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小升初模拟试卷三 一、单词辨音。10% ‎ ‎( )21 A can B game C that D bag ‎( )22 A pencil B twelve C eleven D friend ‎( )23 A song B clock C wrong D over ‎( )24 A near B pear C dear D hear ‎( )25 A book B football C good D noodle ‎( )26 A excuse B student C number D use ‎( )27 A China B teacher C school D children ‎( )28 A with B thing C think D three ‎( )29 A drink B think C orange D wrong ‎( )30 A clocks B cups C cakes D cars 二 单项选择。20% ( 1×20)‎ ‎( )31 They will have a party ______ the evening of May 25, 2007.‎ ‎ A on B in C of D at ‎( )32 –Did you see the doctor?‎ ‎ -- No, but I______. ‎ ‎ A go B am going C go to see D am going to ‎( )33 – May I______ these books out of the reading room?‎ ‎ -- No, you can’t.‎ ‎ A bring B catch C take D put ‎( )34 It’s a long _______ to Moscow, it’s about five thousand kilometers.‎ ‎ A. foot B. street C. way D. end ‎( )35. Let’s go to the classroom to hear what Tina is _______ with the little boy.‎ ‎ A. telling B. talking C. speaking D. saying ‎ ‎( )36. There is _______ “a” in the word “age” and “e” is the last letter of ______ word.‎ ‎ A. a ; this B. an ; a C. the; the D. an ; the ‎ ‎( )37. Some teachers are______ our test papers careful ‎ A. looking over B. looking into C. looking out D. looking ‎( )38. What about _______ shopping with me this afternoon?‎ ‎ A. to go B. going C. go D. goes ‎( )39. If you want to make ______ mistakes in your work, you ______ be careful.‎ A. a few; must B. fewer; must C. a few; may D. fewer; need ‎( )40. Tom’s address is ____.‎ ‎ A. 3 Green Park, London, England B. America, New York, NY Road ‎ C. China, Guilin Road, Changchun D. Tokyo, Flower Road, Japan ‎( )41. It is a sunny day today. Look at the ______ sun. It’s shining _____ now.‎ ‎ A. most bright; bright B. brightly; brighter ‎ C. more brightly; still brighter D. bright; brightly ‎( )42. The exam is much too difficult, _______ there is no problem for them to do.‎ ‎ A. but B. so C. and D. for ‎( )43. When your friend wants to say good-bye to you at the gate of your house after the evening party, he should says, “__________________”‎ A. See you tomorrow. B. Stay where you are. ‎ C. Don’t come this way. D. Good evening.‎ ‎( )44. --- _______________?‎ ‎ --- This is Tom speaking?‎ A. Who speaks B. Who’s that speaking C. What are you speaking D. Who’s going to speaking ‎( )45 ---Good morning. John. Lovely day, isn’t it?‎ ‎ ---_______________‎ ‎ A .Yes, you are fine. B .But I don’t know it’s here.‎ ‎ C Not very much, I think. D Yes, isn’t it?‎ ‎( )46. There some tea in the cup.‎ ‎ A has B have C is D are ‎( )47. What time is it? Is it_______________?‎ ‎ A ten a quarter B a quarter of eleven C thirty-five to ten D ten past twelve ‎( )48. ---_______________is the post office?‎ ‎ ---It’s about two kilometers away.‎ ‎ A How long B How often C How soon D How far ‎( )49. This pair of shoes looks nice. Let me_______________.‎ ‎ A try them on B to try on them C try on them D to try them on ‎( )50. _______________good news it is!‎ ‎ A What a B How C What D How a 三 完型填空10% ( 1×10)‎ 选择最佳的答案。‎ ‎ Tom likes sweets very much. 51 his mother doesn’t give him any, because she thinks they are 52 for his teeth. Tom’s uncle likes Tom very much and he likes giving him some when he comes to see him. So when he gives him 53 . he always lets him 54 them. He wants to make Tom 55 .‎ ‎ One evening a few days before Tom’s birthday, he was praying (祈祷) in his bedroom. “Please God (上帝),” he says, “Let them give a big box of sweets to me as my birthday presents.” His mother 56 these. “What are you 57 , Tom?” She asks, “God can’t hear you 58 .”‎ ‎ “ I know,” 59 the clever boy, “but my uncle is in the next room and he 60 ”‎ ‎ ( )51 A And B Or C But D So ‎ ( )52 A nice B good C badly D bad ‎ ( )53 A any B some C little D much ‎ ( )54 A to eat B eat C eating D eats ‎ ( )55 A happy B unhappy C happily D angry ‎ ( )56 A sees B hears C watch D finds ‎ ( )57 A thinking B saying C talking D speaking ‎ ( )58 A say B cry C at all D nothing ‎ ( ) 59 A asks B ask C answers D say ‎ ( )60 A doesn’t B isn’t C can D can’t 四 阅读理解20% ( 1×10)‎ ‎ (A)‎ ‎ Today we have two new students in our class. They are English. They look the same. They look like twins, but the teacher says they aren’t. Their names are Sam and Tom.‎ ‎ Now Sam tells us, “I’m Sam. That is Tom. You see we look the same. We’re brothers, but we are not twin brothers. I’m eleven, and Tom is twelve. I can speak English, but I can’t speak Chinese. My brother Tom can speak English and Chinese. I like playing football, but Tom likes playing basketball. I think these can help you. We’re very glad to be here in a Chinese school, and we are very happy to have new Chinese friends. Thank you.”‎ I ask, “Look at the clothes on my desk. Whose clothes are these?”‎ Tom says:” We look like each other, but we are not in the same clothes. You see I’m in blue. I like blue. But my brother Sam likes brown. Look, he has a brown bag and he is in a brown sweater. Look, the clothes are blue. So they are mine. “Thank you.”‎ Now I know the boy in blue is Tom and the boy in brown is Sam.‎ ‎( )61 The brothers now_______________‎ ‎ A go to school in England B go to a Chinese school ‎ C in the same clothes D can speak English and Chinese ‎( )62 The two new students_______________‎ ‎ A are twins ‎ B are brothers ‎ C look the same but they are not brothers ‎ D are Chinese students in an English class ‎( )63 What colours are the brothers in?‎ ‎ A Sam is in brown and Tom is in blue ‎ B Tom is in brown and Sam is in blue ‎ C Sam and Tom are in the same clothes. They are in blue and brown.‎ ‎ D Their clothes look the same. They are brown.‎ ‎( )64 Whose clothes are on the desk?‎ ‎ A The two Chinese friends’. B Sam’s.‎ ‎ C The Chinese student’s. C Tom’s.‎ ‎( )65 The Chinese students_______________‎ ‎ A like playing football and basketball B go to an English school now ‎ C have two new English friends now D are all in the same clothes now ‎ ‎ ‎(B)‎ ‎ Sandwich was an Englishman. He lived in the 18th century (世纪). Sandwich was rich, but he liked to play cards for money. He often played for 24 hours, and didn’t stop to have his meals. He ordered (命令) his servants (仆人) to bring him some meat and bread. He put the meat between the two pieces of bread and held the food in his left hand while he played cards with his right hand. People liked Sandwich’s idea, and from them on they ate bread and meat as Sandwich did.‎ ‎ From the name of the man, Sandwich, we have the word of the food “sandwich” today.‎ ‎( )66 Sandwich is the_______________‎ ‎ A name of a servant B name of a man with a lot of money ‎ C poor man who lives on playing cards D name of food which is liked by the rich ‎( )67 Sandwich_______________‎ A was so interested (兴趣) in playing cards, so he often had no time to have his meals ‎ B often took some bread with him to play cards ‎ C never ate anything when he played cards D had no money to play cards with at last ‎( )68 People liked Sandwich’s idea because_______________‎ ‎ A bread, together with meat was cheap ‎ B he always won (赢) when he played cards ‎ C they liked Sandwich himself ‎ D when they ate with one of their hands they could do something with the other hand ‎( )69 Today, “sandwich” is_______________‎ ‎ A also a name of a rich man B two pieces of bread with meat in between ‎ C not interested in playing cards D not liked by most of the people ‎( )70 As food, “sandwich” _______________‎ ‎ A is usually made of (用……制作) bread and chicken ‎ B something smells (闻) good, but sometimes not ‎ C is made of bread and meat ‎ D is easy for us to play 五、填写单词。 10%‎ A.写出下列汉语的英语简略形式。‎ ‎1.中国民航 ____________ 2.贵宾 _________ ‎ ‎3.中国中央电视台 ____________ 4. 全美篮球协会 ____________ ‎ ‎5. 世界贸易组织 _________‎ B.根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。‎ ‎6. His aunt is a n______. She looks after sick person in the hospital.‎ ‎7. The cup was e_______, there wasn’t anything in it.‎ ‎8. Yesterday he r_______ an interesting book.‎ ‎9. She isn’t t________ enough to reach the apples on the tree.‎ ‎10. Aunt Huang is thin but her husband is f_______ .‎ 六、用介词填空。10%(1×10)‎ ‎11. Thank you ________ the beautiful flowers!‎ ‎12. Tom is good _______ playing basketball.‎ ‎13. It’ s cold outside. Please put ________ this sweater.‎ ‎14. More and more people in China are able to talk and write ______ English.‎ ‎15. It is very kind ______ you to show me the way.‎ ‎16. The food in my country is quite different _______ that here.‎ ‎17. I like Chinese tea _______ nothing in it.‎ ‎18. I’m looking forward ______ the summer holiday.‎ ‎19. Let’s all work hard _____ the beginning.‎ ‎20. Do you know the difference _______ “look for” and “find”?‎ 七、判断下列句子的对错,对的填上T,错的填上F.(10%)‎ ‎21. Postmen takes us letters and newspapers.‎ ‎22. I know Miss Li teaches your English.‎ ‎23. My father has a car. He can often drives me to park on Sunday.‎ ‎24. She works after work, because she want to make more money.‎ ‎25. I want to buy some books of radio.‎ ‎26. I like watching TV and reading books.‎ ‎27. There’s a big bridge over that river.‎ ‎28. It takes my two hours to do my homework every day.‎ ‎29. The boy is telling us the news with tears in her eyes.‎ ‎30. Why not going to the park with us this Sunday?‎ 八、句型转换。 10%(1×10)‎ ‎31. Mr. Green has lunch at school every day. ( 对划线部分提问)‎ ‎ _________ _______ Mr. Green _______ lunch every day?‎ ‎32. Walking helps you to keep healthy, I think. (改为同义句)‎ ‎ Walking is ___ __ _______your ________, I think.‎ ‎33. The girl is new in the class.(改为同义句)‎ ‎ The girl is ______ new ______ in the class.‎ ‎34. What’s the price of your new bike, please? (改为同义句)‎ ‎ _______ ______ is your new bike?‎ 九、综合填空。1 0%‎ ‎ 根据短文内容,填上合适的单词。(首字母已给出),使短文意思完整。每空只填一个单词。‎ ‎ I have an uncle. He is a bus driver. He goes to work at five forty-five in the morning. Ever day he is very b_ 35 _ and gets home very late. He o_ 36 _comes back at twelve at night. He likes h__37__ other bus drivers do more work. He is the first driver to come to the bus s__38__, and the last one to l__39____.‎ ‎ My uncle’s son and I are in the s___40___ class. He s_ 41___ hard. He says he l__42__ his father. He wants to be a bus driver l___43___ his father. But my aunt wants him to be a d__44___.‎ 参考答案:‎ 一、21-25 BCDBD 26-30 CCACD 二、31-35 ADCCB 36-40 DABBA 41-45 DAABC 46-50 CDDAC 三、51-55 CDBBA 56-60 BBCCC ‎ 四、61-65 BBACC 66-70 BBDBC 五、1. CAAC(civil aviation航空 administration of China) 2. VIP 3. CCTV(China central television) 4. NBA(national basketball assossiation) 5. WTO 6.nurse 7. empty 8.read 9.tall 10.fat 六、11. for 12. at 13. on 14. in 15. of 16.from 17.with 18.to 19.at 20.between 七、21. newspaper 22. you 23. drive 24. wants 25.about 26. 正确 27.正确 28.me 29. his 30.go ‎ 八、31. Where does have 32. good for health 33. a student 34. How much 九、 35. busy 36. often 37. helping 38. station 39. leave 40. same 41. studies 42.loves 43.like 44.doctor

