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新版PEP小学英语五年级上册 Unit6 In a nature park第一课时 教学设计 乐亭县第四实验小学 苗冬青 教学内容: Let’s try Let’s talk 教学目标: ‎ ‎1学生能够听懂会说并能够在情景中正确运用 ‎ Is there a …? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.‎ ‎2能够理解对话大意,并按照正确意群及语音语调朗读对话,并进行角色扮演。‎ 情感目标: ‎ ‎1能够亲近自然,热爱自然,保护自然。‎ ‎2培养学生的合作意识。‎ 教学重难点: 正确运用 Is there a …? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.‎ 教学准备: 课件 图片 实物(小钟表 相片 水瓶 学习用品 水果等)‎ 教学步骤:‎ Step1 Warm up ‎1 Enjoy a beautiful song of “a nature park”.‎ ‎2 Show the picture of page 49 ‎ ‎ Students describe the pictures like : There is a… .‎ ‎(设计意图:利用上一个单元见过的图片,学过的语言,很自然的引入到新的语言当中,为新课程学习打下语言基础。)‎ Step2 Presentation ‎1 Show the picture of let’s try ‎ ‎(1)T: ChenJie and Mike are looking at the map of a nature park Explain “nature park”‎ ‎(2)T: Let’s listen ‎ ‎“Which word can you hear? A forest B lake‎ ‎C river ChenJie: Look at the map of the park.‎ Mike: Is there a forest in the park?‎ ChenJie: Yes, there is . Here .‎ Mike: Cool! I love trees.‎ ‎(3)Students do it and then give the answer.‎ T:Who can give us your answer?‎ ‎(4)Using the pictures to teach forest/lake/river.‎ T: OK. Now look at this picture it’s a forest/lake/river.(利用课本提供的Let’s try处理对话当中出现的生词forest/lake/river, 同时为新语言Is there a…?学习做准备。)‎ ‎2 Show another nature park ‎ T:Let’s look at another nature park. What’s in the park?‎ 引导学生用 There is a … 说句子。‎ ‎3Teacher ask: Is there a tree/lake/…?引导学生用Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.来回答 ‎(利用对话提供的图片不仅练习新出现的新词forest/lake/river,还为新对话的出现做准备。)‎ Step New Talk ‎1 Go on the picture(对话图) ‎ T:Look ! Miss White and children are talking about the nature park. What are they talking about? Let’s watch a cartoon then answer the questions. “Is there a river in the forest? Is there a lake?”(学生观看两遍动画然后回答问题。学生带着任务去观看动画,抓住核心句型。)‎ ‎2 T: They want to the nature park. What does ZhangPeng want to do?‎ He wants to go boating. (利用图片展示go boating)‎ ‎3 Listen and read T: Please open your books at page 58 . Let’s read after the tape. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.(通过跟读,模仿语音语调,纠正问题发音。)‎ ‎4 Role-reading T:Let’s have a role-reading. Who is ZhangPeng ?(同伴展示,角色表演。通过表演培养学生的合作意识。)‎ Step 4 Consolidation ‎1 Play a game Teacher put something in a bag before the class to make the students touch and guess “Is there a…?”‎ T: I have a magical bag. What in my bag? Can you guess? Touch it and guess “Is there a…in the bag?”‎ ‎(通过这一游戏,强化本课的重难点句型,并学以致用,激发学生运用语言的欲望。)‎ ‎2 Show the new pictures T:Would you like to make a new dialogue?(学生根据教师提供信息进行新的角色练习,巩固学习的新语言。)‎ ‎3 Show the sentence “The sky is the bird's home, the river is the fish's home, the earth is our home”(培养学生热爱自然,注意环保的意识。)‎ T:We have a beautiful home, we should keep our home nice. Use our hands to protect our earth.‎ ‎4 Let’s say a chant ‎(利用歌谣巩固新学内容,朗朗上口的歌谣有助于强化记忆。)‎ Is there a nature park in the picture?‎ Yes. Yes. Yes, there is.‎ Is there a forest in the nature park?‎ No. No. No, there isn’t.‎ Is there a lake in the nature park?‎ Yes. Yes. Yes, there is.‎ Is there a river in the nature park?‎ No. No. No, there isn’t.‎ Step5 Homework ‎(作业的选留,意在锻炼学生口语,培养学生学习兴趣。)‎ ‎1 Make a new dialogue with your partner.‎ ‎2 Do a guessing game with your friends like we do.‎ 板书设计 Unit 6 In a nature park Is there a …?‎ Yes, there is.‎ No,there isn’t.‎

