a look at the future. If people point a phone toward a nearby bus stop, the phone immediately shows all bus lines that serve the stop as well as their arrival times. The government organized a research team and provided an App(应用程序〉that collects data on almost everything: light, temperature, and the movements of cars and people. Opening the App near a supermarket provides immediate information on special offers.‎ ‎11. According to the passage, which of the following is RIGHT?‎ A. Digital technologies are used in smart cities.‎ B. An English company first raised the idea of a smart city.‎ C. A smart city is mainly made up of free Wi-Fi and phones.‎ D. A smart city is still an idea and hasn’t come into being.‎ ‎12. The underlined word “convenient” is the closest in meaning to _____.‎ A. useful B. normal C. suitable D. easy ‎13. Compared to traditional water meters, smart water meters do better in _____ .‎ A. cleaning water B. supplying water C. saving water D. producing water ‎14. The example of Santander shows the use of smart systems in aspects(方面)EXCEPT _____.‎ A. business B. health care C. traffic controlling D. public transportation ‎15. What’s the main idea of the passage?‎ A. Digital technologies help improve city planning.‎ B. Smart cities will make our future life better and smarter.‎ C. Smart cities are very common in both Dubuque and Santander.‎ D. Spain and the US take the leading position in building smart cities.‎ 第II卷 非选择题(共60分)‎ 四、词汇运用 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ A) 根据句意及汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式。‎ ‎1. There used to be two _________(鞋)factories here. But now they have moved out.‎ ‎2. Mr Wu taught us English last ________(学期).‎ ‎3. We all felt blue because he was (反对)our plan.‎ ‎4. Air _________(污染)is one of the most awful problems in China now.‎ ‎5. UNICEF helps build a better world for everyone, ________(特别)children around the world.‎ B) 根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。‎ ‎6. He looks so young. He doesn’t appear to be in his _________(fifty).‎ ‎7. –What did she say just now?‎ ‎ --She said she ______________(regret) not buying the silk blouse.‎ ‎8. All the passengers are not allowed __________(go) through Gate 3.‎ ‎9. He is even __________(care) than last time. So he makes fewer mistakes.‎ ‎10. --- Who ________(tidy) the classroom? It’s so clean. ---I’m not sure. Go and ask Jim. ‎ 五、阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ Steven is in the ninth grade now. He likes doing projects at school. Two years ago,he made a digital programme for the traffic system. After getting the prize, he got the advice from his father: “Do what interests you, and never give up.”‎ Steven always prefers the projects which connect to our real life! He still remembers the project he has done. First of all, he tried to divide the project into small parts. He usually gave ‎ himself some basic ideas after thinking them over and over again. When he met with some problems that he couldn’t work out by himself, he used to go to the teachers’ office and ask his teachers for help. At the beginning of his research such a question “How do I do it?” often came ‎ to his mind. As he kept on studying and discussing with his teachers, those “how” questions soon turned into another type: “What if I do this and that way?”‎ It took Steven more than four days to write the code(编码) on his computer. The desire(愿望) to solve the problems made him not get to sleep all nights. When he found his project going well, he jumped with joy. The last ‎ day of his work got deeply impressed in his mind. He went into trouble and didn’t know what to do next. At the moment, he noticed a man with headphones dancing while he was cleaning the room. This encouraged him to work on his project. He made good success at last.‎ Now Steven feels very proud of his projects and tries to do more projects at school. ‎ Answer each of the following questions in No More Than 7 Words.‎ 1. What did Steven like doing at school?‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________‎ 2. Who gave him the advice?‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________‎ 3. How did he begin to do the project?‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________‎ 4. What did Steven do when he got into trouble?‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________‎ 5. What can we learn from Steven according to the passage?‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________‎ 六、任务型阅读 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在文章后的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。‎ Sometimes it may seem difficult to improve our health. If so, the following health habits may help you.‎ Eat breakfast every morning Research shows that if you eat a meal in the morning you may not become too fat or eat too much during lunch. Eating breakfast can help people feel better through the day.‎ Get enough sleep Poor sleep can influence our memory and learning. It can also cause traffic accident! Studies show that people who don’t get enough sleep seem to get into more accidents. So stay safe and get enough sleep!‎ Take a walk every day Walking is an easy way to exercise. You’d better meet friends for a walk, not for a meal. As you walk, you will see the beautiful world around you. Once you try, you’ll find that adding a walk into your daily life is very easy.‎ Join social groups Social groups can provide support. They might include sport teams, art or music groups. The people in the group can offer advice and can help each other in difficult times. Also, being in a group keeps your mind busy. And active mind is a healthy mind.‎ Have a hobby A hobby could be running, reading or making something with your hands. Hobbies help people to relax and rest. Hobbies bring us joy too.‎ Title: Ways to ____1____ our health Eat breakfast every morning ‎◆Breakfast makes you not eat too much during lunch.‎ ‎◆It can help you feel better ____2_____ the day.‎ Get ____3___ sleep ‎◆Poor sleep influences your memory and learning.‎ ‎◆It may _____4_____ to traffic accidents Take a walk every day ‎◆Walking is an easy way of _____5_____. You’d better meet friends for a walk ____6____ of a meal.‎ ‎◆Enjoy the ___7___ of the world while walking.‎ Join social groups ‎◆You can get much support, _8__ and help from social groups.‎ ‎◆_____9____ in a group keeps your mind busy.‎ Have a hobby ‎◆Different hobbies can help you relax and rest.‎ ‎◆Hobbies bring us joy ____10_____ well.‎ ‎1._________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.____________‎ ‎6._________ 7.__________ 8.__________ 9.__________ 10.____________‎ 七、短文填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容及所给首字母提示写出所缺单词, 使短文意思完整,每空一词。‎ When I was growing up, I never heard the words “I love you” from my father. If your father never says them to you when you are a c__1__, it gets harder for him to say those words as you get older. In fact, I never said those words to him, e__2__.‎ A few years ago, I decided to make the first move. After some thoughts, I called my father on the p__3__ and said: “Dad, I love you!”‎ There was a moment of silence at the other e__4__ of the line. “ Well, same back at you!” replied quietly.‎ ‎“Dad, I know you love me. When you’re ready, you will say it, too,” I said with a s__5__.‎ Fifteen minutes later, my mother called and asked if everything was “OK”. She seemed w__6__ about me.‎ A few weeks later, Dad ended our phone conversation w__7__ the words: “Son I love you.” I was at work during the conversation and tears came to my eyes as I finally h__8__ the love. It was the touching moment that I would never f__9__.‎ If I had not taken the f__10__ step, I would have never heard the love from my father.‎ 八、书面表达(共1题;满分20分)‎ 为了配合“足球进校园”活动,你们班开展了一次主题班会。请你以足球迷的身份,根据下列表格中的要点提示,用英语向同学们介绍足球这项运动并谈谈自己的梦想。‎ 常 识 历史悠久,深受喜爱  世界杯4年举行一次 好 处 男生女生皆可参加  利于培养团队精神  考生自拟(至少1点)‎ 偶 像 梅西,有足球天赋 梦 想 考生自拟(至少1点)‎ 注意:1. 词数90左右。短文的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数; 2. 短文须包括所有要点,不要逐词翻译,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺; 3. 短文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。 参考词汇:梅西 Messi Dear classmates,‎ ‎ I’m very excited to hear that China will build 20,000 football-themed schools by ‎ 2020.  _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for your attention.‎ ‎2015~2016学年度九年级英语模拟 参考答案及评分标准 一、单项选择 ‎1-5 AACBB 6-10 DBCCC 11-15 CDDAC 二、完形填空 ‎41—45CBBAD 46—50CBDDD 51—55CACAD 三、阅读理解 ‎31-35 BBDCA 36-40 66—70 DACBC 41-45ADCBB 四、词汇运用(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎46‎ shoe ‎47‎ term ‎48‎ against ‎49‎ pollution ‎50‎ especially ‎51‎ fifties ‎52‎ regretted ‎53‎ to go ‎54‎ more careful ‎55‎ has tidied 五、 阅读表达:(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ ‎1. He liked doing projects at school.‎ ‎2. His father.‎ ‎3. By dividing the project into small parts./ He divided the project into small parts ‎ 4. He asked his teacher for help.‎ ‎ 5. We should never give up.‎ 六、任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎1. improve 2. through 3. enough 4. lead 5. exercising ‎6. instead 7. beauty 8. advice 9. Being 10. as 七、短文填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎71.‎ child ‎72.‎ either ‎73.‎ phone ‎74.‎ end ‎75.‎ smile ‎76.‎ worried ‎77.‎ with ‎78.‎ heard ‎79.‎ forget ‎80.‎ first 八、书面表达(共1题;满分20分)‎ One possible version:‎ Dear classmates, I’m very excited to hear that China will build 20,000 football-themed schools by 2020. Football has a very long history. It is liked by people all over the world. The World Cup takes place every four ‎ years.‎ Playing football has lots of advantages. First, both boys and girls can take part in it. Second, it helps develop team spirit. What’s more, playing football is good for our health. ‎ I’m a football fan. Messi is my hero. He has a gift for playing football. My dream is to become a famous football player like Messi. I hope China will hold the World Cup some day. Thank you for your attention.‎

