六年级下册英语试题Unit 2 Seeing the doctor辽师大版三起 含答案

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六年级下册英语试题Unit 2 Seeing the doctor辽师大版三起 含答案

辽师大版六年级下册 Unit 2 Seeing the doctor.测试题 I. 根据所给的信息,选择合适的内容,将选项号填在括号内。(3%×5) 1. ( )—What’s the matter with you? —________________. A. I have a stomachache. B. I have a toothache. C. I have a headache. 2. ( )—Who is ______ today? —Linda. She has a bad cold. A. absent B. sad C. bored 3. ( )You have a cold. __________________ and rest well. You will be better soon. A. Eat the bread B. Drink cold water C. Take some medicine 4. ( )—I ______________. —You should take your bad tooth out. A. have a fever B. have a toothache C. have a stomachache 5. ( )—Why does Jenny give a petal(花瓣) to Granny? —_______________.[来源:学科网 ZXXK] A. Because she has a headache. B. Because she is so old. C. Because she is so sad. II. 根据句意,选择合适的单词,使句意完整。(3%×5) 1. We are going to have a ________ meet tomorrow afternoon. 2. Oh, it’s too late. I have to _______ home now. 题 号 I II III IV V 总 分 得 分 [来源:学科网] sports see meets takes go 3. Dav id’s mum _______ ___ him to the hospital. 4. You have a bad cold. You should go to __________ a doctor. 5. Lind a _________ Joy at the school gate. III. 联系上下文,选择适合的句子补全对话,将句子写在横线上(6%×5) (At hom e) Dad: It’s 7 o’clock, John. It’s time to get up! John: Err… I don’t feel well. Dad: 1._______________________ John: Ahchoo! I have a headache and I want to sleep. Dad: 2._____________________ (In hospital) Doctor: Hi, boy! What’s the matter? John: 3. _____________________ Doctor: Open your mouth and say “Ah…” Dad: Is it serious(严重的)? Doctor: 4._________________ Take some medicine and have a good rest. 5._________________ IV. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。(5%×5) 12th May, Saturday I’m Lucy. I’m ill today. I have a cold and a fever. I can’t go to school. In the morning, my mum takes me to the hospital. There are so many people. We wait for a long time. Finally, the doctor sees me. He asks me some questions and tells me to stay at home and take some medicine. So I go to bed and sleep for two hours. Then I get up. My parents are not at home. I read a few pages of the storybook. I don’t like it. I feel so bored. I miss my friends and teachers at school. I think I’m going to school tomorrow.[来源:Zxxk.Com][来源:学,科,网] ( ) 1. What’s wrong with Lucy today? A. Lucy has a cold. A. Let’s go to see the doctor. B.I feel ill. C. He will be better soon. D. What’s wrong? E. He has a cold. B. Lucy has a fever. C. Lucy has a cold and a fever. ( ) 2. Where does Lucy go with her mum in the morni ng? A. the school B. the hospi tal C. the cinema ( ) 3. Are there a lot of people in the hospital? A. No, there are. B. Y es, there is. C. Yes, there are. ( ) 4. How does Lucy feel at home? A. happy B. bored C. tired ( ) 5. Is she going to school tomorrow? A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, he is. C. No, she isn’t. V. 假如你是 Ann,写一张请假条给李老师吧。(15%×1) 答案: I. 1-5 AACBA II. 1. sport 2. go 3. takes 4. see 5. meets III. 1-5 DABEC[来源:学科网 ZXXK] IV. 1-5 CBCBA V. 无唯一答案,符合情境,格式正确即可。 .I have a cold. ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ __

