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Module 6 Travel Unit 1 I went there last year. 一月一月 January , 二月二月 February , 三月三月是 March , 四月四月 April 五月五月 May , May , May 六月六月是 June 七月七月是 July 八月八月 August 九月九月 September 十月十月 October 十一月十一月 November 十二月十二月 December Let’s chant Children’s Day (儿童节) Teachers’Day ( 教师节 ) April Fools Day (愚人节) National Day ( 国庆节 ) Mother’s Day ( 母亲节 ) ------- It’s in April. ------ It’s in May. It’s in June. It’s in September. It's in October. ----- ------------ ------- a photo two photos photo 照片 stay 停留 12 14 15 16 north south west east North , north , north , points up . South , south , south , points down . East , east , east , points right . West , west , west , points left . Let’s chant 新疆天山 新疆天池 Where is Xinjiang? It’s in the( )of China. west 上海世博会中国馆 上海东方明珠电视塔 Where is Shanghai? It’s in the( )of China. east It’s Hainan. Hainan is __ ___ ___ ___ China. in the south of Beijing is __ ___ ____ __ China. in the north of 万里长城 杭州西湖 北京故宫 秦始皇陵 Listen to the tape , answer the questions. 问题一 : Who has got some photos? Lingling has got some photos. 问题二 : Where is Xinjiang? It’s in the west of China. Listen and answer 问题三: When did Lingling go there? She went there last year. 问题四: Did she go there with her uncle? No , she didn’t. Listen and answer 1.Where is Xinjiang? She went there last year. 2. When did Lingling go there? It’s in the west of China. 3.Does Lingling go with her mother and father? Her grandmother. 4. Who did she stay with for a week? Yes,she does. 5. Where does her uncle live? He lives in Hainan . 听录音,请将问句与答语连线 Listen to the tape, then repeat.( 注意语音、语调 ) 小组合作,大声读对话,找出重点词形转换和短语,发现疑难问题。 词形变身: photo( 复数 ) __   child( 复数 ) ___      stay( 过去式 ) ___ meet( 过去式 ) ___ 短语记忆 : have got some photos_____________ 在中国的西部______     in July ______   和我的爸爸妈妈一起去 _____________ 合作共赢 photos children stayed met in the west of China go with my father and mother 有一些照片 在七月 mountain 大山 uncle 叔叔 cousin 堂兄弟 remember 记得 为你导航 LIngling’s Travel Lingling has got some___.   She went to Xinjiang in ____. Xinjiang is in the ____.She ____with her grandmother for a ____in July. Hainan is in the ____ . Her ____lives in Hainan. 读课文,填一填 photos July west stayed week south uncle (一)认知目标: 1. 能听、说、读、写 photo , stay , week 。 2. 能听懂和描述某个地方的方位。 3. 能听懂、会说并认读下列句子: When did you go to…? We went there …. Did you go with …? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. ( 二 ) 、能力目标:在情景中运用 When did you go to…? We went there …. Did you go with …? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. 来谈论旅游经历。 ( 三 ) 、情感目标:开拓学生视野,增长学生的人文地理知识,激发学生热爱祖国大好河山的情感。 学习目标 Target Language ( 目标语言 ) When did you go to … ? I went there … Did you go with… ? Yes,I did ./ No,I did not . Where did you go last year? Where is it? When did you go there? What did you do? Did you go with … … ? Were you happy? Make a survey( 完成一张调查表 ) Name Place Where When What Who Feeling                                                         What have you learnt? 你这节课都学了哪些单词 ? photo, stay, week Can you talk about your room as follow? 你会用所学句型描述你所去过的地方 ? When did you go to … ? I went there … Did you go with… ? Yes,I did ./ No,I did not. 盘点收获 当堂检测 Last year, she ______________________. ( 去青岛看望朋友 ) Last year, she ________________________.( 去海口游泳 ) Last year, he ________________________( 去大连踢足球 ) went to Qingdao and visited her friend went to Haikou and swam in the sea. went to Dalian and played football there. Homework 一、描述自己的一次旅行 My Travel I went to ___last year . I went there in ____. It’s in the ____of China . I went there with my ____.I went there by ____.It was ___. 二、搜集我国部分著名风景区的资料或者图片,下节课展示或介绍。   Thank you!

