陕旅版英语六年级上册unit 3 Part A 优质课件

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陕旅版英语六年级上册unit 3 Part A 优质课件

Unit 3 Care for the Earth 陕旅六年级上册 Part A Lead-in Which picture is more beautiful? Green earth绿色地球 Gray earth 灰色地球 Today we are going to learn how to care for our green earth. New words care for earth pick flowers dirty 关爱;照料 地球 采;摘 砍伐;把…砍倒cut down 摘花 make the air dirty 脏的 waste 污染空气 pick 浪费 drive drive a car more World Car Free Day 驾驶;(开车) 开车 更多的 世界无车日 have to 必须;不得不 something 某事;某物 think 想;认为 New words Read and think Bird :Help!Help! Colin : What’s the matter , little bird? Bird : I can’t find my home. What should I do? Colin : Oh, poor little bird! Fish : Help! Help! Wu Chen: What’s the matter, little fish? Fish : The water is too dirty. I can’t live here. Wu Chen: Oh, poor little fish! Why does the little bird and little fish say help? Little bird: Because the trees are cut down(被砍伐), the little bird loses its home — forest. So it calls for help. Little fish: Because the water is polluted(被污染), the river becomes dirty. So the fish has no place to live. Look and circle What should we do ? Let’s learn pick flowers 摘花 We should not pick flowers. cut down trees 砍伐树木 Cutting down trees is bad for our earth. make the air dirty污染空气 The new factory makes the air dirty. waste water 浪费水 Water is priceless( 无价的), we should not waste water. drive a car驾驶;开车 My father can drive a car. the earth地球 We should protect( 保护) the earth. Are these behaviors good for our earth? No, they are bad for our earth .Picking flowers and cutting down trees make our forest less and less(越来越少) . Driving cars make the air dirty. We should stop these bad behavior so that we have a good earth. Let’s talk Mom : Some more soup , dear? Su Nan : Thanks , Mom. But I have no time. I have to clean my bike. Mom : Are you going to school by bike? Why not go in your dad’s car? Su Nan : We shouldn’t drive the car today. Mom : Why? Su Nan : Because today is World Car Free Day . It’s time do something for our earth. Mom : I see. I think I should go to work on foot today. Su Nan : Great, Mom ! Thank you. Mom : Some more soup , dear? Su Nan : Thanks , Mom. But I have no time. I have to _______________. Mom : Are you going to school by bike? Why not go in your dad’s car? Su Nan : We shouldn’t ____________ today . Mom : Why? Su Nan : Because today is___________________. It’s ______do something for our earth . Mom : I see . I think I should go to work _______today. Su Nan : Great, Mom ! Thank you. Fill the blanks. clean my bike drive the car World Car Free Day time on foot Read and answer. 1. When is World Car Free Day ? 2. Why does Su Nan stop eating? 3. Does Su Nan will go to school in his father’s car ? why? 4. How will mother go to work? September 22. Because he has to clean his bike. No, he doesn’t. Because it’s World Car Free Day. On foot. 1. I have to clean my bike. 我必须去清洁我的自行车。 【句型剖析】 本句中have to是情态动词,意为“必须;不得不”。 其后要接动词原形,有人称、数和时态的变化。 【例句】I have to go to school on Monday. 我星期一不得不去上学。 She has to go now. 她现在不得不走了。 Language points have to 不得不;必须 强调客观的需要, 有人称、数和时 态的变化。 must 必须 强调说话人主观 上的看法。没有 人称、数和 时态的变化。 have to与must 2.Are you going to school by bike? 你打算骑自行车去学校吗? 【句型剖析】 本句是一般将来时态的一般疑问句。它的陈述句 为:I am going to school by bike.我打算骑自行 车去学校。主语+be going to+动词原形,表示“ 某人打算或将要做某事”,是一般将来时态的一 种形式。一般将来时态还有另一种形式:主语 +will+动词原形,表示“某人将要做某事”。 【例句】I am going to play the violin. 我打算拉小提琴。 I will go to Beijing this summer holiday. 这个暑假,我将要去北京。 【练一练】 I am going to learn English.(将句子变为一 般疑问句) ____________________________________Are you going to learn English? 3.Why not go in your dad’s car? 为什么不坐你爸爸的车呢? 【句型剖析】 本句中“why not+动词原形”这个结构经常用来表示 向对方提出建议,也可用来反问,意为“何不/为什 么不做某事呢?”。它的完整形式为“Why don’t you do sth.?”,本句中的why并不是用来询问原因的。 【例句】Why not go boating in the park? 为什么不去公园里划船呢? 【拓展】How about+doing sth.也是用来表示建 议、提议的句型,但是how about后面接动词的 -ing形式。 【例句】How about going swimming in the pool? 在游泳池里游泳怎么样? 【练一练】Why not _____ to play in spring? A. go out B. going out C. goes out 4.I think I should go to work on foot today. 我想我今天应该步行上班。 【句型剖析】 should是情态动词,意为“应该”,后面接动词原 形,它的否定形式是shouldn’t,意为“不应该”。 【例句】We should be nice to others. 我们应该对其他人友好。 We shouldn’t go to school late. 我们不应该上学迟到。 In a Cottage in a Wood In a cottage in a wood, Little man by the window stood, He saw a rabbit hopping by, Knocking at the door. “Help me! Help me! Help me!” He said, “Before the hunter shoots me dead.” “Little rabbit , come to me , happy we will be.”

