六年级下册英语课件-Module 2 Unit 6 PE lessons Period 2 沪教牛津版(深圳用)

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六年级下册英语课件-Module 2 Unit 6 PE lessons Period 2 沪教牛津版(深圳用)

Unit 6 PE lessons Period 2 Look and say >>Review What activities do you usually do in PE lessons? What’s your favourite sport? Ask and answer >>Review We usually … swimsuit goggles Look and learn >>Presentation swimsuit cap swimsuit number >>Presentation Swimming lessons 2 1 3 4 Let’s watch >>Presentation For swimming lesson, what do you need ? For swimming lesson, what should you do? We need _________, _____________ and a pair of _______________ for a swimming lesson. answer >>Presentation 2) We should _____ourselves before we go into the swimming pool. a swimsuit a swimming cap swimming goggles wash 3) We should do _______________ before we go into the water. warm-up exercises Read and number >>Practice ( ) You should wash yourself before you go into the swimming pool. ( ) For a swimming lesson, you need a swimsuit and a swimming cap. ( ) After you get out of the swimming pool, you should wash yourself again. ( ) You also need a pair of swimming goggles, so the water does get not into your eyes. ( ) Then you should do warm-up exercises . 1 3 2 4 5 Complete and watch >>Practice Think and act >>Practice the Olympic symbol Culture corner >>Presentation >>Presentation Brain storming >>Practice the Olympic Games five rings Beijing 2008 Faster, Higher, Stronger Olympia, Greece >>Summary Swimming lessons 1. 短文阅读: The Olympic Games 2 . 文化知识: Thank You

