五年级上册英语课件- Unit 1 There wasnt a clock here before

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五年级上册英语课件- Unit 1 There wasnt a clock here before

外研社新标准英语一年级起点五年级上册 Module 1 Unit 1 What’s in the classroom now? There is a an… There are … Ask and answer Memory game 1 2 3 4 5 There was aan… There were… Xinghai Square Before Now 现代博物馆 Tasks : Today let’s talk about changes and try to find the differences. And we’ll talk about what changes have taken place in our hometown Dalian , OK? answer Where did they go in London? Does London look different now? answer What’s in the park now? The park is different. What’s in the park now? There is are … Now bench bench es Now There are benches now. Can you read? b ench bl ench Fr ench tr ench 退缩 法语 沟渠 There is a _______ under the tree. bench There are _______ in the park. benches There is a clock now. There are birds, too. There is… There are… Now underline What was in the park before? Were there any benches here before? Was there a clock here before? There weren’t any … here before . There was a … Now Before There wasn’t a … here before . Now Before There ______ ______ apples here before. Before weren’t any There ______ ______ flowers here before. Before weren’t any There ______ a bed here before. Before wasn’t Read the sentences on the board. Do they like the park now? What can they do ? repeat Read the text by yourselves. Read in roles Read and choose This ______ the pig’s house. There _____ a big mouse. This ______ the cat’s house. There _____ a mouse. was was is isn’t Find the differences There _______ a mouse in the box before . Before Now There _______ a mouse now . wasn ’t is Before Now There ________any trees here before . There ______ trees now . weren’t are There wereweren’twaswasn’t… There arearen’tisisn’t … There wereweren’twaswasn’t… There arearen’tisisn’t … Changes in Dalian I can say There weren’t …before. There are … now . There wasn’t …before. There is … now . Homework: 作业 A :描述家乡的变化,写出 1-2 句,上传到班级英语微信群中。 作业 B :描述家乡的变化,写出 3-4 句,上传到班级英语微信群中。

