四年级下册英语课件- Unit1 Dad played the erhu

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四年级下册英语课件- Unit1 Dad played the erhu

22 11 New Standard English Book 8 Module 4 Unit 1 Dad play ed the erhu. erhu The baby sheep played the flute. The mother sheep played the piano. I played the flute. My mum played the piano. Where did Lingling go yesterday? Lingling went to a concert yesterday. I went to a concert yesterday. c on c ert V.S Lingling’s dad Lingling’s mum 1. What did Lingling’s dad play in the concert? A. erhu B. flute C. pipa 2. What did Lingling’s mum play in the concert? A. piano B. erhu C. pipa choose . Dad play ed the erhu. And mum play ed the pipa. He play ed the erhu . What did he play? She play ed the pipa . What did she play? Read and underline the answers. 1. What does an erhu look like? 2. What does a pipa look like? erhu violin It look s like a violin. pipa It look s like a guitar. guitar The moon looks like a banana. moon banana owl cat The owl looks like a cat. A CD for you. Magic ears Which one do you like best? A. erhu B. pipa C. violin D. guitar Make a survey. Imitate Listen Point Let’s ask and answer ! What did he/she play ? He/She played the piano. the flute. basketball. football. Animal concert The animals had a concert last week. The lion played the piano. The cat played the . The played the The playede the pipa tiger violin dog erhu Look and write. 看图写作。 没有音乐就没有生活! Homework: 1. read the text . 读 课文。 2. Enjoy a CD or a conert with your parents. 与父母一起欣赏 CD 或者参加一场音乐会。 3.Search the polite policies in a concert. 查找参加音乐会的注意事项。 Thank you !

