六年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 What’s Your Dream?Period 3 陕旅版(三起)

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六年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 What’s Your Dream?Period 3 陕旅版(三起)

Unit 8 What’s Your Dream? 第三课时 >>Warm-up Make a new chant If you have a dream, You’ll be able to run. Run on the grass, To smell beautiful flowers. >>Presentation Let’s learn more Yesterday, we talked about our dreams at the class meeting. I hope to land on the moon one day. Would you like to talk about your dreams? 回 复 Lemontree >>Presentation Let’s learn more I want to be a basketball player. I think we need more players like Yao Ming and Lin Shuhao. Maybe I will join the National Team one day. Superplayer 一楼 >>Presentation Let’s learn more At the age of 5, I hoped to fly like a bird. Now I want to be a scientist and study t he birds. Rainbow123 二楼 >>Presentation Let’s learn more I want to study computer science. I believe: work hard and my dream will c ome true. Bobo 三楼 >>Practice Read again and match Lemontree Superplayer Rainbow123 Bobo Read it by yourselves for five minute s . 自己读对话五分钟。 Tips: 当你自己朗读时,遇到不会读或不明白意思的单词或句子,可以把它圈起来,请教同学或老师! >>Practice >>Practice 朗读接力 Let’s learn more >>Practice Look and talk about Sam’s dreams 8/be a scientist 12/join the National Team >>Practice Look and talk about Sam’s dreams 15/be a tour guide 18/go to college >>Practice Look and talk about Sam’s dreams Toby: Look at Sam’s dreams. What did he want to be at the age of eight? Aggie: He wanted to be a scientist and fly to the moon. Toby: What was his dream when he was twelve? Aggie: He liked swimming. So he wanted to join the National Swimming Team. Toby: … >>Summary 本课所学的重点内容 在网上发帖子的流程 : 1. 找论坛(或者贴吧) - 注册账号 - 资料填写 - 发帖。大多数的网站在注册后,会 自动跳转到相应的页面,接下来即可选择相应 的版块发帖。 >>Summary 本课所学的重点内容 在网上发帖子的流程 : 2. 举例说明:可以通过搜狗问问询问,并点击 提交问题。 如何回帖:在帖子右下角点击回复,输入文字, 输入验证码后点击发送。 >>Homework 1 . 按照 正确的语音、语调朗读并表演课文对话。 2. 用电脑在网络上发表或回复关于梦想的帖子。 3 . 预习 B Read for fun 。 Thank You

