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Lesson 57‎ 教学目标与要求 ‎1.能够根据录音内容给图正确标号。‎ ‎2.能够通过课堂活动较熟练地认读本课的词汇。‎ ‎3.能够在游戏活动中找到与自己去同一个地方的伙伴。‎ ‎4.能够读懂短文并将人物与相应场所正确连线。‎ ‎5.能够正确书写本单元所学词汇及交际用语,能够模仿范例写简单的句子。‎ ‎6.能够通过游戏活动激发用英语做事的兴趣。‎ 教学重点和难点 ‎1.本课的教学重点是:综合运用前两课所学的场所、活动的词汇和交际用语,表述自己式他人“意愿”。‎ ‎2.本课的教学难点是:(1)读懂本课的语篇幅。(2)正确仿写。‎ 教学准备:录音带、单词卡片、教学挂图、自制的各种门票。‎ 教学过程:‎ Step 1 Greetings. Hello, everyone. How are you ?‎ Step 2 Revision ‎ ‎1.Look at the cards and read quickly .‎ ‎2.Play a game (找对子)‎ (1) Put some place word cards on the blackboard .‎ (2) Show Ss some verb phrases, let Ss say what they can do in each place . ‎ For example : ‎ bookstore -----buy some books coffee shop -----drink some coffee ‎ restaurant----have dinner newspaper stand ----buy a newspaper cinema ------see a film zoo ------- see monkeys museum-----see dinosaurs stadium-----watch a basketball park-----row a boat gallery-----see an art show square----fly a kite department store----buy a dress Step 3. Listen and number ‎1.Open your book s and look at part A, let Ss say what places they see .‎ ‎2.Listen carefully and tell me where they are going .‎ ‎3.Listen and number .‎ ‎4.Listen again and check the answers .‎ Step 4. Let’s play ‎ ‎1.Show Ss some tickets and let Ss say what tickets they are .‎ ‎2.Look at Part B , read the dialogue and answer the following questions .‎ (1) Who’s the boy/girl ?‎ (2) What tickets do they have ?‎ (3) What are they going to do this weekend ?‎ 2. Find your partner and talk with him/her ‎ Model : T: Look, I have a park ticket, I’m going to find someone to go with me .‎ ‎ T: Hi ,…What are you going to do this weekend ?‎ ‎ S1: (Hold a ticket ) I’m going to ……‎ ‎ T: What do you want to do there ?‎ ‎ S2: I want to ……‎ ‎ T: Me too , let’s go together . ‎ ‎(or) oh , sorry . I’m going to the park . Hope you have a good time .‎ Step 5 Read and match ‎ T: It’s Friday . Joy , Andy, Lily , Bill, Yaoyao and Binbin all have good plans for the weekend . Read the passage please . Find out where they are going and what they want to do ‎ 1. Read the passage by themselves . ‎ 2. Match and check the answers .‎ Step 6 Let’ s write ‎ Step 7 Summary ‎ Step 8 Homework ‎ Listen to the tape and read the passage carefully ‎ Step9.The design of the writing Lesson 58‎ 教学目标与要求 ‎1.能够在教师的帮助下借助词典等工具书阅读短文,做到认读、理解,并能根据短文内容将图片和相应的城市连线。‎ ‎2.能够说出短文中涉及到的我国的城市和相关景物的英文名称。‎ ‎3.能够听懂录音,基本正确朗读短文。‎ ‎4.能够通过搜集资料,说出自己了解到的我国的城市及其所在省份,激发热爱祖国的美好情感。‎ ‎5.能够了解字母组合all,or在单词中的发音,并能根据发音规律正确读出单词和相关语句,同时辅助记忆单词。‎ 教学重点和难点 ‎1.本课的教学重点:(1)介绍中国城市及其著名景观的短文。(2)介绍自己知道的中国城市及其所在省份。‎ ‎2.本课的教学难点:短文中生词的理解、认读。‎ 教学准备:录音、单词卡片、城市地图及中国地图。‎ 教学过程:‎ Step 1 Greetings Step 2 Revision 1. Look at the cards and read quickly .‎ 2. Practice the key sentences with Ss.‎ Step 3 Presentation ‎ 1. Show Ss a map of China , point to Beijing city and say ‎ T: In 2008 , many foreigners will come to Beijing , Beijing has many famous places , Can you name some of them ?‎ Ss: Tian’anmen Square , the Summer Place, Beijing Zoo, the Great Wall ……‎ T: Good , Beijing is the capital of China , and there are many other famous cities in China .What other cities do you know ?‎ Ss: Hang Zhou , Harbin ……‎ T: Where is Hang Zhou ?‎ Ss: It’s in ‎Zhejiang‎ ‎Province 1. Read and match ‎ (1) Read the massage by themselves , think about the following questions .‎ How many cities did the stewardess talk about ?‎ What are they ?‎ What can you see in the cities ? ‎ (2) Listen and follow ‎ (3) Deal with the new words ‎ (4) Read , match and check the answer .‎ Step 4. Think and talk ‎ 1. Look at Part B , listen to the tape .‎ 2. Read the dialogue in pairs .‎ 3. Make a dialogue like Part B.‎ Step 5. Try to read ‎ 1. Look at Part C , listen to the tape three times .‎ 2. Let Ss say how to pronounce “all , or ”.‎ Step 6 Try to say ‎ Listen , follow and read together .‎ Step 7 Summary ‎ Step 8 Homework ‎ ‎ Listen to the tape , Read Part A carefully ‎ Step.9 The design of the writing

